basic theories of learning

Basic Theories of Learning

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Page 1: Basic Theories of Learning

Basic Theories of Learning

Page 2: Basic Theories of Learning

1. Association Theories

2. Cognitive Field Theories

Basic Theories of Learning

Page 3: Basic Theories of Learning

What is a theory?an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events

the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another

a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action 

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Association Theory

Abramson (1994) defines the concept as a form of behavior modification involving the association of two or more events, such as between two stimuli, or between a stimulus and a response.

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Association or Stimulus- Response Theories

1. Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory

2. Conditioning Theory

3. Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura

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1. Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory

This theory states that learning is the outcome of the relationships between stimuli and responses. 

Edward Thorndike

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Three primary laws of learning: 

1) Law of effect

2) Law of readiness

3) Law of exercise

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2. Conditioning Theory

Classical Conditioning Theory

It is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.

Ivan Pavlov

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Classical Conditioning Theory

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2. Conditioning Theory

Operant Conditioning Theory

It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behaviour. B.F. Skinner

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Operant Conditioning Theory

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3. Social Learning Theory

This theory maintains the importance of the stimulus- response connection in learning, but its emphasis is on observational learning.

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Cognitive Theory of Learning

Learning is a process of discovering and understanding relationships, and of organizing and finding significance in the sensory experiences around by the external situation.

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Cognitive Theories of Learning

1. Kohler’s Insight Theory

2. Lewin’s Topological & Vector Theory

3. Bruner’s Theory of Learning

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1. Kohler’s Insight Theory

Gaining insight is a gradual process of exploring, analyzing, and restructuring perceptions until a solution is arrived at.

Wolfgang Kohler

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2. Lewin’s Topological & Vector Theory

Kurt Lewin

The field theory is the "proposition that human behavior is the function of both the person and the environment. This means that one’s behavior is related both to one’s personal characteristics and to the social situation in which one finds oneself.

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3. Bruner’s Theory of Learning

Jerome Bruner

Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge. 

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