best practice guide 3

Connecting a microgeneration system to a domestic or similar electrical installation (in parallel with the mains supply) Best Pracce Guide 3 (Issue 2)

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  • Connecting amicrogenerationsystem to adomestic orsimilar electricalinstallation(in parallel with themains supply)

    Best Pracce Guide 3 (Issue 2)

  • This is one of a series of Best Practice Guides produced byElectrical Safety First1 in association with leading industrybodies for the benefit of electrical contractors and installers,and their customers.

    Electrical Safety First is indebted to the following organisationsfor their contribution and/or support to the development of thisGuide:



    City &

    Electrical Contractors

    Energy Networks

    Health and Safety

    Institution of Engineering &

    Local Authority Building


    Renewable Energy

    SELECT (Electrical ContractorsAssociation of Scotland)


    In electronic format, this Guide is intended to be made available free of

    charge to all interested parties. Further copies may be downloaded from

    the websites of some of the contributing organisations.

    The version of this Guide on the Electrical Safety First website

    ( will always be the latest. Feedback on

    any of the Best Practice Guides is always welcome email

    [email protected]

    Electrical Safety First is supported by all sectors of the electrical industry,

    approvals and research bodies, consumer interest organisations, the

    electrical distribution industry, professional institutes and institutions,

    regulatory bodies, trade and industry associations and federations, trade

    unions, and local and central government.

    *Electrical Safety First (formerly the National Inspection Council for

    Electrical Installation Contracting) is a charitable non-profit making

    organisation set up in 1956 to protect users of electricity against the

    hazards of unsafe and unsound electrical installations.

    Published by:

    Electrical Safety First

    Unit 331

    Metal Box Factory

    30 Great Guildford Street

    London SE1 0HS

    Tel: 0203 463 5100

    Email: [email protected]


    Electrical Safety First and other contributors believe that the guidanceand information contained in this Best Practice Guide is correct, but allparties must rely on their own skill and judgement when making use ofit. Neither Electrical Safety First nor any contributor assumes any liabilityto anyone for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission in thisGuide, whether such error or omission is the result of negligence or anyother cause. Where reference is made to legislation, it is not to beconsidered as legal advice. Any and all such liability is disclaimed.

    Electrical Safety Council. March 2014

  • page 3The Electrical Safety Council

    The Guide takes into account the publication ofAmendment 1 to BS 7671: 2008.

    The Guide does not provide installation guidancespecific to any particular types of microgeneration.BS 7671: 2008 Section 712 contains particularrequirements for photovoltaic installations, as doesDTI Publication URN 06/1972*, Photovoltaics inBuildings, Guide to the installation of PV systems(2nd Edition), dated 2006. For any microgeneratorinstallation, the instructions of the manufacturer orsupplier should be followed.

    The Guide does not provide installation guidancewhere it is intended to install more than onemicrogenerator. In such cases it is necessary toconsider the possibility of interaction between theprotection and control equipment of themicrogenerators, and the specific advice of themanufacturers or suppliers of each of themicrogenerators should be obtained and followed.

    Where multiple microgeneration installations are tobe installed in a close geographical region (such as ina housing development), it is also necessary toobtain the permission of the DNO in advance.

    Connecting amicrogeneration systemto a domestic or similarelectrical installation(in parallel with the mains supply)

    The aims of this Guide are:

    to provide an overview of microgeneration intended to produceelectrical energy, otherwise known as small-scale embeddedgeneration (SSEG),

    to provide information on the legal and contractual issues relatingspecifically to the installation of microgenerators with electrical ratingup to 16 A per phase (including the relationship of the consumer withthe electricity supplier and the distribution network operator (DNO)),and

    to give guidance on the particular electrical issues, includingelectrical safety issues, that arise when installing or connecting amicrogenerator.

    * URN 06/1972 is expected to be superseded in Autumn 2011 by a revised version, called Guide to the Installation of PhotovoltaicSystems, containing material changes. Further information may be obtained from

  • A route map for getting a generation schemeconnected to the distribution network can be foundin the Energy Networks Associations A Guide For Connecting Generation That Falls Under G83/1-1Stage 2 To The Distribution Network, which may bedownloaded (It should be notedthat Engineering Recommendation G83/1-1,referred to in the above ENA Guide, applies also tosingle microgeneration installations.)

    The Guide does not cover Feed-in Tariffs in detail. On1 April 2010 the Government launched Feed-inTariffs (FITs), which are payments tomicrogenerators based on both what they generate,and what they export to the grid if they choose todo so. More information on FITs is available

    To be FIT-eligible, electricity-led microgeneratorinstallations with a Declared Net Capacity of 50 kWor less must conform to the MicrogenerationCertification Scheme (MCS). Other schemes may infuture be approved as being equivalent.

    An MCS installation is one in respect of which boththe equipment being used and the installationcompany have been certificated by a UKAS-accredited Certification Body. The product will havebeen tested against performance, quality and safetystandards before being certificated.

    For an installation company to become certificated,a Certification Body will assess its technicalcompetence, as well as checking that it hasappropriate business processes (such as qualitystandards, complaints handling procedures etc). Theinstallation company must also be party to an Officeof Fair Trading-approved Consumer Code ofConduct.

    More information on becoming an MCS installer,and on what equipment is currently approved underthe scheme, is available


    The UK Government is committed to encourage thewider use of renewable energy generation, and totechnologies such as combined heat and power(CHP) that offer improved efficiency compared totraditional bulk generation in large power stations.

    This commitment reflects undertakings made withthe UKs partners in the European Union andinternationally to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsand reliance on fossil fuels.

    Generation of electricity closer to the point of useavoids some of the losses that arise in thetransmission and distribution of electricity toconsumers. This currently amounts to up to 10% ofunits dispatched. Even for the most moderncombined cycle gas generating stations withproduction efficiencies of 50-60%, the efficiencyfrom the point of generation up to the point ofuse in a consumers installation is generally wellbelow 50%.

    Decentralised generation, if sufficiently widelyadopted, could also improve the reliability andresilience of the electricity supply system, though thisclearly depends on the types and relative amountsof generation that are installed. For example,photovoltaic systems do not generate at night, andwind power does not function at very low or veryhigh wind speeds.

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    Photo courtesy of Sundog Energy Ltd

  • Over the past few years, considerable attention hasbeen given to the development of microgeneratorsthat are intended to be installed in domestic andsimilar premises. Such microgenerators are rated atup to 16 A per phase. At a nominal voltage to Earth(U0) of 230 V, this corresponds to 3.68 kW on asingle phase-supply or 11.04 kW on a three-phasesupply.

    A range of technologies has been emerging to takeaccount of the rather different technical andoperational challenges that the domesticenvironment presents compared to more traditionalsmall generator designs.

    Not least of these is the importance of providingsimple, safe and reliable products at a price that is inproportion to the consumers reduction in electricitypurchase costs, so offering an attractive payback.

    Types of generation

    It is, of course, possible to install and operate agenerator and installation completely independentlyof the normal mains supply and to run certainappliances entirely on this separate system. ThisGuide, however, considers only generators that areintended to work in parallel with an existing mainssupply, as this represents the most practicalapproach for most consumers.

    The assumption is that consumers generally will wishto continue to use electricity as and when requiredat the throw of a switch, without needing to beaware as to whether the generator is working or not.

    Currently, the options can be divided into two broadclasses from the point of view of connection into anexisting installation:

    Renewable sources of electricity, powered bywind, light or hydro-power, or fuel cells. Many ofthese generate at d.c. and are connected to themains through a d.c. to a.c. inverter

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    Photo courtesy of Evoko Energy Ltd

    Photo courtesy of Sundog Energy Ltd

  • Gas, oil and biomass fired micro-cogeneration(combined heat and power (CHP)) systems. Theprimary function of these systems is to providefor heating and hot water needs, in place of atraditional boiler or water heater. However, theyinclude a small generator that provideselectricity, powered by some of the heat energyproduced for the water heating process. ThisGuide does not give guidance on the heatproduction aspects of microgenerators.

    Renewable sources of heat using solar thermalpanels, ground or air source heat pumps or biomassboilers that do not generate electricity are notcovered by this Guide.

    As previously mentioned, microgenerators aregenerally characterised as having an output of nomore than 16 A per phase. In the case of micro-cogeneration (CHP) systems, because the electricitygeneration is ancillary to the heating of water andso represents only a part of the output of thesystem, the electrical output is typically in the rangeof 4 to 6 A.

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    Photo courtesy of British Gas

    Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2008

    Photo courtesy of Powergen

  • Legal and related issues

    When at work, even in domestic premises, anelectrical installer is subject to relevant Health andSafety legislation, including the Electricity at WorkRegulations.

    Installers of microgenerators will need to be awareof the requirements of the relevant BuildingRegulations. In domestic premises in England andWales, the installation of a microgenerator isnotifiable under Part P. In Scotland, a BuildingWarrant may be required (further information isavailable at

    Some forms of microgenerator may be subject toplanning law and to the non-electrical aspects of theBuilding Regulations, in particular structuralconsiderations.

    Although an electrical installer might not be involvedin such issues on behalf of his client, they mayimpact on an unwary electrical installer in carryingout his work.

    Therefore, before commencing work, it isadvisable to consider the issues covered below.

    (A) The installation of renewable energy sourcesoften requires Planning permission. Thereforewhether the proposed work is subject to theserequirements or is considered permitteddevelopment should be determined before thework commences. This is undertaken bycontacting the local Planning Authority, who,should Planning permission be required, willindicate what information they require to beprovided with the Planning application.

    In England and Wales, the relevant BuildingRegulations will normally apply to work in thedomestic situation. Depending on the nature ofthis work, these regulations may cover electricalinstallations, various structural implications(such as the ability of the existing building tocarry the additional load or forces produced atthe fixing points) and damp penetration issues,as appropriate. Compliance is achieved either

    through the appropriate Competent PersonScheme or by applying to a building controlbody, such as the Local Authority BuildingControl. Further information can be obtainedfrom the Planning Portal(

    Before fixing microgeneration equipment toa building, consideration should be given bythe installer to the structural condition of thebuilding. This may involve a structural survey.

    In Scotland, a Building Warrant may berequired.

    Hydro turbines may require planningconsent and will also require a waterabstraction licence.

    (B) The Electricity Safety, Quality and ContinuityRegulations 2002 contain, in regulation 22,requirements for the installation and operationof generators in parallel with the distributorsnetwork. These generally prohibit theconnection of a generator without prior consentof the distributor (typically the relevant regionaldistribution network operator (DNO)), andcontain requirements concerning design andoperation that are likely to prevent paralleloperation of generators in domestic premises.

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    Photo courtesy of Energy Saving Trust

  • However, an exemption is given in regulation22(2) for the installation of generation rated upto a total of 16 A per phase, provided:

    it has protection that will disconnect fromthe mains supply automatically in the eventof the loss of the mains supply

    the installation complies with the edition ofBS 7671 (Requirements for ElectricalInstallations) current at the time ofinstallation, and

    the installer notifies the DNO before or atthe time of commissioning themicrogenerator.

    Details of the general requirements forconnecting an SSEG and the characteristics forthe protection scheme necessary to provideautomatic disconnection following loss of mainsor variation of voltage or frequency from thedeclared values are contained in the EnergyNetworks Associations EngineeringRecommendation G83 (version G83/1-1)and in BS EN 50438.

    The installer should refer to the manufacturersdocumentation to confirm that themicrogenerator complies with the relevantrequirements of G83 or BS EN 50438.

    Details of the requirements for notifying theDNO before the time of commissioning themicrogenerator are contained in G83 and inBS EN 50438.

    In addition to notifying the DNO before or atthe time of commissioning a microgenerator,the installer must provide the DNO with anInstallation Commissioning Confirmation Form,a copy of the circuit diagram showing the circuitwiring, and the manufacturers Verification TestReport, all within 30 days of the microgeneratorbeing commissioned (clause 5.1.1 of G83/1-1

    and clause 7.3.1 of BS EN 50438: 2007 refer).

    Where generation exceeding 16 A output intotal is to be provided in a single installation, orwhere multiple microgeneration installations areto be installed in a close geographical region(such as in a housing development), it isnecessary to obtain the permission of the DNOin advance.

    page 8 The Electrical Safety Council

    G83/1-1 is expected to be superseded by a revised version (G83/2), containing material changes, during late 2011 or early 2012.

  • page 9The Electrical Safety Council

    Contract with the electricity supplier

    Generators rated at up to 50 MW are exemptedfrom licensing under the Utilities Act, somicrogenerators covered by this Guide are exempt.

    Energy users will have a contractwith an electricity supplier for thepurchase of electricity. Invariablythe supply is provided through ameter. The meter will be either aprepayment meter (the customerpays in advance with cash ortokens) or a credit meter (the

    meter is read and the customer is billedretrospectively). In either case, the contract is for thesupply of electricity to the premises.

    If at any time the consumer's microgeneratorgenerates more electrical power than is being usedin the premises, the surplus will go into the electricitynetwork.

    The exporting of energy from the premises in thisway will only be covered by the consumers contractwith the electricity supplier if a specific writtenagreement to that effect has been entered into bythe consumer with the supplier, as will be the case ifthe customer applies to that supplier for thepayment of Feed-in Tariffs.

    Where this is the case, the electricity supplier mayarrange for an export meter to be installed at thepremises. However, where the installed capacity ofthe generator is less than 30 kW, the supplier maydefer doing this until smart meters are rolled out.

    In the absence of an export meter, the amount ofenergy exported will be deemed to be a percentageof the energy generated by the microgenerator. Theenergy generated will be ascertained from thegeneration meter, which forms part of themicrogeneration installation. The fixed display unitof the generation meter must be installed in anaccessible location.

    The existing meter at the premises (the importmeter) may not require replacement until smartmeters are rolled out. However, the electricitysupplier is likely to arrange for this meter to bereplaced if it does not have a backstop to preventthe energy register from running backwards duringexport, which would lead to double counting ofexported energy.

    In the unlikely circumstances that an agreement andthe associated metering equipment are not in placefor the export of electrical energy from the premises,the reverse flow of energy can have an impact onthe suppliers electricity meter at the premises in oneof the following ways.

    Where the meter is fitted with a backstop toprevent the energy register from runningbackwards, the consumer will receive nocompensation for exported energy.

    Some meters with a backstop have a flag that istripped by reverse power flow, which could resultin the consumer being accused of stealingenergy.

    A prepayment meter may have an internalcontactor that cuts off the mains supply if theenergy flow is reversed.

    Some older meters do not have a backstop and theregister will run backwards while energy is beingexported, effectively crediting the consumer withenergy at the rate at which they normally pay forthe electricity. This could be treated by the electricitysupplier as a form of theft.

  • page 10 The Electrical Safety Council

    Electrical installation

    Safety issues

    Installing a microgenerator bringsparticular additional electricalsafety concerns, which includethe following.

    Persons must be warned that the electricalinstallation includes a microgenerator so thatprecautions can be taken to avoid the risk ofelectric shock. Both the mains supply and themicrogenerator must be securely isolated beforeelectrical work is performed on any part of theinstallation.

    Adequate labelling must be provided to warnthat the installation includes another source ofenergy. Suitable labelling is suggested in G83and, for photovoltaic systems, in DTI PublicationURN 06/1972*, Photovoltaics in Buildings, Guideto the installation of PV systems (2nd Edition),dated 2006.

    It must be remembered that wind turbines arelikely to produce an output whenever they areturning and PV cells will produce an outputwhenever they are exposed to light. Additionalprecautions, such as restraining the turbine fromturning or adopting the means given in DTIPublication URN 06/1972* to improve safety onthe d.c. side of a PV system, will be necessarywhen working on those parts of the circuit closeto the source of energy and upstream of themeans of isolation.

    In some respects, microgenerators can beconsidered to be similar to any current-usingequipment. For example:

    live parts will invariably be insulated or have anearthed or insulating enclosure

    the metallic enclosure of a Class Imicrogenerator will need to be connected to thecircuit protective conductor.

    However, there are other aspects that require care toensure that the existing level of electrical safety ismaintained for the users following the installation ofa microgenerator.

    As mentioned previously, the exemption to therequirement for prior consent of the DNO, containedin Regulation 22(2) of the Electricity Safety, Qualityand Continuity Regulations 2002, requirescompliance with BS 7671 (DTI Publication reference- URN 02/1544, which gives guidance on theElectricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations2002, refers). Prior to commencing the installation ofa microgenerator, the installer must confirm suchcompliance, for example, by examining a recentElectrical Installation Condition Report (PeriodicInspection Report) for the existing installation (ifavailable), or by carrying out a Periodic Inspection.

    In order for a microgenerator to be placed on themarket, the manufacturer or supplier of themicrogenerator is required to declare compliancewith the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulationsand the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations.The components of the microgenerator will be CEmarked to confirm this. Also, for an MCS compliantinstallation, it is a requirement that the equipmentbeing used has been certificated by a UKAS-accredited Certification Body where applicable (suchas for the modules of a PV system). Inverters do notrequire such certification.

    Compliance with these requirements should ensurethat the microgenerator will be satisfactory in aninstallation in terms of the power factor, generationof harmonics, and voltage disturbances arising fromstarting current and synchronisation.

    Any synchronising system should be automatic andof a type that considers frequency, phase andvoltage magnitude. The microgenerator should alsohave documentation confirming, amongst otherthings, the acceptability of the means of protectionagainst operation in the event of loss of the mainssupply, as required by G83 or BS EN 50438.

    * URN 06/1972 is expected to be superseded in Autumn 2011 by a revised version, called Guide to the Installation of PhotovoltaicSystems, containing material changes. Further information may be obtained from

  • In designing a connection for a microgenerator, theelectrical installer has to consider all the issues thatwould need to be covered for a conventional finalcircuit, including:

    the maximum demand (and the generatoroutput)

    the type of earthing arrangement the nature of the supply external influences compatibility, maintainability and accessibility protection against electric shock protection against thermal effects protection against overcurrent isolation and switching equipment selection and installation issues.The electrical installer will recognise that some ofthese issues can be changed by the connection of amicrogenerator to an existing installation.

    It is unlikely with the size of microgenerators coveredby this Guide that the prospective fault currentwould change sufficiently to exceed the fault ratingof existing protective devices, but this should beconfirmed.

    From the specific perspective of a microgenerator,except for a PV system (see below), there are twoconnection options:

    connection into a separate dedicated circuit connection into an existing final circuit.For a solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply system(including a PV microgeneration installation), thesecond option connection into an existing finalcircuit is not permitted by Regulation712.411. of BS 7671 or by clause 4.2 ofMicrogeneration Installation Standard: MIS 3002,and the generator must therefore be connected intoa separate dedicated circuit.

    Examples of the two options are showndiagrammatically in Fig 1.

    Fig 1 Examples of the two connection options for amicrogenerator

    page 11The Electrical Safety Council

    Photo courtesy of GTEC Training Limited

    Photo courtesy of J Bradley

    Connection by a dedicated circuit

    Connection into an existing final circuit



    Current-using loadsMicrogenerator

  • page 12 The Electrical Safety Council

    Given the perceived constraint of financial viabilityon the development of the market formicrogenerators, the second of these options hasbeen considered by some product developers tooffer a simple solution with minimal disruption tothe consumers property.

    From the perspective of the electrical safety of theinstallation, however, this option can create designlimitations for the installer of the microgenerator,and limitations for the user of the installation.

    Connection into a dedicated circuit is preferred.

    This option is technically simpler and creates leastimpact on existing use and hence on the user of theinstallation. The cost implication may not besignificant when compared to the cost of thegenerator itself, and in some cases it may be lessexpensive in view of the need to meet the technicalrequirements detailed below for connecting into anexisting final circuit.

    Whichever of the two options is chosen, it isimperative that the safety of the electricalinstallation is not impaired by the installation of themicrogenerator.

    The essential criteria that must be met are givenbelow for both options. In either case thefollowing requirements must be met:

    (i) The winding of an a.c. microgenerator must notbe earthed (clause 6.4 of G83/1-1 and clause4.1.3 of BS EN 50438: 2007 refer). The reasonfor this precaution is to avoid damage to thegenerator during faults on the distributionnetwork and to ensure correct operation ofprotective devices.

    Note. A d.c. source or d.c. microgenerator could be earthedprovided the inverter separates the a.c. and d.c. sides by atleast the equivalent of a transformer providing simpleseparation. Such earthing, which may be necessary forfunctional purposes in some cases, requires specialconsideration and is beyond the scope of this Guide.

    G83/1-1 is expected to be superseded by a revisedversion (G83/2), containing material changes, during late2011 or early 2012.

    (ii) Means must be provided to automaticallydisconnect the microgenerator from the mainssupply in the event of loss of that supply ordeviation of the voltage or frequency at thesupply terminals from the declared values. If the microgeneration installation includes astatic inverter, the means must be on the loadside of the inverter. (Regulation 551.7.4 of BS 7671 refers.)

    Note. The required protection settings are given in G83 and in Annex A of BS EN 50438.

    (iii) Means must also be provided to prevent theconnection of the microgenerator to the mainssupply in the event of loss of that supply ordeviation of the voltage or frequency at thesupply terminals from the declared values(Regulation 551.7.5 of BS 7671 refers).

    Note. The requirements are given in G83 and in BS EN 50438. Amongst other things, it is required thatfeeding power to the distribution network will onlycommence after the voltage and frequency on thedistribution network have been within the limits of theinterface protection settings for a minimum of 3 minutesfor mechanical a.c. generation or 20 s for inverter basedsystems.

    (iv) Where a microgenerator having a d.c. sourcedoes not incorporate the equivalent of atransformer providing at least simple separationbetween the d.c. and a.c. sides, an RCD installedfor fault protection by automatic disconnectionof supply or for additional protection (In

  • page 13The Electrical Safety Council

    (v) Where a microgenerator is installed in a specialinstallation or location covered by a specificsection of Part 7 of BS 7671, the requirementsapplicable to that special installation or locationmust also be applied as relevant to themicrogenerator. For example, this might placelimitations on the positioning of themicrogenerator, involve additional protectionwith an RCD or supplementary bonding, or theselection of a microgenerator with a specified IP rating.

    The specific additional requirements foreach of the two connection options aregiven below.

    Connection of a microgenerator to a dedicatedcircuit (Fig 1(a) refers)

    (vi) The basic design parameters for the circuit are:

    Ib >_ Ig, where Ib is the design current and Igis the rated output current of themicrogenerator (Regulation 523.1 of BS 7671 refers)

    In >_ Ib, where In is the rated current of theoverload protective device (Regulation433.1.1(i) of BS 7671 refers)

    disconnection of the circuit in the event ofan earth fault on the circuit within 5 s for TNsystems and 1 s for TT systems (Regulations 411.3.2.3 and 411.3.2.4 respectively of BS 7671 refer).

    (vii) The circuit must connect to the supply side ofthe overcurrent protective device of each finalcircuit of the installation (Regulation 551.7.2,second line, refers). This can be achieved byconnecting the circuit to a dedicated outgoingovercurrent protective device in the consumerunit.

    (viii)Where a microgenerator is connected on thesame side of an RCD as final circuits protectedby that RCD, the RCD must disconnect the lineand neutral conductors (Regulation 551.4.2refers). For example, this applies to an

    RCD controlling a section of a consumer unit towhich the dedicated circuit is connected via anoutgoing way.

    Note. The reason for the above requirement is that if theRCD does not disconnect the neutral, protection no longerdepends solely on the operation of the RCD, but also onthe shut down characteristics of the microgenerator, dueto the existence of a current path similar to that shown inFig 2. (It might be thought that the RCD need notdisconnect the neutral if the dedicated circuit is connectedto the consumer unit via an RCD, such as is mentioned in(ix). However, that is not the case, as that RCD would beunable to operate in response to current flowing to earthon its mains supply side, because (as mentioned in (i)) thewinding of the microgenerator is not earthed.)

    (ix) Where the circuit requires RCD protection, suchas may be the case where the circuit cable isconcealed in a wall or partition (Regulations522.6.102 and 522.6.103 refer), the RCD mustbe located at the consumer unit end of thecable (generally by using an RCBO as thededicated protective device for the circuit).

    Note. There is no need to locate an RCD at themicrogenerator end of the circuit too, provided the windingof the microgenerator is not earthed (as should be thecase see (i)), as that RCD would be unable to detect acurrent flowing to earth supplied by the microgenerator.

    (x) The microgenerator must be provided withmeans of isolation and of switching off formechanical maintenance. (Regulation Groups537.2 and 537.3, respectively, of BS 7671 refer.For PV systems, see also Regulation Group712.522.8.3.)

    Note. See also Labelling and isolation, later in this Guide.

    Connection of a microgenerator to an existingfinal circuit (Fig 1(b) refers). (Not permitted for aPV power supply system see 712.411.

    (xi) The basic design parameters for the circuit areas follows.

    a) Iz >_ In + Ig, where Iz is the current-carryingcapacity of the conductors of the finalcircuit, In is the rated current of the overloadprotective device and Ig is the rated outputcurrent of the microgenerator (Regulation551.7.2(i) of BS 7671 refers). This mayrequire the protective device to be replacedwith one having a lower rated current.

  • b) The microgenerator must not be connectedto the final circuit by means of a plug andsocket (Regulation 551.7.2(ii) refers).

    c) An RCD providing additional protection forthe final circuit (where required) mustdisconnect all line and neutral conductors(Regulation 551.7.2(iii) refers).

    d) The line and neutral conductors of the finalcircuit or of the microgenerator must not beconnected to Earth (Regulation 551.7.2(iv)refers). For example, as already stated in (i),the winding of the microgenerator must notbe earthed.

    e) The protective device providing faultprotection for the final circuit mustdisconnect the line and neutral conductors.The only exception to this requirement iswhere it has been verified that in the eventof an earth fault on the circuit, the operationof the protective device and the reduction ofthe voltage of the microgenerator to 50 V orless will both occur within the disconnectiontime required by Regulation 411.3.2 for thefinal circuit. (Regulation 551.7.2(v) refers.)

    f) The microgenerator must be provided withmeans of switching off for mechanicalmaintenance and of isolation from theremainder of the final circuit (RegulationGroups 537.2 and 537.3, respectively, refer).

    Note. See also Labelling and isolation, later inthis Guide.

    The reason for the requirement in (xi)e) is that, if theprotective device does not disconnect the neutral,the effectiveness of the protection no longerdepends solely on the operation of the protectivedevice, but also on the shut down characteristics ofthe microgenerator. Fig 2 shows, as an example, anearth fault downstream of an RCBO with unswitchedneutral. The earth fault causes operation of theRCBO, but the microgenerator can still supply currentthrough the earth fault via the path shown in thediagram for a period until its own internal protectionagainst loss of mains causes the microgenerator toshut down.

    Fig 2 Example illustrating the reason for therequirement in (xi)e)

    It should be noted that if the RCD element in the RCBO hasbeen provided for additional protection, this arrangement is notpermitted and the RCBO would need to switch both the line andneutral conductors; see (xi)c).

    page 14 The Electrical Safety Council

    Earth fault

    Current path

    SupplySingle-pole RCBO

    Load Microgenerator


  • page 15The Electrical Safety Council

    Isolation and labelling

    A microgenerator is a source of supply to theelectrical installation. A main linked switch or linkedcircuit-breaker for this source must therefore beprovided in a readily accessible position as near aspracticable to the origin of the installation, such asadjacent to the consumer unit, as a means ofswitching off the supply on load and as a means ofisolation (Regulations 132.15.1, 537.1.4 and 551.2.4refer). The switch or circuit-breaker must disconnectthe line and neutral conductors (Regulation537.2.1.1 refers).

    Means must also be provided to isolate themicrogenerator from the public mains supply, asrequired by Regulation 551.7.6. This must be locatedat an accessible position within the installation, asrequired by clause 5.3 of G83/1-1. Clause ofBS EN 50438: 2007 states that Where this meansof isolation is not accessible for the DNO at all timesit is acceptable to provide two means of automaticdisconnection, with a single control. At least one ofthe means of disconnection must be afforded by theseparation of mechanical contacts.

    The same means of isolation could be used for thepurposes of both the previous two paragraphs, if itmeets all the requirements referred to in thoseparagraphs.

    If the microgenerator is not in the same room as themain linked switch or linked circuit-breaker (as maybe the case with the inverter of a PV system), a localisolator should also be installed adjacent to themicrogenerator (Regulation 537.2.1.1 refers).

    In all instances, the means of isolation, which mustbe manual, must be capable of being secured in theoff isolating position (Regulation 537.2.1.2 refers).

    Where a static inverter forms part of themicrogenerator installation, a means of isolationmust be installed on both sides of the inverter.However, this requirement does not apply on thepower source side of an inverter that is integrated in

    the same enclosure as the power source. (Regulation551. refers).

    Isolation and switching devices in any d.c. circuits,such as on the d.c. side of a PV installation, must beof types suitable for d.c use. Switchgear intended fora.c. circuits is often not suitable for d.c. or may needto be derated for such use. The manufacturersspecific advice in this respect should be obtainedand followed.

    To comply with the labelling requirements ofRegulation 514.15.1 relating to alternative oradditional sources of supply, and those of clause 6.2of G83/1-1 and clause 6.4 of BS EN 50438: 2007,warning labels must be provided as a minimum at:

    the DNOs fused cutout the DNOs meter position the consumer unit(s) the output terminals of the microgenerator the points of isolation for the mains supply and

    the microgenerator supply.

    In the case of a renewable source, such as PV cells ora wind turbine, a notice must be placed at themicrogenerator isolator to warn that the conductorson the microgenerator side may remain live whenthe isolator is open.

    The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)Regulations 1996 stipulate that the labels shoulddisplay the prescribed triangular shape and font sizeusing black on yellow colouring. A typical label isshown below.

    The above label is reproduced from Figure 1 of G83/1-1

    In addition, G83 requires up-to-date information tobe displayed at the point of connection with aDNOs network as follows.

    G83/1-1 is expected to be superseded by a revised version (G83/2), containing material changes, during late 2011 or early 2012.

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    A circuit diagram showing the relationship betweenthe microgenerator and the DNOs fused cut-out.This diagram is also required to show by whom thegenerator is owned and maintained.

    A summary of the separate settings of theprotection incorporated within the equipment. Thefigure below is an example of the type of circuitdiagram that needs to be displayed. This diagram isfor illustrative purposes and not intended to be fullydescriptive.

    The installer is required to advise the customer thatit is the customers responsibility to ensure that thissafety information is kept up to date.

    The installation operating instructions must containthe manufacturers contact details, such as name,telephone number and web address.

  • ANNEX 1Glossary/Definitions:

    Combined heat and power (CHP) Process that generates heat some of which provides

    the motive power to a microgenerator that is part of

    the heat generating device

    Distribution network operator (DNO)Owner or operator of low voltage electrical lines and

    equipment that are used to distribute electricity to


    Electricity supplierA person who supplies electricity to a consumer from

    a DNOs network

    Export meterA meter, complying with the appropriate meter

    legislation, which measures the amount of electricity

    being exported to the electricity network

    Generation meter A meter which the energy user is responsible for,

    complying with the appropriate meter legislation,

    and which measures the quantity of electricity

    generated by the energy users generation unit

    MicrogeneratorA device rated at up to 16 A per phase designed for

    the small-scale production of heat and/or electricity

    from a low carbon source (based on the definition in

    section 82 of the Energy Act 2004)

    NetworkLow voltage electrical lines and equipment owned or

    operated by a DNO that are used to distribute

    electricity to consumers

    RCBOAn electromechanical protective device intended toprovide overcurrent protection and residual currentprotection

    SSEG(Small Scale Embedded Generation/Generator)microgenerator

    Type AC RCD An RCD intended to operate for residual sinusoidalalternating currents, whether suddenly applied orslowly rising.

    Type A RCDAn RCD intended to operate for the following formsof residual current, whether suddenly applied orslowly rising:

    - residual sinusoidal alternating currents

    - residual pulsating direct currents

    - residual pulsating direct currents superimposedon a smooth direct current of 6 mA.

    Type B RCDAn RCD intended to operate for the following forms

    of residual current, whether suddenly applied or

    slowly rising:

    - residual sinusoidal alternating currents up to 1000 Hz

    - residual alternating currents superimposed on asmooth direct current of 0.4 times the ratedresidual operating current

    - residual pulsating direct currents superimposedon a smooth direct current of 0.4 times therated residual operating current

    - residual direct currents which may result fromrectifying circuits.

    Type F RCD

    An RCD intended for installations where frequencyinverters are supplied between line and neutral orline and earthed middle conductor, and able toprovide protection in the event of alternatingresidual sinusoidal at the rated frequency, pulsatingdirect residual currents and composite residualcurrents that may occur.

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  • ANNEX 2British Standards and other standards referred to:

    British Standards

    BS 7671Requirements for electrical installations. IET Wiring

    Regulations. Seventeenth edition

    BS EN 50438Requirements for the connection of micro-generators

    in parallel with public low-voltage distribution


    BS EN 61008Residual current operated circuit-breakers without

    integral overcurrent protection for household and

    similar uses (RCCBs). General rules

    BS EN 61009Residual current operated circuit-breakers with

    integral overcurrent protection for household and

    similar uses (RCBOs). General rules

    Other standards

    IEC 62423Type F and type B residual current operated circuit-

    breakers with and without integral overcurrent

    protection for household and similar uses

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  • Electrical Safety FirstUnit 331, Metal Box Factory, 30 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0HSHelpline: 020 3463 5100 Email: [email protected] Web: Charity (England and Wales) No.257376 (Scotland) No. SCO39990

    Electrical Safety First is the UK charity dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries caused by electrical accidents. Our aim is to ensure everyone in the UK can use electricity safely

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