becoming aman that man after · becoming aman after god’s own heart becoming a man ... texas...

Becoming aMan After God s Own H eart BECOMING A MAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART That Man is You! ®

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Page 1: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across


B E C O M I N G A M A N A F T E R G O D ’ S O W N H E A R T

That Man is You!


Page 2: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across
Page 3: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across
Page 4: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across

That Man is You! is about a personal

encounter with Jesus Christ so that

Jesus Christ can transform your life.”

– Steve Bollman, Program Developer“

Page 5: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across

That Man is You! is a 26 week

interactive men’s program combining

the best research from science with

the teachings of the Catholic faith

and the wisdom of the saints to

develop the vision of a man fully

alive. By honestly addressing the

pressures and temptations that men

face in our modern culture,

That Man is You! seeks to form men

who will be capable of transforming

homes and society. �

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During a highly successful career trading energy derivatives, Steve experienced firsthand the profoundpressures placed on men and families in modern society. He also witnessed the lasting impact a manof faith can have in the workplace.

In 2002, he set aside his professional interests to found Paradisus Dei,an organization of lay Catholics dedicated to helping families discoverthe superabundance of God within their marriages and family life.Steve’s relationship with some of the Church’s great contemporary contemplatives coupled with his scientific background uniquely enablehim to understand the mystery of the family according to the “ThreeWisdoms” of the Church—harmonizing theology with the findings of modern science while providing a vision that touches the divine. His professional experience allows him to present these mysteries to modern audiences in an engaging and highly accessible manner.

His writings have appeared in national publications, including The National Catholic Register, Inside the Vatican and The CatholicAnswers. Steve lives with his wife and daughter in Houston, Texas.


From a small group of men in Houston, Texas tothousands of men across America, That Man is You!has quickly established itself as one of the preeminentmen’s programs in the Catholic Church.That Man is You! began in the summer of 2004 when a group of exceptional men in Houston, Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across America.They studied successful men’s leadership programs from various Christian denominations and corporate America. While applauding the strengths of these programs they noted the absence ofmany elements essential to Catholic men. They dedicated themselves to developing a men’s leadershipprogram that was truly Catholic in character and to creating the captivating experience demanded by modern audiences.

Test programs were hosted in the Houston and Dallas/Ft. Worth areas, which were unqualified successes. Responding to numerous inquires from parishes and dioceses, materials were prepared sothat the program could easily be hosted anywhere in the United States. Fueled by strong testimonialsfrom the men who attended the program, That Man is You! quickly spread beyond Texas and the surrounding states to establish itself on a national basis.

In 2007, a National Leadership Team composed of clergy and laity was formed to guide the expansion of the program geographically and to facilitate the development of additional programs,including individual retreats, father/son retreats and a version specifically tailored to youth.

“TMIY exposes

many of the problems

in our culture and

addresses them with

honesty and insight.

Many men have

changed their lives.

I have never

seen such a

profound response.”


“As a priest and pastor

of souls, I was looking

for a good, solid

Catholic men’s program

that was challenging

and also supportive

of the men in the

parish. I found exactly

that and more in

your program.”

Fr. Darrrin May,FO RT SC OT T, KA N S A S

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That Man is You! is designed as an interactive, multimedia men’s program capable of appealing tomen in a media-dominated culture, convincingly presenting the Catholic faith and forging bonds of fellowship necessary in our fractured society. The essential elements of the program include:

GATHERING OVER A FELLOWSHIP MEAL: Men gather together over breakfast or dinner while light entertainment (typically sports highlights) are projected onto a large screen in the background. The casual meal setting is designed to facilitate men’s social interaction.

TRANSITIONAL MUSIC VIDEO: Men transition from the casual meal to the heart of the programwith the aid of specifically produced religious music videos containing images of our Catholic faithset against popular religious music.

MASTER OF CEREMONIES: The MC has the essential role of ensuring that the men are familiarand comfortable with the overall program structure and logistics as well as setting the tone of theindividual sessions.

PARTICIPANT TESTIMONIAL (OPTIONAL): At many sessions the opportunity is provided for individual participants to give a brief testimonial (less than 5 minutes) of God’s actions in their life and to reflect on the message of That Man is You!

PRESENTATION: A 30 minute DVD presentation combining theological material, social science statistics and personal stories is played. The material is designed to engage the men’s mind in understanding the relationship between our faith, our personal lives and larger societal issues. The men receive an outline of each presentation as well as a “hard copy” of the PowerPoint® slidesused during the presentation.

SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION: After the presentation, the men break into groups of approximately10. These groups help the men apply the presentation material to their personal lives. They also provide the indispensable opportunity for men to form substantial bonds of fellowship which providethe necessary support to embrace a life of discipleship which is counter to the prevailing culture.


5:45am . . . . Doors Open for Breakfast6:15am . . . . Music Video Begins6:20am . . . . Welcoming Comments6:25am . . . . Participant Testimonial (Optional)

6:30am . . . . Presentation7:00am . . . . Small Group Discussions7:30am . . . . Dismissal

“I’ve been to a lot

of parish-sponsored

programs over the

last 25+ years. This is

the only one that has

incorporated Church

teachings and theology

and does it in a

very practical way.

The TMIY program

is exactly what we need

at this point in the

life of the Church.”


“The men in the

program are getting

a great deal out of it

and a real sense of

fellowship seems to be

developing, especially

in the small groups.”



7:15pm . . . . Doors Open for Dinner7:45pm . . . . Music Video Begins7:50pm . . . . Welcoming Comments7:55pm . . . . Participant Testimonial (Optional)

8:00pm . . . . Presentation8:30pm . . . . Small Group Discussions9:00pm . . . . Dismissal

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Men attending That Man is You! typically consider the content to be the program’s greatest strength.True to Catholic tradition, That Man is You! emphasizes both intellectual and spiritual formation.The intellectual formation harmonizes the findings of social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints while the spiritual formation equips men with the tools they need to embrace a life that is counter to the prevailing culture.The theological content heavily emphasizes the role of the family in the lives of individual men and greater society. It is largely based upon the teachings of Pope John Paul II. By combining theseteachings with the contemplative insights of St. Maximillian Kolbe and the findings of modern science, a vision of man, woman and their union is presented. By transforming men’s understandingof themselves, their wives and their marriages, this vision has “open vistas” and “made the faith comealive” for countless men. This vision has been literally credited with saving marriages.

Through the course of three years the program discovers that “marriage has been placed at the heartof the great struggle between good and evil, between life and death, between love and all that isopposed to love” (Pope John Paul II, October 7, 1995). It understands ever more deeply the great tension existing between the Church’s vision of marriage and the family and that of modern Western society. By understanding the sources and manifestations of this tension, That Man is You!helps men avoid the pitfalls causing so much sorrow for men and their families today.

After presenting the Church’s vision for men and their families, That Man is You! seeks to equip men with the tools they need to embrace a lifestyle that is counter to the prevailing culture. An authentically Catholic spirituality is developed by helping men receive the “three foods” by which the Church feeds them and embrace the “three covenants” by which the Church is defined.

That Man is You! develops an authentically Catholic spirituality based upon the three foods by which Christ feeds his flock—the Word of God, the Will of God and the Eucharist—and thethree “covenants” that mark life in the Catholic Church—fidelity to the ministry of St. Peter, devotion to Our Lady and the Eucharist. This spirituality becomes “concrete” in the Seven Covenantsof That Man is You! which are developed during the course of the Spring semester. Understanding and living these covenants is the foundation of a Lenten journey that the program takes each year in conjunction with the Lenten journey of the Church.Most men consider these Lenten journeys to be the highlight ofthe entire program.

Through its intellectual and spiritual formation, That Man is You!seeks to form men who are authentic Catholic leaders: men wholive in profound union with God and are capable of leading othersto this same union.

“It is incredible

to think of the impact

on men, families

and communities

because of this.”


“I can verify that the

presentations touched

our men deeply and

helped them to become

better fathers, more

faithful husbands and

very committed

Catholics …

That Man is You!

has been a blessing

for our men,

their families and

the whole parish and

I highly recommend it

as a means of growing

in spirituality.”



Page 9: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across


WE E K 1: The Need for LeadershipWE E K 2: A Society in CrisisWE E K 3: The Family as the Foundation of SocietyWE E K 4: The Image of God in ManWE E K 5: Behold the ManWE E K 6: Woman: The Masterpiece of CreationWE E K 7: The Union of Man and WomanWE E K 8: Satan’s Attack on the FamilyWE E K 9: A New Adam and a New EveWE E K 10: Marriage as the Return to ParadiseWE E K 11: The Temptation of Modern ManWE E K 12: A Broken Covenant?WE E K 13: The Passion of the Church


WE E K 1: The Revelation of the FatherWE E K 2: Becoming a Man After God’s Own HeartWE E K 3: The Enduring Temptation of SatanWE E K 4: Prelude to the TempestWE E K 5: August Comte: “You shall be as gods.”WE E K 6: Jean Paul Sartre: The Separation of Man and WomanWE E K 7: Charles Darwin: Hiding from GodWE E K 8: Sigmund Freud: The Temptation of Sensual PleasureWE E K 9: Karl Marx: The Temptation of WorkWE E K 10: Fredrick Nietzsche: The Temptation to DominationWE E K 11: Georg Hegel: A World of ConflictWE E K 12: The Death of FatherWE E K 13: Pope John Paul II and the New Springtime


WE E K 1: A Light to the NationsWE E K 2: Becoming a Man After God’s Own HeartWE E K 3: The Revelation of the FatherWE E K 4: Apostles of a New SpringtimeWE E K 5: The Pathways of GodWE E K 6: Human Work: An Image of GodWE E K 7: The Heart of a FatherWE E K 8: The Heart of a MotherWE E K 9: The Path to PeaceWE E K 10: “The truth will set you free.”WE E K 11: “No god but Caesar”WE E K 12: The Death of the WestWE E K 13: A Return to the Beginning



WE E K 14: What Must I Do?WE E K 15: I Will Turn the Hearts of FathersWE E K 16: Becoming a Man After God’s Own HeartWE E K 17: The Temptations of SatanWE E K 18: Penance: Conquering the FleshWE E K 19: Charity: Conquering the WorldWE E K 20: Prayer: Overcoming the DevilWE E K 21: The Ascent of the Mind to GodWE E K 22: The Hidden Face of GodWE E K 23: The Practice of the Presence of GodWE E K 24: The Triumph of MercyWE E K 25: Guideposts to Your FaithWE E K 26: The Path to Life


WE E K 14: “I have called you by name.”WE E K 15: “Show us the Father.”WE E K 16: A Divine PlanWE E K 17: A Journey to the FatherWE E K 18: “Search the Scriptures”WE E K 19: A Sacrifice for the BelovedWE E K 20: Bread for the HungryWE E K 21: The Day of MercyWE E K 22: The Spousal EmbraceWE E K 23: Mercy that PurifiesWE E K 24: The Queen of MercyWE E K 25: A New Home for the New SpringtimeWE E K 26: The Triumph of the Father


WE E K 14: Losing Your MarblesWE E K 15: It’s the FamilyWE E K 16: Seven Encounters with GodWE E K 17: The Wings of an EagleWE E K 18: “Father, forgive them.”WE E K 19: “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.”WE E K 20: “Behold your mother.”WE E K 21: “Why have you forsaken me?”WE E K 22: “I thirst.”WE E K 23: “It is consummated.”WE E K 24: “Into your hands I commend my spirit.”WE E K 25: To be FatherWE E K 26: That Man is You!

“Becoming a Man After God’s Own Heart”

“The Revelation of the Father”

“A Light to the Nations”

Page 10: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across

THE FOUR PHASES OF THAT MAN IS YOU!Experience shows that parishes pass through four distinct phases while hosting the That Man is You! program. Each of these phases is critical to the overall success of the program and is characterized by its own set of challenges and opportunities.THE ANTICIPATION PHASEDuring the Anticipation Phase, all of the “behind-the-scenes” preparatory work for launching theprogram occurs. The two most essential tasks during this phase are the formation of the Core Teamand the selection of the small group leaders.

The Core Team is typically composed of eight men:

■ Core Team Leader■ Small Group Coordinator■ Master of Ceremonies■ Registration Coordinator■ Audio/Visual Coordinator■ Handouts Coordinator■ Breakfast/Dinner Coordinator■ Sales Table Coordinator

Of these, the two most critical positions are the Core Team Leader and the Small Group Coordinator.The Core Team Leader has the responsibility of not only coordinating the Core Team and overallprogram, but also interacting with the That Man is You! Program Coordinator. Since much of theprogram is facilitated online, the Core Team Leader should have adequate computer and Internetskills. The Small Group Coordinator has the responsibility of coordinating leaders of the individualsmall groups. Each small group has a designated small group facilitator and helper. Well run smallgroups are critical to the long-term success of the program.

THE ATTRACTION PHASEThe major activity during the Attraction Phase is the registration of men for the program. These registrations are the result of attracting men to the program through three interrelated and supportingactivities. Experience shows that a well run Attraction Phase is capable of attracting approximately5-10% of the men registered in the parish.

Personal ContactThe MOST CRITICAL element of attracting men to the program is PERSONAL CONTACT.Experience shows that up to 80% of the men attending the program do so because someone else personally invited them to the program. It is the Core Team’s responsibility to begin “seeding” theparish by personally contacting men before the launch of the advertising program. Trifold brochuresexplaining the program are available to aid in this effort.

Advertising CampaignAn advertising campaign occurs on the three Sundays preceding the launch of the program. On each of these Sundays, specifically designed full page, full color bulletin inserts are included in the bulletin and a high graphics resolution, full color banner is displayed. Announcements are madeat Masses (see below). On the two Sundays prior to the launch of the program, registration cards areplaced in the pew and registrations are made following each of the Masses.

Pulpit AnnouncementsDuring the advertising campaign announcements are made at Mass as permitted by the parish. Most parishes have “cantor announcements,” which are brief announcements read by the cantor (or presiding priest). These should be made unless another announcement is made. Additionally,most parishes allow a member of the Core Team to make an announcement at all the Masses informing the men of the parish about the program. This announcement typically occurs two weeksbefore the launch of the program. The Pastor’s visible support is of tremendous value in this effort.Experience shows that the Pastor’s personal vocal support of the program is capable of doubling thenumber of men who participate in the program.

“Steve offers a very

enlightening program

firmly grounded

in orthodox

Catholic teaching.

I believe this program

would be of benefit

to any parish

looking to offer a

program of spiritual

development to the

men of its community.”



“They really get into

Steve’s presentations

and think that he really

drives the point home.

The guys are really

into this. The group

really has solidified

and many friendships

[have been] made.”


Page 11: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across

THE ACTIVATION PHASEThe Activation Phase lasts for the first four weeks of the program and entails having the men who have registered for the program become active in the program. The most successful means ofactivating men in the program is PERSONAL CONTACT, which occurs either through small groupleaders phoning the men of their small groups or friends contacting other men. The Master ofCeremonies has the responsibility to remind all of the men in the program about inviting and bringing other men to the program. Experience shows that the vast majority of men who register for the program will become active in the program.

THE APPRECIATION PHASEThe Appreciation Phase follows the Activation Phase and lasts for the remaining 26 weeks of the program. The essential goal of the Appreciation Phase is to have men remain active in the program.The two most important means of keeping men active in the program are the small groups and the personal testimonials. Experience shows that the vast majority of men who remain active in theprogram are part of a well functioning small group. It is in the small groups that the presentationmaterial is made “real” by applying it to individual lives. It is in the small groups that the bonds offellowship necessary for a life of discipleship are formed. As such, the small group leaders have anindispensable role in the success of the program. Additionally, the personal testimonials provide apowerful witness to the impact of the program in individual lives.

“For me,

your program could

not have happened at

a better time or in

a more perfect setting.

As a cradle Catholic

that kind of kept

falling away

periodically, I now

realize I need more

food of the type your

program provides.”


“This program has

been one of the most

rewarding experiences

of my life because it has

brought new meaning

to my Catholic faith,

a new understanding

to my Catholic faith.”


Page 12: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across


The response from men to That Man is You! has trulybeen overwhelming. Parishes are able to attract men—especially men who are still actively parenting—in largenumbers. Further, these men frequently rate the pro-gram as a “home run” giving it a score of 9.5 on a 10point scale. As such, the men attending the programbecome its greatest promotion. Indeed, That Man isYou! has established itself on a national basis primarilythrough the strong testimonials of men attending it. The impact of the program in the lives of men as noted by Pastors, wives and the men themselves is most frequently witnessed in three areas:

TRANSFORMATION OF MARRIAGES AND FAMILY LIFE. The presentations on the vision of man,woman and their union are literally created with “opening panoramas” for men that allow them to seetheir wives, marriages and family in a new light. The program’s heavy emphasis, supported by the find-ings of social science, on the father’s irreplaceable role in the family and the family’s irreplaceable role insociety is frequently credited with helping men break out of their preoccupations with their own pursuitsand interests. The program successfully helps men to understand that their first role and their greatestjoy relate to the family. Grateful wives are one of the most obvious fruits of the program.

GREATER PARTICIPATION IN PARISH LIFE. That Man is You! successfully helps men enter moredeeply into their Catholic life, which is manifest at the parish level in two main ways. First, men entermore deeply into the sacramental life of the Church. This is most evident in increased Mass attendanceand the use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Second, men become more involved in the life of theparish from parish councils to school boards and from youth ministry to financial stewardship.

ADDRESSING ISSUES WITH PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Studies show that an increasing percentage of men are struggling with the barrage of pornographic images presented by the media and that this struggle is destroying families. The program’s forthright approach to this issue is creditedby numerous Pastors with helping men address what is quickly becoming one of the greatest threats to modern families.

“We are hungry

for this as men and our

lay men in particular

have been starving

for this. This is truly

rich in what the

Church teaches…

The manifestations of

God’s presence happen

suddenly, sometimes

profoundly. There is

a real ripple effect

from this program

in the lives of the men

who attend it.”



Page 13: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across

“This has been a

real refresher for me.

I’ve prayed many times

for some inspiration

and deepening of my

faith. I believe that

this was an answer

to those prayers.


“This program is

desperately needed in

the Roman Catholic

Church today!

It is the most

eye-opening and

rewarding program that

I have ever attended!

I honestly believe

this course will make

Catholic men better

leaders of their families

which will

renew the Church and

change the world!”


SUPPORTParadisus Dei and the local parish have the same goal regarding the That Man is You! program:attract as many men as possible and help transform their lives. Based upon its experience of helpinghost the program for thousands of men across America, Paradisus Dei has developed a model thatprovides parishes with the support they need to run a successful program. This support includes:

THAT MAN IS YOU! PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Each parish hosting That Man is You! isassigned a Program Coordinator who has the responsibility to help individual parishes run successfulprograms by helping them understand and implement the four phases of the program in a timelymanner. He also helps parishes resolve site specific issues that may arise. The Program Coordinator isof greatest benefit to the Host Parish when he has an ongoing dialogue with the Core Team Leader.

INTERNET: The That Man is You! program is facilitated at both the parish and indi-vidual participant level through the use of the internet. Upon registration for theprogram, the Host Parish is provided access to a secure area of the That Man is You!website so that it can track its progress through the four phases of the program, learn best practices from other programs and send individual participants from theirparish email reminders and notifications. Individual participants are able to registeronline and view PowerPoint presentations, outlines and video clips from individualsessions on the That Man is You! website. Additionally, all men in the programreceive a weekly reminder regarding the sessions for their specific parish.

REGIONAL TRAINING: For cities or regions where numerous parishes are hosting the That Man is You! program, Program Coordinators organize regional training seminars where local parishes havethe opportunity to experience a “mock session” and have all their questions answered by a ProgramCoordinator. In the absence of a regional training seminar, individual parishes may pay for a visitfrom the Program Coordinator or be walked through the startup procedures via telephone.

HOST PARISH PACKET: Upon registration for the program, the Host Parish receives a comprehensive package of supporting materials that includes: DVD’s containing the individual session presentations, a music video DVD, program organization and structure information and small group formation tips. Parishes also receive a binder containing a “hardcopy” of the PowerPointpresentations, outlines, facilitator’s guides and master of ceremonies guides for each session.

PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS: A full compliment of promotional materialshas been professionally developed for the That Man is You! program. Theseinclude full page, full color bulletin inserts, trifold brochures, outdoor banners,posters and registration cards. Although the artwork for these promotionalmaterials is provided to parishes free of charge, in most cases these promotionalmaterials may be ordered online or coordinated through your ProgramCoordinator at substantial savings to local options. In all cases, the expensesassociated with promotional materials are the responsibility of the Host Parish.

PARTICIPANT BINDERS: Every individual in the That Man is You! programreceives a participant binder that includes a “hardcopy” of the PowerPoint presenta-tion and an outline for each session. The participant binders may be ordered onlineor coordinated through your Program Coordinator. The expense associated with theParticipant Binder is the responsibility of the Host Parish.

SALES TABLE: Since the That Man is You! program typically spurs the desire ofmen to deepen their faith, a sales table is setup at each Host Parish. The sales tableincludes program materials including merchandising items. The revenue from thesales table is remitted to Paradisus Dei in full.

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There are several critical steps in bringing the That Man is You! program to the men of your local parish.

OBTAIN PASTOR APPROVAL. The individual seeking to bring That Man is You! to a local parishmust receive the approval of the resident Pastor. The That Man is You! Program Coordinators arehappy to assist by providing Pastors with any information that they desire regarding the program.

CONTACT THAT MAN IS YOU! Once Pastor approval has been obtained, the individual shouldcontact a Program Coordinator to help facilitate the formation of the Core Team and selection ofSmall Group Leaders.

FORMATION OF THE CORE TEAM. By early to mid summer a Core Team of 8 leading men fromthe parish is selected and given responsibility for the program. Each of these men should be capableof personally bringing several other men to the program. The Core Team Leader should be proficientin computer skills and be able to interact with the Program Coordinator on an ongoing basis. The Small Group Coordinator should have experience in forming and facilitating small groups.

SELECTION OF SMALL GROUP LEADERS. The Core Team should select a sufficient number ofsmall group facilitators and helpers so that the larger gathering of men can be divided into groups ofapproximately 10 men. These small groups are essential to the long-term success of the program. Assuch, the small group facilitators and helpers have a vital role in the overall success of the program.

“GO” DECISION AND PROGRAM SCHEDULE. After the formation of the Core Team and theselection of the Small Group Leaders, the “go” decision is made and a program schedule is establishedfor the Host Parish. Ideally, the program should launch the first or second week following Labor Day.

SCHEDULE A TRAINING SESSION. The Host Parish should work with their Program Coordinatorto determine the best manner for launching the program (regional training seminar, individual parishvisit, telephone startup).

BEGIN “SEEDING” THE PARISH. Prior to the launch of the promotional campaign, the Core Team members should “seed” the parish by personally contacting at least 10 men. The Core Team has the responsibility of ensuring that the program’s critical mass is attained prior to the promotional campaign.

LAUNCH PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN. The promotional campaign is launched in the middle of August. It includes three consecutive weekends of full page, full color bulletin inserts, full colorbanners, program signage, trifold brochures and pulpit announcements on at least two weekends.

BEGIN PARISH REGISTRATIONS. Registration cards should be placed in the pews and a tablesetup to receive registrations for the last two weeks of the promotional campaign.

LAUNCH THE FALL SEMESTER. The fall semester should be launched during the first or secondweek of September so that it can be completed in early December.

COSTThat Man is You! is offered to parishes free of charge by Paradisus Dei, Inc. a lay ministry within the Catholic Church and an IRS 501(c)(3) corporation.

Paradisus Dei receives funds to operate the program through two appeals made at the Host Parish(one during the Fall semester and one during the Spring semester). A portion of these appeals isreturned to the Host Parish to help it offset the cost of the program.

The Host Parish is responsible for all of the onsite costs of the program. These costs include the promotional expenses, a participant binder for each man in the program and potential audio/visualexpenses for equipment necessary to host the program.

�For further information, please visit our website at

or call us at 713-461-2484.

“The corporate life has

changed me as a person

in a negative way and

TMIY helps me to focus

on the type of person

I am supposed to be.”


“The buzz of TMIY

at our parish is

fantastic and the

wives are making many

positive comments.”


“TMIY has been

incredible in so many

ways … I now have

‘brothers’ that I can

count on to help me

live a more prayerful,

spiritual life.”


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Page 16: Becoming aMan That Man After · Becoming aMan After God’s Own Heart BECOMING A MAN ... Texas decided to pool their talents to do something wonderful for Catholic men all across

A program of Paradisus Dei

Wherever you are in your spiritual life,

Jesus Christ wants to encounter you right there

and help take you to a better place.”

– Steve Bollman, Program Developer“