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Page 1: Batsh*t - - Alvernaz_Copright_2018 - BOOK... · 2018. 7. 8. · digital dementia.” The web site explains it this way: "'Digital
Page 2: Batsh*t - - Alvernaz_Copright_2018 - BOOK... · 2018. 7. 8. · digital dementia.” The web site explains it this way: "'Digital

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Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia

Table of Contents … the Communiqués

Indexicon … to find that word or phrase

Or, just “turn the page” and start reading

… the “units of language” will carry you

along and whisk you away … in the Communiqués.

[email protected]

Copyright © 2018

America’s Premier Unknown Writer!

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Communiqué #41 – And, so … [Copyright © 2018 by Bil. Alvernaz …04.VII.2022 … 1,264 / 1,264]

Dateline: Continuing on …

It’s a year ago now, this very day, that we started this “excursion.” The mission

is still the same. To look closer at so much of the ridiculousness and babble constantly

bombarding us. It all sorta seems to make sense, but, when you stop and think about

it, so much of it doesn’t seem to add up. Especially the confusing clutter of social media

mixed in with advertising everywhere you go. So many other things are constantly

“hitting us” mentally every which way, too. That’s what makes it incredibly difficult to

tell really “what’s what” in a constant barrage of seemingly logical, but really and truly

illogical, elements.

Then there is the current upward-time-bomb-ticking trend of hateful nastiness,

disrespect, and complete lack of courtesy and kindness. And, it’s a noticeably increasing

percentage of people interacting obnoxiously with others. Harsh rudeness and bullying

shows up over and over again “in the news” and all around us every single day. Like

spoiled children with self-worth issues who constantly crave being the center of

attention, there is an abundance of needy people screaming and yelling.

When you stand back and take an objective glimpse at so much of what all is

surrounding and engulfing you, more and more the entirety of it all seems to be

smothering, as well as verging on suffocating, you/us. It’s all incredibly irrational, even

vicious, and unbelievably, foolishly insane … Batsh*t Crazy. That’s the only way to

describe it.

Not only that, but our lives have become mentally sheathed in a “feels a bit too

tight” Digital Dementia stretching across a Dystopian landscape and ever-

changing canvas from which there seems to be no escape, relief, or even the slightest

hint of respite … that is, except for these words that are aimed at “rectification by


Our overuse of and addiction to digital technology has led to many people

consumed and overwhelmed (many times without even realizing it) by an actual

medical condition known as “digital dementia.” The web site explains

it this way: "'Digital Dementia,' a term coined by a top German neuroscientist Dr.

Manfred Spitzer in his 2012 book ‘Demencia Digit@l,’ is a term used to describe how

overuse of digital technology is resulting in the breakdown of cognitive abilities in a

way that is more commonly seen in people who have suffered head injuries or

psychiatric illness.”

This is affecting all ages, especially those who are “locked in” with social media,

texting, and gaming (on and off line).

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All you have to do is just look at the faces of people peering into those shiny

screens of computing devices, including smartphones (one of the biggest culprits in all

of this). Those people, ignoring everything else, even to the point of obliviously

bumping into things and people (even hurting themselves and others), all have

monosyllabic, simpleton gazes and stares, with mouths slightly ajar. Their fidgeting

fingers sync up with the rapid movement (and occasional blinking) of their dancing

eyeballs. This also ties to the frenetic pace of those involved and completely absorbed

in/with gaming where billions and billions of dollars are being spent (many would say

“wasted” … moneywise and intellectually, too) in such mind-numbing pursuits.

The World Health Organization (WHO) just this year declared that

playing video games is a mental health disorder! You can probably

name several people “off the top of your head” who are caught up in

these kinds of obsessions (and anti-social behavior).

Here is how WHO describes this mental health disorder. “Gaming disorder” is

characterized by a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior (‘digital gaming’

or ‘video-gaming’), which may be online (i.e., over the internet) or offline, manifested

by: 1) impaired control over gaming (e.g., onset, frequency, intensity, duration,

termination, context); 2) increasing priority given to gaming to the extent that gaming

takes precedence over other life interests and daily activities; and 3) continuation or

escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences. The behavior

pattern is of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family,

social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. The pattern of

gaming behavior may be continuous or episodic and recurrent. The gaming behavior

and other features are normally evident over a period of at least 12 months in order for

a diagnosis to be assigned, although the required duration may be shortened if all

diagnostic requirements are met and symptoms are severe.”

So, we now have this mental health disorder, along with digital dementia. Think

about that, though … overuse of digital technology (of which gaming is just one facet)

is now associated with a head injury or psychiatric illness! And, we haven’t even

touched on the cancer concerns of non-ionizing radiation from cell phones (along

with other computing devices) emitting radio frequency energy (radio waves). There

just might be more to that than you've thought (assuming you've ever even considered

that you might be doing harm to yourself with certain digital “things”). If you want to

read more about non-ionizing radiation (like what it might be doing when you have

your cell phone propped next to your ear … and BRAIN), just click the link below:


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All of what we have covered so far in our “worded excursion” (that being BOOK

ONE) … this now being the second book as we continue … is more relevant than ever.

Sure, technology is a “great thing,” but it comes down to all-things digital being tools

we can use to make things better (and more fun) in our lives. But, hey, we want to be

very careful just how much we let technology overtake our lives. After all, the real world

is still all around us.

And, just as with electricity, if you don’t think you’re “joined at the hip” with

technology, take a good hard look at what happens (or doesn’t happen) when the

power goes out or, for whatever reason(s), you don’t have “a signal” or any access to

the overarching, “binding factor” in all of this … the Internet!

So. Shall we continue on?

This is where you can nod your head up and down as you “turn the page,” so to

speak. Or, you can opt to stretch your lips across your teeth, without smiling, blink a

few times, and then “go about your business,” whatever else that you might be or could

be or should be or would be otherwise doing.

We’ll be right “here,” at any point you want to return, “looking into things” that

all too often get accepted as “normal” … that all being “just the way things are now.”

It’s not about what you can’t imagine any longer.

It’s all about what you could very easily imagine in the real world, if you just

stand back and take a much closer, more objective look at what is (and isn’t) going on

all around you. And, that means YOUR role participating in this cognitive world of ours

beyond “all digital things connected” in a Batsh*t Crazy, Digital Dementia Dystopia that

is wrapping its tentacles ever tighter around our intellect each day as so many of the

moments of our lives unfold all around us even if we aren’t paying much, if any,

attention to what’s really going on in our peopled reality.

The nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, from Greek mythology, Calliope,

Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania, who are

Goddesses and Muses of inspiration in literature, science, and the arts must be joined

by our now oh, so familiar Goddess and Muse of Technology.


… Inscribed for Diana … celebrating life! Penned by America's Premier Unknown Writer!

Copyright NOTICE/RULES/PERMISSION: Batsh*t Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia is a series

of copyrighted Communiqués that are broadcast in bursts, “hot off the press” as I write them (using my trusty

word anvil). The key word in that last sentence is “copyrighted” which means I own ‘em outright (everything you

read here), every single word. Right now, here, this moment in time, you can read the Communiqués, following

along in the “play of words.” You can freely share any or all of these Communiqués with anyone and everyone else in

whatever manner you choose (so long as you quote me as the source AND are NOT profiting from using my

Page 6: Batsh*t - - Alvernaz_Copright_2018 - BOOK... · 2018. 7. 8. · digital dementia.” The web site explains it this way: "'Digital

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words). Everything you read will be real and true with me striving, among the collected combinations of words, to

produce as many as possible of “that one true sentence” Hemmingway so eloquently and passionately talked



• Table of Contents (if you’re looking for a particular Communiqué) • Indexicon (if you’re looking for a specific word or phrase) • Who is Bil.? (if you want to know more about me, the writer)

• Continue on reading (in which case, move your eyes downward)

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Communiqué #42 – Rules and Laws … [Copyright © 2018 by Bil. Alvernaz …04.VII.2018 … 470 / 1,734]

Dateline: In order to have order.

I’ll be the first to admit I have bent the rules and “pushed things,” as well as

perpetrated some minor, law-breaking activities. Hey, we’ve all “gone over the speed

limit” driving. Also, in a lot of other ways, too.

Just as language binds us together in the civilized world, rules and laws provide

the fabric of society with a framework of consciousness and consequences.

Yea, it would be great if everyone went by the golden rule and ethic of

reciprocity. You know, where everyone would treat others the same way they wish to

be treated.

But, fables, stories, and real life all illuminate that we truly do need rules and

laws. That takes us directly to the government, but that’s not what this Communiqué is


Here’s the thing. Yes, we most definitely need rules and laws. To

what extent, well, that “takes you down the road” of discussing religion,

philosophy, and politics. We aren’t going to do that here. Instead, let’s

look at self-imposed rules and “laws.” We all somehow have come up

with those “limitations” for ourselves. We also tend to apply such

rules and laws when we look upon (and judge) others, too.

So just what is the nonsensical logic and, most likely, superstitions that lead us

to bind ourselves in invisible constraints and self-imposed limitations?

Insecurity, uncertainly, dodging risk-taking, fear, and even “things” associated

with self-worth (as well as habits, good and bad) all add up to those rules and laws we

create for ourselves. Oh, yea, and the “relative factor” where the whining, complaining,

badgering and haranguing by do-gooders (families we were born into and “friends”)

play a MONSTER role in so much that you keep yourself from doing.

But, hey, we all have to “deal with stuff.” That shouldn’t stop us from what we

otherwise would or could or should be doing. It all comes back to …

What would make you happy?


How ‘bout “busting up” some of your rules and laws?

Do something new.

Go somewhere you haven’t been before.

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Try ordering a new dish (instead of the “same old thing”) next time you are at a

restaurant. Or, fix something new and exotic at home!

What’s the worst thing that could happen, if you move beyond your comfort


Oh, yea, there is the “you might be embarrassed” thing.

But, what about the exhilaration of something new, different, fun, challenging,

and, most importantly, something that would bask you in so much happiness that only

a grinish smile could convey the significance of it all?

It’s all completely up to you, because no one else decreed what you think you

think or can to do.

You have 48 hours from now to “break a rule” … or two … or three.

Don’t even think about it. Just do something … anything!


… Inscribed for Diana … celebrating life! Penned by America's Premier Unknown Writer!

Copyright NOTICE/RULES/PERMISSION: Batsh*t Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia is a series

of copyrighted Communiqués that are broadcast in bursts, “hot off the press” as I write them (using my trusty

word anvil). The key word in that last sentence is “copyrighted” which means I own ‘em outright (everything you

read here), every single word. Right now, here, this moment in time, you can read the Communiqués, following

along in the “play of words.” You can freely share any or all of these Communiqués with anyone and everyone else in

whatever manner you choose (so long as you quote me as the source AND are NOT profiting from using my

words). Everything you read will be real and true with me striving, among the collected combinations of words, to

produce as many as possible of “that one true sentence” Hemmingway so eloquently and passionately talked



• Table of Contents (if you’re looking for a particular Communiqué)

• Indexicon (if you’re looking for a specific word or phrase) • Who is Bil.? (if you want to know more about me, the writer)

• Continue on reading (in which case, move your eyes downward)

Page 9: Batsh*t - - Alvernaz_Copright_2018 - BOOK... · 2018. 7. 8. · digital dementia.” The web site explains it this way: "'Digital

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Communiqué #43 – Do we really need self-driving cars? [Copyright © 2018 by Bil. Alvernaz …04.VII.2018 … 265 / 1,999]

Dateline: I mean, really?

NO! Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should or could or would.

Billions and billions of dollars are being spent on a wide variety of autonomous


People have already been killed by self-driving cars as well as the “autopilot”

feature found in electric cars (we won’t single out Tesla because there are many others,

too). Could this all have started because someone couldn’t parallel park?

And, is the vehicle going to be “held responsible” for traffic infractions, accidents,

and deaths?

The concept of self-driving cars is like using voice commands when working with

electronic devices like Apple’s Siri for the iPhones and Amazon’s Echo related products

(there are a whole lot of them). Okay, so to “interact” with Echo, you start each

sentence/command with “Alexa …” and then say/command what you want.

So, what about someone with the name “Alexa?” How does that

work? I mean, if you’re talking to the person named “Alexa,” in the

vicinity of an Echo device, then you can’t use that person’s name to

start a sentence (or anywhere in the sentence, for that matter, one

would assume), because the Echo device will think you are talking to it,


But, never mind about that, getting back to self-driving vehicles, there is one

single, overarching question.

And, that relates to simply answering this …

Would you “sit back and relax,” talking to someone or reading a book or casually

closing your eyes, listening to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, all while you never even

look at the road as the car you’re in drives itself?


… Inscribed for Diana … celebrating life! Penned by America's Premier Unknown Writer!

Copyright NOTICE/RULES/PERMISSION: Batsh*t Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia is a series

of copyrighted Communiqués that are broadcast in bursts, “hot off the press” as I write them (using my trusty

word anvil). The key word in that last sentence is “copyrighted” which means I own ‘em outright (everything you

Page 10: Batsh*t - - Alvernaz_Copright_2018 - BOOK... · 2018. 7. 8. · digital dementia.” The web site explains it this way: "'Digital

Batsh*t Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia … Copyright © 2018 by Bil. Alvernaz - 10

read here), every single word. Right now, here, this moment in time, you can read the Communiqués, following

along in the “play of words.” You can freely share any or all of these Communiqués with anyone and everyone else in

whatever manner you choose (so long as you quote me as the source AND are NOT profiting from using my

words). Everything you read will be real and true with me striving, among the collected combinations of words, to

produce as many as possible of “that one true sentence” Hemmingway so eloquently and passionately talked



• Table of Contents (if you’re looking for a particular Communiqué) • Indexicon (if you’re looking for a specific word or phrase) • Who is Bil.? (if you want to know more about me, the writer)

• Continue on reading (in which case, move your eyes downward)

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Communiqué #44 – Extra People!!!!! (PART ONE) [Copyright © 2018 by Bil. Alvernaz …04.VII.2018 … 1,600 / 3,583]

Dateline: Don’t, for a minute, even think they aren’t watching YOUR every move …

<>Part One … of several …<>

They have always been right here … and there … everywhere.

They are constantly around all of us, without most people even knowing it.

For the most part, they seem to be invisible to so many people, though they

really aren’t. They are right “there” (and “here”) in plain sight all around us. You just

have to know how to adjust your perspective and visual acuity to look for and see

them. Actually, you’ve probably seen many of them, but never really noticed what it

was you were (or weren’t) seeing.

I need to bespake your patience, just a wee bit here (well, probably A LOT). This

is sort of a complex “simple concept” (actually, it is more on the order of another level

or sphere of REALITY) to grasp. Yet, there needs to be a certain amount of exactitude

in telling you about it, so you can ever so slightly adjust your line of sight. That’s the

only way for you to fully latch on to seeing what has been right there in front of you all

along … including right this very minute.

Knowing what I have to tell you will allow you to do what I and many others

have somehow managed to do. And, that is experience the sensation of actually

focusing on what you never or ever even could have possibly considered … or

attempted to imagine that you could envision.

They really aren’t a phenomenon, per se. Though they most certainly are. They

look at us, too, as a singularity, of sorts, but that’s a whole different story (that I will

eventually get to).

They need us as much as we need them …

They are not a paradox or absurdity either. But, I guess, in many ways you

could, indeed, consider them to be either one … kinda, sorta, maybe.

They are here for a very specific reason and that’s what makes all of this so

important … for them and us.

They have been observed and perceived by certain individuals, including me,

over countless decades. It usually starts out as catching slight, sideways glimpses of

them (mostly like shadows) out of the corner of your eye. After that, well, things can

easily lead to life changing happenstances. But, I’m getting ahead of myself here.

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I’m one of the people who actually saw them and now regularly interacts with

them. I’ve experienced no ill-effects from all of this. Actually, they have greatly

enhanced my life, as I also have done for them. Though the impacts and effects of

“them with us” or “us with them,” ah, well, therein lies the conundrum. You don’t know

how they will affect you until you actually make contact with them … especially when

you start interacting with them, if they allow it.

Most people can’t or don’t see them, for whatever reason(s). The ones who

actually do see and interact with them, ah, well, the largest percentage of those

individuals, over the last couple hundred years, have “ended up in places” for extended

stays at a wide variety of “institutions,” to address what were somehow determined to

be various, assorted, and miscellaneous mental maladies and “conditions” or “spells.”

Of course, that’s exactly the way they want things to be in relation to us because

it is important that they keep a low profile. Otherwise, that could negatively impact

what they are really doing here (that isn’t hurting or impinging anyone, by the way).

“They” being what (well, actually “who”) are known as Extra People who want

to keep low profiles.

So, let me see here. Ah. The best way to provide the details on

all of this, is to tell you what happened to me … how it all started and

the way I came to see (and work with) the Extra People. I’ve gotten to

know them quite well, with them still being a big part of my life (and

definitely helping me cope) in this Batsh*t Crazy Digital Dementia

Dystopia of ours.

For me, this all started at the beginning of the age, though it now continues in

rapid fire fashion, of personal computers, the Internet, smartphones, and all of the rest

of our techno-weenie world we continue to “tread water” in … as well as observe, on a

daily basis, the effects of digital dementia and mental health disorders.

An odd, most unlikely, other-worldly beginning …

It was a cold, rainy night.

I know that sounds like the opening line of a cheap, badly written paperback.

But, this is really what happened one windy, chilly, rainy evening …

First, you need to know that static electricity, sparks, and flames are key

transitional and evolutionary points in all of this.

I was working on a holographic project with a company in Redmond,

Washington, that shall remain nameless for many reasons. Though it shouldn’t be too

hard to figure just what “changed-the-world” company I’m talking about.

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What we had achieved in this project was remarkable, because for the first time

ever, holograms could be created easily by tying together simple algorithms. The entire

software configuration based on this algorithm came from ancient Mesopotamian

symbols. Those details and that part of this story has to do with the disclosure of

information and details I’m not allowed to talk about because of a non-expiring Non-

Disclosure Agreement (NDA) I signed many years ago. Actually, I probably shouldn’t

even be telling you this much … but I fully/fooly intend to do so!

You need to know about this! The main reason is because there are probably

Extra People around you at this very moment!!! That will make more sense in a little bit


Anyway, the basis of what we were doing at the time was the beginning stages

of no longer needing monitors for computers … no screens of any type required. The

way we did that was complicated but relied on one single, simple, critical element to

make holography all happen for practical uses … and, yes, for games, too.

Generating static electricity had been the “missing part of the equation” we

finally managed to harness so you could have vivid, 3D images pop up out of a

computing device into thin air right in front of you (or even all around you). So, there

was no longer any need for a screen or monitor. The most amazing part in all of this

was that you could look at the image “displayed” in front of you straight-on, or from the

side, or even from the other side, behind it. You could look at the images from any

angle, including from a higher or lower vantage point. And, we even managed to get

the holograms to wrap all the way around you, engulfing you an experience like nothing


This all took virtual reality, well, right into the reality that is all around us. And,

all without any goofy, not-so-comfortable (especially for extended viewing) goggles or

eye-contraptions. And, by doing what we were doing, there were no side-effects

afterwards like what any virtual reality device has warning labels for.

With our holographic “viewing awareness,” what you projected upward from the

device was what you could see from any angle, all crystal clear, with vivid 3D

“definition,” far beyond even Blu-ray, 4K, 8K, and anything else. It was (and still is) far

superior to any of today’s screens. Only with our hologram viewing, you could project

the size from small, roughly the size of most computer monitors, to gigantic, being

much bigger than and far beyond any large-screen TV.

Oh, and get this … the power drain to run any part of this?


Nothing, as in no electricity required. That’s where maximizing the imbalance of

electric charges within or on the surface of anything quantifiable (static electricity)

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comes into play. I’ll come back to all of this because it directly relates to the Extra


What’s most important here is that the way these holographic images are

projected or displayed all has to do with a thin, squiggly, undulating and pulsating red

line shooting upward from the computing device. The red line then quickly expands

outward to create panoramic, “wrap-around” viewing.

It was getting that red line to function properly that led to me first spotting one

of the Extra People.

While working on and testing this holographic device, I had noticed for quite

some time, on the far edges of my peripheral vision, what I thought to be movements

of some sort. I never was sure just what I thought I saw. Most of the time, I know

what I was seeing were the shapes and sizes of people. I’d then quickly look to where I

thought I had seen something (or someone), but there was never anything “there” … or

so I thought.

It’s when I looked at my reflection in a regular computer monitor that I also was

working on while testing how the squiggly red lines worked to produce the holographic

visions that I first saw one of the Extra People behind me … well, just exactly like what

you can see over your shoulder RIGHT NOW if you look closely at your reflection on the

screen into which you are peering.

Oh, my, it looks like maybe even more than one of the Extra People is standing

right behind you … most likely, looking at other Extra People already in your immediate


<>Part Two comes next (or is possibly just over your shoulder) …<>


… Inscribed for Diana … celebrating life! Penned by America's Premier Unknown Writer!

Copyright NOTICE/RULES/PERMISSION: Batsh*t Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia is a series

of copyrighted Communiqués that are broadcast in bursts, “hot off the press” as I write them (using my trusty

word anvil). The key word in that last sentence is “copyrighted” which means I own ‘em outright (everything you

read here), every single word. Right now, here, this moment in time, you can read the Communiqués, following

along in the “play of words.” You can freely share any or all of these Communiqués with anyone and everyone else in

whatever manner you choose (so long as you quote me as the source AND are NOT profiting from using my

words). Everything you read will be real and true with me striving, among the collected combinations of words, to

produce as many as possible of “that one true sentence” Hemmingway so eloquently and passionately talked


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• Table of Contents (if you’re looking for a particular Communiqué) • Indexicon (if you’re looking for a specific word or phrase) • Who is Bil.? (if you want to know more about me, the writer)

• Continue on reading (in which case, move your eyes downward)

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Table of Contents

Communiqué #41 – And, so … ........................................................................... 3

Communiqué #42 – Rules and Laws … .............................................................. 7

Communiqué #43 – Do we really need self-driving cars? ................................ 9

Communiqué #44 – Extra People!!!!! (Part One)............................................. 11

Table of Contents ............................................................................................... 16

Title/Copyright Page ......................................................................................... 17

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Title/Copyright Page


Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia

Bil. Alvernaz (Mastering the Universe with certainty, though tiptoeing

at seemingly perilous points of anomalous purviews.)


Copyright © 2018 by: Bil. Alvernaz ([email protected])

All rights reserved. This text or any part of it

may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or

otherwise shared in any form without permission.

Bil.’s ebooks for the Kindle:

Penning My Life: My PhD Life Thesis!

Light at the Keyboard – a Three Act Play

It’s the Universe! Notations & Cyphers

CANCER: The Naked Truth!

CALORIES: Manifesto … About your weight – It’s all on YOU!

Worded Emporium

What a Mess?

Life 101: The Art of Life

Project Naked Truth


Questions/Comments: [email protected]

Please drop by anytime.

Virtually imprinted on Planet ‘Ert (and in your mind)

Page 18: Batsh*t - - Alvernaz_Copright_2018 - BOOK... · 2018. 7. 8. · digital dementia.” The web site explains it this way: "'Digital

Batsh*t Crazy! Digital Dementia Dystopia … Copyright © 2018 by Bil. Alvernaz - 18

First Edition on YOUR Consciousness