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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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bbc news


BBC News with x.

A government official in Tanzania has told the BBC that the President of Burundi, x, has not been able to return to his country and appears to have been ousted by the military. A plane taking him back after the army seized power was told it could not land, then returned to Tanzania. Mr. x had been in x for a regional summit when news of the coup broke. From x, here's x. Hours after an attempted coup, it's still not clear who is control of Burundi. Thousands flood to the streets to celebrate after General x announced x was no longer President, calling it a victory of the people. In the capital, x, there had been two weeks of protests against the President's bid for a third term, which opponents say is illegal. But the situation is far from stabilised. Now the army appears to be divided between loyalists and supporters of the coup. And there has been gunfire in the city centre overnight. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, x, said the U.S. was monitoring the situation. We are watching the situation in Burundi now very closely. And we are very concerned about the reports that we are getting. And x concerned x to call on all the parties to end the violence and to exercise with strength. We've made it very clear that we are prepared to take targeted measures, including imposing a visa ban to those who are involved in the violence.