bearing fruit for jesus! - clover ·...

October 2012 Bearing Fruit for Jesus! Our stewardship theme for this year is Bearing Fruit for Jesus!: His Grace and Power at Work within You. We are being asked to grow as stewards of all that God gives us. Jesus said, You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruitfruit that will last (John 15:16). Fruit trees are one of the many wonders of Gods creation. To see the beauty of the tree and its fruit, to enjoy its taste, and to realize that it all came from a tiny seed is truly amazing. An apple seed is planted in the ground, and, with water and sun as nourishment, miraculously a seedling surfaces that develops into a fruit tree. After a period of time, the apple tree fulfills its mission by bearing abundant fruit. Fruit characterizes the life of the Christian steward. When we stay firmly connected to Jesus, we will bear much fruit. Christ has given us the task at St. Johns United Methodist Church of ministering to the needs of others and bearing abundant fruit. The fruit we share is of our time, talents, and treasure. On October 6-7, we encourage you to fill out the time and talent survey that will be distributed in worship. On October 13-14, we will welcome Rev. Chuck Smith, who served 14 years as the treasurer of the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church, as our guest preacher. On that day, you will be asked to fill out a commitment card to financially support the work of the church and The Center. We ask that, as you approach your commitment decisions, you seek Gods guidance in prayer and let love guide you in your deci- sion. Let us bear abundant fruit! Rev. Anne Lippincott Rev. Ron Carlson Willie Ellis Rev. Anne Lippincott Rev. Ron Carlson Willie Ellis Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Stewardship Team Chairperson 1

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Page 1: Bearing Fruit for Jesus! - Clover · 2012-10-02 · October 2012 Bearing Fruit for Jesus! Our stewardship theme for this

October 2012

Bearing Fruit for Jesus!

Our stewardship theme for this year is Bearing Fruit for Jesus!: His Grace and Power at Work within You. We are being asked to grow as stewards of all that God gives us.

Jesus said, �“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit�—fruit that will last�” (John 15:16). Fruit trees are one of the many wonders of God�’s creation. To see the beauty of the tree and its fruit, to enjoy its taste, and to realize that it all came from a tiny seed is truly amazing. An apple seed is planted in the ground, and, with water and sun as nourishment, miraculously a seedling surfaces that develops into a fruit tree. After a period of time, the apple tree fulfills its mission by bearing abundant fruit.

Fruit characterizes the life of the Christian steward. When we stay firmly connected to Jesus, we �“will bear much fruit.�” Christ has given us the task at St. John�’s United Methodist Church of ministering to the needs of others and bearing abundant fruit.

The fruit we share is of our time, talents, and treasure.

On October 6-7, we encourage you to fill out the time and talent survey that will be distributed in worship. On October 13-14, we will welcome Rev. Chuck Smith, who served 14 years as the treasurer of the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church, as our guest preacher. On that day, you will be asked to fill out a commitment card to financially support the work of the church and The Center.

We ask that, as you approach your commitment decisions, you seek God�’s guidance in prayer and let love guide you in your deci-sion.

Let us bear abundant fruit!

Rev. Anne Lippincott Rev. Ron Carlson Willie Ellis Rev. Anne Lippincott Rev. Ron Carlson Willie Ellis

Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Stewardship Team Chairperson


Page 2: Bearing Fruit for Jesus! - Clover · 2012-10-02 · October 2012 Bearing Fruit for Jesus! Our stewardship theme for this

ADULT FELLOWSHIP Adult Fellowship will meet Wednes-day, October 3rd at 12 noon in the Par-lor for a potluck luncheon. Following

lunch a program will be presented by Maggie Gillespie and Sharon Pinnick titled �“THE NOTE-ABLES�” with their accordi-ons. They will play Gospel Hymns, and we are asked to sing along. Warm up your vocal cords and come join the fun. If you are not on the calling list, please call 332-3433 to let us know you are coming. Everyone is asked to bring a dish of food to share and your own table service.

St. John�’s Parsonage Addresses Senior Pastor: 2237 Fairhaven Road, Davenport, IA 52803 Assoc. Pastor: 2715 Avalon Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722


(Pastors, Lay Employees and Volunteer Staff)

Anne Lippincott, Senior Pastor, ext. 203 [email protected]

Ron Carlson, Associate Pastor, ext. 204

[email protected]

Beth Boudreau, Director of Children and Family Ministries,

ext. 231 [email protected]

Linda Clark, Administrative Secretary, ext. 202 [email protected]

Steve Ernst, Director of Jesus Country Worship, ext. 210

[email protected] Mitzi Harris, Organist, ext. 214

[email protected]

Linda Hoppe, Director of Living Faith! Worship, ext. 212 [email protected]

Pennie Kellenberger, Director of The Center and Youth Outreach, ext. 306 [email protected]

Dave Meumann, Director of Music and Media Ministries, ext. 207 [email protected]

Jamie Nielsen, Youth Small Groups

[email protected]

Lacy Skahill, Business Manager at The Center ext. 301

[email protected]

Michael Slininger, Director Youth Ministries, ext. 233 [email protected]

Don Sprosty, Financial Secretary, ext. 205

[email protected]

Glenn Wilkerson, Building Superintendent, ext. 208

[email protected]

(563) 324-5278 On the web:

E-mail: [email protected]

The St. John's Foundation would like to thank the following members of St. John's for their Birthday Fund contributions: Mary Alice McCleary, Guinevere McCrory, Bob Fulton, Ruth McGinnis, Doug Koester, Wayne Machamer, Dean O'Neill, Bonnie Smith, and William D. Smith.



Carl and Bonnie are working at the Apple Fest in LeClaire, IA.

If you want to join them for a brat, you'll have to drive to LeClaire!!

11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the LeClaire Levee

Thank-you so much to all of you who bought a copy of my book You Will Find Joy. I would love it if you would write a review for me. I'm starting my marketing on a serious level now and the more reviews the

better. You can just leave your reviews in the "pickup" box in the office with my name on it. Stay tuned for further events. Nancy Newton


Page 3: Bearing Fruit for Jesus! - Clover · 2012-10-02 · October 2012 Bearing Fruit for Jesus! Our stewardship theme for this

Unit meeting: Wednesday, October 10 @ 12:00. Luncheon in the parlor Topic: P.U.N.C.H: A neighborhood ministry Presenter: Mary Downing Mary will bring us up to date about the churches involved in P.U.N.C.H. and what they are doing in our hilltop neighborhood. Reservations: Call Pat Burroughs at 322-8302. It is re-quested that Circles call Pat with their number of reserva-tions by Sunday before the unit meeting. Executive Committee: Meet in the Conference Room at 10:45 Hostess: Martha Friendship: Joanna

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN�’S CIRCLES Deborah: Tuesday, October 16 in Fellowship Hall for candy making: 4:00 p.m. Hostess: Louise Schmidt

Dorcas: Wednesday, October 30 at 5:00 in the parlor Hostess: Jane Lange. Will be making pie crust s for bazaar

Elizabeth: Wednesday, October 17th at the church at 12:00 noon Hostess: Betty Breaw Co-Hostess: Rose Zemanek

Joanna: Tuesday, October 23 in the church parlor at 7:00 p.m. Hostess: Jan Wierson Co Hostess: Kathy Byers

Martha: Wednesday, October 17 at 12:45 p.m. Meeting in the Northridge Party Room at Ridgecrest

Naomi: Wednesday, October 17 at 12:00 noon Hostess: Jackie Trusheim Co-Hostess: Chris Ittenbach

DVAP: Deborah Diapers: Martha

Thank you to everyone who helped cook, serve, clean up and EAT at our spaghetti luncheon. The profits are going to various mission projects. It was yummy, wasn�’t it? Thanks again.

This is a reminder to put November 3rd on your calendar for the United Methodist Women�’s Taste of Autumn Bazaar and Luncheon. The bazaar will take place from 10:00 �– 2:00 p.m. in the parlor, Wesley Room, and 3 year old room. The luncheon will be upstairs in Fellowship Hall. We will have many of our famous (or infamous) food products, some craft items and holiday decorations. There will also be a used book sale and a Coffee Shoppe. You don�’t have to be a UMW member to donate items for the bazaar. We will gladly accept your baked goods, canned goods or craft items. Along with the bazaar we will have a great Italian luncheon at 12:00 noon followed by a musical program provided by �“The Fabulous Ones.�” Tickets for the luncheon are $12.00 and will be on sale on the two Sundays at the Perry street entrance prior to the bazaar. All of the profits will go to support our mission projects here in Davenport, in Iowa and around the world. Please plan to join the fun and fellowship. See you there!

The United Methodist Women will be making homemade noodles to sell at the Taste of Autumn Bazaar on Thursday, October 25th in Fellowship Hall. Anyone is welcome to join us. It is lots of fun, and you will be amazed at the amount of noodles we can turn out in a few hours. Join the fun!


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Missions Committee Coordinator

World Communion Day Offering: For countless years the first Sunday of October was the time for a special offering need. This year it is for Scholarships with one-half used for student need and the other half for Ethnic In-Service Train-ing Programs. A lady from Haiti has been blessed to get a Seminary Degree and also a social work degree and plans to go back to Haiti and help her people. Many others who are helped reach out to people in other countries in service to individuals and communities. If we all give a few dollars, we can reach $300.00. Thanks for the gift!!! Mission Committee

VIM TEAM (Volunteer In Mission)

By Sandy Koester Sign up to be part of our Volunteers In Mission team to Red Bird before Oct 10!! Our work camp in Beverly, KY will be November 5 thru 9, 2012. Red Bird charges each volunteer a $350 work camp fee for the week, which covers our hous-ing and meals while at the camp. Our accommodations will be cabins with bunk beds and showers. Van rental and travel fees will hopefully be covered by monies raised at the breakfast we will be serving on Oct 28. Come eat in Fellow-ship hall that day!

The goals of our Work Camp at Red Bird are fourfold. First, it is hoped the time spent working and sharing together will help our team grow in Christian Love. In addition, we hope each individual will use the time away from their normal envi-ronment and routine to reflect and pray about the problems and joys in their own life and be enriched spiritually. Second, we wish to help each individual understand what Red Bird Mission is and why it is important to the Appalachian region of Southeastern Kentucky. Third, we want to make the daily work beneficial to the Mission and the surrounding commu-nity. Fourth, we hope that during the stay, everyone will learn to appreciate the enriching beauty of the mountains and the people who live there, and will compare their struggles and problems with those of our community.

Prayerfully consider being part of this life changing experience. There are a variety of tasks for the volunteers. Your time and talents given to help the people of this Appalachian Valley will be greatly appreciated! Please contact me either by e-mail, [email protected] or by phone 563-320-1467 with questions or concerns. I will get the proper forms to you for being a Volunteer In Mission!!



As we start to approach cooler weather we will be collecting hats, mit-tens and scarves for the children at Madison Elementary school. Collection will start on October 13-21. This year we will have a box located by the Perry St. entrance that you may place them in for your convenience. Last year totals were 37 hats, 119 pairs of gloves, and 10 scarves.

Thank you for your support again this year.


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Prayer is our lifeline to God! St. John�’s UMC is a church with prayer warriors! We have the Prayer Bookmark in the church bulletin each Sunday and in the monthly Tidings. If you or a family member wants to be lifted in prayer, please let the church office know at 563-324-5278 or Janice Becker at 563-355-3981 or fill out a prayer card in your worship service and state if you want the request to be on the prayer bookmark. It will be on the prayer chain which is more private and includes a large variety of more detailed prayer concerns. It is important that you get per-mission to put the prayer requests on the bookmark and/or chain as some people want their prayer needs to be between them and God. It is also appreciated when you let us know of changes in your prayer concern! We would also welcome people who are willing to commit to praying the prayer chain requests regularly. If you are interested please contact Janice Becker and she will ex-plain the mechanics of it to you so you can decide if you want to be part of this dedicated group.

Another good month, 392 items were collected for September. As fall ap-proaches and the weather starts to cool, soup makes a great lunch for c h i l d r e n . W e r e c e i v e d 37 cans. Along with soup, we need crackers, so watch for the sales and purchase a box or two to go along

with the soup we will receive next month. Other items of quantity were vegetables, Mac & cheese, toilet pa-per, pudding mix, pork n beans, oatmeal and canned meats.

Items needed - fruit cups, hot chocolate, after school snack items, soup, crackers. Remember Food Pantry Sunday is October 21. Grocery carts are located at the Perry Street and 14th Street entrances.

October 27th & 28th will be our annual Reverse Offer-ing for the Thanksgiving Baskets given out at the Cen-ter. Items needed for the baskets are vegetables, in-stant potatoes, gravy moi, fruit, mac & cheese and stuffing mix, along with any gift certificates towards a turkey.

I have had a lot of inquiries about the non food prod-ucts and other items that do not go into the bas-kets which are listed in our reverse offering. The food pantry needs items of all kinds and what we don't use for the baskets, we give to them.

All items need to be brought to the church by Sunday, November 11th. If you prefer to give a monetary dona-tion or a gift certificate, please put in an envelope marked Reverse Offering and leave in the church of-fice.

Thanks to all for your donations and for taking part in the reverse offering on October 27th & 28th. The fami-lies who receive these baskets will be blessed by your generosity.

Congratulations Rick and Shari Cole married September 1, 2012 Anthony and Maria Ryan Married September 15, 2012 Donald and Michelle Buser married September 22, 2012 Curtis and Courtney Mangler married September 29, 2012

Crop Walk October 7, 2012

The �“CROP WALK�” will be Sunday, October 7th starting at Mondern Woodman Ball Park. Registration is from 1-2:00 p.m. The walk will begin at 2:00 p.m. If you would like to support the �“CROP WALK�” you can contact Gayle Blieu, Willie Trusheim, Eleanor Mooney or Michael Slin-inger.


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PRAYER BOOKMARK as of September 24, 2012

Church family who are in the hospital Genesis East: John Kvapil , Sylvia Banes Genesis West: No one at this time. Trinity Terrace Park, Bettendorf, IA: Paula Blinkinsop Select Specialty Hospital: Irma Dresselhaus Released in the month of August: Lois Kozich, Janice Calkins, Marjoie Dawson, June Stimac, dale Burkhardt, Bettie Mueller, William Edvenson, Lori Rutten, Danny White

Prayer concerns

Darlene Annear, Harold Bolterman, Marsha Findlay, Deanna Gross, Carolyn H., Corrine Hendrickson, Clara Haack, Herbert Iossi, Beth Jackson, Deb Meehan, Keith Osborn, Nellie Quinn, Jean Schulz, Rachel Slininger, Ruth Thomas

Grieving families The families of:

Lee Ittenbach, Marilyn Huber, Patricia Bish, Leona Cooperman, Church family who are in care centers Amber Ridge, Moline: Wil Wright Bickford Cottage, Davenport: Darlene and Sherman Blomme Country Manor: Joan Picht Grand Haven Retirement Community, Eldridge, IA: Betty Ashcraft Iowa Masonic Health Center: Genievee Bollman Kahl Home: John Harris Manor Care, Bettendorf, IA: Betty Border, Ruth Thomas Ridgecrest, Crest Health: Hilda Brown, Carl and Irma Dresselhaus, Virginia Keny, Myla Oldenburg Senior Star Assisted Living: Marjorie Dawson, Hazel Mae McGowan, Phyllis Parry St. Mary�’s Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center: Henry Britcher, Aimee Brown Church family in a combat area Captain Nathan Hier in Afghanistan Requests from United Methodist Churches in the QC area Asbury UMC and The Garden Ministry St. John�’s UMC and our Street Team Ministry

St. John�’s UMC To add to the prayer bookmark, you can contact us at: 563-324-5278. We want to be in prayer for all those in need; however, to add a name to the Prayer Bookmark, we need the permission of the person or a family member.


Sunday, October 7, 2012, we will be holding a reception in Fellowship Hall from 2 to 4p.m.

We are asking everyone to join us and show Rev Anne and Pastor Ron how much we appreciate them and all they have done and do for us each and every day. We will have a basket for each one of our amazing leaders so you may leave cards or personal notes of appreciation. If you would share your love and respect for them in either helping with this event or donating baked goods, fruit or fresh veggies to share, please sign up by contacting Jen-nifer Wader at 563-579-4871 or [email protected]

Thank You Many thanks to all of you who so willing donated for the June Blood Drive. I cannot express enough how important this mission is not only for our church but for our entire community and around the world. Because of our donations it may mean the difference of saving many lives. 31 units of blood and blood products were collected from our church people. The Blood Bank could not thank us enough. A big thanks you to my committee for all their help in call-ing, baking, �“goodie�” etc. Without you this would not be a successful project. God Bless you all, and may we all prayerfully consider donating for our drive on November 13th.

Kay Hobbs Blood Drive Coordinator


In order to donate blood at St. John�’s UMC, you can not donate else where after September 23, 2012.


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We welcome St. John�’s UMC newest mem-ber who joined on

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mel Lower

Trunk or Treat will take place this year on Tuesday, October 30th in our church park-ing lot. Trunk or Treat is a safer alternative to trick or treating. This annual event is for the whole family, and the entire neighbor-hood. We ask that all participants arrive by 4:30 p.m. to get parked and decorated.

Treating starts at 5 p.m. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Jennifer Wader so we know how many cars we will have taking part.

We also need candy, lots of candy to make this event work. Last year we had over 300 people visit our church. If you are unable to take part with your car and would like to do-nate candy please bring it to the office with it labled trunk or treat by October 28th. Any questions please contact

Jennifer [email protected] or Jennifer Wader 563-579-4871

United Methodist Position on Environmental Stewardship

As United Methodists, we have strongly �“support and encourage social policies that serve to reduce and control the creation of industrial byprod-ucts and waste; facilitate the safe processing and disposal of toxic and nuclear waste and move toward the elimination of both; encourage reduc-tion of municipal waste; provide for appropriate recycling and disposal of municipal waste; and assist the cleanup of polluted air, water, and soil�” (2008-2012 Book of Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, ¶160. I. The Natural World, A) Water, Air, Soil, Minerals, Plants). Additionally, �“we acknowledge the global impact of humanity�’s disregard for God�’s crea-tion�…the adverse impacts of global climate change disproportionately affect individuals and nations least responsible for emissions. We therefore support efforts of all governments to require mandatory reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and call on individuals, congregations, busi-nesses, industries, and communities to reduce their emissions�” (2008-2012 Book of Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, ¶160. I. The Natural World, D) Global Climate Stewardship). Please take a few minutes to write a message of support to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the action alert link from the national office of Interfaith Power and Light, letting them know that as a person of faith and as an Iowa United Methodist, you support the efforts for our nation to have the first-ever industrial carbon pollution limit for new power plants.

For additional statements on this topic in an article entitled �“God�’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action�” please go to the Iowa Annual Conference web site:

On Sunday, November 4, we will celebrate All Saint�’s Day at the 8:30 worship service. During this service, we remember persons who has passed on during the year.

If you would like to remember a loved one, please call the church by October 29 so their name can be included on our remembrance list.

Also, if you would like to bring a bell to include on our banner, please bring it to the church office on or before November 2.


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Art Project: The Artist's Way Class - Information/Introduction October 8th 7:00-8:00

Classes starting October 15 Mondays (6:00-8:30pm)

Level one of Skatechurch - 1411 Brady Strett Instructor: Steve Braudt

The Art Project is a healing journey of affirmation. It is the place where the artist within gets the freedom to come out. For many reasons, life takes different people on different journeys, journeys that have, for some, blocked the greatest part of our beings, the creative part. Most of us know what it is like to �‘do�’�…to �‘figure out�’�…but so many of us are unaware of how to undo those blocks and experience the freedom of creativity that can enable us to be set free for the journey -- to be set free for life. Such is the Artist Way�…a journey to help each of us to be the person we

were originally intended to be�…free to heal, free to renew, free to create, free to BE and to DO! Sound interesting? Join us for an informational meeting on Monday October 8th at 7:00 to hear what this class is all about and what it will involve.

The Art Class Tuesdays 1:00-3:30p.m. and Saturdays 2:00-4:30p.m. Level 1 - Skatechurch

Instructor: Steve Braudt

The Art Class is an opportunity for student artists who have participated in 2 to 3 Art Project experiences to discover the world of art through basic materials and their techniques. They will more deeply explore color, shape and texture while drawing, painting, cutting and more!

Students will be able to express their creativity through guidance as well as being encouraged to expand their imagination while listen-ing, learning, discovering new ways of expression and sharing.

After Dark Art After Devotions - Level 1 - Skatechurch

Every Friday and Saturday evening, we will be offering a simple art activity to the participants of Skatechurch. From molding with play-do, coloring the Mandala, creating a collage expressing their happiest memory, to action painting on the walls, all are invited to work out their creative self and

have some fun. Calendar: The Art Project Volunteer Information Meeting - October 1st, 6:30 the Center The Art Class - Tuesdays 1-3:30 - Skatechurch - Level 1 The Art Class - Saturdays 2-4:30 - Skatechurch - Level 1 Art Project: The Artist's Way Class - Informational meeting October 8th at 7:00 in The Center Classes starting October 15th runs until December 17th) - Mondays 6-8:30 - Level one of Skate Church After Dark Art - Fridays and Saturdays after Skatechurch devotions on Level 1 The Art Project Needs You! Being a volunteer at The Art Project, QCA (TAPQCA) is a meaningful and life-giving experience as you invest in the lives of TAPQCA students. Volunteer support is an important part of the ministries we offer at The Center, and there are a number of opportunities to offer your gifts, energy and heart to the work of The Art Project, QCA. We need volunteer support in the following areas: *Teachers and Volunteers for The Art Project classes *Art Studio Workshop Teachers *Provide and Host Meals for TAPQCA classes and workshops *Social Media and Public Relation *Graphic Design *Grant Writers *Field Trip Drivers and Volunteers *Representative of TAPQCA at Exhibitions and Special Events *Volunteers for TAPQCA FUNdraisers and Special Events

If you are interested in volunteering with The Art Project, QCA come to our informational meeting on October 1st at The Center, or contact. Steve Braudt, Director [email protected] 563-324-5278 ext.201


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The Norman Conklin Recovery Benefit

@ The Center October 20th 2�—6 p.m.

1411 Brady Street Davenport, IA

On May 24th Norman Conklin avoided an errant vehicle and was seriously injured in a single car accident. Norman was air-lifted to the University of Iowa Hospital where he was rushed into emergency surgery. During surgery, doctors found a massive blood clot on his brain and his lungs collapsed. Norman sustained head trauma and other bodily injuries such as; a broken neck., broken ribs, bruised lung, and nerve damage to his arm. For days, Norman remained unresponsive. The hospital staff had little hope yet his mother never left his side. Norman is strong willed and never gives up. On June 4th Norman awoke from his coma and has since tackled his recovery with a vengeance. After six weeks in Iowa City, Norman transferred to �”On With Life�” in Ankeny, IA. where he began to relearn life skills like eating, drinking, talking and walking. Norman has taken amazing strides toward becoming his old self. We are all very proud of him.

The Center Saturday, October 20th

Music, Food, Refreshments & Family Fun Games, raffles & Auctions

All proceeds will benefit the Norman Conklin Recovery Fund To make a donation, please contact Dorothy McFredries @ 563-210-9190



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TRACKS October 2012

Follow Christ, Make Tracks

A L L K I D S F O R C H R I S T !

Created by Beth Boudreau






Beth Boudreau 324-5278 Home: 309.798.0477

[email protected]

SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING Day is Sun-day, Oct. 21 at Noon for lunch and meeting in Fel-lowship Hall. All staff and

volunteers who are in contact with children and youth in

our church must train. Please call Beth &/or wait

for more details coming; but Mark your Calendar!

CHILDREN�’S CHURCH AT ST. JOHN�’S is an opportunity for children in Grades PreS�—3rd who begin Worship with their families in the Sanctuary, to gather with Ms. Beth & other leaders in the Chapel for age-appropriate Worship activities and in the classroom for hands-on learn-ing. We will be starting a rotation of volunteers to help lead children in the classroom activity which follows Chapel time during the 11:00 Children�’s

Church. Please let Beth know if you would like to help in this area.


Week Children�’s Times Wednesday night programs will alternate between 4/5th Youth Group and Costume Choir. 4/5th YG met in September and the 1st semester dates are listed below. Time is 5:30-6:30 p.m. and we decided we needed to eat sup-per...most times! Fun and Ser-vice activities are being planned. Costume Choir for K-3rd will meet with Beth on Oct. 10 & 24; Nov. 7; Dec. 5 & 19; Jan. 16 & 30 Time is 5:30�—6:00 p.m. in �“Filmland�” room LL07.

Thursday Night Children�’s CHOIR with Mitzi meets from

5:00 to 5:30 p.m. weekly in the Mu-sic Room upstairs for Grades

2nd thru 5th!!

4th & 5th Graders Wanted !

�“P.A.W.L.M.�” Youth Group!! Fo-cus will be on Faith, Friendship and Favors (helping others). Parents R Needed to help! 5:30�—6:30 p.m. �—LL04 Next gathering is Wed., October 3rd in LL04. We�’ll finish calen-dar planning & inventory our game supplies in the FH closet & PLAY Something! Grilled Cheese at 6:15. In Sept. the Kids talked about having a Games Night for PS-3rd, going bowling, and deciding on pro-jects to help others�….we�’re still talking about our activi-ties, so come join in! Parents & other Adults are needed to help with supper food, service projects, and as chaper-ones/drivers when we have an activity outside the church. Please contact Beth to help or with any questions! Meets Oct. 3 & 17, Nov. 14 & 28, Dec. 12, Jan. 9 & 23

5:30-6:30 p.m. LL04

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God Bless

Youth Director

Michael Slininger

Dear Friends,

As the cold weather begins to roll in we are anticipating some final outside activities with the EDGE.

First, Sunday October 7th we will be attending the annual Crop Walk. The youth typi-cally walk the first leg as we help encourage the support of local food pantries. This year with the recent drought the Crop Walk will need more support than ever to help feed the many people who are struggling to feed their fami-lies.

Second, Sunday October 14th the youth will travel to Country Corners

in Alpha, IL to enjoy their Haunted Corn Maze and other fun filled activities. This event will cost each student $10.

We will also begin planning Youth Sunday I which the Youth lead each of the four worship services put on by St. John�’s. The services will be held in November, but the month of October we will be discussing the theme for the service, music, as well as jobs for each youth to take part in.

There is also a new piece being added to the EDGE Youth Ministry puzzle. Monday October 1st 6:30pm in the Parlor, the first Youth Council will be held as par-ents, volunteers, and staff will meet to better plan events, fundraisers, and other activities. This will be a great opportunity encourage the Youth Ministry as it devel-



Life on the EDGE!


Crop Walk 7

Corn Maze 14

Ezra 21

Ezra: Part 2 29

October Volume 3, Issue 10

Schedule of events: Wednesday High School Service 7-8pm @ SkateChurch Rec-Room

High School Skatechurch 4-8pm (Wednesday)

Skatechurch 6-10pm (Fridays)

Bike Night 5-9pm(Saturdays)

Edge Youth group 6-8pm (Sundays)

Corn Maze

We will once again be driving the Country Corners in Alpha, IL for their Haunted Corn Maze Sunday October 14th


Don�’t forget about Crop Walk The Crop walk is Sunday October 7th from 1-3pm. Come and support the local area food pantries.

Contact us:

Michael Slininger Jamie Nielsen

Director of Youth Ministry Youth Discipleship

563 210 9408 515 890 0439

Michaels@stjohnsumc [email protected]

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St. John�’s United Methodist Church

109 E. 14th Street

Davenport, IA 52803

Monthly Tidings deadline NOON on October 22 ,2012

(covering all November events) E-mail your articles to: [email protected]

Non-Profit Organization


Permit No. 54

Davenport, IA

One Church, Many Worship Opportunities (Sanctuary of church, unless otherwise noted)

Classic worship (traditional) Sundays @ 8:30 a.m. Living Faith! worship Sundays @ 9:45 a.m. (The Center) Celebration worship Sundays @ 11 a.m. The Edge Youth worship Sundays @ 6 p.m. Jesus Country worship Saturdays @ 5:30 p.m. (Fellowship Hall)

Skate Church (skaters) Fridays @ 6 �— 10 p.m. (The Center) Skate Church (bikers) Saturdays @ 5 �—9 p.m. (The Center)