benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with...

Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with structural interactions Klaus-Ju ¨ rgen Bathe a, * , Gustavo A. Ledezma b a Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States b ADINA R&D, Inc., 71 Elton Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472, United States Received 15 January 2007; accepted 26 January 2007 Available online 29 March 2007 Abstract Various methods of analysis for the solution of fluid flows with structural interactions have been proposed in the literature, and new techniques are being developed. In these endeavors, to advance the field, thorough evaluations of the procedures are necessary. To help in establishing such evaluations, we present in this paper the solutions of some benchmark problems. The results can be used to evaluate existing and new formulations of incompressible fluid flows with structural interactions. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Incompressible fluid flows; Navier–Stokes equations; Fluid–structure interactions; Benchmark problems; ADINA 1. Introduction During the last years, significant advances have been made in the development and use of computational meth- ods for fluid flows with structural interactions. These advances pertain to the continuous efforts to reach more effective computational techniques, see for example Refs. [1–17], to include more phenomena [18–21] and to develop and assess analysis methods in very difficult problems to solve [22–46]. As seen, valuable applications of fluid–struc- ture interaction analyses are vast in various industries and scientific endeavors. In particular, the automobile and air- plane industries need to pursue such analyses. Also, studies in the biomedical sciences often require the modeling of fluid–structure interaction effects. And surely, as the analy- ses procedures become more effective and more general, the field of applications will further grow because nature does not distinguish between solids and fluids, and engineers and scientists will need to ‘simply simulate nature’ as it manifests itself in our various environments. Since there is a need for effective fluid structure interac- tion analysis procedures, various approaches have been proposed. In current simulations, arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulations are now widely used. The ALE contin- uum mechanics formulation is straight-forward; however, there are a number of important computational issues. For the fluid response, a Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation with moving control volumes is used while for the struc- tural response a pure Lagrangian formulation is employed. These descriptions need be coupled in a consistent and accurate manner for the interface conditions. Of course, the usual difficulties to reach accurate solutions in pure fluid flow analyses and in pure structural analyses are also present in ALE formulations of coupled response. How- ever, a major additional and ‘practical’ difficulty is that in the ALE formulation to describe the fluid flow, the mesh needs to preserve acceptable element geometries through- out the incremental analysis. The difficulty to preserve in the ALE formulation acceptable element geometries in the fluid mesh, when the structure undergoes large deformations, has been addressed in various research endeavors, see for example Refs. [47,48] and the references therein. In some 0045-7949/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2007.01.025 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 617 253 6645; fax: +1 617 253 2275. E-mail address: [email protected] (K.J. Bathe). Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

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Page 1: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flowswith structural interactions

Klaus-Jurgen Bathe a,*, Gustavo A. Ledezma b

a Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United Statesb ADINA R&D, Inc., 71 Elton Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472, United States

Received 15 January 2007; accepted 26 January 2007Available online 29 March 2007


Various methods of analysis for the solution of fluid flows with structural interactions have been proposed in the literature, and newtechniques are being developed. In these endeavors, to advance the field, thorough evaluations of the procedures are necessary. To help inestablishing such evaluations, we present in this paper the solutions of some benchmark problems. The results can be used to evaluateexisting and new formulations of incompressible fluid flows with structural interactions.� 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Incompressible fluid flows; Navier–Stokes equations; Fluid–structure interactions; Benchmark problems; ADINA

1. Introduction

During the last years, significant advances have beenmade in the development and use of computational meth-ods for fluid flows with structural interactions. Theseadvances pertain to the continuous efforts to reach moreeffective computational techniques, see for example Refs.[1–17], to include more phenomena [18–21] and to developand assess analysis methods in very difficult problems tosolve [22–46]. As seen, valuable applications of fluid–struc-ture interaction analyses are vast in various industries andscientific endeavors. In particular, the automobile and air-plane industries need to pursue such analyses. Also, studiesin the biomedical sciences often require the modeling offluid–structure interaction effects. And surely, as the analy-ses procedures become more effective and more general, thefield of applications will further grow because nature doesnot distinguish between solids and fluids, and engineersand scientists will need to ‘simply simulate nature’ as itmanifests itself in our various environments.

0045-7949/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 617 253 6645; fax: +1 617 253 2275.E-mail address: [email protected] (K.J. Bathe).

Since there is a need for effective fluid structure interac-tion analysis procedures, various approaches have beenproposed.

In current simulations, arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian(ALE) formulations are now widely used. The ALE contin-uum mechanics formulation is straight-forward; however,there are a number of important computational issues.For the fluid response, a Lagrangian–Eulerian formulationwith moving control volumes is used while for the struc-tural response a pure Lagrangian formulation is employed.These descriptions need be coupled in a consistent andaccurate manner for the interface conditions. Of course,the usual difficulties to reach accurate solutions in purefluid flow analyses and in pure structural analyses are alsopresent in ALE formulations of coupled response. How-ever, a major additional and ‘practical’ difficulty is thatin the ALE formulation to describe the fluid flow, the meshneeds to preserve acceptable element geometries through-out the incremental analysis.

The difficulty to preserve in the ALE formulationacceptable element geometries in the fluid mesh, when thestructure undergoes large deformations, has beenaddressed in various research endeavors, see for exampleRefs. [47,48] and the references therein. In some

Page 2: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644 629

approaches, the fluid mesh nodal coordinates are updatedusing the nodal displacements obtained by solving struc-tural equations corresponding to springs or solid elementsthat connect the fluid nodes. These approaches have signif-icant limitations, similar to the simple use of solving theLaplace equation with appropriate boundary conditions.However, if the approach of solving the Laplace equation


Z incompressiblefluid


normal tractionload, 0.1 MPa

pressureload0.1 MPa






solidE= 200 GPa

= 0.49999ν


= 1000 kg /m= 0.001 kg /ms




TIME 1.000TIME 1.000






TIME 1.000







Fig. 1. 2D and 3D FSI patch tests: (a) solid and fluid meshes, and boundary costress-zz band plots.

is used for lines, surfaces and then volumes, a practicalalgorithm can be developed [4]. While this approach isquite powerful, the modeling effort needed can be largeand there are of course limitations regarding the incremen-tal steps that can be used in an analysis.

Instead of moving the nodal points of the fluid mesh byuse of an algorithm, completely new meshes to solve for the




(1.69,3.2) (3.3,3.22)











TIME 1.000TIME 1.000







TIME 1.000





nditions; (b) 2D pressure and stress-zz band plots and (c) 3D pressure and

Page 3: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

630 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

fluid flow in the incremental analysis may be generated.This approach offers in principle much generality for anal-ysis, but requires efficient and accurate procedures to estab-lish a new mesh for the current fluid domain and the justcalculated fluid response. The new fluid mesh needs to beestablished based on error measures and the fluid responseneeds to be mapped accurately onto the new mesh. Thismapping introduces errors that need to be controlled.The approach is quite attractive for steady-state solutionsbut in transient analyses the errors introduced by frequentmappings can pollute the response prediction. Thereforethis adaptive re-meshing procedure is best used in conjunc-tion with an effective ALE formulation. Then the re-mesh-ing need only be invoked when the other algorithms of theALE formulation do not succeed in updating the nodalcoordinates to obtain an effective fluid mesh.

Since there are these difficulties in reaching effective fluidflow meshes when the fluid flow domains are changing sig-



pressure l10 Pa




1 m

1 m

(0.25,0) (0.5,0)






(0.25,1) (0.5,1)



Fig. 2. FSI patch test using two equal-length 3-node and 4-node isoparametrelements: (a) solid and fluid meshes, and boundary conditions and (b) pressur

nificantly, a number of other formulations have been pro-posed. The basic idea in ‘immersed solid formulations’ isto span the complete domain by a (stationary) Eulerianmesh through which the fluid flows and the structuremoves, see for example Refs. [14,15] and the referencestherein. In a simple approach, the structure is simply repre-sented by elastic fibers, or networks of fibers, and forcesacting onto the fluid. These solutions can not give an accu-rate stress response of the structure but only an overallunderstanding of the fluid flow with the structure embed-ded in the fluid.

In many FSI analyses we are primarily interested in thestructural response, and in particular in the structural stres-ses that are a result of the fluid interacting with the struc-ture. For such problems, immersed solid formulations arecurrently developed to represent the actual solid continuummoving through the fluid, see Refs. [14,15,49,50]. A diffi-culty then encountered is the accurate solution of the trac-


θ =x 0 at the boundaries






solidE = 200 GPa

= 0.4999ν


= 1000 kg / m= 0.001 kg / m s



TIME 1.000




ic beam elements on the surface of a 2D fluid discretized by quadrilaterale band plot in the fluid.

Page 4: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or


Fig. 3. Porous FSI patch test: (a) model and meshes used and (b) pressure band plot and velocity vectors; y-velocity along the z-coordinate at the outlet.

1 In this paper, we shall use the abbreviation ‘FSI’ for fluid–structureinteractions in which the fluid is governed by the Navier–Stokes equationsof isothermal incompressible flows.

K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644 631

tions on the fluid structure boundary and the velocity fieldnear the boundary. Also, fluid flows contained in structuralboundaries with large movements can be difficult to solve.Of course, various combinations of ALE formulations andimmersed solid formulations can be proposed.

Hence, there are various approaches for fluid structureinteraction solutions, which all display some limitations.Since, as mentioned above already, possible applicationsof fluid structure interaction analyses in various industriesand scientific research are wide-spread, and must beexpected to increase, significant further advances in thedevelopment of fluid structure interaction procedures needbe foreseen. These new and possibly improved techniques,however, need to be benchmarked in problem solutionsand measured against techniques that are already available.

The main objective in this paper is to present somebenchmark solutions that shall help to verify new formula-

tions for fluid structure interaction (FSI) analyses1 assum-ing incompressible fluid flow and small or large structuraldeformations. The benchmark solutions have beenobtained using ADINA [3,51,52]. The problems have beenselected to not have complex and computationally intensivediscretizations but to rather consider ‘basic problems’ thatshould be easily solved by an FSI scheme. Since ADINA iswidely available, the benchmark solutions can also directlybe resolved with the code, if desired, in order to obtainmore details regarding the solutions.

In the next sections of the paper we first briefly pres-ent the formulations used in ADINA and then we pres-ent the various benchmark problems and solutions.

Page 5: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or


Fig. 3 (continued)

2 We imply throughout the paper to use the appropriate Hilbert spacesor affine manifolds; for details see for example [53,54].

632 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

We endeavor to present the problems such that the solu-tions can directly be reproduced using various FSIimplementations.

2. Governing equations of fluid flows with structural


In this section, we briefly present the mathematicalmodel of the fluid flow structure interaction problemsand the finite element discretizations that we consider.

2.1. Fluid flow equations

We consider an open bounded fluid domain X 2 R3 withboundary C ¼ CD [ CN [ Ci where CD and CN are theDirichlet and Neumann boundaries of the fluid, and Ci isthe fluid–structure interface boundary. The Navier–Stokesequations of an incompressible, isothermal fluid flow canbe written in non-conservative form as


otþ qðv � rÞv�r � s ¼ fB x 2 X;

r � v ¼ 0 x 2 Xð1Þ

subject to the boundary conditions

v ¼ vD; x 2 CD;

s � n ¼ t; x 2 CN;

v ¼ _uiS; x 2 Ci;



sðv; pÞ ¼ �pIþ l½rvþ ðrvÞT� ð3Þ

is the stress tensor, l is the viscosity, v are the velocities, p isthe pressure, fB are body forces per unit volume, vD are theprescribed velocities on CD, _ui

S are the velocities of thefluid–structure interface Ci, t are the prescribed tractionson CN, n is the unit outward normal vector to the boundarysurface of the fluid, and q is the fluid density.

The variational formulation of the Navier–Stokes equa-tions reads [53]

Find ðv; pÞ 2 V � P such that2

aððv; pÞ; ðw; qÞÞ ¼ lðwÞ 8ðw; qÞ 2 V 0 � P ; ð4Þ

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K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644 633


aððv; pÞ; ðw; qÞÞ ¼Z

Xs � rwdXþ


qr � vdX;

lðwÞ ¼Z

XfB � wdXþ


t � wdC�Z



ot� wdX


Xqðv � rÞv � wdX:


with l(w) also a function of v.Of course, the coupling between the fluid and the struc-

ture must satisfy the conditions of compatibility and trac-tion equilibrium at the fluid–structure interface. In oursolutions, the displacements of the structure are imposedonto the fluid–structure interface of the fluid domain, i.e.,

uðtÞ ¼ uiSðtÞ; x 2 Ci ð6Þ

and hence the fluid domain is a function of the structuraldisplacements, X ¼ XðuSÞ.






























0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4






























Fig. 4. Porous FSI patch test. Solid model pore pressure and stresses

These are the basic governing equations of the fluidflows we consider, and can be used to derive the equationsfor related flow conditions, such as flow through porousmedia and slightly compressible flow.

2.2. Solid equations

We consider an open bounded domain XS 2 R3 of asolid with boundary CS ¼ CS

D [ CSN [ Ci where CS

D and CSN

are the Dirichlet and Neumann boundaries of the solid,and Ci is the fluid–structure interface boundary. The solidresponse is described using a Lagrangian formulationwhere the solid can of course include structural behavioras described by beams, plates, or shells. The solid or struc-ture can be subjected to large deformations and rotations.

Considering a general 3D-nonlinear response, the gov-erning equilibrium equations are



0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0



along the y axis. The stresses are plotted at the integration points.

Page 7: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

634 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

r � sS þ fBS ¼ qS


ot2; x 2 XS; ð7Þ

with the boundary conditions

uS ¼ uDS ; x 2 CS


sS � nS ¼ tS; x 2 CSN;

sS � nS ¼ �s � nþ tiS; x 2 Ci;


where sS is the Cauchy stress tensor, fBS are body forces per

unit volume, uS are the unknown displacements, qS is the



2 m

ratio of elemenis used when m

wall displacementz(t) = 0.01t muniform subdivision

all walls are no-slip


3D mod


= 1 kg / msρμ

= 1000 kg /m3

uniform subdivision

TIME = 1.0 sTIME = 1.0 s


TIME = 40.0 sTIME = 40.0 s TT



Fig. 5. ALE low Re flow test: (a) axisymmetric and 3D mo

solid density, tS are tractions applied on CSN, ti

S are exter-nally applied tractions to the interface boundary Ci, andnS is the unit outward normal vector to the boundary sur-face of the structure. The stresses are of course evaluatedusing the relevant constitutive relations. We note that inEq. (8) the traction equilibrium between the fluid and thestructure is imposed on Ci.

The variational formulation of this problem can be writ-ten as [53]

Find uS 2 V S such that

aSðuS; vSÞ ¼ lSðvSÞ 8vS 2 V 0;S ; ð9Þ

1 m

0.4 m

0.1 m

symmetry axis

t edge lengths (last / first) = 4esh gradings are present.

2D mesh is revolved 90 degrees about the z axis

outlet, = 0uniform subdivision


etric model


symmetry plane

uniform subdivision

IME= 100.0 sIME= 100.0 s TIME = 160.0 sTIME = 160.0 s TIME = 195.0 sTIME = 195.0 s

del details and (b) time history of the 3D coarse mesh.

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K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644 635


aSðuS; vSÞ ¼Z


sS � eS dXS;

lSðvSÞ ¼Z


fBS � vS dXS þ



tS � vS dCþZ


ðtiS � s � nÞ � vS dC



qS€uS � vS dXS

ð10Þand eS is the strain tensor corresponding to vS.

The above variational equation directly gives the dis-placement-based finite element formulations, but for manyanalyses mixed finite element formulations are more effec-tive. Mixed formulations can be derived by extending thevariational formulation in Eq. (9), see for example Refs.[53,54].

2.3. Coupling between fluid flow and solids

The coupling between the fluid and the structure isbased on an arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation

1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0-50.







300.axisymmetric coarse meshaxisymmetric intermediate mesh

axisymmetric fine mesh










t = 150 s

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0-50.







300.t = 40 st = 100 st = 160 s


axisymmetric modelfine mesh

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0-50.







300.t = 40 st = 100 st = 160 s


3D modelfine mesh
















a b

c d

e f

Fig. 6. ALE low Re flow test. Axisymmetric and 3D model pressure and z-vedirect comparison of the z-velocity for the axisymmetric and 3D models; (c) nomodel; (e) nodal pressure in the 3D model; and (f) z-velocity in the 3D model

for the fluid that is coupled to the Lagrangian formulationof the structure [3]. Using the variational formulationsfor the fluid flow problem and the structural problem, thenonlinear coupled problem can be written in compact formas

Find fv; p; uSg 2V ¼ V � P � V S such that

aððv; pÞ; ðw; qÞÞ þ aSðuS; vSÞ ¼ lðwÞ þ lSðvSÞ8fw; q; vSg 2V0;

V0 ¼ V 0 � P � V 0;S


This nonlinear variational problem describes a fullycoupled fluid flow structure interaction problem. The fluiddomain, on which a((Æ, Æ), (Æ, Æ)) is defined, depends on thestructural displacements uS.

2.4. Solution of governing FSI continuum equations

The governing equations of the FSI response, given inEq. (11), are discretized and solved in ADINA using forsolids and structures the element formulations publishedin Ref. [53] and for the fluid flow the element formulations

1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.00.0






t = 160 s 3Dt = 160 s axisymmetric







0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.00.0





0.5t = 40 st = 100 st = 160 s


axisymmetric modelfine mesh

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.00.0





0.5t = 40 st = 100 st = 160 s


3D modelfine mesh











fine mesh

locity results along the axis: (a) axisymmetric model mesh refinement; (b)dal pressure in the axisymmetric model; (d) z-velocity in the axisymmetric.

Page 9: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

t = 1.6



TIME 1.600










Fig. 8. Mass conservation test. Mesh deformation and maximum princi-pal stretch.

Table 1Mass conservation test

t Re Flow rate [kg/s]

z = 0 m z = 0.5 m z = 1 m

0.4 31.2 2.45199 2.45198 2.451981.0 121.1 9.51151 9.51151 9.511511.6 361.7 28.4088 28.4088 28.4088

Flow rates at three different sections along the axis.The Reynolds number is based on the average velocity at the inlet, z = 0 mand the channel inner diameter, D = 0.1 m.

636 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

presented in Refs. [3,55]. The flow-condition-based inter-polation (FCBI) approach used for solution of incompress-ible flows has also been studied further in Refs. [56–58]. Asdiscussed in Refs. [55–58], the objective in the FCBI formu-lations is to have good stability and sufficient accuracy forFSI solutions.

As mentioned already above, specific attention needs tobe given to the coupling between the solid and structuraldomains and the fluid domains. With the method used inADINA arbitrary meshes can be employed for the differentregions, which is important in engineering practice.Namely, the solution of the fluid response may require cer-tain mesh densities that in general must be quite differentfrom the mesh densities used to solve for the structuralresponse. The specific coupling employed is described inRef. [3].

For the purpose of presenting benchmark solutions, thespecific iterative scheme used to solve the finite elementequations is of course not of importance. However, weshould mention that whichever fully coupled solutionscheme is used in ADINA, the full coupling is consideredby solving the fully coupled algebraic equations obtainedfrom Eq. (11). Since these equations are highly nonlinear,in general, a Newton–Raphson ‘outer iteration’ isemployed. The matrix equations established in each New-ton–Raphson step are then solved either directly by asparse solver (for small systems of equations) or by an‘inner iteration’ using a multi-grid solver (for larger sys-tems of equations). At convergence of the Newton–Raph-son iterations, the finite element equations establishedfrom Eq. (11) have been solved to the accuracy specifiedby the convergence tolerances used, and only the efficiency

fluid meshsolid mesh

solid (Mooney-Rivlin material)κs = 10 Pa

C = 2x10 Pa

C = 10 Pa






= 1000 kg / m= 1 kg / m s




1 m

D = 0.1 m

thickness = 0.0025 minner diameter, D = 0.1 m

fixed on the inner edgeat both ends

τin = 15 t kPa0 < t < 1.6

τout = 13 t kPa0 < t < 1.6


Fig. 7. Mass conservation test. Dimensions, properties and boundary conditions; meshes used.

Page 10: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644 637

is affected by the choice of the solution scheme. In thebenchmark solutions given below, all convergence toler-

1 m

1 m

1 m


fluidv(t) = 0.2t

solid (Mooney-Rivlin material)ρ






= 0 kg / mC = 1.6667 PaC = 0 Pa

= 3.3333 Pa


= 1 kg / m= 1 kg / m s


Fig. 9. Strong coupling test. Solid mesh and fluid mesh with 1 and 10 elem

0. 1. 2. 3. 4.0.













0. 1. 2. 3. 4.0.0












0. 1. 2. 3. 4.-2.








100 fluid elements and 4 structural eleme

10 fluid elements and 1 structural elemen

3 fluid elements and 1 structural element







100 fluid elements and 4 structural eleme

10 fluid elements and 1 structural elemen

3 fluid elements and 1 structural element




Fig. 10. Strong coupling test results at the fluid–solid interface using three dtraction.

ances have been set to be tight, so that any error in solvingthe finite element equations is negligible.




10 m

all channel walls and the fluid-solidinterface are slip

τn = 0

ents respectively. The solid material is confined to stay in the channel.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.E [s]

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

E [s]

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



E [s]

100 fluid elements and 4 structural elements

10 fluid elements and 1 structural element

3 fluid elements and 1 structural element



ifferent meshes: (a) displacement in the z-direction; (b) velocity; and (c)

Page 11: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

638 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

3. Benchmark solutions

In this section we present some benchmark solutionsthat should be valuable in the evaluations of proceduresfor FSI analyses. In all transient solutions we use the timeintegration scheme of Ref. [59].

3.1. FSI patch tests

The patch test is an important means to assess whetheran incompatible mesh of elements can represent constantstress conditions [53]. We use the test in FSI analysisschemes to see whether fluid and solid/structural domains,meshed independently and using incompatible meshes, willtransmit constant stress conditions.

Fig. 1 shows the 2D patch test and the solution results.Fig. 1 also shows the same patch test but performed in 3D.



H = 5 m

8 m

3 m

2 m

2 m

solidE = 70 GP

= 0.3shell thicknν

inlet3V2H2v(z) = (2H z - z )2

0.01 < V < 0.1 m/s

3 m



Fig. 11. Shell in steady-state cross flow test. Dimensions an

0. 500 1000 1500 20000.0




2.013 x 18 x 8 mesh

24 x 36 x 15 mesh

37 x 54 x 23 mesh









Fig. 12. Tip displacement of the shell as a function of the flow Reynolds numbeand Z-directions (see Fig. 11).

We should note the curved boundary between the fluid andthe solid. The fluid geometrically linear elements overlapthe solid geometrically quadratic elements, and of course,the two meshes are totally incompatible at the fluid–solidinterface. The patch test is passed in both cases.

Fig. 2 shows another patch test using 4-node and 3-nodeisoparametric beam elements on the surface of a 2Dfluid, discretized by quadrilateral elements. The pressureapplied to the beam elements must be exactly transmittedto the fluid, as seen in this test. The same test should ofcourse also be passed in 3D, that is, when shell elementssubjected to pressure are resting on the surface of a 3Dfluid domain.

Of course, additional patch tests, e.g. using 2-node beamelements, for a numerical assessment can be designed, butthe theory underlying the FSI formulation will already tellwhether any (relevant) patch test is passed.

12 m

outlet= 0τn


ess = 1.25 mm


= 1000 kg / m= 0.1 kg / m s




d boundary conditions. The shell is fixed at the bottom.

2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

=V Hρ


r; the number of elements given for each fluid mesh correspond to the X, Y

Page 12: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or




0.01 m






fluid-solid mesh interface detail

solid mesh, plane strain conditions5x10 m thickness


fluid mesh

τn = 0

inlet= 5 x 10 t Paτn



τn = 0τ n


solid (Mooney-Rivlin material)ρs



= 800 kg/m

= 10 Pa

C = 2x10 Pa

C = 10 Pa






fluid (slightly compressible)ρμκ

= 1000 kg/m= 0.004 kg/ms= 10 Pa



3 equal 9/3 elements for coarse mesh50 equal 9/3 elements for fine mesh


Fig. 13. Large deformation membrane on fluid test: (a) model dimensions and boundary conditions (fine mesh is shown) and (b) time histories of thecoarse and fine meshes.

K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644 639

3.2. Porous FSI patch test

Fig. 3 shows the problem solved. Three different stackedporous media are subjected to the same pressure gradient.Hence, with the different permeabilities, the flow velocitiesin the media need be different. The test is passed if the flowvelocities and pressure variations are the analytical valueseven though distorted elements are used in the meshes.Since velocity discontinuities at the media interfaces arenot modeled, small errors in the calculated velocities areacceptable.3

Fig. 3 shows the pressure band plot and velocity vectorsin the fluid domain, and the y-velocity along a vertical lineat the outlet. As expected, the velocity varies from onematerial to the other according to Darcy’s law.

Another purpose of this test is to check the accuratetransfer of the fluid pressure to the structural model. Thestresses in the solid and the pore pressure (given as a neg-ative quantity) are plotted in Fig. 4. These results show thatthe patch test is passed.

3.3. ALE low Re flow test

In low Re flows, a discretization should represent theincompressible conditions accurately and hence solveaccurately for the pressure and flow velocities. This obser-

3 Of course, velocity discontinuities could be introduced by simplyassigning at the interfaces two nodes where now one node is used and thenallowing independent tangential ‘slip’ velocities (but constraining thenormal velocities to be continuous). This approach requires in practicemore modeling effort.

vation is applicable to the ‘element Re numbers’ andalthough, overall, a high Re flow may be solved, in certainregions (in flow stagnations) the element Re numbers maybe small. The difficulty of solving for the pressure andvelocities accurately in finite difference and finite volumemethods was recognized long time ago and staggered meshpoints for pressure and velocity assumptions were intro-duced [60].

The mathematical condition for optimal solutions is thatthe discretization used must satisfy the inf–sup condition(or the problem must be reformulated to by-pass this con-dition). The condition is satisfied by the continuum prob-lem in Eq. (11), but is only satisfied by a discretizationprovided appropriate velocity and pressure interpolationsare used [53,61,62]. Analytical investigations have identi-fied elements that satisfy the inf–sup condition, assuminglargely uniform meshes; and a numerical inf–sup test hasbeen proposed for discretization schemes not amenable toanalytical proofs, considering for example new elementsand distorted element meshes [53,63,64].

We present here a problem solution with a moving meshto test the accuracy in the prediction of pressure and flowvelocities as the element size is decreasing.

Fig. 5 shows the problem we consider: a moving wallpushes fluid into a channel with a sudden contraction.The initially distorted element meshes in the axisymmetricand 3D solutions are rather coarse. The finer meshes of dis-torted elements in the analyses are obtained by simplyincreasing the number of elements in the axial and radialdirections first by a factor of 4 and then by an additionalfactor of 2. The third mesh is therefore very fine. In eachcase, specifically, the pressure predictions are of interest,

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TIME = 0.25TIME = 0.25TIME = 0.20TIME = 0.20

TIME = 0.10TIME = 0.10TIME = 0.0TIME = 0.0

TIME = 0.25TIME = 0.25TIME = 0.20TIME = 0.20

TIME 0.10TIME 0.10TIME = 0.0TIME = 0.0


Fig. 13 (continued)

640 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

that is, whether any oscillations occur. Fig. 5 shows howthe 3D coarse mesh is compressed in the analysis. Fig. 6shows the smooth pressure predictions along the z-axis cal-culated in this test. The effect of refining the mesh and com-parisons between the axisymmetric and 3D test results arealso given. The maximum Reynolds number based on thecontracted channel diameter is 50.

3.4. Mass conservation test

In CFD solutions, it is of particular importance to sat-isfy the conservation of mass and momentum conditions‘locally’, that is, for local patches of elements, and hencefor any section through the flow field. In FSI solutions, thisconservation property should also hold for the flow whenthe boundaries of the fluid mesh move.

Fig. 7 shows the problem we use to test the mass conser-vation property. The flexible cylindrical channel wall is rep-resented using one layer of 3D 27-node solid elements andthe fluid is represented by 3D 8-node elements. Fig. 8shows the deformation of the channel wall at t = 1.6 (seeFig. 7) and also the principal stretch. The mass flow ratescalculated at three sections of the channel are listed inTable 1. It is seen that mass conservation is satisfied andhence the test is passed.

3.5. Strong coupling test

The problem considered here is taken from Ref. [65] andis described in Fig. 9. In this transient FSI problem, thecoupling between the fluid and the structure is strong,which makes the solution a valuable test. While in Ref.[65] linear conditions are assumed for the solid, we use herefor the solid a compressible Mooney–Rivlin material modeland assume large deformations [53,66]. However, the prob-lem is still ‘‘rather constructed’’ with the data given.

We present our results using three different meshes: acoarse mesh with three equal 8-node fluid elements andone 8-node 3D solid element; an intermediate mesh, shownin Fig. 9, with 10 equal 8-node fluid elements and one 8-node3D solid element; and a fine mesh with one hundred equal 8-node fluid elements and four equal 8-node solid elements.

Fig. 10 shows the calculated solutions for all meshes,using Dt ¼ 0:02 s. Good convergence of the solutions isseen.

3.6. Shell in steady-state cross-flow test

The problem considered here is described in Fig. 11.Similar problems were solved already in Refs. [3,67].The purpose of this problem solution is to verify theFSI capability when a shell structure undergoes largedeformations.

A flexible, initially vertical plate is subjected to flow andundergoes large deformations, which makes the plate struc-ture act like a shell. The shell is always discretized using amesh of 6 · 12 equal MITC4 shell elements, while 8-node3D FCBI elements are used to discretize the fluid domain.Fig. 12 gives the tip displacement of the shell (at the mid-point of the free edge) as a function of the flow Reynoldsnumber when increasingly finer meshes are used. Goodconvergence of the predicted response is seen.

3.7. Large deformation membrane on fluid test

Fig. 13 shows the problem considered. The purpose ofthis problem solution is to test the FSI scheme in a largedisplacement problem when a free-form mesh of triangularelements is used and the mesh nodes are automaticallymoved.

We solve for the transient response with Dt ¼ 0:001 suntil t = 0.25. The membrane undergoes large displace-ments and large strains. Two meshes, a coarse and a fine

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fluid mesh (with also coarse and fine structural meshes) areused. The time evolutions of the nodal positions in the fluidmeshes automatically calculated throughout the incremen-tal response are shown in Fig. 13.









0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.120.







0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.121.0












Fig. 14. Large deformation membrane on fluid test: (a) vertical displacement olocated at the membrane center.




fluid mesh

solid mesh

confined fluidno-slip walls

Ω = 10 rad / sec

1 m

Fig. 15. Transient rotation of channel with fluid

The maximum displacement and stretch of the mem-brane in the incremental solution are shown Fig. 14. It isseen that the coarse mesh solution is quite close to the finemesh solution.

ME [s]

0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26

coarse meshfine mesh

0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26

coarse meshfine mesh

TIME [s]

f the membrane center and (b) principal maximum stretch of the element

0.025 m



s = 7900 kg/mE = 200 GPa

= 0.3thickness = 0.004 m



= 1000 kg/m= 0.1 kg/ms= 1 GPa


0.025 m

flow test. Meshes and boundary conditions.

Page 15: Benchmark problems for incompressible fluid flows with… · ing incompressible fluid flow and small or

Fig. 16. Transient rotation of channel with fluid flow test: (a) channel tip velocity in the z-direction; (b) channel tip acceleration in the z-direction and (c)fluid velocity magnitude at the center of the channel.

642 K.J. Bathe, G.A. Ledezma / Computers and Structures 85 (2007) 628–644

3.8. Transient rotation of channel with fluid flow test

The large deformation FSI problem we consider isshown in Fig. 15. A water-filled steel channel rotatesthrough the full 360�. For the complete time span, a rota-tion of 10 rad/s is prescribed at the left end. The objectivein this problem solution is to test the FSI scheme for largerotations of the fluid mesh.

The fluid mesh consists of 4-node elements and the struc-ture is represented by 3-node isoparametric beam elements.

Fig. 16 shows the calculated tip velocity and accelerationof the channel using Dt ¼ 0:01 s. The figure also shows themagnitude of the fluid velocity at the center of the channel.

It may be noted that this problem is an extension of thependulum problem considered in Ref. [59], but since the rota-tion is prescribed, various time integration schemes can beused for solution. We use the problem here to only testwhether the rotation of the fluid mesh is achieved correctly.

4. Concluding remarks

The objective in this paper was to present some bench-mark problems and their solutions for fluid flow structureinteraction analyses. We endeavored to present the prob-lems and the solutions in such a way that they can bedirectly used for basic testing of FSI solution schemes.

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The problems considered are ‘basic’ problems and donot involve large finite element models. We gave emphasisto those features of FSI solution schemes that couple struc-tural finite element models and fluid flow models. Some ofthe problems are quite rich in response (in particular, whenchanged in certain respects) and could benefit from furtherstudies.

We considered in this paper only isothermal incompress-ible fluid flows, but of course benchmark problems andtheir solutions will also be valuable for FSI involving sig-nificant thermal effects and for compressible flows withstructural interactions. These are topics for further valu-able publications.


The authors thank Dr. N. Elabbasi of ADINA R&D forvaluable comments on this paper.


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