bcs master of arts student admission exercise 2017 · research in buddhism. devout; ordained for at...

新加坡佛学院是由光明山普觉禅寺方丈广声大和尚发 起创办的一所高等教育学府,拥有一支强大的师资队 伍。为了造就一批高级弘法与研究人才,本院决定开 设硕士研究生课程,面向僧团招生。 The Buddhist College of Singapore (BCS) is a tertiary education institute initiated and actively pursued by Venerable Kwang Sheng, the current abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. BCS has a strong faculty comprising lecturers with professional qualifications. With aims of grooming highly educated talents in Dharma propagation and academic research, the college offers Master of Arts programmes in Chinese and English to the Sangha. 1. 培养目标 Objective: 扩展学生的佛学研究视野,课程将介绍各种研究方法论,加强学生在兴趣领域中的 研究,培养学生独立思考、分析和表达能力,并传授论文研究和写作技巧,由此更 好地培养学生成为弘法人才。 To broaden the students’ horizon of Buddhist Studies by introducing the different kinds of methodology used in the discipline, deepening understanding in various areas of interest, developing the ability to think, analyse and express ideas clearly, and imparting the skills needed for thesis research and writing, thereby preparing students better for the role of promoting Buddhism. 2. 学制及招生名额 Course Structure and Intake: 2.1 中、英文部:各学制两年,全日制授课。修满规定学分及毕业论文通过后, 学生将获颁泰国摩诃朱拉隆功大学硕士文凭。 Each MA programme (English/Chinese) is a full time 2-year course. Upon earning the required credits and passing their dissertation, students will be awarded a Master of Arts’ degree by the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand. 2.2 招生名额:中、英文部各5名。 Each programme (English/Chinese) accepts 5 applicants. 3. 报考资格 Application Pre-requisites: 3.1 40岁以下,有志于从事佛学研究的比丘,信仰虔诚,出家五年以上,不限国 籍。 Bhikkhu aged 40 and below of any nationality who has interest in conducting academic research in Buddhism. Devout; ordained for at least 5 years. 3.2 学历要求 Education Requirement: - 拥有平均绩点分(GPA)2.50以上及被认可的社会大学本科学历或同等的 佛教院校本科学历。 Possesses at least a BA degree with a GPA of at least 2.50 from a recognized university or equivalent qualifications, including external degrees. - 报考英文硕士课程的考生必须呈交英语托福(网络形式测试至少80分)或 雅思的成绩(平均分至少6分;各项目不得低于5.5分)。成绩有效日期为 入学前两年。 Applicants for the English MA programme are required to submit their English TOEFL (minimum internet-based test score of 80) or IELTS (minimum overall band score of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5) results. Results are valid for 2 years from the test date. - 报考中文课程的非中国籍考生需呈交汉语水平考试成绩(级别9或以上)。 其它特例分别处理。 All applicants except those from China, applying for the Chinese MA programme are required to submit their Chinese Proficiency Test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 汉语水平 考试) results (minimum score of 9). Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 3.3 身体健康、无残(隐)疾(如梦游、癫痫)和传染病。 Healthy, no visible or hidden disabilities (E.g. sleepwalking, epilepsy), and/or infectious diseases. 3.4 无婚姻关系及犯罪记录。 Single; no criminal record. 4. 报考程序 Registration Procedures: 4.1 即日接受报名,截止日期为2017年4月30日,以邮戳为准。 The closing date for all applications is 30 April 2017. 4.2 来信索取或从网上 http://www.bcs.edu.sg/wp-content/ uploads/2016/11/Application-Form.pdf 下载《报名表》。如实填 写,字迹工整。请务必提供有效电话号码和电子邮件地址,以便 及时联络。 Interested parties may download the application form from http:// www.bcs.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Application-Form.pdf . Application forms should be completed accordingly and legibly. Please provide a valid contact number and/or email address. 4.3 把填好的《报名表》跟下列材料一同寄至本院注册部。 Please submit the completed application form together with the following materials to BCS Registrar’s Office. a. 两封推荐信,一封由报考者的师父提供,另一封由报考者以前 的老师提供。 Two referral letters - one from the applicant’s Master, another from the applicant’s teacher. b. 已获得的最高学历证书和成绩单的复印件。 Photocopy of the latest academic transcript and certificate. c. 身份证与护照的复印件。 Photocopy of Personal Identification card and passport. d. 申请者三个月内正面免冠照片3张 照片要求:彩色、白底、粗面、僧服。尺寸:35×45mm Three passport-sized, matte-finished photographs (35×45mm) of the applicant’s front profile. Applicants should be dressed in monk’s robes with no headdress, on white background. e. 县级以上医院体检表格(包括血检、肝检、胸透)。 Medical check-up form (inclusive of blood test, liver test, chest X-ray) from a Government-registered medical institution. 5. 录取程序 Admission Procedures: 5.1 统一考试、面试,择优录取。 Applicants will be selected based on the results of the entrance examination and an interview. 5.2 考试内容:中、英文部考生都需通过佛学笔试 (理解与写作);中 文部外加预备中级英语考试,并统一面试。面试的重点是考生的 思维与智力。 Scope of Examination: Interviews and examinations for both courses will be conducted at the same time. Both English and Chinese course applicants will be assessed on their comprehension and writing skills based on a given academic Buddhist article. Chinese course applicants will sit for an additional Pre-Intermediate English Language examination. The interview will focus on the applicant’s thinking ability and intelligence. 5.3 被录取的考生,签证由我院办理。 The college will apply for student visas and permits on behalf of all selected applicants. 5.4 录取结果将通过电话、电子邮件和本院网站同时通知,敬请留意。 Selection results will be announced via telephone, email and the college website. 5.5 根据本国移民厅政策,外籍学员需交纳担保金,本院为学员承担 一半,另一半由学员自付。具体金额请查阅 http://www.bcs.edu. sg/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/security_deposit.docx According to the policy stipulated by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA), all foreign students are required to pay a security deposit. The student shall bear half of the amount, while the remainder will be subsidized by the college. Please visit http://www.bcs. edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/security_deposit.docx for details on the deposit amount. 6. 一旦被录取,必须在2017年8月28日报到。 Successful applicants are required to report to the college by 28 August 2017. 7. 开课日期:2017年9月4日 Course commencement: 4 September 2017 8. 在学期间生活待遇: 学院将提供免费食宿、学习及生活的基本用品;每月发给一定的生活 费;医疗费按学院有关具体规定给予报销。 Benefits: All meals, accommodation and daily necessities will be provided by the college. Students will also receive a monthly allowance during their period of study at BCS. Basic medical expenses will be covered, subject to the college regulations. 9. 毕业后的去向:原则上回原寺院。有志于进一步深造的毕业生,有机会 受助到国外深造。 Post-Graduation Outlook: Students shall return to their monasteries upon graduation. However, graduates who are interested to engage in further academic research may apply for assistance for further studies overseas. 10. 欲知详情,请访问本院网站的“招生”栏目,或来函来电咨询。 For more information, please visit the “Student Recruitment” section at the college website or contact us in writing / via telephone. 泰国摩诃朱拉隆功佛教大学 Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Thailand 地址 Address Buddhist College of Singapore Registrar’s Office ı 88 Bright Hill Road Singapore 574117 电话 Telephone 0065-6715 6900 请在周一至周五新加坡时间上午9点到下午4点之间拨打 Please contact us between Mondays to Fridays • 9am – 4pm, Singapore time 备注 Remark : 本院只负责支付学生来新入学和毕业离校的单程机票。 BCS shall provide one-way air tickets only for freshmen and graduates. 新加坡佛学院 2017 年硕士研究生招生简章 BCS Master of Arts Student Admission Exercise 2017 ( 中英文课程 English and Chinese Course ) 传真 Fax Number 0065-6456 0180 电子信箱 Email [email protected] 网页 Website www.bcs.edu.sg

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Page 1: BCS Master of Arts Student Admission Exercise 2017 · research in Buddhism. Devout; ordained for at least 5 years. 3.2 学历要求 Education Requirement: - 拥有平均绩点分(GPA)2.50以上及被认可的社会大学本科学历或同等的


The Buddhist College of Singapore (BCS) is a tertiary education institute initiated and actively pursued by Venerable Kwang Sheng, the current abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. BCS has a strong faculty comprising lecturers with professional qualifications. With aims of grooming highly educated talents in Dharma propagation and academic research, the college offers Master of Arts programmes in Chinese and English to the Sangha.

1. 培养目标Objective: 扩展学生的佛学研究视野,课程将介绍各种研究方法论,加强学生在兴趣领域中的


To broaden the students’ horizon of Buddhist Studies by introducing the different kinds of methodology used in the discipline, deepening understanding in various areas of interest, developing the ability to think, analyse and express ideas clearly, and imparting the skills needed for thesis research and writing, thereby preparing students better for the role of promoting Buddhism.

2. 学制及招生名额CourseStructureandIntake: 2.1 中、英文部:各学制两年,全日制授课。修满规定学分及毕业论文通过后,

学生将获颁泰国摩诃朱拉隆功大学硕士文凭。 Each MA programme (English/Chinese) is a full time 2-year course. Upon earning the

required credits and passing their dissertation, students will be awarded a Master of Arts’ degree by the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand.

2.2 招生名额:中、英文部各5名。 Each programme (English/Chinese) accepts 5 applicants.

3. 报考资格ApplicationPre-requisites: 3.1 40岁以下,有志于从事佛学研究的比丘,信仰虔诚,出家五年以上,不限国

籍。 Bhikkhu aged 40 and below of any nationality who has interest in conducting academic

research in Buddhism. Devout; ordained for at least 5 years.

3.2 学历要求EducationRequirement: - 拥有平均绩点分(GPA)2.50以上及被认可的社会大学本科学历或同等的

佛教院校本科学历。 Possesses at least a BA degree with a GPA of at least 2.50 from a recognized university

or equivalent qualifications, including external degrees.

- 报考英文硕士课程的考生必须呈交英语托福(网络形式测试至少80分)或雅思的成绩(平均分至少6分;各项目不得低于5.5分)。成绩有效日期为入学前两年。

Applicants for the English MA programme are required to submit their English TOEFL (minimum internet-based test score of 80) or IELTS (minimum overall band score of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5) results. Results are valid for 2 years from the test date.

- 报考中文课程的非中国籍考生需呈交汉语水平考试成绩(级别9或以上)。其它特例分别处理。

All applicants except those from China, applying for the Chinese MA programme are required to submit their Chinese Proficiency Test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 汉语水平考试) results (minimum score of 9). Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

3.3 身体健康、无残(隐)疾(如梦游、癫痫)和传染病。 Healthy, no visible or hidden disabilities (E.g. sleepwalking, epilepsy), and/or infectious


3.4 无婚姻关系及犯罪记录。 Single; no criminal record.

4. 报考程序RegistrationProcedures: 4.1 即日接受报名,截止日期为2017年4月30日,以邮戳为准。 The closing date for all applications is 30 April 2017.

4.2 来信索取或从网上 h t t p : / / w w w . b c s . e d u . s g / w p - c o n t e n t /uploads/2016/11/Application-Form.pdf 下载《报名表》。如实填写,字迹工整。请务必提供有效电话号码和电子邮件地址,以便及时联络。

Interested parties may download the application form from http://www.bcs.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Application-Form.pdf. Application forms should be completed accordingly and legibly. Please provide a valid contact number and/or email address.

4.3 把填好的《报名表》跟下列材料一同寄至本院注册部。 Please submit the completed application form together with the following

materials to BCS Registrar’s Office.

a. 两封推荐信,一封由报考者的师父提供,另一封由报考者以前的老师提供。

Two referral letters - one from the applicant’s Master, another from the applicant’s teacher.

b. 已获得的最高学历证书和成绩单的复印件。 Photocopy of the latest academic transcript and certificate.

c. 身份证与护照的复印件。 Photocopy of Personal Identification card and passport.

d. 申请者三个月内正面免冠照片3张 照片要求:彩色、白底、粗面、僧服。尺寸:35×45mm Three passport-sized, matte-finished photographs (35×45mm) of the

applicant’s front profile. Applicants should be dressed in monk’s robes with no headdress, on white background.

e. 县级以上医院体检表格(包括血检、肝检、胸透)。 Medical check-up form (inclusive of blood test, liver test, chest X-ray)

from a Government-registered medical institution.

5. 录取程序AdmissionProcedures: 5.1 统一考试、面试,择优录取。 Applicants will be selected based on the results of the entrance examination

and an interview.

5.2 考试内容:中、英文部考生都需通过佛学笔试 (理解与写作);中文部外加预备中级英语考试,并统一面试。面试的重点是考生的思维与智力。

Scope of Examination: Interviews and examinations for both courses will be conducted at the same time. Both English and Chinese course applicants will be assessed on their comprehension and writing skills based on a given academic Buddhist article. Chinese course applicants will sit for an additional Pre-Intermediate English Language examination. The interview will focus on the applicant’s thinking ability and intelligence.

5.3 被录取的考生,签证由我院办理。 The college will apply for student visas and permits on behalf of all selected


5.4 录取结果将通过电话、电子邮件和本院网站同时通知,敬请留意。 Selection results will be announced via telephone, email and the college


5.5 根据本国移民厅政策,外籍学员需交纳担保金,本院为学员承担一半,另一半由学员自付。具体金额请查阅http://www.bcs.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/security_deposit.docx

According to the policy stipulated by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA), all foreign students are required to pay a security deposit. The student shall bear half of the amount, while the remainder will be subsidized by the college. Please visit http://www.bcs.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/security_deposit.docx for details on the deposit amount.

6. 一旦被录取,必须在2017年8月28日报到。 Successful applicants are required to report to the college by 28 August 2017.

7. 开课日期:2017年9月4日 Course commencement: 4 September 2017

8. 在学期间生活待遇: 学院将提供免费食宿、学习及生活的基本用品;每月发给一定的生活

费;医疗费按学院有关具体规定给予报销。 Benefits: All meals, accommodation and daily necessities will be provided by the

college. Students will also receive a monthly allowance during their period of study at BCS. Basic medical expenses will be covered, subject to the college regulations.

9. 毕业后的去向:原则上回原寺院。有志于进一步深造的毕业生,有机会受助到国外深造。

Post-Graduation Outlook: Students shall return to their monasteries upon graduation. However, graduates who are interested to engage in further academic research may apply for assistance for further studies overseas.

10.欲知详情,请访问本院网站的“招生”栏目,或来函来电咨询。 For more information, please visit the “Student Recruitment” section at the college

website or contact us in writing / via telephone.

泰国摩诃朱拉隆功佛教大学Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


地址 Address Buddhist College of Singapore Registrar’s Office ı 88 Bright Hill Road Singapore 574117

电话 Telephone 0065-6715 6900 请在周一至周五新加坡时间上午9点到下午4点之间拨打 Please contact us between Mondays to Fridays • 9am – 4pm, Singapore time

备注 Remark :

本院只负责支付学生来新入学和毕业离校的单程机票。BCS shall provide one-way air tickets only for freshmen and graduates.

新加坡佛学院2017年硕士研究生招生简章BCS Master of Arts Student Admission Exercise 2017(中英文课程English and Chinese Course )

传真 Fax Number 0065-6456 0180电子信箱 Email [email protected]网页 Website www.bcs.edu.sg