beginners guide to on-page seo


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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Beginners guide to on-page SEO
Page 2: Beginners guide to on-page SEO

6 Key Areas You MUST

Optimise.1. Content

2. Title

3. Metadescription

4. URL Structure

5. Headings

6. Images

Page 3: Beginners guide to on-page SEO

1. Content

Is the content of a page is worthy of a top search

result position? Ask yourself these 3 questions

before submitting a new piece of content on your


1. Does this content supply a demand?

2. Would I recommend this content to a friend or peer?

3. Is this page worthy of a link?

Create remarkable, valuable content.

Page 4: Beginners guide to on-page SEO

2. Title

Title tag is the second most important On-Page element.

It appears in the browser bar and SERPs.

The perfect format for a title tag is usually one of the following;

1. Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name

2. Brand Name | Primary Keyword and Secondary Keyword

3. Primary Keyword | Brand Name | Secondary Keyword

A title tag should always contain 70 characters or fewer.

Page 5: Beginners guide to on-page SEO

3. Metadescription

The metadescription does directly influence the position of your webpages in the SERPs, BUT it is highly important to the human user.

Include the keyword your webpage is trying to rank for.

It must be worded in a compelling fashion.

Each pages metadescription should be limited to 156 characters as this is the limit Google displays in search results pages.

Page 7: Beginners guide to on-page SEO

5. Heading

Once again - use the target keyword in the heading tags for


In the <h1> tag use the primary keyword, in the <h2> and <h3>

tags use related secondary keywords.

Page 8: Beginners guide to on-page SEO

6. Images

Google robots cannot understand images.

To help Google read the images we need to add

relevant Alt Text, Title and File Names.

Page 9: Beginners guide to on-page SEO


1. Content – Is your content remarkable?

2. Title – Does your title include keywords and is70 characters or less?

3. Metadescription – Does your metadescription entice click-throughs to your website?

4. URL Structure – Is your target keyword used in the URL?

5. Headings – Have you used your primary and secondary keywords as headings?

6. Images – Have you attributed relevant Alt Text, Title and File Names to your images?