beating procrastination: causes, triggers, cures

Beating Procrastination: Causes, Triggers, Cures

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Beating Procrastination: Causes, Triggers, Cures. Tom Cox. Procrastination is not Laziness. Problem Procrastination does NOT come from: Laziness Lack of Willpower Lack of Ambition Problem Procrastination is self-inflicted and stress-related. When is Procrastination Good?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Beating Procrastination: Causes, Triggers, Cures

Beating Procrastination:Causes, Triggers, Cures

Page 2: Beating Procrastination: Causes, Triggers, Cures

Tom Cox

Page 3: Beating Procrastination: Causes, Triggers, Cures

Procrastination is not LazinessProblem Procrastination does NOT come from:LazinessLack of WillpowerLack of Ambition

Problem Procrastination is self-inflicted and stress-related

Page 4: Beating Procrastination: Causes, Triggers, Cures

When is Procrastination Good?

Procrastination can be good when:1. Lack a Resource and must Wait2. Suspect an Assignment is not really

important3. You need to Think it Through more4. Your Energy Level is wrong (not


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Awareness or MindfulnessEven before you begin to beat procrastination, you can start to increase your awareness

Step back from yourself – observe your feelings as you feel them

Notice your actions as you do them

This sets you up for success

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Stress Worsens ProcrastinationChronic Stress changes the BrainNY Times article 18-Aug-2009

Problem-solving and Goal-seeking areas of the brain shrivel

Rote and Habit areas blossomDoing old things and expecting new results

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Stress Relief can Restore the BrainWith four weeks of vacation, the brain returns to normal

Problem-solving and Goal-seeking areas re-grow

Rote and Habit areas shrink back

Other stress-reduction habits help

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Stress BehaviorsDifficulty making

decisions.Angry outbursts.Forgetfulness.Low energy level.Constant worrying.Propensity for


Thoughts about death or suicide.

Trouble getting along with others.

Carelessness.Withdrawing from

others. Hiding from


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Stress EnhancersIsolationUncertaintyFeeling of Lack of ControlFatigue

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Notice Stress BehaviorsIf you are showing behavioral signs of high stress:

Do not blame or shame yourself! That enhances stress

Instead, realize it means:You really are under a lot of stress

Your behavior will improve as you reduce subjective stress

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Attack Stress EnhancersIf you are Isolated:

Eat meals with friendsIf you are Uncertain:

Seek certainty – analyze, askIf you Feel a Lack of Control:

Focus on what you can controlIf you have Fatigue:

Get good sleep – prioritize it

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Procrastination JournalIncrease your awareness of your procrastination thoughts and behaviors by keeping a journal of:The date and time of the impulseWhat you were doingWhat you were tempted to doWhat you told yourselfWhat you chose to do and for how long

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Procrastination TriggersProcrastination is often triggered by:ResentmentConfusion or UncertaintyFear of


Skill DeficitUnrealistic Time Estimates

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ResentmentYour procrastination might be triggered by Resentment if:

You have a hard time saying “no”

You’re a people-pleaserYou are often bullied into thingsYou fear confrontationYou feel taken advantage ofYou say “I shouldn’t have to…”

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Resentment ExampleDilbert cartoon about Low Standards:Wally tells Asok to use the “power of low standards” and leave his dirty dishes on the floor

Alice walks by and says “once again I have to clean up after slobs”

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Resentment Non-FixesAnti-procrastination advice that may

NOT work with Resentment:Break it into smaller chunks

Instead of one large task I resent, now I have ten small tasks I resent

Reward yourselfThe reward may bring up the same

negative emotion as the task and become non-rewarding

Clarify Goal or Next StepIf the problem is not a lack of clarity, time

spent clarifying is wasted

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Resentment FixesDefer (mindfully) – pick a higher priority task to do instead

Ditch – Just say “no”Dilute the impact – Focus on your Worthy Goal

Delegate (when appropriate)Just Do It – “Put on your Big Boy Pants” – sometimes we all have to do things we dislike; grow up

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Procrastination Cycle1. You Feel Anxiety2. Which is temporarily relieved

by3. An Empty Promise or a Self-

Criticism or a Distraction4. Which leads to5. Non-performance and more


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Confusion or UncertaintyIs Your Procrastination Triggered by

Confusion or Uncertainty? a) Do I have a Clear Vision of my desired

outcome?b) Do I have a Clear Understanding of my

Next Steps?c) Do I have a sense of hopelessness?d) Do I feel Anger because it seems

someone wants me to Read their Mind?

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Confusion Fixesa) Create a Vision First b) Analyze – what is unclearc) Ask – sharing a burden halves itd) Find Someone Who Did It

Almost any successful person will gladly give you 30 minutes to tell you how they succeeded – just offer to buy them coffee

e) Work Backwards from Resultf) When the Process is unclear,

specify the Outcome

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Don’t Remember ThingsWhen experimental subjects had to memorize seven (7) digits instead of two (2):Their self-control dropped by half (50%)They were twice as likely to pick chocolate cake over fruit salad

Use your System to Remember Things“The Weakest Ink is Stronger than the Strongest Memory” – so write it down

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FearIs Your Procrastination Triggered by

Fear? a) What emotions come up when I

consider this task?b) Have I eliminated Resentment?c) Have I eliminated Confusion?d) Am I mad at myself, or consider

myself cowardly?e) Do I envy people who do this easily?

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Faces of FearThe three major kinds of fear are:1. Fear of Failure

Does doing badly hurt more than not trying? (Perfection or don’t try)

2. Fear of Success Will success push us out of our

comfort zone or create new work?3. Fear of Criticism

Who might be critical? Why do we care?

Tackle each one differently!

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Fear Fixesa) Create a Vision First

Find a passion greater than your fearb) Deadlines

The fear of missing the deadline can overcome the fear of doing the task

c) Find Someone Who Did It Sometimes the role model gives you

couraged) Create an Unshakable Sense of

Worth based on Factse) Re-Interpret Fear as a Reason to Act

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Skill DeficitProcrastination Triggered by a Skill Deficit

a) What emotions come up when I consider the task I’m putting off?

b) Have I eliminated Resentment, Confusion, and Fear as causes?

c) Am I self-Critical / see myself as Stupid?

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Skill Deficit Fixesa) Break into Sub-Steps, then

check Skill List Skill needed for each sub-step Go find/hire each skill you lack

b) Identify the Real Outcome Guy who couldn’t Read – went with

Audio Books instead

c) Re-Interpret your Reluctance – treat the skill deficit as a challenge

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Unrealistic Time EstimatesIs Your Procrastination Triggered by Unrealistic Time Estimates? a) Do I even make time estimates?b) Have I eliminated Resentment?

Confusion? Fear? c) Am I Chronically Late?

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4 Time Management TricksKeep a Time LogPomodoro TechniquePower To-Do List

What, Why, Est,

Plan each Day the Night Before

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Three Steps to Beat Procrastination1.Become mindful – notice when

you do it2.Analyze – identify your triggers3.Treat – use the right fixes for

your triggers