bcyd paoc fellowship news - march 2016

this issue District Superintendent 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 BC Campus Ministries 3 Youth, Young Adults, Family 3 Aboriginal & Cultural Ministries 4 Secretary-Treasurer 5 Assistant Superintendent 7 Children & Preteen Ministries 7 Happenings Around the District 8 District Calendar/Events 9 An Amazing True Story 10 Available Resources 11 Summit Pacific College 12 District Superintendent, Ken Russell “Inspiring… Stimulating… Encouraging… Relational… Interactive… Motivating…” these were some of the words we heard, as descriptors of our District Conference on the Ministry this year. One of our credential holders remarked, that this year’s conference was “completely unique”. He affirmed the relational value of having a well- stocked leaders lounge, the significance of conducting our business session around breakfast tables, and allowing extra time for dinner and lunch breaks so ministry friends could spend time together. At the core of our District’s shared mission exists a DNA of health, leadership development and multiplication. It was so delightful to ‘send and commission’ four missionary families to full time global work. Our prayer and support will continue to cover the Wylie’s and Price’s as they prepare to serve in Thailand, the Oorebeeks as they journey to India, and our dear sister “L”, as she relocates to the Middle East. Every follower of Jesus Christ is a “sent one” who has been appointed by our heavenly father to seek and save the lost ones. Our plenary speakers reminded us of the Biblical mandate to be ‘First Followers’ of Christ, as we emulate His passion to seek the ‘one’ lost person, who is displaced from God’s family. Both Patti Miller and Matthew Barnett reminded us of the great value of every soul who is far from God. Ray Duerksen challenged our delegates with the importance of ‘listening prayer’ as we lead people to the place of freedom in Christ. Our churches and ministry organizations will experience renewal, when people who are bound by various negative emotions and behaviors are set free. A variety of ministry subjects were discussed during our ‘Learning Communities’ on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. We honoured five individuals, who have served our fellowship with credentialed ministry for over fifty years, for their faithfulness to the call of God. On the final evening of our conference, it was a pleasure to affirm sixteen new Ordained Ministers. Your partnership and support continues to make our District family more fruitful and successful. We were so grateful for the generous hospitality of Christian Life Assembly and all that served during the week so self sacrificially. We’re looking forward to being with you during our District Conference next year at Evangel Church in Kelowna, on March 6-8 th , 2017. 20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 | p: 604-533-2232 | f: 604-533-5405 | e: [email protected] | www.bc.paoc.org BC Yukon PAOC District @bcydpaoc @bcydpaoc Pray to the Lord of the Harvest...

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BCYD PAOC Fellowship News - March 2016


Page 1: BCYD PAOC Fellowship News - March 2016

this issue

District Superintendent 1

BCYD Global Workers 2

BC Campus Ministries 3

Youth, Young Adults, Family 3

Aboriginal & Cultural Ministries 4

Secretary-Treasurer 5

Assistant Superintendent 7

Children & Preteen Ministries 7

Happenings Around the District 8

District Calendar/Events 9

An Amazing True Story 10

Available Resources 11

Summit Pacific College 12

District Superintendent, Ken Russell

“Inspiring… Stimulating… Encouraging…

Relational… Interactive… Motivating…” these

were some of the words we heard, as descriptors of

our District Conference on the Ministry this year.

One of our credential holders remarked, that this

year’s conference was “completely unique”. He

affirmed the relational value of having a well-

stocked leaders lounge, the significance of

conducting our business session around breakfast

tables, and allowing extra time for dinner and lunch

breaks so ministry friends could spend time together.

At the core of our District’s shared mission exists a

DNA of health, leadership development and

multiplication. It was so delightful to ‘send and

commission’ four missionary families to full time

global work. Our prayer and support will continue

to cover the Wylie’s and Price’s as they prepare to

serve in Thailand, the Oorebeeks as they journey to

India, and our dear sister “L”, as she relocates to the

Middle East. Every follower of Jesus Christ is a “sent

one” who has been appointed by our heavenly

father to seek and save the lost ones.

Our plenary speakers reminded us of the

Biblical mandate to be ‘First Followers’ of Christ, as

we emulate His passion to seek the ‘one’ lost

person, who is displaced from God’s family. Both

Patti Miller and Matthew Barnett reminded us of the

great value of every soul who is far from God.

Ray Duerksen challenged our delegates with the

importance of ‘listening prayer’ as we lead people

to the place of freedom in Christ. Our churches

and ministry organizations will experience renewal,

when people who are bound by various negative

emotions and behaviors are set free. A variety of

ministry subjects were discussed during our

‘Learning Communities’ on Tuesday and

Wednesday afternoon.

We honoured five individuals, who have served our

fellowship with credentialed ministry for over fifty

years, for their faithfulness to the call of God. On

the final evening of our conference, it was a

pleasure to affirm sixteen new Ordained Ministers.

Your partnership and support continues to make our

District family more fruitful and successful. We were

so grateful for the generous hospitality of Christian

Life Assembly and all that served during the week so

self sacrificially. We’re looking forward to being with

you during our District Conference next year at

Evangel Church in Kelowna, on March 6-8th, 2017.

20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 | p: 604-533-2232 | f: 604-533-5405 | e: [email protected] | www.bc.paoc.org

BC Yukon PAOC District



Pray to the Lord of the Harvest...

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BC/Yukon District | Global Workers and Mission Canada

Kirsten Arding


Sheldon & Anna Armitage


Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio


Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)

Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)

Dave & Connie Buzikievich


Christo & Sarah Emmanuel


Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich (Prem Sewa Shikshan


Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazil)

Racheal & Kodo Komant-Ngabane


Dan & Mardell MacTavish

(Romania / Spain)

Bill & Linda Mercer


Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt

(Sri Lanka)

Nelson & Lisa Monteiro


Peter & Arlene Paluch (Europe)

Karen Reed (Vancouver)

Jeremy & Candace Postal


Mission Canada

Peter & Cavelle D. (Thailand)

Kim Hodgkiss


Alexey & Tonia Pankov (Siberia)

Mark & Kim Steinfield


We also have restricted access workers who either

consider BC their home district or are connected to the

district, including families that minister in unspecified nations.

Jamie Rauch (Vancouver)

Brent & Carina Cantelon


Jeff & Danielle S. (Bangladesh)

Thomas & Lilianna Spiridigliozzi

(NLI Canada)

Paul & Ruth O. (India)

Zach & Megan Wylie (Thailand)

Calvin & Laura Chan (Thailand)

Matt & Amber Price (Thailand)

Marj & Glen Pettinger


Global Workers Available for Ministry in BC: March, Jeff & Danielle S—Eurasia April– June, Kirsten Arding—Eurasia January– July, Marj & Glen Pettinger– Zimbabwe May– August, Kelvin & Laura Chan– Thailand March-July, Leila S. (RAN)

New BCYD Global Workers

Commissioned March 7th was such an exciting evening celebrating and

commissioning new BCYD Global Workers! The smiles tell

the story of a long journey behind and an adventurous

one ahead for these incredible families. We are so

proud of you… we will pray for you… and we will

support you as you make final preparations for your

overseas departure where God has called you.

Matt & Amber Price and Zach & Megan

Wylie (Thailand); Summer, 2016

Paul & Ruth Oorebeek (India); April 2016

Leila S. (RAN); Summer 2016

Videos, updates and resources available on PAOC’s

International Missions Website https://paoc.org/missions/

resources including the latest edition of

2016 Prayer Guide

District Missions Representative, Marg Foreman

Leadership & Mission | Vision for the

Nations Seminars

Comox Church hosted an awesome Missions

Seminar in January with Darcy McAlister (PAOC

Personnel & Family Life Director) and Matt & Amber

Price (new Global Workers to Thailand). Approx. 30

people from 4 different North Island churches

participated in the seminar and came away so

blessed as they heard how God is moving globally

and excited to discover new ways the local church

can be engaged and fit into God’s great plan for

the nations. The day culminated with a season of

earnest, vision prayer for unreached peoples.

“…a day of inspiration and commitment to do

more… pray more… be more involved!”

Penticton and Comox were the first to host

seminars this year but we would love to come to

your area as we join together to learn and cast

vision for what God is calling us to here in the BC

District. For further Info. contact: Marg Foreman,

[email protected]

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John Engels | www.bccampusministries.com

Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries, Andy Gabruch

5 Reasons Why You NEED a Mentor In Your Life

(And How To Get One)

1. 80% of ALL Olympians base their success in

their sport not on their skills, talents, abilities,

opportunities, money, or genetics, but on their

coach. I find this interesting! It’s true that talent

and charisma will elevate a person to a position

of leadership, but character will keep someone


2. Each of us has at least 3.4 blind spots in our

lives- either in leadership, character, or

personality. A mentor helps you to know,

understand, and adjust our lives so blind spots

don’t blindside us. Do you have someone safe

enough to speak into those areas of your life?

3. Mentoring is one of the most valuable key’s

for leadership development in the 21st Century.

In today’s culture - which is full of broken

relationships and the consequences of that-

people need healthy mentors to speak life in

love and truth. Do you have someone like that?

4. It is proven that intentional mentoring helps a

#youngleader + # youngpastor go further faster

in their confidence, competencies, and calling.

Mentoring is more than an occasional chat… it

is intentional, personal, and is for growth. Do

you have a system in place that helps you


5. Mentoring - that is intentional and personal -

provides a base of longevity in ministry that

many others would not have had. 90% of all

pastors have experienced loneliness in ministry

because they don’t have a trusted friend. This is

a sad reality… We ALL need friends! How do

you + I find a mentor? If you are serious about

how God created you, called you, and desire

to make a difference in this world, then this is for

YOU! Check out ALL the details at

www.nextgenbc.ca under #ANewMe.

@andy_gabruch nextgenbc.ca

Kirsten Anonby was ordained at Emerge!

Here’s an encouraging report from one of our

campus workers:

“Over the last few years we have had the privi-

lege of having a dialogue with a Muslim group.

It began when they asked me to speak about

the end of the world and Jesus’ role in it a few

summers back. This fall we had our fourth op-

portunity to share a lecture on the Muslim per-

spective of Jesus and share a meal together. It

was a great night with lots of great conversa-

tions continuing days after. About 2 weeks later

I had one of the leaders ask me if they could

come to our church’s Christmas Eve service

with 5-7 friends. It was exciting to have 13 of

them come and partake in the Christmas festiv-

ities! They really enjoyed the service and the

readings from the scriptures. Please pray for us

as we continue to build relationships with this

group, sharing the hope we have in Jesus.”

Emerge 2016 brought together close to 200 stu-

dents and campus staff. We were all challenged to

be SENT to the campuses and marketplace to

share Christ. Pray for the special role post second-

ary students play in the world – as Christ’s "sent

ones" - to our classmates, to our lecture halls, and

where we work.

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Ministry Multiplication and Church Planting

Coach, Dave Knudsen [email protected]

Over my 18 years of pastoral ministry I have had the

privilege of pastoring in BC in a small church; in Alberta in

a large multi staff suburban church; in Asia with the

Saturation Church Planting Movement; the last couple

years as the Church Planting Director for the ABNWT

District; and currently as the Pastor of a new church plant

on Vancouver Island. During that time God has shown

me time and again that He is in control and that I can

trust Him. As I begin this new role with the BCYD I’d like to

share with you some ways I have seen Christ growing

and multiplying His church.

When my wife, Robin, and I served in Asia, we were part

of one of the fastest growing Church Planting Missions

there and as we travelled and preached in many of the

churches, what we saw was not a man made dream,

but a God inspired, God resourced, God driven

movement. Christ is growing and multiplying His church.

The group we were serving with had seen over 5000

churches planted in the past 16 years.

I know there are many barriers to planting churches. I’ve

heard lots of them over my years serving in Alberta (too

flat, too cold… none of which I’m sure I will hear in BC).

And while there is great wisdom in making sure our ideas

are well resourced and sustainable, there is also a great

call to lean into God and TRUST Him.

My prayer is that many of you will take the next step

forward to see what your part is in Church Multiplication.

I look forward to journeying with you as we help resource

you to step into the dreams God has given you for

furthering the Kingdom. If you are interested in getting

involved and you would like to talk further about how

you can engage multiplication.

Please don’t hesitate to email, call, text, carrier pigeon,

or whatever else works best for you. I look forward to

chatting soon.

Multiplication Network Round Table Discussion:

10:00am - 3:00pm

April 15, 2016 Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna

April 21, 2016 Broadway Church, Vancouver

April 22, 2016 Generations Church, Nanaimo

Fall 2016 Northern BC (location TBD)

Assistant District Superintendent, Dave Solmes

[email protected]

I have been deeply moved by a lesson I recently

heard Francis Chan share: “Every day is a call to

worship.” He explained that each day is gift given to

me with an accompanying invitation to worship God.

Specifically, to regularly find a place in His presence

this would involve declaration, praise, celebration,

humility, and uplift; each day intentionally painting a

big picture in front of me of whom my God is.

Discovering this greatness leads someone on a humble

journey of dependence on this greatness. True worship

leads to lament. Isaiah 6:5 tells of Isaiah’s response

during worship: “‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I

am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people

of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the

King, the LORD Almighty.’” Confession is asking God to

save and keep on saving. Unfortunately, many are

more aware of their insufficiency than of Jesus’

sufficiency to save. For every look at Christ, many take

ten looks at themselves. So during worship, we lift our

eyes to the see the Saviour of our soul.

These intimate moments of reconciliation open the

door for the miraculous and ultimately to an

appreciation of the need to go into all the world

declaring loudly a call to worship.



Online at www.leadforward.ca

Follow on Twitter @lead_forward

** 60-minute interview discussing church revelation.

Derrick Hamre, Leanne McAlister, and Cam Milliken

interviewed by Dave Solmes

** Ken Gaglardi interview – church revitalization story and

heart for the potential of reaching and inspiring men.

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Secretary-Treasurer, Darwin Pichette

Spring is finally here, the season of creativity for

ministries and adventures filled with loads of pa-

perwork. To make all that paperwork a bit easi-

er, I would like to list a few helpful tips.

Donor Restricted Gifts, Donations or

Funds With Missions trips, church programs, History

Maker efforts, etc., it is important to remember

that funds donated specifically for a ministry or

program (not for general offering) would be

considered ‘Restricted’. Unfortunately, with this

restriction, apart from a very rare and expensive

court order, there is no way to use these funds

for anything else even when funds are left over

or if the original Donor requests. Once a Donor

donates funds, the law considers they have let

go of their money and the right to request any

change by word of mouth or signed documen-


There are two important scenarios to remember

with this. The first scenario would be donations

received for programs or ministries contrary to

the purposes of the church, where the funds

could never be used. To avoid this problem,

your charity (church) should have a policy stat-

ing, “Donations will not be accepted for pro-

jects or purposes outside of the charity’s objects

or approval”, where the donation could simply

be refused by policy.

The second scenario would be donations for

specific projects, with funds left over. For exam-

ple, $10,000 is received for a piano that only

cost $7000. In this case, the church could not

use the $3000 for anything else but the pur-

chase an additional piano. Therefore, your

charity (church) should have a policy similar to,

“Spending of funds is confined to programs and

projects approved by the organization. Should

a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use

in a particular program or project, we will honor

that restriction, with the understanding that,

when the need for such a program or project

has been met or cannot be completed for any

reason as determined by the organization, the

remaining restricted contributions will be used

where most needed”. In this case, the one re-

ceiving the donation would simply announce or

relay this policy at the collection of or point of

donation, where the funds could then be used

for something else most needed.

Keeping of Records As we move through Tax season and into an-

other year, I would like to remind you of the Ca-

nadian Council of Christian Chari-

ties’ (cccc.org) record retention recommenda-

tion (to be confirmed by your legal advisor).

**See Next page for breakdown of Records.

BC Societies If your church or ministry is a BC Society (about

half of our churches are), I would like to remind

you that you must transition your Constitution &

By-Laws to be in line with the new Societies Act

between November 2016 and November 2018.

Following November 2016, until your Constitu-

tion is transitioned, prior to November 2018, you

will need to abide by any regulations contrary

to your current documents. Please note, that Constitution Templates will be presented to you

in the summer of 2016, for your church to adopt

as is or to contextualize upon District approval if

needed. Constitutionally your church is not able

to make changes without District approval,

where to do so would breach your laws and po-

tentially leave room for contesting of your doc-

uments. Our Constitution Committee, in consul-

tation with legal advise and PAOC Fellowship

Services, will be more than ready to assist you in

any way necessary over the next two years to

make this process easy for your church.

Page 6: BCYD PAOC Fellowship News - March 2016

Type of Record Retention Period Church Envelope Records 3 years (encouraged 6)

Official Receipts for Income Tax Purposes 3 years (encouraged 6)

Approved Budgets 7 years

Bank Reconciliations 7 years

Bank Statements / Cancelled Cheques 7 years

Donation Records 7 years

Financial Statement Working Papers 7 years

Inventory Records 7 years

Invoices / Receipts of Payment 7 years

Monthly Trial Balance 7 years

Payroll Records, T4's 7 years

Record of Employment (ROE's) 7 years

T3010 Annual Charity Information Return 7 years

General Ledger (7 years. Permanent if a Corporation) Permanent *

Governing Doc’s (Letters Patent, Cert. of Inc., Bylaws) Permanent *

Minutes of Directors' Meetings Permanent *

Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings Permanent *

Minutes of Members' Meetings Permanent *

Receipts for Income Tax Purposes (10 year gifts) Permanent *

Receipts for Income Tax Purposes (Perpetual Endowment Gifts) Permanent *

Authorization and Consent for Minors Recommend Permanent

Confidential Record of Reference Checks ** Recommend Permanent

Employment Applications Recommend Permanent

Insurance Policies Recommend Permanent

Performance Reviews Recommend Permanent

Personnel Info: sick leave, time sheets, attendance, discipline, vacation Recommend Permanent

Suspected Child Abuse Report Recommend Permanent

Suspected Child Abuse Follow-up Report Recommend Permanent

T-4 Summaries Recommend Permanent

Volunteer Application Forms Recommend Permanent

Year End Financial Statements Recommend Permanent

NOTE: For your safety, yearly periods should be rounded up to the next year. * Permanent means for 2 years after the charity's registration is revoked. ** Reference Checks The police record check itself may be destroyed, but keep a permanent record that it was re-ceived and vetted.

If there are ever any questions that you may need help with regarding these items or others, please free to contact me at

[email protected] or 604-533-2232 (office). May God bless you as you move forward in the great days ahead.

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Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries,

Edgar Lapeciros

“A Small Step but with a Big Vision”

On January 17, 2016 we had our first All Nations College

Foundation (ANCF) graduation for level 1 students at

Christian Life Assembly, Gibsons. I am sharing in this issue

of Fellowship News my challenge to the graduates.

Proverbs 18:14 amply stated that an intelligent mind

acquires knowledge, and an ear of the wise seeks


At ANCF we believed what RL Dabney said, that the

education of children of God is the most important

business done on earth. This is a milestone for our students

who had a year of learning and disciplined study of the

Basic Bible Knowledge, One to One Discipleship and

qualities of Christian growth and maturity. We are

reminded always of the task ahead and to focus on the

mission of God.

Nelson Mandela once said that education is the most

powerful weapon we can use to change the world. With

the Bible and The Holy Spirit’s direction together we can

change our world. However, no matter who we are in our

Christian walk, there is no substitute for the need to be in

daily prayer. Our deed, intelligence, trainings and

experiences cannot diminish our need for prayer. If there

is any strategy in ministry, I can only say three things: pray,

pray and pray more. The best exercise in fact is daily

prayer walk with God. We cannot persevere without

prayer. Prayer is the place where God and human

beings meet. Communing with God first is front and

centre before ministry to people. We cannot minister

effectively and efficiently without receiving orders from

our heavenly Commander in Chief. Somebody said that

we need to always pray to have eyes that see the best, a

heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad

and a soul that never loses faith. I will be dreaming for the

day when we see Jesus face to face and will hear the

LORD saying “well done good and faithful servant, enter

into the joy of the LORD.”

Children and Family, Lisa Mitchell, Interim


There are three little words that hit pastors with

dread: Plan to Protect. It can be a tremendous

undertaking to set up and an even bigger one to

maintain. That said, if we want to have the community

feel comfortable to bring their children and youth into our

facility they want to know two things: will they be safe

and will they have fun?

Allow me to break down the monster of Plan to Protect

into bite sized nuggets. If you have not yet implemented

an abuse prevention and awareness policy in your

church, I would urge you to do so!

1) The 'Why'. We live in a broken world where abuse

occurs in every segment of society. We not only want to

be able to protect the church from abuse occurring

within but we want to be aware of signs of abuse so that

we can protect and recognize the minors in our care.

2) The 'How'. You can truly sum up any abuse prevention

policy with one phrase - be above reproach! Let's take it

a step further and see how this plays out within


A) Volunteer Recruitment/Applications. I understand that

we are always in need of Children's Ministry Volunteers, I

have yet to meet a Pastor who doesn't name this as a top

3 stress-or of their job. However, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE

do not make it 'easy' to volunteer for children's

ministry. Have an application, have a waiting period,

have criteria to follow, get a criminal record check, factor

in personal lifestyle choices such as drug and alcohol

usage, monitor spiritual growth. You are handing over the

most vulnerable and impressionable contingent of your

congregation to this person - make sure they are worthy

of that honour!

B) Supervision. You now have a fantastic volunteer who

loves Jesus and loves the children/youth they are working

with. Please protect them! Do not put them in a situation

where they are alone with minors or not adequately

staffed. Make sure you are planning for adequate

supervision and ratios for all age groups: 1 adult for 3

infants, 1 adult for 5 toddlers, 1 adult for 8 Kindergarten-

Grade 6, 1 adult for 6 Jr. High, 1 adult for 10 Sr. High.

C) Training. I know you value your volunteers, help them

succeed! Hold a Plan to Protect training meeting a few

times a year, your volunteers need to attend one

annually. On top of that meeting, help them

grow! Whether in person training meetings with great

food and plenty of encouragement or using one of the

many great online platforms, equip your volunteers to do

what you have asked them to well.

If you do these three things you will be well on your way to

having a great reputation of safety ingrained in the fabric

of your ministry!

Click Photo for more information or visit nextgenbc.ca

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Happenings Around the District

TRANSITIONS: Dustin Huguet: Concluded as Next Gen. Pastor in Delta

at Ladner Christian Fellowship. Len Denbraber: has resigned as lead pastor of

Gateway City Church and accepted a position as Executive Pastor at Glad Tidings Church in Victoria. Pastor Len DenBraber shall also be stepping down from his position as Section Pastor for the Thompson Shuswap Region, due to his relocation to Vancouver Island.

Clint Lange: has accepted the position of Lead Pastor at Bethel Assembly in 100 Mile House.

Dave Field: has concluded his ministry as Assistant Pastor at Central Pentecostal Assembly in Chilliwack, and has accepted a position at Ruth and Naomi’s Mission in Chilliwack.

Jordan Jeans: has accepted a position of Youth Pastor at North Douglas Church in Victoria.

Ron Michalski: has accepted a position of interim lead pastor at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly.

Daniel Gilmore has been called to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Tumbler Ridge, following his graduation from Summit Pacific College this year.

Hyukjoon Cho concluded his ministry at Vancouver Korean Full Gospel Church and has been appointed Lead Pastor at Nanaimo Native Victory Chapel.

Mel Versluis has been called to be the lead pastor of Terrace Pentecostal Assembly.

CHURCHES IN PASTORAL TRANSITION: • Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly

• Anahim Lake Chapel

• Bella Coola Pentecostal Church (Aboriginal)

• Burnaby Christian Pentecostal Church


• Cherryville, Gospel Church

• Hazelton Pentecostal Church

• Hope Pentecostal Church

• Kamloops, Calvary Community Church

• Kamloops, Gateway City Church

• Logan Lake Pentecostal Assembly

• Salt Spring Island (Church Replant Opportunity)

• Smithers, Mountain View Assembly

• Surrey, Revival Church (Korean)

BIRTHS: Nancy and Brent Gibson welcomed the birth of their

son, Theophilus (Theo) born on February 16th 2016. Shane and Rachael Johnston welcomed the birth of

their daughter, Alencia Elizabeth Ruth, born March 17th, 2016

MEMORIALS: Dan Law went to be with the Lord on Saturday, January

30th. He served as a lay minister, started Gospel Light Chapel (New Denver) and was a Regional Pastor for the Kootenay Section. Please be in prayer for Joan, extended family, and community of New Denver during this time of loss.

Mrs. Gwendolyn Bertha Boymer, born April 12, 1927, passed into the presence of her Lord February 29th, 2016. Gwen was born in St. Catherine’s, Ontario to Rev. James and Mabel Montgomery in 1927. She attended Bible College and secretarial school in Ontario. She received her Deaconess credential in April 1952 and served at the PAOC International Office in Children’s Ministry. Gwen married Tolie in 1954 and together they served in Enterprise (ON), Steinbach (MB), Belmont (ON), Oyen (AB) and Sicamous (BC). Please pray for Gwen’s family during this time of loss.

Rev. Einar Alfred Domeij, born June 4, 1921, passed into the presence of his Lord March 9th, 2016. Please pray for Einar’s family during this time of loss. There was a Memorial service held at Evangel Kelowna on Monday, March 21st, 2016. Memorial donations may be made to “The Gideons International in Canada” (PO Box 3619, Guelph, ON N1H 7A2). Condolences can be sent to the family by visiting www.everdenrust.com

Ruth Johnstone, born January 30 1923, passed into the presence of the Lord on March 18th 2016. Please pray for Ruth’s large family during this loss. . Viewing and visitation will be held Friday, March 25, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Bardal Funeral Home, 843 Sherbrook Street. The funeral service will be at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 26, 2016, at the Buntain Chapel (Calvary Temple), 440 Hargrave Street. Bardal Funeral Home 843 Sherbrook Street, 204-774-7474 Condolences: www.bardal.ca

Bus for Sale: 98 GMC Brigadier, Bluebird, diesel, 72

passenger School Bus; hydraulic brakes, well main-

tained by School District 54; School bus certified till

April 2016; 258,532 Km. $8,000.00 OBO. Call Moun-

tain View Assembly, Smithers BC 250-847-2466. Or

email [email protected]

Hosanna Tabernacle is in need of a small "Pulpit" for

their Surrey location

Please contact Pastor Jeevan Edward

604 726 8685 | [email protected]

Metro kids has a full sized bus (on Propane) to donate

to any church praying for & needing a bus for ministry.

For further info please call or email Graham Hanson

604-780-0777 or email: [email protected]

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District Calendar

APRIL 2016

Apr 8-9, Crucial Conversations (Broadway


Apr 28, Summit Pacific College Graduation Ban-


(by invitation only)

Apr 29, Summit Pacific College Graduation


MAY 2016

May 2-5, PAOC General Conference (Quebec)

May 20-22, BCYD NGM: Historymaker Confer-

ence (Chilliwack)

JUNE 2016

Jun 11, NGM: Youth & Children’s Leadership

Clinic (Cariboo)


Sept 24, NGM: Youth & Children’s Leadership

Clinic (Surrey)

Sept 19-23, Native Leadership Summit (Lower



Oct 15, NGM: SPARK PreTeen Conference


Chubb Lake Camps PAOC Men's Retreat, May 20 - 22

Kid's Camp, July 9 - 16

Family Camp, July 29 - Aug 1

(This will include a 50 year anniversary celebration on

Sat July 30th)

Teen Camp Aug 7 - 13

Church Leadership Seminars Sept 30-Oct 1, Prince George

Oct 21-22, Okanagan

Nov 4-5, Nanaimo

Jan 20-21, Lower Mainland

Congratulations Emmanuel

Church on the Grand

opening of your new

facility, February 7th 2016!

May the Lord provide his

blessing and anointing

upon your ministry in West


Broadway Church offer’s “Crucial Conversations Course” When: April 8-9th

Cost: $399 (Including Lunch & Materials)

“Crucial Conversations” should be mandatory training for every Christian leader to-

day. Everyday we have conversations where emotions run high, opinions vary or differ and

the outcomes really matter. Mick Nelson will teach you how to handle your crucial conversa-

tions in a healthy and productive way. The powerful principles are so applicable and relevant

for all interpersonal relationships. My ability to communicate effectively has been transformed.

Ken Russell, District Superintendent

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, BC/Yukon District

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An Amazing True Story by Mike McIntyre

This is a story about the fulfillment of an eighty-five

year old prophecy. Modesty forbids him to tell the

story about himself. But we, as Ministers of the

Gospel, need to be each other’s Champions and

so I will tell you about my friend Fred. This is a very

inspiring story; a uniquely Pentecostal drama start-

ing in the nineteen thirties in the Ukraine.

At that time there was a prophetic word among

the Pentecostals to leave because of an impend-

ing famine though weather and crop yields had

never been better. The Iliyn family, of whom Rev.

Fred Iliyn of Vernon is a descendent, heeded and

left. They moved to Australia and eventually to

California. Joseph Stalin starved seven to ten mil-

lion people to death in the Ukraine.

Fred Iliyn grew up for part of his life in San Francis-

co and in the early nineteen sixties an even more

dramatic prophecy came to the Russian-

American community. The Lord said that they

should open schools to teach the Russian lan-

guage to their Christian children because the Iron

Curtain was going to fall and the Soviet Union

would be open to the Gospel. Fantastic can only

describe that idea in those times. They obeyed

once again and so Fred learned Russian.

One day, one of Fred’s cousins said to him, “Let’s

go to Russia and plant some churches!” I don’t

know the exact history; I can only say what I saw

in November 2015 in Perm Russia. I saw a Church

with over 2,500 members that has daughtered

over two hundred other Churches in the region. I

don’t know of Fred’s involvement, if any, with the

birth of this particular Church though he is inti-

mately involved with it now.

While there, I stayed in a home for older or-

phaned and ill young men and women. Fred

gave tirelessly to these people, catching whatev-

er sleep he could even in airport restaurants in the

middle of the night and wherever else he could. I

heard him go to bed long after I did as he was

out late on another mission of mercy. I watched

the joy in the faces of the children in the State

Orphanage as they excitedly opened gifts Fred

brought. I saw three re-hab homes that Fred sup-

ports which have an eighty to eighty five per-cent

salvation and prolonged recovery rate. I attend-

ed a funeral on a cold rainy night for one of the

young Pastors that died from pre-conversion ill-

ness complications. I watched Fred comfort this

poor young widow while I was complaining to my-

self about how cold and wet I was yet he had

been out since early morning doing his work.

One other dynamic usually ignored in situations

like this was watching Fred promote me when HE

was the true hero of the story, one that I was play-

ing a very small part in. I was there for a very short

time while Fred is there many times year after

year. How many people like him give their whole

lives to this kind of work and yet are constantly in

the background promoting and caring for the

people that come once in a lifetime to play an

ever so small part in their work. It must take a spe-

cial kind of person.

Fred also engaged every train and subway con-

tact in a discussion of the Gospel. And I watched

him accomplish many things that seemed person-

ally difficult for him with no hint of complaint.

I close with this humorous anecdote: A Russian

military General saw the work Fred was doing

among the inmates in a state prison. The General

offered him a ride on his yacht and a ride in a

MIG jet. Fred didn’t go for the ride in the jet for

reasons of his own. I said I would re-tell that story

but with my own ending. People who have trav-

eled with Fred will understand this. My ending is

that Fred didn’t take the ride on the MIG because

it went too slow. He can walk faster than that!

So, from a prophetic word in the Ukraine in the

thirties to a Prophecy in San Francisco in the six-

ties, to today. One man from Vernon, BC doing

this amazing work in Perm and the Ukraine, and

now Africa. Rarely do we get to hear the full story

in God things like this. We owe Fred and many

more like him a huge thank you and a debt of

gratitude for the work they do.

I heartily recommend New Manna Ministries to all

of our Churches and individuals.

On the web: http://www.newmanna.org

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