bec vantage glossary

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  • 7/25/2019 Bec Vantage Glossary


    BEC Vantage Glossary

    Essential Vocabulary1a:Teamwork1a: Teamwork/Teamwork to allocate (roles) zuteilen, zuweisen1a: Teamwork/Teamwork to contribute/make a contribution beitragen / einen Beitrag leisten1a: Teamwork/Teamwork to co-operate zusammenarbeiten1a: Teamwork/Teamwork project team Projektteam1a: Teamwork/Teamwork to take on (responsibility) (Verantwortung) bernehmen1a: Teamwork/Teamwork team-building Teamaufbau1a: Teamwork/Teamwork team member Teammitglied1a: Teamwork/Teamwork to trust vertrauen1a: Teamwork/Training to agree on (objectives) sich (auf Ziele) einigen1a: Teamwork/Training benefit Vorteil, Nutzen1a: Teamwork/Training to bring in (a consultant) (einen Berater) einschalten1a: Teamwork/Training to come up with (ideas) ausdenken, (Ideen) bringen1a: Teamwork/Training to measure (progress) messen1a: Teamwork/Training seminar Seminar1a: Teamwork/Training to set (targets) (Ziele) setzen

    1a: Teamwork/Training survival course berlebenskurs1a: Teamwork/Training to work on (managerial skills) an (Manager-Fhigkeiten) arbeiten1a: Teamwork/Training to work towards (objectives) auf (Ziele) hin arbeiten1a: Teamwork/General advertisement Inserat1a: Teamwork/General attitude Einstellung, Haltung1a: Teamwork/General effective wirksam1a: Teamwork/General expatriate im Ausland lebend1a: Teamwork/General honest ehrlich

    1a: Teamwork/General to make (arrangements) (Anordnungen) treffen1a: Teamwork/General to put on (an event) veranstalten1a: Teamwork/General schedule Progamm, Zeitplan1a: Teamwork/General subsidiary Tochtergesellschaft1a: Teamwork/General under pressure unter Druck

    1b: Communication1b: Communication/Arrangements asap (as soon as possible) so schnell wie mglich1b: Communication/Arrangements to cancel (a meeting) annullieren, absagen

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    1b: Communication/Arrangements to confirm (arrangements) besttigen1b: Communication/Arrangements deadline (letzter) Termin

    1b: Communication/Arrangements to postpone (a meeting) verschieben1b: Communication/Arrangements to put back (a meeting) verschieben1b: Communication/Telephone phrases can I take a message? Kann ich etwas ausrichten?1b: Communication/Telephone phrases could I ask who's calling? Darf ich fragen, wer am Apparat ist?1b: Communication/Telephone phrases could I speak to.? Knnte ich mit ... sprechen?1b: Communication/Telephone phrases could you get back to me? Knnten Sie mich spter zurckrufen?1b: Communication/Telephone phrases could you spell that, please? Knnen Sie das bitte buchstabieren?1b: Communication/Telephone phrases I'll ask her to call you Ich werde ihr sagen, dass sie Sie anrufen soll.1b: Communication/Telephone phrases I'll give him the message Ich werde es ihm ausrichten.1b: Communication/Telephone phrases I'll put you through Ich verbinde Sie.1b: Communication/Telephone phrases I'm afraid she's not here Leider ist sie nicht hier.1b: Communication/Telephone phrases I'm ringing about Ich rufe an wegen ...1b: Communication/Telephone phrases thanks for calling Vielen Dank fr den Anruf.1b: Communication/Telephone phrases this is Hier spricht ...1b: Communication/General to adapt anpassen1b: Communication/General answering machine Telefonbeantworter1b: Communication/General complimentary (tickets) Frei(billett)

    1b: Communication/General to decline zurckgehen, geringer werden1b: Communication/General native speaker Muttersprachler1b: Communication/General to raise (awareness) wecken (Bewusstsein)1b: Communication/General to raise (your voice) (die Stimme) heben1b: Communication/General to return a call zurckrufen1b: Communication/General sensitive sensibel1b: Communication/General to simplify (your language) vereinfachen1b: Communication/General trade fair Handelsmesse, Gewerbeausstellung

    1b: Communication/General voice mail Combox

    2a: Entertaining a client2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants atmosphere Atomsphre2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants bill Rechnung (z.B. im Restaurant)2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants to cater fo ausgerichtet oder eingestellt sein auf2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants cleanliness Sauberkeit2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants comfort(able) Bequemlichkeit (bequem)2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants location Lage, Standort

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    2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants menu Menkarte2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants party (I.e. group of people Gruppe

    2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants poor (service) schlechter (Service)2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants speed (of service) Geschwindigkeit, Tempo2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants value for money (you get value for money) man bekommt was frs Geld (informal)2a: Entertaining a client/Restaurants vegitarian Vegetarier; vegetarisch2a: Entertaining a client/General corporate event Firmen-, Geschftsanlass2a: Entertaining a client/General colleague Kollege2a: Entertaining a client/General criteria Kriterium2a: Entertaining a client/General to entertain unterhalten, einladen, bewirten2a: Entertaining a client/General entertainment Unterhaltung2a: Entertaining a client/General to launch (a product) auf den Markt bringen2a: Entertaining a client/General memorable unvergesslich, denkwrdig2a: Entertaining a client/General to miss (a flight) verpassen2a: Entertaining a client/General negotiation Verhandlung2a: Entertaining a client/General questionnaire Fragebogen2a: Entertaining a client/General to satisfy zufrieden stellen2a: Entertaining a client/General satisfaction Befriedigung2a: Entertaining a client/General satisfactory befriedigend

    2a: Entertaining a client/General wallet Brieftasche

    2b: Corporate hospitality2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining accommodation Unterkunft2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining to chat plaudern2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining to establish/build (a relationship) (eine Beziehung) aufbauen2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining fact-finding mission Informationsreise2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining to get down (to business) anfangen

    2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining to meet (expenses) (Kosten) decken2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining round (of golf) Runde2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining shopping trip Einkaufsbummel2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining sightseeing tour Besichtigungstour2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining sociable gesellig2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining social setting gesellschaftlicher Rahmen; Umgebung2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining sports event Sportanlass2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining (poor) timing (schlechtes) Timing2b: Corporate hospitality/Entertaining valued customer hochgeschtzter Kunde

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    2b: Corporate hospitality/General to bring up (a subject) zur Sprache bringen2b: Corporate hospitality/General contract Vertrag

    2b: Corporate hospitality/General convenient angenehm, passend2b: Corporate hospitality/General delighted erfreut, entzckt2b: Corporate hospitality/General to finalise (details) endgltig festlegen2b: Corporate hospitality/General golden rule goldene Regel2b: Corporate hospitality/General grateful dankbar2b: Corporate hospitality/General I look forward to Ich freue mich (darauf Sie zu treffen / sehen)2b: Corporate hospitality/General to miss (an opportunity) (eine Gelegenheit) verpassen2b: Corporate hospitality/General personal assistant (PA) Chefsekretrin2b: Corporate hospitality/General to place (an order) (eine Bestellung) aufgeben2b: Corporate hospitality/General purpose(ful) Zweck (entschlossen, zielgerichtet)2b: Corporate hospitality/General to set (objectives) (Ziele) (fest)setzen2b: Corporate hospitality/General substantial grsser, umfangreich2b: Corporate hospitality/General suitable passend

    3a: Ordering goods3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers article Artikel, Posten, Ware3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers buyer Kufer

    3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers to cancel (an order) (eine Bestellung) annullieren3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers cancellation Stornierung, Annullation3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers to confirm (an order) (eine Bestellung) besttigen3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers confirmation Besttigung3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers delivery Lieferung3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers goods Ware3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers mail order Versand(haus)3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers to order bestellen

    3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers piece Stck3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers quantity Menge3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers to recommend empfehlen3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers stock Vorrat, Bestand (an Lager)3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers to supply liefern, versorgen mit3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers supplier Lieferant3a: Ordering goods/Suppliers vendor Verkufer3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues catalogue Katalog3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues collection Kollektion

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    3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues length Lnge3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues measurement Mass

    3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues to shorten krzen3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues standard Standard3a: Ordering goods/Catalogues to standardise vereinheitlichen, normen, standardisieren3a: Ordering goods/General headquarters Hauptsitz3a: Ordering goods/General to knit stricken3a: Ordering goods/General to reduce reduzieren, krzen3a: Ordering goods/General skirt Jupe

    3b: Cash flow3b: Cash flow/Finance cash flow Liquiditt, Cash-flow3b: Cash flow/Finance inflow Geld, das man einnimmt3b: Cash flow/Finance outflow Geld, das man ausgibt3b: Cash flow/Finance cash on delivery per Nachnahme3b: Cash flow/Finance credit terms Kreditbedingungen3b: Cash flow/Finance down payment Anzahlung3b: Cash flow/Finance early settlement discount Skonto3b: Cash flow/Finance to finance finanzieren

    3b: Cash flow/Finance financing costs Finanzierungskosten3b: Cash flow/Finance interest Zins(en)3b: Cash flow/Finance labour costs Personalkosten3b: Cash flow/Finance (profit) margin Gewinnspanne3b: Cash flow/Finance net Netto3b: Cash flow/Finance order book Auftragsbuch3b: Cash flow/Finance outstanding balance ausstehender Saldo3b: Cash flow/Finance over-trading zu viel handeln

    3b: Cash flow/Finance (late) payment (versptete) Zahlung3b: Cash flow/Finance penalty charges Strafgebhr3b: Cash flow/Finance sales price Verkaufspreis3b: Cash flow/Finance turnover Umsatz3b: Cash flow/Finance wages Lhne (Stunden-)3b: Cash flow/General bar chart Balkendiagramm3b: Cash flow/General to benefit profitieren3b: Cash flow/General case study Fallstudie3b: Cash flow/General components Bestandteile

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    3b: Cash flow/General to install einbauen, installieren3b: Cash flow/General installation Einbau, Installation

    3b: Cash flow/General inventory Inventur3b: Cash flow/General shortage Mangel, Knappheit

    4a: Brand power4a: Brand power/Brands brand loyalty Marke Treue4a: Brand power/Brands brandstretching Eindringen in andere Mrkte4a: Brand power/Brands competitive advantage Wettbewerbsvorteil4a: Brand power/Brands cut-price (goods) Billig(produkte), ... zu Schleuderpreisen4a: Brand power/Brands to damage (a brand) schdigen4a: Brand power/Brands to diversify diversifizieren, breiter fchern4a: Brand power/Brands diversification Diversifikation4a: Brand power/Brands loyalty scheme Treueplan4a: Brand power/Brands own-label (products) (Produkte) der eigenen Marke4a: Brand power/Brands reputation Ruf4a: Brand power/Brands target customer Zielkunde4a: Brand power/General to attract (customers) (Kunden) anziehen4a: Brand power/General banking sector Bankensektor

    4a: Brand power/General to boost (profits) (Profite) ankurbeln4a: Brand power/General commitment Engagement, Verpflichtung4a: Brand power/General credit card Kreditkarte4a: Brand power/General to encourage ermutigen4a: Brand power/General growth Wachstum4a: Brand power/General incentive Anreiz4a: Brand power/General interest rate Zinssatz4a: Brand power/General mortgage Hypothek

    4a: Brand power/General overheads allgemeine Unkosten4a: Brand power/General performance Leistung, Vorstellung4a: Brand power/General personal loan persnliches Darlehen4a: Brand power/General reliability Zuverlssigkeit4a: Brand power/General saturated gesttigt4a: Brand power/General strength Strke4a: Brand power/General supermarket chain Supermarktkette4a: Brand power/General user-friendliness Verbraucherfreundlichkeit

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    4b: Public relations4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations advertising campaign Werbekampagne

    4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations company values Werte einer Firma4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations to deal with (the press) umgehen mit4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations display Auslage, Display4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations image Image, Bild, Ansehen4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations independent opinion eigene Meinung4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations to maintain (goodwill) aufrechterhalten, wahren4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations (to meet/satisfy) needs (Bedrfnisse) entsprechen, erfllen4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations PR (public relations) PR, ffentlichkeitsarbeit4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations press coverage Berichterstattung4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations product launch Produkte-Lancierung4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations reputable ehrenhaft, anstndig4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations strategy Strategie4b: Public relations/marketing and public relations (to build) understanding Verstndnis (schaffen)4b: Public relations/General to attend (a launch) teilnehmen4b: Public relations/General availability Verfgbarkeit4b: Public relations/General to brief (staff) (das Personal) instruieren4b: Public relations/General to finalise (the details) (Details) festlegen

    4b: Public relations/General manufacturing facility / plant Produktionseinrichtung / -fabrik4b: Public relations/General to monitor (replies) (Antworten) kontrollieren, berwachen4b: Public relations/General powerful stark, mchtig, einflussreich4b: Public relations/General responsibility Verantwortung4b: Public relations/General to solve (a problem) (ein Problem) lsen4b: Public relations/General survey Umfrage, Untersuchung4b: Public relations/General venue Treffpunkt, Austragungsort

    5a: Relocation5a: Relocation/Relocating assistance Beistand, Hilfe, Untersttzung5a: Relocation/Relocating brochure Prospekt5a: Relocation/Relocating financial aid finanzielle Hilfe5a: Relocation/Relocating to fulfil (needs) (Bedarf) decken; (Bedrfnisse) erfllen5a: Relocation/Relocating grant Subvention; Stipendium5a: Relocation/Relocating highly efficient usserst wirksam5a: Relocation/Relocating highly sophisticated sehr kultiviert, niveauvoll5a: Relocation/Relocating infrastructure Infrastruktur

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    5a: Relocation/Relocating investment Investition5a: Relocation/Relocating network (road/rail/telephone) Netz

    5a: Relocation/Relocating overheads allgemeine Geschftskosten, Betriebskosten5a: Relocation/Relocating quality of life Lebensqualitt5a: Relocation/Relocating rate of inflation Inflationsrate5a: Relocation/Relocating to relocate umziehen, den Standort wechseln (Firmen)5a: Relocation/Relocating removal Umzug (change of house)5a: Relocation/Relocating running costs laufende Kosten5a: Relocation/Relocating savings Ersparnisse5a: Relocation/Relocating to set up (business) (ein Geschft) grnden5a: Relocation/Relocating shipping Versand5a: Relocation/Relocating work permit Arbeitsbewilligung5a: Relocation/General aim Ziel5a: Relocation/General to assess einschtzen, beurteilen5a: Relocation/General attractive attraktiv, anziehend5a: Relocation/General to compare (favourably with) (gut abschneiden) im Vergleich mit ...5a: Relocation/General to conclude (be- / ab-) schliessen5a: Relocation/General to search suchen5a: Relocation/General state-of -the-art hochmodern, auf dem neusten Stand der Technik

    5a: Relocation/General tariff Tarif; Preisverzeichnis, -liste

    5b: New premises5b: New premises/Describing premises (easy) access (einfacher) Zugang5b: New premises/Describing premises air conditioning Klimaanlage5b: New premises/Describing premises amenities Einrichtungen5b: New premises/Describing premises boardroom Sitzungssaal, -zimmer5b: New premises/Describing premises facilities Einrichtungen, Mglichkeiten

    5b: New premises/Describing premises floor Stockwerk, Gang5b: New premises/Describing premises immediate (area) unmittelbar; nchste (Umgebung)5b: New premises/Describing premises to lease leasen; pachten5b: New premises/Describing premises leasehold/freehold Pachtbesitz / freier Besitz (Eigentum)5b: New premises/Describing premises lift Lift5b: New premises/Describing premises office site Brogelnde5b: New premises/Describing premises office space Broraum, -flche5b: New premises/Describing premises premises Rumlichkeiten5b: New premises/Describing premises property Eigentum

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    5b: New premises/Describing premises publisc transport ffentlicher Verkehr5b: New premises/Describing premises reception area Empfangsraum

    5b: New premises/Describing premises renovation Renovation5b: New premises/Describing premises to rent mieten5b: New premises/Describing premises to share (a building) (ein Gebude) teilen5b: New premises/Describing premises square metre (M2) Quadratmeter5b: New premises/Describing premises tenant Mieter5b: New premises/General cross over berqueren5b: New premises/General keep straight on Gehen Sie gerade aus5b: New premises/General you can't miss it Sie knnen es nicht verfehlen5b: New premises/General appointment Verabredung, Termin

    5b: New premises/General fast-growing schnell wachsend5b: New premises/General impressive eindrcklich5b: New premises/General major grsser, bedeutend5b: New premises/General numerous zahlreich5b: New premises/General (wide) range (grosse) Auswahl

    6a: Reporting results6a: Reporting results/Describing performance acquisition bernahme

    6a: Reporting results/Describing performance annual reports Jahresbericht6a: Reporting results/Describing performance assets Vermgenswerte, Aktiva6a: Reporting results/Describing performance chairman's statement Bericht des Vorsitzenden6a: Reporting results/Describing performance cost-cutting (measures) Kosten senkende (Massnahmen)6a: Reporting results/Describing performance disposal Verfgung6a: Reporting results/Describing performance dividend Dividende6a: Reporting results/Describing performance merger Fusion6a: Reporting results/Describing performance to offset ausgleichen; wettmachen

    6a: Reporting results/Describing performance to restructure restrukturieren, umformen6a: Reporting results/Describing performance revenue Einnahmen6a: Reporting results/Describing performance rumour Gercht6a: Reporting results/Describing performance sales volume Verkaufsvolumen, Umsatz6a: Reporting results/Describing performance share price Aktienpreis6a: Reporting results/Describing performance to streamline rationalisieren6a: Reporting results/Describing performance trading results Betriebsergebnis6a: Reporting results/Describing performance trading volume Betreibsumsatz6a: Reporting results/Describing trends collapse / to collapse Zusammenbruch / zusammenbrechen

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    6b: Environmental report/General to realise sich bewusst werden, realisieren6b: Environmental report/General to recognise erkennen

    6b: Environmental report/General shareholder Aktionr

    7a: Health and safety7a: Health and safety/Health and safety absent (from work) abwesend7a: Health and safety/Health and safety accident Unfall7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to arise sich ergeben, entstehen, aufkommen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety cause for concern Grund zur Sorge7a: Health and safety/Health and safety findings Ergebnisse, Befund7a: Health and safety/Health and safety first aid Erste Hilfe

    7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to handle behandeln7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to harm / to cause harm schaden / Schaden verursachen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to hurt verletzen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety incident Zwischenfall7a: Health and safety/Health and safety injury Verletzung7a: Health and safety/Health and safety law Gesetz7a: Health and safety/Health and safety liability Haftung7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to lift (hoch)heben

    7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to lose your balance das Gleichgewicht verlieren7a: Health and safety/Health and safety painkillers Schmerzmittel7a: Health and safety/Health and safety (to take) precautions Vorsichtsmassnahmen (treffen)7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to prevent verhindern7a: Health and safety/Health and safety reasonable vernnftig7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to require bentigen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to review berprfen; berdenken7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to revise berarbeiten, revidieren7a: Health and safety/Health and safety risk Risiko7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to slip ausrutschen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety stitches Stiche (Nhen)7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to strike schlagen, treffen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to take into account in Betracht ziehen7a: Health and safety/Health and safety to trip stolpern7a: Health and safety/Health and safety workplace Arbeitsplatz

    7b: Rights at work

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    7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to abuse (a system) (ein System) missbrauchen7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to ban verbieten

    7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to be allowed to erlaubt sein7b: Rights at work/Rights at work case Fall7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to deal with (complaints) (Beschwerden) behandeln7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to dismiss / sack (an employee) entlassen7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to draw up / formulate (a policy) (Firmenpolitik) entwerfen / aufstellen7b: Rights at work/Rights at work grievance Klage, Groll7b: Rights at work/Rights at work industrial tribunal Arbeitsgericht7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to keep up with (work) (Arbeit) fortsetzen7b: Rights at work/Rights at work (to know your) rights die Rechte (kennen)

    7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to meet (a target) (ein Ziel) erreichen7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to observe (regulations) (Vorschriften) einhalten7b: Rights at work/Rights at work plaintiff Klger(in)7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to put up with (a disturbance) sich abfinden mit (einer Strung)7b: Rights at work/Rights at work sexual harassment sexuelle Belstigung7b: Rights at work/Rights at work unfair dismissal ungerechte Entlassung7b: Rights at work/Rights at work verbal / written warning mndliche / schriftliche Verwarnung7b: Rights at work/Rights at work workload Arbeitslast

    7b: Rights at work/Rights at work to work overtime berstunden machen7b: Rights at work/General to behave sich benehmen7b: Rights at work/General to consult zu Rate ziehen, sich besprechen7b: Rights at work/General to commute pendeln7b: Rights at work/General to exaggerate bertreiben7b: Rights at work/General to face gegenber stehen, rechnen mssen mit7b: Rights at work/General to lie lgen; liegen7b: Rights at work/General to negotiate verhandeln7b: Rights at work/General to prioritise Prioritt einrumen

    8a: Business expenses8a: Business expenses/Expenses amount Betrag8a: Business expenses/Expenses to authorise ermchtigen, berechtigen8a: Business expenses/Expenses business trip Geschftsreise8a: Business expenses/Expenses to claim / claim back expenses (Ausgaben) zurckfordern8a: Business expenses/Expenses claimant Antragsteller8a: Business expenses/Expenses to come to (125) sich belaufen auf

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    8a: Business expenses/Expenses to fill in (a form) (ein Formular) ausfllen8a: Business expenses/Expenses to incur (expenses) (Auslagen) haben

    8a: Business expenses/Expenses line Manager leitender Angestellter8a: Business expenses/Expenses to make a (false claim) einen (unrechtmssigen) Antrag stellen8a: Business expenses/Expenses on business geschftlich8a: Business expenses/Expenses to process (a claim) (einen Antrag) weiterleiten8a: Business expenses/Expenses random check Stichkontrolle8a: Business expenses/Expenses receipt Rezept8a: Business expenses/Expenses to reimburse entschdigen, zurckerstatten8a: Business expenses/Expenses small print Kleingedrucktes8a: Business expenses/General to automate automatisieren

    8a: Business expenses/General component Bestandteil8a: Business expenses/General disappointment Enttuschung8a: Business expenses/General frustration Frustration8a: Business expenses/General guilt Schuld8a: Business expenses/General relief Erleichterung8a: Business expenses/General short notice kurzfristig8a: Business expenses/General urgent dringend8a: Business expenses/General worry Sorge

    8b: Business travel8b: Business travel/Air travel air miles Flugmeilen8b: Business travel/Air travel baggage allowance erlaubtes Gepck8b: Business travel/Air travel business class Business Klasse8b: Business travel/Air travel check-in Check-in8b: Business travel/Air travel delay Versptung8b: Business travel/Air travel duty-free zollfrei8b: Business travel/Air travel frequent flyer hufiger Flieger8b: Business travel/Air travel in-flight (catering) (Verpflegung) whrend des Fluges8b: Business travel/Air travel legroom Beinfreiheit8b: Business travel/Air travel lounge Halle8b: Business travel/Air travel on-board (entertainment) (Unterhaltung) im Flugzeug8b: Business travel/Air travel priority status Vorrang8b: Business travel/Air travel reclining (seat) verstellbarer (Sitz)8b: Business travel/Air travel scheduled flight Linienflug8b: Business travel/Air travel take-off Start

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    8b: Business travel/Air travel to transfer bertragen; berfhren; bringen8b: Business travel/General to annoy rgern, aufregen

    8b: Business travel/General to bear ertragen, aushalten8b: Business travel/General to compete with (other companies) konkurrieren8b: Business travel/General to fail nicht gelingen; durchfallen8b: Business travel/General frills Verzierungen8b: Business travel/General low-cost preiswert8b: Business travel/General mainstream Hauptrichtung8b: Business travel/General privacy Privatsphre8b: Business travel/General refreshment Erfrischung8b: Business travel/General to refund zurckerstatten

    8b: Business travel/General to select auswhlen8b: Business travel/General to survice berleben8b: Business travel/General to undercut (competitors) unterbieten

    9a: Flexible benefits9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits annual leave jhrlicher Urlaub9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits childcare vouchers Gutscheine fr Kinderpflege9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits company car Firmenauto

    9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits health / medical insurance Krankenversicherung9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits life assurance Lebensversicherung9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits to operate (a system) (ein System) betreiben; funktionieren9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits pension scheme Rentenversicherung9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits retail vouchers Einkaufsbons9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits reward Belohnung9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits to run (a scheme) (eine Anlage) betreiben; (ein Projekt) leiten9a: Flexible benefits/Benefits travel insurance Reiseversicherung9a: Flexibel benefits/General applicant Bewerber9a: Flexibel benefits/General bargaining power Verhandlungsstrke9a: Flexibel benefits/General bulk discount grosser Rabatt9a: Flexibel benefits/General challenging herausfordernd9a: Flexibel benefits/General diversity Vielfalt9a: Flexibel benefits/General graduate an einer Hochschule abschliessen9a: Flexibel benefits/General to implement vollziehen; ausfhren9a: Flexibel benefits/General lump sum Pauschalbetrag9a: Flexibel benefits/General optional freiwillig

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    9a: Flexibel benefits/General payroll Gehaltsliste9a: Flexibel benefits/General provider Ernhrer

    9a: Flexibel benefits/General recruitmentEinstellung

    9a: Flexibel benefits/General security Sicherheit9a: Flexibel benefits/General staff turnover Personalwechsel, Fluktuation

    9b: Staff appraisal9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to appraise (employees) beurteilen9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to comment on (performancew) (ber die Leistung) einen Kommentar abgeben9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to co-ordinate (goals) (Ziele) koordinieren, aufeinander abstimmen9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to criticise kritisieren

    9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to evaluate (performance) (die Leistung) einschtzen, beurteilen9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals (to give / get) feedback Feedback (geben / erhalten)9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals job description Stellenbeschreibung9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to meet (aims / objectives / deadlines) (Ziele) erreichen / (Termine) einhalten9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to miss (targets / deadlines) (Ziele) verfehlen / (Termine) nicht einhalten9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals (training) policy (Ausbildungs-) Politik; - Praktik9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals to praise loben9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals promotion Befrderung

    9b: Staff appraisal/appraisals prospects Aussichten9b: Staff appraisal/General to cause (concern (zu Sorge) Anlass geben9b: Staff appraisal/General corporate strategy Firmenstrategie9b: Staff appraisal/General current aktuell, laufend9b: Staff appraisal/General to define (duties / roles) (Pflichten / Rollen) definieren, bestimmen9b: Staff appraisal/General to ensure (success) (Erfolg) sicherstellen9b: Staff appraisal/General to fail (to respond) versumen (zu antworten), nicht antworten9b: Staff appraisal/General to hire einstellen; mieten9b: Staff appraisal/General to ignore nicht beachten9b: Staff appraisal/General instance Beispiel, Fall9b: Staff appraisal/General internal vacancy interne Vakanz, offene Stelle9b: Staff appraisal/General noticeboard Anschlagbrett9b: Staff appraisal/General (good / bad) practice (gute / schlechte) Gewohnheit; Praxis9b: Staff appraisal/General qualification Qualifikation, Zeugnis

    10a: Marketing disasters10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing at the bottom end (of the market) zuunterst, am Ende

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    10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing to attract (interest) (Interesse) wecken10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing ,arketing mix Marktspanne, -mischung10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing to position (a product) (ein Produkt) positionieren10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing promotion Befrderung; Werbekampagne10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing promotional gift Werbegeschenk10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing research Forschung10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing rival Konkurrent10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing to run (a competition) (einen Wettbewerb) durchfhren10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing top-of-the-range Spitzen-, der Spitzenklasse10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing to win (market share) (Marktanteil) gewinnen10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing to win (a prize) (Preis) gewinnen

    10a: Marketing disasters/Marketing to withdraw (a product) (ein Produkt) zurckziehen10a: Marketing disasters/General to avoid (mistakes/disasters) (Fehler / Katastrophen) vermeiden10a: Marketing disasters/General clue Hinweis, Anhaltspunkt10a: Marketing disasters/General to coincide with (2 Termine) zusammenfallen, sich decken10a: Marketing disasters/General confectionary Konditorwaren, Ssswaren10a: Marketing disasters/General conservatory Konservatorium; Wintergarten10a: Marketing disasters/General flawed fehlerhaft10a: Marketing disasters/General to go into liquidation in Liquidation gehen

    10a: Marketing disasters/General to go wrong falsch laufen; nicht funktionieren10a: Marketing disasters/General hoover Staubsauger10a: Marketing disasters/General proven (success) bewhrt10a: Marketing disasters/General retailer Detaillist10a: Marketing disasters/General with hindsight hinterher, im Nachhinein

    10b: Going global10b: Going global/Globalisation acquisition bernahme, Kauf (einer Firma)10b: Going global/Globalisation adaptation Anpassung10b: Going global/Globalisation to add value Wert zufgen10b: Going global/Globalisation business plan Geschftsplan10b: Going global/Globalisation to centralise zentralisieren10b: Going global/Globalisation economies of scale Einsparungen (durch erhhte Produktion)10b: Going global/Globalisation to ecpand ausweiten, expandieren10b: Going global/Globalisation to export exportieren10b: Going global/Globalisation franchise Lizenz, Franchise10b: Going global/Globalisation globalisation Globalisierung

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    10b: Going global/Globalisation joint venture Joint-venture, Gemeinschaftsunternehmen10b: Going global/Globalisation know-how praktische Kenntnisse10b: Going global/Globalisation licencing agreement / arrangement Lizenzvertrag / -vereinbarung10b: Going global/Globalisation local knowledge Ortskenntnisse10b: Going global/Globalisation ownership Besitz10b: Going global/Globalisation pay-off Auszahlung10b: Going global/Globalisation to retain (control) (Kontrolle) behalten10b: Going global/Globalisation returns Gewinn, Einknfte10b: Going global/Globalisation risk-free risikofrei10b: Going global/Globalisation takeover bernahme10b: Going global/Globalisation target market Zielmarkt

    10b: Going global/Globalisation wholly-owned (subsidiary) 100% eigen (Tochtergesellschaft)10b: Going global/Globalisation worldwide weltweit10b: Going global/General exclusive(ly) exklusiv10b: Going global/General to exploit ausntzen, ausbeuten10b: Going global/General high-margin (products) (Produkte) mit hoher Gewinnspanne10b: Going global/General mid-price (products) (Produkte) im mittleren Preissegment10b: Going global/General retirements Pensionierung