beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · what’s&in&this&workshop! •...

Chris Knight [email protected] Beginners’ workshop

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Page 1: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

Chris  Knight  [email protected]  

Beginners’  workshop  

Page 2: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

What  is  R?  •  Sta%s%cs  package  

•  General  modelling  tool  

•  Data  visualisa%on  and  analysis  tool  

•  Programming  language  

•  Glorified  pocket  calculator  

•  “Environment  for  sta%s%cal  compu%ng  and  graphics”  h?p://  

Page 3: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

Why  use  R?  

•  Lots  of  help  available  

•  Free  

•  Big  user  base  

•  Increasingly  used  for  doing  science  •  Jobs!  

•  CuLng  edge  and  growing  func%onality  

•  If  you  learn  only  one  new  piece  of  compu%ng  soNware  aNer  Excel,  learn  R  

Page 4: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

What’s  in  this  workshop  

•  Basic  interac%on  with  R  

•  Where  to  turn  for  help  

•  Moving  rapidly  to  more  complex  analyses  

•  Where  to  learn  more  

Page 5: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

What’s  not  in  this  workshop  •  Advanced  programming  •  See  e.g.  ?Control, ?"function" and  resources  (later)

•  ‘How  do  I  analyse  X?’  •  Google  (e.g.  ‘%me  series  R’)  and  resources  (later)

•  The  fundamentals  of  sta%s%cs  •  See  resources  given  later,  esp.  Crawley  books

•  Working  in  R  environments  other  than  Rstudio  (  

Default  Windows  GUI   Default  Mac  GUI   R  commander   Command  line  

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Page 7: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

R  as  a  calculator  

>    9+2-­‐1  [1]  10  >    5*0.5  [1]  2.5  >    27/3  [1]  9  >    9^2  [1]  81  >    9^(1/2)  [1]  3  >    sqrt(9)  [1]  3  >    log(5)  [1]  1.609438  

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R  help  documenta>on  

>    log(5)  [1]  1.609438  Check  what  the  log()  func%on  is  doing  (e.g.  which  base?)  >    ?log    

General  informa%on  


Arguments  and  defaults  

What  those  arguments  need  to  be  

What’s  covered  

Page 9: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

>    log(5)  [1]  1.609438  Check  what  the  log()  func%on  is  doing  (e.g.  which  base?)  >    ?log     If  you  really  care  

Where  it’s  come  from  

Some%mes  very  useful,  some%mes  not  Run  from  here  or  use  example(log)  

What  you  get  back  

Useful  link  

R  help  documenta>on  

Page 10: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

R  help  documenta>on  

>    log(5)  [1]  1.609438  Check  what  the  log()  func%on  is  doing  (e.g.  which  base?)  >    ?log    

Page 11: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

R  as  a  calculator  >    log(5)  [1]  1.609438  Check  what  the  log()  func%on  is  doing  (e.g.  which  base?)  >    ?log  >    log(5,  base=10)  [1]  0.69897  >    log10(5)  [1]  0.69897  What  happens  if  you  get  it  wrong?  >    log("Fred")  Error  in  log(“Fred")  :  non-­‐numeric  argument  to  mathema%cal  func%on  >    log  func%on  (x,  base  =  exp(1))    .Primi%ve("log")  So  if  natural  log  isn’t  ln(5),  what  is  ln  used  for?  >    ?ln    

Page 12: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

R  as  a  calculator  

Comparisons  >    54  >  45                                                      Greater  than  [1]  TRUE  >    2  <  1                                                              Less  than  [1]  FALSE  >    15  ==  15      Exactly  equal  [1]  TRUE  >    50  >=  50                                                Greater  than  or  equal  [1]  TRUE  >    5  >  1  &  9  <=  15                    Are  both  statements  true?  [1]  TRUE  >    24  ==  3  |  1  ==  1                      Is  either  statement  true?  [1]  TRUE  >    ?Comparison  >    ?Syntax  

Page 13: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

Keeping  track  of  what  you’re  doing  

•  Store  code  in  a  text  file  (.R)  

•  Write  in  comments  #like  this  

•  Run  commands  a  line  at  a  %me  •  Ctl  R  (Windows)  Ctl  Return  (Windows)  •  ⌘↵ (Mac)  

•  Highlight  code  and  run  in  the  same  way  

•  Run  a  whole  file  using  the  source()  func%on  

•  Navigate  history  using  arrows  

Page 14: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

Keeping  track  of  what  you’re  doing  

•  Try  running  the  first  32  lines  one  at  a  %me  or  in  one  go"h?p://")  

•  Try  saving  the  file  somewhere  useful  

•  Try  wri%ng  some  more  commented  and  uncommented  lines  

•  Use  R  as  a  web  browser  to  see  the  file  containing  this  workshop’s  code:  

•  Copy  it  to  a  new  R  script  file  (.R)  

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Further  sec>ons  •  Assign  values  to  a  variable  <-­‐  

•  Create  vectors      c()  

•  Simple  sta%s%cs        

•  Extrac%ng  bits  of  variables    []    

•  loop        for  (var  in  seq){}      

•  Data  frames      read.table();  write.table();  [,]  

•  Simple  plots      plot(y~x);  pairs(),  hist()  

•  Build  linear  models    lm(y~x);  anova()  

•  Modelling  exercise    rpart(y~x);  randomForest(y~x)  

Page 16: Beginners’&workshop& · 2015-12-01 · What’s&in&this&workshop! • Basic!interac%on!with!R! • Where!to!turn!for!help! • Moving!rapidly!to!more!complex!analyses! • Where!to!learn!more!

•  Sta%s%cs  •  Crawley  Books  •  Courses    

•  Masters’  lectures  now!  •  h?ps://  

Places  to  go  for  more  informa>on  

•  h?p://cran.r-­‐  •  Task  views  

•  Specific  books  •  Many  online  with  UoM  access  e.g.  52  in  UseR!  series:      

h?p://  •  Data  manipula+on  with  R  by  Phil  Spector  very  broadly  useful  

•  R  programming  •  R  site  documents  (start  with  ‘Documents  with  fewer  than  100  pages’)  •   h?p://cran.r-­‐­‐docs.html  

•  Courses  •  h?ps://  

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•  Manipula%ng  data  (summarising,  spliLng,  etc.)  •  dplyr  ,  %dyr  

•  Work  with  data  frames,  ±intui%ve,  fast  •  vigne?e("introduc%on",  package="dplyr”)  

Packages  to  consider  

•  Manipula%ng  strings  •  stringr  

•  Consistent  interface  •  Doesn’t  get  round  the  need  to  use  ‘regular  expressions’  

•  Beau%ful  plots  •  ggplot2  

•  Requires  familiarisa%on  •  Help  files  weak,  but  online  resources  great  

•  Specifics  •  (if  necessary),  seqinr  (bioinforma%cs)  •  ape  (Phylogene%cs)  •  lmer,  nlme  (more  advanced  linear  and  nonlinear  models)  •  …  

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Places  to  go  for  help  

•  R  help  list  archives  h?p://www.r-­‐    >  Mailing  lists  >  R-­‐help  web  interface  >  Searchable  archives  

•  R  help  documenta%on  ?  ??  help(package="base")  demo()  example("func%on")  vigne?e()  

•  R  support  groups  •  FLS  (FLSRGROUP  listerv)  or  email          

   [email protected]  •  Manchester  R  User  group    


•  Google  •  (programming)  crossvalidated  (Stats)