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1 Basic, Reproducible Discipleship

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Basic, Reproducible


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Basic, Reproducible Discipleship Every person who follows Jesus is a disciple and Jesus' stated desire is that every disciple become a disciple maker. There are many different ways to progress in discipleship. This document describes a basic, reproducible model that will help every disciple walk more closely with Jesus while learn to be a disciple maker themselves. What is Discipleship? The word 'discipleship' is used in so many different ways that it's good to define the term and the expectations when someone is stepping into discipleship with us. Discipleship is helping someone walk more closely with Jesus in a way that equips them to discipleship someone else. The ultimate goal is to experience greater intimacy with Jesus--this is why Jesus saved us! Discipleship is helping someone experience the relationship for which they were created.

It's worth restating, one of the most important aspects of basic discipleship is reproducibility. We want to disciple someone in a way that is reproducible so the

disciple can, themselves, become a disciple maker. This is God's way of expanding his kingdom. Three Core Values of Discipleship

Discipleship will be life-giving and centered on Jesus. (Acts 2:42-47)

It's exhilarating to experience a closer friendship with Jesus--it's what we were made for! To know his presence, to recognize his voice, to see him include us in what he's doing in the world are the best parts of life. Our priority in discipleship is to help the discipleship experience Jesus more intimately. We can facilitate this by resisting the urge to talk too much and to make sharing our wisdom the central activity of the discipleship meeting.


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Put Jesus in the center by letting the disciple discover answers to their questions in the Word and by learning to discern the Holy Spirit's leading. This is where life is!

Discipleship must not revolve around the disciple maker's personality, gifts, or experience. If it is, we will inadvertently make the disciple dependent upon the disciple maker rather than Jesus. To help keep the life-giving experience centered on Jesus, keep the words of John the Baptist in mind:

"He must become greater, I must become less."

We will disciple others in a way that leaves footprints to follow. (2 Timothy 2:2)

One of the goals in discipleship is for the disciple to become a disciple maker. Therefore, our discipleship must be done in a way that the disciple can emulate. We must disciple others in a way that leave footprints behind so they can learn to disciple others. This is why we apply a flow to our meeting time. It's life giving and leaves gives the discipleship a pattern they can use with others.

It's vital that the disciple maker walk the walk. Time in the Word, personal holiness, obedience to Christ, a pursuit of freedom, self control, the fruit and gifts of the Spirit

need to be evident in our own walk as we lead others. We will center our discipleship on a kingdom vision. (Matthew 6:33, 24:14)

Discipleship is Jesus' way of expanding his kingdom. Therefore, it must be centered on what God is doing in the world: reconciling people to himself and bringing them into the church. Discipleship that focuses on God's expanding kingdom develops people who impact their oikos and stir passion in the hearts of Christ followers for all the nations of the world. The goal in discipleship is transformation, pure and simple. We want to become more like Jesus so we can help others become more like Jesus and experience him more fully. When we align ourselves with what Jesus is doing in the world, we can be sure that we will be amazed by the ways he shows up. A common misunderstanding of discipleship is that the goal is more knowledge. Often people view completing a book as the finish line. Nothing could be further from reality.

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Define the Relationship Letting the disciple know what to expect in discipleship helps to avoid misunderstanding and to ensure success. (We want the disciple to succeed!) Some of the basic expectations of the disciple are: • They will spend daily time in the Word • They will make a weekly discipleship meeting a priority in their schedule • They will learn certain competencies such as how to share their faith and the gospel • They will keep a consistent journal • They will learn how to become a disciple maker There are certainly other things that we could add to the list, but this sets the stage for discipleship being an intentional relationship.

Some people are ready for the intentionality of discipleship while others may be in a season where they need more freedom or ministry. For example, for a person going through a

divorce or one who has recently lost a loved one, intentional discipleship may feel like pressure. What this person may need in this particular season is prayer ministry, counseling, or simply a listening friend. While discipleship will always include a pursuit of freedom, it's important to differentiate between some who is ready for discipleship and someone who may need ministry or freedom as their current priority.

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C.A.L.L. (How to experience Jesus in the discipleship meeting) C.A.L.L. is a flow for a discipleship meeting. Each letter stands for a point of blessing. If we stop at each one, we can be assured that God will bless. Following the flow takes a burden off the disciple maker and puts Jesus in the center. It puts your disciple face to face with Jesus and helps them learn to encounter him. Plus, following a flow will leave footprints for the disciple to follow, equipping them to become a disciple maker themselves. C = Celebrate Begin by asking the disciple if they've experienced Jesus in some way over the past week. Perhaps they experienced Jesus more deeply in their devotional time, hearing his voice or seeing the Word come alive. This is worth celebrating! Jesus wants us to have greater intimacy with him. Perhaps the disciple got to share their faith, pray for someone or serve someone. This, too, is worth celebrating. Jesus loves to include us as he draws people to himself. Celebrate even little ways that Jesus included them and that they responded obediently. A = Accountability The goal of accountability is to encourage the disciple as they strive to be faithful to what they've heard the Lord tell them to obey. Each week the disciple will determine how God is calling them to respond to his Word. Accountability time covers anything the disciple has stated they are seeking to accomplish or to improve in. (Purity, discipline, forgiving someone, being more disciplined in daily devotional time, etc.) For example, in the accountability time, I might say something like, "I know you were sensing the Lord wanting you to watch less TV and spend more time in the Word. How'd that go this week?" L = Learn This is the time we're actually in the Word together, helping the disciple learn to hear the Lord and study the Bible. The first crucial goal in discipleship is to help the disciple learn to hear God's voice. Everything hinges on this because discipleship is all about knowing Jesus more. To begin, take one of the verses from the "Who Am I?" list of verses. Pray and ask the Lord to speak and guide you as you study the Word together. Discuss what you see in the verse. Take it word by word or phrase by phrase.


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Don't go down rabbit trails of controversial scripture in your discussion. The goal is to plow up the soil of their soul with the Word so the Holy Spirit can teach them. When looking at the Scripture together, ask questions like:• What does this tell me about God's heart

and his ways? • What does this tell me about people, their

heart and their ways? • How is this good news ?

• Why would this command be here? • What happens if we don't do what's

commanded here?

Resource: need resources for this section L = Live This is where we the discipleship learns to be still and wait, listening to discern the Spirit's leading. Following time in the Word, have the disciple be still and ask the Lord for personal application from the passage studied. "What does faithfulness look like for me in response to this passage, Lord?" The Lord will alway impress upon them something about himself, about them, or about someone else. Here are three broad areas in which the Holy Spirit might speak:

1. He may give a truth to embrace 2. He may identify something to do or to stop doing 3. He may bring to mind someone to love or to forgive.

The active ingredient to Bible study is faithful obedience. Have the disciple write an "I will" statement in their journal that expresses to the Lord how they will respond to his leading. This will form the basis for your accountability next time you meet. How do we know if the voice we're hearing is the Lord's? He will always affirm something in synch with Scripture about himself, his character, or how he feels about you. The direction he gives will always be through encouragement and hopefulness, leading you to be more like Jesus.

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Three Places We Experience Jesus (How to experience Jesus during the week) 1. Experiencing Jesus in the Word Have the disciple spend time in the Word just like you did in your time together. The goal is for them to learn to hear the Lord. Start with the "Who Am I?" verses. All these verses speak to the disciple's identity in Christ. This will help them identify strongholds or wrong perceptions they have about themselves and about God. Have them start with a verse each day, encouraging them to read the context before and after each verse. The disciple should use their journal to write down their observations. They should always begin by asking the Lord to speak. They should always end by being still and reflecting and then writing down an "I will" statement. This declaration of obedience is crucial. I Am verses (Cover our identity in Christ) It will take a few weeks to work through the "Who Am I?" verses. The goal isn't to finish them, but for the disciple to experience Jesus and enjoy him, confident in their identity as a dearly loved child. Other collections of Scripture for weekly study include: In Christ verses (Verses speaking to what we have in Christ) God's Power in My Life verses BullsEye verses (covers what God is doing in the world and how we can be included) Boot Camp verses (covers seven theological foundations of our faith) 2. Experiencing Jesus in the World: Praying the "Include Me!" Prayer


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While a daily devotional time is important, Jesus eagerly desires to include us in what he's doing in the world. The disciple will find a new joy and purpose when they see this happening. Encourage the disciple to include Jesus in every aspect of their day, talking to him and affirming what's true. Have the disciple pray through my the week, asking Jesus to include them. Every new situation at work, home, school or whenever, involves people who Jesus loves dearly. Each time you enter a new context, ask the Lord what he's doing and how you can be included. Look for ways to care for people and to serve them. God always responds by letting us pray for or share love with others when we do this. This will fuel the Celebrate time. Remember the goal isn't to feel pressure or to make something happen, but literally to experience Jesus. 3. Experiencing Jesus in the Family: Physical family and spiritual family In both your physical family and in your life group, look for opportunities this week to: • Listen and pray for people • Share something with someone which the Lord has shared with you • Encourage someone and love them