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Sunday 23 rd April Our Collect Prayer for this week – The Second Sunday of Easter Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred: open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to the praise of God the Father. What’s happening this morning? St Michael’s Church 9.00am Lay-led Service Jackie Elliott St Ambrose Church 10.00am Eucharist Rev. Nicola Callen St Aidan’s Church 10.30am Eucharist Rev. Canon Trevor Denley St John’s Church 10.30am Eucharist Rev. Canon Paul

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Sunday 23rd April

Our Collect Prayer for this week – The Second Sunday of Easter

Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred: open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to the praise of God the Father.

What’s happening this morning?

St Michael’s Church


Lay-led Service

Jackie Elliott

St Ambrose Church



Rev. Nicola Callen

St Aidan’s Church



Rev. Canon Trevor Denley

St John’s Church



Rev. Canon Paul Denyer leading and presiding and Rachel Greaves preaching

Readings this week

Acts 2.14a, 22-32

Exod. 14.10-end; 15.20-21

John 20.19-end

Readings next week

‘Reaching Out to Welcome In’

Sunday Service 10.30am

Special notices

Choral Evensong for St George’s Day. This will take place this evening starting at 6.30pm. Everyone is very welcome!

Regular weekly events

Sunday - 1st in month


9.45am - 11am in the Church Hall

Sundays – Fortnightly





7pm in the Lady Chapel



3.30pm at Air Balloon Primary School



9.15am in the Lady Chapel



10am - 12pm in the Café area of Church

‘Serving the Community Worshipping God’

Sunday Service 10.30am

Special notices

Margaret Bolley. It is very sad to inform St John’s that Margaret Bolley passed away Tuesday morning. She will be sadly missed by all at St John’s. Please pray for her family and friends.

St John’s PCC. The next PCC meeting will take place on Monday 8th May

starting at 7.30pm.

Worship Team Meeting. This will take place on Tuesday 9th May starting at 7.30pm.

St John’s Spring Fair. This is being held on Saturday 13th May from 10am -2pm. We are planning to have a bouncy Castle, crafts stall, books, bric a brac, games and raffles. Lunches, tea, coffee and cakes will be being served.

Everyone is very welcome. Look forward to seeing you there.

If you have anything that might be good as a raffle prize, or could go on a stall please bring into church on Sunday 7th May. Many thanks. Anne.

Fellowship Group. This is a group which meets on the 4th Monday of each month to look at our faith, using the bible or other material. We meet in homes, and it would be great if you could join us to learn more about our faith, which is what we are all doing. Nicola.

Regular weekly events



9.15am in Church



10am - 11.30am in Church



followed by Coffee

10am in Church



10am in Church

Sundays – 4th in month


3.30pm - 5.30pm in Church

Sundays – 1st in month


7.15pm in church hall

[3rd Sunday @ All Saints]

St Michael’s Church

‘Serving the Community of Two Mile Hill’

Sunday Service 9am

Special notices

St Michael’s PCC will not meet on Monday 1st May due to the Bank holiday. The meeting is likely to take place on Monday 8th May at 2pm. This will be confirmed.

Regular weekly events



2pm - 4pm in Church



10am - 12pm in Church

Wednesdays - 1st and 3rd in month


With prayers for Healing

10am in Church

Wednesdays - last in month


2pm - 4pm in Church

St Ambrose and St Leonard’s Church

‘At the heart of the Community’

Sunday Service 10am

Special notices

St Ambrose and St Leonard’s Church APCM. This will be held today after the Service. Please make every effort to stay.

Licensing of Nicola Coleman. The licencing of Nicola Coleman will take place at St. Luke’s Church, Barton Hill on Tuesday 2nd May at 7.30pm, all from the Partnership are invited to welcome her to the Parish and the EBP.

Safeguarding Training. There is an SG1 Training day on Saturday 20th May starting at 9.45am at St Ambrose and St Leonard Church. If you would like to attend please speak to Liz.

Nominations for Church Wardens. Please can any nominations be placed on the form at the back of the Church. Many thanks. Liz.

Future items for the pew sheet should be given to Joanna – [email protected] or Alison Cann who will pass them on to Amy, EBP Administrator. Many thanks.

Regular weekly events


HOLY COMMUNION followed by Coffee

10am in Church

Tuesdays - 1st in month


7pm in Church

Thought for this week by Rev. Canon Trevor Denley


The word genesis means origin or beginning, from the Hebrew: בְּרֵאשִׁית - bereshith, and the book of Genesis is truly a book of beginnings. It is the very first book of the Bible, and a book we sometimes overlook as irrelevant or difficult, but it is a story of creation, not just of the earth and us, but of a great faith to which we owe our beginnings. It is also a book full of intrigue and duplicity, unfaithfulness and many other types of wrongdoing that perhaps makes it real for us today, because we see much of the same in our world.

The writing of the book is attributed to Moses, who is also credited with the other four books of the Torah or in Greek the Pentateuch.

It is in two main parts, verses 1 -11 known as the ‘Primeveal History’. This section contains the creation narratives of the earth and of human beings, Adam and Eve. It culminates in the story of the Great Flood and Noah’s family. Then chapters 12 to 50, which are all about the Patriarchs, starting with Abraham’s call and ending with the death of Joseph and these are called the Patriarchal stories. The "Patriarchal history" recounts the events of the major patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to whom God reveals himself and to whom the promise of descendants and land is made, while the story of Joseph serves to take the Israelites into Egypt in preparation for the next book, Exodus.

To the Jews, the theological importance of Genesis is based on the Covenants, the promises linking God to his chosen people and the people to the Promised Land. However, overwhelmingly, it is about God, it starts with God and traces the work of God through all manner of people and situations.

It contains the accounts of those people who are so familiar not just to Christians but many people. Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Esau, Joseph and many more. The stories we read in Genesis are so familiar to many of us. God calling Abraham to leave the place where he was comfortable , and even at the age of 75 he obeyed. God promised him that he “would turn him into a great nation, and I will bless you” (Chapter 12, verses 1-3)

Whilst we may find that some of the accounts are difficult to read and reconcile, God was working his purpose out through all manner of people and the over- riding theme is that he never gave up on them, although he was desperately disappointed and annoyed at times.

I recommend you give Genesis a good read, it really isn’t just the thick bit at the start of the Bible it does underline that God uses everyone, no matter what they are like.

Chapter 8, Vs 22-end As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.

Special notices and upcoming events for all

EBP Book Keeper. The Partnership is looking for a new volunteer Book Keeper and anyone interested in this role should contact the Partnership Office or a member of the EBP Forum.

This week

EBP Forum Meeting. The next forum takes place on Tuesday 25th April 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church.

This month

EBP Joint Service. The next joint Service takes place on Sunday 30th April at St Ambrose and St Leonard Church starting at 10.15am. Please make every effort to attend.

Further ahead

Licensing of Nicola Coleman. The licencing of Nicola Coleman, new Priest at St Ambrose and St Leonard’s Church will take place at St. Luke’s Church, Barton Hill on Tuesday 2nd May at 7.30pm, all from the Partnership are invited to welcome her to the Parish and the EBP.

Safeguarding Training. The EBP have organised an SG1 Training Course to take place at St Ambrose and St Leonard’s Church on Saturday 20th May starting at 9.45am. Booking is essential as spaces are limited. Please contact either Amy Donaldson, EBP Administrator on 9586412 or Liz Welling, EBP Chair on 07762 429016.

Michelle Butcher (nee Martin) is moving on to pastures new. Michelle has come to the end of her curacy and will be moving on to be with her husband Phillip who has been appointed the Rector of the Two Shires Benefice, in the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Michelle’s last Sunday will be 25th June at St. Aidan’s church followed by a bring and share lunch. Many of you will want to come and wish her farewell so in order to help us prepare please can you let Amy know you are coming and what you might bring for food (sweet or savoury). Please pray for Phil and Michelle in this exciting transition.

Theatre Group Visit in June. RIDING ROUGHSHOD THEATRE will make a visit to Fishponds at the end of June. This team of young actors is based in York, and is part of the Riding Lights Theatre Company. They are fully booked for their national tour, which is already under way. They will be working with schools and youth groups in the area, plus a presentation to the Deanery Synod at St Aidan's Church. There will be two performances of their play, 'Encounters With Jesus" taking place in St Mary's Church and in All Saints Church on the evenings of 23rd June and 24th June at 7pm. There are five actors in this group, who will be staying as guests with families in the partnership. There will be opportunities for youth groups and children of Fishponds to work with the actors, and gain valuable experiences of drama in church. Full details of activities and performances will be available soon.

Page for Prayer

Those we are praying for

Rev'd Father Robert Britton, Wynn Evans, Jan Thomas, Cynthia Powell, Derek Lucas, Paul Hemmings, Pam Wiltshire, Lee Hurst, Carly Hicks, Paul Brooks, Valerie & Richard Comer, Mervyn & Ruth Miller, John Artus, Aleah Harris & Isaiah Harris and Paul.

Please keep Amy updated as to who needs prayer. We commit to praying for one month unless otherwise advised.

Joining in Prayer

We would like to encourage you in your prayer and invite you to focus specific prayers for 5 people by praying in this way



health, protection, wellbeing



employment, unemployment/retirement/adequate income



inner peace, joy, wisdom, insight, patience



healthy relationships with friends/family/colleagues



repentance, salvation, obedience, faith, grace

Pray for our Growth Together

Please continue to pray for growth in our Christian community

Eternal Father, look with your love on your people of this benefice and the wider Partnership, and pour upon us the gifts of your Spirit. Draw us to you and one another that our growing unity may bring healing of life to all, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

This morning

What has moved you / spoken to you in this Service?

How might this affect your thoughts and actions this week?

Priest-in-Charge of Benefice

Rev. Jordan Ling

0117 3304953

Focal Minister for St Aidan’s

Rev. Canon Trevor Denley

07960 329127

Focal Minister for St Michael’s

Rev. Nicola Callen

0117 9658833

Assistant Curate

Rev. Michelle Butcher

07804 610929

East Bristol Partnership Office

T: 0117 9586412 E: [email protected]