bell work: please log-on to your assigned computer. visit the class wiki (

Bell Work : Please log-on to your assigned computer. Visit the class wiki ( and click on the “Bell-Ringers and Agendas” page. Click on the hyperlink for the AP WORLD HISTORY PRE- TEST. Enter your first and last name and complete the test. Do the best you can, you have 20 minutes. Monday, August 12 th

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Monday, August 12th

Bell Work: Please log-on to your assigned computer. Visit the class wiki ( and click on the Bell-Ringers and Agendas page. Click on the hyperlink for the AP WORLD HISTORY PRE-TEST. Enter your first and last name and complete the test. Do the best you can, you have 20 minutes.Monday, August 12th Daily Agenda:Activator: AP Pre-TestWOD - unconventionalVocabulary AcquisitionReview: The Neolithic RevolutionPass/Fail Quiz #1Collaborative Inquiry: Introducing GRAPESGRAPES Notes: Early Agricultural Societies (Jigsaw)Essential Question: What is a civilization and what are the defining characteristics of a civilization?Homework: Students will read their assigned section and complete GRAPES Organizer notes.Which is an example of an unconventional tree house and which is a non-example? Explain why. Unconventional not ordinary or typical

Example vs. Non-example Aug 12, Block 3

Click HERE to see the worlds best tree house!The tree house on the right is actually a brewery from the television series Treehouse Masters! This makes it unconventional in comparison to the normal tree house on the left.Unconventional not ordinary or typical

Example vs. Non-example Aug 12, Block 3

Vocabulary AcquisitionWorking with a partner, you have 5 minutes to complete both sides of the vocabulary acquisition worksheet.Migrations

Maintaining LifeFood Gathering Mostly vegetable. 1 Sq. Mile for 2 peopleTool Making 2 million to 4,000 years ago used stone tools (also bone and wood)Hunting: meat choppers hand axes Knives, spears, bows and arrows (7 hrs. every 3 days)

Social LifeGender DivisionsMen HuntingWomen GatheringFamily Life:Size of clans20-50 peopleTwo-parent familyWhy did this become necessary?

Agricultural RevolutionsWhy the shift?Domestication and Semi-cultivationNew Technology: Slash-and-burn and swidden agricultureWhy not call it the Neolithic Revolution?

Key ElementsAnimal Domestication Dog first, then sheep, goats, cattle, water buffalo, pigsSelective BreedingMixed farming and herding Largely determined by environmental factors

Ecological CrisisWhy did so many adopt Agriculture? (Holocene)Why did others still reject agriculture?Pastoralism ruled in N. America, Australia, and Northern EurasiaDemographic Shifts: 2 million people 13,000 years ago, 50-100 million people 7,000 years ago.

Life in Neolithic CommunitiesBenefits and Risks?Violent or peaceful process?Expansion = surpluses and slow rateRise of Institutions Nuclear families (no), kinship networks (yes)

Cultural ExpressionsReligion Shift to focus on Earth Mother, Sky God, and ancestor cultsLanguage Likely necessitated out of trade (Similarity in language groups)

Making ComparisonsI need 11 volunteers to come to the front of the room.Practice: Identify a difference.

Practice: Identify a similarity.

Direct Comparisons:What characteristics could we use to compare an Apple and an Orange?If we wanted to compare their appearance, would it be appropriate to say that one is orange and the other has a smooth, somewhat shiny appearance?Reorganize your groups into new categories using DIRECT comparisons. Remember, you must have at least 3 groups, and at least 2 artifacts in each group.If we wanted to compare two societies, what characteristics could we use?GRAPES ComparisonGeographyReligionAchievementsPoliticsEconomicsSocial Structure

River Valley Civilization Jigsaw1st BlockMesopotamia (Ch. 2 pg. 26-37) Daelen, Shaelyn, Carmine, Sean, Natasha, Nathan, RobertEgypt (Ch.3 pg. 51-65) Kylie, Tamzen, Paisley, Courtney, Hunter, JustyceIndus Valley (Ch. 4 pg. 72-84) Austin, Emily, Summer, Andrea, Kailee, CyprisChina (Ch. 5 pg. 88-104) Jasmine, Austin, Nick, Parker, Cyrus, Karlie