behind the mask. how to best express our individual selves and our culture as we see it through the...

Behind the mask

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Behind the mask

How to best express our individual selves and our culture as we see it through the symbols and elements we choose for our mas


What is a mask?

• A physical object that hides the identity of the wearer and/or transforms the wearer

• A tool used to alter one’s exterior appearance or personality temporarily.

• Mask making has been around maybe 20,000 years

Types of masks

1. Protect the face from physical harm

1. Roman tournament soldiers

Types of masks

1. Protect the face from physical harm

2. Doctor and nurse face masks

Types of masks

1. Protect the face from physical harm

3. Oxygen masks: firefighters, astronauts, scuba divers

Types of masks

1. Protect the face from physical harm

4. Sports: football, hockey, catcher

Types of masks

2. Transformation Masks/Rites of Passage

Mark important transitions in life cycle

1. Birth2. Coming of age

3. Marriage4. Secret society

5. Death

• This transformation mask shows the rivalry in two phases: the closed mask shows a spiritual ancestor of a Kwakiutl tribe who is angry and wants revenge on a rival.

• When opened, the mask shows the opposite: a friendly ancestral spirit who gives away gifts with open arms to his guests."

Types of masks

3. Entertainment Masks

i. Theatrical Masks

1. Actors portraying different moods or characters

Types of masks

3. Entertainment Masks

i. Theatrical Masks

2. Greek and Roman theatrical masks

Types of masks

3. Entertainment Masks

i. Theatrical Masks

3. Japanese, Chinese, Indian masked theater

Types of masks

• ii. Masquerade Masks

iii. Halloween Masks 

3. Entertainment Masks

Types of masks

4. Funerary Masks

Important in ancient times


Types of masks

4. Funerary Masks

1. Death masks placed over dead mummy’s face to preserve the personality and so the spirit could recognize its body.

2. Honors someone of important social standing in the society

3. Preserves the appearance and body of the dead while it transitions to the afterworld

4. In the afterworld, the mask’s magic power transforms the person into a god or protective spirit

5. May be made of non-decaying gold to honor high ranking people.


Masks and Symbolism

What is symbolism?

a. The use of images or symbols to express meaning

b. A symbol is something that stands for something else

c. Used in art of all cultures throughout history

d. We begin using symbols as children

Types of Symbols

AnimalsUsed in many cultures

1. Native American2. Greek myths3. Indian myths4. Thai 5. Chinese myths


Types of Symbols

Geometric shapes or abstract markings

I Used in cave drawings

ii. Used on African masks and art


i. Western culture

1. Purple and gold = royalty, wealth

2. Green = environment, ecology, money, go

3. Orange & Black = Halloween

4. Blue = water, coolness

ii. Native Americans

1. Blue = North, cold, defeat, trouble

2. White = South, warmth, peace, happiness

3. Red = East, Sacred Fire, blood, success

4. Black = West, problems, death

5. Brown = good

6. Yellow = trouble

Color in Chinese Opera

• Zhang Fei (Black Color)

• Black symbolizes roughness and violence. The black face indicates either a rough and bold character or an impartial and selfless personality.

Color in Chinese Opera

• Guan Yu (Red Color)

• Red indicates devotion, courage bravery, uprightness and loyalty.

 Holiday symbols

Valentine’s Day1. Hearts2. Chocolate

Halloween 1. Pumpkin2. Ghost3. Witch


Mask and Identity 

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Criteria A, B, C and D

Research work and creative mask design

• You are required to conduct Internet research on symbols and create THREE thumbnail sketches of a personal mask, including at least two symbols.

• This research work let you to review the importance of symbolism in different cultures and the use of symbols in art. 

a. Thumbnail sketches

i. Create five thumbnail sketches of a personal mask.

ii. Use the Internet to research symbols for your mask.

iii. Design a mask that reveals something about your personality and something about the culture you live in.

iv. Include at least two symbols of your choice

b. Keep the following in mind

i. You will use these sketches to create a plaster mask.

ii. Your mask can be human, animal or a combination of both

iii. Think of the colors, markings, and materials you will use to convey your idea.

Work evaluation guideline

1. Application: What other concepts, besides personality and culture, could you address in the creation of a mask?

2. Analysis: Why did you choose those colors and materials?

3. Synthesis: Now that you have reflected on your mask, would you make any changes in your work?

4. Evaluation: What is the message behind your mask?