berenice morales

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  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    I believe that everything happens for a reason. Peoplechange so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong sothat you appreciate them when theyre right, you believelies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and

    sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

    Marilyn Monroe

    Berenice Morales-Gonzales 10th Grade

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Table of ContentsPg. 1 Cover Letter

    Pg. 2 Resume

    Pg. 3 Certi cates and Awards

    Pg. 4 Certi cates and Awards

    Pg. 5 Certi cates and Awards

    Pg. 6 Yearbook Spread - Road to Success

    Pg. 7 Yearbook Spread - Road to Success

    Pg. 8 Chemestry Metaphores over ScientistDiscovery

    Pg. 9 BioMedical Parkinsins Disease Presentation

    Pg. 10 BioMedical Parkinsins Disease Presentation

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Berenice Morales-Gonzales2100 Donahue Ln Apr. BAustin TX. 78744

    Dear Internship Recruiter,

    At this time, I am really interested in becoming a pediatrician, and I am very interestedin interning at your of ce. I am glad that people like to help kids, and the people at your of ce have been very kind with everyone that has walked into your of ce. Children have

    been a big part of my life I baby sit for family and friends because thats just something Ilove to do. Having kids around me has made me think about going into the medical eld.

    I am a very organized student, respectful, kind, and a good listener, and I have received acerti cate for completing 25 hours of volunteer service. Torch Club, was something I par -ticipated in, and was made head captain. This club helps our community, and this is alsoa leadership club. My focus in school is biomedical studies; we have worked with manyorgans and animals including a heart, eye, liver, and a fetal pig. We are currently workingon mannequines, adding in the body parts including muscle, fat, blood veins, arteries, andmuch more. I like to be on top of things and get things done on time. When we seek helpwe, we look for help, and when we nd help, we get helped.

    Please contact me so that we can meet and discuss further quali cations needed. Feel freeto contact me at [email protected] I look forward to meeting with you.


    Berenice Morales-Gonzales

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    National Spanish Exam Bronze award,test score 84. This certi cate was awardedto us, after our exam, which counted as our

    nal exam.

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Completed the Crew Careers: From theGround Up. In the Crew Careers we com -

    peted against each other, to see who wouldmake a better building structure.

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Ceriti cate of Service,Completed 25 hours. During my rst year of doing volunteer work, I received this

    certi cate.

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Yearbook Spread - Road to Success

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Yearbook Spread - Road to Success

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


    Atomic Metaphors

    METAPHOR: The atom is like a mini solar system.

    Neils Bohr The metaphor relates to Neils Bohr, because of how he discovered that electrons orbit thenucleus. Just as in how the planets orbit the sun. The planets are like the electrons, and thesun is like the nucleus. Where it then comes together as part of the solar system, so that is howNeils Bohr and his discovery of the Bohr Model, relates to our metaphor.

    Erwin Schrodinger The metaphor relates to Schrodinger, because of how he discovered the quantum mechanicalmodel, which estimates the probability of finding an electron in a certain position. Just like howeach planet is distinct and different, and are certain distances from each other. The electronsare like the planets, in which this case, Schrodinger can determine in what certain positionthe planets are in. This is how Schrodinger and his discovery of the quantum mechanicalmodel, relates to our metaphor. Joseph ThomsonJoseph Thomson discovered the electrons so in our metaphor a atom is like a mini solar system the planets orbit around the sun which means the electrons orbit the nucleus. In our mini solar system Thomson knew that electrons {with a negative charges}, were present.Our groups metaphor- The atom is like a mini solar system where as the earth orbits the sun

    like how the electrons orbit the nucleus.

    Louis de BroglieLouis de Broglie discovered the wave nature electrons a wave- like particle theorem. Our metaphor is a atom is like a mini solar system the solar system is a atom and the atom haswave lengths. Different atoms have different atom have atom lenghts. Our group metaphor- theatom is like a mini solar system where as the earth orbits the sun like how the electrons orbit thenucleus.

    Chemestry Metaphors over Scientist Discovery

  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales


  • 8/7/2019 Berenice Morales





    BioMedical Parkinsins Disease Presentation