benchmark help

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  • 8/12/2019 Benchmark Help


    USAGE: benchmark [list] [pid=] [vid=] [ep=] [intf=] [altf=] [read|write|loop] [notestselect] [verify|verifydetail] [retry=] [timeout=] [refresh=] [priority=] [mode=] [buffersize=] [buffercount=] [packetsize=]Commands: list : Display a list of connected devices before starting.

    Select the device to use for the test from the list. read : Read from the device. write : Write to the device. loop : [Default] Read and write to the device at the same time.

    notestselect : Skips submitting the control transfers to get/set the test type. This makes the application compatible with non-benchmark firmwared. Use at your own risk!

    verify : Verify received data for loop and read tests. Report basic information on data validation errors. verifydetail : Same as verify except reports detail information for

    each byte that fails validation.

    Switches: vid : Vendor id of device. (hex) (Default=0x0666) pid : Product id of device. (hex) (Default=0x0001) retry : Number of times to retry a transfer that timeout. (Default = 0) timeout : Transfer timeout value. (milliseconds) (Default=5000) The timeout value used for read/write operations. If a transfer times out more than {retry} times, the test

    fails and the operation is aborted. mode : Sync|Async (Default=Sync)

    Sync uses the libusb-win32 sync transfer functions. Async uses the libusb-win32 asynchronous api. buffersize : Transfer test size in bytes. (Default=4096)

    Increasing this value will generally yield higher transfer rates. buffercount: (Async mode only) Number of outstanding transfers on an endpoint (Default=1, Max=10). Increasing this value will generally yield higher transfer rates. refresh : The display refresh interval. (in milliseconds) (Default=1000) This also effect the running status. priority : AboveNormal|BelowNormal|Highest|Lowest|Normal (Default=Normal) The thread priority level to use for the test. ep : The loopback endpoint to use. For example ep=0x01, would read from 0x81 and write to 0x01. (default is to use the (first read/write endpoint(s) in the interface)

    intf : The interface id the read/write endpoints reside in. intf : The alt interface id the read/write endpoints reside in. packetsize : For isochronous use only. Sets the iso packet size. If not specified, the endpoints maximum packet size is used.WARNING: This program should only be used with USB devices which implement one more more "Benchmark" interface(s). Using this application with a USB device it was not designed for can result in permanent damage to the device.

  • 8/12/2019 Benchmark Help



    benchmark vid=0x0666 pid=0x0001benchmark vid=0x4D2 pid=0x162Ebenchmark vid=0x4D2 pid=0x162E buffersize=65536benchmark read vid=0x4D2 pid=0x162Ebenchmark vid=0x4D2 pid=0x162E buffercount=3 buffersize=0x2000