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Be the Answer

The 3 Steps To Live On Assignment

Nicole Roberts Jones

Be the Answer: The 3 Steps To Live On Assignment

Copyright © 2016 Nicole Roberts Jones

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form by any means, graphics, electronics, or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews, quotes, or references.



It’s Time to Find Your FIERCE

Your Gift Matters

Stand in Your Full Power

How to Be the Answer

Next Steps

About the Author


I believe that when we are each born to this world, we come here on assignment. YES, you are here on this earth to make a difference and definitely to make some money while you do it. How you do that is by really using your gift, your expertise, your know-how (what I call your FIERCE) to be the answer. You have to understand, you do NOT do that for you but for every person who needs you as the answer to their problem. Now do you see how you = BE THE ANSWER! How that gift in you matters to humanity!

I decided to write this book for the millions of women, just like you, who have started your business (or wants to start a business) to make a difference, but you are struggling and you are not making the money you know you desire or deserve. My goal is to help you step unapologetically into your gift, so in this book, I will share with you how you can discover your assignment, cash in on your calling, and commit to be the answer. What I know for sure is that you have everything you need already in you. So in the next few pages, I will show you how to activate your own DNA = Distinct Natural Ability!

Woman, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul. —Coretta Scott King


For years, I was so focused on fitting in that I became someone defined by other people’s perception of me. One day, I had the defining moment that shifted everything! One morning, I woke up to the fact that I had been allowing my destiny to be defined by what everybody else said I should be or do. I had spent years being okay with everybody else’s definition, and at twenty-three years old, while living what many people would call the dream life, it all hit me.

By this time, I had spent eight years building this incredible career in the entertainment industry. One of my first jobs was for Viacom’s largest cable network. From there, I was elevated into a casting director position for the number one television show on Fox. After that, I worked with an entertainment group, and what we produced generated over 12.6 billion dollars annually. Plus I was going to all the hot Hollywood parties, bumpin’ elbows with all the stars, you know people you have seen on TV and have looked at on films. Yes, I was living the Hollywood dream!

However, what many people would consider a dream life had become my nightmare. Now don’t get me wrong, Hollywood was great! But what I realized is I had become a woman I did not even know. When I finally stopped to think about it for myself, it was as if I could hear a whisper inside of me saying, “Nicole, there’s something bigger waiting for you,” but mind you, I did not know what that was!

Now as I was feeling dazed and confused and not really knowing what to do, one of my girlfriends asked me if I wanted to volunteer at a program at our church. That night, as I started working with young women, I realized this is what I am meant to do. Keep in mind—this wasn’t glamorous. This was before there was such thing as a self-development industry or a life coach. I didn’t know how I would get paid to do this, but what I did know is that for the first time in my life, I felt alive.

I found myself at a crossroad. In one direction was the only way anybody else would ever recognize me, and in the other direction was the very thing tugging at my soul. In that moment I had a decision to make. Do I turn to the left, or do I turn to the right?

As I pondered this choice I had to make, what kept coming to me was that this was the very thing that I was put on this earth to do, which is to draw out what’s best in

people! So in that moment, I had to choose. Well, you know what I decided! In that moment, I said yes to pursue this fire in my belly. I was willing to no longer care what anybody else thought about me. I was willing to follow this rumble inside of me.

Now, you have to know that I didn’t know how the heck I was going to do this thing, and I didn’t even know how I was going to get paid for it, but I knew this feeling was unlike anything I’d ever felt. I had discovered my passion, my genius, my power. In that moment, I discovered what I call my FIERCE. And this is how my FIERCE Formula was born.

This whole conversation of being the answer started with me realizing that my very gift was the answer someone was looking for and needed. It was the very answer to somebody else’s problem. So what I want you to get is:

#1 – To live in your FIERCE, you MUST live in full activation of the gift inside of you and stand in your complete power unapologetically.

#2 – When you stand in FULL activation of that FIERCE, that gift in you, you become the answer! No matter if you are a teacher, an accountant, a coach, a doctor, a nurse, a hairstylist, or anything in between. The gift in you is the very thing people want or need and will pay for!

It all starts with defining your own DNA, meaning your Distinct Natural Ability. What I realized from my own self-defining journey of my own FIERCE is that the DNA placed in me is to draw out what’s best in other people. Once I discovered that, I decided to live in my own truth. And I have to tell you—it felt so doggone good to be me that I wanted every person to feel the same way I did in that moment.

My mission is to help you live out the special mix of DNA in you. It took me too many years to really understand that I had this FIERCE in me, but now that I am being the woman I was born to be, I am calling you out to do the same! Finding my FIERCE is really how I carved out my future, how I carved out my niche, and how I began to do the work that I’ve been doing for over twenty years now: helping women understand their unique DNA. And as you define it, I’m also helping you to obtain the abundance with your name on it!

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. —Anne Frank


So often I meet people just like you who are walking around overlooking their gift because it’s the very thing that comes to them easily and effortlessly. Nine times out of ten, you’re probably giving it away for free. You may think things like,

• Oh, I could never ask someone to pay for this.

• Why would anyone pay for this?

• So many other people do this.

Because it’s easy to you, you think everybody knows how to do it too. To give you an example, one of my clients, Cassie, came to me so over-the-moon excited. She was just starting out as a coach, and she wanted to really monetize what she was doing. She came to me to build her FIERCE Formula. (By the way, anytime I say FIERCE Formula, I’m talking about what the industry calls the signature system.) So Cassie shared with me that she wanted to be a personal development coach, but for some reason, something in my spirit just wasn’t sitting right with that. You see, anytime I’m working with a client, I’m watching. I don’t mean it in a stalker-like way. I just watch the conversations you are having and the posts you make on social media. I’m looking at the things you’re doing because I’m getting to know who you are.

Well as I was watching Cassie, the things she was saying that she wanted to develop in her business and her conversation in social media were two totally different things. Because of this, I said to Cassie, “I know I just met you, and I’m getting ready to step on your toes, but I have to tell you that what you are saying you want to do is not in alignment with the conversations you are having on social media. I have to tell you, every time I see you on Periscope, Facebook, or Instagram, everywhere I see you, you are so passionate about what you are sharing. But this whole conversation you’re having with me right now is a totally different arena. May I ask, is this because somewhere someone told you that this is what you ‘should’ be doing?”

Just like I did, Cassie had gotten caught up in other people’s perceptions. This gets packaged in different ways:

• You want people to like you.

• The industry says that you should do this so you can make money.

• You see someone else is successful so you decide to do what they are doing.

• Your mom and dad said that you should be this.

Cassie shared with me that other people were telling her she should do this one thing, but the passion, the fire, the DNA in her was telling her something different. So I advised her to do the very thing that was lighting her up. It was like she felt relieved that someone was giving her permission to be herself.

The reason I’m sharing this story with you is the challenge that I see many have is discounting your gift. You’re giving away your gift for free when most of your coworkers are calling you asking you for it. Most of your girlfriends are calling you on the weekends and asking for your help, and you’re giving it away for free. Your boss is probably putting you on special projects because he or she sees that gift in you, but you don’t even see it.

The main issue that so many come to me for is finally owning their gift and really understanding how to cash in on their calling, which makes me think of one of my favorite Bible verses:

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined. —Romans 8:29 NKJV

In the dictionary, foreknow means “making you aware of an event before it happens.” So what I interpret this to mean is, your gift was in you when you were born. God foreknew how He wanted to use you on this earth for a special assignment. He knew how he wanted to utilize you in service to all mankind.

Then I looked up the word predestined: “to determine the outcome ahead of time.” Think about it—making you aware of an event before it happens and determining the outcome ahead of time. Here’s what I want you to get: when you were born to this world, you were born with gifts inside of you. You came here prewired to do something or be something.

Thinking of this and thinking of my own mix of DNA, I realize I have always been a natural producer —even when I was little. Most three-year-olds, when they have a baby carriage, they have a baby in that carriage, but not me. Here’s a picture of me at three years old pushing a baby carriage full of paper and books.

Even when I was in elementary school I would play with kids in my neighborhood and always set the scene for the games we played. I know that sounds crazy, but I was the one creating the plot in my little school age head. Let’s say we were playing Batman, I would say, “Okay, listen, you’re Batman, and so-and-so you’re Robin, and then such and such, you are the robber, and I’ll be Wonder Woman. Here’s what happens. You rob the bank.” I was always thinking about who would play the best role, what was a good fit for everybody, and how we would all make this happen together, which is really what I do now. I have been doing that since I was born, effortlessly, but for years I discounted it.

So what have you been overlooking that is great about you?

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. —Anaïs Nin


If God put gifts in each of us so that we could live on assignment, it’s kind of like you come to this world as a 007 agent. Here’s your mission, should you choose to accept it. Your mission in this thing called life is not only living in full activation of the gift, the greatness, and the know-how deep inside of you (your FIERCE), but it’s about understanding that your gift is not for you—IT’S FOR EVERY PERSON THAT NEEDS

YOU. Understand that you are the answer to somebody’s problem, and that is why God put that gift in you. Here’s something else—He put that gift in you to be a blessing to others and a blessing that gives back to you.

I have come that [you] may have life and have it more abundantly. —John 10:10b

What I believe and what I’ve seen manifest, not only in my life but in countless others’ who I have had the privilege to coach, is that the very way that you’re the answer to somebody’s problem is the very thing that’s meant to bring you abundance.

Now when I say abundance, I’m not just talking about money. I’m talking about a holistic abundant life success:

• I’m talking about abundance in self-esteem. When you’re standing fully in the power of you, you feel confident, and you are dominating in your game and in your life.

• I’m talking about abundance in relationships. When you’re confident and you know who you are, then you don’t accept less than what you deserve.

• I’m talking about abundance in health. I am talking about abundance in every area of your life.

How many people do you know (or is this you?) who go to a job every day that they absolutely hate? They’re doing the same thing every day, dreading waking up every morning, dragging their feet going to work. Now I do know that not everybody is meant to be an entrepreneur, and I’m clear on that, but when you’re living in your FIERCE at work, at your nine to five, you love going to work. You enjoy it. On the other end of that, when you don’t live in the full power of your gift, you live in struggle, you live in frustration, and you live in stress because you work in a place not meant for you. You’re miserable and depressed, and you’re trying to make ends meet.

However, when you live in your FIERCE, everything becomes effortless. I’m saying this from my own life lessons and what I realized is that struggles and services should

NEVER coexist. EVER! I was serving. I was serving and I was always exhausted. Serving and always frustrated. Serving and always trying to have a side hustle because I wasn’t making enough money. When you really begin to monetize your gift, and you’re

unapologetic about what you do, abundance comes to you without you really having to try hard. As a matter of fact, when you understand the principles of what I call your FIERCE formula, then you save yourself time and energy, and you make money.

We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. —Robin Sharma


Here are the three key ingredients you need to stand unapologetically in being the answer:

#1 - Master your gift.

No more second-guessing yourself. No more! To get started let’s get clear on want your gift is. Get out your journal or a piece of paper and write down the answers to these questions NOW:

• What is your gift?

• What are you passionate about? What do you actually love enough that you can do it all day long and never get paid for it?

• What are you proficient in? What’s your skill?

• What’s the thing that everybody, even your boss, has asked you to come do because you’re great at it?

You’ve got to know what you are passionate about and really great at. I’m really passionate about shopping—I love it. As a matter of fact, I tried to get a good job somehow involving shopping, but I realized that I’m not good at it for anybody else but me. That is not my FIERCE, so I cannot monetize shopping. I’m also passionate about singing, but I’m not proficient in it. If I was, trust Beyoncé would have a run for her money. You really have to understand what you love and what you’re really great at. Those two things have to correlate.

If you really dig deep and answer these questions, you will begin to understand what your gift is, and then I want you to do everything it takes to master your gift. It’s one thing to have a gift, but it’s another thing to grow it. For example, I have grass, so I’m going to water and fertilize that grass, and if I don’t, guess what? I will have dead grass. When you master your gift, you must commit to grow your gift.

To master your gift, you must know it and grow it! Now that I have walked you through knowing it, here are a few ways you can choose to grow it:

1) Go back to school for formal education, training classes, or certification programs.

2) Read books.

3) Attend conferences and workshops.

4) Hire a coach—someone that can walk you through a process and help you design and implement what you need to do to grow your gift. That person may even be me and my FIERCE Factor Lab team. J

# 2 - Know Who Needs You.

Once you know, grow, and master your gift, then you have to know who needs you. Again, your gift is the answer to somebody’s problem. Every day that you’re not living in the full power of your gift, you’re not only holding up somebody’s blessing, but you are also LATE FOR WORK. Here are some questions to ponder:

- Who needs you?

- How are you the answer they need?

My expertise is drawing out what’s best in people, specifically, helping women live in full activation of their gift. It took me a long time to understand what that looks like is helping people develop their talent and develop programs. You too must come to an understanding of how you are the answer to a problem that is out there. But here’s the thing—you’re not the answer to every problem. Don’t try to be the answer to every problem, and do not try to be the answer for every person. You have to hone in on what problem you’re going to solve, and if you don’t know what that is, go back to what that one thing is that everybody comes to you for, think about the last three people that asked you for it, and go ask them why they called you and what you were solving for them.

# 3 - Package Your Answer.

How do you package the first two things into being the answer? Your gift is the solution; the problem is the symptom. What you want to create is a system that moves people from symptom to solution. When you do that, you will be able to build a business. That is how you live for your next level at the company you work for.

NextStepsI’m available to assist you if

• You are interested in obtaining the abundance with your name on it.

• You need help with understanding how to cash in on your calling.

• You are ready to be the answer.

Let’s connect!

I want to personally invite you to attend my Be The Answer Event in the fall. For

more information, go to

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @nrobertsjones (If you’ve read this book and you’re ready to be the answer, then I want you to write, “Nicole I commit #to be the answer.”)

About the Author

Nicole Roberts Jones, widely known for her FIERCE Formula is unapologetic. When she stepped into her purpose in 1993, the only thing predictable about her was the future she would create teaching others how to build programs and products from what they already know—their expertise. When she stepped into Lisa Nichols’s Motivating the Masses in 2012, she increased the impact of their programs by over 175 percent.

Building programs and products from what’s already in you is Nicole’s genius! Trust it—it’s as authentic as her heart is open. Nicole is up leveling her clients’ ability to bankroll the brilliance for entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, and authors in a way that transforms lives and serves the world.

With the release of the FIERCE Factor Lab, Nicole has created a company that mirrors all that she stands for as a content strategist and coach. Truth, momentum, and power are charged into each business she touches, with a long-term focus and emphasis on expanding their income and impact by creating additional revenue streams and additional avenues to serve their clients. Her recent work with clients across the globe in places, like Switzerland, Aruba, and the British Virgin Islands, reflects the incredible need to explode your profits with Nicole’s system, her FIERCE Formula, that no longer allows entrepreneurs to serve from an empty cup.

Her clients have been featured on NBC, Lifetime TV, CNN, HLN, Fox News, and many more outlets. Nicole’s work behind the scenes saves her clients time and energy and makes them money.

She doesn’t apologize for her success, her failures, her past, or her profit. Why should you?

To learn more about working directly with Nicole, visit her at