best clothes in ^merica at ifiuimihli11 … · too——they aretha not turkeys but fish'1,jm...

ROYAL SIGNAL We Pay Parcel Posl Charges Anywhere \ ^ g g . ° H S LHADIttO CUglH&SS*'*' THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES SUITS ANOOVERCOATS AND Y O U BEST C L O T H E S IN ^MERICA AT SEND US YOl. R i'itiljBiWPBIffHill'I 1 IfiUIMIHlI"11 1 1 I CHECK OR A MONEY ORDER AMD - M WEWILL SLIVER ebfj r r n " -rrri JB\ BY PARCEL POST MT. VERNON. KENTUCKY WILL WEAR THf. THE PRICE.y WEGUARANTEE SATISFACTION OB YOUR MONEY PACK SELLING GOOD CLOTHES SINCE'87 ippriHtiyrwr MT. VERNON SIGNAL Misses George Detiick and Ade- line Broyn, of the Uragiioti'Dorm- itory, »p nt "Thanksgiving with Misi Ge.rge Amyx, at Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. S F. Bowman and sou Dwight ;and Mr. A. O, Bartlett will leave Sunday for Jbckson county tb spend a week Mr. Bowman and Mr. Bartlett 'wiil spend the week hunting. x | J. H. Ramsej took the Entered Apprentice degree in the Maw>nic Lodge, Monday night, . and. on Wednesday night.' Connty At- torney-elect E. R. Geutry and County Court Cl;rk S F. Bowman were made Master Masons. MT.VfiBNON. KY-. Nov.28,.1'913 THE Green Front >. THANKSGIVING TURKEY Undoubtedly must be a beauty—" — its a Kentucky bird this time. We are showing some beauties too——they are not turkeys but FISH'S U 15 SPECIAL 1 , J M J 1)1 2 0 Suits and 0verc °ats Every bit of worry in buying clothes is removed at Fish's, in fact it never was there. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT being properly fitted here in anything to wear because we have your size. COME IN TO-DAY AND LET US FIT YOU TIME TABLE. '2* f»ortn... ...... " ; 4.59 p m 24 norm .... 3 : 53 • m *J8 south II:43'a m ax South 12:19 a m JAS. LANDKUM, Agent. Phone No. 8. Kof.rtd « PERSON AJ- Brvan Perkins is wilh bis sister Mis. W. G. 'McBee. J. Fish was in Cincinnati during the week, buying goods. Robert Cox was in Louisville the Erst of the iteek buying goods. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford were in towta shopping Tuesday Judge L. W. Betbbrum was in Cincinnati Saturday on business. C. D. Sutton spent part of the week in Cincinnati, buying goods. Rev. George S. Watson ind mother came ovef'frotn Booneville to spend Thanksgiving. Mrs. Hosack. of Oi.lo, is with her daughter, MTs. Meshac Gen try. Judge J. W. Alcoto was up from S tanfore Tuesday on legal busi ness. Att'y and Mrs. E. R Geutey aie with reletives at Corbin for a few days. Charles Thompson left Tuesday for Louisville, where he w>ll ac cept a position. Mrs. E. S. Albright and child- ren are with relatives at London for a few days. 1 Misses Cora Green and Mar- garet, Stacy of D>ndon, were guests of friends here over Sunday. * Miss Margaret Lovell was very sick last Friday and Saturday, but has.about recoVeRed at this time. Miss Ruth Burton of Dftiville, was the guest o( Miss Rissie Mc- Ferron, from Saturday until Moo day. Judge L. W. Bethurum and little daughter, ate Thanksgiving dinner with relatives at Middles- boro. R. B. Mulling is on the road now for the Peters Shoe Co., the same job recently held by G. T Johnson. Miss Blanche Crawford is at home for Tbanksgiuing vacation. Miss Crawford-is teaching near Winchester. Will and Lige Cummics have been very sick for the past ten days with an attack of the old lashioned grip- Dud Wallen was up from Stan- ford Saturday to see his son, Oscar and family, and sisters, Mesdames Alice Tate aud J. F. Griffin. Misses Ali.e Walker and Jennye McFarland, of Columbia, were the guests of Or. and Mrs. Conover, from Saturday until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durham were in Louisville Saturday to have their little son examined by Dr. Barbour. He is doing very nicely. Mrs. EtnmA Christerson and daughter, who have been visiting her sisier, Mrs. AV. T. Davis j»nd brother James Rickles, returned - homff-Tuesday.,. '/J' .Mendel Mutlhu.Will Kirby and '' Lou Hansel have joined the rugu- lar'armv. Lofeue Taylor applied bat on account of his light weight was turned(down. . , /'Mrs. .Julia Baljard and .Mrs. G. -M.gajlard and (ittle daughter; «ien"| fo - feyjngtgn. , . WejJofgd^ tft e|t 1%ank9givi^ 4inner with Mf,'and Mrs. G. W. Olajfk Wll. visit ofhep, relatives. W. B. Sigmoft was' in town , 1 Tuesday and told a Signal repre The longest word in the English language is antitransubstamiatjon slism. The Graded School closed Wednesday for Thanksgiving va- cation. A daughter of Mr. J. J. Belcher of the,Hiatt section, died the first of the week, ol fever. The Graded School basket ball team expects to aVrangea game with Stanford for the near future. The Langdon Memorial School closed Wednesday for Thanks- giving vacation. School will re- open Monday. Rev George S. Watson con- ducted Thanksgiving exercises at ingston.' Also a soda fountain. The building has five rooms be- sides store room, a good lot and the Chnstran Church. AttyJ. 8p , endid $looo wilj W. Brown read President W,lson's!buy the , ol aQd house or $ I 2 0 0 Lige Saylor, of the Copper creek The Woman's Clnb of-Mt. Ver- section, charged with the burning non, will again offer $5. in prizes of Charlev Wallen's barn, had his at the"Mt,vV*ynon Fair, for the trial Monday and was acquitted, work of selool children thruout There was no evidence to show' RockcaaMVCounty. There were that Mr. Saylor was guilty ol the several ba$s and girls who took crime with which ne"was charged, advantage of this opportunity last SHERIFF,s NOTICE:—On Dec. >' ear a n d w e ho P e m o r e wi " do so tst the penalty goes on."if your' ,his >' ear - Teachers, encourage taxes are not paid; and tax not I ur P n P Us i o t h e Preparation or paid by that time, the property w °'k for this contest. We believe will be advertised for rale. Thej'' wi " P rove Ver - T beneficial. Be- law fixes Dec. 1st as iBe day for low ,s » llstof J> rizes - w h i c h v a r i e s the penalty to go on. I want to, sll 8 h,, y f r o m l a 3 t : close my business by January rst| Best set o f s i x m a P s (including and shall insist on a prompt pay-1 P ol ' ticjl divisions and principal mem of all tax due. |cities.). $1.00 T. J, NICSLKV, : Best essay. not less than 300 Sheriff. 1 words and. not tnorte than 500, .50c. i Best product map of U. S. ,5oc. FOR SALE: The residence and Best map of Ky., including out- store room, combined, located on | , i n e o f Rnd localion 0f Main Street, opposite depot. Liv- | c o u n t y s c a t 3 . soct8> Btst set of letters, business, and social, one each, Socts. Best six button holes, socts. proclamation. Round trip to Atlanta SI3 6a Dec. 27"28 and 29. limited to Janu- ary il. 1914. Account of Ameri can Association for the advance- ment of science. for property and fobntatn, if sold once. Apply 10, J. M. FOUKB, )v, 23-3t. Livingston. Ky. J The regular meeting of the When"you want exchange. ju-t I Womarl's Club was held at itie give the crank a half turn. pro- Mr. W. A. B. Davis received a telegram Friday, announcing the death of Dr. Z T. Dencey, who died at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Dr. Denney visited Mr. Davis and other relatives here only a few months.ago. Miss Bidd'Dplan, a sister of Mrs. R. A. Welsv was married in Louis- ville. Tuesijay, to Henry Ti^hen- dorff. They passed through Mt. Vernon, Wednesday, 1 enroute. to Pine Hill, U> see Mrs. Tt&hendorff's mother, Mrs. Dolan. longed ringing is unnecessary, and- when thru talking give the crank another half turn and the opera- tor will know that yon are thru. With the new switchboard a ball turn is just as good and will get an answer just as soon 1 you ring the bell off. Telephone users in towu will please bear, this in inind. while on the toll lines the ringing should be done in the old way. Arthur Daily- exchanged his property in the Asber addition to Dr. W. D Laswell for bis Rich mond street property. In turn Mr. Daily sold t&e property on Richmond Street to Oscar and Emmit Bryan which will be occu- pied by Mr. D.J L. Bryant. Mr. Daily expects to move to Illinois. The Henry Clay Fire Insurance Co , flf Lexington, has taken over the United American Insurance Co . of Frankfort The combined assists of the two companies is about $700000.00 and it is likely that $300,000 additional stock of ths Henry Clay will be sold, plac- ing that already successtul com- pany in the million dollar class. Rockcastle citizeps hold about $20,000.00 worth of the stodf- ol the two companies. J. M. Morton, lost his barn, 2 good' horses, over a hundred bushels of oats, several barrels of- corn, some tarn) Implements etc., by tire Friday nlgbt. The loss will run over tiooo, and there was only $300. insurance. , The. loss was a heavy blow to Mr. Norton. Bob Payne of near Pine Hill, also had'a good baro and considerable feed to burn that sfme 'flight. We have uot learned whether Mn Payne had bay insurance or not.- An electric lighvboum is again on in'Mt Vernon and' every indi- cation points that there may be something doing this., time. E. L. Benin of Liberty, has noti- fied the Commercial Club that he will install the plant, if the busi- ness will justify and at a meeting of the Clnb on Tuesday night an of the number of lights which can be securest, wgs fty'ge 4 it wag fo^nd {hat the pjant Wild start .'with §00 liSbts which brings; the re?en«e .t|jp to tfce required. apeuRt Mi Vernon wantsj,be |igbt* and Will the business, to justify ft Buying property Mid moving to town. We would like to have - Mr> Sigmba u one of our nam bert. Misses Nell land Ila NewUnd of . Preacheraville, and Menr : - C a t r o n and Tanl- Noli n, o< drab Orchard, and Walter Miller, ' Tbanksgiving dinner. •entative that he was thinking of plant and as tl» matter. stands granel, cur^ diaoets, weak «i now we will,have light* .op some _'down. The Commercial I will meet again Monday even- ; Dec. isti^.the Court house Crab Orchard^ Misa Euby Paridi, and Bvery person in Mt. interested;*? 'iat iy an elecrlc light plan' . , . f requested tot* ^cese TUtWiea are also' Witef 0^ «qwiked4o>% ji Best bapdmade garment gocts. Best handmade household article (wood) socts. CLUB NOTICE homeof Mrs. A 1 B 'Furuish on Nov. alst. The art committee had charge and rendered a very interesting program. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Franklin's, Friday eveoing, Nov. 28th. Let each member be pres- ent as there is important business to come before'the club. Mr. J. H PorterV of - Pine--Hill, suffered a strote of paralysis a few days since and Is in a very critical condition. Mr.'Porter was former- ly an oil well driller, operating in the Wayne county fields but came to Pine Hill about a year ago and bad been employed by the Keqtudky Portland Cement& Coal >. He is about 65 years of age. LATBR:—Mr. Porter died Tues- day and his remains were taken to Pennsylvania. - his old home, for Yearsago when Jim.Meadows was appointed section foreman at Pine Hill he sat down and made out an order to the road master lor sup- plies. He had completed his let- ter when he found he W09 in need of a "frog" foj a switch, so his letter ran as follow?: Mr. Road Master. Dear Sir: You will please send mc f^hs picks handles t^o 'spike uiaun, one shovel and one track bolt wrench- Yours truly, ' Jim Meadows, and a frog " J. S. Langford, Lum Rymel and F. Sigmon went to London Tuesday to answer an indictment charging them with interfering with Marshal, Robert Burlap, the time Talbot, a deserter fi^im army knocked Burton down and made bis escape. - They, gave bond and the case «vos continued until the May - term of court. Those men had 'no more to do with Talbot'making, his escape than some one a hundred" miles -»'»»». but wheo.Uncle Sam's court gets a bold .on, you there is nothing ''' ' to'it but .to prove your innocence or dance to I-the music There will be noltrouble, preving their innocence but the annoyance and some expense,': .which will necessarjlj'be ioMrred, will be all there ia to it wh?n the case'goes tt^fpre the Federal Jndge. , A Tfe^AS "WONDER. ' TiicTe»i« Wonder cures kidney and blade"er troubles; removing;. all irregularities of the kidneyi nd tyi body it going to have to do some *nd in bqty^ men and wtfmen. PHIiPll^outdMl Ifnotaold_ .by i druggist'. Wijfbe - mail on . receipt off t«o. One Jpiall bottle in two thonj^ treatment, nd *el- J; flom tails to perfpet i cure.. Send for testimonaJUrotu hia- and-other atataa.,- D»^B. W. H«fl, 2926 < » n : « « e e t , « . Looi»,-Mo. •'by Dptfglit,' , T' TO THE PATRONS OF THE GRADED SCHOOL. The teachers of the Graded Scpool earnest^-request the pres- of every parent at the Parent- Teachers' Meeting, to be held at the Graded School, at 2:30 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. 3. Important subjects wil be dis- i:sed, as follows: 1. The • making of c if-ucttes 'among the school boys, am 3 ueans of prohibiting. Judge Betnurum. The necessity of - globes, charts, supplementary books, etc, and means of supplying them, Mrs. Richards. How to induce the parents to attend the Parent-Teacburs' meet- Grneral discussion. How the parents may best assist the teachers in their work, Miss McCord MKS. EJSHBACK, M188 WATTERS, MRS. RICHARDS, Committee. Lieut. Gov. McDermott was one of the speaker^ *»t t o banquet given last night at Peoria, III., in connection with the golden,jubi|ee of A rchbishop Spalding. Miss Katie Baker and Miss Thelma Barnes and little brother -Ifspent Saturday and Sudday h their aunt and cousin Mrs, Emmie Barnes.—Clara Carmical spent Tuesday with her' mother Mrs. A. Cummins at Mt. Vernon. —There was preaching nt Mt. Pisgah Saturday and Sunday, conducted by Rev. James Barnes. Mrs. Lucv Adams spent Sat ur- dav and Sunday with her mother Mrs. Bettie Kirby at Hansford.— Miss Mollie Kirby was the guest ol ber sister Mrs. Ida Evans Tues day.—Well Thanksgiving is near at hand .again,' but sure we all s°-ould be thankful each day just a like. There will be manv families set down to a nice Thanksgiving dinner, composed of a baked turkey and pumpkin pies and many other dainties, and we should all be so thankful to know we are well and able to en- joy it.—Mrs. Jeny. Rash spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chailes Kirby.—Rev. Chas. Carmical of this place is holdiug a series of meeting at Sinking Valley.—Hog filling-is the drder of the day in part. J. E. Mitchell STORE PINE HILL, KENTUCKY Post Charges Anywhere I am still at the Green Front, with a full line of New Goods and prices better than ever Children's Bear Skin Coats at $1.28 Men's Heavy Yarn Sox, pair 14c Men's Heaay Fleeced Under- wear, per suit 75c Guaranteed No. \ Flour, per sack 63c And all other goods at the very Lowest l'rices. 1 bny right and sell cheap, and if YOl I want to save money, come to the Green Frout. ''We Stand By What You Buy."

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Post on 24-Jun-2018




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We Pay

Parcel Posl

Charges Anywhere

\ ^ g g . ° H S LHADIttO CUglH&SS*'*'



SEND US YOl. R i'itiljBiWPBIffHill'I1 IfiUIMIHlI"111 1 I CHECK OR A MONEY ORDER AMD - M WE WILL SLIVER e b f j r r n " -rrr i JB\ BY PARCEL POST




MT. VERNON SIGNAL Misses George Detiick and Ade-line Broyn, of the Uragiioti'Dorm-itory, »p nt "Thanksgiving with Misi Ge.rge Amyx, at Livingston.

Mr. and Mrs. S F. Bowman and sou Dwight ;and Mr. A. O, Bartlett will leave Sunday for Jbckson county tb spend a week Mr. Bowman and Mr. Bartlett 'wiil spend the week hunting. x |

J . H. Ramsej took the Entered Apprentice degree in the Maw>nic Lodge, Monday night, . and. on Wednesday night.' Connty At-torney-elect E. R. Geutry and County Court Cl;rk S F. Bowman were made Master Masons.

MT.VfiBNON. KY-. Nov.28,.1'913


Green Front


TURKEY Undoubtedly must be a beauty—" — its a Kentucky bird this time. We are showing some beauties too——they are not turkeys but

F ISH 'S U 15 SPECIAL 1 , J M J 1)1 2 0 Suits and 0verc°ats Every bit of worry in buying clothes is removed at

Fish's, in fact it never was there. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT being properly fitted here in anything to wear

because we have your size. COME IN TO-DAY AND LET US FIT YOU

TIME TABLE. '2* f»ortn... ...... " ; 4.59 p m 24 norm .... 3:53 • m

*J8 south II:43'a m ax South 12:19 a m

JAS. LANDKUM, Agent. Phone No. 8.

K o f . r t d «

P E R S O N AJ-Brvan Perkins is wilh bis sister

Mis. W. G. 'McBee. J . Fish was in Cincinnati during

the week, buying goods. Robert Cox was in Louisville the

Erst of the iteek buying goods. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford

were in towta shopping Tuesday Judge L. W. Betbbrum was in

Cincinnati Saturday on business. C. D. Sutton spent part of the

week in Cincinnati, buying goods. Rev. George S. Watson ind

mother came ovef'frotn Booneville t o spend Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Hosack. of Oi.lo, is with her daughter, MTs. Meshac Gen try.

Judge J. W. Alcoto was up from S tanfore Tuesday on legal busi ness.

Att'y and Mrs. E. R Geutey aie with reletives at Corbin for a few days.

Charles Thompson left Tuesday for Louisville, where he w>ll ac cept a position.

Mrs. E. S. Albright and child-ren are with relatives at London for a few days. 1

Misses Cora Green and Mar-garet, Stacy of D>ndon, were guests of friends here over Sunday. *

Miss Margaret Lovell was very sick last Friday and Saturday, but has.about recoVeRed at this time.

Miss Ruth Burton of Dftiville, was the guest o( Miss Rissie Mc-Ferron, from Saturday until Moo day.

Judge L. W. Bethurum and little daughter, ate Thanksgiving dinner with relatives at Middles-boro.

R. B. Mulling is on the road now for the Peters Shoe Co., the same job recently held by G. T Johnson.

Miss Blanche Crawford is at home for Tbanksgiuing vacation. Miss Crawford-is teaching near Winchester.

Will and Lige Cummics have been very sick for the past ten days with an attack of the old lashioned grip-

Dud Wallen was up from Stan-ford Saturday to see his son, Oscar and family, and sisters, Mesdames Alice Tate aud J . F. Griffin.

Misses Ali.e Walker and Jennye McFarland, of Columbia, were the guests of Or. and Mrs. Conover, from Saturday until Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durham were in Louisville Saturday to have their little son examined by Dr. Barbour. He is doing very nicely.

Mrs. EtnmA Christerson and daughter, who have been visiting her sisier, Mrs. AV. T. Davis j»nd brother James Rickles, returned

- homff-Tuesday.,. ' / J ' .Mendel Mutlhu.Will Kirby and

'' Lou Hansel have joined the rugu-lar'armv. Lofeue Taylor applied bat on account of his light weight was turned(down.

. , /'Mrs. .Julia Baljard and .Mrs. G. -M.gajlard and (ittle daughter;

«ien"| fo - feyjngtgn. , . WejJofgd^ tft e | t 1%ank9givi^

4inner with Mf,'and Mrs. G. W. Olajfk Wll. visit ofhep, relatives.

W. B. Sigmoft was' in town , 1 Tuesday and told a Signal repre

The longest word in the English language is antitransubstamiatjon slism.

The Graded School closed Wednesday for Thanksgiving va-cation.

A daughter of Mr. J. J. Belcher of the,Hiatt section, died the first of the week, ol fever.

The Graded School basket ball team expects to aVrangea game with Stanford for the near future.

The Langdon Memorial School closed Wednesday for Thanks-giving vacation. School will re-open Monday.

Rev George S. Watson con-ducted Thanksgiving exercises at

ingston.' Also a soda fountain. The building has five rooms be-

„ „ sides store room, a good lot and the Chnstran Church. A t t y J . 8 p , e n d i d $ l o o o w i l j W. Brown read President W,lson's!buy t h e , o l a Q d h o u s e o r $ I 2 0 0

Lige Saylor, of the Copper creek The Woman's Clnb of-Mt. Ver-section, charged with the burning non, will again offer $5. in prizes of Charlev Wallen's barn, had his at the"Mt,vV*ynon Fair, for the trial Monday and was acquitted, work of selool children thruout There was no evidence to show' RockcaaMVCounty. There were that Mr. Saylor was guilty ol the several ba$s and girls who took crime with which ne"was charged, advantage of this opportunity last

SHERIFF,s NOTICE:—On Dec. >'ear a n d w e h o P e m o r e w i " do so tst the penalty goes on."if y o u r ' , h i s >'ear- Teachers, encourage taxes are not paid; and tax not I y° u r PnPU s i o t h e Preparation or paid by that time, the property w ° ' k for this contest. We believe will be advertised for rale. The j ' ' w i " P r o v e Ver-T beneficial. Be-law fixes Dec. 1st as iBe day for l o w , s » l l s t o f J>rizes- w h i c h v a r i e s

the penalty to go on. I want to, s l l8 h , ,y f r o m l a 3 t :

close my business by January rst| B e s t s e t o f s i x m a P s (including and shall insist on a prompt pay-1 P o l ' t i c j l divisions and principal mem of all tax due. |cities.). $1.00

T. J, NICSLKV, : Best essay. not less than 300 Sheriff. 1 words and. not tnorte than 500, .50c.

i Best product map of U. S. ,5oc. FOR SALE: The residence and Best map of Ky., including out-

store room, combined, located on | , i n e o f R n d l o c a l i o n 0f Main Street, opposite depot. Liv- | c o u n t y s c a t 3 . s o c t 8 >

Btst set of letters, business, and social, one each, Socts.

Best six button holes, socts.

proclamation. Round trip to Atlanta SI3 6a

Dec. 27"28 and 29. limited to Janu-ary i l . 1914. Account of Ameri can Association for the advance-ment of science.

for property and fobntatn, if sold once. Apply 10,

J . M. FOUKB, )v, 23-3t. Livingston. Ky. J The regular meeting of the When"you want exchange. ju-t I Womarl's Club was held at itie

give the crank a half turn. pro-Mr. W. A. B. Davis received a

telegram Friday, announcing the death of Dr. Z T. Dencey, who died at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Dr. Denney visited Mr. Davis and other relatives here only a few months.ago.

Miss Bidd'Dplan, a sister of Mrs. R. A. Welsv was married in Louis-ville. Tuesijay, to Henry Ti^hen-dorff. They passed through Mt. Vernon, Wednesday, 1 enroute. to Pine Hill, U> see Mrs. Tt&hendorff's mother, Mrs. Dolan.

longed ringing is unnecessary, and-when thru talking give the crank another half turn and the opera-tor will know that yon are thru. With the new switchboard a ball turn is just as good and will get an answer just as soon

1 you ring the bell off. Telephone users in towu will please bear, this in inind. while on the toll lines the ringing should be done in the old way.

Arthur Daily- exchanged his property in the Asber addition to Dr. W. D Laswell for bis Rich mond street property. In turn Mr. Daily sold t&e property on Richmond Street to Oscar and Emmit Bryan which will be occu-pied by Mr. D.J L. Bryant. Mr. Daily expects to move to Illinois.

The Henry Clay Fire Insurance Co , flf Lexington, has taken over the United American Insurance Co . of Frankfort The combined assists of the two companies is about $700000.00 and it is likely that $300,000 additional stock of ths Henry Clay will be sold, plac-ing that already successtul com-pany in the million dollar class. Rockcastle citizeps hold about $20,000.00 worth of the stodf- ol the two companies.

J. M. Morton, lost his barn, 2 good' horses, over a hundred bushels of oats, several barrels of-corn, some tarn) Implements etc., by tire Friday nlgbt. The loss will run over tiooo, and there was only $300. insurance. , The. loss was a heavy blow to Mr. Norton. Bob Payne of near Pine Hill, also had'a good baro and considerable feed to burn that sfme 'flight. We have uot learned whether Mn Payne had bay insurance or not.-

An electric lighvboum is again on in'Mt Vernon and' every indi-cation points that there may be something doing this., time. E. L. Benin of Liberty, has noti-fied the Commercial Club that he will install the plant, if the busi-ness will justify and at a meeting of the Clnb on Tuesday night an

of the number of lights which can be securest, wgs fty'ge

4 it wag fo^nd {hat the pjant Wild start .'with §00 liSbts which brings; the re?en«e .t|jp to tfce required. apeuRt M i Vernon wants j,be |igbt* and Will

the business, to justify ft

Buying property Mid moving to town. We would like to have

- Mr> Sigmba u one of our nam bert.

Misses Nell land Ila NewUnd

of . Preacheraville, and Menr : - C a t r o n and Tanl- Noli n, o<

drab Orchard, and Walter Miller,

' Tbanksgiving dinner.

•entative that he was thinking of plant and as tl» matter. stands granel, c u r ^ diaoets, weak «i now we will,have light* .op some

_'down. The Commercial I will meet again Monday even-

; Dec. isti^.the Court house Crab Orchard^ Misa Euby Paridi, and Bvery person in Mt.

interested;*? 'iat iy an elecrlc light plan'

. , . f requested tot* ^cese TUtWiea are also' W i t e f 0 ^


j i

Best bapdmade garment gocts. Best handmade household

article (wood) socts.


homeof Mrs. A 1 B 'Furuish on Nov. alst . The art committee had charge and rendered a very interesting program. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Franklin's, Friday eveoing, Nov. 28th. Let each member be pres-ent as there is important business to come before'the club.

Mr. J. H PorterV of - Pine--Hill, suffered a strote of paralysis a few days since and Is in a very critical condition. Mr.'Porter was former-ly an oil well driller, operating in the Wayne county fields but came to Pine Hill about a year ago and

bad been employed by the Keqtudky Portland Cement& Coal

>. He is about 65 years of age. LATBR:—Mr. Porter died Tues-

day and his remains were taken to Pennsylvania.-his old home, for

Yearsago when Jim.Meadows was appointed section foreman at Pine Hill he sat down and made out an order to the road master lor sup-plies. He had completed his let-ter when he found he W09 in need of a "frog" foj a switch, so his letter ran as follow?:

Mr. Road Master. Dear Sir: You will please send mc f^hs picks handles t^o 'spike uiaun, one shovel and one track bolt wrench-

Yours truly, ' Jim Meadows, and

a frog " J . S. Langford, Lum Rymel and F. Sigmon went to London

Tuesday to answer an indictment charging them with interfering with Marshal, Robert Burlap, the time Talbot, a deserter fi^im army knocked Burton down and made bis escape. - They, gave bond and the case «vos continued until the May - term of court. Those men had 'no more to do with Talbot'making, his escape than some one a hundred" miles -»'»»». but wheo.Uncle Sam's court gets a bold .on, you there is nothing ''' ' to'it but .to prove your innocence or dance to I-the music There will be noltrouble, preving their innocence but the annoyance and some expense,': .which will necessarjlj'be ioMrred, will be all there ia to it wh?n the case'goes tt^fpre the Federal Jndge.

, A Tfe^AS "WONDER. ' TiicTe»i« Wonder cures kidney

and blade"er troubles; removing;.

all irregularities of the kidneyi nd tyi

body it going to have to do some *nd in bqty^ men and wtfmen. P H I i P l l ^ o u t d M l I fno t ao ld_ .by i

druggist'. Wijfbe - mail on . receipt off t«o. One Jpiall bottle in two thonj^ treatment, nd *el- J; flom tails to perfpet i cure.. Send for testimonaJUrotu hia- and-other atataa.,- D»^B. W. H«fl, 2926 < » n : « « e e t , « . Looi»,-Mo.

• 'by Dptfglit,' , T'


The teachers of the Graded Scpool earnest^-request the pres-

of every parent a t the Parent-Teachers' Meeting, to be held at the Graded School, at 2:30 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. 3.

Important subjects wil be dis-i:sed, as follows: 1. The • making of c if-ucttes

'among the school boys, am 3 ueans of prohibiting. Judge Betnurum.

The necessity of - globes, charts, supplementary books, etc, and means of supplying them,

Mrs. Richards. How to induce the parents to

attend the Parent-Teacburs' meet-Grneral discussion.

How the parents may best assist the teachers in their work,



Lieut. Gov. McDermott was one of the speaker^ *»t t o banquet given last night at Peoria, III., in connection with the golden,jubi|ee of A rchbishop Spalding.

Miss Katie Baker and Miss Thelma Barnes and little brother

-Ifspent Saturday and Sudday h their aunt and cousin Mrs,

Emmie Barnes.—Clara Carmical spent Tuesday with her' mother Mrs. A. Cummins at Mt. Vernon. —There was preaching nt Mt. Pisgah Saturday and Sunday, conducted by Rev. James Barnes.

Mrs. Lucv Adams spent Sat ur-dav and Sunday with her mother Mrs. Bettie Kirby at Hansford.— Miss Mollie Kirby was the guest ol ber sister Mrs. Ida Evans Tues day.—Well Thanksgiving is near at hand .again,' but sure we all s°-ould be thankful each day just a like. There will be manv families set down to a nice Thanksgiving dinner, composed of a baked turkey and pumpkin pies and many other dainties, and we should all be so thankful to know we are well and able to en-joy it.—Mrs. Jeny . Rash spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chailes Kirby.—Rev. Chas. Carmical of this place is holdiug a series of meeting at Sinking Valley.—Hog filling-is the drder of the day in part.

J. E. Mitchell STORE


Post Cha rges


I am still at the Green Front, with a full line of New Goods and prices

better than ever Children's Bear Skin Coats at $1.28 Men's Heavy Yarn Sox, pair 14c Men's Heaay Fleeced Under-

wear, per suit 75c Guaranteed No. \ Flour,

per sack 63c And all other goods at the very Lowest l'rices. 1 bny right and sell cheap, and if YOl I want

to save money, come to the Green Frou t .

' ' W e Stand By W h a t You B u y . "