basic radio communication

American International University-Bangladesh Welcome To E-Shop Presentation

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American International University-BangladeshWelcome To E-Shop Presentation

Basic Radio Communication Technology and Appliances Presented ByHossain Md Sazzat 13-24552-2BSc. In EEEFaculty: A.H.M Shatil

Introduction1 .Radio is the radiation of electromagnetic signals through the atmosphere or free space. 2. The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.

Brief History

Early radio testing scenario from AT & T Lab

History ** In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell showed mathematically that electromagnetic waves could propagate through free space. ** The first intentional transmission of a signal by means of electromagnetic waves was performed in an experiment by David Edward Hughes around 1880. ** In 1888 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was able to prove transmitted electromagnetic waves in an experiment confirming Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism.

History** Nikola Tesla experimentally demonstrated the transmission and radiation of radio frequency energy in 1892 .** 1895, Marconi built a wireless system capable of transmitting signals at long distances (1.5 mi. / 2.4 km). ** From Marconi's experiments, the phenomenon that transmission range is proportional to the square of antenna height is known as "Marconi's law".

Classification of radio waves Class

1 .Very Low Frequency2.Low frequency 3. Medium frequency 4.High frequency 5.Very high frequency 6.Ultra high frequency 7.Super high frequency Frequency Range

10 to 30 kHz30 to 300 kHz300 to 3000 kHz3 to 30 MHz30 to 300 MHz300 to 3000 MHz3000 to 30000 MHz


Atransduceris a device that converts oneform of energy to another

Modulation Amplitude Modulation

Frequency Modulation

Radio transmitter

Radio receiver

Different types of Transmitters and Receivers Radio Frequency (RF) Chain Modulation Chain TRF Receiver Super heterodyne Receiver

TRF Receiver

Superheterodyne Receiver

Different component of a radio receiver

Uses of radio wavesHere are some common uses 1 . Wireless technology 2. Mobile telephone communication 3 .television 4 .Radar 5 .radio waves in space 6 .WiFi And many ,many Others


Its also a cheap form of communication and it travels through the air so no wires are needed.Radio communication can be possible where any satellite and cell phone service are not available.

DisadvantagesIt has low frequency so it can't transmit a lot of data one time.In this communication system we cant transfer video or picture only voice signal can be transferred.

Future Technology for Radio CommunicationCognitive Radio Networks

Cognitive radios have the ability to monitor, sense, and detect the conditions of their operating environment.

Acognitive radiois an intelligentradiothat can be programmed and configured dynamically. Its transceiver is designed to use the best wireless channels .

Conclusion The radio communications has been used over a hundred years now. The uses of radio communication increasing day by day & its being used by a wide range of electronic sector. This technology is upgrading to give us better satisfaction

References[1 ] Microphone IMAGE. Posted by Tom (2007). Houstons Clear Thinkers. Weblog [Online] August 22. Available from: [Accessed 22/01/11][ 2] National Astronauts and Space Administration. [Web Definition] [Accessed 22/01/11] Available form:[3] National Astronauts and Space Administration(2010). [Online Image] [Accessed 22/01/11] Available form: