bart briers - the freakonomics of fun: convincing clients to gamify


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Post on 26-Jan-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Consulting firms of all kinds are embracing gamification to improve their practices in BPM, HR, management, software development and more. But how do you help clients understand the value (and why they should pay for) gamification? Bart Briers will take you on an entertaining yet instructive tour of how he tried, failed and finally succeeded to convince his own management, his employees and customers of the return on investment of gamification. Learn how to overcome the challenges in selling and delivering gamification in your organization.


  • 1. # employeesx% unhappy employeesxproductivity lossxweeks

2. Annie, Annie,Youre an orphan, I work in ITAnnie, Annie,Thats the same I hope you dosee! 3. We both work night & day,rarely any time to playIs this the way weshould go on ? 4. You should engagewithAnnie, Annie,Mr Gie-Zie 5. Gie-Zie, Gie-Zie,Play to grow, its just so easyGie-Zie, Gie-Zie,Aint just focussed on the GP= Gross Profit 6. If you want to make a profitLove the people, or just stuff itLet them game,its not insane! 7. Annie & Gie-Zie,Work isnt allabout the money 8. Annie & Gie-Zie,GamificationproducesQuality ! 9. [email protected] by Nathalie Dierick / On Guitar: Lieven Goossens / Screaming by Bart Briers