bestava/ladle- 0 l ') · improving the r-e alliance, many...

AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION IN FRANCOPHONE WEST AFRICA: THE SENEGAL EXPERIENCE R. James Bingen and Jacques Faye I. INTRODUCTION - STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The need for a close relationship between agricultural research programs and extension programs has been debated in Senegal for over 25 years. At independence, the "promotion of Research-Development" was a pillar of the government's rural development policy for the 1960s. Thirteen years later in 1973, on the eve of the creation of ISRA (The Senegal Institute for Agricultural Research), the Minister of Rural Development renewed the government's concern with Research-Extension (R-E) by convening a national conference on the ,most effective use of research results in agricultural production programs. More recently, several international assistance agencies, including the World Bank, USAID, and the French Caisse Centrale, have made research and agreements a cornerstone of their support for agricultural projects. CIRAD, the newly created umbrella organization for French international agricultural research, too, plans to redefine its Senegal 3 program in order to concentrate on joint research and extension programs. Despite the continued concern among Senegalese policymakers with improving the R-E alliance, many of the government's agricultural policy statements do not clearly articulate the contribution and importance of agricultural research to agricultural development. Agricultural research occupies a secondary place in Senegal's four-year development plan and is scarcely noted, either in the government's 20-year review 40f agricultural development or the more recent New Agricultural Policy. Furthermore, charges and countercharges continually fly between researchers who are criticized for non-adaptive, ivory tower research and "developers" (extension personnel) who are charged with a narrow minded productiogist orientation at the expense of addressing problems identified by farmers. Most recommendations for closing the R-E gap concern improved communications and contacts between research and extension personnel. While clearer lines of communication could improve the quality of the Senegalese R-E, we suggest that the R-E structure must be transformed to promote an interactive exchange among researchers, extension personnel, and peasant farmers which assures the continued development of new technology and access to this technology by peasant farmers. Our discussion of the R-E issue in Senegal is presented in this paper as follows: Part II suggests that the Senegal R-E experience can be most fruitfully understood as a case of institutional change. Part III provides a historical overview of R-E in Senegal, followed in Part IV by two case studies. The conclusion offers policymakers some lessons for closing the R-E gap; we also identify aspects of production systems research (FSR) in Senegal that might contribute to the sustained development of Senegal's agricultural research capability. - "0 "')1 BEST AVA/LADLE L JI- 70 .. I I I I I I . _._ j ,r

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R. James Bingen and Jacques Faye


The need for a close relationship between agricultural research programs andextension programs has been debated in Senegal for over 25 years. Atindependence, the "promotion of Research-Development" was a pillar of thegovernment's rural development policy for the 1960s. Thirteen years laterin 1973, on the eve of the creation of ISRA (The Senegal Institute forAgricultural Research), the Minister of Rural Development renewed thegovernment's concern with Research-Extension (R-E) by convening a nationalconference on the ,most effective use of research results in agriculturalproduction programs. More recently, several international assistanceagencies, including the World Bank, USAID, and the French Caisse Centrale,have made research and ex~ension agreements a cornerstone of their supportfor agricultural projects. CIRAD, the newly created umbrella organizationfor French international agricultural research, too, plans to redefine itsSenegal 3 program in order to concentrate on joint research and extensionprograms.

Despite the continued concern among Senegalese policymakers withimproving the R-E alliance, many of the government's agricultural policystatements do not clearly articulate the contribution and importance ofagricultural research to agricultural development. Agricultural researchoccupies a secondary place in Senegal's four-year development plan and isscarcely noted, either in the government's 20-year review 40f agriculturaldevelopment or the more recent New Agricultural Policy. Furthermore,charges and countercharges continually fly between researchers who arecriticized for non-adaptive, ivory tower research and "developers"(extension personnel) who are charged with a narrow minded productiogistorientation at the expense of addressing problems identified by farmers.

Most recommendations for closing the R-E gap concern improvedcommunications and contacts between research and extension personnel. Whileclearer lines of communication could improve the quality of the SenegaleseR-E, we suggest that the R-E structure must be transformed to promote aninteractive exchange among researchers, extension personnel, and peasantfarmers which assures the continued development of new technology and accessto this technology by peasant farmers.

Our discussion of the R-E issue in Senegal is presented in this paperas follows: Part II suggests that the Senegal R-E experience can be mostfruitfully understood as a case of institutional change. Part III providesa historical overview of R-E in Senegal, followed in Part IV by two casestudies. The conclusion offers policymakers some lessons for closing theR-E gap; we also identify aspects of production systems research (FSR) inSenegal that might contribute to the sustained development of Senegal'sagricultural research capability.






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Ruttan and Hayami (1985) argue that adaptation in state agencies such asISRA occurs as a result of changes in an institution's economic, political,and technical environments. In most industrialized countries, for example,agricultural research agencies have responded to change in a straightforwardmanner: farmers with constraints on their land or labor demand thedevelopment of improved technology and more modern inputs in order toovercome these constraints; agricultural scientists and administrators, inturn, seek to satisfy these demands and thereby continue an ongoing processof change and adaptation.

Several conditions influence this process. Demand is usually expressedthrough active farmer or commercial organizations. Moreover, the researchsystem is often decentralized and includes the appropriate incentives sothat scientists and research administrators can respond to client demandsand are rewarded for so doing. In many cases, if these conditions exist itis because governments and policymakers have deliberately and carefullynurtured support for agricultural research. As Ruttan and Hayami (1985)note, "the power structure among vested interest groups" usually determinesthe nature of the response which researchers make to client demands.

Agricultural research is commonly a publicly financed activity, sinceits results are publicly available. But client-oriented agriculturalresearch does not necessarily require financing through tax revenues.Specific groups, especially plantation owners or large cash crop producers,often finance their own commodity research programs. Where agriculturalresearch is a state activity, it can offset, as Ruttan and Hayami (1985)suggest, "serious distortions in the allocation of research resources"unless "vested interest groups" feel that the costs of change outweigh thebenefits of maintaining the status quo. If this latter condition exists,"socially undesirable institutional innovations" can occur.

While Ruttan and Hayami's model deals in detail with the relationshipamong economic factors, technical factors, and institutional change, therole that political factors play needs to be better defined and incorporatedinto the analysis. To achieve this, we begin by expanding our view of thearena in which an agency such as ISRA operates, to include the internationalcommunity and more specifically the assistance agencies and internationalagricultural institutes that help to finance and support agriculturalresearch. These institutions form part of the structure of power ofagricultural research in West Africa. They influence institutional changethrough their ability to withhold financial resources and goods. They alsohelp define the demands and rewards facing research scientists andadministrators. In short, they play a major role in defining the rewardsand incentives for agricultural researchers.

of the relationshipby specifying and

to influence theTo do so requires

an overall R-E

In addition, we can achieve a better understandingbetween political factors and institutional changecharacterizing the "vested interest groups" that seeknature and direction of agricultural research programs.the ability to identify and relate different actors in


For example, we suggest that in order to analyze and evaluatein agricultural research throughout most of West Africa, it is

to identify the specific interest groups within the researchthe relationship between research and developers in theagencies, and between these actors and the internationalassistance agencies.

system.innovationnecessarycommunity,developmentresearch and

Before turning to these case studies, we briefly review part of thehistory of agricultural research in Senegal and outline the organization andactivities of ISRA's recently created Production Systems Department.


In order to understand the R-E relationship in Senegal, it is useful to notethree distinguishing features of Senegalese agricultural research:researcher autonomy, an extensive research infrastructure, and a traditionof research under farmers' condition.

,.For over 50 years, from the early 1920s through 1974, agricultural

research in Senegal was in 5he hands of specialized institutes, most notablyIRHO, IFAC, IRTC, and IRAT. This permitted considerable research autonomyfor their research scientists and administrators, and it has left atradition of researcher accountability primarily to a disciplinaryscientific group within a bureaucratically organized research institute orgovernment agency.

Second, since Senegal served as the headquarters for agriculturalresearch in French West Africa for almost 50 years, the country today hasone of the most extensive research infrastructures of any FrancophoneSahelian country. The Groundnut Experiment Station, established at Bambey,Senegal in 1921, became the Federal French West Africa Agronomic ResearchCenter in 1950. Researchers operated a network of 10 substations throughoutWest Africa, of which three were in Senegal. By 1960, when Senegaldesignated IRAT to manage most Senegalese agricultural research, additionalsubstations were already operational at Sefa, Richard-Toll, Guede, andDjibelor (Map 1). In addition, IRHO had separate facilities at Bambey andthree of its own substations; other French research institutes, especiallyIEMVT, CTTF and ORSTOM, also managed their own substations.

By the early to mid-1960s, considerable basic agronomic work onSudano-Sahel ian agriculture had been completed. Researchers were confidentthat if improved groundnut varieties, better soil fertility practices,animal traction, and better cultivation practices were available to farmers,their use would lead to increased agricultural production. Many of thesechanges and improvements are still part of the technical packages inSenegal's rainfed agricultural production programs.










Third, the expansion of Senegal's research infrastructure noted abovewas due partially to researchers' demands that trials and experiments beundertaken on substations and Point d'Appui, de Prevulgarisation etd'Experimentation Multilocale (PAPEMS) throughout the country. Because thePAPEMs were located near village fields, they provided opportunities forfarmer visits, field demonstrations, and short-term training. Thedevelopment of two of Senegal's popular hybrid maize varieties, for exam9le,started from the contacts between PAPEM researchers and peasant farmers.

Researchers' concern with doing research in the "real rural setting"was also one of the key elements in the proposal in the· early 1960s toestablis§ a series of Actions Regionales Pilotes de Developpement Integral(ARDIs), or action research programs within uniform agroecological zones.Although never established, the ARDI was a key idea behind Senegal'swell-known Unites Experimentales. The Unites program made a significantcontribution to agricultural development in Senegal during its 12-yearexistence from 1968 to 1980. Many technical recommendations were eitherdeveloped or made more appropriate to the conditions of the southernSine-Saloum; researchers and extension personnel alike gained a much betterappreciation of the structure and organization of the peasant farmer family,and suggestions were made to improve the nature and management of thevillage level extension agents (encadrement). Moreover, the Unites programmarked an important phase in the evolution of agricultural research inSenegal and is widely reg~rded as one of the first types of "farming systemsresearch" in West Africa. .

The IRAT-ISRA Unites program, however, has never been without itscritics: from the beginning, many researchers felt that Unites off-stationresearch was not truly scientific research; extension personnel, in turn,charged that the program should have been the responsibility of agriculturalextension since the program was principally action research. Among theother criticisms, including the program's cost and directive (top-down)approach to research, was the complaint that extension agencies were notformally involved in the Unites and thus a R-E alliance was not forged.Only informal personal contacts existed between researchers and extensionpersonnel at the local level. By the time the Unites program ended in 1980,no progress had been made toward the promotion of an ongoing research andextension relationship.

During the Unites period, nevertheless, ISRA had joint researchcontracts with several agricultural extension agencies. As one condition ofits Caisse Centrale (C.C.C.E.) financing, Societe Nationale d'Amenagement etd'Exploitation des Terres du Delta (SAED), was obligated to negotiateresearch contracts with ISRA for both on-station and off-station programs tostudy smallholder production problems on irrigated perimeters. Cottonresearch was undertaken under contract with Societe pour le Developpementdes Fibres Textiles (SODEFITEX), and the USAID-financed Cereals ProductionProject in the Groundnut Basin included provision for research contractsbetween ISRA and Societe de Developpement et de Vulgarisation Agricole(SODEVA) •

To summarize, off-station, farm level research related to agricultural


Agriculturalcreated the

given thein ISRA's

or supportpost-harvest

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production programs is not new in Senegal. For over 20 years, on-stationresearchers have regularly pushed their programs outwards in order to runtheir trials and experiments under different agroecological conditions.ISRA, too, has responded to demands from extension agencies for farm levelresearch. Assistance agencies have also played an important role bydefining research programs and methodology in their project documents and byvery closely supervising the execution of these programs. In addition,researchers have followed relatively independent programs and have rarelybeen concerned with a need to respond to farmers' constraints and problems.

The Production Systems Research Department

As part of a much larger program for reorganizing ISRA, theResearch Project financed principally by the World BankProduction Systems Department in 1982. The department wasresponsibility to organize production systems or FSR teamsregional research centers, as well as manage several thematicresearch programs including bioclimatology, weed control,technology, and soil fertility.

Since 1982, the PSR Department has launched three production systemsteams in three research centers at Djibelor, Kaolack, and St-Louis, plus amultidisciplinary research program at the Dahra Center in Senegal'ssylvo-pastoral zone. Each team is composed of at least an agronomist,animal scientist, economist, and a sociologist. Scientific support andmanagement for these teams is provided by a multidisciplinary CentralSystems Analysis Group composed of senior researchers based in Dakar.

Under the Agricultural Research Project, each Production Systems Teamwas to include a researcher/agricultural extension specialist who would filla joint ISRA-Extension Agency.position within the Extension Agency. Theobjective of this specialist would be to institutionalize the R-Erelati09Bhip between each PSR Team and the appropriate Regional DevelopmentAgency. The specific responsibilities were to include: (1) themanagement of all farm level tests and trials prepared by production systemsand commodity researchers in collaboration with the extension agency; (2)the training of extension personnel in the use of new technology; (3) theidentification of any farmer reactions to or constraints on the use of newtechnology, and (4) monitoring to assure that researchers were aware ofthese reactions and constraints.


Both ISRA and the Regional Development Agencies found it difficult toaccept the specialist position. The extension agencies were not convinced" Ithat a researcher should be assigned a full-time position within their Iagencies. ISRA did not have personnel qualified to fill the position and,faced with restrictive personnel ceilings, preferred to guard researchersexclusively for its research programs. I

In place of a research/extension specialist, ISRA proposedISRA-Extension protocol agreements as a means to build and institutionalize Ithe R-E relationship in the major agricultural zones throughout Senegal.ISRA and SOMIVAC signed a, protocol agreement in 1983 and similar agreements

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are under discussion with both SAED and SODEVA. Before looking specificallyat the ISRA-SOMIVAC relationship, the following case study illustrates theadvantages and disadvantages of an R-E relationship which is essentially"driven" by an extension agency and a donor.


1. Matam: ISRA-SAED Contract Research

Dreams and plans to harness the Senegal River and gain control of its waterflow for inla9? transport and agricultural production date from the turn ofthe century. Following the recommendations of a study mission in 1935,France created the Mission d'Amenagement in 1938 to try to offset Senegal'sdependence on Indochinese rice imports. By 1945, the Mission had plans todevelop approximately 50,000 ha for irrigated rice production. Today, SAEDis responsible for irrigated crop production along approximately 600 km ofthe left bank of the Senegal River.

The valley, SAED's area of intervention, is commonly divided into threezones: the Delta, Middle, and Upper Valleys. Over one-half the irrigableland is located in the Delta ~9d is composed of large perimeters (i.e., upto approx. 2,000 ha perimeter ) in which the average holding is between 1and 1.5 ha. The Middle Valley includes both large and small (vi!tage)perimeters, while only small perimeters (approximately 20 ha perimeter inwhich the average holding is .25 ha) are found in the Upper Valley.

The development of approximately 240,000 ha in this valley is one ofSenegal's principal economic priorities. This land can potentially bebrought into production upon completion of the Diama and Manantali dams in1986 and 1989 respectively. SAED's ability to bring only an additional3,000 ha per year into production, hOY2ver, makes the timely achievement ofthis objective somewhat questionable.

The research base for a major economic development program has not beenlaid. There has been little or no consideration of the role of agriculturalresearch in the development of the valley, nor does ISRA have a long-termresearch policy for the region despite its importance for Senegal's economicfuture. Since WW II, agricultural research has been undertaken by severalnational and international organizations, with little or no attempt tocoordinate their often diverse programs. Neither IRAT (until 1974) nor ISRAhas ever had the core scientific research personnel to carry out more thanlimited research activities. Until 1981, for example, the only ISRAirrigation engineer was stationed at Bambey. WARDA has been responsible forrice research; ORSTOM has done most of the basic soils work in the region;FAO, OMVS, CILSS and CIMMYT have been variously responsible for most of thebasic research on sorghum, maize, and wheat. There has been nosocioeconomic research linked with the agronomic research, nor has therebeen any systematic evaluation of the technical package used by SAED. Insum, agricultural research in the valley has been designed and carried outprimarily in terms of the interests of different research institutes andagencies. These programs may have been compatible, but they were neither


conceived nor designed to address the significant problem of long-termagricultural development planning for the region.

ISRA has undertaken several contract research programs for SAED.Varietal testing was done and cultivation techniques were studied as part ofthe Dagana Perimeter development program. Power hand tillers were tested inthe Ndombo-Thiago (Richard-Toll) perimeters. ISRA also managed anexperimental cattle production unit and a model sprinkler irrigation systemat Ndiol under contract with SAED. In May 1983, a joint donors meeting(France, USAID, The World Bank), convened to review future financing forSAED, recommended that ISRA and SAED move beyond contract research andtoward a closer, more reciprocal R-E relationship.

In response, ISRA and SAED held discussions on this question in October1983, and an ISRA-SAED committee was commissioned to define the priorityISRA-SAED research questions and programs and to prepare an ISRA-SAEDprotocol agreement.

An ISRA-SAED research protocol has not yet been prepared, but theSt-Louis Production Systems Team consults regularly with SAED in the designand implementation of its research program. Pressured by its donor agenciesto show progress toward decentralization and smallholder responsibility as acondition for continued financing, SAED seeks to dominate theseconsultations and to stipulate the conditions of the R-E relationship withISRA. SAED, donor agencies, and the Government of Senegal are convincedthat the development of a new technical package is the key to improvingsmallholders' productivity. As one part of its support to SAED, the FrenchCaisse Centrale earmarked funds in 1980 for an ISRA research program to helpsolve specific production and management problems in the Middle Valley Matamperimeters. A joint SAED/ISRA meeting in September 1980 identified threepriority research themes:

- Increasing the area under cultivation without reducing agriculturalproductivity;

- Developing and maintaining a cost effective irrigation system;

- Testing a diverse number of crops, especially vegetables.

During a subsequent technical meeting in early 1981, ISRA resistedpressure from SAED to move quickly from on-station trials to farm levelrecommendations. Attention focused on several financial and administrativeissues, including management of the contract. ISRA was concernedprincipally with resolving outstanding issues from a previous contract,receiving an advance payment, and posting a SAED technician/agronomistfull-time at Matam to supervise and coordinate the research. SAED, on theother hand, felt that ISRA should provide enough researchers to carry outthe contractual research.

Two years later and only under considerable pressure from the CaisseCentrale, the Special Agreement for Matam (Convention Particuliere) wassigned in March 1983. The delay from the start of discussions in iate 1980to early 1983 was not due to serious misunderstandings or difficult




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negotiations between ISRA and SAED, even though the relationship between thetwo organizations was strained. The ISRA Center at Richard-Toll wasadministratively unable to respond to many of the problems raised by thecontract, and at the time responsibility for the negotiations wastransferred to the Production Systems Department, the Department faced otherpriorities •

As finally negotiated, the Matam Agreement consisted of the followingresearch activities:

- Forage crop ·trials (even though the 1981 meeting had suggested theuse of agricultural by-products);

- Rice and maize varietal trials;

Fertilizer response trials on rice and maize;

- Fruit tree nursery;

- Vegetable crop demonstration trials and marketing studies, and

- Water management studies.

This list reflects the compromise of donor and researcher proposalsbased on suggestions concerning methodology, results of ongoing research,and availability of researchers to carry out desired activities. Riceproducers were not consulted and the available research results used toprepare the off-station program came principally from on-station programs.

ISRA did receive an advance payment, but the vehicles and motorbikeswere not delivered until midway through the growing season, and SAED agentsresponsible to supervise the trials were posted even later in the year.

During the first year, all the programs were started except for thewater management study, which was delayed pending the acquisition ofrequired equipment. Six farmers participated in the rice variety trials,four in the maize trials, six in the fertilizer response trials, and threegroups of five farmers each were selected for the vegetable cropdemonstration trials. All the trials were designed and managed byresearchers; at SAED's request, the trials were run in only one zone eventhough 1983 was the first year of operation for the perimeter and mostfarmers had little previous experience with irrigated agriculture.

By the ~nd of 1983, only the rice varietal trials provided significantresults. For logistic and organizational reasons, the other varietal trialswere inconclusive; the maize trials, for example, were started 46 days late.A dispute between SAED and the perimeter farmers, which prevented thedelivery of diesel fuel for the irrigation pumps, jeopardized other trialswhen the perimeter could not be irrigated on time. ISRA and SAED recognizedthat the 1983 trials had been identified and defined without any discussionwith farmers and, consequently, were unresponsive to their interests. As a


result, farmers refused categorically to consider the forage crop trialsbecause of the competition with food crops,especially since the area hadbeen quite hard hit by drought. Farmers also were uninterested in"concentrated" stands of fruit trees, which they saw as a haven for birds.

The forage crop trials and the fruit tree program were dropped from the1984/1985 program of work. Three rice varieties were selected fordemonstration trials with a limited number of farmers, while the maizevarietal trials were designed to identify the place of maize in a cropdiversification scheme. Fertilizer response trials on rice and maize werecontinued on farmers' fields but were run directly by SAED agents orresearch assistants. Several vegetable variety trials were also continuedin order to assess the viability of different types of vegetable productionduring the cool dry season. At SAED's request, the hydrological researchcomponent was designed to evaluate the technical aspects of water supply inthe zones rather than to examine the problems of water management andcontrol at the farm level.

By 1985, considerable progress had been made toward adapting theresearch program to the problems and constraints identified at the locallevel. At separate times, SAED, ISRA, and CCCE visited Matam in March 1985to review "the real need of farmers with respect to a research program."Discussions during both visits emphasized the need to simplify trials inorder to facilitate management by the SAED field agents and to improve theirability to turn the results into farm level recommendations.

Currently, during the 1985/1986 season, rice demonstration trials thatcombine different fertilizer response trials are underway in all five zonesof the Project. In response to specific problems raised by the SAED agentsduring their discussions with ISRA, two tests were also designed in one zoneto evaluate insecticide use and different weeding techniques. In contrastto previous years, 1985/1986 trials have been adapted and oriented torespond to specific problems raised by the SAED agents in each zone. Inaddition, a one time socioeconomic/opinion survey is planned for the end ofthe trials in order to obtain a more systematic view of the farmers'impressions of the research program.

Consistent pressure from SAED and CCCE has obliged ISRA to design moredemonstration trials and to expand these trials as quickly as possible toall five zones of the Project. Farmer disinterest and opposition in sometrials has led to modifications in the research program. The Matam researchprogram has made only a tentative effort to include the farmers' point ofview in the research program design. The identification of local problemsby the SAED agent in each zone should not be confused with the directidentification and management of research by farmers. The effort to listento technical agents provides at best a channel of communication, albeitimperfect, that has previously been unavailable to farmers.

2. ISRA-SOMIVAC Research-Extension Liaison Unit

The second case study, drawn from the Lower Casamance Region,'3 begins withthe brief history of the ISRA-SOMIVAC (Societe pour la Mise en Valeur de la





Casamance) Research-Extension Unit since 1983 and illustrates a possiblestrategy for improving the R-E relationship.

When the Djibelor Production Systems Team was organized in March 1982,ISRA proposed a protocol agreement with SOMIVAC that would commit bothparties to joint efforts to adapt agricultural research and extensionprograms to the problems and needs of peasant farmers. After approximatelysix months of periodic discussions between ISRA, SOMIVAC, and USAID, aResea,~h-Extension Protocol Agreement was signed by ISRA and SOMIVAC in1983.

During its first year of activities under the Agreement, the LiaisonUnit served principally as a forum for researchers and management levelSOMIVAC personnel to discuss their respective programs. As a result ofthese discussions, SOMIVAC agreed to assist the PSR Team, both in definingrecommendation domains for the Lower Casamance and in preparing a joint planof work for watershed management in the mangrove swamp inlets (bolongs).The Liaison Unit's performance at the end of 1983, however, was judged byboth ISRA and SOMIVAC to be far short of expectations. Managers andplanners from SOMIVAC, rather than field and technical extension personnel,attended the few meetings that were held; and the unit's meetings rarelyarrived at concrete conclusions or led to specific, coordinated activities.

In order to improve the effectiveness of the Liaison Unit, ISRA andSOMIVAC created seven small subject matter technical working groups in June1984 to design specific and joint R-E activities focusing on priority topicsand problems in rice breeding, animal traction and equipment, land use,animal production, seed multiplication, socioeconomic (production -systems)studies and surveys, and agricultural inputs and agricultural policy.Currently, special Lower Casamance Project funds finance some of theseprograms. One principal program is the rice variety trials, which aremanaged by farmers and visited during the cropping season by jointISRA-SOMIVAC teams who obtain farmers' reactions to the trials. Other majoractivities include testing sweet potatoes as a sequential crop to irrigatedrice in selected areas and monitoring the desalinization process in twozones that have been recently protected by small saltwater intrusion dams.Here researchers will test simple cultivation techniques and rice varietiesthat are moderately salt tolerant; they will also undertake a shortsocioeconomic farm and village survey in one valley. Other joint activitiesfor 1985/1986 include a follow up study of the use of groundnut seeders forrice, joint R-E visits to rice seed multiplication farms, and an analysis ofPIDAC's special credit program among selected producers' groups (Groupementde Producteurs).

Training has been an important component of the ISRA-SOMIVACrelationship since 1984. SOMIVAC/PIDAC personnel participated in three ISRAPSR Department Workshops: a Farming Systems Research Methodology Workshop(October 1984); another entitled Microcomputers in Agricultural Research(MSTAT-January 1985), and a third concerning the Design and Analysis ofAgronomic Trials and Tests for Peasant Farmers (May 1985).

Responding to USAID's interest in reorienting the Lower Casamance


project toward a program for saltwater intrusion control and mangrove swampwatershed management, the Liaison Unit organized a June 1985workshop-conference to discuss saltwater intrusion dams in the Casamance.The workshop brought together researchers, extension personnel, governmentrepresentatives, and delegates from farmers' organizations. The result wasa direct and frank discussion of the government's preference for large damsvs. the ISRA-SOMIVAC preference for a small dams policy; the conclusionsshould provide a sound basis upon which to evaluate the advantages anddisadvantages of the large and small dams policies.

In addition to the ISRA-SOMIVAC research activities, SOMIVAC'sacceptance of the agricultural zones delimited by the Djibelor PSR Teamrepresents an important step toward closing the R-E gap in the Casamance.Until this year, SOMIVAC defined its zones of intervention with maps anddescriptions prepared by outside consulting firms. These maps anddescriptions were extremely useful in regional development planning andespecially in defining water management programs, but were of limited use indefining an appropriate extension program adapted to different productionsystems. The PSR Team's "zonification" of the Lower Casamance has beenrefined each year and the fact that SOMIVAC has accepted these zones for itsextension program reflects the importance that SOMIVAC now gives toincorporating socioeconomic criteria in its planning. Furthermore, thePIDAC extension program now includes themes or recommendations forintensifying cropping that were proposed by the PSR Team: associatedcropping with maize and cowpeas, and the sequential cropping of rice andsweet potatoes.

Under the protocol agreement, the ISRA-SOMIVAC relationship in theLower Casamance has progressed along three fronts: joint or coordinatedresearch activities and studies; training, and discussions and review ofregional rural development policy. In addition, more technical personnelfrom the field participate in the Liaison Unit's meetings and activities.

The success of the ISRA-SOMIVAC relationship, however, is not duesolely to the joint actiVities of PSR researchers and field level extensionpersonnel. ISRA on-station researchers playa critical role through theirongoing research programs and by committing some of their research time toproblems raised by the PSR Team. In other words, the ISRA-SOMIVACexperiment is significant because the on-station programs provide criticalsupport to the PSR program and to the Liaison Unit's activities. Forexample, the on-station weed control program has moved from a singularconcern with the chemical control of weeds to an examination· of howdifferent land preparation techniques practiced by the farmers can moreeffectively and less expensively control weed growth. Farmer-managed trials .have been added to the varietal breeding programs, and the rice plantpathologist and entomologist have added cassava and other vegetable crops toresearch programs that centered predominantly on rice. The soil fertilityprogram is testing lower fertilizer doses and the agricultural engineer hasmoved beyond the standard cenr~s of agricultural equipment to a review ofthe farmer's use of equipment.

Major challenges have yet to be overcome in this R-E experiment.














Extension agents and those working directly with peasant farmers are stillonly marginally involved in the Liaison Unit and an effective means toinclude farmers' representatives (from producers' groups, cooperatives, orvillage organizations) in the Liaison Unit has not been found. Even thoughmore researchers, especially those with on-station programs, and extensionpersonnel are now ready to account for the peasant's point of view inpreparing their programs, the peasant farmer is still not a full partner inthe R-E relationship.

Furthermore, the interactive process of the Liaison Unit must spreadfrom the local level to both regional and national policymakers. Both ISRAand SOMIVAC need to reach out with the news and results of their jointprograms. The ultimate test of the successful R-E relationship is, ofcourse, increased agricultural production and improved rural welfare.Meanwhile, the Liaison Unit can make a significant contribution toagricultural development by calling the attention of policymakers to theimportant accomplishments and effectiveness of programs designed on thebasis of farmer defined problems.

Despite the Liaison Unit's progress to listen to and respond tofarmers' problems, its operations and programs still depend heavily uponoutside encouragement; donor agencies have provided a critical measure ofsupport for the Liaison Unit. Such support has a limited time frame and isoriented toward specific objectives. USAID/Senegal, for example, isincreasingly interested in watershed management, thereby leaving the futureof the R-E unit open with respect to support for continued work on rainfedagricultural problems.


ISRA represents a classic case of an open institution that must constantlyrespond to demands from its environment. Foreign aid currently pays theoperational costs of ISRA's research programs, and researchers spend asignificant amount of time dealing with aid agency advisors, consultants,and evaluators. who solve ongoing problems, define new activities, or reviewthe results of past programs. Foreign financing of Senegal's agriculturalresearch will be required for many years, and aid agencies will continue tobe among those with important vested interests in ISRA's programs.

Confronted with this situation, we have suggested that a central anddominant concern for ISRA researchers and administrators should be how toinclude the Senegalese peasant farmer as well in agricultural research. Ourcase studies represent two ongoing experiences, and while the balance sheetsfor the account of the peasant farmer cannot yet be drawn, these casestudies suggest some lessons to be applied when creating a more farmeroriented· R-E framework to develop and transfer technology. They alsounderscore the contribution that PSR can make to improving the long-termperformance of agricultural research in Senegal.


Lessons for ISRA

Contractual research like that under the Matam Agreement is very attractiveto ISRA. It offers ready research funding at a time when research costs arerlslng and financial support is uncertain. Contractual research with anextension agency can also keep research programs relevant by forcingresearchers to address real world problems in collaboration with extensionpersonnel. Consequently, it is easily understood why contractual researchcontinues to be an important part of ISRA's research portfolio; it offersconcrete research opportunities for researchers and a relatively securesource of financial support for research programs.

The Matam case also poses several problems. Research questions raisedby extension agencies arise from immediate problems and constraints and as aresult are often very specific and localized. Consequently, they may notrepresent high priority questions for researchers. Moreover, by respondingto contractual research opportunities, researchers face considerablepressure to draw fast, and perhaps premature conclusions and policyrecommendations. Finally, contractual research by its nature cannot offerthe long-term funding required to build a system that provides continuedaccess to researchers by farmers or that encourages researchers to respondto farmer defined problems.

Consequently, we suggest that agencies such as ISRA should not engagein contractual research as currently defined. The extension agencies shouldhave the technical capability to undertake pre-extension work directly withfarmers and to evaluate research results that are directly relevant to theobjectives of the agency's production program.

The ISRA-SOMIVAG Liaison Unit does offer one means to build a long-termrelationship that serves both researchers and extension personnel andthrough which farmers can influence research and extension programs. Itsactivities can be defined to resolve specific problems and to seek thelonger-term development of improved technology.

A Liaison Unit does not, however, substitute for direct collaborationbetween researchers and farmers or for measures to increase farmer influencein agricultural research and policy. At best, a Liaison Unit can encouragesuch collaboration by providing a framework supportive of on-farm researchand by reducing the incentives to pursue bureaucratically driven or moreacademic research interests and concerns. The ISRA-SOMIVAC Liaison unit hasnot yet institutionalized a farmer driven incentive system for research andextension programming. This will require a long-term and deliberate effort.Unless this effort is made, the researchers, state agencies, and donors--notfarmers--will continue to be the most important vested interest groups inSenegal's agricultural research and development.

The Contribution of PSR to R-E in Senegal

The ISRA Production Systems Research Department is only three years old, butwith significant financial and technical assistance it has been able tolaunch three PSR Teams in three regions of Senegal since 1982. The





'- ..

Department's research staff is composed principally of young, recentlytrained Senegalese researchers; as a result, experienced expatriatescientists will be needed to advise these young researchers and to continueprograms while awaiting those currently in overseas training. While the PSRDepartment is relatively young, we can suggest some areas where PSRcontributes to research programming, and especially to improving the R-Erelationship.

The PSR Department's mandate stipulates that farm level problems andconstraints as defined by farmers are the PSR Teams' point of departure forresearch programming. In other words, farmers are more than PSR clients,

-they are full partners in problem identification and technology testing.The mandate also includes the reorientation of on-station programs to makethem more responsive to farmer problems.

Several on-station programs at Djibelor are being strengthened becauseof researchers' efforts to respond to questions and problems posed by thePSR Team. Furthermore, researcher meetings and discussions at the Centersuggest that the PSR Team has renewed a spirit of research relevance and anopenness to new ideas and approaches among Center researchers. On-stationresearchers respect the importance of PSR testing of their results while thePSR Team, in turn, understands the significance of maintaining solidon-station programs to assure the provision of testable technology.

The response of extension agencies and government officials to theconsequences of the PSR mandate is unclear. Given the profound andcontinuing nature of Africa's agrarian crisis, many g9~ernments arebeginning to revise their agricultural development policies. In Senegal,the recently announced New Agricultural Policy calls for a dramaticreorganization of agricultural extension and proposes several measures toencourage more private initiative in Senegal's agricultural sector.. Someparastatal extension agencies are being disbanded or drastically reduced infavor of giving cooperativT~ and producers' groups more responsibility forinput supply and marketing.

The sense of urgency among policymakers to resolve the agrarian crisiscreates demands on researchers for quick-fix solutions. At the same time,given their appreciation of the complex nature of the agrarian crisis,government policymakers are receptive to the innovative programs of ISRA'sPSR Teams. Ultimately, the preeminent challenge to the PSR Department is tocapture this opportunity and create a research structure with itscornerstone the assurance of farmer access to new technology and aninfluential voice in agricultural research and development programs.





1 See Senegal, Ministere du Developpement Rural, Direction des ServicesAgricoles, Actes des Journees d'Etudes sur la Recherche et la Vulgarisation,Rufisque, Senegal, Secretariat d'Etat a la Recherche Scientifique etTechnique, Les Liaisons Recherche-Developpement, Propositions Pour UneOrganisation. P. Viguier et R. Tourte, Ministere de la Cooperation de laRepublique Francaise, Octobre 1979.

2 See SAED - Bilan et Perspectives, May 1983; Study paper prepared bythe World Bank Group, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperationand Development, the Central Fund for Economic Cooperation (CCCE) and theU.S. Agency for International Development/Senegal. This document calls forthe "better use of research results and a reorientation of theresearch-development relationship." Also see the Agricultural Research andPlanning Project Paper {USAID/Senegal, April 1981) in which the disbursementof second year 'funding is conditional upon the approval of a protocolagreement between ISRA and SOMIVAC (the regional extension and developmentagency for the Casamance) "concerning research/extension linkages inconducting production systems research."

3 These two programs are still in the planning stages.

4 Agricultural research is not included in planning for primary sectordevelopment in Senegal's four-year Economic Development Plans. It istreated instead as part of a fourth sector which regroups severalactivities, including "Studies and Research." See Senegal, Ministere duDeveloppement Rural, Bilan Global des Realisations du Gouvernement en Faveurdu Monde Rural Depuis l'Independance, Dakar, Fevrier 1982; Senegal,Ministere du Developpement Rural, La Nouvelle Politique Agricole, Dakar,Avril 1984.

5 At a recent (October 1984) workshop entitled "An Orientation toFarming Systems Research," held under the auspices of the ISRA ProductionSystems Research Department, these charges and countercharges dominated theworking group sessions which were devoted to a discussion of R-E linkages.(The workshop proceedings are in preparation).

6 The history of agricltural research and research policy inneeds to be written. The most complete summary can be found inBenoit-Cattin (Editor) Recherche et Developpement au Senegal.preparation.)

7 See Bilan Global des Realisations ••• , Annexe 12. Also see,Senegal, Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la RechercheScientifique, Secretariat d'Etat a la Recherche Scientifique et Technique,Evolution des Surfaces Cultivees et des Productions dans l'UniteExperimentale de Thysse~Kaymor, de 1970 a 1980, par G. Pocthier, PremierSeminaire sur Ie Mais, 21-23 Janvier 1981, ISRA, CNRA de Bambey (Janvier1981 ) •


1 .




R. Billaz andin Recherche

The research-development aspect of an ARDI was basically similar8

what is now called a "recommendation domain." SeeDufumier, "Les Unites Experimentales du Senegal"Developpement en Agriculture (Paris: PUF, 1981).

9 See discussion in E.H. Gilbert, D.W. Norman, F.E. Winch, FarmingSystems Research: A Critical Appraisal. MSU Rural Development Paper No. 6(East Lansing: MSU, Department of Agricultural Economics, 1980).

10 In Senegal, Regional Development Agencies (SRDR-Societe Regionale deDeveloppement Rural) are responsible for rural development within a fixedregional/agro-ecological zone. In addition to broad rural developmentobjectives, the Government of Senegal assigns specific crop productionobjectives to these agencies. Those agencies with which the PSR Departmenthave the most contact include: SAED, The Senegal River Development Agency;SODEVA, The Agricultural Development and Extension Agency (primary for theGroundnut Basin); SOMIVAC, the Casamance Development Agency and itsaffiliated agency, PIDAC, The Integrated Project for AgriculturalDevelopment in the Casamance.



11 The Jardin de Richard (Richard-Toll) was established in 1824 toexperiment with the irrigated production of cereals, fruits and vegetables.Unrealized plans for the first water control project along the Senegal Riverdate from 1904.

From 1939 through 1953 most irrigated agricultural productionactivities in the valley centered around Richard-Toll and were managed bythe Agriculture Service and the Mission de'Amenagement du Senegal.Following a series of financial management problems MAS activities weretransferred to a public works company, ORTAL, which was replaced atindependence by the Societe de Developpement Rizicole du Senegal (SDRS). In1971, the Compagnie Sucriere Senegalaise (CSS) took over 7,000 ha for sugarcane production, leaving only the "Colonat du Richard-Toll" to continue tobe managed as a state company (en regie).

SAED was created in 1965 in the wake of the failure of another regionalagency, Organisation Autonome du Delta (OAD); in 1974 SAED also took overfrom the Organisation Autonome de la Vallee (OAV) and extended its zone ofactivities to Podor, Matam and Bakel.

12 The Diama is a major anti-salt dam under construction near St-Louis.It will raise the water level upstream and assure fresh water for betweenseason crops. The Manjntali, which is located much further upstream, willcreate an 11 billion m reservoir and in addition to its hydroelectric andnaviagation potential will facilitate the irrigation of 240,000 ha inSenegal.

The Sahelian climate throughout the valley is characterizedrainy season from the end of June until October. Before the recentof drought years, the average rainfall varied from 400 rom/year in theto 700 mm/year in the Upper Valley.

by oneseriesDelta


conditionunder the

Complete water control is provided by SAED or by village pumps, andthree agricultural seasons can be distinguished: a rainy season(June-October) during which rice cultivation dominates; a·cold, dry seasonfrom November to February which is ideal for many vegetables, and a hot, dryseason from March to June.

In November 1984, Senegal hosted a major international conference underthe auspices of the Senegal Valley Development Authority (OMVS) to elaboratean "apres-barrage" strategy.

13 The Lower Ca2amance in southern Senegal covers an area ofapproximately 7,300 kID , which corresponds to the estuary of the CasamanceRiver. The area is quite flat and includes an extensive network of mangroveswamps; saltwater commonly intrudes 200 kID upstream. Rice production istraditional throughout the low-lying inundated areas, but with the decliningrainfall in recent years, rainfed upland cereals and groundnuts have becomemore important crops. The population of the area is estimated at 260,000,of which the Diola is the largest ethnic group. Senegal's development planscommonly refer to the Casamance as Senegal's future bread basket, yet since1968 the area has experienced cereal deficits. See Jolly, et ale (1985) andPosner, et ale (1985). Since 1978, USAID has financed the Lower Casamance'Integrated Rural Development Project (PIDAC) under the auspices of theAgency for the Development of the Casamance (SOMIVAC). The DjibelorAgricultural Research Center is one of ISRA's oldest centers and it iscurrently staffed by approximately 20 researchers, of which almost one-halfare affiliated with the PSR Department.

14 The first ISRA-SOMIVAC R-E Unit was established in 1977 to fostergreater research-extension collaboration. It had essentially a life onpaper until March 1980 when it convened to review SOMIVAC's activities andconcerns, and ISRA's research programs. This meeting did not lead to anyjoint activities or programs.

As noted above, the signing of the protocol agreement was aimposed by USAID/Senegal to the second disbursement of fundsSenegal Agricultural Research and Planning Project.

15 FollOWing the PSR Team's "discovery" of the importance of rainfed,upland crops in the Lower Casamance, the Team was instrumental in opening upa 40 ha area near the Djibelor Center, primarily to provide on-stationresearchers with the means to run trials on rain fed crops.

16 See Carl K. Eicher (1982) "Facing Up to Africa's Food Crisis."Foreign Affairs 61:151-174; Carl K. Eicher (1983) "West Africa's Agrarian.Crisis." A paper presented for the Fifth Bi-Annual Conference of the WestAfrican Association of· Agricultural Economics, Abidjan, Ivory Coast,December 7-11, 1983. Also see Michael F. Lofchie (1975). "Political andEconomic Origins of African Hunger." Journal of Modern African Studies13:551-567.


17 In keeping with government policy, SODEVA recently released 708 ofits 1,258 employees, of which 160 were government civil servants who are nowawaiting assignment by the government civil service commission; 37 werehired by a major oilseeds and processing firm, SONACOS; 511 have noguaranteed employment.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

French Research Institutes (Selected)









(Formerly GERDAT): Centre de Cooperation Internationale enRecherche Agronomique pour Ie Developpement,Centre Technique Forestier Tropical

Institut d'Elevage et de Medecine Veterinaire des PaysTropicaux

Institut de Recherches Agronomiques Tropicales et desCultures Vivrieres

Institut de Recherchers du Coton et des Textiles Exotiques

Institut de Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes

Institut de Recherches pour les Huiles et Oleagineux

Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique d'Outre Mer

Senegal Regional Development Agencies (Selected)






Societe Nationale d'Amenagement et d'Exploitation des Terresdu Delta du Fleuve Senegal et des Vallees du Fleuve Senegalet de la Faleme

Societe pour Ie Developpement des Fibres Textiles

Societe de Developpement et de Vulgarisation Agricole

Societe pour la Mise en Valeur de la Casamance

Project Integre pour Ie Developpement Agricole de la Casamance







The World Bank. 1985. Agricultural research and extension, anevaluation of the World Bank's experience. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Systemes deau Deficit

Systemes et

Farming systemsAgricul. Econ.

Belloncle, G. 1985. Proposition pour une Nouvelle Methodlogie de laVulgarisation en Afrique Noire. Presented at the conference on LaVUlgarisation Agricole et sa Liaison avec la Recherche dans Ie DeveloppementRural. Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, 17-23 Fevrier 1985.

Ruttan, Vernon, and Yujiro Hayami. 1985. Agricultural development; aninternational perspective. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore,MD.

Biggs, Stephen D. 1985. A farming systems approach: Some unansweredquestions." Agricul. Admin. 18:1-2.

Posner, J.L., M. Kamuanga, and S. SaIl. 1985. LesProduction en Basse Casamance et les Strategies Paysannes FacePluviometrie. Travaux et Documents No.4, ISRA, DepartementTransfer, Dakar, Senegal.

The World Bank. 198~. African workshop on extension and research,summary. June 10 to 16, 1984. The World Bank, Agricultural Sector, Easternand Western Africa projects. Mimeo. Washington, D.C.

Jolly, Curtis, Muluma Kamuanga, Samba SaIl, and Joshua Posner. 1985.Situation Cerealiere en Milieu Paysan en Basse Casamance: Resultats d'uneEnquete de Terrain. Document de Travail BAME 85-4. ISRA, Bureau d'AnalysesMacro-Economiques, Dakar, Senegal.

Groupe de Recherche et d'Echanges Technologiques. 1984. Demarches deRecherche-Developpement Appliquees au Secteur de la Production Rurale desPays en Voie de Developpement. Collection des Ateliers Technologie etDeveloppement (No. 2). Redact~on par Jacques Bodichon.BLACT-CFECTI-SGA-PACA.

Heinemann, Edward, and Stephen D. Biggs. 1985.research: An evolutionary approach to implementation. J.35(1):59-65.

Gentil, D. 1985. Faut-il Raisonner en Terme de Vulgarisation ou enTerme d'Innovation? Presented at the conference La Vulgarisation Agricoleet sa Liaison avec la Recherche dans Ie Developpement Rural. Yamoussokro,Ivory Coast, 17-23 Fevrier 1985.



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Project Area

Research Stations

Other Research Localions

Ecological Zones

Isohyets in mm

Coys of Rain

Pcpulation Density / Km 2


5- 2020- 50


Palled Roods

Grollel Roads

Eorth Roads

Paved Reads under Construction



-t- Airports

Prollincial BolJndaries

International Boundaries





Map 1. Location of Agricultural Research Facilities in Senegal.





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Map 2. The SAED Zone ot tntervention


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J,II Map 3. The Agricultural Zones o~ the Lower Casamance

I (Source: CRA-Djibelor, Equipe Systemes)




Figure 1. Senegal Agricultural Research Institute 9rganization Chart.








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