bccampus presentation at royal roads university april 5 2017

BCcampus: System conveners, collaborators, and innovators

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BCcampus: System conveners, collaborators, and innovators

All content in this presentation is licensed:

We encourage you to do the same.


• The BC system landscape

• BCcampus system role

• Our work in 3 lines of service

• Deep dive:

Open education

Learning, teaching and educational technology,

Collaborative projects


What does BCcampus do?

Primarily funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education

Created by provincial government in 2003 to support online learning

3 primary lines of service

Open education

Learning, teaching and educational technology

Collaborative projects

Generating your agenda: what would you like to know?




Open Educational Resources

Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed

under a Creative Commons Attribution


Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all

of this presentation with attribution.




Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

“higher education shall be equally accessible to all”

What are Open Educational Resources?

• Open Textbooks• Videos• Course materials• Lesson plans• Software• Games• Simulations• Wikis• Blogs• Adaptive tests

The Hewlett Foundation define OER as

“teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. OER include …..used to support access to knowledge”.


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Open = free + permissions


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Creative Commons logo by Creative Commons used under a CC-BY 3.0 License

CC license image from Copyright in Education & Internet in South African Law used under CC-BY 2.5 South Africa license


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

The 5 R’s of Open

• Make and own a copyRetain

• Use in a wide range of waysReuse

• Adapt, modify, and improveRevise

• Combine two or moreRemix

• Share with othersRedistribute


Faculty have full legal rights to

customize & contextualize Open

Textbooks to fit their pedagogical


BC Open Textbook Project


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

How did this get started?

40 free & Open Textbooks for highest

enrolled 1st & 2nd year post-secondary

subjects in BC

2014 – 20 for skills & training

First province in Canada

2014 – AB & SASK MOU

$1 million

2014 - $1 million

2015- $525,000 USD Hewlett


2017- $250,000 Ministry of AVED

Visual notes of John Yap announcement, Giulia Forsythe Used under

CC-SA license


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Why are we doing this project?

To increase access to higher education by reducing student costs

To give faculty more control over their instructional resources

To improve learning outcomes for students

Annie Lennox campaigns with Oxfam at the AIDS Conference by Oxfam used under CC-BY-NC-ND license


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

The Project

Don’t reinvent it by Andrea Hernandez released under CC-BY-NC-SA and based on Wheel by Pauline Mak released

under CC-BY license


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Peer Reviewed

291/365 by thebarrowboy used under a CC-BY


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

New Creations


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.


• Written by content experts

• Peer-reviewed

• Go through a strict editorial process

• Combined with homework

• Ancillaries (PowerPoints, testbanks,

solution manuals, etc.)


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

• Online homework (from partners)

• Online labs (from partners)

• PowerPoint slides

• Solution Manuals

• Test banks

• Videos

• 3D Images (coming soon in Trades)

• Audio files



Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.



Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Brazil´s K-12 Public Education Landscape

- ranked at 60th out of 75 countries (Faulkner, 2015) - Shortage of computers (OECD, 2015)- K-12 education systems consist of nineteenth-

century schools, twentieth-century teachers and twenty-first century learners (Ramos, 2015)

- Distance education, blended learning and open education hold the potential to fill the gap of a deficient public school system and promote access to knowledge to more citizens (Litto, 2009; Litto, 2014; Haddad, 2009)

Brazil Image 1

Population: 200.4 million (2013) 45 million students enrolled in K-12 public schools (INEP/MEC, 2011)90.5 % study in public schools


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.



Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.



Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.


Effectiveness of OER use in students’ mathematical outcomes: A case study of first-year higher education students in Chile

Open Pedagogy

Question to ask: what does open allow me/my students to do that I/they can’t do in other contexts?

If we believe that…

people learn through the thing they do copyright restricts what were allowed to do

copyright restricts how we can learn open permits us to learn in new ways

Open pedagogy is that set of teaching and learning practices only possible in the context of the free access and 5R (retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute) permissions characteristic of open educational resources (Wiley, 2013).

The 5 R’s of Open

• Make and own a copyRetain

• Use in a wide range of waysReuse

• Adapt, modify, and improveRevise

• Combine two or moreRemix

• Share with othersRedistribute


Examples of Open Pedagogy


What are the common

challenges your students face

that OER can help overcome?


Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Thank you

Amanda Coolidge

[email protected]




Learning & Teaching

Educational Technology

Practice & Research

We offer a variety of online and face-to-face learning opportunities and communities to

support effective teaching practices

How can teaching & learning in BC PSE be improved?

• Less lecturing

• Instructors should be experts on learning

• More practical learning experiences

• More access (online & f2f)

• Innovative use of technology

• What is a big challenge with teaching, learning, & technology practices?

• What support do instructors get for their teaching and technology practice? What do they need?

Activity: What is your situation?

Impromptu NetworkingFind a partner. 4 min sharing. Then find another. Then another…

Be curious!

Learning & Teaching + Educational Technology

How we support teaching, learning, and educational technology practices

in BC post-secondary education

Online Sessions


Conferences, Events &


Online Courses

Projects & Initiatives

Groups & Communities

of Practice

Ed Tech Demos TELL Sessions

30-60 min.

Facilitating Learning Online

(FLO) Family2, 3, or 5 weeks

Festival of LearningSymposium (SoTL)

Ed Tech EventsLiberating Structures

Visual Practice1-3 days

Ed Tech SandboxFaculty Teaching


Teaching & Learning CouncilEd Tech User Groups

Liberating Structures User Group


BCcampus Collaborative Projects

Bringing together resources and expertise of British Columbia’s post-secondary institutions in a collaborative model to develop curricular resources that are then made openly available.

• Funded by government and other public bodies

• Results in shared curriculum and learning resources

• Cross-sector, evidence- based and co-creating open resources

Current projects for 2017/18 are:

• Indigenization Collaborative Project

• Early Years Professional Development Web Solution Pilot Project

• Early Childhood Education Provincial Guiding Document Project

• LPN and APN Curriculum Guide Revision Project

Collaborative Projects Activities


Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless

25/10 Crowd SourcingRapidly generate & sift your most powerful, actionable ideas

Write your response on an index card:

• If you were 10 x bolder, what new idea would you put into place to improve teaching and learning?

• What is your first move?

Do NOT write your nameDO write legibly


Mary Burgess: [email protected]@maryeburgess

Amanda Coolidge: [email protected]@acoolidge

Tracy Kelly: [email protected]@trass