beatitudes 6 blessed are the pure

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    Greek word for purity

    Katharos- Greek word forpurity is used in many ways.

    It is used of clean clothes incontrast to soiled ones, pure

    water in contrast withadulterated water, of silverand gold which have no alloy inthem, of an army which hasbeen cleansed of disloyal

    soldiers, of blood which isabsolutely pure.

    The word Catharsis(emotional release or purging)

    is also derived from Katharos. Produced by Simon Siew 2/12

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    Jews understanding of purity was onethat was external only

    The Jews weremeticulous aboutexternal purity. Theywere obsessed with

    external purity that theyfailed to realize the needof internal purity.

    On the day of Atonementfor example, the HighPriest would have washedhis whole body in cleanwater 5 times and hishands and feet 10 times.

    Produced by Simon Siew 3/12

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    External purity prized over internalpurity

    The Jews taught that solong as a man observed theoutward rituals correctly,he was pure in spite of histhoughts of arrogance, hateand other unclean thoughts.

    A man might be an arrogant

    sinner and adulterer but ifhe was a descendant ofAaron, he was a priest.

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    Jesus teaching on purity

    Matthew 15:19- Jesusstressed the purity ofheart.

    For out of your heart,

    come evil thoughts,murder, adultery, sexualimmorality, theft, falsetestimony, slander

    Jesus is saying thatBlessed are those whosethoughts and motives areabsolutely unmixed andpure.

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    The most demanding of the Beatitude

    This is truly the most

    demanding of all theBeatitudes.

    It necessitates the strictestand the most honest self-examination.

    Even an action which looksgenerous and sacrificial may

    have in it some ulteriormotive, some residue of self-display and pride which weare scarcely aware of.

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    You see things based on what you know.

    The man who knowsnothing about botanywill see by the waysidea tangle of weedswhich are insignificant

    to him. The botanist however

    delights in seeing fromthis tangle a rare

    weed. His knowledgeof botany enables himto see something thatothers do not see.

    Produced bySimon Siew


    Similarly those who do nothave the knowledge of God,do not get to see God.

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    Seeing God - our greatest reward

    The greatest privilege that

    a servant could have was tobe able to stand in thepresence of the king,constantly to see his face

    and to hear his wisdom.

    1 Kings 10:18- QueenSheba made this remarkabout Solomons servants,Happy are your servantswho stand continuallybefore you and hear yourwisdom.Produced by Simon Siew


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    Purity enables us to see God

    The man whose heart has

    been cleansed in Jesus,whose motives, thoughtsand desires are absolutelyunmixed will be given the

    privilege to see God. But to see God is not

    literally to see God withthe physical eyes as that is

    not possible. No man had seen God at

    any time John 1:18.

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 6 Blessed Are the Pure


    So what does seeing God mean? It means to enter into

    the fullness of knowledgeof God, without having togrope in the darkness.

    1 Corinthians 13:12- Now

    we see but a poorreflection as in a mirror;then we shall see face toface. Now I know in part;then I shall know fully,even as I am fully known.

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    It means to enter into the intimate fellowship of His love.Loves highest joy is to be in the presence of the lovedone.