berkeley police dept. documents regarding acquisition of an armored vehicle 1 of 2

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Documents received through a Public Records Act request, March 2012.


Page 1: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

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Page 2: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Nor{h GountyTactical UYorking


Talking Points for Armored Vehicle

o Background (Rat)o North Alameda County agencies formed together as a working groupo ldentified concerns commorl to all 3 agencieso Large incidents in one jurisdiction often impact the other jurisdictions

: S3if3tnat uc Berkerev

' ln progress crimes or warrant serviceso Funding already approved to get training in MACTACo We want to enhance our capability with an Armored Tactical lntervention

Vehicle, we feel would be a regional asset and has a nexus to terrorism.o

The Proposal (Adan).o Through UASI funding, purchase a Armored Tactical lntervention Vehicle

for use by the 3 agencies.o Sustaining costs would be shared by the partner agencies, as would

training and maintenance.o Because of its strategic position, the Armored Tactical lntervention Vehicle

would be a regional asset for use in SF, Marin and Contra CostaOperational Areas, as it is very close to each of these areas.

o Although there are agencies nearby who have similar equipment, they are

often in use. Plus, a call to another agency means they have to put theirpersonnel on it to drive it to our incident. Over a period time, thatbecomes a drain on the sending agency.

The product (Mike)o We are requesting UASI funding for a Lenco Bearcat.o The Bearcat is a proven armored vehicle designed to carry personnel and


o Our request can be found in the HS Responder Knowledge Base and islisted with a number and qualifying for UASI funding.

Sumrnary (Rat)o A tactical intervention vehicle staged in this part of Alameda County will

enhance the capabilities of the area and the region'o The vehicle will be positioned regionally, but maintained locally with the

goal to enhance the ability to disrupt, investigate and apprehend criminals.

Page 3: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2


Upson, Erik M.Wednesday, April 04, 201212:50 PMReece, XeUn A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L'; Reece, David K.;

Greenwood, Andrew, Ohlson, Lynne; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward;Andersen,Ryan M.; [email protected]; Durbin, Michael R.; Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric

Tejada; Daniel AdamsFW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation9266 BERKELEY.pdf

From: Jim Massery fmailto:[email protected]]Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:08 PM

To: Upson, Erik M.

Subject: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


Here is your official used Lenco BearCat Quotation.

We are very excited about the prospect of providing you a Lenco BearCat.

I promise you the vehicle will exceed your expectations.

All that is needed is for your depaftment to issue a Purchase Order on Agency Letter Head

referencing Quote Number 9266 and the Dollar Value of the Quote.

Upon receipt of an approved Purchase Order your Truck will be immediately added to ourSchedule.

NO DEPOSIT is required and payment is NOT due until AFTER you inspect and accept theBearCat.

Give me a call if you have any questions

Thank you again for this opportunity to assist you.

SincerelyJim MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles800-444-5362 ext, 114

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mailand any files transmitted with it may contain confidential, privileged and

proprietary information of Lenco Armored Vehicle! and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom

if'ey are addressed. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. lf you have received this e-mail in error please

notify the sender. This email may also contain technical data relating to a "Defense Article" within the meaning of the

lnternational Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR Part 120). The transfer or disclosure of this information to any non-U.S.

person or company without an jxport license approved oy ine United States Department of State, Direetorate of Defense

Trade Controls is prohibited under federal law.

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Ohlson, Lynne

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 9:A2 PMTo: Rateaver, AndrewCc: Adan Tejada; DanielAdams; Eric Tejada; [email protected]; Okies, Joseph; Hart,

Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; Curtin, Tom; Andersen, Ryan M.Subject: UASI Update: above the Line

Thanks to all of you who responded to this urgent request. We were able to turn things around andget UASI a quick answer. l, myself, was out on a snowfield 3 miles from the nearest anything whenmy email was UASI calling saying we could have $ 167,000 if we could make the purchasefor that amount. But we had like... hours to decide, before the monies were passed on.

Putting out the call, I got ahold of Tom, who put out the word.

ln the meantime, I was hearing back from Joe in Japan, Ryan in Hawaii, Alyson in Tahoe, Dave inVacaville... and many of you in places other than work.

Erik was able to get us a quote on the fly. lt is for a Bearcat, albeit a 2009 lease return. Don't know allthe details, but as soon as they become available, they will be passed on.

I updated UASI. Late word is our$167,000. is actually $168+.

So... Thank you everyone. Tom, Erik: good job.


On Apr 3,2012, al2.32 PM, "Rateaver, Andrewl' <[email protected]> wrote:

> UASI has $167,000 for us, as first up "below the line".

> Can we purchase an AV for this amount? I doubt it,

> Need to give UASI an answer soon. Like 24 hours.

> BPD has come up with a possible solution. Read next email. Advise me on what you think.

> Send me your feedback ASAP.

> Sent via tactical uplink, from Tahoe

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Ohlson, Lynne




Good afternoon:

Rateaver, AndrewThursday, March 29,201212:50 PMRateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; [email protected], Daniel Adams; MikeLarrickAlyson FJart; Reece, David K.; Okies, Joseph;Andersen, Ryan M.; Smith, Katherine; Galvan,Edward; Ohlson, LynneRE: UASI Advisory Group Meeting March 29,2012,9:30 am, 4985 Broder Blvd. Dublin, CA

No significant action was made today on ourr project. lt was important to be in attendance, if not just to see and hear

the process take place. But also, to show that we are committed to our project.

One thing we did discover was UASI erroneously removed "UC Polide" from our proposal, and inserted "Emeryville".

Adan, Ryan and I brought this to the attention of the Board and the.correction was made on the spot.

As Ryan and I were leaving, the Hub Coordinator took us aside and conveyed to us that funding still may yet be available.

He assured us that our position is solid, and we have a good chance of getting looked at as the first "below the line"

project. That is certainly a good sign. Other projects have not been so fortunate.

Thanks again for your work.

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Wednesday, March 28, 20tZ 7:06 AM

To: Adan Tejadai Eric Tejada; [email protected]; Daniel Adams; Mike LarrickCc: Alyson Hart; Reece, David K.; Okies, Joseph; Andersen, Ryan M.; Smith, Katherine; Galvan, Edward

Subject: FW: UASI Advisory Group Meeting March 29, 20L2, 9:30 am, 4985 Broder Blvd. Dublin, CA


This just came in late tast night. '

I have yet to do mone than bniefly scan it. . . but my finst impression is that our wonkinggnoup should have a representative at this meeting.

Right now, I am planning on attending, pending cleanance fnom Patrol

I throw this out to vou in case vou want to attend as we1l. Regandless, I will let the groupknow if thene ane any significant developments.

t'd L

- ----0riginal Message-----From: Houghtetling, Dennis, Sheriff Imailto:DHoughtellins(]Sent: Tuesday, March 27,2OL2 9:36 PM

To: [email protected]; McCammon, Bi1I, ACFD; Sean Fawell ([email protected]);Stephen Roderick; Lee Harris; Bruce Martin; [email protected]; Bynon Berhel(; [email protected]; Mike Bunton([email protected]); Pan M.D., Erica, PubIlc Health, DCDCP; Rateaver, Andrew; Mike Sena

Cc: Craig Dziedzi"c ([email protected]); Teresa Senata (teresa.serata{; Mary

Page 6: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Landers ([email protected]); Mike SenaSubject: UASI Advisory Group Meeting Manch 29,2OL2,9:30 am, 4985 Bnoder B1vd. Dublin, CA

East Bay Hub Subject Matter Experts,

As f mentioned at the East Bay Hub Meeting on Manch 19, the next step in the Hub PlanningProcess is for the UASI Advisony Group to review the proposals that were moved forward by theHubs. The Advisony Group Meeting is on March 29,201,2,9:3@ a.m., at the Dublin OES.

A11 proposals that were placed above the funding line by the Hub w111 be reviewed by theAdvisory 6noup. The Advisory Group may have additional questions negarding youn projects. Iwould like to invite those of you with proposals above the line to attend the meeting so youcan answer questions that may be asked about youn project. If you cannot attend, someone

familiar with your project may answen questions on your behalf. If no one is present torepnesent your pnoject I would be hapgiy to answer the questions the best I can, based on younpnoposals and the presentations you made to the Hub. The finst pnoject below the 1lne,(Armored Rescue Vehicle-Andrew Rateaver), NAy also be discussed by the group, therefore, theproposer of this project is also receiving this notification.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be attending the meeting, someone will be

attending the meeting in youn pIace, or if you would like me to addness questions regardingyour proposal.

N0TE: The Advisory Gnoup will be making necommendations regarding youn proposals to the UASI

Appnoval Authority at their meeting on April L2. You should al"so considen attending themeeting on April 12th to answer any questions that may arise duning the finalreview/discussion of the projects by the Appnoval Authonity.

Advisony Group Meeting

Thunsday, March 29, 2O!2, 9:30 a.m.

Alameda County Sheriff's Office OES

4985 Bnoden Blvd.

Dublin, CA



Dennis Houghtelling, CommanderAlameda County Sheriff's OfficeOffice of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Ce11 (514) 225-589L << File: Advisot'yAgenda 0329L2.pdf >>

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Ohlson, Lynne


Rateaver, AndrewWednesday, March 28,2012 7:19 AMOhlson, LynneFW: UASIAdvisory Group Meeting March 29,2012,9:30 am, 4985 Broder Blvd. Dublin, CA

My apologies: this should have gone to you as well....

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Wednesday, March 28,20lZ 7:06 AMTo: 'Adan Tejada'; Eric Tejada; [email protected]; 'Daniel Adams'; Mike LarrickCc: 'Alyson Haft'; Reece, David K.; Okies, Joseph; Andersen, Ryan M.; Smith, Katherine; Galvan, EdwardSubject: FW: UASI Advisory Group Meeting March 29, 2O!2,9:30 am, 4985 Broder Blvd, Dublin, CA


This just came in late last night

f have yet to do more than bniefly scan it... but my finst impression is that our workinggnoup should have a nepnesentative at this meeting.

Right now, I am planning on attending, pending cLearance fnom Patrol

f throw this out to vou in case vou want to attend as well. Regardless, I will let the groupknow if there ane any significant developments.


-- - --Original Message- - - -Fnom: Houghtelling, Dennis, Sheniff Imailto:DHouehtelling{Aalgev.!rg]Sent: Tuesday, Manch 27, TOLZ 9:35 PM

To: [email protected] McCammon,8i11, ACFD; Sean Fawe1l ([email protected]);Stephen Rodenick; Lee Hanris; Bnuce Mantin; [email protected];[email protected]; Byron Berhel(; [email protected]; Mike Burton([email protected]); Pan M.D., Erica, Public Health, DCDCP; Rateaver, Andrew; Mike SenaCc: Craig Dziedzic ([email protected]); Teresa Senata (tenesa.ser [email protected]); MaryLandens ([email protected]); Mike SenaSubject: UASI Advisory Group Meeting March 29,2012,9:30 am, 4985 Bnoden B1yd. Dublin, CA

East Bay Hub Subject Matter Experts,

As I mentioned at the East Bay Hub Meeting on Manch 19, the next step in the Hub PlanningProcess is for the UASI Advisory Group to neview the proposals that wene,movird forward by theHubs. The Advisory Gnoup Meeting is on March 29,20L2,9230 a.m., at the Dublin 0ES.A11 pnoposals that wene placed above the funding line by the Hub will be reviewed by theAdvisory Group. The Advisony Gnoup may have additional questions regarding youn projects. Iwould like to invite those of you with proposals above the line to attend the meeting so youcan answen questions that may be asked about your projbct. If you cannot attend, someonefamiliar with your project may answer questions on youn behalf. If no one is present torepnesent your pr oject I would be happy to ansulen the questions the best I can, based on yourproposals and the presentations you made to the Hub. The fir st pnoject below the line,

Page 8: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

(Anmored Rescue Vehicle-Andnew Rateaver), may also be discussed by the gnoup, therefore, theproposer of this project is also neceiving this notiflcation,

Please 1et me know as soon as possible if you will be attending the meeting, someone will be

attending the meeting in your p1ace, or if you would like me to address questions negardingyoun pnoposal.

NOTE: The Advisony Group will be making necommendations negarding your proposals to the UASI

Approval Authority at thein meeting on April 1"2. You should also consider attending themeeting on April L2th to answer any questions that may arise during the finalnevlew/discussion of the projects by the Approval Authority.

Advisor y Group Meeting

Thunsday, March 29,20L2, 9:30 a.m.

Alameda County Sheriff's Office OES

4985 Broder Blvd.

Dublin, CA



Dennis Houghtelling, Commanden

Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Advisory Agenda

Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Senvices CeIl (5L0 ) 225-5891 032912'pdt

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Ohlson, Lynne

From: Ohlson, LynneSent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 1:25 PMTo: Curtin, TomSubject: FW: UASI Working Group: New Meeting ScheduledAttachments: MACTAC ProposalAlameda County.docx

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Monday, February 27,20L211:28 AMTo: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsCc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected] Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; danno136@gmail,com; Upson, ErikM.; Durbin, Michael R.

Subject: RE: UASI Working Group: New Meeting Scheduled

New meeting time scheduled : Wednesda V 2l2g 1430 hrs. BPD Detective Conference Room

, The funding is there and will not expire. However, it would be in our best interest to

commit to scheduling.

UASI. We then work directly with the SSI to have the training.

Thank you.


From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Thursday, February L6, 2AIZ 4:22 PM

To: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsCc: Reece; Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M,; [email protected]; Upson, Erik

M.; Durbin, Michael R.

SubjecU UASI2/16 Update: Working Group

I want to thank you for your participation in this effort. I realize my update emails are lenglhy and certainly not

the only email you have to read. I am trying to keep them concise, and only send them out when I have several

substantial items to convey to the group. Thank you for being accommodating.

MACTAC Update:o As mentioned in the previous update: UASI funding for our MACTAC proposal has been approved.

UASI is pleased with our efforts and will be using us as a testimodel. If we are successful, they may see

if it is feasible to bring this training to the rest of the operational arealregion.

Page 10: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

. UASI has identified and approved a vendor for our use. They are Security Solutions lntemational (SS],based out of Florida. Joe Witty, one of the developers of MACTAC out of LAPD is associated with thisgroup, You may see more about their MACTAC program at the following website:

http ://www. hom elandsecuritvssi.comfmactac-active-shooter-train inH

o SSI is proposing the following format for our training:

' t Hold 2 of these four day classes training all 3 departments in whomever they wish tosend.

. We send our prospective instructors to this TTT class

. Note: these prospective instructors should have attended one of the first 4-day ciasses.

o See attached drafl contract.

o Action Items


The funding is there and will not expire. However, it would be in our best interest to

commit to scheduling.

UASI. We then work directly with the SSI to have the training.

Armored Caro The AV proposal was sent to the Hub Coordinator in draft form

o It needs to be tweak a little, but otherwise, we are on solid grand and the proposal reads the wayit needs to read.

o The deadline for submitt al is 3ll3l|2. Thatwill not be an issue for us.

. Realize this is a long term project, and we will be into 2013 before this really gets off the ground.

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. Ryan has done some outstanding follow-up with the Armored Group to address some of our concerns

from the last meeting. Please see his comments attached. See also two quotes from the Armored Groupthat reflect our concerns.

r Lastly on this issue, Ryan has gotten approval for us to Visit Napa, where the latest BATT was

delivered. We can make arrangements to visit Napa and see another version of a BATT if the group

f,eels we need to re-visit this issue.

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Ohlson, Lynne


Ohlson, LynneTuesday, April 03, 20121'.26 PMCurtin, TomFW: UASI 2116 Update: Working GroupSSI MACTAC ProposalAlameda County.docx; Comments from Ryan Andersen.docx; BATTby TAG JJ120213A.pdt 2-16-12.pdf; BATT S AP by TAc JJ12a2138.pdf 2-16-12.pdt

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Thursday, February L6, Z0L2 4:27 PM

To: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsCc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Upson, ErikM.; Durbin, Michael R.

Subject: UASI 2/16 Update: Working Group

I want to thank you for your participation in this effort. Ircalize my update emails are lengthy and certainly notthe only email you have to read. I am trying to keep them concise, and only send them out when I have severalsubstantial items to convey to the group. Thank you for being accommodating.

MACTAC Update:o As mentioned in the previous update: UASI funding for our MACTAC proposal has been approved.

UASI is pleased with our efforts and will be using us as a test/model. If we are successful, they may see

if it is feasible to bring this training to the rest of the operational arcalregion.

o UASI has identified and approved a vendor for our use. They are Security Solutions Internationat (SS|,based out of Florida. Joe Witry, one of the developers of MACTAC out of LAPD is associated with this

group, You may see more about their MACTAC program at the following website:

httn ://www.

o SSI is proposing the following format for our training:

. Hold 2 of these four day classes training all 3 departments in whomever they wish tosend.

. We send our prospective instructors to this TTT class

I Note: thesc prospeetive instruetors should have attended one of the first 4-day elasses.

. See attached draft contract.

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:-i--- I

,i .1

Curtin, Tom


Curtin, TomTuesday, April 03, 2A12 12:28 PMRateaver, AndrewREQUEST UPDATE


Ryan's on vacation in Hawaii. Okies is away in Japan. Who else has been working with you/Ryan re the armored car

project? Who's your "Plan B" person to contact a vendor? [f there's no one, let me know who the vendors are and l'll

try to make calls and proxy your solicitation for a StOZt< purchase. I hope there are specs already established....


Page 14: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

rtin, Tom


Rateaver, AndrewTuesday, April03, 2012 12:33 PMCurtin, TomRE: REOUEST UPDATE

Sent via tactical uplink

On Apr 3,2072, al12:28 PM, "Curtin, Tom" <[email protected]?.us> wrote:


Ryan's on vacation in Hawaii. Okies is away in Japan. Who else has been working with you/Ryan re the

armored car project? Who's your "Plan B" person to contact a vendor? lf there's no one, Iet me know

who the vendors are and l'll try to make calls and proxy your solicitation for a Sf0Zf purchase. I hope

there are specs already established....


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Curtin Tom



Curtin, TomTuesday, April 03, 201212:34 PMRateaver, AndrewRE: REQUEST UPDATE

l'm standing by for further direction. l'm happy to help, if I can.


From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Tuesday, April 03,201212:33 PM

To: Cuftin, TomSubject: Re: REQUEST UPDATE


Sent via tactical uplink

On Apr 3,2O!2, at L2:28 PM, "Curtin, Tom" <[email protected] > wrote:


Ryan's on vacation in Hawaii. Okies is away in Japan. Who else has been working with you/Ryan re the

armored car project? Who's your "Plan B" person to contact a vendor? lf there's no one, Iet me know

who the vendors are and l'll try to make calls and proxy your solicitation for a Sf6Zf purchase. I hope

there are specs already established....


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urtin. Tom


Curtin, TomTuesday, April03, 20122:07 PMRateaver, AndrewUPDATE RE REQUEST


Capt. Upson made some calls and his silver tongue got a commitment to sell/purchase a 2009 Bearcat G2 (4dr, 50 cal

rated, copula, lo-person capacity, running boards, intercomm, etc.) for S167K. lt's a lease-return vehicle currently withan undisclosed Fed agency, mileage unk at this time. Particular specs will be forwarded from Bearcat to Capt Upson


So, Capt Upson says, "Pioceed". Let's get the S and move forward (as far as we can, that is).

Advise ASAP of any issues/changes/dramas.

Tom/S34For Capt Upson.

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Rateaver, AndrewTuesday, April 03, 2012 2:34 PMCurtin, TomUpson, Erik M.RC: UPDATE RE'REQUEST

We need to check with allthe stakeholders, first. Before anything. This is not BPD money. lt belongs to 3 agencies. .

Let me find out what they want to do.

Sent via tactical uplink

On Apr 3,2AL2, at2:f,G PM, "Curtin, Tom" <[email protected]> wrote:


Capt. Upson made some calls and his silver tongue got a commitment to sell/furchase a 2009 BearcatG2{4dr,50 cal rated, copula, 1O-person capacity, running boards, intercomm, etc.)forS167K. lt's a

lease-return vehicle currently with an undisclosed Fed agency, mileage unk at this time. particular specswill be forwarded from Bearcat to Capt Upson tomorrow.

So, Capt Upson says, "Proceed". Let's get the S and move forward (as far as we can, that is).

Advise ASAP of any issues/changes/dramas.

Tom/S34For Capt Upson.

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Curtin, Tom




Rateaver, AndrewTuesday, April 03, 2012 9:02 PMRateaver, AndrewAdan Tejada; DanielAdams; Eric Tejada' [email protected]; Okies, Joseph; Hart,Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; Curtin, Tom; Andersen, Ryan M.UASI Update: above the Line

Thanks to all of you who nesponded to this urgent nequest. We were able to tunn things aroundand get UASI a quick answen. I, myself, was out on a snowfield 3 miles from the nearestanything when my email buzzed. It was UASI calling saying we could have $ L67,OOO if we couldmake the purchase fon that amount. But we had 1ike... hours to decide, before the monies werepassed on.

Putting out the cal1, I got ahold of Tom, who put out the word.

In the meantime, I was heaning back from loe in Japan, Ryan in Hawail, Alyson in Tahoe, Davein Vacavil1e... and many of you in places other than wonk.

Enik was able to get us a quote on the fly. It is fon a Bearcat, albeit a 2O@9 lease return.Don't know all the details, but as soon as they become availabte, they will be passed on.

I updated UASI. Late word is our$167,006. is actually $f6S+.

So... Thank you everyone. Tom, Erik: good job.


On Apr 3, 20L2, at 2:32 PM, "Rateaver, Andnew" <[email protected]> wnote:

> UASI has $1,67,0@0 for us, as first up "below the Iine".

> Can we purchase an AV for this amountl I doubt it.

> Need to give UASI an answer soon. Llke 24 hours.

> BPD has come up with a possible solution. Read next email. Advise me on what you think.

> Send me your feedback ASAP.

> Sent via tactical uplink, fnom Tahoe

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Ohlson. Lynne




Ohlson, LynneFriday, March 23,2A12 12:48 PMMcClellan, CynthiaFW: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting OutcomeEast Bay Ranking Sheet-FlNAL.xls


From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Friday, March 23,201211:30 AM

To: AdanTejada; EricTejada; DanielAdams; [email protected]; Mike Larrick;llart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;

Andersen, Ryan M.; Galvan, EdwardCc: Smith, Katherine; Meredith, Matt B.; Ohlson, Lynne; Louis, Jennifer A.; Wilson, Brian D.; Okies, Joseph

Subject: FW: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting OutcomeImpoftance: High

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members in the working group for their contribution to this

regional effort. Members from all 3 agencies worked hard on our proposals, and devoted a significant amount

of time to our cofftmon effort.

On Wednesday, March2l,Lt. Adams, Adan Tejada and I took the armored vehicle proposal and presented it tothe UASI Hu-b Approval Board. This board was made up of police and fire chiefs, an assistant sheriff,emergency management and other public safety officials. We were given no more than 5 minutes to state our

case. The North County proposal was one of 20 being presented.

Our proposal, however, did not make the funding cut. The East Bay UASI Hub decided not to firnd our

armored vehicle.

Although this is not the outcome we had hoped for, I am encouraged by some additional factors, as well as offline feedback I have received since the meeting.

First, our proposal was administratively sound. There were at least 4 proposals that were withdrawn or

disqualified even before they were presented. We were on solid ground.

Next, the EBRCSA radio system was slated to get $1 million right at the start. So, going into the process, there

was already less funding to be had for us, making the competition even tougher as there were fewer dollars

available. We previously did not know this.

Moreover, there was at least one other armored vehicle proposal made. They also, did not getting funding. Infact, most large equipment purchases that were proposed (fire boat, rescue caches, anything with wheels...) was

generally not funded.

What was funded appeared to be smaller ticket items. This is not the case in all respects, but is generally whatmy impression is. You may see for yourself in the attached chart.

What is significant to point out is: if there was a place for second best: then: WE ARE THERE. There is a

wait list or what UASI is calling "below the line". If additional monies are found, the north county proposal

will be first to receive that fiurding. The "below the line" proposals were ranked and we are first on that list.

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Ohlson, Lynne

From: Ohlson, LynneSent: Monday, April09, 2012 5:08 PMTo: Rateaver, AndrewSubject: Tentative: UASI Update

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Ohlson, Lynne



Ohlson, LynneFriday, March 23,20121'l:35 AMMeehan, Michael; Harris, Cynthia; Upson, Erik M.; Greenwood, AndrewFW: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting Outcome

From: Ohlson, LynneSent: Friday, March 23,20L211:35 AMTo: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams; [email protected]; Mike Larrick; Had, Alyson L.;Reece, David K.; Andersen, Ryan M.; Galvan, EdwardCc: Smith, Katherine; Meredith, Matt B.; Louis, Jennifer A.; Wilson, Brian D.; Okies, JosephSubject: RE: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting Outcome

Thanks for the update. I am sorry that we were not in the first cut but neither was our robot proposalthe first time we applied. We continued to attend the meetings and make our need known andeventually left over funding gelled to provide sufficient dollar amounts to support our request. Let ushope the same is true.Good job by all. Lynne

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Friday, March 23,20L211:30 AMTo: Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams; [email protected]; Mike Larrick; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;Andersen, Ryan M.; Galvan, EdwardCc: Smith, Katherine; Meredith, Matt B.; Ohlson, Lynne; Louis, Jennifer A.; Wilson, Brian D.; Okies, JosephSubject: FW: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting OutcomeImpoftance: High

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members in the working group for their contribution to thisregional effort. Members from all 3 agencies worked hard on our proposals, and devoted a significant amountof time to our cofilmon effort.

On Wednesday, March2l,Lt. Adams, ,A.dan Tejada and I took the armored vehicle proposal and presented it tothe UASI Hub Approval Board. This board was made up of police and fire chiefs, an assistant sheriff,emergency management and other public safety officials. We were given no more than 5 minutes to state ourcase. The North County proposal was one of 20 being presented.

Our proposal, however, did not make the funding cut. The East Bay UASI Hub decided not to fund ourarmored vehicle.

Although this is not the outcome we had hoped for, I am encouraged by some additional factors, as well as offline feedback I have received since the meeting.

First, our proposal was adininistratively sourd. There were at least 4 proposals that were withdrawn ordisqualified even before they were presented. We were on solid ground.

Next, the EBRCSA radio system was slated to get $i million right at the start. So, going into the process, therewas already less funding to be had for us, making the competition even tougher as there were fewer dollarsavaiiable. 'We previousiy did not know this.

Page 22: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Deruit thqftrclling, erunandeuAlameda County Sheriffs OfficeBay Area UASI Regional Training and Exercise ProgramOffice of Homeland Security and Emergency Services4985 B1oder Boulevard, Dublin, CA 94568Cell (510) 22s-s891


Page 23: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Ohlson, Lynne

From: Ohlson, LynneSent: Friday, March 23,2A1211:35 AMTo: Rateaver, Andrew, Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams; [email protected]; Mike

Larrick; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;Andersen, Ryan M.; Galvan, EdwardCc: Smith, Katherine; Meredith, Matt B.; Louis, JenniferA.; Wilson, Brian D.; Okies, JosephSubject: RE: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting Outcome

Thanks for the update. I am sorry that we were not in the first cut but neither was our robot proposalthe first time we applied. We continued to attend the meetings and make our need known andeventually left over funding gelled to provide sufficient dollar amounts to support our request. Let ushope the same is true.Good job by all. Lynne

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Friday, March 23,201211:30 AMTo: Adan Tejada; Eric iejada; Daniel Adams; [email protected]; Mike Larrick; Haft, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;Andersen, Ryan M.; Galvan, EdwardCc: Smith, Katherine; Meredith, Matt B.; Ohlson, Lynne; Louis, Jennifer A,; Wilson, Brian D.; Okies, JosephSubject: FW: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting OutcomeImpoftance: High

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members in the working group for their contribution to thisregional effort. Members from all 3 agencies worked hard on our proposals, and devoted a significant amount.

of time to our coilrnon effort.

On Wednesday, March2l,Lt.Adarns, Adan Tejada and I took the armored vehicle proposal and presented it tothe UASI Hub Approval Board. This board was made up of police and fire chiefs, an assistant sheriff,ernergency management and other public safety offrcials. We were given no more than 5 minutes to state our

case. The North County proposal was one of 20 being presented.

Our proposal, however, did not make the funding cut. The East Bay UASI Hub decided not to fund our

arrnored vehicle.

Although this is not the outcome we had hoped for, I am encouraged by some additional factors, as well as offline feedback I have received since the meeting.

First, our proposal was administratively sound. There were at least 4 proposals that were withdrawn ordisqualified even before they were presented. We were on solid ground.

Next, the EBRCSA radio system was slated to get $1 million right at the start. So, going into the process, there

was already less funding to be had for us, making the competition even tougher as there were fewer dollars

available. We previously did not know this.

Moreover, there was at least one other armored vehicle proposal made. They also, did not getting funding. Infact, most large equipment purchases that were proposed (fire boat, rescue caches, anything with wheels...) was

generally not funded.

What was funded appeared to be smaller ticket items. This is not the case in all respects, but is generally what

my impression is. You *ay see for yourself in the attached chart.


Page 24: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

What is significant to point out is: if there was a place for second best: then: WE ARE THERE. There is await list or what UASI is calling "below the line". If additional monies are found, the north county proposalwill be first to receive that funding. The "below the line" proposals were ranked and we are first on that list.

I have been told the board was impressed with our presentation and our proposal. They took note of the lowcost we were able to deliver and saw the importance of what we were asking for.

We did not win this round, but we are still in the game. We still may get some funding, if it is found.

In the meantime, we still have our work cut out for us. MACTAC is coming. We are in the process of getting

that training POST certified and will be working to get that scheduled. I will of course keep in touch with youwith any future developments.

From: Houghtelling, Dennis, Sheriff IDHoughtelling@acgov,orE]Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2072 4:22 PM

To: McCammon, Bill, ACFD; Stephen Roderick; Rateaver, Andrew; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected],us; Bruce Martin; Schnepp, Rob, ACFD; Houghtelling, Dennis, Sheriff; Pan M.D., Erica, Public

Health, DCDCP; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]'g; [email protected];; Lee HarrisCc: Craig Dziedzic ([email protected]); Serata, Teresa; Mary Landers ([email protected]); Blau, Jeff;McKen na, Kath leen;' kevin.jensen @sheriff'Subject: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting Outcome

This email is being directed to everyone who presented/submitted project proposals to the East Bay Hub Group on

Wednesday, March 2L, 2012. I would like to thank all of you very much for the time and effort you put into developingyour projects, The decisions for the voting members of Hub was very difficult. Every project submitted certainly wouldhave provided a valuable benefit to the Region. As many of us recently discussed, interoperability has been and

continues to be a very important priority for our Region, therefore, a significant amount of funding was earmarked forthat purpose.

I have attached a spreadsheet that outlines the East Bay Hub's recommendation for the allocation of the funding. You

will note on the spreadsheet that projects, not recommended for funding at this time, were ranked and placed below theIine for future consideration in the event additional funding becomes available.

As a reminder, the recommendations from the Hubs will be presented to the UASI Advisory Group at their meeting on,

March 29,2012. From there, the Advisory Group will make recommendations to the UASI Approval Authority on, April 12,

2fr12, and the ApprovalAuthority will make final decisions on how the funds will be allocated.




Thank you again very much for your valuable participation in this process.


Oerui,t thryfr*0hfury, eommandu.Alameda County Sheriffs OfficeBay Area UASI Regional Training and Exercise ProgramOffice of Homeland Security and Emergenc,v Serviees

4985 Broder Boulevard, Dublin, CA 94568Cell (510) 22s-5891


Page 25: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Ohlson, Lynne

From: Ohlson, LynneSent: Monday, March 12,20122:57 PMTo: Rateaver, AndrewSubject: RE: Monday Meet

I am waiting for a phone call and once I complete it, I will come looking for you. Or come in now and i

will kick you out when the call comes?

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Monday, March 12,2012 2:56 PM

To: Ohlson, LynneSubject: Monday Meet

Do you have any time to meet with me today/this afternoon re: UASI?

I have been told the timeline on the proposal has changed.... AGAINI And that what I put down needs to be re-

calculated. I would like your input. Deadline is tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.


Page 26: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew





Rateaver, AndrewFriday, March 23,201211:30 AMnJan'iejaOa; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams; [email protected]; Mike Larrick; Hart, Alyson

L.; Reec-e, David K.;Andersen, Ryan M';Galvan, Edward

S*itn, Kaiherine; Meredith, Matt B.;Ohlson, Lynne; Louis, JenniferA.;Wilson, Brian D';

Okies, JosephFW: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting OutcomeEast Bay Ranking Sheet-FlNAL.xts


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members in the working group for their contribution to this

regional effort. Members from all 3 agencies worked hard on our proposals, and devoted a significant amount

of time to our colnmon effort.

on Wednesday, March2l,Lt.Adams, Adan Tejada and I took the armored vehicle propbsal and presented it to

the UASI HubApproval Board. This board was made up of police and lue chiefs, an assistant sheriff,

emergency management and other public safety officials. We were given no more than 5 minutes to state our

case. The North County proposal was one of 20 being presented.

Our proposal, however, did not make the funding cut. The East Bay UASI Hub decided not to fi.rnd our

armored vehicle.

Although this is not the outcome we had hoped for, I am encouraged by some additional factors, as well as off

line feedback I have received since the meeting.

First, our proposal was administratively sound. There were at least 4 proposals that were withdrawn or

disqualified even before they were presented. We were on solid ground.

Next, the EBRCSA radio system was slated to get $l miltion right at the start, So, going into the process, there

was already less funding tobe had for us, making the competition even tougher as there were fewer dollars

available. We previously did not know this'

Moreover, there was at least one other armored vehicle proposal made. They also, did not getting funding' In

fact, most large equipment purchases that were propor"d 1fite boat, rescue caches, anything with wheels" ') was

generally not funded.

What was fi.xrded appeared to be smaller ticket items. This is not the case in all respects, but is generally what

my impression is. You may see for yourself in the attached chart.

What is significant to point out is: if there was a place for second best: then: WE ARE THERE. There is a

wait list or what UASi is calling ,lbelow the line'i If additional monies are found, the north county proposal

*iiiu" nrrt to receive that funding. The "below the line" proposals were raxked and we are first on that list'

I have been told the board was impressed with our presentation and our proposal. They took note of the low

cost we were able to deliver and saw the importance of what we were asking for.

We did not win this round, but we are still in the game. We still may get some funding, if it is found'

In the.meantime, we still have our work cut out for us. MACTAC is coming. We are in the process of getting

that training poST certified and will be working to get that scheduied. i wiil of course keep in touch with you

with any fut*" developments.

Page 27: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Pmtr*mg Orv Nfl trlrfi 5 DefenDers*

10 Bet[ Industrial Drive - Pittsfield, MA 01201PH {413) 443-7359 - FAX (4r 3) 44s-7865

Quotation 9098

QuotationDate: A2/07112Tax ID #: 04-2719777

WARNINGT Information Subject to Export Control lawsThe technical data in this document is restricted by theArms Export Control Act ftitle 22,U.5.C,5ec2757, etseq.) orthe ExportAdministration Actof 1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App.2401et seq. and which may not be exported, released or disclosed to non-U.S. persons [i.e. persons whoare not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents ["green card" holders]J inside or outside the United States, without first obtaining an ex-oortlicense. Violations of these export laws are subject to severe civil, criminal and administrative penalties






CE OF PROPOSAL - rt "ho""pricsrrcirttrrctoryyo[ ft rulhorircd to do tt sork I rpsili.d. Fnymrnt tix bc qrd. s


Please and returnThank You


Page 28: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Hart, Alyson L.



Meredith, Matt B.Monday, February 06,2012 9:17 AMRateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsReece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M., [email protected]; Galvan,Edward;Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Meredith, Matt B.

RE: UASI Zl2Update:AV-BerkeleyPDdiscounted(1 ).xlsx; BearCat 2A12 Price List.xlsx

USAI-GroupWe are set for the 1230 hrs Conference call with lim Massery, Government Sales Manager for Lenco/Bearcat. Jim sent me

the above attached bid, 30 minutes ago. I also attached the price list of additional options for the Bearcat so you can

compare costs. Please try and review, so we can ask Jim any euestions or concerns we may have.ThanksMatt Meredith #i02

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Monday, February A6,2012 B:09 AM

To: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsCc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,

Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Upson, ErikM.; Meredith, Matt B.

Subject: RE: UASI 2l2Update:

For today's meeting:

1L30: at BPD: multi-purpose room. I hope to have the Regional Parks BATT here, but it is out on an assignment now.

1,230: Conference Callwith Lenco: arranged by Matt Meredith

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Thursday, February 02,2012 6:14 PM

To: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; DanielAdamsCc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Haft, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,

Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Upson, Erik

M,Subject: UASI 212 Update:


Some concerns have been raised about the BATT being our primary choice for an AV. To that end, I want to re-visit the

discussion of our AV and re-evaluate what we have thus far.

What has recently come to light is some information that the BATT has been having problems in the field. Additionally,

when recently contacted, the makers of the BEARCAT, Lenco, said they may be able to offer us a competitive price for a

fully armored vehicle when compared to the BATT.

What I would like to do is discuss this further on Monday.

1}S Smt This is 1.5 hour"s later than origina!!y scheduled. The change of time will allow us to have a conference call

with Lenco. I am also hoping (hoping) to get both products


here: a BATT and a BEARCAT, so we can see them side by

Page 29: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Thank you for your indulgence. Please let me know if you can accommodate the change of time.


. From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Wednesday, February 0L,2AL2 3:09 PM

Tor Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; DanielAdamsCc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,

Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Upson, Erik


Subject: RE: UASI: Wed 217 update

I was able to get through to our Hub Coordinator todarT. Commander Houghtelling is with ACSO and the coordinator forthe Training and Exercise Group, in addition to being the POC for the Hub. He is up to speed on our project, and I see

this as a good thing. Based on my conversation with him today, here is some updated info:

We submit our AV proposal to the Hub, where the local staff vets our work. lt then goes to the Approval

Authority, a group representing the bay area. This group will verify that our proposal is "regionol and notredundant". The ApprovalAuthority then prioritizes all proposals, and submits them to Cal EMA in Sacramento,

for funding via UASI. As you can probably guess, there is a lot that needs to happen between now and then...

and our project may get low priority and not be funded until sometime in the future.

The new deadline for submission of our AV proposa I is 2/M. However, in talking with the Hub today, we should

stay on target and plan to have our proposal readv bu2l9. We don't have to submit it then, but if it is ready by

2/9,the Hub can take a look at it, and offer us feedback. We then have a few days to tweak it as needed. We

should stav on target for 2/9, best we can.

At this time, there are no meetings or presentations we need to be set for. Just the deadline ot 2/9 (for ZlMsubmission date).

The review of our proposal will done in April by the Approval Authority.

I am attaching the final draft proposal form we need to use for the AV proposal. lt is a Word document, so we

may enter data right on it.

: On the proposal form page marked 2, under "Equipment", the form asks about the This is a fitrnn login website called Responder Knowledge Base. We talked about this briefly on


Our Business Manager, Lynne Ohlson here at BPD has access to that site and has made a request of us. Director Ohlson

has requested that we contact 2-3 other AV vendors listecj on lhis site as comparison prociucts. Note that on this

website, the BATTS vehicle is listed. But it is not the only one.

Page 30: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

lClUtrlIrryffiEEffi.*i mEEIEilEm

P?"[cctiflil Oul Nittiou's Dcfe rrilrrrs"'

Effective Date: June 19, 2009BearCat & Procat Official GSA Net Price List w/ Option PricesLENCO CONTRACT # GS-07F-0390M . Contract End Date June 30,2012Schedule Number 084 SIN #426 58

ltem:a;n;o eeaicri (AwD, Ro_tating *J1cn; counter a4anced)

I q9 9!U1t ?trrnaeq rymor !:qye! E

94ion+Diq_sel E1gir1,e, Q1L Tqrbg

U ydraUltq .(q11t _Upg ra{q4lDoqr Configqrqllon (Re_qr Fllp S_ee!_q Includgd)

Lenco Does Not Collect County taxrotai Cosiortti tenCo a_earcai roe ae*etey, cR


Product #



,lerlVbnAM ,


GSA Ne! Prige-

$ 188,793.00






Q,18Q,00 I




le,vei q

4-Wheel DriveElectronic Shift on the Fly (Diesel)

Auto Transmission (6) Speed with Tow Haul Feature :

3 year Bumper to Bumper Limited Warranty on Chassis

State Depatment Armor Level E (with documentation)Defeats .30 Caliber AP Rounds and all lesser threats

All Windows Exceed NII IV, Defeat .50 Caliber and .30 Caliber AP, Slqte, Depqrtmqn! ArmorWindows 2.5 inches thick(66mm)All Doors, All Windows Overlapped with .5 inch thick Mil Spec Steel

Roof Hatch Operates with one Hand, Zero Gra';ity FeatureBlast Resistant Floor Material, Mil Spec SteelAberdeen Performance Tested, Minimum 36.8 degree side slope (with doqumentatlgn)Adjustable Height 19" Flush to the Floor Gunner/Sniper Stand(f i) Standard

-Gunports, Including t3) 7" Vertical Ports

Extra Wide Running Boards, Side and Rear, made of Mil Spec SteelRam Bumper with Locking Storage CompartmentFully Armored HoodNon Siip Tacticai Surtace on RooiPadded Bench Seats,, Solid Stell with Storage underneath40 Gallon Fuel Tank I

Armored Fuel TankTraditional Opening HoodFront Ram Bumper with Bumper Guards

Page 31: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

MultiBle Pull Points Front and RearFront and Rear HD Floor MatsInterior Tie OffsRear Door Flip-up ThresholdFront and Rear Area LED's (your choice of color)Front and Rear Area Wig Wag LightsRear Stealth Feature200 Watt Siren and PA(6) Interior Red & White Dome LightsCustom made Back Lit Panel ConsoleBattle Bolts on ail DoorsChemical Agent Resistant Coating Paint (S-Colors Flat Black, OD Grqen,4[_Gfg,efr',D,e-s_qrtTqr1,Forward Opening Front Doors with Lock Open FeatureRear Doors Can Be Locked Open at 180 or 90 DegreesNumerous Interior and Exterior Tie Down PointsOne Piece Side Walls5 lb Fire ExtinguisherTilt WheelCruise ControlAm/FM Radio, with CD PlayerCup HoldersFront and Rear CarpetingEmergency Exit Door-lock Overridef Z Volt Plug-in adapterTow Haul Feature with Compression BrakeElectronic Idle ControlDriver Seat Arm Rests

I - -- --j--iii.. .. ... . - .. :..ll:::- '-- !-







- -.,. ,- 1





Page 32: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2


Pltrteciiru1 Nrrtiou's Dcfc rilr.'.r.s ^'

Effective Date: June 19, 2009BearCat & Procat Official GSA Net Price List wl Option PricesLENCO CONTRACT # GS-07F-0390M - Contract End Date June 30, ZO12

Schedule Number 084 SIN #426 58Item:Lenco Bgqfqt (4WD, Rotating Hatch; Counter Balqnc.qd)

Y1q Gu!9!ill9 Ensme is Standard

,qq 9!at" q=pql1p-ell^II9f IsYqi E

,@, Diesel Enging, Q.7L T-Upq


. BC55003



GSA Net Price188,793.00

:BCDLEN 7,8:21 00313.00

4.65-q,99 l













i(2) lgar A19e Eleqqic FqtqAC-QE Poygi llvqtq 1,8!Q [{g!! wi Pe]tery _C-[argq Fgqtyle

;AC;DC P,ey_e1_Lnye_(9l E,9,0_0-!ve!_t V F,ellery Q.hargp Fea-!919

Back up Camqq Syqle1rt_WitJt MqnLlqtElectric Power Heated Mirrors

,Electric Power Winch (Qgletes Fplt Stor,qge Area,q1 Eqmp-er)

iElptotye Gaq,o-e,i-ej1ien-ay-item *

tl e_e]ed wi1lslteld UPgt-qq_eHlgh l!:rtq!si!y p1i_y119 _L!g[tg, in Frgq! B-urypqr

ln tel-c-q ry sr_sle fn ;_ Ufqi$_e, _t9 Qy !9 id e

llqqq4g U I S qpql ligct _Qq I u1e,

lnsiQq Sttach Pgi1tg

Center Moq4tqd Qg.nq[ 9e-?!Eg yvilh S,lqfage ] .

BearCat G4 Off-Road Pkg w/RunFlats/4-Drllg Tinted Windows/2-Rear Seats





3,0_09,qqe87_ ?_3-




e!5 00qq_?,q9

?5__6!9,0_0q,qzq- qqt9-ER4.D--





















?,.1!3 001,g4o,qq2,871.00










4.?50_ qq . $?,12E.q,q , $3.0!-5 go j $





1,q,Qg,_0_q2,q9{q02,924 9A




z,q_sq 0,Q

















29!?L0_4_0-, $6,9_q0.qq , $2,1!Q,19_ ,-$7,1Q0,,2:9 : $2,7q1,q0 i $7-910.!9-, $,q.17q.9?,- $

158.81 . $g_a1o o0 , $1,500.00 I $


$?.q_q9.0q I $ 2_,4_8_9,90

49r800:18 $ 41,665.00

Page 33: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

BCBMIGS $ 1,5!9 t8_ . $ 1,484_.qO

Miltery_9lylq_9*Upo_lqry/Ee[j_s_tjq WrlC_ow9 & ltlgchglicql_r!ryel $rs_!_em

1flqoq Jac! 3.5 Tons with Lug Wrench

1,9 upp ! elpr te! E! p g r Ai$ q /_B la qt sf

i e td LE e a! c et g c o N u 9)iBearCat VlP, SUV Pkg

I f n' efg"lqy E9qqpg {atch,_eCiicat MedEvac (4) Litter Pkg

iBearCat MedEvac LAPD TEMS Version

lBearCat MedEvac LASD TEMS Version

i Ls hUry-ersh! Aeqe! lt !.itlerqrTactical Fast Board

1 Bea pq! !o p Pkg{Rgbot Dqp! gyq e1t D99rn-1gck E Jlen s i o_n/,Ra i sed Roof

rfto11! ULC llvdlggltqEeP-q.! !i!u-,D__q!iveqy PLat!-qry4tvilqh__,. _

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i$ l,qz!.'2g.$l$ 20,715.16:$

$ aq,7ti qo i $


Work CounterlControl Station w/Swivel Seat/l.qq1bqr Sqppqf! ;ECWKCTSilgle Side Personnel Door wruuinoowlcrnporuAdl H[ Gunner Stano BCSSPD4-Channel DVR 160 GR 'BC4CHDVR

: B.iTFFLCD:E-c21vq_9Ys,Bq_qu_9I_uoN:BCCUSFIBR:aCCusfAia.E9PAt[I!,LrBCTELMAS

1 Zll Flqt Pe,ryel !_c,Q I o-a !l-q

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?q,qq0,qqz,!0_9,q0Q,QQ9 QO








$ 20,896.00 I $

Specifications Subiect to Change.

Page 34: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Hart. Alvson L.



Adan Tejada [[email protected]]Wednesday, February 01,2012 3:15 PMRateaver, Andrew; 'Eric Tejada'; 'Daniel Adams'Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M.;

[email protected]; Galvan, Edward;Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; 'SteveRoderick'RE: UASI: Wed2ll update

Rat,Excellent news ! I'11 work on the form and I agree that having Ed involved in the additionalvehicle questions makes the most sense, given the gneat wonk he's already done on the BATT

documentTha n ks,Adan

- - - - -Or"iginal Message- - - - -From: Rateaven, Andnew Imailto:[email protected]]Sent: talednesday, February 0L, 2OL2 3:09 PM

To: Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams

Cc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;Greenwood, Andrewl Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward;

Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Upson, Erik M.

Subject: RE: UASI: Wed 2/! update

I was able to get thnough to oun Hub Coordinator today. Commander Houghtelling is with ACSO

and the coordinator for the Training and Exercise Gnoup, in addition to being the POC for theHub. He is up to speed on oun project, and I see this as a good thing. Based on my

conversation with him today, here is some updated info:

. h]e submit our AV pnoposal to the Hub, where the local staff vetsour- wonk. It then goes to the Approval Authority, a gnoup nepnesenting the bay area. Thisgroup will venify that our proposal is "regional and not redundant". The Approval Authoritythen pr.ioritizes all proposals, and submits them to Cal EMA in Sacramento, for funding viaUASI. As you can pnobably guess, there is a lot that needs to happen between now and then.and oun project may get 1ow priority and not be funded until sometime in the futune.

. The new deadline fon submission of our AV pnoposal is 2/1'4-However, in talking with the Hub today, we should stay on tanget and plan to have oun

proposal ready by 2/9. hJe don't have to submit it then, but if it is ready by 2/9, the Hub

can take a look at it, and offer us feedback. We then have a few days to tweak it as needed.

We should stay on tanget for 2/9, best we can.

. At this time, there ane no meetings or presentations we need to be

set for. lust the deadline of 2/9 (for 2/L4 submission date).

The review of our proposal will done in Apnil by the Approval


Page 35: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2


. I am attaching the final draft proposal fonm we need to use forthe AV proposal. It is a hJord document, so we may enter data right on it.

. Attention: AV committee: On the proposal fonm page manked 2,under "Equipment", the fonm asks about the www.r' <> This is a FEMA

login website caIled Responder Knowledge Base. We talked about this bniefly on Tuesday.

Equipment List the equipment and the Authonized Equipment List number fnomthe <http: / /> website

Oun Business Manager, Lynne Ohlson here at BPD has access to that site and has made a request. of us. Dinector Ohlson has requested that we contact 2-3 othen AV vendons listed on this

site as comparison products. Note that on this website, the BATTS vehicle is listed. But itis not the only one. What I need the AV committee to do is to contact 2-3 of the othervendons listed and ask for a quote, just like we did fon the BATTS

- Adan: f am not able to send the RKB website info via email. Ionly have it hard copy. If I may, I would ask the BPD membens of the AV

committee: Ryan, Ed and Katie to have this assignment. I will put the hard copy info inyour boxes. A11 you wilt need to do is contact these other vendons and ask for a proposalsimilar to what we did on the BATTS. This needs to be done soon. I will let you decide who

does what vender, etc.

. I have requested a copy of a pnoposal that has alneady beensubmitted to use as a guide. That is forthcoming.

Thank you.

Our next group meeting is slated for 2/6, 1"t00 at the PSB.

Page 36: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

From: Rateaver, Andnew

Sent: TuesdaY, JanuarY 3L, 2Ot2 3:47 PM

To: Rateav"", nnd""*;-Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams

Cc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Oki6s, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L'; Reece' David K';

Greenwood, Andnew; ohlson, Lynne; upson, Erik M.;[email protected] Galvan, Edward;

Andersen, Ryan M.; dannoflO@gmai1'com; Upson' Erik M'

Subject: UASI: Tues 1/31 uPdate

Thank you for the meeting today' We are on track to get oun proposals completed '

As discussed: we are hampened with the factstate of flux. It changes from day to day'

that the information pnovided bY UASI is in a

Today' s meetings:

. The vehicle group has come uP

vehicle. At today's meeting there were

o EverYone: Please review the BATT S

any stakeholders. We want to make sure

with some good sPecs for oursome minor-adjustments, but we have a good start'

AP handout that was distributed withthat we have everyone satisfied with the specs '

.ThelssueofparkingcameUpasafundingissue.Perhapswesfroufa consider asking ior funding for a panking location'

o Mike, Ed and Adan/Eric: please check on locations (GGF, village' BFD

warehouse) to see if viable for parking

o Do we use an existing building? Build a new one (butler building style)?

Alarm access?

. PnoPosal PreP:

o Rat passed out the latest draft version of the UASr grant proposal fonm'

This form is what will need to be io*pr"t"a in order to ipply for the first responden

vehicle. Adan and Rat reviewed the document with the gnoup'rna aiuiaed up sections to work


Rat will tny and locate a completed form to use as a model

Page 37: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Hart, Alyson L.


Rateaver, AndrewTuesday, January 31,20124:41 PMHart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, KatherineOhlson, LynneSpecs for Proposed First Responder (armored) VehicleBerkeley PD BATT S AP REV BY TAG JJ120126A.pdf

Attached are the armored vehicle specs.

UC, Albany andour own people are recorrunending this configuration, to include a beefed up suspension and a

diesel engine.

I want to make sure you have reviewed this material and are aware of what we are doing.

From: Jeremy Johnson Imailto;[email protected]]Sent: Monday, January 30,ZALZ 7:00 AMTo: Galvan, EdwardSubject: Re: Quote #: JJ120119A - Berkeley, Ca.


Please see attached quote with the added options you requested. I did not break them out on this, but rather just added

them to the quote and made a final quotation with everything in. Please let me know if you need any further information.


Jeremy JohnsonDirector of lnternational OperationsThe Armored Group, LLC

817-332-4646 Office817-291.-4956 Cell

817-394-2499 Fax

From:'Ga lva n, Edward " <EGa lva n @ci. us>

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 04:26:29 -0500

To: Jeremy Johnson <ieremv@armoredca>

Subject: FW: Quote #: JJ1ZA1L9A - Berkeley, Ca.


Thanks for getting back to me last week on this via phone. Any luck finding me some "ball park" priced on these options?



Page 38: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

From: Galvan, EdwardSent: Thursday, January 26,2012 10:28 AM

To: ieremy@a rmoredca rs.iomCc: Galvan, EdwardSubject: Quote #: JJ120179A - Berkeley, Ca.

Hello Jeremy,

I was asked by Sgt. Rateaver to head up a work group to decide which AV vendor to endorse and provide a "firm" quote.

We were able to narrow the list to two vehicles yours/ and the "Bearcat".

The work group has selected your vehicle, for two distinct reasons:1. The interoperability of having the same vehicle as other agencies in the region, same model, same controls and theability for drivers to 'Jump" into any of the vehicles.

2. The larger cargo area, for personnel and equipment.

We were working off of your quote #JJ120119A. There are just a few options that we feel are needed to be added to thisquote:1. The diesel engine packaged

2. The suspension up-grade3. A 16,000 pound electric winch (which ever model/poundage unit your recommend)4. A tow package

Do you have an "options" cost sheet, that we could add or deduct from the quote,until while we figure out whatultimately go with? A rough estimate for now will be fine. We are on a pretty aggressive time line for this project (Feb.

09,20L2 ).

If possibte, could I get the revised quote or options price sheet by Monday Jan. 30th.

Thanks Jeremy,

Ed GalvanBerkeley Police Dept.Cell: 5i0-579-2L28egalvan@ci. us

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Rateaver, AndrewMonday, January 23,2012 9:29 AMDaniel Adams; Adan TejadaOkies, Joseph; Smith, Katherine; Reece, Kevin A.; Hart, Alyson L.; Eric Tejada; Ohlson,Lynne; Upson, Erik M.FW: BATT S AP QuoteBerkeley PD BATT S AP BY TAG JJ120119A .pdf

This is an armored vehicle quick quote I got from the Armored Group. The following specs are very similar to what otherIocal agencies have received or ordered, including HPD, Alameda City, EBR/Parks, and ACNTF. In fact, this is the vehicle

that was on display at the County Tactical Commanders meeting not too long ago. The manufacturer refers to it as the"bay area package" because most of his bay area business is ordering thls vehicle. The Armored Group also had thisvehicle on display at a UASI convention as an "asset" that might be bought using UASI funding.

I am sending this on to you as an example of the type of information and specs we will need in order to complete ourarmored vehicle proposal. I am NOT suggesting this is the vehicle for us.

Note also the proposal says BERKELEY, That is in name only.

From : Jeremy Joh nson Lieremy@a]Sent: Friday, January 2A,2AtZ L2:37 AM

To: Rateaver, AndrewSubject: BATT S AP Quote

Sgt. Rateaver:

Thank you for the call today. I have attached a quotation based on the units I have in your area and that are

currently ordered. As you will see, this particular BATT S AP has a lot of options and is quite the truck fo the

money. The BATT includes; .50 Cal Ball Ammo Protection, Run Flat Tires Inserts, 360 Degree Rotating

Turret, Multiple Height Sniper Step, Exclusive Flip Up Rescue Seat to allow entry/exit from side of vehicle, the

V Mux Computer system, Back Up Camera, full insulation package, large HVAC system, etc.

I appreciate the opportunity and I look forward to helping you with the procurement. If there is anything you

need, don't hesitate to contact me. If you need references, let me know.


Jeremy JohnsonDirector of International OperationsThe Armored Group, LLC817-332-4646 Office817-291-4956 Cell817-394-2499 Faxwww.

Page 40: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Hart. Alvson L.

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Tuesday, APril 03, 2012 9..02 PMTo: Rateaver, AndrewCc: Adan Tejada; DanielAdams; Eric Tejada; [email protected]; Okies, Joseph; Hart,

Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; Curtin, Tom;Andersen, Ryan M.

Subject: UASI UPdate: above the Line

Thanks to alt of you who responded to this urgent nequest. hJe were able to turn things aroundand get UASI a quick answer. I, myself, was out on a snowfield 3 miles fnom the nearestanything when my email buzzed. It was UASI calling saying we could have $ L67,AOO if we couldmake the purchase fon that amount. But we had like... hours to decide, before the monies wene

passed on.

Putting out the ca1I, I got ahold of Tom, who put out the word.

In the meantime, I was hearing back fnom loe in Japan, Ryan in Hawaii, Alyson in Tahoe, Dave

in Vacavil1e... and many of you in places other than work.

Erik was able to get us a quote on the fly. It is fon a Bearcat, albeit a 2009 lease retunn.Don't know all the details, but as soon as they become available, they will be passed on.

I updated UASI. Late word j-s our$L67,O00. is actually $t6g+.

So... Thank you everyone. Tom, Enik: good job.

Rat -

0n Apr 3,'2A12, at 2:32 PM, "Rateaver, Andrew" <[email protected]> wrote:

> UASI has '$L6t,000 tor us, as first up "be1ow the Iine".

> Can we purchase an AV for this amount? I doubt it.

> Need to give UASI an answer soon. Like 24 houns.

> BpD has come up with a possible solution. Read next email. Advise me on what you think.

> Send me your feedback ASAP.

> Sent via tactical uplirik, from Tahoe

Page 41: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Hart, Alyson L.


Rateaver, AndrewTuesday, April 03, 2012 2:33 PMAdan Tejada; Daniel Adams; Eric Tejada; [email protected]; Okies, JosephHart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.UASI update: Urgent

UASI has $'l,67,AOO fon us, as first up "below the lj-ne".

Can we purchase an AV for this amount? I doubt it.

Need to give UASI an answer soon. Like 24 houns.

BPD has come up with a possible solution. Read next email. Advise me on what you think.

Send me your feedback ASAP.

Sent via tacticaL uplink, fnom Tahoe

Page 42: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Hart, Alyson L.



Upson, Erik M.Wednesday, April 04, 201212:50 PMReece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;

Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson, Lynne, [email protected]; Galvan, Edward;Andersen,Ryan M.; [email protected]; Durbin, Michael R.; Rateaver, Andrew;Adan Tejada; EricTejada; Daniel AdamsFW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation9266 BERKELEY.pdf

From: Jim Massery fmailto:[email protected]]Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2AL212:AB PM

To: Upson, Erik M.

Subject: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


Here is your official used Lenco BearCat Quotation

We are very excited about the prospect of providing you a Lenco BearCat.

I promise you the vehicle will exceed your expectations.

All that is needed is for your department to issue a Purchase Order on Agency Letter Headreferencing Quote Number 9266 and the Dollar Value of the Quote.

Upon receipt of an approved Purchase Order your Truck will be immediately added to ourSchedule.

NO DEPOSIT is required and payment is NOT due until AFTER you inspect and accept theBearCat.

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Thank you again for this oppotunity to assist you.

SincerelyJim MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles800-444-5362 ext.114

CONFIDfNTIAI-l'1-\' NCTICE Thrs e-marl anci an,/ files transmrtted iviih ii rriay coniain coniidentiai, privlleged and

proprieiary information of Lencc rlrn:ored t/ehicies and are iniended solely for the use of lhe i:rdivtdiral or eniity io \,c/nom

they a;e addressed Any unai;thcrizeci use or cliscloslre is prohibited if yor-r have receii'ed ihis e-r"nail in error please

notify the sender This emarl mar; also contaii-: technicaldata relaling to a "Defense Ai"iicle" vrrith;ri ihe meanlng cf the

lnternatisnalTraffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR Part 120) The iransferorctisclosure of this infornratlon to any non-U S

pei-son or company urithout an expori iiiense approved by the Uniieci States Deparlmeni cf Siate, Directorate of D-^fense

Trad* Conirols is prohibiteC urrder fecleral iaw

Page 43: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Adan: I am not able to send the RKB website info via email. I only have it hard copy. lf I may, I would ask

theBpDmembersoftheAVcommittee: Ryan,EdandKatietohavethisassignment. lwillputthehardcopy info in your boxes. All you will need to do is contact these other vendors and ask for a proposal similar

to wfrat we did dn the BATTS. This needs to be done soon. I will let you decide who does what vender, etc.

o lhaverequestedacopyofaproposalthathasalreadybeensubmittedtouseasaguide. Thatis


. Our next group meeting is slated for 2/6,1100 at the PSB'

Thank you.

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Tuesday, January 31,20123:47 PM

To: Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams

Cc: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,

Lynne; Upion, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan. EdwardlrAndersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Upson, Erik


Subject: UASI: Tues 1/31 update

Thank you for the meeting today. We are orl track to get our proposals completed.

As discussed: we are hampered with the fact that the information provided by UASI is in a state of flux' Itchanges from day to day.

Today's meetings:

o The vehicle group has come up with some good specs for our vehicle. At today's meeting there were

some minor adjustments, but we have a good start.

o Everyone: Please review the BATT S AP handout that was distributed with any stakeholders.

We want to make sure that we have everyone satisfied with the specs. rf!

"io The Issue of parking came up as a funding issue. Perhaps we should consider asking for funding for a

parking location.o Mike, Ed and AdanlEric: please check

viable for parkingon locations (GGF, village, BFD warehouse) to see if

o Do we use an existing building? Build a new one (butler building style)? Alarm access?

Proposal Prep:

o Rat passed out the latest draft version of the UASI grant proposal form. This form is what willneed to be completed in order to apply for the first responder vehicle. Adan and Rat reviewed the

document with the group and divided up sections to work on.

o Adan will check with EBR to see if their AV was UASI purchased.

o fu!-willtry and locate a completed form to use as a model

Page 44: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Bearcato Our working group decided on the Bearcat'


t Please see attached quote (final)'

Bearcat Proposal (Pa$erwork)

o Adan provided us a good working draft for this proposal. Thank you.

o lhavetakenthedraftformandputitinto"UASl language". Notethat-inordertoqualifyforUASl,we

need to meet certain criteria and show among other things, regional need"nexus to terrorism ,

relationship to the 2012 UASI Strategic Goals and objectives and so forth' ,- --,1.^

o I have been in contact with our Hub Coordinator and reviewed prior draft forms that were submitted-

Based on that, I have completed a final draft on our group's behalf- Please see attached and review

Everything in red is new/added'

o lfthegroupisokwiththis"red"draft,thiswillbethedraftsubmittedtoUASl. Wehaveaboutaweek

to finalize this.

BATT vehicle

o Napa just took delivery of their new BATT vehicfe ,

' Attached are their comments I


Page 45: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

'{'rmored car rncar waq seni to the draft form. The AV proposal was sent to the Hub Coordinator in

o It needs to be tweak a little, but otherwise, we are on solid grand and the proposal reads the way

it needs to ftad.

o The deadline for submittal is 3ll3ll2. That will not be an issue for us.

o Realize this is a long term project, and we will be into 2013 before this red[ gets off the groundo

. Ryan has done some outstanding flollow-up with the Armored Group to address some of our concerns

from the last meeting. Please see his comments attached. See also two quotes from the Armored Group

that reflect our concerns.

o Lastly on this issue, Ryan has gotten approval for us to visit Napa, where the latest BATT was

delivered. We can make arrangements to visit Napa and see another version of a BATT if the group


Page 46: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2


r The Opportunity to rdquest funding for an armored car is here.o Due to funding carry-overs and other UASI financial resources, we have an opportunity to submit a

propoial for an armored car... now!o To do this, we would need to complete yet another UASI proposalform and submit itby 2/9. There

would be a follow-up oral presentation of the proposal as well... similar to what we to obtain theMACIAC trqthing. This is a fantastic opportunity for us with a short event horizon:

r UASI is taking proposals on a firm deadline. This is not some arbitrary date in the future.r We are already involved with UASI with our MACTAC proposal.r Our MACTAC proposal involves regional collaboration with APD and UC.

' This is a strong point when applying for funding for the armored vehicle. We'apply for tfrearmored vehicle with the other regionalagencies... we are more attractive to U{'$1.


o Action ttem: i:' ,

I Complete the FY 2072 Projeat Proposal Form, to include: mission areas; H.S. alignment strategy;Funding; lmpacts and Outcomes, Project Management: and Sustainment.

Page 47: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Obtain specs for the armored vehicle we desire:c We might consider the "Bay Area" package from the Armor Group. AG has supplied or

is delivering vehicles to several Alameda County agencies, including EBR, Napa, ACNTF,

Alameda City and Livermore. AG is already known to UASI'

I need direction on these matters. How do you wish me to proceed?

We owe our partners at APD and UCPD this information as well. However I am sending it to you for first perusal.

May I suggest that I call a meeting and invite interested parties and stakeholders? We also could then divide up the

work. The 2/9 deadline is fast approaching. lf we move on this, I think we are in a unique position to be successful'


Page 48: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

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i;y,Favorites . t&,


ffi${ffi Ent gr,m€*d #isp[*y Fmg*: &ffiL & SffiL{ Fre',r i12'lE-00.C:l,ilD,oir I tr:ve-ol-srf *l r,le:+ }

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Emeryency Opxra'rions Cenler {Eil[i frr:ar:r! Frngrani: Nn

Freight Raii Secur:it1 6,rant F'rr:gram {FRSGF}r l,Jo

lnterciry Eus $ecu:l.itr1firanli Frugram IlESfiFl; Ye,s

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Cirera tiotr StoneE a rden, fi rurE I Prod]ralrl (,UF,SG ),::'fle s

port Securiry Grant Frogranr {PSGPI: Yes

pLrllj,ic SEfetli lnfersp,flrfrblE" f,Bfiifitunjratirr,r+s {F SfCJ Grant Program: lnes

R*gion*l,f nfastr.opfric F,re p.a i:,edne ss S ffi rtt F rr:rg ra m ( RC F G F]: N o

$[ate t-lo,nreJsncl S,ecurity Pr*grtnt i$l'*sFIl Ye-t

Tra n sil S+eur-i t? G ra n,E F r-oqla rn (TSGP Jt l'.J q

Tritral tlr:urelunil See Ll$tY fir,nn[ Frr:"gram (-[H SSFJi YeB

Urban *re,ns $ec.ur;ily liritiative{U*$l) Frcqranl: Yes

Gran[ lJotesThis categorr inrludes special-purpr-rse vehicl*s flir tfie transFort ,-rf CBEf IE terrnrisnt resF0nse equipn"

tn the.incident site. Lil:ensing and registrslirn fees ale the resprtnsibilitt,rflhe jurisdiu-tisn snd,are no'l a,

From: Andersen, Ryan M.

Sent: Wednesday, February 29,2A12 3:47 PM

Page 49: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver. Andrew


Ohlson, LynneMonday, April 09, 20121:26 PMRateaver, AndrewRE: Confidential: BearCat Officlal Quotation

Anytime you are free, stop in

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Monday, April 09, 20L2 9:32 AMTo: Ohlson, LynneSubject: RE; Confidential: BearCat Official Quotation

May I meet with you... to review this new development? I am pretty much wide open.

From: Ohlson, LynneSent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 L2:52 ?MTo: Upson, Erik M.; Rateaver, AndrewSubject: Confidential: BearCat Official Quotation

We need to discuss the process that we are about to undertake. We must be very clear howlwho ispurchasing the vehicle. Please be mindful of the use of emails in disct-issions on this topic.

From: Upson, Erik M.

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:50 PM

To: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, -loseph; Haft, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,

Lynne; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Durbin, Michael R.;

Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsSubject: FW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation

From : Jim Massery [mailto :imassery@]Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:08 PM

To: Upson, Erik M.Subject: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


Here is your official used Lenco BearCat Quotation.

We are very excited about the prospect of providing you a Lenco BearCat.

I promise you the vehicle will exceed your expectations.

All that is needed is for your department to issue a Purchase Order on Agency Letter Headreferencing Quote Number 9266 and the Dollar Value of the Quote.

Upon receipt of an aporoved Purchase Order your Truck will be immediatelir added to ourSchedule.

Page 50: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

NO DEPOSIT is required and payment is NOT due until AFTER you inspect and accept theBearCat.

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Thank you again for this opportunity to assist you.

SincerelyJim MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles800-444-5362 ext. LL4

i;*ruf l*[t,ll"lAllTy N*Tl*il. Ti.ri* *-rrt*il *nrj *ny fii*s tr*;rsnij*1*s !./ilh it rrray c;&$l*in L:*nlidsttiii*i, priyii*Eed u*ti

;:r*pri*lar5r i*{o1rx*iir:* *i l-**c* Ar**r**j V*hi*i** arci sr* i*tei;el*tJ sol*iy i'*r ih* ilse oi ih* individu*} *r * wh*r,:

ii:*y or* arJr1r*g**rj. A*y;,rr';ai:th*i.i;*d us* *r *isel*sL;r.* i* pr*i-*rii:rt*r*. if y*u have r*r:*iv*d thi* *-r:"ixil it"r eri*r pir:x**

n*tit', th* scnri*r. "fhis enrrit r-n;ly *ls* c*r:t*iir i*i:hnir:aliiet* relnii*g irr a "ile{sns* Articl*" vriihin thr *:**ning i:fth*int*rnati*i:ri Trxffi* ii': Arr"*s ft*g}lalions 1?2 *fft F*ri 12*]. Th* t#rnsf*r +r clisci*s*;'* *t this i*f*irm*li*rl l* e*y n*;"r-U.S,

$sr,sc6 *r **rrrpfily v,:ithqr.r; *r"r Jxp*ri li**ns* *p:pr*v*r* i:y th* Unit*tl $txt*s il*p*rirn*nt *f Si*t*, ilir**t*rate *t **l*tts*'lr*d* C**tr,tls i* pr+hibii*rJ *n<J*r i*rlet*! law,

Page 51: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

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Protech lllrnta Vehicles7 General

M an ufacturer Lenir Armored Vehicles Armor Holdings The Armored Group, LLC

Model Number 8C55003 Protech Manta Vehicles BATTPart Numbor 8C55003

Availabllity Notes

contact manrracturer for Contact manufacturer Contact Manutacturer

Product Dimensions 20 x8x 10 feel

Weight 16.5001bs

lnformation Provided By Lenco Armored Vehicles10 Betnr lndustrial OrPiltsfield, Massachusetts 01 201UNITED STATESEmai I : iitrj@le!@AltrgrcqrqWEbsite: !Au!!gl AflIggElEsB

Deiense Technologies3120 E Mission BlvdOntario, California 91761UNITED STATESEmail: l@B@g!q.949ldjrssj9r8WebBite: htto://

The Armored Group LLC221 W Lancaster AveFort Worth 76102Email: CdgelAaE[gteslgeEjq@Websito: h!!pJ trww.swaLygblt l99-Q9E

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Welcome, Lynne

.ffi,lncident R€soont Vohlcle - MARSHALL


v Gsnoral

Manufactlrer Armored Solutions, lnc GBneral Purpose Vehicles (GPV) General Purpose Vahicles (GPV)

Model Number TK.4 MARSHALL 6X6X6 SERGEANTPart Number

Availability Manufactured on demand

Availability Notes Manufactured on demand Available Now! Available Nowl

MSRP $'185,250.00 Base Price Contact Manufacturer Contact Manufacturer

Product Dimensions 20'Lx8.25'Hx8'W Short 22:3' (L) 9L '1' (H) 8'- 6' (W 24',4" (L) 8'6'.(H)Weight 't8,000 rbs (Curb:) Short 34,000 lbs / Long 44,000 lbs Curb \ bight 24,600 lbsPointofcontact Gailv. Lighi

lnformation Provided By Amored Solutions lnc20 Keeler StPittsJield, Massachusetts 01 201UNITED STATES

General Purpose Vehicles (GPV)31291 Comcast DrNew Haven, Michigan 48048UNITED STATESEmail: [email protected]: WWWGPV.COM

General Purpose Vehicles (GPV)31291 Comcast DrN€w Haven, Michigan 48048UNITED STATESEm.ll:gpgagre@Wabslte: VvVr/W.GPV. COM

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Lynne Ohlsonl LoGoUT

Fnsdatet eompan6som

Ballistic Amorcd T.c{ic8l Transoort XL -BATT XL

v General

Manufacturer Dolmen Corporation Amored Solutions, lnc The Armored Group, LLCModel Number TRAC41 BATTXLPart Number BATTXL

Manufaetured on demandAvailability Notes Depending on lhe configuration and installad

equipment, but in most cases with 34 weeksARO (afier receipt of confirmed order)

Contact Menufacturer

MSRP Depends on configuration $185,250.00 Base Price Contact ManufacturerProduct Dimensions 12'1" L X 69" WX 91"H 20'Lx8.25'Hx8'WWeight 16,000 lbs (7300 Kgs) 18,000 tbsPoint of Contacl GailV. Light

lnformalion Provided By Dolmen Corporalion216 Broome Corporate ParkwayConklin, New York 13748UNITED STATESWebsite: ffi .

Armored Solutions lnc20 Keeler StPitisfl eld, Massachusetts 01201UNITED STATES

The Armored Group LLC221 W Lan€stAr Ave Suite 12002Fort Worth, fexas 76102UNITED STATESEmail: odoar(Oarmoredears.mmWcbait3:

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Results for Search String: "armored" AND "vehicles"

(ALL - 8s)


Result(s) 1 - 24 of 24


DisPlaY: 35

. Dolmen CorporationT'l The T.R.A.C. fl is a multifunctional, very versatile, amored tactical response vehicle

offering rsponders protection in numsrous dangerous situations. Dolmen is aboutsaving and safeguarding life

- Armored Solutions, lncTK4 is a tactical rBsponse vehicle for law enforement and government dgencies builton a Ford F-550 chassis and armored to NIJ Level lV. Standard equipment include4x4 for rugged terrain and 360' rolating tutret.

Biltistic Armored Tactical Transoort XL - BATT XL - The Armored Group, LLC.Ballistic Armorcd Tactical Transport XL (BAfi Xt) is an armored, tactical, and rescuevehicle built in the USA and designed for polie and military use.

- The Armored Group, LLCThe Rapid Deployment Vehicle produced by The Armored Group s€rues as a mobilemmmand post and a launch pad for taclical operations.

: - The Operator's Choicefor Tac6cal lnnovation (OCTI)

The ASRV FIST is a retrofitted and customized Ford E350 HD Van with advancedpatented ballistic technology capabla of penetrating any standard double door systemallowing immediate respons€ to an A6{ive Shootgr incident.

- General Purpose Vehicles (GPV)

The GPV vehicles are designed, developad, and manufactured as a system of variantscovering the nseds of the military, homeland defense, law entorcement, disasterresponse, fire, search & rescue, and emargency '5iEt responder" requirements.

lncidsnt Rasoonse Vehicle - SERGEANT - General Purpose Vehicles (GPV)The Sergeanl 4x4 enables law enforcement to respond quickly, safely, and efieciively tocritical situations involving special responss interyention, hazardous materials, NBCthreats, search & rescue, and homeland security.

; L€ncoB.E.A.R. -LencoArmoredVehiclesThs L€nco B.E.A.R. is a CBRNE lncident Response Vehicle.

Lenco Bearcat - Lenco Armored vehicles {

The Bearcat is a CBRNE incident response vehicle. tProtech Manta Vehicles -Armor HoldingsThe Manta Riot Contrcl Water Cannon is protecled from high powered rifle fire uP to andincluding the 7.62 NATO round. lt is equipped with a 2,000 gallon water storage tank andcan produce approximately 250 lbs. or pressure.

31ft Mobile Command - Mobile Concepts by Scotty31 foot long mobile command trailer wilh 2 work stations

T35ft Communitv Policino Trailer & Work Station - Mobile Concepts by Scotty35 foot long cbmmunity policing unit (trailer) with fingerprinulD area and computer workstation.

d .

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- Mobile Concepts by Scotty35 foot length community policing unit (trail€r) with galley, bath and fingerprinvlD. Usedto builC public awareness and promote safety lesscns to lhe comriunity. Mobileclassroom.


35 foot length mobile command trailer- Mobile Concepts by Scotty

- Mobile ioncepts by Scotty35 foot long mobile command trailor with 4 work slations

36ft Mobile Command - Mobile Concepts by Scotty36 foot length 5th wheel mobile command trailer with 3 work stations

- Mobile Concepts by Scotty39 foot length mobile command trailer with 4 work stations and 4 roomsroom, work room, galley and bathroom.




r*.! -Eal


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Page 55: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew


Jim Massery [[email protected]]Tuesday, April 10, 20121:23 PMRateaver, AndrewRE: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


The only place you will be able to go to see it is at Lenco.

Is it at a classified DoD Nuclear Weapons facility that does not permit visitors of their force

protection equipment.

Once it is put on our schedule, after it arrives here, you can expect turn around in approximately90-120 days.


From: Rateaver, Andrew Imailto:ARateaver@ci',us]Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 3:04 PM

To: Jim MasserySubject: FW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


Once we added the truck to your schedule, what is the turnaround time for the vehicle to be ready for delivery?

From: Rateaver, AndrewSent: Tuesday, April 70,201211:36 AM

To:'[email protected]'Subject: FW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


Where would we need to go to have a first-hand look/inspection of this vehicle? Can you advise?


From: Upson, Erik M,

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:50 PM

To: Reece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Haft, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.; Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson,

Lynne; [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected]; Durbin, Michael R.;

Rateaver, Andrew; Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel Adams

Subject: FW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation

From: Jim Massery [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: B/ednesday, Apri! 04, 2012 L2:08 PM

To: Upson, Erik M.

Subject: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation

Page 56: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2


Here is your official used Lenco BearCat Quotation.

We are very excited about the prospect of providing you a Lenco BearCat.

I promise you the vehicle will exceed your expectations.

All that is needed is for your department to issue a Purchase Order on Agency Letter Head

referencing Quote Number 9266 and the Dollar Value of the Quote.

Upon receipt of an approved Purchase Order your Truck will be immediately added to ourSchedule.

NO DEPOSIT is required and payment is NOT due until AFTER you inspect and accept theBearCat.

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Thank you again for this opportunity to assist you.

SincerelyJim MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles800-444-5362 ext. 114

i:#Nf:l,f i:l"jTl&i tTY l{{iTi{::ilr Tii!i; *-fi'':*il *nd snV lils,: ir":nsryirderJ ,*ith ii ffi*y c*t":tain l*riiidentia!, ;:rivilegod t*rIsrrjil*si.pi:, infarrnaii*n r:f L*n** Arm*rrrj '*'*hjcl*s *r"rii *i-r lnt*nd*iJ so1*ly f*r th* tts.; o{ thr* indiiiitiual r:r cntity i* tuitolii

ii,*y *r* eilijr**s*<j. Any i"r*;l*iiir:rir*ij us* or di**i*si.irt* i* *rr:hrhli*d. if yr93 hav* i's**irr*d ti:is *-maii in r:ii*l- piees*

nriti, il:* **i":r;1*r. This *r"r"rrli rrri:y *is.* cr:*;aiir l**hni**i dnt* r*iating t+ il "ii*fens* ,s\r"tisi*" withln ihe i'n*itnin6 *i th*

ii:tern*i!*r.:*tTr,*fiir i* Arr;s lt*gll*ti*n* i?2 Cf e I);rii i2*i. Ti:* ti;lt"'is{*:t *i,iisc}q:sili* *f thi* inf*rn"*li*n tr} *r:y ron-i}.$

ix.1r:i*n *r {:omi:s1y wirh**l a* i>rp*rl lt**ilsf ap:pr*'.red il\r th* tJ*ii*ci $iL:};rs D*:p*rtr"l*nt ol $tat*, ilii**ior*t* *f Scf*ns*y--. -j... r* - ^,-a : - ;.",,.^r

I ii:it*,j i, ;:1j-r: f 3" jn1;il !.i,.r.,l,1rlrij L,r,ri .I: r,i::,: i-jrJl 1rl,'r1;!'.jiir.lU. Ii;ir-r: j:i, !:i,

Page 57: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew


Andersen, Ryan M.Tuesday, April 03, 2012 4'.37 PM

Rateaver, Andrew

Sgt Rateaver, I got your message shortly after I landed in Hawaii. The only number I have available to me here

is for Armored group. I can call futa tomorrow to get Lenco's contact info. I spoke with Jeremy from Armored

Group briefly *a fr. deflnitely thinks that is a number we can work with. He will send me our old quote as well

as the quotes he gave for Alameda and National City which were both around 167,000.

The question becomes if the city, or cities, are going to come out of pocket to cover freight and taxes which is

about $15,000 or if that has to be apartof the uast money. If it helps, I would be willing to drive the vehicle

back which means the city would have to cover fuel and time'

once I review the quotes from Jeremy I will forward them to you for your review before I speak with him' Feel

free to contact me any time' My cell phone number is

Thank you,


Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!


Page 58: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew


Andersen, Ryan M.

Monday, February 06, 2012 2'.23 PM

Rateaver, Andrew; Galvan, EdwardLenco

rl ? sa =t& rct= i&q=2012% a ideo wlwAA&url=

.comYo2F Tc WLa

2 hAw&use=AFQ iCN Gzl 3 PJ H irB M bx3 Btr-q rlwSVb lfte

As you can see in the video above, the crew compartment of the Lenco is coNSIDERABLY smaller' You do not get a look

at the actual crew compartment, but this combined with the Leno video Matt sent out gives you an idea of the confined

space compared to the BATT. The Lenco rear side windows are behind the operators heads where in the BATT the

windows are above the head. Not only is there room for less people in the Lenco but there is less headroom as well' The

crew compartment roof is about head levelwith a helmet on, where the BATT had ample headroom and crew

movement space. While I completely appreciate tried and proven equipment, and take comfort in knowing what a

Bearcat will do under fire, I do not think a BATT should be thrown to the side. I think it is worth reconnecting with BATT

to answer the questions about glass thickness, about serviceability (o.r upgradeability) of the turret bearing and upping

the armor on the engine compartment. ultimately whatever we get is better than what we have. I iust find it difficult to

be outside and be so impressed by a vehicle and hear such positive feedback from an end user which included feedback

from other agencies that are Lenco users just to turn around and come inside and vote Lenco. when it comes down to it

I am happy with either vehicle and am more than willing to drive either vehicle into a mission, ljust do not see that the

decision is so clearly one over the other'

Just my two cents.

Thank you,

Ofc. Ryan Andersen #4

Crime Analyst - OfficerBerkeley Police DePa rtmentI nvestigations Division

2100 M.L.K,, Berl<eleY, CA94104

Office - 510-981-5758

Cell- 916-826-0063

Email - [email protected]'

Page 59: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver Andrew



Rateaver, AndrewThursday, February 16,2012 4:22 PMRateaver, Andrew, Adan Tejada; Eric Tejada; Daniel AdamsReece, Kevin A.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L.; Reece, David K.;

Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson, Lynne; Upson, Erik M.; [email protected]; Galvan,

Edward;Andersen, Ryan M.; [email protected], Upson, Erik M.; Durbin, MichaelR.UASI2/16 Update: Working GrouPSSI MACTAC ProposalAlameda County.docx; Comments from Ryan Andersen.docx; BATT

by TAG JJ12O213A.pdf 2-16-12"pdl; BATT S AP by TAG JJ120213B.pdf 2-16-12.pdt

I want to thank you for yoq participation in this effort. Ireahze my update emails are lengthy and certainly not

the only email you have to read. I am trying to keep them concise, and only send them out when I have several

substantial items to convey to the group. Thalk you for being accommodating.

MACTAC Update:. As mentioned in the previous update: UASI funding for our MACTAC proposal has been approved'

UASI is pleased with our efforts and will be using us as a test/model. If we are successful, they may see

if it is feasible to bring this training to the rest of the operational arealtegion.

. UASI has identified and approved a vendor for our use. They are Security Solutions International (SSf,

based out of Florida. Joe Witty, one of the developers of MACTAC out of LAPD is associated with this

group, You may see more about their MACTAC programatthe following website:

. SSI is proposing the following format for our training:

. Hold 2 of these four day classes training all 3 departments in whomever they wish to


r We send our prospective instructors to this TTT class

. Note: these prospective instructors should have attended one of the first 4-day classes.

. See attached draft contract.

o Action Items

Page 60: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

The funding is there and will not expire. However, it would be in our best interest to

commit to scheduling.

UASI. We then work directly with the ssI to have the training.

Armored Car

-. The AV proposal was sent to the Hub Coordinator in draft form

o it needs to be tweak a little, but otherwise, we are on solid grand and the proposal reads the way

it needs to read.

. The deadline for submitt al is 3113112. Thatwill not be an issue for us.

. Realize this is a long term project, andwe will be into 20i3 before this really gets off the ground.

. Ryan has done some outstanding follow-up with the Armored Group to address some of our concerns

from the last meeting. please see his comments attached. See also two quotes from the Armored Group

that reflect our concems,

r Lastly on this issue, Ryan has gotten approval for us to visit Napa, where the latest BATT was

delivered. We can make arrangements to visit N apa and see another version of a BATT if the group

feels we need to re-visit this issue.

Please let me know if you are available to meet on Thursda y, 2123,1000- t 200

Page 61: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

To: Rateaver, AndrewSubject FW: RKB Listing for BATT-S

Sgt. Rateavert

I spoke with the A,rmored group and confirmed that they are on the FEMA list, See the link below. They are apparently

listed under the same vehicle type as the Lenco. Hope this helps'

Ryan Andersen #4

From: Edgar P. McGauley Imailto:edgar@armoredcars,com]Sent: wednesday, rebruary zs, iOti Zr++ prq

To: Andersen, RYan M.

Cc: Jeremy JohnsonSubject: RKB Listing for BATT-S

Mr. Ryan Andersen,

The FEMA SEL number for our armored vehicles is 12VE-00-MISS. I have provided a link to the RKB listing

below. If you require anything else, feel free to give me a ring.


Stay Safe,

Edgar McGauleyContract ManagerThe Armored GrouP, LLC'+ 1 .8 1 7.458 .8244 Mobile+1.817.332.4646 Offrce+1.817.394.2499 Faxe ds-ar @ anno redc ars. c o m

www.armoredcars.comr.vww. swat-vehicles. com

GSA Schedule Contracts:GS-07F-9375SGS-30F-0020w

Page 62: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew


Rateaver, AndrewMonday, Marcfr fi,2A12 2:41 PMAdan Tejada; Mike Larrickdannol3'[email protected], Daniel Adams; Eric Tejada; Andersen, Ryan M.

bearcatiinal quote.doix; East Bay Hub Agenda 3-21-12 (2).doc; AV Proposal 3-21 Talking

Points.docx; Armored Vehicle proposal final.doc

ACSO OES 4985 Broden 81. Dublin

Let's meet in the OES Parking lot at 0830 to review our pnesentation

With the paperworl< done, and the research submj-tted, our final step in this process will be

an oral presentation regarding our proposal to obtain UASI funds for the purchase of an

armored vehicle.

Right now, I am scheduling Adan, Mike and I to make the pnesentation. Here is the plan:

. Location:

. Prep:

o presentation: See attached "talking points" sheet. The actual meeting starts a

OgO0. tale could be called at any time after O9AA, and will need to be ready to go- oun

presentation is should be about 3-5 minutes. After all the presentations are done, we

Ieave the room, while the UASI approving team votes. I have made tentative assignments

as follows:

o Proposal Background (Rat)o Proposal Details (Adan)o The Product Specs(Mike)o Summany (Rat)

These are tentative assignments. Let me know if you are not comfortable with anything.have attached the relevant material, I think.

Uniform of the day: Patrol Blues. I think we would make a better impression if we had

our unifonms on, and showed the 3 agencies wor king together...

I hope this makes sense. If we meet out thene at 0830, that gives us 30 minutes to go over

.the material. If you want to meet soonerr or even tomorrow to review, that is of course,

fine. It is betten we have a tight presentation.

Let me know if you have questions

Page 63: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew


Andersen, Ryan M.Thursday, March A1,2012 6:41 AMRateaver, AndrewFW: RKB Listing for BATT-S

Additionally, their RKB number is; L2vE-00:Mlss. I did a Google search on that number and it brought me to a screen

that had a tab for grant availability. See below. ls this what you were looking for?


Page 64: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

' Protffiin1orrNatfrr#sDafeldsrsil

l0 BeEr Indutrial Drive - Pissficld, MA 01201PH (4 l 3) 443 -73se - FAX (413) 44s-7 86s

Quotation 9266

Quotation Date: 04104/12Tax ID #: 04-2719777


Berkeley Police Department2100 MLK WayBerkeley- CA947A4

Estimated Completion Date:TBD

F.O.B.: DestinationShin Vi* Common Carier

Pavment Ter&s.' Lenco Does Not Collect Tox or Resister Vehicles with DMVInspection & Acceptance: At Lenco Factory, Pittsfield, MA

Terms and Conditions: Net 30 Days -- Transfer of Certificate of Oriein Upon Receipt of Payment

Item: Product# ItslIflgp_$149,000.00

US Statg pgp?ftnp_!{..A11t91 levet EOsflons:

AEo includec &e fiollowinq items alreadv on 2fi19 BearCat_ w-gp- Atoul! EgtUUg F_qarCS

llilEly-gspele v$! Pintel,tlps:t! -3600 Watt Power lnverterRearAC/HeatHeated Wndshield

_Up-g@g_Etpnt-an_o-_B_e{_QeglS_bvLegacyw[f r.S1p*$9-q19

Run Fld Tires

Seat Belts on Rear Bench Seats

_Ex!rs"rnsJleat.Beavsrrrel*ssra_qe.r-.::q:::::o*.'r*'-ea'ls: -_-_ _ , _. --_sei9s.,..r1_,_ _-_ .

YARNING Infrrmation Subtect to Erryoft CotrEOI Lawshe echnical data in tfiis document is restricted bythe Arms Export Controt e* lfiite 22, U.S.C., Sec 2751, et seq.) orthe ExportAdminisEation Actf L979,as amended Title 50, U.S.C., App.Z40letseq. and which may not be orported released or disclosed to non-U.S. persons [i.e. persons whore not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents ["green card" holders]] inside or outside the United States, without first obtaining an export:ense. Violations of these export laws are subject to severe civil, criminal and administrative penalties.




IT IS SUB.'ECT TO CHANGEWTIIOUT NOTICE{CCEFTANCE OF PROPOSAL - rr".u* r*B rn tcly reptad. Yor llt rBthqiad to do tic writ rr rprcdficd. Pryncot rill hr odc uulfiocd rbocl --rL ^J-^ J1UI!rUTU'EU


Please and refurnThan* You


Page 65: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Subject: Lenco BearCat Official Quote for Berkeley PD

Here is your official Lenco BearCat Quotation.

We are very excited about the prospect of building you a brand new Lenco BearCat.

I promise you the vehicle will exceed your expectations.

AII that is needed is for your department to issue a Purchase Order on Agency Letter

Head referencing Quote Number 9098 and the Dollar Value of the Quote.

Upon receipt of an approved Purchase Order your Truck will be immediately added toour Build Schedule.

NO DEPOSIT is required and payment is NOT due untilAFTER you inspect and accept

the BearCat.

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Thank you again for this opportunity to assist you.

SincerelyJim MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles800-444-5362 ext. 114

NOTEl: A separate security/procurement advisory will be sent following this email.

NOTE 2'. The Lenco BearCat we will provide you will also include the following items

below at no additional cost to Berkeley PD.

Page 66: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Standard Equipment List

4-Wheel DriveElectronic Shift on the Fly (Diesel)Dynamic Turning Radius; L26" Wheelbase, within its own lengthAuto Transmission (6) Speed with Tow Haul Feature3 year Bumper to Bumper Limited Warranty on Chassis3 year Lenco Parts Warranty.50 Caliber Defeat Capability, Exceeds NIJ IV 10-Shots on 1Bx1B" panel

State Department Armor Level E (with documentation)Defeats .30 Caliber AP Rounds and all lesser threats.5 inch thick Mil Spec Steel Vertical Panels (A46100)All Windows Exceed NIJ IV, Defeat .50 Caliber and .30 Caliber AP, State DepartmentWindows 2.5 inches thick(66mm)AII Doors, All Windows Overlapped with .5 inch thick Mil Spec SteelAll Exterior Lights backed with Mil Spec SteelRotating Roof Hatch with T" Vertical GunportHeavy Duty Military Grade Gear Bearing For Rotating Roof HatchRoof Hatch Operates with one Hand, Zero Gravity FeatureBlast Resistant Floor Material, Mil Spec SteelAberdeen Performance Tested, Minimum 36.8 degree side slope (with documentationAdjustable Height 19" 3- Position--Flush to the Floor Gunner/Sniper Stand(11) Standard Gunports, Including (3) T" Yertical PortsExtra Wide Running Boards, Side and Rear, made of Mil Spec SteelRam Bumper with Locking Storage CompartmentFully Armored HoodNon Slip Tactical Surface on RoofPadded Bench Seats, Solid Steel with Storage underneath40 Gallon Fuel TankArmored Fuel TankTraditional Opening HoodFront Ram Bumper with Bumper GuardsMultiple Pull Points Front and RearFront and Rear HD Floor MatsInterior Tie OffsRear Door Flip-up ThresholdFront and Rear Area LED's (your choice of color)Front and Rear Area Wig Wag LightsRear Stealth Feature200 Watt Siren anci Pn

Page 67: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

(6) Interior Red & White Dome LightsCustom made Back Lit Panel ConsoleBattle Bolts on all DoorsChemical Agent Resistant Coating Paint (S-Colors Flat Black, OD Green, AF Green, De

Forward Opening Front Doors with Lock Open FeatureRear Doors Can Be Locked Open at 180 or 90 DegreesNumerous Interior and Exterior Tie Down PointsOne Piece Side Walls5 lb Fire ExtinguisherTilt WheelCruise ControlAm/FM Radio, with CD PlayerCup HoldersFront and Rear CarpetingEmergency Exit Door-lock Override12 Volt Plug-in adapterTow Haul Feature with Compression BrakeElectronic Idle ControlDriver Seat Arm Rests

James MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles80A-444-5362 ext. 114Outside US + 4L3-443-7359 ext. 114email ji m

Page 68: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver. Andrew


Upson, Erik M.Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:5A PMReece, t<evin n.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph; Hart, Alyson L'; Reece, David K.;

Greenwood, Andrew; Ohlson, Lynne, [email protected]; Galvan, Edward; Andersen,

Ryan M., [email protected]; Durbin, Michael.R.; Rateaver, Andrew;Adan Tejada; Eric

Tejada; Daniel AdamsFW: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation9266 BERKELEY.pdf


From: Jim Massery [mailto:jmassery@lencoarmor'com]Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 12:08 PM

To: Upson, Erik M.

Subject: Lenco BearCat Official Quotation


Here is your official used Lenco BearCat Quotation.

We are very excited about the prospect of providing you a Lenco BearCat.

I promise you the vehicle will exceed your expectations.

AII that is needed is for your department to issue a Purchase Order on Agency Letter Head

referencing Quote Number 9266 and the Dollar Value of the Quote.

Upon receipt of an approved Purchase Order your Truck will be immediately added to our


NO DEpOSIT is required and payment is NOT due until AFTER you inspect and accept theBearCat.

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Thank you again for this opportunity to assist you.

SincerelyJim MasseryGovernment Sales ManagerLENCO Armored Vehicles8AA-444-5362 ext.114

'i:'f;ruF:i]ilNlrlALlrY i'J*-ric[: Tiiis *-rrt*il *ncl *ny fil*s lran**ii'i*rj l""ith it n:n5r **r:t*in r::nfr<jent:al' prit"il+g*c nrrel

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i1,*y *.rn aiJrirs*x;**. A.ny r:nauth*ri:ecj i;s* sr di$c!$$ure is pr,:itrlit*tl. lf y*ti have r***iv*rj thi* *-rr":xil i;l *rtst !"'iease

,r*tiiy tn+ **n**r 'i-l.ri* *ri*il n"ray *:}s* rJ*iltain t**hnir*1 dat;r r*l*ting tr) * "l)*istts* Arti*l*" v';ithin li:* *:**ning i:l th*

i:-ri*riiati**irl-fr.*flic i* Arm* ft*gi;i*li*n* tt3 CfR P*r{ '12Si. l-h* tt*n*l*r or ciistl*sure oithi* lniotmnlion l* un3'n**-i-i $

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Page 69: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2




trl'0) rcap6qoc lueuJUreAoe DruJoJrlDS

iq otnsoycstp otlqno u.:*:; -paicolorci sl pe,i3ope: ua1;oiu,ro1u;


BATT insulation paekage, large AIC System our unlts comfortable in hot temperatures


:iri:,:5iii.,..l ,i:l

rote #: JJ1201264 January 26,2012

Page 70: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

The Armored Group, LLC,

221W. LancasterAve., Suite 12002

Fort Worth, TX 76102

817-3324646 Office




Sgt. Andrew "RAT" Rateaver

Email: [email protected]

Phone: I

A. Ballistic Performance Data - includlng NIJ lVWeapons Galiber Tvpe Weiqht & VelocitvM2 .50 Cal

Hits & Spacinq3 hit, 120mm triangle (Steel) Window

M2 .30 - 06 M2 AP 166 grain @2800 * 2900 t hit, 2"

M60/M14 T.6ZxS1 M8O - MA grain @ 2693-2753 fps 3_hits, 120mm triangle

M16 5.56 x 45 M855/SS109 63 grain @ 3087-3147 fps 3 hits, 120mm triangle

AK-74 5.45 x 39 BallType PS/7N6 5g grain @ 2956-3016 fps 3 hits, 120mm triangle

AR-47 7.62 x 39 M1943iPS Ball 123 grain 6 zso0-2360 fps 3 hits, 120mm triangle

M2 .50 Caliber BallAmmo 3 hits, 120mm triangle

B. Underbody Blast Protection

The underbody armoring provides protection from the blast and fragmentation resulting from

the detonationof two (2i simultaneously detonated DMS1. hand grenades placed on the

ground at any location under the vehicle. The characteristics of the DMS1 hand grenade are

as follows: DM51 Fragmentation GrenadeDiameter:57 mmWeight:425 gramsExplosive Weight: 60 grams

Guote #: JJ120126AJanuary 26,2012

Page 71: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2


BERKELEY POLICE DEPARTMENTBallistic Protection Packaqe;

' All Cabin vertical panels and windows, except firewall, armored to defeat multi-hit 7 .62x 51mm NATO M-80

ammunition; 5.56x45mm (.223 Caliber) including penetrator (M193/SS 109 Rounds); .30-06 AP, '50 Cal Ball

Ammo. Vertical Panels %" Ballistic Steel

" Floor is armored with a blast mitigati

Windows bullet resistant glass.clad polycarbonate with-Low Spall Liner; NIJ lV Levels (Knox CO SO Trk

Shown). 2 piece windshield with sun band, Two (2) Front door windows, Four (4) Horizontal windows in side walls,

Two (2) Rear windows. Windows in rear compartment are designed at an angle to allow for easier viewing of high ground threats

rote #: JJ1201264 January 26,2412

Page 72: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Rateaver, Andrew


Meredith, Matt B.Thursday, February A2,2012 5:10 PMRateaver, Andrew; Galvan, Edward; Andersen, Ryan M.; Smith, Katherine; Okies, Joseph

Meredith, Matt B.; Burcham, StePhenLenco/Bearcat Bid, FW: Lenco conference call

Hey All,

After talking to Ryan Andersen today he asked if I wouldn't mind getting an Apples to Apples bid from Lenco (Bearcat

maker) compared to the BATTfrom Armor Group, since I had a contact from the past few years of going to CAT0. I

contacted jim Massery the Government sale Manager for Lenco. Jim was very interested in getting us a bid and said he

would do all he could to help us out. I explained to Jim that this was just the beginning of the process, to see if we could

get the funding for the Armor Vehicle. He said that was fine and said he would get back to me today. At 1500-hrs Jim

ialled me back, he told me that he wanted to explain the bid on a conference call with all the stake holders (UCPD,

Albany & BpD), as soon as we can arrange a time. He said the bid included a new 4-door Bearcat, with many options,

including free shipping, when I asked what the price would be, he said 5209,000. I asked him to send the below e-mail

and I would forwarded it on.

As most of you know Lenco has built over l-,000 Bears and Bearcats for police departments though out the USA, and has

a great reputation. During CATO this year we had a debrief from Lt. Rusty Jacks from Tyler Texas. Their Bearcat was shot

47-times by an AK-47, by a murder suspect. The shots hit the sides of the Bearcat and the windows with no rounds

lf you,re interested in more information about Lencoyou can checkouttheirsecure website:


I know time is short, but this may be the deal of a life time.

Let me know what you would like to do, or feel free to contact Jim at the below number.

Matt Meredith

From: Jim Massery [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Thursday, February 02,20L2 4:06 PM

To: Meredith, Matt B.

Subject: Lenco conference call


I've gotten together with the owner of Lenco, Lenny III, the young man we

affectionately call 13.

We would like to speak with you and the other SWAT captains of the neighboring

agencies who have a stake in your new SWAT truck.

Since the proposal involves a few potential future changes to your unit and since Lenco

is iruilling to include nearly 16,000 worth of extra equipment I was hoping to have your- -t-L^.-^!^ ^- I.La

^nlianaattentiOn fof aDOUt 13 minU1es eldUUidLe ulr LIrc uPLr'!iirr.

Please let me know if we can Set something up for early next week'1

Page 73: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

There is no obligation toso interested in working

Let me know.

Jim MasseryBA0-444-5362

make a commitment, we just wantwith you and your neighbors to fill

to let you know why we'reyour SWAT truck needs.

From: Meredith, Matt B, Imailto:[email protected],ca'us]Sent: Thursday, February 02,20L2 6:02 PM

To: Jim MasserySubject; Re: Have a great offer for you .

Call when you can


!j*t";i iir:t't r;i.;- P;:itl't i::ti?

On Feb 2,2AL2 L:28 PM, Jim Massery <[email protected]> wrote:

Call me when you get a minute.

Jarnes Massery

Government Sales Manager

LENCO Armored Vehicles

8A0-444-5362 ext. ll4

Outside US + 413-443-7359 ext.l14

email i

Page 74: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2



ll Samuet 1T: g "you knowyourfatherand his men. They are warriors asfierce as a'wild Bearwhose cubs have

been stolen. Your father is a trained soldier."

C,3Ni:iil[NTiALil-y ]{{J"itCE: -Iiiis e-r;raii anrl any i'iles lrarisirlitted with rt r:ray cantain c*nficier-'rtial, privileged anri

pr+itiletary iniofi-nation .*i L*nco Arm*refi Ve hicies an,J ar"e irrtencjed saleiy for ths use af the ii"rdividual or erriit"v. io whom

irruy *r* acldretsecl. Any unailihcrizeci use or disclosure !s prthibried. lf ycu have r*ceived lhis e-mail in errcr pleas*

nctily the ser:der. ?his eurail may alsa contain te*hnicsl data i'elating to a "Defense Attic!$" within tlre nreaning oi the

lilternationalTratfic in Armg Regulations {22 CFR Part 130) The traisfei- or disclosrtre of this information to any non-U'S

;;;; ;;;.np*ny ,#irho6i an ixport ticense approv*d by the Uniied Sieies Depa;lnrent o{ -state, Directorate of Defens*

Tratie C*fiirol$ is prohibited r:nder federal larv.

Page 75: Berkeley Police Dept. Documents Regarding Acquisition of an Armored Vehicle 1 of 2

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 20L2 4:22 PM

To: McCammon, Bill, ACFD; Stephen Roderick; Rateaver, Andrew; [email protected]; jmoorhead@lpfire'org;

[email protected]; Bruce Martin; Schnepp, Rob, ACFD; Houghtelling, Dennis, Sheriff; Pan M.D., Erica, Public

Health, DCDCP; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected],org; [email protected]; [email protected]; Lee Harris

Cc: Craig Dziedzic {[email protected]); Serata, Teresa; Mary Landers ([email protected]); Blau, Jeffl;

McKenna, Kathleen;'[email protected]'Subject: East Bay Hub Planning Meeting Outcome

This email is being directed to everyone who presented/submitted project proposals to the East Bay Hub Group on

Wednesday, March 21, 2012. I would like to thank all of you very much for the time and effort you put into developing

your projects. The decisions for the voting members of Hub was very difficult. Every project submitted certainly would

have provided a valuable benefit to the Region. As many of us recently discussed, interoperability has been and

continues to be a very important priority for our Region, therefore, a significant amount of funding was earmarked for

that purpose.

I have attached a spreadsheet that outlines the East Bay Hubt recommendation for the allocation of the funding. You

will note on the spreadsheet that projects, p! recommended for. funding at this time, were ranked and placed below the

Iine for future consideration in the event additional funding becomes available.

As a reminder, the recommendations from the Hubs will be presented to the UASI Advisory Group at their meeting on,

March 29,2012. From there, the Advisory Group will make recommendations to the UASI Approval Authority on, April 12,

ZOt2, and the Approval Authority will make final decisions on how the funds will be allocated.




Thank you again very much for your valuable participation in this process'


Dewn6 rutryfrtzllin*, QnmmandotAlameda County Sheriffs OfficeBay Area UASI iiegional Training and Exercise Program

Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services

4985 Broder Boulevard, Dublin, CA 94568

Cell (510) Zzs-sBgL