benefits of study abroad


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Page 1: Benefits of study abroad

“The academic and professional experiences that I acquired in Canada are not the only reasons why I encourage people to pursue their studies in Canada. In fact, beyond the solid scientific knowledge that I acquired, it is the multicultural exposure that I cherish the most. My professors were not only teachers but also mentors that were willing to help students in any situation. They taught me the proper way of learning and how to think critically.” - Sarah Larsen-Vefring from Germany When you study abroad your education grows exponentially faster than if you stay home. You live and learn in your host culture; every interaction is an opportunity to learn, and to share your culture with others. You will:

Gain new perspective on the world: There are countless amazing sites around the world: experience different natural landscapes and climates and see historical landmarks in countries that have shaped world history. Expand your knowledge of the world by actually getting out there. Is there a place or landmark you have always wanted to see? Do it! Studying and living in a different culture will help you see the world from a completely different perspective; it is an amazing experience that will change your life.

Increase language skills: For those of us who have toiled at learning another language, we know the way to truly become fluent in a language is to be immersed in it. If you've studied a language for several years and wish to gain fluency in that language, studying abroad is a vital way to make that wish come true. Even if you haven't studied languages at all, many programs don't require any previous foreign language. Learning a foreign language will make you more attractive to future employers, improve your communication skills, and give you a first-hand insight into local culture. As well-known among sociolinguistics, grasping another language will help you appreciate literature, music and film in that language, and better understand the culture in which you live.

Improve your academic, professional and financial potential: International experience is a critical and impressive part of any resume. In addition to the personal growth you'll undergo while overseas, the international and cross-cultural interpersonal skills you'll develop will certainly expand your employment opportunities and, consequently, your income potential in our increasingly globalized society. Globally-minded employees are in high demand. Many companies seek out individuals with multi-lingual and multi-cultural experience and skills. Furthermore, students typically make great gains in personal confidence and gain valuable insights into their own culture.

Page 2: Benefits of study abroad

Improve, learn, and refine decision-making and problem-solving skills: Students studying abroad find themselves in new situations all the time. When students maneuver through uncharted territory and convey their needs and thoughts using new language and intercultural skills, they gain confidence. These skills are transferable to other aspects of life, both personal and professional.

Take control of your future by exposing yourself to new paths. During your time abroad, you will be exposed to countless different experiences that will influence the rest of your life. Some students even end up changing their major or career path as a result of the new things they learn from being abroad. Others discover a newfound passion for travel, decide they want to work abroad, or desire to learn a new language. After studying abroad, you may find your travels have had a profound influence on your career or personal goals.

Gain a competitive edge for graduate school: Graduate programs, law schools, and medical schools all look favorably on such global experience. When you study abroad, you gain many skills which will appeal to graduate school admissions committees, such as:

- You will be prepared to adapt to unfamiliar environments. - You will be able to learn from different teaching styles. - You will be able to effectively communicate among diverse groups. - You will have a willingness to challenge yourself and your comfort zones. - You will attain knowledge of a foreign language.

Fight stereotypes: Students may become frustrated when the same stereotypes from home follow them overseas. However, study abroad is a unique opportunity to educate others about who you are as an individual and as a group. This is your chance to be an individual, as well as a representative of your culture, and to encourage positive understanding of global diversity.

Dispel your own stereotypes: In addition to serving as a cultural ambassador to dispel other's misconceptions, studying abroad gives you a chance to break down some of your own stereotypes about other countries and peoples. Not only will you have the chance to immerse yourself in another culture, you will also meet people from different backgrounds and make personal connections with people that you may have never expected.

Page 3: Benefits of study abroad

Improve your network through new friends and acquaintances: You will have the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures, and some of these people may even become life-long friends. Study abroad returnees often report meeting others with whom they expected to have no common ground and then discovered that, despite being from different parts of the globe, they have much in common and much to learn from one another. These relationships, insights, and outlooks are a critical part of the study abroad experience.