benny vip day

Benjamin Bohan Martin VIP DAY March 26, 2014

Upload: davemartin123

Post on 27-Jun-2015



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  • 1. Benjamin Bohan Martin VIP DAY March 26, 2014

2. Benny was born on July 14, 2005 3. Benny with his blankie! 4. Ben with his brother and sister 5. Birthdays 6. Ben loves to dress up 7. He loves to be stylish! 8. He dressed up like an old lady! 9. Crazy hair is his favorite! 10. Ben loves to play! 11. He jumps into freezing cold water! 12. Sometimes he gets hurt! 13. Benny is a goofball! 14. He wears his pizza sometimes! 15. Ben loves his teddy bear!