basic insights

Safety in electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields Basic insights Fundamental principles Biological effects Regulations and standards Protective measures

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Safety in electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields


  • Safety in electr ic, magnetic and electromagnetic f ields

    B a s i c i n s i g h t s

    Fundamental pr inciples

    Biological effects

    Regulations and standards

    Protective measures

  • 2 3

    Electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields exist wherever voltages and currents are present. Broadcastingfacilities for radio, television and telecommunications emitelectromagnetic fields, as do industrial facilities and medi-cal equipment. In the case of high-voltage power lines, suchradiation is an undesired byproduct, while in telecommuni-cations it is exploited purposefully to transmit information.

    When it comes to fields which influence the environmentand particularly humans, we tend to use the terms environmental electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic fields (EMF).

    Dont confuse EMF with EMC, which relates to the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment. EMC guidelinessay how much spurious radiation equipment is allowed toemit and what amount of electromagnetic radiation itneeds to withstand. The CE mark is a guarantee of com-pliance with these guidelines.

    When it comes to how electromagnetic fields affecthumans, we must use different values than are used forEMC. Limits for human exposure are stipulated in the rele-vant EMF recommendations, standards and regulations.These values are important in occupational safety and forprotection of the general public.

    This brochure examines the basic principles of EMF. Itincludes an overview of biological effects that occur inhumans due to field exposure and describes protectivemeasures which by necessity involve measurement of thefield levels. While this brochure can help you get acquain-ted with EMF, it is not intended to replace in-depth trainingin EMF safety.


    compatibility (relates to equipment)

    EMF:Electromagnetic fields

    (relates to environmental

    electromagnetic compatibility)



    Foreword Page 2

    FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLESHow electric fields arise Page 4How magnetic fields arise Page 4Voltage x current = power Page 5Static fields vs. alternating fields Page 6Low frequency vs. high frequency Page 7(RF & microwave) Typical applications of electromagnetic fields Page 8Range of influence of fields Page 9Wavelength Page 10Near and far fields Page 12

    BIOLOGICAL EFFECTSConsequences of RF & microwave fields Page 13Consequences of low-frequency fields Page 15

    REGULATIONS AND STANDARDSLimits and regulations for human safety Page 17

    PROTECTIVE MEASURESMeasurements The first step towards effective Page 19protectionImportant protective measures when limits are violated Page 20Requirements for EMF measuring devices Page 22Preparing for measurement Page 22Making the measurement Page 23Peculiarities of RF & microwave fields Page 24Peculiarities of low-frequency fields Page 29





  • 4 5


    Electric fields are produ-ced in cables even when

    the equipment they areconnected to is not in


    Magnetic fields are pro-duced whenever current

    flows, meaning onlywhen the equipment is


    V:Volts (unit of electric voltage)kV:1 kilovolt = 1000 volts

    E:Electric field

    V/m:Volts per meter (unit ofelectric field strength)A:Ampere (unit of electric current)H:Magnetic field

    A/m:Amperes per meter (unit of magnetic fieldstrength)W:Watt (unit of power)kW:1 kilowatt = 1000 watts

    B:Magnetic induction or flux density (typically used with low-frequency magnetic fields)T:Tesla (unit of B)G:Gauss (alternative unit of B)

    in amperes [A]. As soon as the current begins to flow, amagnetic field will be produced. The magnetic fieldstrength H has units of amperes per meter [A/m].

    The magnetic field lines assume a circular shape aroundthe conductor the current is flowing through.

    Voltage x current = powerSay that the electric voltage in our lamp example is equalto 1.5 V and the current is equal to 1 A. We can computethe resulting power in watts [W] as follows:1.5 V x 1 A = 1.5 W.

    How magnetic fields ariseSuppose we connect an incandescent lamp to a batteryso that it emits light. Current will flow, which is measured

    H [A/m] = 1 A/m for a currentof 1 A and a diameter of 1 m


    How electric fields ariseWhen two metallic plates are connected to a battery, anelectric field is formed between the plates due to the elec-tric voltage. The electric voltage has units of volts [V].

    For example, if a battery generates 1.5 V, then the voltagebetween the plates will equal 1.5 V. If the plates are loca-ted one meter apart, then the electric field strength E between the plates will equal 1.5 volts per meter [V/m].

    E [V/m]


  • 6The battery in our example above generates a static field.If we continuously rotate the battery (turning its poles), thiswould produce an electric field with a continuously chan-ging direction. This is known as an alternating field. Twochanges of direction produce an oscillation. The number ofoscillations per second is known as the frequency. Thefrequency of an alternating field has units of Hertz [Hz].

    Low frequency (LF) vs. high frequency (RF & microwave)Alternating fields are divided into low-frequency fields (up to about 100 kHz) and RF & microwave fields (from100 kHz up to 300 GHz). There are 11 common sub-divisions of these two ranges. Above this lie the infrared range, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays and gamma radiation. The limit between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation lies in the ultraviolet range. At low frequencies, it is traditional to specify (instead of the magnetic fieldstrength) the magnetic flux density in teslas [T] or gauss [G].

    In the RF & microwave range, the magnetic field strengthis always measured in amperes per meter [A/m].

    Static fields vs. alternating fieldsElectric fields are oriented from a positive pole to a negativepole. Static fields have a polarity that remains constant overtime. During clear weather, the earths natural static fieldhas a value of 0.1 to 0.5 kV/m. During storms, it can in-crease up to 20 kV/m. Manmade static electric fields areused in powder coating machines, for example.

    The earths magnetic field is also static. It has a magnitudeof approx. 40 T (microteslas) in central Europe. Static mag-netic fields arise (or are used) in subways and high-speedtrains and also in nuclear spin tomography.

    If the field changes direction 100 times per second, thisproduces 50 oscillations and thus a frequency of 50 Hz.This frequency is used for AC power in many countries (or60 Hz in the United States).













    100 Hz

    10 kHz

    1 MHz

    100 MHz

    10 GHz

    Ultraviolet range

    Visible light

    X-ray radiation

    Gamma radiation

    4 - 45,5 GHz

    400 - 900 MHz1800 -1900 MHz

    13,56 MHz27,12 MHz

    15 - 30 kHz 50 - 90 Hz

    50/60 Hz









    E [V/m]

  • 8 9

    Typical applications of electromagnetic fieldsStatic electric fields are used in galvanization, powder coating, metallurgy and metal refining, for example.

    Static magnetic fields are used (or arise) in nuclear spintomography, particle accelerators, subways, high-speedtrains, nuclear reactions and maglev trains (from the support and guidance magnets).

    Low-frequency fields typically occur in power systems,industrial processes such as melting, smelting and welding, and electric railways.

    RF & microwave electromagnetic fields are found in mobileradio, radio & TV broadcasting, satellite communications,radar systems, industrial processes such as melting, smelt-ing, heating, curing and plastic welding, semiconductorproduction and microwave systems.

    In all of these application areas, radiation exposure is possible so it is important to pay attention to the relevantlimits. For reasons relating to occupational safety and en-vironmental protection, it becomes necessary to measurethe radiation levels. Regular monitoring is important insome cases. If the relevant limits are violated, protectivemeasures are required as stipulated in the relevant national or corporate guidelines.

    Range of influence of fieldsField strength decreases rapidly the further we are from thefield source. This means that maintaining proper distancefrom a source is a simple way to provide protection.

    Shielding of electric fields is simple. For example, we canuse a thin, grounded metal foil or a protective suit when if itis necessary to work in the presence of strong RF & micro-wave fields.

    Unfortunately, low-frequency magnetic fields will penetratemost materials unimpeded. Large-scale shielding is ex-tremely costly.

    1/r:Single-conductorsystems, E and H in farfield (typically all wire-less communicationsequipment such asGSM, pagers, radio,TV)

    1/r2:Systems with two ormore conductors, B innear field (typicallypower lines in buildingsand transmission lines)

    1/r3:Coils, B in near field(typically transformersused in power trans-mission, electricmotors, generators)

    1m 100 V/m

    2 m 50 V/m

    3 m 33,3 V/m

    10 m 10 V/m


    1/r 1/r2 1/r3


    *e.g. dipole antenna, 900 MHz Field decay(r = distance to fieldsource)


    Caution: Limit violation as per ICNIRP Occupational

  • 1110

    Wavelength is critical for defining near and far fieldsElectromagnetic radiation propagates as a wave at thespeed of light (300,000 km/s). The higher the frequency,the shorter the wavelength . 50 Hz means a wavelengthof 6,000 km, 900 MHz (mobile radio antennas) means a wavelength of 33 cm and 20 GHz (satellite communi-cations) means a wavelength of 1.5 cm.

    Equipment will tend to pick up signals if it has dimensionssimilar to the wavelength of the transmitting frequency.

    3 m

    100 MHz

    Lets first consider waves in water to get a better idea ofhow this works. For example, small waves do not influencea big log. The log will simply float right across them.However, if the waves are at least half as long as the log,energy of the motion will be transferred to the log and it will participate in all of the wave motion. This is known as a resonance effect.Antennas work in an analogous way. Antennas are built tohandle different frequencies. The frequency depends onthe separation and length of the individual elements. Thesedimensions are determined based on the wavelength ranges of the signals to be received.The rule of thumb says that when the distance from theradiation source is less than three wavelengths, we are inthe near field. In the low-frequency (LF) range, this isalmost always the case due to the extremely large wave-lengths encountered (6000 km at 50 Hz).

    If we are at a distance that is greater than three wave-lengths from the source, then we are in the far field. Thisdistinction between the near and far fields is importantwhen making measurements in the RF & microwave range.

    There is an exception for radar antennas due to the largediameter D: Here, the limit between the near and far fieldsis computed as follows:

    Here is a sample calculation wheref = 1.7 GHz, l = 17.7 cm, D = 10 m:

    = Wavelength, c = Speed of light, f = Frequency


    R > 2 D2

    R Limit 2 x 102 m2

    0.177 m

    Far field E = 377 x H

    Field source

    Near field where r < 3 x Separate measurement of E

    and H fields

    In the far field, wecan compute the H field using the follo-wing formula if wefirst measure the E field:

    Z0 is the free-spaceimpedance. It isequal to 377

    H = EZ0

    = = 1130 m




    R:Distance to transmitting antenna

  • 1312

    Properties of near and far fieldsIn the near field, the ratio of the electric and magneticfields is not constant, as is clear from the figure below. Inthe immediate vicinity of the antenna, there are regionswhere the electric or magnetic field predominates almostexclusively. This is why we have to measure the two com-ponents E and H separately.

    E [V/m] H [A/m]S [W/m2]5 0.01 0.0710 0.03 0.2750 0.13 6.63100 0.27 26.53

    RF & microwaveconversion exam-

    ples (assuming far-field conditions)

    At increasing distances, however, the ratio of the electricand magnetic radiation tends more and more towards aconstant value.

    This means in the far field it is no longer necessary tomeasure the E and H fields separately in case of electro-magnetic radiation. We can just measure one componentand calculate the other one. Besides the E and H fieldstrengths, we can also compute the power density S inwatts per square meter [W/m2] or [mW/cm2] under far-fieldconditions. For example, we obtain S by multiplying theelectric and magnetic field strengths as follows:S = 50 V/m x 0.13 A/m = 6.63 W/m2.

    Consequences of RF & microwave fieldsRF fields at frequencies between 1 MHz and 10 GHzpenetrate bodily tissue and heat it due to the absorbedenergy. The depth of penetration decreases at higher frequencies. Since the heating occurs from the inside, it isnot perceived (or it is perceived too late) since we perceiveheat primarily through receptors situated near the skin surface. The body is capable of handling heating as aresult of small amounts of RF energy through its normalthermoregulation processes.

    RF fields above 10 GHz are absorbed at the skin surface.Only a small portion of the energy penetrates into theunderlying tissue. Very high field strengths are needed to produce problems such as cataracts or skin burns.


    Electromagnetic fields have certain biological effects whichcan be detrimental to human health.

    We say that a biological effect has occurred in humans ifthe influence of electromagnetic radiation produces physio-logical changes in the biological system which can bedetected in some way.

    Health impairments are said to occur if the influence goesbeyond what the body can normally compensate for.

    The effects of electromagnetic fields are dependent on the following:

    Frequency Field strength Field type (E or H field), Duration of exposure Extent of exposure

    (part of body or entire body) Signal shape

    Intensity distribution in the near field of an FM broadcaster (100 MHz)

    Field distribution of local maximain the H field

    Field distribution of local maxima in the E field

    Field maxima

  • 1514

    They will not occur through normal everyday exposure to radiation, but they can occur in the immediate vicinity ofpowerful radar systems, for example. Such facilities aregenerally cordoned off over a wide area.

    Up to 30 MHz: Great depth of penetration into the human body; inhomogeneous distribution of absorbed power

    30 - 300 MHz: Resonance range; here, the wavelengths are very close to the typicalhuman size (or the size of individualbody parts). The field energy is absorbedto a great extent. The lowest limits arefound in this frequency range.

    300 MHz-10 GHz: The depth of penetration of EMF into the human body decreases in this range

    Over 10 GHz: Increase in temperature at the body surface (skin burns are possible)

    Energy absorption in tissue due to RF fields is character-ized using the specific absorption rate (SAR) within a certain mass of tissue. This is measured in units of wattsper kilogram [W/kg]. Limits for RF fields are based on the SAR.

    The long-term effects of low-intensity RF radiation are cur-rently under study as part of an international EMF projectsponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Previous scientific studies have not managed to agree onwhether exposure to RF fields can cause cancer or makeit more likely. Influences on cells, enzyme activity andgenes have been ascertained under certain conditions(frequency, signal shape, intensity). However, it is stillunclear whether any of these effects actually influencehuman health. Research continues in this area.

    Brain ++Lens +++

    Lung +Heart +

    Skin +

    Internal organs +

    Knee-cap +++

    Metallic implants +++

    Weak absorption +Medium absorption ++Strong absorption +++

    Exposure to a homogenous field with an unmodulated signal

    The extent to which a body part will absorb heat as aresult of RF fields is dependent on the blood circulationand thermal conductivity. For example, kneecaps and the lenses in our eyes are particularly susceptible sincethey have little or no circulation. In contrast, the heart,lungs and skin are not very sensitive due to their excellent circulation.

    However, secondary effects of fields can indirectly influence our health. For example, mobile phones canaffect navigation equipment in airplanes. Electronicimplants such as pacemakers can also be impaired byradiation from RF equipment and antennas.

    Consequences of low-frequency (LF) fieldsLow-frequency magnetic fields cause currents to flow inthe body. In the case of low-frequency electric fields, wespeak of induced body currents. The predominant effectis a stimulus of nerve and muscle cells.

    Low-frequency limits are based on the current densitymodel which is used to explain the dependency of the stimulating current density on frequency.

    In the case of low-frequency fields, we mostly note stimulation of sense, nerve and muscle cells as a functionof frequency. The greater the field strength, the more pro-nounced the effects. While the human organism is capableof withstanding weak interactions, more intense signals canproduce irreversible damage to the health under certaincircumstances. It has not yet been clearly establishedwhether low-level LF fields increase the incidence of cancer. There are a number of scientific studies underwayaround the globe to assess the consequences of low-frequency fields.

    Low-frequency fields can also influence pacemakers andother electronic implants. There are specific limits whichmust be upheld to prevent problems from arising due tothese secondary effects.


    absorption rate, measured

    in W/kg

  • 1716

    Current density Consequences(mA/m2)Below 1 No clear effects; range of natural

    background current densities in mostbodily organs

    1 to 10 Subtle biological influences such as altered calcium flows or inhibition ofmelatonin production (which controls our day/night body rhythm, etc.). Thebackground current density of the heartand brain are in this range.

    10 to 100 Confirmed effects, e.g. changes in protein and DNA synthesis, changes inenzyme activity, clear visual (magnetophosphenes) and possible nervous effects; healing processes inbroken bones can be accelerated or halted.

    100 to 1000 Sensitivity of the central nervous systemis altered; this is a range in which effectsare observed in all tissue that is capableof stimulus

    Over 1000 Minor to severe impairments of heartfunctioning; acute damage to health

    Static fields can produce familiar static electricity whichcauses our hair to stand up as well as electrostaticdischarges. The potential for voltage sparkovers needs tobe taken into account when working with strong static E fields.

    Health consequences occur only through exposure to verypowerful magnetic fields (> 4 T). For the limits, the forceinfluences on metallic objects are relevant.


    Limits and regulations for human safetyTo help avoid damage to human health as a result ofexposure to electromagnetic fields, organizations such as the ICNIRP have authored a number of different international guidelines and standards. ICNIRP stands forthe International Commission on Non-Ionizing RadiationProtection. The ICNIRP is a non-governmental organization comprising independent scientists from thewhole world. It works closely with the World Health Organization (WHO).

    For the current limits, short-term effects are most import-ant. There are still many studies underway concerninglong-term effects, but there are no conclusive results as ofyet. This is why there are not yet any recommendations inthis area.

    Since evaluation of the basic limits requires expensivelaboratory techniques, reference limits have been derivedwhich are simple to measure based on suitable models ofthe body and simulations.

    Where do the limits for EMF come from?





  • 1918

    Individual countries have different approaches to the limitsstipulated in the various regulations, standards, norms andrecommendations. In general, limits for the general publicare more stringent than those that apply to occupationalexposure since it is assumed that workers will have betteraccess to information about the potential effects of EMF. Inother words, employees will know about potential radiationsources and protective measures and have access to suitable test equipment. Ideally, employers should providetheir workers with an EMF safety concept which includesinformation about EMF fundamentals and safety pre-cautions. Since this is not possible for the general public, those limits are lower.







    1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1G 10G 100G






    0,1f [Hz]



    general public

    EMF limit curves ICNIRP 1988

    EMF limits by international


    ICNIRP (International Commis-

    sion on Non-IonizingRadiation Protection)

    IEEE (Institute of Electrical

    & Electronics Engineers)

    CENELEC (European Committee

    for ElectrotechnicalStandardization)

    No relationshipwith product


    Besides environmentalnorms, there also exist

    equipment normswhich stipulate the

    maximum permissibleradiation for, say,

    monitors (e.g. TCO).The CE mark confirmsthat a given device has

    proper radiationimmunity. This ensures

    that different deviceswill not interfere with

    one another. This sealof quality applies to

    products. It hasnothing to do with

    health issues or occupational safety.


    Measurements The first step towards effective protectionAt the workplace, many different combinations of LF andRF radiation can exist. The only way to accurately assessEMF is through the use of suitable measuring devices.It is difficult to accurately simulate or compute fields sincethey can be amplified as a result of complex reflection patterns. Measurements are also required to detect leaksin antenna lines.

    Preventive safety begins with the choice of where to locateproduction facilities and equipment that produces electro-magnetic fields. Workplaces where limits might be violatedneed to be equipped with proper safety equipment. Per-sonnel that will be involved inoperating, managing andmonitoring equipment thatproduces electromagneticradiation needs to receivetraining in the relevant safetymeasures. This should coverthe following:

    Basic principles of electro-magnetic radiation

    Measurement techniques,test equipment and ways toprevent measurementerrors

    Practical training in makingmeasurements and loggingresults

    Individual protective measures What to do if limits are violated

  • Persons who enter suchhazardous areas should haveprotective gear as well as suitable measuring devices (or a personal monitor) andaccess plans. During work onbroadcast facilities, protectivesuits are required by manysystem operators. It is alsoimportant to heed the pro-cedural regulations that applyto the country (or facility) inquestion. When working onbroadcast facilities, you should always carry a monitor(just as you would carry a gas detector when workingunderground in a mine).


    Important protective measures when limits are violated Any hazardous area will need suitable organizational measures which might include a fixed measurementsystem. Depending on the extent of the hazard, this canalso involve locks, shielding or enclosures to ensure thatthe proper distance is maintained. Of course, a warningsign is a must.

    For persons who must enter hazardous areas (e.g. formaintenance work), there are different possibilities depending on the relevant standard or operating instructions, e.g.:

    Selection of time frames with lower system utilization(and thus lower EMF emissions)

    Techniques for approaching the field source Possible reduction in power levels Complete system shutdown

  • 2322

    Requirements for EMF measuring devices Depending on the frequency range, EMF measuring devices must be capable of determining electric fieldstrength E, magnetic field strength H, magnetic flux density B and/or power density S. Such devices must alsomeet the requirements stipulated in standards and includefeatures such as averaging, RMS values, peak values and isotropic (non-directional) probes. Practical featuresinclude data memories, alarm functions, automatic zeroalignment and straightforward operation.

    Preparing for measurement Technical specifications for the field sources should be

    obtained from the operator (frequencies, generatorpower, radiation characteristics, modulation, line currents and voltages).

    Exposure conditions and information about the exposedpersons (locations and times, shifts, groups) must beprocured.

    The operating status must be assessed in case of facilities with variable operating parameters.

    The measurement techniques and test equipment mustbe selected depending on the technical conditions andlocal regulations.

    What test equipment is

    needed and why?

    Personal safety:Personal monitor;

    handy and practical,evaluates frequencyresponse, required

    when working in an RF& microwave environ-

    ment; easiest to operate (just switch

    on and monitor)

    For general measure-ments in compliancewith EMF standards:Broadband EMF test

    equipment withexchangeable E-field

    and H-field probes formeasuring the entire

    spectrum (bodily exposure)

    Identification of frequency and field

    strength relationships:

    Selective EMF testequipment which

    displays the entirespectrum and showsthe different frequen-

    cies and field strengths

    Making the measurement Measurements need to be made at the maximum powerlevel that occurs during operation. If this is impossible,then the values should be extrapolated accordingly. Whenmeasuring in work areas, no one should be present sincethe human body can influence fields (and cause measure-ment errors). The person making the measurement shouldnot stand between the field source and probe or antennaduring the measurement. Measuring devices that can beremotely controlled are very useful in certain cases.

    A broadband measurement detects all of the signals thatare present within a certain frequency band. This is usefulfor determining the overall exposure affecting the human









    A functional check and zero alignment must be performed on the test equipment. It is also important tomake sure that the calibration interval specified by themanufacturer has not expired.

    The expected field strength (or power flux density)should be estimated in order to facilitate any necessarypersonal safety measures and determine what testequipment and probes are needed.

  • 2524

    body. Special shaped probes can be used to display thetotal exposure as a percentage of the relevant limit. Thishelps to avoid time-consuming computations and com-parison of results with limit tables.

    A selective measurement can be used to determine thepercent contribution of individual frequencies to the overallexposure. Overview measurements are useful for determi-ning the frequencies of the predominant signals. Then, a measurement can be made at each relevant frequency.A selective system is useful for such measurements.Measured values are displayed directly as field strengthsvs. transmitting frequency.

    A measurement log needs to be prepared after the measurement. It should include all of the details requiredby the relevant local regulations (country-specific).

    Peculiarities of RF & microwave fieldsSince it is impossible to precisely determine the propagationdirection of waves in a free field, isotropic probes must beused. This is even more important in case of measure-ments in environments involving multiple field sources.

    To suppress brief, irrelevant limit violations, results mustbe averaged over an interval of 6 minutes (as required by many norms). Some measuring devices provide anaveraging function for this purpose.

    Hot spots (e.g. under antennas) and cancellations due tostanding waves and reflections can result in local fieldmaxima and minima. This sort of problem can be handledusing a higher density for the test points and by makingmeasurements in the vicinity of objects that are causingreflections.

    The field distribution is rarely homogeneous. Reasons forthis include reflections due to neighboring antennas, buil-dings with metallic panels, screens, fences and cranes.To assess the full-body exposure, it is necessary to makemeasurements at multiple points. The quadratic meanshould then be formed from this measured value (usingspatial averaging). Better test tools provide this function ata keypress.

    Based on its size, the human body will respond differentlyto EMF as a function of the frequency of the field source.This is why personal safety limits vary depending on thefrequency. After making a measurement, the field strengthsshould be evaluated at the different frequencies. The latestmeasuring devices use shaped probes to automaticallyprovide this sort of frequency response evaluation. Thedevice then displays the exposure as a percent of the relevant limit. When using shaped probes, it is no longernecessary to know anything about field strength limits andfrequencies. This sort of equipment is particularly useful inmultifrequency environments.

    The different types of modulation such as amplitudemodulation (AM, low modulation factor), frequency modu-lation (FM) and digital modulation (GSM, UMTS) do nothave much of an influence on the measurement result.However, the opposite is true for pulsed signals used inradar facilities: Thermoelement probes are very beneficialwhen we need to make precise measurements of EMFradiation with extreme pulse/pause ratios. Thermoelementprobes are better at determining RMS values than, say,diode probes.

    If we need to make measurements in the presence of highfield strengths or if long-term measurements are required,the measuring device should include a data memoryand/or an optical interface for remote control and data readout.

    In RF fields, the human body also has an influence on the measurement result. Resonance overshoots and can-cellations can occur with E and H fields depending on thefrequency, body size and distance to the measuring device.By separately measuring E and H fields, it is possible toavoid grossly underestimating the values. Overevaluationof field strengths at certain frequencies is unavoidable, butthis must be accepted to put safety first. Measurementsshould be made as far as possible from the body, e.g. withthe arm outstretched or using a tripod and remote controlof the measuring device.

  • 2726

    Radio, broadcastingThe E and H fields must be recorded separately inthe near-field region ofantennas. Often, severalantennas broadcasting dif-ferent services at differentfrequencies are mountedclose together (e.g. on a TV transmitter tower). Theuse of a shaped probe simplifies the measurement considerably.

    Searching for leaksWaveguides and rotatingcouplers in antenna linesare subject to a great dealof wear and tear and needto be checked regularly. Incase of defects, very highfield strengths can occur.Destruction-proof sensorsare needed to measure these levels.

    RadarTest equipment that cantolerate high drive levels is needed to make accuratemeasurements of extremelyhigh pulse power levels.True RMS devices (e.g.with thermosensors) areusually preferred.

    Examples of RF & microwave sources

    Mobile radioThe large number of basestations and the nature of the signal modulationused means that mobileradio equipment is subjectto particular scrutiny byscientific bodies and regu-latory authorities. Specialprophylactic measurementsallow extrapolation to themaximum possible fieldstrength when the basestation is fully loaded.

    Satellite communicationVery low field strengths aregenerally found around terrestrial stations. The testequipment (or the relatedprobe) will need excellentmeasurement sensitivity.

    Melting/smeltingHigh magnetic fieldstrengths can occur in melting/smelting pro-cesses. The field strengthsincrease greatly in the vicinity of the field source.To protect the personneland test equipment, alwaysapproach industrial ovenswith extreme caution (slowly!).

  • 2928

    Heating & curingSystems for heating metalsoperate in different frequencybands. The frequenciesused will change dependingon the production condi-tions. High magnetic fieldstrengths can also occur.The measuring device musthave a wide measurementand frequency range.

    Semiconductor productionSemiconductor productionfacilities tend to use specific ISM frequencies,e.g. 13.56 MHz, 27.12 MHz, 2.45 GHz.(ISM stands for industry,science and medicine).The E and H fields must bemeasured separately toverify compliance with therelevant limits.

    Plastic weldingVery high field strengthscan occur locally in thevicinity of welding electrodes. The E and H fields must be measuredseparately.

    Peculiarities of LF fieldsAs a basic rule, electric and magnetic fields must be measured separately in low-frequency (LF) fields since thetwo components are independent of one another. Here, we are almost always in the near field.

    In industrial environments, it is common to encounterseveral field sources that produce low-frequency radiation.To properly measure the radiation exposure, isotropic (i.e.non-directional) measurements are required. This requiresholding the measuring device in three different directionsand computing the quadratic mean of the results. This isunnecessary with measuring devices that have isotropicprobes with sensors that are designed so that all threespatial directions can be measured simultaneously.

    Broadband measuring devices show the overall exposurefor all of the field strengths within a specified frequencyrange. Using filters or computational techniques, it is pos-sible to selectively assess individual signals. Or, the signalcan be analyzed in terms of its frequency componentsusing computational techniques (e.g. fast Fourier trans-formation). Some measuring devices provide convenientbandpass and bandstop filters along with measurementtechniques for performing spectrum analysis.

    MicrowaveLeakage can occur neardoor seals, supply linesand RF sources due towear and tear. Regularmonitoring is an absolutemust.

  • 3130

    Multifrequency signals in the LF range can be quicklyassessed using spectrum analysis. The time-domain version of the signal captured using a probe is automaticallytransformed into the frequency domain using a fast Fouriertransformation (FFT). The spectral components are ana-lyzed at the same time. A look at the spectrum quickly reveals the distribution of the field strengths, fundamentalfrequency and harmonics.

    Harmonic analysis is useful for assessing the entire harmonic spectrum. This function is available in certaintest equipment. The display of the device will show thefundamental frequency and the harmonics (multiples ofthe fundamental frequency) to provide a fast overview of the quality of service in the power system. This functionis also useful for determining the percent share of nonharmonics.

    To properly assess exposure to low-frequency fields, it isnecessary in many cases to have in-depth knowledge ofthe field and the measuring devices. Here, measurementtechniques where the frequency response is evaluatedautomatically will greatly simplify everyday work (shapedtime domain = STD). The frequency dependency of thelimits is automatically taken into account. Suitable detec-tors should be available for measuring the RMS and peakvalues. When making isotropic measurements, the phaseof the individual components is taken into account. In realtime, the B or E field is measured and displayed as a percentage of the limit over the entire frequency range.Signals occupying one or more frequencies are evaluatedcorrectly, as are pulsed signals.

    Whereas ambient conditions have little influence on themagnetic field, the presence of people, condensation,humidity and/or fog can influence the electric field. To eliminate any possible influence by the body (particularlyby the test personnel), always make your measurementsat a proper distance and use remote E-field measuringdevices or probes with a tripod if necessary.

    Interaction between the body and field lines

    Magnetic field Electric field

    If you need to monitor field strength levels or make long-term measurements, try to use a measuring device with adata memory. You can transfer the measurement resultsvia the devices optical interface to a PC for further ana-lysis. Remote control via these interfaces is usually another option.

  • 3332

    Power systemsAround transformers, themagnetic field is dominant,while the electric field isdominant around trans-mission lines. As more andmore transmitting facilitiesare installed on high-voltagetowers, it has become critical to carry a personalmonitor when working on such towers to check forthe presence of RF &microwave fields.

    Industrial applicationsProduction systems usedfor heating, melting, smelt-ing and welding should be tested using magneticfield measurements in theirimmediate vicinity to ensurecompliance with occupatio-nal safety regulations.

    Railways & transportMagnetic fields can inter-fere with safety equipmentor computer facilities.Railway communicationsystems need to be testedand monitored regularlyusing proper RF test equipment.

    Examples of low-frequency (LF) field sources

    Guidance on Determining Compliance of Exposureto Pulsed Fields and Complex Non-Sinusoidal Wave-forms below 100 kHz with ICNIRP Guidelines, Inter-national Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection2003. Download from

    Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-VaryingElectric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (up to300 GHz), International Commission on Non-IonizingRadiation Protection (ICNIRP), published in: Health Physics, Vol. 74, No.4, pp. 436-522, April 1998

    Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Non-IonizingRadiation, International Commission on Non-IonizingRadiation Protection (ICNIRP) and World Health Organi-zation (WHO), July, 1999; ISBN 3-9804789-6-3

    RF Radiation Handbook (2nd Edition), October 2001,by Ron Kitchen. Published by Butterworth-Heinemann,ISBN # 0750643552

    AIHA (American Industrial Hygiene Association)Non-ionizing Radiation Guide Series, Third Edition.Published by AIHA Publications, Fairfax, Virginia, USA,number 187-EA-94

    IEEE C95.1-1999, Published by Institute of Electricaland Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York,


  • 3534

    BGV B11 Occupational safety guideline of theemployers' liability insurance association. Guidelineon electromagnetic fields. German Trade Association forPrecision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering (BFGE),June 2002

    Occupational safety rules of the employers' liabilityinsurance association BGR B11. German Trade Associ-ation for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering(BFGE). Published by: BGFE, Cologne, 2001

    DIN and VDE: DIN-VDE 0848 Part 1 Safety in electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, German Institute for Standardization and Association for Electrical,Electronic & Information Technologies, Berlin, May 2002

    Federal German Pollution Control Act Act (Ordinanceon electromagnetic fields 26th Implementing Ordinance),Federal Law Gazette 1996, Part I, No. 66, Bonn, December 1996

    Living with non-ionizing radiation at work and elsewhere, 31st Annual Conference of the Radiation Protection Association, September 27, 1999 October 1,1999: NIR 99, Vols. 1 and 2; ISBN 3-8249-0559-0


    Narda Safety Test

    World Health Organisation (WHO),

    International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation

    For a current overview of important standards, laws andregulations on a country-by-country basis,


  • 3736


    Alternating current (AC):AC constantly changes thedirection it is flowing inAmpere [A]:Unit of electric currentAmperes per meter [A/m]:Unit of magnetic fieldstrength

    Calibration:Testing and alignment ofmeasuring devices withrespect to national stan-dardsCE mark:Guidelines for EMC thatrelate to equipment (notenvironmental EMC!)Current density:Measured in A/m

    Direct current (DC):DC always flows in thesame direction

    Electric current:Measured in amperes [A]Electric fields:Produced in cables evenwhen the equipment theyare connected to is not inoperationElectric field strength (E):Measured in volts permeter [V/m]Electric voltage:Measured in volts [V]

    Electrosmog:A popular term in Germanyfor spurious (ambient) electromagnetic radiationEEMC:Environmental electromag-netic compatibilityEMC:Electromagnetic compatibilityEMI:Electromagnetic interference EMF:Electromagnetic field EMFis related to environmentalEMC (EEMC)

    Far field:A distance of more thanthree wavelengths from aradiation sourceFrequency:Measured in Hertz [Hz]

    Gauss [G]:An alternative unit for magnetic inductionGigahertz [GHz]:1 billion Hertz

    Hertz [Hz]:Frequency unit for alternating current or voltage

    Isotropic:Non-directional (three-dimensional)

    Kilohertz [kHz]:1000 Hertz Kilovolt [kV]:1000 voltsKilowatt [kW]:1000 watts

    Low frequency (LF):Up to 100 kHz

    Magnetic field strength (H):Measured in amperes permeter [A/m]Magnetic fields:Magnetic fields arise whencurrent is flowingMagnetic induction orflux density (B):Measured in teslas [T] orgauss [G]Megahertz [MHz]:1 million Hertz

    National norms:Measurement quantitiesstipulated by national standardization bodiesNear field:A distance of less thanthree wavelengths from aradiation source

    Power:Measured in watts [W]Power density:Measured in watts persquare meter [W/m2]

    RF & microwave (RF):100 kHz to 300 GHz

    SAR:Specific absorption rate(radiation power convertedinto heat with respect tobody mass), measured inW/kg

    Tesla [T]:Unit of magnetic induction

    Volt [V]:Unit of electric voltageVolts per meter [V/m]:Unit of electric fieldstrength

    Watt [W]:Unit of power

  • 3938


    Published by:Narda Safety TestSolutions GmbHSandwiesenstrae 7PfullingenGermany

    Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH offers a wide range ofequipment for use in making safety measurements in theworkplace and for the public and private sectors. Exam-ples include:

    Selective Radiation Meter SRM-3000 Measurement of RF & microwave electromagnetic

    radiation from FM radio to UMTS Evaluation of results in compliance with common

    personal safety standards Selective measurement: Display of overall results and

    individual contributions produced by telecom services(e.g. mobile radio), operators or transmission channelsusing field strength units or as a percentage of the permissible limit

    HF Radiation Meters, EMR and 87XX series Measurement of RF & microwave electromagnetic

    radiation from broadcast radio up into the radar range Display of overall results in numerical format using

    absolute field strength values or evaluated in compliancewith common personal safety standards

    Simple operation

    Field Analyzer, EFA series Measurement of low-frequency electric and

    magnetic fields Evaluation in compliance with common personal

    safety standards Patented STD technique for reliable results

    Exposure Level Tester ELT-400 Measurement of low-frequency magnetic fields Immediate display of results, even in complex field

    environments (e.g. industrial welding systems) Standardized evaluation (EN 50366 also possible)

    RadMan/Nardalert Personal monitors for safety in electromagnetic fields Notification of limit violations using visual and audible

    indicators Easy to carry in a pocket or on your belt

    Low frequency test equipment

    Broadband RF & microwave test equipment Selective RF & microwave test equipmentArea monitoring stations

    Radiation monitors for personal safety

  • Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbHSandwiesenstrae 772793 Pfullingen, GermanyTelefon: +49 (0) 7121-97 32-777Telefax: +49 (0) 7121-97 32-790E-Mail: [email protected]

    Narda Safety Test Solutions435 Moreland RoadHauppauge, NY 11788 , USA Phone: +1 631 231-1700Fax: +1 631 231-1711E-mail: [email protected]


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