bastyr quit smoking protocol

Counselor’s Notes for Quit Smoking Protocol Notes for Counselor Only! Stop smoking in (6) thirty-minute visits. Tell the patient that smoking is not “one” bad habit. Smoking is 10 – 15 habits. This program is designed to break those habits before the cut off day. When they do quit, it will be relatively easy. From this point forward, the day of the their very last cigarette will be referred to as their “Day of Freedom” or “Freedom Day.” Patient needs a spiral journal (shirt pocket size) and a short pencil that fits in a cigarette pack (provide this if possible). DO NOT GIVE PROTOCOLS IN ADVANCE.GO OVER EACH WEEK’S PROTOCOL THOROUGHLY. THEY ONLY GET ONE WEEK AT A TIME. NEVER GIVE HINTS OF FUTURE GUIDELINES OR RESTRICTIONS. THIS MAY FRIGHTEN THE SMOKER BECAUSE AT WEEK ONE, WEEK FOUR OR FIVE GUIDELINES MAY SEEM LIKE THE IMPOSSIBLE. Read through the entire protocol once to see where we are going. Review their journal and notes each week thoroughly. Review prior weeks’ writings. Always emphasize the “Day of Freedom.” Assure patient that this type of program has worked for tens of thousands of people. You may discuss pathophysiology of smoking, health risks, etc. However, it is not statistically motivating. Be brief. Emphasize freedom and quality of life. You will need 30 minutes each week. There is a sixth visit one week after their “Day of Freedom” (reinforcement). Give them a phone number to call you if they have trouble. Let them have ALL the credit. You take ZERO.

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Counselors Notes for Quit Smoking Protocol

Counselors Notes for Quit Smoking Protocol

Notes for Counselor Only!

Stop smoking in (6) thirty-minute visits.

Tell the patient that smoking is not one bad habit. Smoking is 10 15 habits. This program is designed to break those habits before the cut off day. When they do quit, it will be relatively easy. From this point forward, the day of the their very last cigarette will be referred to as their Day of Freedom or Freedom Day. Patient needs a spiral journal (shirt pocket size) and a short pencil that fits in a cigarette pack (provide this if possible). DO NOT GIVE PROTOCOLS IN ADVANCE.GO OVER EACH WEEKS PROTOCOL THOROUGHLY. THEY ONLY GET ONE WEEK AT A TIME. NEVER GIVE HINTS OF FUTURE GUIDELINES OR RESTRICTIONS. THIS MAY FRIGHTEN THE SMOKER BECAUSE AT WEEK ONE, WEEK FOUR OR FIVE GUIDELINES MAY SEEM LIKE THE IMPOSSIBLE. Read through the entire protocol once to see where we are going. Review their journal and notes each week thoroughly. Review prior weeks writings. Always emphasize the Day of Freedom.Assure patient that this type of program has worked for tens of thousands of people. You may discuss pathophysiology of smoking, health risks, etc. However, it is not statistically motivating. Be brief. Emphasize freedom and quality of life. You will need 30 minutes each week. There is a sixth visit one week after their Day of Freedom (reinforcement).Give them a phone number to call you if they have trouble. Let them have ALL the credit. You take ZERO.

Resources: Little, J.M. ND, Smoke Enders Protocol, Bastyr University

Quit Smoking Protocol Week 1

Today: Find every ashtray and every lighter and all cigarette paraphernalia in your house (and office, if you have one) and put them in a box. Tape it shut. Choose or buy one very small simple glass ashtray approximately 2-3 inches in diameter. This will be your last ashtray. If your partner smokes, allow them one at home. You should NOT use it. You will use this one ashtray until your DAY OF FREEDOM.Choose your DAY OF FREEDOM, five weeks plus 1,2 or 3 days from today (visit #1). Star it. Circle it. Paint it. Switch brands. Choose a 10-12 mg tar type cigarette (approximately). If you already smoke one at this level, change brands to one you have not tried. Throw away any packs/cartons of your current brand today. Throw them out. From now on, you will only buy one pack at a time. If you have a cigarette case or any kind of holders, put them in the box with the ashtrays and lighters. For this next week, you can have all the cigarettes you want, EXCEPT:-You cannot smoke within 15 minutes of waking or eating or drinking anything. This includes coffee, tea, gum, candy, meals, snacks, etc. After 15 minutes, you may have as many cigarettes as you like. If you want coffee or soft drinks, then choose one or separate them by 15 minutes. You may count seconds if you need to. -Beginning tomorrow, move your cigarette place. If you keep them in your purse, move them to your coat or a pocket. If you use a shirt pocket, move them to a jacket or your pants pocket. Anywhere different is o.k. -Smoke your new brand of cigarettes all you want, but record every one in your journal with the pencil in your cigarette pack. -This week, hold your cigarette between your middle finger and ring finger only. Do not hold it in your normal fingers. Write the following in your journal:On ____________ (your own FREEDOM day), I, ______________ (your name), will become free. I will be free to find renewed life, free to find new happiness. I will never smoke even one puff from that day forward. I will be free of the smoking burden forever. Nothing feels as good as being free. -Tomorrow and this week, besides recording every cigarette, write down 7 things that you will not have to do or put up with as a nonsmoker. Write down: on ________________date, I will not have to:-Clean up my ashtrays-Sit in the smoking section-Breathe so hard when climbing stairs.etc-Use only your one ashtray, which you can carry in a Ziploc bag. 0Do not use lighters, only matches. Write down 7 things you could enjoy doing, rather than smoking. Have fun, Focus on your DAY OF FREEDOM. You will be able to do it with just a little will power. This program will work for you. It has worked for tens of thousands of people. Quit Smoking ProtocolWeek 2

Tomorrow morning: All cigarettes are to be menthol brand of the 10-12 mg variety you smoked this week. If you smoke menthol now, switch to regulars. Continue to only buy one pack at a time. No smoking in any cars or vehicles. No smoking with food or beverage of any kind. You may stop, get out and smoke, if you wish. This week, do not smoke within 30 minutes of waking, 30 minutes of any meal or any food, coffee, pop, tea. After 30 minutes, you may smoke all you like. Also, no smoking within 30 minutes of going to bed. Switch your smoking hand to the opposite of what you do now. Right to left, or vice versa. Switch your mouth location too, for example, if you smoke on the right side generally, try center or left. Write in your journal. Record all cigarettes. Circle any cigarettes that really were satisfying. Continue to use only one ashtray. You should carry it in a plastic bag. Use no lighters. Only use matches. Write in your journal 7 more great things about being a nonsmoker in your journal.Write in your journal 7 more things you would rather do than smokeReview the list from last week. Remember, there is no middle ground. When you are free, you are a nonsmoker. If you smoke just one, you are a smoker. You will stop on your cut off day. You will be completely free. Have fun, walk, exercise, read, deeply breath, have a conversation. Use the 30 minutes after waking and eating to do something else. Focus on your DAY OF FREEDOM daily. Imagine yourself a nonsmoker. Sit up, watch your posture, and be proud. This will work for you. You will be able to quit permanently.

Quit Smoking ProtocolWeek 3

Change brands tomorrow morning. Buy a pack tonight of a 5-7 mg variety. You may choose regular or menthol.

Switch your smoking fingers on your non-dominant hand that you began using last week to the middle and ring finger. Some Europeans use these fingers.

This week, no cigarettes within 45 minutes of waking, sleeping, eating or drinking.

Continue to record in your journal as in Week 1 and 2.

Switch your smoking position on your lips again to somewhere you rarely ever use to smoke.

Move your cigarette pack again to the other pocket or somewhere you do not use. Do not go back to the original location.

Walk, exercise, swim, work out, shoot baskets, do something active.

Continue to use only the one ashtray. Take it with you. No lighters, use only matches.

Focus on your DAY OF FREEDOM.

Imagine yourself free and a nonsmoker.

You will quit on your cut off day.

Quit Smoking ProtocolWeek 4

Change brands tomorrow morning to a 3-5 mg brand (approximately).

No smoking within 1 hour of waking, sleeping, food, drink, snack or beverage of any kind.

Continue to use your non-dominant hand, with middle and ring fingers.

Smoke in a third different place on your lips.

Record in your journal as before.

Reread your journal.

All the old rules apply again this week.

Focus on being free. This program does work and works easily.

Your nicotine habit is virtually broken now. So is your habit of reaching to the same old place for the pack. So is the habit of your hand to mouth (you switched). Your fingers habit is also changed.

Additionally, this week, no smoking within 1 hour of sex. No smoking in bed, period.

Notice you no longer have to have cigarettes right after meals or with coffee or liquor. That habit is already mostly gone.

Have all the cigarettes you like beyond the 1-hour limitations.

You are 60% to 70% free of the habits now.

Notice you are feeling better than four weeks ago.

Save all your cigarette butts this week and put them in a quart jar at home with a lid.

Quit Smoking ProtocolWeek 5

This is your final full week before your DAY OF FREEDOM.

Switch brands to Carlton.

No smoking this last week within 1 hours of waking, sleeping, food, beverages or snacks.

Save all butts for the quart jar.

Record in your journal as before.

Continue to use the wrong hand and fingers.

You have 7-9 days, depending on your choice, until you will be FREE.

You know the rules. They still apply.

This program will work for you. You will be free.

Quit Smoking ProtocolWeek 6

You will be FREE in 1 2 3 days (circle one). No changes from last week.When you quit, have your last cigarette. Decide in advance when that will be. You may wish to quit at noon or at night or afternoon. Your choice. Save your cigarettes. Put them in a jar. Save your crushed packs this last 1-3 days and add them to your jar. Add a half-cup of water to the jar. On your first FREE DAY, congratulate yourself.Read over your list of advantages.Dont think about cigarettes. Instead focus on other things that are fun to do. Review your list in your journal. You nave no nicotine habit.You have no hand habit.You have no mouth habit.You have no finger habit.You have no food/cigarette habit.You have no liquor/cigarette habit.You have no waking/cigarette habit.You have no sleeping/cigarette habit.You have no sex/cigarette habit.You have no objects around to falsely glorify smoking. You have no reaching to the same place for cigarettes habit.You have no coffee/cigarette habit. You have no coke or soda/cigarette habit. Now Just Do It. Decide to be FREE. You have chosen the day. Destroy that last cigarette however you want. Congratulations! You are FREE!Sniff your cigarette jar if you think you want one. You will remember you do not want a cigarette. Something else, maybe, but not a cigarette. Resist temptation. You have re-found your freedom. Each day will be easier. Your body will heal itself. Vitality will be yours again.