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FERNANDO BARRION “Kuya Dadoy” January 6, 1899 – October 20, 1965 MARIA ESTACIO “Ate Angue” August 13, 1903 – August 25, 1997

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“Kuya Dadoy” January 6, 1899 – October 20, 1965


August 13, 1903 – August 25, 1997


We are truly grateful to God for giving us such devoted parents, Fernando Barrion and Maria Estacio. They were devoted to each other and were very loving parents who gave us the best they could.

What we are most grateful for to our parents are the precious legacies they handed on to us, strong faith in God, true Christian values and our education. Daily family prayer and common family meals became important parts of our life. Respect for authority, honesty, love and obedience were inculcated in us early in life.

Our education was a top priority in our parent’s life. Papa challenged us to study hard and made us understand that this was the only inheritance they could hand on to us. They both struggled to make their dream come true, that of giving us the best education they could afford. Papa had to abandon his legal career and shifted to the then more lucrative embroidery business in order to support his growing family. No sacrifice was great enough so that the land and properties they saved were sold one by one to see us go through our college. What a great joy it was for them to see us all graduate with a degree and pass our respective qualifying government examination. One of their missions to their children has been accomplished and they were happy

Papa and Mama was a romantic couple. Papa loved to read aloud to Mama romantic novels during their afternoon rest and even through the late hours of the night. He enjoyed playing mahjong, going to the cockfight on Sundays and having a refreshing swim in Butong on weekends. They supported each other and found much strength and courage in their simple but deep faith in God in good and difficult times. During the Japanese occupation when Papa was mayor of Taal our lives were in danger. Mama used to tell us that it was the protection of Our Lady of Caysasay, St. Martin, of Tours and St. Benedict that saved us from the Japanese atrocities.

Mama was a petite, frail-looking fine lady with a comely beauty. She was the darling of her family from which she received much attention and love. She studied in Sta. Isabel College and then in the Philippine Women’s University but got married before she could graduate high school. Inspite of her fragile physique, she bore 10 children through very difficult pregnancies. She lost three of her children during their infancy. Not being used to housework, Mama managed her home and brought up the seven of us all assisted by her efficient and faithful house helpers and yayas. She worked hard at our embroidery business but also found time for creative leisure. Her love for beauty found expression in her lovely embroidery, tending a beautiful garden, decorating her house and making nice and artistic decors. She was also an active member of the different church organizations in Taal. Having been a daily Mass goer and communicant, she enjoyed leading the rosary and novenas of the “manangs” and joining long church processions.

What impressed us most were the serenity, peace and contentment, which characterized the last years and days of Papa and Mama. We can honestly say they have aged gracefully. Papa succumbed to cancer, a lymphosarcoma of the abdomen, at the age of 65 years. He was heroic in his suffering, silently bearing the severe pain of two surgeries, the loss of his strong, powerful voice and a colostomy wound. He was always thoughtful, concerned whether we have already eaten or rested when watching at his bedside in the hospital. A devoted missionary priest heard his confession and brought him daily Holy Communion in the hospital, weeks before he died. Armand, Alfred and I witnessed

Fernando & Maria Barrion.

Papa’s beautiful death. At the last moments of his life, Papa was fully conscious and prayed with us, “Jesus Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul,

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. Amen.” With that he quietly closed his eyes with the crucifix pressed against his lips.

Mama’s greatest pain was her gradual separation from her many children. One by one she willingly and selflessly let us go. Once she expressed this pain when she tearfully said, “Magaling pa is Dadoy at hindi na nina nakita ang pagaalisan ng kanyang mga anak.” Her happiness was to see each one of us stable and happy in our chosen way of life. She was never possessive but was always concerned about our welfare rather than hers. For several years she stayed with Rose and Alfred in New York until her health could no longer tolerate the cold winter. She then chose to retire in her beloved house in Taal even if none of her children could stay with her. She was content to be cared for by her devoted “nurse”, Moray. Delia visited her regularly and attended to her needs. These were the times when she eagerly awaited our visits and cherished every moment we spent with her. She was not bored being alone, always trusting that our Blessed Virgin Mary will never abandon her. She filled her days with praying the rosary, her novenas and her hourly devotion to the Divine Mercy, doing simple cut and paste art work on frames and artistically arranging and labeling her precious collections of pictures in her many albums. It always gave her joy to decorate her house for special occasions and to set up a “Belen” for the Christmas season. Mama remained in Taal until her gallbladder surgery, 6 months before she died. She had then to stay with Delia’s family who cared for her in Caloocan City.

One of the happiest times for Mama was our last family reunion when all of us brothers and sisters were together for 3 months in the summer of 1988 in New York. That was when Mama was celebrating her 85th birthday. She remained energetic until her ninetieth birthday, which was a grand celebration. She gradually became weak but took pride in not needing to use a cane or a walker until she died. She maintained her keen sense of hearing, a pair of good eyes and a clear mind until she died. We could see how Mama was fearlessly preparing for death. She often made order with her things labeling them carefully. In a big box, she meticulously prepared all the attire she wanted to wear when she dies. She even prepared 2 ternos for our choice.

We were preparing for Mama’s 94th birthday when she fell very ill and had to be hospitalized. She was suffering from Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease and had great difficulty in breathing. She received the Sacrament of the Sick and daily Holy Communion. Mama suffered quietly and patiently without complaint. When we knew the end was close we prayed and sang continuously around her deathbed. She was fully conscious up to the end. Just before she died, Mama turned to me and clearly whispered, “Mamamatay na ako.” She was ready to face God and Our Blessed Mother with whom she remained faithful all her life. She straightened herself, looked at all of us and after fixing her gaze ahead she peacefully breathed her last. Mama must have rested in the loving embrace of God.

In our parents we saw the valuable example of a peaceful, simple and fulfilled life, full of gratitude and contentment even in the midst of suffering. Theirs was a life-long commitment to accomplish their perceived mission of bringing up their children in the deep Christian faith and giving them the education that will carry them through life. For these we shall always be grateful to them and foremost to God.

We rest in the hope that someday we may realize an excerpt of the Consecration to the Sacred Heart we prayed daily which states in Filipino, “Ang aking aliwan na ang pagalaala mo sa amin na isang araw kami ay magkakatipontipon ng buong familya sa langit upang awitin magpakailanan and iyon kaluwalhatian at mga biyaya”.

Sr. Leonor Barrion, OSB



I. When Papa was an infant at the turn of the 20th century, there was an outbreak of cholera in the small barrio of my grandparents in Maabud, Taal, Batangas. He was one of the victims of this dreadful disease. He got very sick and my grandmother, Lola Uyang, was resigned to the fact that his son will die soon like the other children with the same disease in their neighborhood. My father was very restless and thirsty begging for a drink of water. My grandmother took pity on his dying child whom she thought was going to die anyway. She gave him a glass of water which the dying child drank avidly, one glass after another. To my grandmother’s surprise, the child’s color turn from grayish to pick and he started to regain strength. Simple water saved my father’s life!

The people at that time were ignorant of the fact that simple rehydration with water or its equivalent fluids is the cure for the severe dehydration brought about by the profuse diarrhea in cholera, draining all the water and strength of the patient. This dehydration is the cause of death in diarrhea. Instead they denied the sick with the water which will save their lives.

II. My Papa used to tell us about how poor they were as children. There were 7 children followed 10 years later by the youngest 8th child, Sr. Caridad. For meals, they had rice and fish and vegetables most of the time. They all had one small fish and a plateful of rice with vegetables. They would look or smell the fish while eating the rice. When the rice is almost consumed then they would relish eating the precious fish.

III. My grandmother, Lola Uyang, cooked rice cakes and other delicious food for the afternoon snacks. She asked her

boys to sell these foods by peddling them around town. They were not allowed to eat what they were selling for which they had to give a strict account. It was only when something is left unsold that they could have a taste of what they had been selling.

IV. My grandmother, trained her children to help in the household chores. One of these chores was to do the dishwashing

after meals. The boys had to take turns in doing this chore,. When the turn of my father came, he intentionally dropped the whole pile of plates so that they all broke. Since then my grandmother forbade him to do the dishwashing.

V. My father and his brothers noticed that when one of them was sick, he or she would get special food, like lugao and chicken, potatoes, crackers, eggs, soup, etc. Those who were not sick ate the usual meal of rice, fish vegetables and occasionally, meat. These boys discovered that inserting a piece of ginger like a suppository in their rectum will increase their temperature and they would feel warm as if with fever. When their mother noticed the fever, they will be put to bed and will be served the delicious food for the sick. This was how they cheated their parents in exchange for the delicious food they got.

VI. My father was a young law student at the Manila Universe when he fell in love with my mother who was then studying

in Sta. Isabel College and later at the Phil. Women’s University with Ate Cheling, my father’s younger sister. In order to gain the favor of my mother’s parents, he would volunteer to accompany my grandmother, Lola Emilia, to the houses of the American officers who were her customers in selling her beautiful handmade embroidery. My father knew English and could communicate well in this language, so my grandmother was very impressed and pleased and he was favored as a good match for my mother.

Fernando Barrion.


I. Mama was born in Bauan, Batangas before her parents settled in Taal, Batangas. She was the third child of four children of my grandfather, Mariano Estacio, by his second marriage. Lolo Nano as we called him was a widower, married first to Dorothea Sara of Taal, Batangas with whom he bore 2 girls, Ate Consolacion and Ate La Paz. Mama was the pet of the family, loved and pampered by her parents, brothers and sisters. According to Mama, her father was the one usually taking care of her because my grandmother, Lola Emilia, was a businesswoman and was usually out of the house looking after her embroidery business or selling them to her customers out of town. My grandfather when had his own sari-sari sore in their house and kept house most of the time.

My grandparents were very religious and had many devotions to Our Lady and the Saints. As a young child of about 3 years old, my grandfather made a promise to Our Lady of Caysasay to bring Mama every Saturday to her church in Labak and attend Holy Mass there. To concretize this promise, he had a big beeswax candle made as heavy as my mother. Every Saturday, during Mass my

grandfather lighted that candle until it was consumed. On those Saturdays, Mama was dressed with the habit of Sta. Rita. This was a floor-length brown dress tied with a brown cincture around the waste and fitted with a thick black veil. My mother disliked using this dress but it was his father’s promise to which she had to comply. Such religiosity must be the roots of my mother’s simple, but strong faith in God’s loving Providence and the love and guidance of Our Mother Mary and her many favorite saints whose novenas she prayed to the end of her life.

II. Filipina ladies were known for their modesty. They were not allowed to get out of the house without being properly

dressed with their saya and kimona, especially as young blooming ladies of 11 or 12 years old. My uncle, Manong Pedring, married early, Ate Pilar Atienza. Mama and Ate Pilar were young teenagers and still loved to climb guava trees, pick and eat the fresh delicious fruits. Across the window of my mother’s house were guava trees with plenty of fruits. She and Ate Pilar wanted to eat some of them. Because they were already teenagers, they took the trouble of dressing up in their saya and kimona in order to get those guavas in their yard. How they managed to climb the guava tree in this attire, I could not imagine. Mama recounted this to us laughing at how silly they were.

III. My Lolo Nano had ambitions for her daughter, Maria, fondly called Angue. He wanted her to play the piano, a talent well-bred women were proud to acquire at that time. So my grandfather bought her daughter an auto-piano, Winkleman. This piano would play automatically just by pressing a key. My mother studied piano but was not really good at it. One day my Lolo cleaned the piano and dismantled the parts. Unfortunately, he could no longer place the parts in their proper places. The auto-piano was never restored since then.

IV. Mama used to tell us that she and Papa had a grand wedding. There was a big celebration the night before the civil

wedding and then followed the next day by a church wedding. She said she had prominent young, beautiful ladies as her bridesmaids including the once Miss Philippines, Anita Noble. It was at noontime, under the heat of the burning sun that the wedding procession started from my mother’s parents’ house to the church, about a kilometer distance. There was a “banda musica” accompanying the procession. Everyone perspired upon reaching the church, the church bells ring and the church was filled with the people of Taal.

By: Sr. Leonor E. Barrion, OSB

Young Maria Estacio

Maria Estacio - 18 yrs old

The Fernando Barrion children, grandchildren & great grandchildrenin the Philippines

The Fernando Barrion children in New York

The 8 children of Fernando & Maria Barrion in Taal, Batangas. (top)Rose, Arthur, Malu, Alfred, Armand (bottom) Del, Sr. Leonor, Tersi

The Fernando Barrion family during their 1988 Family

Reunion in New York

Del and Pete Ignacio with their children and grandchildren

The Afable Family with children and grandchildren. (tpo) Sabino, DindoJimmy( bottom) Maritess, Angeli Doris, Claribelle, Jerome, Maria, Tersie, Arlene, Cristina, Myka

Armand & Gloria’s Family (top) Andrew, Arvin Joseph, Armand (bottom)Katrina, Gloria, and Kristine

Alfred & Fine’s Family (top) Joe, Allan,Victor,Tony (bottom): Lola Feling, Fines and Alfred

Sr.Leonor E. Barrion O.S.B.

The Faraon Family with children and grandchildren. (top-left: Gina, Deo, Dan, Ray bottom-left: Alexa, Georgiana, Danny, Malu, Sandy)

The Flores Family (Conrad, Rose & Brian)

Arthur & Merlie’s Family (Arthur, Merlie & Toni)

6 Fernando G. Barrion - "Kuya Dadoy"+ and Maria Estacio - "Ate Angue"+ 01/06/1899 - 10/20/1965 08/30/1903 - 08/25/1997 6.1 Delia Barrion - "Del" and Jose Ignacio - "Pete"+ 12/13/1925 06/22 - 08/25/2001 Retired Pharmacist Res: 1034 Maceda St. Sampaloc, Manila Philippines Tel: 784-1659 6.1.1 Ma. Carmen Ignacio - "Maricar" + 06/10/1957 - 06/28/1999 6.1.2 Christopher Ignacio - "Chris" and Luz Picardal 05/25/1958 06/19/1953 Produce Manager Businesswoman Walter Marts Supermarket Violago Compound E. Rodriguez Ave., Q.C. Res:-140 DP Housing Project 11th Avenue, Caloocan City Philippines Tel: Res.361-0556; Off.724-2501 Loc.106 Mark Jonathan Ignacio - "JI" 12/14/1987 Lea Cristina Ignacio - "Tatin" 12/02/1988 Richard Paolo Ignacio - "Paolo" 07/18/1995 6.1.3 Ma. Clara Ignacio - "Mayang" 08/18/1959 Senior Tesda Specialist, TESDA Women's Center Bicutan, Taguig. MM Res: 1034 Maceda St. Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines Tel: 784-1659 John Berch I. Montes - "Jimbo" 12/02/1987 Jose Fernando Ignacio - "Jeff" 02/04/1997 6.1.4 Noel Ignacio and Rosario Dejarlo - "Ruthie" 12/23/1960 01/22/1960 Project Engineer, Solar Resources, Inc. Senior Tesda Specialist Tektite Bldg. Prov'l Training Center Pasig City Bulacan Res:-Blk 5 Lot 7, Solar Townhomes Tel. 044-662-8124 Deparo, Caloocan City, Philippines Tel: 983-7607 Monica Rose Ignacio - "Myka" 08/27/1985 Anne Ignacio "Aissa" 03/26/1987 Jonnadel Ignacio - "Jodel" 06/08/1988 Vanessa Joy Ignacio - "Joy" 08/02/1991 Raphael Jose Ignacio - "RJ" 10/18/1995 Gabriel John Ignacio - "Gabo" 09/17/1998 6.1.5 Ma Angelina I. Esteban - "Gin-Gin" 12/22/1961 Office Manager Orient Star Shipping, Inc. Res: 12192 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, Florida 32224, US Tel. Res. 904-641-3347 Tel. Off. 904-928-1647 Sarah Andrea I. Esteban "Sandy" 02/13/1996 6.1.6 Catherine Ignacio - "Karen" 04/03/1964 Branch Operating Manager Orient Star Shipping, Inc. Virginia Beach Branch Res: 606 Windson Lake Place Virginia Beach, VA 23452, US Tel. 757-749-1935 6.1.7 Ma. Natividad Ignacio - "Rina" and Nolie Gubatan 09/10/1965 06/25/1965 National Information Bureau Chief Structural Engineer Public Service Labor Aromin & Sy Inc. Independent Confederation PS Link Makati City, Blk 3, L31 Res: Block 4 Lot 6 Phase 2 Lopez Cpd., Poblacion Casimiro Townhomes Tel: 514-9496 Daniel Fajardo, Las Pinas City, Philippines Tel: 924-4710 Ma. Daniella Gubatan - "Dani" 11/28/2001 6.1.8 Andrew Ignacio - "Doy" and Cecil Paner 05/07/1967 08/17 Businessman Practicing Dentist

Res: 111 Violeta St. 11th Avenue, Caloocan City, Philippines Tel: 366-4602 Marie Eleanor Ignacio - "Mariel" 11/21/1990 Jose Lorenzo Ignacio - "Joel" 08/14/1992 Ma. Eloisa Ignacio - "Isay" 12/17/1994 6.2 Teresita Barrion - "Tersie" and Dominador Afable - "Omeng"+ 12/03/1927 04/05/1920 - 10/26/1983 Res: 168 Antorcha St. Balayan, Batangas Philippines Tel: (403)-211-5845 6.2.1 Claribel Afable - "Belle" and Jaime Garcia - "Jimmy" 10/31/1955 10/23/1946 Luzon Spinning Mills Businessman Res: 5-E Imperial Street, New York Cubao, Quezon City Philippines Tel. Res. 632-437-0907; Cell: 0918-505-9391 Ma Cristine Garcia - "Cristine" 04/17/1979 One Spa & Fitness Center Banaue, Q.C. Cell: 0919-813-3273 Ma Angeli Garcia - "Gelli" 07/09/1988 Jerome Garcia 02/02/1995 Ma. Myka Garcia - "Myka" 09/18/1994 6.2.2 Teodorica Afable -Del Fierro "Doris" and Joselito del Fierro "Lec-lec" 04/04/1958 03/20/1959 Administrative Asst. Facility Head Officer Paref Woodrose School for Girls Paref Southridge Sch. For Boys Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City Tel. 772-2998; Cell: 0916-386-7039 Tel. 0917-834-3244 Res. Visaya cor. Bohol St, Macaria Village Pacita Complex, Binan, Laguna

6.2.3 Domingo B. Afable "Dindo" and Amelia Benitez - "Amy" 08/04/1962 01/17/1964 Practicing Veterinarian Housewife Res: #168 Antorcha St. Balayan Batangas, Philippines Tel: 043-211-5845; Cell: 0916-613-4911 Ma. Shaira Afable "Shaira" 05/06/1998 Nathaniel Agustin Afable "Taniel" 08/26/1999 6.2.4 Michaela Ma. Teresa Afable - "Atet" and Sabino Pablo Mabanta - "Sabi" 09/29/1964 05/22/1960 Exec. Secretary Project Coordinator Ace/Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Makati Development Corp. 9/F Feliza Bldg., 108 Herran St. Salcedo Village, Legaspi Village, Makati City Makati City Tel. 632-810-1495-/814-2060; Cell: 0919-230-1053 Tel. 632-818-2241 Fax: 632-812-5035 Cell: 0916-378-6876 Res:-35 Sta. Catalina St. Bo. Kapitolyo, Pasig City, Philippines Email: [email protected] Tel: 632-631-4927 / 634-5496 Josemaria Domingo Mabanta - "Jomar" 03/07/1993 Sabrina Marie Mabanta 03/10/1997 6.2.5 Arlene Afable 09/22/1966 Practicing Dentist Crispin Z. Ayroso Dental Clinic 131 S. Ocean Ave. Freeport, New York Res: 67-11 185 St. Fresh Meadows, NY, US Tel: 718 969-4351; Off.516-381-2747 6.3 Armando Barrion - "Armand" and Gloria Sacay - "Glo" 06/09/1930 02/10/1945 Private Law Practice Businesswoman Res: 147-60 Huxley Street Rosedale, NY 11422, US Tel: 718 978-4379 6.3.1 Arvin Joseph Barrion - "Arjay" 11/05/1973 Project Manager Empire Bluecross Blueshield Res: 5805 47th Ave. Woodside, NY 11377 Tel: 212-288-4733/646-729-9911

6.3.2 Kristine Barrion - "Kris" 09/06/1982 Spa Manager Le Petite Spa Manhattan. NY Res: 5805 47th Ave. Woodside, NY 11377 Tel.718-928-4379/347-276-0841 6.3.3 Katrina Barrion - "Kat" 04/05/1982 Sales Associate Henri Bendel 5th Ave. NYC Student, NY Tech, Major in Child Behavior 6.3.4 Andrew Philip Barrion - "Andy" 05/05/1986 HS Student, Francis Lewis H. S. 6.4 Alfredo Barrion - "Alfred" and Rufina Buenafe - "Fines" 07/31/1932 11/16/1936 Retired, Real Estate-Lease Adm. Analyst Asst.Head Nurse Res:-111-36 121st Street St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital South Ozone Park 1000 10th Avenue NY 11420 New York, NY 10019 Tel: 718 843-3831/Cell.917-658-2851 Tel: 212-523-8408 6.4.1 Alfredo Victorino Barrion - "Vic" 11/02/1966 Computer Consultant/Project Manager Percipient Information Enterprises, Inc. Res: 486 Warren Street #3 Brooklyn, NY 11217-2523 Email: [email protected] Tel: 718-858-0920 Cell:917-312-3077 6.4.2 Jose Fernando Barrion - "Joe" 03/24/1968 Self Employed Graduate, Chubb Institute Westbury, Long Island NY Cell: 917-658-2837 6.4.3 Jose Antonio Barrion - "Tony" 03/16/1969 Res: 111-35 121st Street South Ozone Park, NY 11420 6.4.4 Allan Barrion 06/08/1969 LifeSpire 87-21 121st Street Richmond Hills NY 11418 Tel. 718-441-8200

6.5 M. Leonor Barrion, Sr, OSB, MD - "Sister Leonor" 04/23/1937 Doctor of Medicine Sister, Order of St. Benedict Pediatrics St. Scholastica's Formation House Marikina , Marikina City 1800, Philippines 6.6 Maria Luisa Barrion - "Malu" and Danilo Faraon - "Danny" 06/11/1939 06/23/1938 Staff RN Financial Services St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hosp. Met Life 1000 10th Ave. 1981 Marcus Ave. New York, NY 10019 Lake Success, NY 11042 Res:8053, 260th Street Floral Park, NY 11004, US Tel: 718-962-7052 6.6.1 Deogracias Barrion Faraon - "Deo" and Ana Gina Enriquez - "Gina" 07/27/62 09/07/1961 Manager,Same Day Funds Settlement Teacher Depository Trust Clearing Corp. St. Benedict Joseph Labre Sch 55 Water St. New York, NY 10041-0099 Richmond Hills, NY Res:-2585 Arleigh Road East Meadow, NY 11554, US Tel: 516-579-9815 Alexa Anne Faraon - "Alexa" 06/21/93 Cecil Fernando Faraon - "Jayden"+ 12/01/2001 - 12/01/2001 6.6.2 Frances Grace Faraon - "Sandy" and Raymond Neshibal - "Ray"+ 10/04/63 04/07/48 - 08/22/2001 Senior Accounting Tech. AXA Financial-Equitable Life Assur. 200 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ 07096 Res:-210 Centre Avenue Secaucus, NJ 07094, US Tel: 201-866-1681 Giorgianna Marie Neshibal - "Giana" 09/21/91 6.6.3 Dan Benedik Faraon - "Dan" 03/21/1971 Financial Adviser TD Waterhouse, New Jersey Res:-515 West 59th St. Apt 200 New York, NY 10019, US Tel: 646-215-3581

6.7 Rosemarie Barrion - "Rose" and Conrado Flores - "Conrad" 08/23/1944 03/07/1937 VP Financial Controller - Citigroup/Citibank N.A. Retired 1 Court Square, Long Island City, NY Res: 41 Roosevelt Avenue Syosset, NY 11791, US Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Tel: 516-496-9366; Cell:516-698-2116; Off.718-248-7906 6.7.1 Brian Flores 11/12/1979 Investment Analyst CIBC World Markets 417 Fifth Ave., NYC 10016 Res:-219 Mott St. Apt.3FN New York, NY Tel 212-965-5286; Cell.516-317-0297; Off.212-667-7127 6.8 Arturo Barrion - "Arthur" and Merle Gonzales 09/09/1945 04/29/1946 Businessman Production Manager Res:-67-11 185 St. Baby Tags Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 468 34th Street, NY 10016 US Tel.Off: 212-868-2100 Tel: 718 969-4351 6.8.1 Maria Antonia G. Barrion - "Toni"+ 10/11/1989 - 01/10/1994