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Muskrat Falls Project Benefits Report July 2013 September 15, 2013

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Muskrat Falls Project

Benefits Report

July 2013

September 15, 2013

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report

Table of Contents

1.0 Report Overview .....................................................................................................................1

2.0 Project Highlights ....................................................................................................................1

2.1 Construction Update ..................................................................................................................... 1

2.2 Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 2

2.3 Employment .................................................................................................................................. 2

2.4 Procurement ................................................................................................................................. 3

2.5 Expenditure Overview ................................................................................................................... 3

2.6 Gender Equity and Diversity ......................................................................................................... 3

3.0 Definitions ..............................................................................................................................4

4.0 Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................................................................4

5.0 Employment Benefits ..............................................................................................................5

5.1 Total Employment ......................................................................................................................... 5

5.2 Employment by NOC Code ............................................................................................................ 6

5.3 Employment by Location of Work and Specialized Engineering .................................................. 8

5.4 Employment by Aboriginal Affiliation ........................................................................................... 9

5.5 Employment by Gender .............................................................................................................. 11

6.0 Expenditures and Procurement ............................................................................................. 12

6.1 Expenditures by Location of Company and Industry Category ................................................... 12

6.2 Procurement ............................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix A – Employment by 4-Digit NOC Code ............................................................................... 19

Appendix B – Contracts Awarded Since Project Sanction ................................................................... 38

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report

List of Tables

Table 1 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Residency – July 2013 ............................................. 5

Table 2 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Residency – Project to Date ................................... 5

Table 3 – Number of Persons Employed by Location of Work and Residency – July 2013 ........................................... 5

Table 4 - Person Hours of Employment by 2-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 and Project to Date .................................... 6

Table 5 – Residents Hired by 2-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 .......................................................................................... 7

Table 6 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work – July 2013 and Project to Date ..................................... 8

Table 7 – Residents Hired by Location of Work – July 2013 .......................................................................................... 8

Table 8 - Person Hours of Employment by Aboriginal Affiliation – July 2013 and Project to Date ............................... 9

Table 9 – Persons Employed by Aboriginal Affiliation – July 2013 ................................................................................ 9

Table 10 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Aboriginal Affiliation- July 2013 ......................... 10

Table 11 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Aboriginal Affiliation- Project to Date ................ 10

Table 12 – Number of Persons Employed by Location of Work and Aboriginal Affiliation- July 2013 ........................ 10

Table 13 - Person Hours of Employment by Gender – July 2013 and Project to Date ................................................ 11

Table 14 – Persons Employed by Gender – July 2013 ................................................................................................. 11

Table 15 - Total Value of Expenditures by Location of Company and Industry Category ($CDN) - July 2013 ............. 12

Table 16 - Total Value of Expenditures by Location of Company and Industry Category ($CDN) – Project to Date ... 13

Table 17 –Contracts Awarded During July, 2013 ......................................................................................................... 13

Table 18– Request for Proposals Issued (RFPs Closed) ............................................................................................... 14

Table 19 – Request for Proposals Issued (RFPs Open)................................................................................................. 17

Table 20 – Upcoming Request for Proposals (RFPs) .................................................................................................... 17

Table 21 - Person Hours of Employment by 4-Digit NOC Code ................................................................................... 19

Table 22 – Residents Hired by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 ...................................................................................... 22

Table 23 – Female Workers Hired by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 ........................................................................... 26

Table 24 – Aboriginal Workers by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 ................................................................................ 30

Table 25 – Labrador Residents by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 ................................................................................ 34

Table 26 – Contracts Awarded Since Project Sanction ................................................................................................ 38

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Person Hours of Employment by Residency and Location of Work – July 2013............................................ 2

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 1

1.0 Report Overview

This report summarizes the employment and expenditure benefits generated from the Muskrat Falls Project, which includes work completed on the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric generating facility (MFG), Labrador-Island Link (LIL) and associated transmission in Labrador between Muskrat Falls and Churchill Falls (Labrador Transmission Assets or LTA). In addition, this report provides an update on construction, safety and community engagement activities during the reporting period.

This report covers the activities for the month of July 2013. The work during this period primarily took place in Labrador at the north and south side of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric generating facility and at the Churchill Falls plant as well as Engineering and Design and Project Management activities which occurred primarily in St. John’s.

2.0 Project Highlights

This section summarizes the highlights of construction, procurement, and employment activity during the reporting period. Detailed information and statistics are outlined in Section 5 and Appendix A.

2.1 Construction Update

Construction activities continued and included:

o Bulk excavation continued with over 1.7 million m3 of material having been moved to date

o Completion of North Spur geotechnical investigations

o Installation of permanent accommodation complex ongoing

Approximately 85 per cent of project engineering work completed.

Bulk excavation – Powerhouse excavation works Accommodation complex – Installation of dorm modules

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 2

2.2 Safety

There were no Recordable Injuries, or Lost Time Injuries recorded during the month.

Seven first aid cases and five near misses were recorded during the month.

2.3 Employment

In July, 211,040 hours were worked by 1,376 individuals for all components of the Muskrat

Falls Project, including over 148,465 hours of work in Labrador.

In July, there were 321 Labrador residents employed in Labrador performing over 48,750 of

the hours worked in Labrador. Of these 321 Labrador residents, 160 are members of

Labrador Aboriginal groups.

During the month of July, 1,019 residents of Newfoundland and Labrador were employed on

the Muskrat Falls Project, representing 74 per cent of the total persons employed.

Figure 1 shows person hours of employment by residency and location of work for July


Figure 1 - Person Hours of Employment by Residency and Location of Work – July 2013

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 3

2.4 Procurement

The following contracts were awarded in July 2013:

CH0003 ‐ Supply & Install of Administration Buildings (Opron)

CT0354 – Construction of HVac Marshalling Yard – Civil & Electrical Works (Johnson’s Construction Limited)

PT0329 – Supply of Insulators HVdc Transmission Line ( Seves Canada)

ST0311 – Provision of Survey Services for HVac Transmission Line (MMM Group Limited and NE Parrott Survey, a Joint Venture)

LC-SB-022 - Provision of Drilling Rig and Surface Spread for HDD Program (Direct Horizontal)

2.5 Expenditure Overview

Total expenditures for the Muskrat Falls Project were over $36 million in July 2013. This

includes over $24 million to Newfoundland and Labrador businesses, representing 67 per

cent of all project expenditures for the month.

Over $13 million of the total expenditures were spent on Labrador companies, representing

over 37 per cent of total project expenditures during the month.

2.6 Gender Equity and Diversity

In July, 197 female residents of Newfoundland and Labrador were employed, representing

over 19 per cent of the total NL residents employed on the project in that month.

In July, 169 individuals who identified themselves as Aboriginal were employed in Labrador,

representing over 20 per cent of those employed for work in Labrador.

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 4

3.0 Definitions

Term Definition

Benefits Strategy Lower Churchill Construction Project Benefits Strategy as agreed by the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and Nalcor Energy.

Expenditures Expenditures for the month are defined as those expenditures from invoices which have been approved for payment during the month.

Industry Category Based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and used to categorize companies for expenditure reporting.

Island or NF Refers to the residency of employees, the location of work completed or the location of a company; includes residents from, work done on or companies located on the island portion of NL.

NOC Code Occupational codes from the National Occupational Classification system, which is the standard system for classifying jobs in Canada. It is a hierarchical structure with four levels of classifications. Both the 2-digit and 4-digit classifications are used in this report.

Person Hours Hours worked by individuals on the project.

Persons Employed Any person who has worked at any time on the Project during the time period referenced.

Project to Date Cumulative totals for the period from January 1, 2013 up to the end of the current month.

Residents Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador who meets the requirements as defined in the Benefits Strategy.

4.0 Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation/Acronym Definition

AC Alternating current

BMRS Benefits Monitoring and Reporting System

C&A Construction and Assembly

DC Direct current

E&D Engineering and Design

HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling

HVac High voltage AC transmission

HVdc High voltage DC transmission

INT International (Location of Work or Company)

m3 Cubic metres

MFG Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric Generation Facility

LATP Labrador-Aboriginal Training Partnership

LCP Lower Churchill Project

LIL Labrador-Island Link

LTA Labrador Transmission Assets

OC Other Canada

PM Project Management

Res Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador

RFP Request for Proposal

SOBI Strait of Belle Isle

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 5

5.0 Employment Benefits

All information on employment is provided by both person hours and the number of persons employed for the following categories:

Total employment

Employment by NOC Code

Employment by Location of Work

Employment by Aboriginal affiliation

Employment by Gender

Employment by Contractor

5.1 Total Employment

Tables 1 through 3 break out the project employment in both person hours and persons employed by location of work and residency.

Table 1 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Residency – July 2013


Island Labrador Other Canada Non-Canadian

Work Location at Location % of Total at Location % of Total at Location % of Total at Location % of Total Total

Island 33,541 60.6% 713 1.3% 20,189 36.5% 934 1.7% 55,378

Labrador 77,491 52.2% 48,753 32.8% 22,221 15.0% - 0.0% 148,465

Other Canada - 0.0% - 0.0% 7,180 100.0% - 0.0% 7,180

International - 0.0% - 0.0% 18 100.0% - 0.0% 18

All Locations 111,032 52.6% 49,466 23.4% 49,608 23.5% 934 0.4% 211,040

Table 2 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Residency – Project to Date


Island Labrador Other Canada Non-Canadian

Work Location at Location % of Total at Location % of Total at Location % of Total at Location % of Total Total

Island 233,457 58.6% 2,097 0.5% 156,788 39.4% 5,720 1.4% 398,062

Labrador 370,021 54.9% 212,690 31.6% 91,395 13.6% - 0.0% 674,106

Other Canada 505 0.9% - 0.0% 54,710 98.8% 181 0.3% 55,395

International - 0.0% - 0.0% 35 100.0% - 0.0% 35

All Locations 603,983 53.6% 214,787 19.0% 302,928 26.9% 5,901 0.5% 1,127,598

Table 3 – Number of Persons Employed by Location of Work and Residency – July 2013


Island Labrador Other Canada Non-Canadian

Work Location at Location % of Total at Location % of Total at Location % of Total at Location % of Total Total

Island 303 67.2% 4 0.9% 138 30.6% 6 1.3% 451

Labrador 391 46.6% 321 38.3% 127 15.1% - 0.0% 839

Other Canada - 0.0% - 0.0% 85 100.0% - 0.0% 85

International - 0.0% - 0.0% 1 100.0% - 0.0% 1

All Locations 694 50.4% 325 23.6% 351 25.5% 6 0.4% 1,376

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 6

5.2 Employment by NOC Code

Tables 4 and 5 summarize project employment by 2-digit NOC Code. Appendix A contains an overview of the methodology used to capture employment by job title and how that information is converted to NOC codes. In addition, occupational information by 4-digit NOC code as well as information on employment by NOC code and gender, Aboriginal affiliation and for residents of Labrador is also provided in Appendix A.

Table 4 - Person Hours of Employment by 2-Digit NOC Code – July 2013 and Project to Date

Current Month Project to Date 2-Digit NOC Code C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total

00 - Senior management occupations 1,154 385 373 1,912 3,584 3,296 2,264 9,144 01-05 - Specialized middle management occupations 3,529 3,172 3,735 10,437 19,983 24,343 26,605 70,930 07-09 - Middle management occupations in trades, transportation, production and utilities

759 665 1,266 2,690 7,568 4,256 4,977 16,801

11 - Professional occupations in business and finance 640 780 1,859 3,279 4,860 5,060 11,872 21,792 12 - Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations 2,673 5,365 5,453 13,491 15,014 44,022 31,432 90,467 13 - Finance, insurance and related business administrative occupations 324 486 974 1,784 647 3,859 6,768 11,273 14 - Office support occupations 615 - - 615 1,588 - 330 1,918

21 - Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences 11,230 17,610 10,131 38,971 50,478 134,219 63,109 247,806 22 - Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences 3,238 11,872 2,105 17,215 13,888 91,259 11,431 116,577 32 - Technical occupations in health 1,493 - - 1,493 10,853 - - 10,853 41 - Professional occupations in law and social, community and government services

3,466 1,824 912 6,202 7,758 11,461 6,906 26,125

43 - Occupations in front-line public protection services - - 8 8 - - 8 8

63 - Service supervisors and specialized service occupations 2,035 - - 2,035 8,246 - - 8,246 65 - Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations

4,285 78 - 4,363 20,274 78 - 20,352

67 - Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c. 4,048 - - 4,048 14,615 - - 14,615

72 - Industrial, electrical and construction trades 17,006 - 554 17,559 93,113 - 1,154 94,266 73 - Maintenance and equipment operation trades 17,542 - - 17,542 86,062 - 56 86,118 74 - Other installers, repairers and servicers and material handlers 738 - 1 738 2,658 - 18 2,676 75 - Transport and heavy equipment operation and related maintenance occupations

44,910 - 8 44,918 200,242 - 47 200,289

76 - Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations 20,039 - - 20,039 75,311 - - 75,311

82 - Supervisors and technical occupations in natural resources, agriculture and related production

1,676 - - 1,676 1,876 - - 1,876

86 - Harvesting, landscaping and natural resources labourers 20 - - 20 130 - - 130 92 - Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators

- - 9 9 - - 28 28

All Occupation Categories 141,418 42,236 27,386 211,040 638,745 321,851 167,002 1,127,598

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 7

Table 5 – Residents Hired by 2-Digit NOC Code – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

2-Digit NOC Res Total

Persons Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total

00 - Senior management occupations 4 7 57% - 3 0% 6 6 100% 10 16 63%

01-05 - Specialized middle management occupations 16 24 67% 4 22 18% 33 34 97% 53 80 66%

07-09 - Middle management occupations in trades, transportation, production and utilities

3 4 75% 2 4 50% 2 5 40% 7 13 54%

11 - Professional occupations in business and finance 3 4 75% 2 5 40% 19 19 100% 24 28 86%

12 - Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations

19 21 90% 23 37 62% 28 34 82% 70 92 76%

13 - Finance, insurance and related business administrative occupations

1 3 33% 4 4 100% 10 10 100% 15 17 88%

14 - Office support occupations 3 3 100% - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100%

21 - Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences

42 70 60% 29 138 21% 80 82 98% 151 290 52%

22 - Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences

12 23 52% 29 93 31% 26 28 93% 67 144 47%

32 - Technical occupations in health 7 7 100% - - 0% - - 0% 7 7 100%

41 - Professional occupations in law and social, community and government services

27 36 75% 9 12 75% 11 11 100% 47 59 80%

43 - Occupations in front-line public protection services - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100% 1 1 100%

63 - Service supervisors and specialized service occupations

10 12 83% - - 0% - - 0% 10 12 83%

65 - Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations

39 42 93% 1 1 100% - - 0% 40 43 93%

67 - Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c. 37 37 100% - - 0% - - 0% 37 37 100%

72 - Industrial, electrical and construction trades 94 106 89% - - 0% 18 18 100% 112 124 90%

73 - Maintenance and equipment operation trades 50 77 65% - - 0% - - 0% 50 77 65%

74 - Other installers, repairers and servicers and material handlers

4 4 100% - - 0% - - 0% 4 4 100%

75 - Transport and heavy equipment operation and related maintenance occupations

197 209 94% - - 0% 1 1 100% 198 210 94%

76 - Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations

105 106 99% - - 0% - - 0% 105 106 99%

82 - Supervisors and technical occupations in natural resources, agriculture and related production

5 10 50% - - 0% - - 0% 5 10 50%

86 - Harvesting, landscaping and natural resources labourers

1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

92 - Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators

- - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100% 2 2 100%

All Occupation Categories 679 806 84% 103 319 32% 237 251 94% 1,019 1,376 74%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 8

5.3 Employment by Location of Work and Specialized Engineering

Tables 6 and 7 summarize employment by location of work.

Table 6 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work – July 2013 and Project to Date

Current Period Project to Date

Work Location C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total


Island 2,825 28,827 23,726 55,378 7,125 239,049 151,887 398,061

Labrador 137,079 7,727 3,660 148,465 627,071 31,920 15,115 674,106

Total NL 139,904 36,554 27,386 203,843 634,196 270,969 167,002 1,072,167

Other Canada 1,515 5,665 - 7,180 4,549 50,846 - 55,395

Total Canada 141,418 42,219 27,386 211,023 638,745 321,815 167,002 1,127,562

International - 18 - 18 - 35 - 35

All Locations 141,418 42,236 27,386 211,040 638,745 321,850 167,002 1,127,597

A total of 5,683 hours of Specialized Engineering work was conducted outside of the province during the month with 5,454 hours spent on the MFG project component and 229 hours on the LITL project component. Table 7 – Residents Hired by Location of Work – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

Work Location Res Total

Persons Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total


Island 33 34 97% 79 212 37% 195 205 95% 307 451 68%

Labrador 646 752 86% 24 41 59% 42 46 91% 712 839 85%

Total NL 679 786 86% 103 253 41% 237 251 94% 1,019 1,290 79%

Other Canada - 20 0% - 65 0% - - 0% - 85 0%

Total Canada 679 806 84% 103 318 32% 237 251 94% 1,019 1,375 74%

International - - 0% - 1 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

Total 679 806 84% 103 319 32% 237 251 94% 1,019 1,376 74%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 9

5.4 Employment by Aboriginal Affiliation

Tables 8 through 12 summarize employment by Aboriginal Affiliation.

Table 8 - Person Hours of Employment by Aboriginal Affiliation – July 2013 and Project to Date

Current Period Project to Date

Aboriginal Group C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total

Labrador Innu (a)

10,234 - - 10,234 44,769 - - 44,769


6,829 624 186 7,639 27,902 2,886 796 31,583


6,603 140 - 6,743 30,648 1,096 - 31,744

Other NL Aboriginal(a)

1,605 - - 1,605 3,262 - - 3,262

Aboriginal - Other Canada 858 - - 858 3,776 - - 3,776


115,290 41,473 27,200 183,962 528,389 317,869 166,206 1,012,464

All Groups 141,418 42,236 27,386 211,040 638,745 321,850 167,002 1,127,597 (a) Also NL residents (b)

Includes residents and non-residents

Table 9 – Persons Employed by Aboriginal Affiliation – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

Aboriginal Group Persons % Persons % Persons % Persons %


Labrador Innu 83 12.2% - 0.0% - 0.0% 83 8.1%

Nunatsiavut 32 4.7% 3 2.9% 2 0.8% 37 3.6%

NunatuKavut 39 5.7% 1 1.0% - 0.0% 40 3.9%

Other Aboriginal 8 1.2% - 0.0% - 0.0% 8 0.8%

All Aboriginal 162 23.9% 4 3.9% 2 0.8% 168 16.5%

Non-Aboriginal 517 76.1% 99 96.1% 235 99.2% 851 83.5%

Total 679 100% 103 100% 237 100% 1,019 100%

Non Residents

Aboriginal – Canada 4 3.1% - 0.0% - 0.0% 4 1.1%

Non-Aboriginal 123 96.9% 216 100.0% 14 100.0% 353 98.9%

Total 127 100% 216 100% 14 100% 357 100%


Aboriginal 166 20.6% 4 1.3% 2 0.8% 172 12.5%

Non-Aboriginal 640 79.4% 315 98.7% 249 99.2% 1,204 87.5%

Total 806 100% 319 100% 251 100% 1,376 100%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 10

Tables 10 through 12 summarize the employment of Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals both in terms of hours worked and persons employed by location of work during the month and for the Project to Date.

Table 10 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Aboriginal Affiliation- July 2013

Labrador Innu NunatuKavut Nunatsiavut Other Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal

Work Location At Location % At Location % At Location % At Location % At Location % Total

Island - 0.0% 561 1.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 54,817 99.0% 55,378

Labrador 10,234 6.9% 6,182 4.2% 7,639 5.1% 2,462 1.7% 121,948 82.1% 148,465

Other Canada - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 7,180 100.0% 7,180

International - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 18 100.0% 18

All Locations 10,234 4.8% 6,743 3.2% 7,639 3.6% 2,462 1.2% 183,962 87.2% 211,040

Table 11 - Person Hours of Employment by Location of Work and Aboriginal Affiliation- Project to Date

Labrador Innu NunatuKavut Nunatsiavut Other Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal

Work Location At Location % At Location % At Location % At Location % At Location % Total

Island - 0.0% 1,617 0.4% - 0.0% - 0.0% 396,445 99.6% 398,062

Labrador 44,769 6.6% 30,127 4.5% 31,583 4.7% 7,025 1.0% 560,604 83.2% 674,106

Other Canada - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 13 0.0% 55,382 100.0% 55,395

International - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 35 100.0% 35

All Locations 44,769 4.0% 31,744 2.8% 31,583 2.8% 7,038 0.6% 1,012,465 89.8% 1,127,598

Table 12 – Number of Persons Employed by Location of Work and Aboriginal Affiliation- July 2013

Labrador Innu NunatuKavut Nunatsiavut Other Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal

Work Location At Location % At Location % At Location % At Location % At Location % Total

Island - 0.0% 3 0.7% - 0.0% - 0.0% 448 99.3% 451

Labrador 83 9.9% 37 4.4% 37 4.4% 12 1.4% 670 79.9% 839

Other Canada - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 85 100.0% 85

International - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 1 100.0% 1

All Locations 83 6.0% 40 2.9% 37 2.7% 12 0.9% 1,204 87.5% 1,376

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 11

5.5 Employment by Gender

Tables 13 and 14 summarize employment by gender.

Table 13 - Person Hours of Employment by Gender – July 2013 and Project to Date

Current Period Project to Date

Gender C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total

Female 15,782 6,415 7,474 29,670 59,859 55,806 41,926 157,590

Male 125,636 35,822 19,912 181,370 578,886 266,045 125,076 970,007

Total 141,418 42,236 27,386 211,040 638,745 321,850 167,002 1,127,597

Table 14 – Persons Employed by Gender – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

Gender Persons % Persons % Persons % Persons %


Female 103 15.2% 34 33.0% 60 25.3% 197 19.3%

Male 576 84.8% 69 67.0% 177 74.7% 822 80.7%

Total 679 100% 103 100% 237 100% 1,019 100%

Non Residents

Female 13 10.2% 19 8.8% 2 14.3% 34 9.5%

Male 114 89.8% 197 91.2% 12 85.7% 323 90.5%

Total 127 100% 216 100% 14 100% 357 100%


Female 116 14.4% 53 16.6% 62 24.7% 231 16.8%

Male 690 85.6% 266 83.4% 189 75.3% 1,145 83.2%

Total 806 100% 319 100% 251 100% 1,376 100%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 12

6.0 Expenditures and Procurement

Expenditures are captured through direct enter of expenditure breakdowns by contractors which enter directly into the benefits system. For all other contractors, a listing of payments approved during the month from the project’s financial accounting system is used. In all cases, expenditure totals are those that are approved for payment during the month.

6.1 Expenditures by Location of Company and Industry Category

Table 15 below summarizes the project expenditures made during July 2013 by industry and company location.

Table 15 - Total Value of Expenditures by Location of Company and Industry Category ($CDN) - July 2013

Industry Labrador Newfoundland Other Canada



Accommodation and Food Services - 49,441 - - 49,441

Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services - 375,964 - - 375,964

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting - - 293,785 - 293,785

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation - - - - -

Construction 12,536,355 3,701,021 518,228 - 16,755,603

Educational Services - - - - -

Finance and Insurance - - 1,531,505 - 1,531,505

Health Care and Social Assistance - 777,661 - - 777,661

Information and Cultural Industries - 35,037 18,445 36,860 90,342

Management of Companies and Enterprises - - - - -

Manufacturing - - 2,125 - 2,125

Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction - - - - -

Other Services, Including Maintenance and Repair 16,095 672,027 - - 688,122

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 546,928 3,689,405 9,228,060 116,899 13,581,292

Public Administration - 87,125 - - 87,125

Real Estate, Rental and Leasing 801 - - - 801

Retail Trade 316,215 2,957 6,825 - 325,997

Transportation and Warehousing - 91,452 2,185 - 93,637

Utilities - 1,329,324 82,502 - 1,411,827

Wholesale Trade - 33,005 1,427 - 34,432

Totals 13,416,394 10,844,419 11,685,088 153,760 36,099,661

Table 16 below summarizes the project expenditures made for the Project to Date by industry and company location.

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 13

Table 16 - Total Value of Expenditures by Location of Company and Industry Category ($CDN) – Project to Date

Industry Labrador Newfoundland Other Canada Non-Canadian


Accommodation and Food Services 395 91,979 311,969 - 404,343

Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services - 1,603,560 130,667 - 1,734,227

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting - - 293,785 - 293,785

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 46,000 2,196 - - 48,196

Construction 43,412,861 30,191,069 1,214,880 - 74,818,811

Educational Services - 1,113 - - 1,113

Finance and Insurance - 208,280 5,889,277 - 6,097,557

Health Care and Social Assistance - 779,161 - - 779,161

Information and Cultural Industries - 102,674 110,683 142,948 356,305

Management of Companies and Enterprises - - - - -

Manufacturing - 67,722 14,373,036 5,455,961 19,896,718

Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction - - 310,990 - 310,990

Other Services, Including Maintenance and Repair 173,187 1,688,317 93,957 - 1,955,460

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 611,320 13,226,457 56,462,496 442,837 70,743,109

Public Administration 1,250,000 418,405 1,279,282 - 2,947,687

Real Estate, Rental and Leasing 2,003 700 - - 2,703

Retail Trade 631,865 8,962 41,794 - 682,621

Transportation and Warehousing - 1,329,235 465,275 - 1,794,510

Utilities 25,683 13,267,757 428,781 - 13,722,221

Wholesale Trade 17,337 820,701 89,060 - 927,098

Totals 46,170,651 63,808,287 81,495,932 6,041,746 197,516,617

6.2 Procurement

Tables 17 to 20 provide details on procurement activities for all components of the Muskrat Falls Project. Table 17 lists the contracts awarded during July 2013. Appendix B contains a list of all contracts awarded to date since Project Sanction.

Table 17 –Contracts Awarded During July, 2013

Package # Package Title Award Date Successful Bidder(s)

CH0003 Supply & Install Administrative Buildings 19-Jul-13 Opron Construction Inc.

CT0354 Construction of Hvac Marshaling Yard at HVGB

17-Jul-13 Johnson's Construction Limited

LC-SB-022 Provision of Drilling Rig and Surface Spread for HDD Program

17-Jul-13 Direct Horizontal

PT0329 Supply of HVdc Insulators - 350 kV HVdc 22-Jul-13 Seves Canada Inc.

ST0311 Provision of Survey Services 315 kV HVac 10-Jul-13 MMM Group Limited & N.E. Parrott Surveys Limited, a joint venture

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 14

Table 18 lists the contract packages for which the RFPs have closed but the packages have yet to be awarded as of July 30, 2013.

Table 18– Request for Proposals Issued (RFPs Closed)

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date

RFP Close Date

Qualified Bidders

CD0501 Supply & Install Converters and Cable Transition Compounds

21-Dec-12 24-Apr-13 ABB Inc.

Alstom Grid Canada Inc.

Siemens Canada Ltd.

CD0503 Construction of Earthworks at Various Power Distribution Sites

18-Mar-13 13-Jun-13 Barnard of Canada Inc.

H.J. O’Connell JV Partnership

Johnson’s Construction Ltd.

Municipal Enterprises Ltd. Innu Municipal GP

Pennecon Heavy Civil Ltd.

CD0509 Construction Telecommunication Services - Phase 2

19-Nov-12 11-Jan-13 Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership

Cablelync Inc.

1227415 Alberta Ltd. operating as CampTek

CH0007 Intake, Powerhouse, Spillway and Transition Dams

28-Sep-12 16-Apr-13 Aecon-Flatiron-Bernard Construction - Joint Venture

Astaldi S.p.A.

IKC-ONE Civil Constructors, a Partnership

Salini S.p.A./FCC Construccion S.A./Impregilo S.p.A. - Joint Venture

CH0032 Supply & Install powerhouse & Spillway Hydro-Mechanical Equipment

7-Dec-12 16-Apr-13 Black & McDonald/AFI and Hatch as major subcontractors

Ganotec Inc./Canmec Industriel Inc.

Alstom Power & Transport Canada Inc.

Andritz Hydro Canada Inc.

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Inc./Daewoo International Inc.

CH0033 Supply & Install Powerhouse Cranes

24-Apr-13 7-Jun-13 Kone Cranes America

ECL Services Inc.

COH Inc.

Groupe LAR Inc.

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 15

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date

RFP Close Date

Qualified Bidders

CT0319 AC Transmission Line Construction

28-Sep-12 15-Jan-13 Abengoa T&D

Flatiron-Cobra as Joint Venture

Innu-Kiewit Constructors

PowerTel Utilities Contractors Ltd.

Isolux Ingenieria USA LLC

Thirau Ltd.

RS Line Contractor Co. Ltd.

GLR Inc.

Valard Construction LP

Emera Utility Services Inc.

Coentreprise Transelec-Arnau

LC-SB-011 Subsea Rock Protection Design, Supply and Installation

15-Apr-13 26-Jun-13 Boskalis Offshore b.v.

JanDe Nul n.v.

Tideway b.v.

Van Oord Offshore bv

LC-SB-021 Civil Works - SOBI 7-May-13 6-Jun-13 C&T Enterprises Limited

H. J. O’Connell Construction Limited

Major’s Logging Limited

Marine Contractors Inc.

LC-SB-023 Drilling Fluids Services for HDD Program

5-Feb-13 12-Mar-13 Halliburton


M-I Swaco


LC-SB-024 Directional Services for HDD Program

22-Feb-13 5-Apr-13 Baker Hughes

Halliburton Group Canada

Schlumberger Drilling and Measurements

Scientific Drilling International

Weatherford Canada Partnership

PD0537 Supply of Power Transformers, AC Substations at CF,MF and SP

7-Mar-13 30-May-13 ABB Inc.

Siemens Canada Limited

Alstom Grid

PH0014 Supply of Generator Step-Up Transformer

11-Mar-13 14-May-13 ABB Inc.

General Electric Canada GE Digital Energy

Siemens Canada Ltd.

CG Power Systems

HIC America

PH0016 Supply of Generator Circuit Breakers

5-Jun-13 1-Aug-13 Hitachi HVB, Inc. c/o AESCO Corporation

ABB Inc.

Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc. c/o Canadian Technical

ALSTOM Grid Canada Inc.

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 16

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date

RFP Close Date

Qualified Bidders

PH0058 Supply of 600 V Switchgear 11-Apr-13 16-May-13 ABB Inc.

AESCO Corporation Limited

Siemens Canada Ltd.

Eaton Electrical Sector

Charlton & Connolly

Toromont Power Systems

Power Systems Consulting

PT0308 Supply of Tower Foundations 350kV HVdc

16-Apr-13 14-Jun-13 ADF Group

Ocean Steel




Metal World

Talon Energy Services

Trylon TSF

PT0328 Supply of Transmission Line Conductors - 350 kV HVdc

27-Mar-13 8-May-13 ABB Inc.

Siemens Canada Limited

Alstom Grid

PT0330 Supply of Steel Towers - 350 kV HVdc

27-Feb-13 8-July-13 Jyoti Structures Ltd.

Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited

KEC International Ltd.

Brametal S/A

Al Babtain Power & Telecommunication Co.

SAE Towers Ltd.

Mitas Energy

Construcciones Metalicas Mexicanas Comemsa S.A. DE C.V.

Gammon India Limited (T&D Business)

Locweld Inc.

SA-RA Group

PT0352 Supply of Anchor Material 350 kV HVdc

24-Apr-13 28-Jun-13 Williams Form Hardware & Rockbolt

National Concrete

Pennecon Energy

DYWIDAG Systems International Canada

Aveng Manufacturing Duraset

CTT Stronghold Canada

SH0018 Provision of Catering, Housekeeping and Janitorial Services

8-Apr-13 30-Apr-13 Labrador Catering

ShesheKatik Sodexo Services

ICI-ESS Support Services

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 17

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date

RFP Close Date

Qualified Bidders

SM0700 Provision of General Freight Forwarding Services

27-May-13 28-Jun-13 Agility Logistics Co.

ASCO Canada Ltd.

Panalpina Inc. Projects Division

P.F. Collins Customs Broker

SM0705 Provision of Laboratory Services

19-Jun-13 24-Jul-13 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

Golder Associates Ltd.

LVM Inc.

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Table 19 lists the contract packages with RFPs that have been issued but have not yet closed as of July 30, 2013.

Table 19 – Request for Proposals Issued (RFPs Open)

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date

RFP Close Date

Qualified Bidders

CD0502 Construction of AC Substations

16-Jul-13 10-Oct-13 ABB Inc.

Alstom Grid Canada Inc.

Bechtel Power Corporation

Burns & McDonnell Canada, Ltd.

Elecnor S.A. (Elecnor Canada)

Siemens Canada Ltd.

Valard Construction LP (a Quanta Services Company)

SD0564 Provision of Camp Services at Churchill Falls


9-Aug-13 Compass Group Ltd.

Sodexo Canada Ltd.

Labrador Catering Ltd. Partnership

ATCO Structures & Logistics Ltd.

Humber Valley Paving

Table 20 lists the upcoming RFPs that are expected to be issued during 2013.

Table 20 – Upcoming Request for Proposals (RFPs)

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date Qualified Bidders

CD0508 Supply & Install of Electrode Sites Q4' 2013

CD0510 Supply & Install Permanent Construction System

CH0008 Construction of North Spur Stabilization Works

CH0009 Construction of North & South Dams

CH0029 Construction of Site restoration at Muskrat Falls

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 18

Package # Package Title RFP Issue Date Qualified Bidders

CH0031 Supply & install Mechanical & Electrical Auxiliaries (MF), Substations at CF,MF & SP

CH0034 Supply and Install Powerhouse Elevator

Q3'2013 Otis Canada Inc.

Alimak Hek Inc.

Thyssen Krupp Elevator

CH0049 Supply and Install Log Booms

CT0052 Construction of Habitat Compensation Works

CT0327 Construction of 350kV HVdc Transmission Line Section 1


CT0342 Construction of AC Transmission Line on Island (SP)

CT0345 Clearing of ROW for 350 kV HVdc Transmission Line-Section 2

CT0346 Construction of 350 Kv HVdc Transmission Line- Section 2

CT0355 Construction of HVdc Marshaling Yard-Island Of NL.

LC-SB-027 Supply of Casing

LC-SB-034 Conduit End Exit Verification

LC-SB-036 Conduit End Connection

PH0015 Supply of Isolated Phase Bus Q3'2013

PH0035 Supply of Station Service Transformers


SD0536 Provision of Integrated Commissioning Support Services

SH0051 Provision of Building Maintenance Services

ST0312 Provision of Survey Services - 350 kV HVdc

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 19

Appendix A – Employment by 4-Digit NOC Code

Table 21 - Person Hours of Employment by 4-Digit NOC Code

Current Month Project to Date

4-Digit NOC Code C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total

0016 - Senior Managers - Goods Production, Utilities, Transportation and Construction

1,154 385 373 1,912 3,584 3,296 2,264 9,144

0111 - Financial Managers - - 111 111 - - 1,185 1,185 0112 - Human Resources Managers 2,389 238 216 2,843 10,666 3,146 2,288 16,100 0113 - Purchasing Managers - 371 344 715 - 1,688 1,344 3,032

0114 - Other Administrative Services Managers 750 151 83 984 5,605 1,945 613 8,163 0124 - Advertising, marketing and public relations managers - - - - - - 47 47 0125 - Other Business Services Managers 176 - 400 576 176 - 3,550 3,725 0211 - Engineering Managers 215 2,298 2,269 4,782 3,537 16,543 15,192 35,271

0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers - 115 313 428 - 1,021 2,387 3,408 0711 - Construction Managers 759 665 1,266 2,690 7,568 4,256 4,977 16,801 1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants 160 160 556 876 480 220 4,061 4,760 1114 - Other Financial Officers - - 22 22 170 629 159 958

1121 - Human Resources professionals 480 620 605 1,705 4,210 4,181 3,502 11,892 1122 - Professional Occupations in Business management consulting - - - - - - - - 1123 - Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

- - 677 677 - 31 4,151 4,182

1221 - Administrative Officers 190 1,218 96 1,504 1,290 9,747 1,032 12,069

1223 - Human resources and Recruitment Officers - 152 225 377 490 1,112 1,222 2,824 1225 - Purchasing Agents and Officers 335 2,593 3,810 6,738 3,735 21,513 20,685 45,932 1241 - Administrative Assistants 2,148 1,403 1,322 4,872 9,499 11,651 8,493 29,643 1311 - Accounting technicians and bookkeepers 324 486 974 1,784 647 3,859 6,768 11,273

1411 - General Office support workers 220 - - 220 744 - - 744 1431 - Accounting and Related Clerks 395 - - 395 844 - 330 1,174 2113 - Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists 135 1,129 - 1,264 135 2,006 - 2,141 2131 - Civil Engineers 4,178 5,610 1,824 11,612 17,356 49,649 6,754 73,759

2132 - Mechanical Engineers - 1,509 795 2,304 - 12,235 3,912 16,147 2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers 30 5,535 1,624 7,189 30 43,503 9,842 53,375 2141 - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers 1,551 624 789 2,964 7,619 5,197 6,389 19,204 2144 - Geological Engineers - 170 - 170 - 586 - 586

2147 - Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers) 146 144 - 290 146 1,058 160 1,364 2148 - Other Professional Engineers, n.e.c. 671 2,070 3,346 6,086 4,993 15,196 23,943 44,131 2151 - Architects - 176 - 176 - 937 - 937 2153 - Urban and Land Use Planners - 206 883 1,089 - 348 5,493 5,841

2154 - Land Surveyors 4,359 - 184 4,543 19,718 - 1,129 20,847 2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants 160 438 688 1,286 480 3,508 5,488 9,475 2221 - Biological Technologists and Technicians - - - - - - - -

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 20

Current Month Project to Date

4-Digit NOC Code C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total

2231 - Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians 870 3,718 512 5,100 4,520 34,878 4,365 43,763 2232 - Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians - 775 - 775 - 6,884 - 6,884 2234 - Construction Estimators - 680 284 964 - 3,530 2,068 5,598 2241 - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians

382 1,729 595 2,706 382 13,170 1,600 15,151

2243 - Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics - - - - - - - - 2251 - Architectural Technologists and Technicians - 287 - 287 - 2,587 - 2,587 2253 - Drafting Technologists and Technicians 204 2,033 164 2,400 216 18,040 1,152 19,407 2263 - Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety

1,783 1,491 153 3,426 8,771 7,034 1,051 16,855

2264 - Construction Inspectors - 1,160 398 1,558 - 5,139 1,196 6,335 2271 - Air Pilots, Flight Engineers and Flying Instructors - - - - - - - - 3234 - Paramedical Occupations 1,493 - - 1,493 10,853 - - 10,853 4112 - Lawyers and Quebec Notaries - - 14 14 - - 128 128

4161 - Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

3,318 1,824 529 5,670 7,609 11,461 4,158 23,228

4162 - Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts 2 - 370 372 2 - 2,620 2,621 4169 - Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c. 147 - - 147 147 - - 147 4312 - Firefighters - - 8 8 - - 8 8

6313 - Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors 753 - - 753 3,343 - - 3,343 6321 - Chefs 163 - - 163 194 - - 194 6322 - Cooks 1,119 - - 1,119 4,709 - - 4,709 6541 - Security Guards and Related security service Occupations 4,285 78 - 4,363 20,274 78 - 20,352

6711 - Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related support Occupations

4,048 - - 4,048 14,615 - - 14,615

7201 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations

180 - - 180 180 - - 180

7202 - Contractors and Supervisors, Electrical Trades and Telecommunications Occupations

363 - 54 417 2,309 - 83 2,392

7203 - Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades 228 - - 228 228 - - 228

7204 - Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 1,836 - - 1,836 6,612 - - 6,612 7205 - Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers

5,548 - 68 5,616 32,143 - 82 32,225

7233 - Sheet Metal Workers - - - - - - - - 7234 - Boilermakers - - - - - - - - 7236 - Ironworkers 720 - - 720 720 - - 720

7237 - Welders and Related Machine Operators 2,118 - - 2,118 11,927 - - 11,927 7242 - Industrial Electricians 533 - 382 915 10,740 - 586 11,326 7244 - Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers 500 - 50 550 8,391 - 400 8,791 7251 - Plumbers 120 - - 120 2,868 - 3 2,871 7252 - Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers 1,252 - - 1,252 1,252 - - 1,252

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 21

Current Month Project to Date

4-Digit NOC Code C&A E&D PM Total C&A E&D PM Total

7271 - Carpenters 3,178 - - 3,178 15,313 - - 15,313 7281 - Bricklayers - - - - - - - - 7293 - Insulators 432 - - 432 432 - - 432 7294 - Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators) - - - - - - - -

7301 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades 660 - - 660 3,978 - - 3,978 7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews 2,208 - - 2,208 12,631 - - 12,631 7311 - Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics - - - - - - 28 28 7312 - Heavy- Duty Equipment Mechanics 6,909 - - 6,909 30,769 - 28 30,797

7371 - Crane Operators 501 - - 501 2,626 - - 2,626 7372 - Drillers and Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction

7,264 - - 7,264 36,059 - - 36,059

7384 - Other Trades and Related Occupations, n.e.c. - - - - - - - - 7452 - Material Handlers 738 - 1 738 2,658 - 18 2,676

7511 - Transport Truck Drivers 24,478 - 8 24,486 92,196 - 42 92,238 7512 - Bus Drivers, Subway Operators and Other Transit Operators 290 - - 290 1,609 - - 1,609 7521 - Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) 20,141 - - 20,141 106,437 - 5 106,442 7533 - Boat and Cable Ferry Operators and Related Occupations - - - - - - - -

7611 - Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers 5,259 - - 5,259 44,454 - - 44,454 7612 - Other Trades Helpers and Labourers 14,780 - - 14,780 30,857 - - 30,857 8211 - Supervisors, Logging and Forestry 1,064 - - 1,064 1,224 - - 1,224

8241 - Logging Machinery Operators 612 - - 612 652 - - 652 8616 - Logging and Forestry Labourers 20 - - 20 130 - - 130 9241 - Power Engineers and power system operators - - 9 9 - - 28 28

All Occupation Codes 141,418 42,236 27,386 211,040 638,745 321,851 167,002 1,127,598

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 22

Table 22 – Residents Hired by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Res Total

Persons Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total

0016 - Senior Managers - Goods Production, Utilities, Transportation and Construction

4 7 57% - 3 0% 6 6 100% 10 16 63%

0111 - Financial Managers - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100% 3 3 100%

0112 - Human Resources Managers 10 15 67% 2 2 100% 3 3 100% 15 20 75%

0113 - Purchasing Managers - - 0% 1 2 50% 1 2 50% 2 4 50%

0114 - Other Administrative Services Managers 3 5 60% - 1 0% 1 1 100% 4 7 57%

0124 - Advertising, marketing and public relations managers

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

0125 - Other Business Services Managers 1 1 100% - - 0% 4 4 100% 5 5 100%

0211 - Engineering Managers 2 3 67% - 16 0% 18 18 100% 20 37 54%

0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers - - 0% 1 1 100% 3 3 100% 4 4 100%

0711 - Construction Managers 3 4 75% 2 4 50% 2 5 40% 7 13 54%

1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants - 1 0% - 1 0% 4 4 100% 4 6 67%

1114 - Other Financial Officers - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100% 3 3 100%

1121 - Human Resources professionals 3 3 100% 2 4 50% 5 5 100% 10 12 83%

1122 - Professional Occupations in Business management consulting

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

1123 - Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

- - 0% - - 0% 7 7 100% 7 7 100%

1221 - Administrative Officers - 1 0% 8 8 100% 1 1 100% 9 10 90%

1223 - Human resources and Recruitment Officers - - 0% 1 1 100% 2 2 100% 3 3 100%

1225 - Purchasing Agents and Officers 3 3 100% 3 16 19% 16 22 73% 22 41 54%

1241 - Administrative Assistants 16 17 94% 11 12 92% 9 9 100% 36 38 95%

1311 - Accounting technicians and bookkeepers 1 3 33% 4 4 100% 10 10 100% 15 17 88%

1411 - General Office support workers 1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

1431 - Accounting and Related Clerks 2 2 100% - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100%

2113 - Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists - 2 0% - 4 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2131 - Civil Engineers 13 21 62% 11 51 22% 12 12 100% 36 84 43%

2132 - Mechanical Engineers - - 0% 2 12 17% 5 5 100% 7 17 41%

2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1 1 100% 5 39 13% 15 15 100% 21 55 38%

2141 - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers 8 9 89% 2 4 50% 4 5 80% 14 18 78%

2144 - Geological Engineers - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

2147 - Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)

3 6 50% 1 1 100% - - 0% 4 7 57%

2148 - Other Professional Engineers, n.e.c. 4 5 80% 3 18 17% 29 30 97% 36 53 68%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 23

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Res Total

Persons Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total

2151 - Architects - - 0% 2 3 67% - - 0% 2 3 67%

2153 - Urban and Land Use Planners - - 0% 1 1 100% 5 5 100% 6 6 100%

2154 - Land Surveyors 13 25 52% - - 0% 1 1 100% 14 26 54%

2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants - 1 0% 2 3 67% 9 9 100% 11 13 85%

2221 - Biological Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2231 - Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians 5 5 100% 7 33 21% 2 3 67% 14 41 34%

2232 - Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- - 0% 1 6 17% - - 0% 1 6 17%

2234 - Construction Estimators - - 0% - 4 0% 2 2 100% 2 6 33%

2241 - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- 4 0% 2 12 17% 16 16 100% 18 32 56%

2243 - Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2251 - Architectural Technologists and Technicians - - 0% 1 2 50% - - 0% 1 2 50%

2253 - Drafting Technologists and Technicians 1 3 33% 6 22 27% 2 2 100% 9 27 33%

2263 - Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety

6 11 55% 8 8 100% 3 3 100% 17 22 77%

2264 - Construction Inspectors - - 0% 4 6 67% 1 2 50% 5 8 63%

2271 - Air Pilots, Flight Engineers and Flying Instructors - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

3234 - Paramedical Occupations 7 7 100% - - 0% - - 0% 7 7 100%

4112 - Lawyers and Quebec Notaries - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100% 3 3 100%

4161 - Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

25 34 75% 9 12 75% 5 5 100% 39 51 77%

4162 - Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts

- 1 0% - - 0% 3 3 100% 3 4 86%

4169 - Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c.

2 2 100% - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100%

4312 - Firefighters - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100% 1 1 100%

6313 - Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors

2 3 67% - - 0% - - 0% 2 3 67%

6321 - Chefs - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

6322 - Cooks 8 8 100% - - 0% - - 0% 8 8 100%

6541 - Security Guards and Related security service Occupations

39 42 93% 1 1 100% - - 0% 40 43 93%

6711 - Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related support Occupations

37 37 100% - - 0% - - 0% 37 37 100%

7201 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations

1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 24

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Res Total

Persons Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total

7202 - Contractors and Supervisors, Electrical Trades and Telecommunications Occupations

3 3 100% - - 0% 1 1 100% 4 4 100%

7203 - Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades 2 2 100% - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100%

7204 - Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 9 10 90% - - 0% - - 0% 9 10 90%

7205 - Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers

21 29 72% - - 0% 1 1 100% 22 30 73%

7233 - Sheet Metal Workers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7234 - Boilermakers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7236 - Ironworkers 6 6 100% - - 0% - - 0% 6 6 100%

7237 - Welders and Related Machine Operators 9 9 100% - - 0% - - 0% 9 9 100%

7242 - Industrial Electricians 3 3 100% - - 0% 11 11 100% 14 14 100%

7244 - Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers 3 4 75% - - 0% 5 5 100% 8 9 89%

7251 - Plumbers 3 3 100% - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100%

7252 - Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers

8 10 80% - - 0% - - 0% 8 10 80%

7271 - Carpenters 21 21 100% - - 0% - - 0% 21 21 100%

7281 - Bricklayers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7293 - Insulators 5 5 100% - - 0% - - 0% 5 5 100%

7294 - Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7301 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades 3 3 100% - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100%

7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews

8 11 73% - - 0% - - 0% 8 11 73%

7311 - Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7312 - Heavy- Duty Equipment Mechanics 25 29 86% - - 0% - - 0% 25 29 86%

7371 - Crane Operators 2 2 100% - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100%

7372 - Drillers and Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction

12 32 38% - - 0% - - 0% 12 32 38%

7384 - Other Trades and Related Occupations, n.e.c. - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7452 - Material Handlers 4 4 100% - - 0% - - 0% 4 4 100%

7511 - Transport Truck Drivers 98 102 96% - - 0% 1 1 100% 99 103 96%

7512 - Bus Drivers, Subway Operators and Other Transit Operators

3 3 100% - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100%

7521 - Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) 96 104 92% - - 0% - - 0% 96 104 92%

7533 - Boat and Cable Ferry Operators and Related Occupations

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7611 - Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers 32 33 97% - - 0% - - 0% 32 33 97%

7612 - Other Trades Helpers and Labourers 73 73 100% - - 0% - - 0% 73 73 100%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 25

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Res Total

Persons Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total Res

Total Persons

Res as % of Total

8211 - Supervisors, Logging and Forestry 2 6 33% - - 0% - - 0% 2 6 33%

8241 - Logging Machinery Operators 3 4 75% - - 0% - - 0% 3 4 75%

8616 - Logging and Forestry Labourers 1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

9241 - Power Engineers and power system operators - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100% 2 2 100%

Totals 679 806 84% 103 319 32% 237 251 94% 1,019 1,376 74%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 26

Table 23 – Female Workers Hired by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Females Total


Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total


Total Persons

Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total

0016 - Senior Managers - Goods Production, Utilities, Transportation and Construction

2 7 29% - 3 0% 1 6 17% 3 16 19%

0111 - Financial Managers - - 0% - - 0% 1 3 33% 1 3 33%

0112 - Human Resources Managers 3 15 20% 1 2 50% 1 3 33% 5 20 25%

0113 - Purchasing Managers - - 0% - 2 0% - 2 0% - 4 0%

0114 - Other Administrative Services Managers 4 5 80% 1 1 100% 1 1 100% 6 7 86%

0124 - Advertising, marketing and public relations managers

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

0125 - Other Business Services Managers 1 1 100% - - 0% - 4 0% 1 5 20%

0211 - Engineering Managers 1 3 33% 1 16 6% 1 18 6% 3 37 8%

0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers - - 0% - 1 0% - 3 0% - 4 0%

0711 - Construction Managers - 4 0% - 4 0% - 5 0% - 13 0%

1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants 1 1 100% - 1 0% 1 4 25% 2 6 33%

1114 - Other Financial Officers - - 0% - - 0% 1 3 33% 1 3 33%

1121 - Human Resources professionals 3 3 100% 2 4 50% 2 5 40% 7 12 58%

1122 - Professional Occupations in Business management consulting

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

1123 - Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

- - 0% - - 0% 5 7 71% 5 7 71%

1221 - Administrative Officers 1 1 100% 8 8 100% 1 1 100% 10 10 100%

1223 - Human resources and Recruitment Officers - - 0% 1 1 100% 1 2 50% 2 3 67%

1225 - Purchasing Agents and Officers 3 3 100% 4 16 25% 6 22 27% 13 41 32%

1241 - Administrative Assistants 15 17 88% 11 12 92% 9 9 100% 35 38 92%

1311 - Accounting technicians and bookkeepers 1 3 33% 2 4 50% 7 10 70% 10 17 59%

1411 - General Office support workers 1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

1431 - Accounting and Related Clerks 2 2 100% - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100%

2113 - Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists - 2 0% - 4 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2131 - Civil Engineers 1 21 5% 6 51 12% 6 12 50% 13 84 15%

2132 - Mechanical Engineers - - 0% - 12 0% 1 5 20% 1 17 6%

2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers - 1 0% 2 39 5% 4 15 27% 6 55 11%

2141 - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers 2 9 22% - 4 0% 2 5 40% 4 18 22%

2144 - Geological Engineers - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

2147 - Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)

2 6 33% - 1 0% - - 0% 2 7 29%

2148 - Other Professional Engineers, n.e.c. - 5 0% 2 18 11% 4 30 13% 6 53 11%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 27

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Females Total


Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total


Total Persons

Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total

2151 - Architects - - 0% - 3 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

2153 - Urban and Land Use Planners - - 0% - 1 0% - 5 0% - 6 0%

2154 - Land Surveyors 1 25 4% - - 0% - 1 0% 1 26 4%

2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants - 1 0% - 3 0% 1 9 11% 1 13 8%

2221 - Biological Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2231 - Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians - 5 0% 4 33 12% - 3 0% 4 41 10%

2232 - Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- - 0% - 6 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2234 - Construction Estimators - - 0% - 4 0% - 2 0% - 6 0%

2241 - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- 4 0% 3 12 25% - 16 0% 3 32 9%

2243 - Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2251 - Architectural Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

2253 - Drafting Technologists and Technicians - 3 0% 2 22 9% - 2 0% 2 27 7%

2263 - Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety

3 11 27% - 8 0% - 3 0% 3 22 14%

2264 - Construction Inspectors - - 0% - 6 0% - 2 0% - 8 0%

2271 - Air Pilots, Flight Engineers and Flying Instructors - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

3234 - Paramedical Occupations 1 7 14% - - 0% - - 0% 1 7 14%

4112 - Lawyers and Quebec Notaries - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

4161 - Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

19 34 57% 3 12 25% 3 5 60% 25 51 50%

4162 - Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts

- 1 0% - - 0% 2 3 67% 2 4 57%

4169 - Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c.

- 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

4312 - Firefighters - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0% - 1 0%

6313 - Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors

- 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

6321 - Chefs - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

6322 - Cooks 1 8 13% - - 0% - - 0% 1 8 13%

6541 - Security Guards and Related security service Occupations

6 42 14% - 1 0% - - 0% 6 43 14%

6711 - Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related support Occupations

25 37 68% - - 0% - - 0% 25 37 68%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 28

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Females Total


Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total


Total Persons

Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total

7201 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations

- 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

7202 - Contractors and Supervisors, Electrical Trades and Telecommunications Occupations

- 3 0% - - 0% - 1 0% - 4 0%

7203 - Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

7204 - Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades - 10 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 10 0%

7205 - Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers

- 29 0% - - 0% - 1 0% - 30 0%

7233 - Sheet Metal Workers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7234 - Boilermakers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7236 - Ironworkers - 6 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

7237 - Welders and Related Machine Operators - 9 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 9 0%

7242 - Industrial Electricians - 3 0% - - 0% - 11 0% - 14 0%

7244 - Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers - 4 0% - - 0% 1 5 20% 1 9 11%

7251 - Plumbers - 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

7252 - Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers

- 10 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 10 0%

7271 - Carpenters - 21 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 21 0%

7281 - Bricklayers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7293 - Insulators - 5 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 5 0%

7294 - Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7301 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades - 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews

- 11 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 11 0%

7311 - Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7312 - Heavy- Duty Equipment Mechanics 1 29 3% - - 0% - - 0% 1 29 3%

7371 - Crane Operators - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

7372 - Drillers and Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction

- 32 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 32 0%

7384 - Other Trades and Related Occupations, n.e.c. - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7452 - Material Handlers 1 4 25% - - 0% - - 0% 1 4 25%

7511 - Transport Truck Drivers 3 102 3% - - 0% - 1 0% 3 103 3%

7512 - Bus Drivers, Subway Operators and Other Transit Operators

- 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

7521 - Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) 5 104 5% - - 0% - - 0% 5 104 5%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 29

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Females Total


Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total


Total Persons

Females as % of Total Females

Total Persons

Females as % of Total

7533 - Boat and Cable Ferry Operators and Related Occupations

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7611 - Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers 3 33 9% - - 0% - - 0% 3 33 9%

7612 - Other Trades Helpers and Labourers 4 73 5% - - 0% - - 0% 4 73 5%

8211 - Supervisors, Logging and Forestry - 6 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

8241 - Logging Machinery Operators - 4 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 4 0%

8616 - Logging and Forestry Labourers - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

9241 - Power Engineers and power system operators - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0% - 2 0%

Totals 116 806 14% 53 319 17% 62 251 25% 231 1,376 17%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 30

Table 24 – Aboriginal Workers by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Ab













as %

















as %

















as %

















as %




0016 - Senior Managers - Goods Production, Utilities, Transportation and Construction

- 7 0% - 3 0% - 6 0% - 16 0%

0111 - Financial Managers - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

0112 - Human Resources Managers - 15 0% - 2 0% - 3 0% - 20 0%

0113 - Purchasing Managers - - 0% - 2 0% - 2 0% - 4 0%

0114 - Other Administrative Services Managers - 5 0% - 1 0% - 1 0% - 7 0%

0124 - Advertising, marketing and public relations managers

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

0125 - Other Business Services Managers 1 1 100% - - 0% - 4 0% 1 5 20%

0211 - Engineering Managers - 3 0% - 16 0% - 18 0% - 37 0%

0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers - - 0% - 1 0% - 3 0% - 4 0%

0711 - Construction Managers - 4 0% - 4 0% - 5 0% - 13 0%

1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants - 1 0% - 1 0% - 4 0% - 6 0%

1114 - Other Financial Officers - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

1121 - Human Resources professionals - 3 0% - 4 0% - 5 0% - 12 0%

1122 - Professional Occupations in Business management consulting

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

1123 - Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

- - 0% - - 0% 1 7 14% 1 7 14%

1221 - Administrative Officers - 1 0% - 8 0% - 1 0% - 10 0%

1223 - Human resources and Recruitment Officers - - 0% - 1 0% - 2 0% - 3 0%

1225 - Purchasing Agents and Officers - 3 0% - 16 0% - 22 0% - 41 0%

1241 - Administrative Assistants 5 17 29% - 12 0% - 9 0% 5 38 13%

1311 - Accounting technicians and bookkeepers - 3 0% - 4 0% - 10 0% - 17 0%

1411 - General Office support workers - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

1431 - Accounting and Related Clerks - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

2113 - Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists - 2 0% - 4 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2131 - Civil Engineers 1 21 5% 1 51 2% - 12 0% 2 84 2%

2132 - Mechanical Engineers - - 0% 1 12 8% - 5 0% 1 17 6%

2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers - 1 0% - 39 0% - 15 0% - 55 0%

2141 - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers - 9 0% - 4 0% - 5 0% - 18 0%

2144 - Geological Engineers - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 31

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Ab













as %

















as %

















as %

















as %




2147 - Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)

- 6 0% - 1 0% - - 0% - 7 0%

2148 - Other Professional Engineers, n.e.c. - 5 0% - 18 0% - 30 0% - 53 0%

2151 - Architects - - 0% - 3 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

2153 - Urban and Land Use Planners - - 0% - 1 0% - 5 0% - 6 0%

2154 - Land Surveyors 1 25 4% - - 0% - 1 0% 1 26 4%

2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants - 1 0% - 3 0% - 9 0% - 13 0%

2221 - Biological Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2231 - Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians - 5 0% - 33 0% - 3 0% - 41 0%

2232 - Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- - 0% - 6 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2234 - Construction Estimators - - 0% - 4 0% - 2 0% - 6 0%

2241 - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- 4 0% - 12 0% 1 16 6% 1 32 3%

2243 - Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2251 - Architectural Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

2253 - Drafting Technologists and Technicians - 3 0% - 22 0% - 2 0% - 27 0%

2263 - Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety

- 11 0% - 8 0% - 3 0% - 22 0%

2264 - Construction Inspectors - - 0% - 6 0% - 2 0% - 8 0%

2271 - Air Pilots, Flight Engineers and Flying Instructors - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

3234 - Paramedical Occupations - 7 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 7 0%

4112 - Lawyers and Quebec Notaries - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

4161 - Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

18 34 54% 2 12 17% - 5 0% 20 51 40%

4162 - Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts

- 1 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 4 0%

4169 - Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c.

- 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

4312 - Firefighters - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0% - 1 0%

6313 - Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors

- 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

6321 - Chefs - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

6322 - Cooks 1 8 13% - - 0% - - 0% 1 8 13%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 32

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Ab













as %

















as %

















as %

















as %




6541 - Security Guards and Related security service Occupations

9 42 21% - 1 0% - - 0% 9 43 21%

6711 - Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related support Occupations

32 37 86% - - 0% - - 0% 32 37 86%

7201 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations

- 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

7202 - Contractors and Supervisors, Electrical Trades and Telecommunications Occupations

1 3 33% - - 0% - 1 0% 1 4 25%

7203 - Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

7204 - Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades - 10 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 10 0%

7205 - Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers

- 29 0% - - 0% - 1 0% - 30 0%

7233 - Sheet Metal Workers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7234 - Boilermakers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7236 - Ironworkers - 6 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

7237 - Welders and Related Machine Operators 2 9 22% - - 0% - - 0% 2 9 22%

7242 - Industrial Electricians - 3 0% - - 0% - 11 0% - 14 0%

7244 - Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers 1 4 25% - - 0% - 5 0% 1 9 11%

7251 - Plumbers 1 3 33% - - 0% - - 0% 1 3 33%

7252 - Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers

- 10 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 10 0%

7271 - Carpenters 6 21 29% - - 0% - - 0% 6 21 29%

7281 - Bricklayers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7293 - Insulators - 5 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 5 0%

7294 - Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7301 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades - 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews

1 11 9% - - 0% - - 0% 1 11 9%

7311 - Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7312 - Heavy- Duty Equipment Mechanics 5 29 17% - - 0% - - 0% 5 29 17%

7371 - Crane Operators - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

7372 - Drillers and Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction

2 32 6% - - 0% - - 0% 2 32 6%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 33

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Ab













as %

















as %

















as %

















as %




7384 - Other Trades and Related Occupations, n.e.c. - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7452 - Material Handlers 2 4 50% - - 0% - - 0% 2 4 50%

7511 - Transport Truck Drivers 12 102 12% - - 0% - 1 0% 12 103 12%

7512 - Bus Drivers, Subway Operators and Other Transit Operators

- 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

7521 - Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) 17 104 16% - - 0% - - 0% 17 104 16%

7533 - Boat and Cable Ferry Operators and Related Occupations

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7611 - Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers 22 33 67% - - 0% - - 0% 22 33 67%

7612 - Other Trades Helpers and Labourers 25 73 34% - - 0% - - 0% 25 73 34%

8211 - Supervisors, Logging and Forestry - 6 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

8241 - Logging Machinery Operators 1 4 25% - - 0% - - 0% 1 4 25%

8616 - Logging and Forestry Labourers - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

9241 - Power Engineers and power system operators - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0% - 2 0%

Totals 166 806 21% 4 319 1% 2 251 1% 172 1,376 13%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 34

Table 25 – Labrador Residents by 4-Digit NOC Code – July 2013

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Lab






l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %




0016 - Senior Managers - Goods Production, Utilities, Transportation and Construction

- 7 0% - 3 0% 2 6 33% 2 16 13%

0111 - Financial Managers - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

0112 - Human Resources Managers - 15 0% - 2 0% - 3 0% - 20 0%

0113 - Purchasing Managers - - 0% - 2 0% - 2 0% - 4 0%

0114 - Other Administrative Services Managers 1 5 20% - 1 0% - 1 0% 1 7 14%

0124 - Advertising, marketing and public relations managers

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

0125 - Other Business Services Managers 1 1 100% - - 0% - 4 0% 1 5 20%

0211 - Engineering Managers - 3 0% - 16 0% 2 18 11% 2 37 5%

0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers - - 0% - 1 0% - 3 0% - 4 0%

0711 - Construction Managers - 4 0% - 4 0% 1 5 20% 1 13 8%

1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants - 1 0% - 1 0% - 4 0% - 6 0%

1114 - Other Financial Officers - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

1121 - Human Resources professionals - 3 0% - 4 0% - 5 0% - 12 0%

1122 - Professional Occupations in Business management consulting

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

1123 - Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

- - 0% - - 0% 2 7 29% 2 7 29%

1221 - Administrative Officers - 1 0% - 8 0% - 1 0% - 10 0%

1223 - Human resources and Recruitment Officers - - 0% 1 1 100% - 2 0% 1 3 33%

1225 - Purchasing Agents and Officers - 3 0% - 16 0% - 22 0% - 41 0%

1241 - Administrative Assistants 9 17 53% - 12 0% - 9 0% 9 38 24%

1311 - Accounting technicians and bookkeepers - 3 0% - 4 0% - 10 0% - 17 0%

1411 - General Office support workers 1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

1431 - Accounting and Related Clerks 1 2 50% - - 0% - - 0% 1 2 50%

2113 - Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists - 2 0% - 4 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2131 - Civil Engineers 1 21 5% 1 51 2% - 12 0% 2 84 2%

2132 - Mechanical Engineers - - 0% 1 12 8% - 5 0% 1 17 6%

2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers - 1 0% - 39 0% 1 15 7% 1 55 2%

2141 - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers - 9 0% - 4 0% - 5 0% - 18 0%

2144 - Geological Engineers - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 35

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Lab






l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %




2147 - Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)

- 6 0% - 1 0% - - 0% - 7 0%

2148 - Other Professional Engineers, n.e.c. - 5 0% - 18 0% - 30 0% - 53 0%

2151 - Architects - - 0% - 3 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

2153 - Urban and Land Use Planners - - 0% - 1 0% - 5 0% - 6 0%

2154 - Land Surveyors 6 25 24% - - 0% - 1 0% 6 26 23%

2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants - 1 0% - 3 0% 1 9 11% 1 13 8%

2221 - Biological Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2231 - Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians - 5 0% - 33 0% - 3 0% - 41 0%

2232 - Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- - 0% - 6 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

2234 - Construction Estimators - - 0% - 4 0% - 2 0% - 6 0%

2241 - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians

- 4 0% - 12 0% 10 16 63% 10 32 31%

2243 - Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

2251 - Architectural Technologists and Technicians - - 0% - 2 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

2253 - Drafting Technologists and Technicians - 3 0% - 22 0% 1 2 50% 1 27 4%

2263 - Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety

2 11 18% 2 8 25% 2 3 67% 6 22 27%

2264 - Construction Inspectors - - 0% - 6 0% - 2 0% - 8 0%

2271 - Air Pilots, Flight Engineers and Flying Instructors - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

3234 - Paramedical Occupations 1 7 14% - - 0% - - 0% 1 7 14%

4112 - Lawyers and Quebec Notaries - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 3 0%

4161 - Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

19 34 57% 2 12 17% 1 5 20% 22 51 44%

4162 - Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts

- 1 0% - - 0% - 3 0% - 4 0%

4169 - Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c.

2 2 100% - - 0% - - 0% 2 2 100%

4312 - Firefighters - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100% 1 1 100%

6313 - Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors

- 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

6321 - Chefs - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

6322 - Cooks 1 8 13% - - 0% - - 0% 1 8 13%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 36

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Lab






l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %




6541 - Security Guards and Related security service Occupations

33 42 79% 1 1 100% - - 0% 34 43 79%

6711 - Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related support Occupations

35 37 95% - - 0% - - 0% 35 37 95%

7201 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations

1 1 100% - - 0% - - 0% 1 1 100%

7202 - Contractors and Supervisors, Electrical Trades and Telecommunications Occupations

2 3 67% - - 0% 1 1 100% 3 4 75%

7203 - Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

7204 - Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 2 10 20% - - 0% - - 0% 2 10 20%

7205 - Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers

1 29 3% - - 0% 1 1 100% 2 30 7%

7233 - Sheet Metal Workers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7234 - Boilermakers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7236 - Ironworkers - 6 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

7237 - Welders and Related Machine Operators 3 9 33% - - 0% - - 0% 3 9 33%

7242 - Industrial Electricians 2 3 67% - - 0% 9 11 82% 11 14 79%

7244 - Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers 1 4 25% - - 0% - 5 0% 1 9 11%

7251 - Plumbers 1 3 33% - - 0% - - 0% 1 3 33%

7252 - Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers

- 10 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 10 0%

7271 - Carpenters 10 21 48% - - 0% - - 0% 10 21 48%

7281 - Bricklayers - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7293 - Insulators - 5 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 5 0%

7294 - Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7301 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades - 3 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 3 0%

7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews

1 11 9% - - 0% - - 0% 1 11 9%

7311 - Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7312 - Heavy- Duty Equipment Mechanics 6 29 21% - - 0% - - 0% 6 29 21%

7371 - Crane Operators - 2 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 2 0%

7372 - Drillers and Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction

3 32 9% - - 0% - - 0% 3 32 9%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 37

C&A E&D PM Total

4-Digit NOC Code Lab






l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %










l Pe








as %




7384 - Other Trades and Related Occupations, n.e.c. - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7452 - Material Handlers 3 4 75% - - 0% - - 0% 3 4 75%

7511 - Transport Truck Drivers 34 102 33% - - 0% 1 1 100% 35 103 34%

7512 - Bus Drivers, Subway Operators and Other Transit Operators

3 3 100% - - 0% - - 0% 3 3 100%

7521 - Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) 27 104 26% - - 0% - - 0% 27 104 26%

7533 - Boat and Cable Ferry Operators and Related Occupations

- - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0%

7611 - Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers 27 33 82% - - 0% - - 0% 27 33 82%

7612 - Other Trades Helpers and Labourers 40 73 55% - - 0% - - 0% 40 73 55%

8211 - Supervisors, Logging and Forestry - 6 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 6 0%

8241 - Logging Machinery Operators - 4 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 4 0%

8616 - Logging and Forestry Labourers - 1 0% - - 0% - - 0% - 1 0%

9241 - Power Engineers and power system operators - - 0% - - 0% 1 2 50% 1 2 50%

Totals 280 806 35% 8 319 3% 37 251 15% 325 1,376 24%

Muskrat Falls Project - July 2013 Benefits Report 38

Appendix B – Contracts Awarded Since Project Sanction

Table 26 – Contracts Awarded Since Project Sanction

Package # Package Title Award Date Successful Bidder(s)

CH0030 Turbines and Generators 2-Jan-13 Andritz Hydro Canada Inc.

SH0054 Temporary Site Services 10-Jan-13 Labrador Catering Limited Partnership

PT0301 Supply of Insulators 315 kV HVac 18-Jan-13 Seves Canada Inc.

PT0304 Optical Groundwire Conductors (OPGW) 315 kV Hvac

25-Jan-13 PT0304-001 Mosdorfer North Caroline Inc.

PT0304--002 Suzhou Furukawa Power Optic Canada Inc.

PT0326 Supply of Steel Wires – 315 kV HVac 28-Jan-13 Graybar Canada

PT0302 Tower Steel for AC Lines 6-Feb-13 ŞA-RA Energy, Construction, Trade and Industry Inc.

PT0307 Supply of Tower Foundations-315kV Hvac 5-Mar-13 Fabrimet

SM0701 Provision of Third Party Quality Surveillance & Inspection Services

18-Mar-13 SGS Canada Inc.

Killick Group Ltd.

GL Noble Denton Canada Ltd.

Moody International Ltd.

CT0341 315 kV HVac Transmission Line ROW Clearing Sec 1 & 2

21-Mar-13 Great Western Forestry Inc.

SM0713 Provision of Geotechnical Investigation Services

27-Mar-13 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

CH0023/24 Construction of Reservoir Clearing North and South Side

25-Apr-13 Johnson Construction Ltd.

PT0303 Hardware Accessories and Fittings for AC Lines

17-Apr-13 Mosdorfer GmbH (Austria)

PT0300 Supply of Transmission Line Conductors - 315 kV HVac

5-Apr-13 Midal Cables Ltd.

PT0335 Supply of Anchor Materials-315 Hvac 22-May-13 Williams Form Hardware & Rockbolt (Canada) Ltd.

SD0565 Provision of Geotech Investigation Shoreline Pond Electrode

6-Jun-13 Stantec Consulting Ltd.

SM0704 Provision of Survey Services 14-Jun-13 Edwards & Associates Ltd.