barrington area library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h i ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj...

7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste ril l. lfl .s State Op|)6 , \ t) nf\a4io.n_Pla .! t. hiciuio IlKll'T I'" I Mm.lis tij import] , ,.f polit liurring ;i'>: ;ihil ,-.>ti|iHiiilit| Inert 1 ntsvs- llt!l'«. i Mi-- ca il rii ana, i-.innty i-irv 11 ill .-,1 tl-iit tfiey !i di- ll lint E ,CS, Mi- I'X- t-r- its.' 'ov- i<>k »ty i , fok >ts W :111:.-1- HI il'li'^ i l l ( Hl.ljn i, 11 II f i pul it i.p -.;i; in (. ii,-i iitti'irf ••• | n i f t h e irrritury ii' tn ri'piiili- ulr.T I*. Saliji- .llii'.'i' liiiiiVif • h>' ri'publil |iii->riini »f Bracelet of and Diam Sipphires finds Found A diamond bracelet, the which runs well lollnrsj jlrcds pt tl« sidewalk |n Harrington 'lust *\Vcd nestlny evening 1>> wlio naturally feiretl thut the article might noj. lie found or if found might u o t l e returned. A classified ndv ?rtiscntcnt was plucptl in The KK< lew, offering a reward for return of the articlt*. The bracelet \\nn found hy Harry Iloniutli, j -14 X. Hough street, iiiid4hroufcll the advertise- ment, he learof(( he identity of hud sapphire intrinsic value of into the nun- HVIIH lout on n Mrs. Kenyon the owner. Eanly ternoon, leas thah ter it had been undamiiged was of its Owner. wt,: •i n Funeral Service! Mrs. Frank Sund; on of fan In- 1 \ -t. •i i:ii t..lKi - \*inj - r_t.Saunt 1 range •i- tu liiir- 1 ,*'" 1 ' HH 'I i >t'.-f;v. chain: In- I n lin|id .vmir I ; more Mfliiirbsl Mil llgita-Bnil ilip parli'ofW- -i» iii iiu-ltid i mii'-n-i of tin- i '""I; nullity,' '"^ni thereby ti'il rilhC'TH, uliii-h acrrilif - I'linbiin urea '.'••s nf their' .m unities in w Mint I iiliji'i-t.' permit •xpress me- to Saturday nf- three days af- file bracelet, the possession, for flitter Held ay Afternoon Mrs., Frank -Ritjte' of Barrington township died Tlju rsday., afternoon following; a brief ;. UnessT- Funeral services were held I Sftindajj afternoon at 2 o'clock at the chapel' on Cook R. Drussel of- n East Dundee was r 2ft born kt .1889. She ay i>y ! street. - Rev. CharlM ficiated. Burial was cemetery Alvina Scherinb Sch&ulmbiirg NovenJliL ,. lived In this vielnitjy pll, lier life. She waV married to Fr^iijs F..' Ijtittcr Feb. |0. t!)08. Sirs. Ritter is sufnj bund, one son, Donald; four . sisters, Mrs. Sophie, Walb$u|n of Lake Zur ifh, Mrs. Lizzie HJehfultK of Dundee, rs, Anna McOtilrt (if Winnebago aiitt Mrs. Kmnra Kiin ', c|f Barrington'; and two, brothers, j.C uirles and Wil- of Dundee. |t (<r jliaiu Seliering both nd 1 '-" ' ' as' 150 Years of Railroading in Family Completed WhmCharfesSi 1 Thprp, Brother of W\lltam 9 \Ret\res Nearly 150 years of ltieoniotivtjf en gincerlng In the same family! tlnuotiK runiiliig iif Chicago & North Western Railway motive power ilnee l^•30^ !l ll year« after Cj>hl<iigo «aw her fiVst rajilwu'y ?nglno, ihe Pioijicer! That's the family cycle tli'nt \xn% Com- pleted last Mondiiy when Chnrlta 8. Thorp, 4537 Lavcrgne avranc, Cltica- go, climbed down from his cab if ter 51 years and one month pf service, "Charley's" record alone, thaih of being a 50-y<"ar man, is impressive tmough, for wry few employes paRS the , half-century mark with the Chi cago & North Western railway; but added to it is that > of his brother, William H. of Barrington who i com- pleted 51 years as engineer,in ^93(¾ and that of hfs father, Charles | \V., who piled up 45 years lof. locdmfitive service before" retiring in 1903 The first of the Thorp engineers pulled throttles on Chicago & Korth Westjerii passenger: train^ when-; the road iwas^ just feeljng its way |into Central across the! completed returned tt tljie ('lilciko I; |Cou-f WPMtfrn ut tho WOBC of the Cv Wed at 10 William I., the second In Hliirtfd wot king when 19, i,n and completed his last run 51 ldter on Kay 31, 19:10, yj-htn he pulled the Indger State Expijess into the Chicago & North \ Astern Rail way . statlor. H(s two somj, Elroy and Charles, arc keeping tlu? Thorp name on t ic North Western rolls, at RVistOnsin and t|ie bi [idge *"|ssiss|ppi had not bcei piinton, la. The first, Charles W., lfeft the service jn to serve with[ the Union army 1862 and ived by her bus- in ity Ho- of. |nd to , in Wll ic.h my Hay of nn-usiires wiich Imtli in the 1 sfiite iliticM. Such a.step, -i vital jinfportahce Mvcr. I il.) not abe- 'ii will life broifrht il iliansjes in the i- always been miy: ••it of local gov'tfrn- Tax Reduction and LeadershipChange '"'ai W.C|C.U. Speaker in Local Meeting Declares for Third National Political Pa|rty A third party based on, good ]>rln- plesand honor [is needed bjp- the A ner- iciin people totlay declared.Mrs. 1 niia Marden Dc.. Yo.' corresponding s «re tnry for the mitioual Woman's Cpris' tian Temperniiee Union, who spoke to a large grtup of,women Tuesday nftCrnotin at lie Baptist MieRio|iary society • meetini q '.' ^Irs. D'e. '..Yi' iiTiiiiiit-xl Im-iilit v. by A sihi- !"t'iirc me whil I .!• t''irm of Ho ise • -1---11111 of If 21. I. ivniilil have i er- "" nf territory to r h t hie consent of :h>- b'ual voters in nd in the telri- tla't I vetoed v fair and ifca •t'i'rty ownprs tin- • ilitcrmijia-i eral acts of entertainment. And it seAns I tin' principlesfof '• i.ikA tho 'I •!••-! inn from ivith the mitfcr- :a - t t -r-i of govefn- •I'ti the pOjcy •tr.s abide .'ii.-ij'irity. This "in' principle 'lniii'il in the Bn nn-iiiii}; U>rrit|ry •i page in govefn- «i hlloween Came . Xonday Night, Nd D About It be t : ! Weber^Reichinartand Deane Speak Beforejlarge Crowd In Barrington Tax reduction niitl change of party leadership were, urg'tl at a demo cm tic rally in the a iditoriii.-n Of the high school last Frilay evening at- tended by a large ci owd of c tizens •variously estimntedi, {rt>m 500 t» 800 persons. Judge John F. 0*<bonhell of mun- icipal court of Chjcflgo, Alex teieh- mn;i of Barrington.) (jiharles II. Web- er, democratic candiditte for congress- man from -the teritl f district, > and William Peanej ca|n< lidate for Lak^ county state's a'ttqrjjejby were tli< prin cipal speakers of the evening. Cor nelius Snyder, Cubii ftrecinct commk- teeman, presided at Ihe meetfng in- troducing the speapefs anil t h | sev- de|r- the i'u-li Mi.- interesting anjl ^Jig'statehleutfi) She said: , "FnllinB toJ caijt your vote. JH poinr way to show interest i in duty for your" cpdiitry, Inertiil one of the wo'Ht f«es^tif our gov ment jtodny.' What wci need is a third par was B talk on civics helpful: .TJlie fo|ow left food fo> thoilght. North vil war. line, 1871), years one being a baggage collector aid the other a pasienger ticket uolltctor on the Wiseoniin division. | ';Cliarley,' the, lajst tf j tht jengin- eer,s who ietirejd Monday, i;bo en terWd. Nort! Wjestern lervic? when lO^ears olj, sijotrtibg in 188:.. He has .been wirkiijfe frir y » r s as relay engirieer r ou;' of the! Chicago j venue roundhouse, taking wormed-u ) en- gines to n larbyj freight yaidn and switching t acks: and bringiiig back other engin s'-fijf refueling i i d re^ conditioning : Plje may; have missed the thrill. of fulling - pds seuge: trains that went tj> his father and brother, but his good] fellowship has wo; i him among hls| brot|iiejr high regard gineers in their Chicago avenue, t ern- uliiy y bused on good ifrin- ftiples i«hd jiohor.. Too many p<|b|ile in our land today are leaving, peir duties ; to souijt one else. There 40 mlllioji church proplc of vo] age |.ii 6u icojiintryv "If theyf jvoild vote next weyk country etuld lie saved. FW seileral years abot.» 5(f |M»r cent of the ,^ shilt population hals-• failed'., to voteJi apd we Who H^c near Chicago can sMtlic. result." ...''.'• Tlk' speaker closed with' t'hejl fol- lowing statement: "There cin be no relief from II our present. conuit: 6ns unless the church people wake lp to the importfinee of the Christian vote." Speakeri Pictures Mussolini Rul in modern IU a and are |ting the ly "l. |i.i-s,.,i ftn,| tft ' l-'ft many mill ks, •"•» wi>n> about as 'ip with"soap M >n- ••v-r were dut ng ••'•••I ipriiu ek in- •MII,.|<, clerks , nd washer* tt te nviMine; Mi In. - lr "'U Tues hy '>'\ «n|iie<'gtvH , nd mill slopping ;he ("iii/iiiii and ki ro- " ••"iniiioii, enn i>st artistic 'hat dl- '* ttiirJir pruukst rs. ' ''Tori »by ,pi lp. '"'a from the t iu> ••<<><••< of Hallow icn r 11 .«hop winili ws ,r V xiinp bathjln •'* nioriiiiiK to erase f'lllow deKiRiw jjp-. lung. -_i f -"Snizeil by | e v ho ri-mpnibered •''"w \jith witi-hes and " 'Hie Rijy/ar Aue •'' "as neatly'i^ine " I'-aturii^ a hi'ili.'il split cprn otjber Pog ail •t the Fiwl Mart ''"•.•t W-A* attract -("••ks of tall ci '••hlman's I'harrnjicy •' and the Fred]|nd ••' Main street ,1!, •ween winiow fve- !rn. lso Reichman Stpeahs •' A party iti 'powerj f ir a long heriod of time tends to giiit such, a ffecling of security that the interests of the ordinary ^citizen arjs overlooked^ said Mr. Reichman: in ujrg ng a chaitge in pre^ideni and congresi. F^oir thai reas- on a change usually proves benefi-. cial to the country's interestgj The speaker objected tojwjiat'he described as an attempt, by.1 iij dustrial lenders to intimidate the vott|rs into subport- ing the nresent adn inistrationj, He offered his. personal rlfspects to Pres- ident-Hoover as a imin but dctlarcd the president had'jailed to d splay the leadership necepsjiiiv in a leye/e crisis. Mr. Reichman lauded : ludgc Henry Homer a» aj vorthy can lidate for the office of gOv rnor. Knwing him . personally tb*oo gh legal and court work; the scaler said he was qualified to -endorse he judge with- out rcservations. ( Chnrlcs H. Weber, democrat!* can- didate for congtesflj in tbe^ lOtlj con- gressional district, xuitllned hi^iplana' for reducing tye Mrdni of taxes and the protection »of"dipt sitors in ttanka. Mr. Weber pointed Hit that approx- imately 20 per cent [Of the patioi)al In- come of" the Unitejl States 1* jspent for taxed. Much of this Is ft|rex T penses incurred In; t lie maintenance of costly bureaus intl departments, a large- portion of whit ti Is also spent in the policing arid j enforcement of nnnecetwary laws lirii Invratlgations, Mr. Weber la In favor of the licensing of beer as a meann| o producing rev- enue which will auto natlcnlly reduce the taxes on the pebp e. In his 1 opin- ion $400,000,000 an lually can be added to the Incotie of the govern- ment in this'manncjr md thus reduce ofteri forms of taxat on which are now «o burdensome tt the' people. , Good' Itobrd Charlea Weber, t ie. democratii can- didate for congresiim m, has-.a- long and creditable, recpi d 1» a member of the Illinois.leghrtaiuie. In 19fiO he was elected a mehxhet <jf county com- missioners of Cook co inty and ae has at all times stood foi strict economy, in expenditures in C wk county and he has been instrt nv ntal - in the in- stalling and roairte; ance of 'strict atjeounting systems ii Cook copnty. I Mr. Deane gave ja personal and a- musing talk on the] campaign aid the state's attorney. ! " .\ --r - race for the office pf 7^ y '•' 7 S •K--': "J: ,-. Funeral ilerilices "V^ i M Be Hel I Friday f or W^ll j Kno>n Palatine Weinan ''clubraom" Funer- after- Mrs. Soptie Ijl|ordmei«lr, wSdAw Of William No'dmeler of lalati^ej di e ^ at her home Moiiflay moriing. al servifes ^ ill b^ held : fridair noon at'1:3( o'clock a tit lie hoLfe and at. 2 o'clock at jtilie Saltni Efa|ngcli- cal church i a Palatine, Mrs. Nord irieie* had m|iny°rjel{itives and friends in Barringt|on, nnounce i%MtM Pasieurized i^ower Pi ices] Effective Novenber 1; Crearri Pr cesi Reduced at 723 Medieval entertainment that Italy in'an enthusiasm'beyond ary belief is Wrf 4 of the Muss| program " of con tro^l in the histo, southern European nation, according to Miss Lonisej,Hr Wood, former] teacher of Miss Maxon's school Roniej who spoke before the p class of' the Barrington, Woman's las| ; Thursday. . '••• Miss Wood no,w .conducts, her travel school id' Ertfope. Having | in/Europe for the last 10 years,' Wood was well qualified to pre) the intimate .word pictures of Italian and French l i f e which brought to heij- k aiidiehce at the man^s club meeting, i She particularly stressed the that while Italy and, France are dern European 1 countries that JI| customs and beliefs of the medieval days are closely woven into the|| ev- eryday, lines of their people. Miss Wood jfirst talked of Rtilme, once the head, of the whole civil|zcd world. She was in'Rome at the ginning of tbejFacisti movement her telling of the history of this move- ment an^ of lis leader, . Mussolini, was a real treat as well as being njiost informative. ^ Great Personality She described Mussolini in his jailore cheerful) genial mood, a man wlose personal magnetism contributes grjmt ly to his power. He led his arm] of black shirts through the streets of Home, as-years before Garibaldi thad led Tils red shirts.; Mussolini did away with the top* tivity of the Pope. Miss Wood Ilea* cribetW a dramatic scene, In wflch Mussolini finished his ait'outdoor audience, [ttom his platform a,nd the band anil led him [up the steps that all mi*11 see the two hand In hand,' thus s; mbolUIng I the peace between the state and cbxtteh. Miss Wood\believes that Mussolini's .great contribution ia that to j ost- Jwor Italy, he! restore* dignity (and gave to each one of'tht people stme- thing to do. ] As illustrative of the medieval in- fluence in thel Italy' of" todayl ]fiss Wood described the annual] horse nee of Sienna. • Th;is was told, in S a 'de- lightfully humorous manneV, pleading to the audience. This race Was first run in •to celebrate the*victory of the b|ttle of Montaperti. i ' The ci^r of Sienna is divided sections whose, rivalry' knows Continued on page, S ,' rices of pasteurized into, Reduction in ifiilk and ci ?am jjhave btlew plat effect startfig now, by dairies" hand- ling the : pasteurized products, with the result; tiat )avings| of fro n 60 •cents to thrre df liars p 'r. mtfn tjh in milk bills w 11 be effectet The drop in price for quiirkls of milk .is 2pcents, Itiwering the. staidard price, for:the pasteurized iiroduot from. 11 to 9 jeenls. 1 rarying price leduc- tions in cfeim, !ialf .'pints ' of milki etc., >n aiinduncet, The 2 detft I per quart r tluctiloiji will result in a-s ivi^g of 60 cents .-pi r- avr erage;month for each, ff mily.f taking one quart of milk per day, , For fam- ilies taking hree quarts of inilic per day the saving "will $1.80 per month, i i addition, tc qiiy | saving in the-cost 'of-creinr. , The reductjion ip.the resjult o^ tower prices' paid ijo prjjdueers. distributors i nd ii >n conlorhiitly tlie'recent ctt in milk piices |h] cagO. Annot ncemont of the ncijv scales; are injclud^d in ad of the Pedefi Kirschner Dlury '^lappeariiig ori pages of t'hi's] issuj> of Thje Re^i^w. Mrs. Char es Racho^ Dileii Follow ng Brief Illness, Was i|An i Early Resiqent After several health. Mrs. Mini^ fahl Rachow died •IHJech before walked -d|»wn took the hr- with Chi- price k T (»ptis|pikieJit8 sen j^>airy Co. apt the other V drivers, and Stratton May Be Speaker at Rally Friday Evenifig tronfr Program Isi'Aijran'ged by Two Renublican \ Organizations! | ' ' I i The poissibility that William Strut- tan, secretary of state, will b^ in Bar- rington or the republican political roily Frilay night was expressed by Jce Wolhr, chairman of-the Republi- can Boosters club of Cuba township. Several prominent speakers,have been engaged fj>r the evening, an 1 if Mr. Slratton m ablefto. arrange bis pro- gram to :t|me to Barrington i he inect- in; will bte one of the stropi est poli- tical ralips of'the repUbikiia cam- ps ign In northern Illinois. The; rally is being sponsor ^(joint- ly; by the Barrington Republican club and! the Republican B ° ° $ er s club of Cuha township.\ State Senator) iRay Pi ddoek of Waueonda, Statd Repre- seitative Dick Lyons ojf^ Mindelein, William Smith of Waukegani reprfri seitin^-lien Small, and MiVConfers of Chicago are among the speakers. ' A cbmpdy moving picture and la mi isical l lumber are on the - program, of enterti ihment, and a specisil dance act will be offered if time" permitsil lauds, Administration , j , ITheiretord of the republican admin- istlratiOn was lauded : hysthe princi- pal speal ers at the repuhlicrin meet- ini held in the Standard Mfltor gai;-r agl last Thursday night. IJajcob Allen, candidate for tlerk of we;- supreme court, declared (that the reputlican record was one of ac- complishniont,-f an aggresive fight for a, conSjtmctiye program; Th» dismo- critic leadership in congress did not cojiperate in the program, hit added while describing the republican ele- phhnt as an animal which mtves for- ward /ant the democratic donkey, a* anyhaiinal adept at backing up. \ JTiilluH ;ciein, candidate for (ongMSs- mtjii-at-la-ge, commended the republi- can, administration.. As nn ardent wot he declared he would do a|l he could -'for - repeal; of the ci {liMcnth nmeiidmoit. «11 orttory of the evening was not tinklted to the accomplishment*;of the adminlsttiition. The democra ts. {were given "eVedlf'by Kmll WHteii of BtirVingttn for getting the country into war and for creating a tremen- dous national debt.: While ]ifr» (Mc- Adob wa i secretary of the treasury, 29 billion dollars were spent by ithls cqujitry for War and 13 million Mol- lnis: were] loaned to Europealu ,c|un-i tri* :pi|ring the,lost few.years']the world has been getting the b|runt of wh at was done during a de$ioc^atic adininistrjtion, Mr. Wett'en i|ecla[red.; TfjDO proposals ,dt y Ueetion Arejof Great Importance monthslof Ifjiiling ie Friedericka Dre at her pome jap 442 200 |into no fMit£i mmms E. Washingttln street at 2| o'clock! ?ri day afternoo 1 Minnje Diefahl was b>m (ktober 14, 1853, ii Ki^chbangtndori, Ger- many. She cam j to A nerica iwith her parents i 1865 and >n M.aichiO, 1874, was mnrried to (Thnrles .Ra- chow of Bn rlnfjton wi. h Rb''. G Koch official Ing. Mr. ami'Mrs tin chow remain 'd in or neat Barri igton since the. tine of their rmrrlng;. Of 12 children lorn -;o the couplei seven are, living I iclud ng fou r girls and three hoys. The decease! worn in Is survived by-1 er hi sband, i he son fund daughters aid threw sisttrs arid! two brothers. ' i T h e sorirt tnd tjaughtert tiro: Mrs, Emma Nath m of Chl'cagVMrls, Ben' Lefvre of Etut Gtfry, Iml, Mrsl J. ,A McCw of. iarrlhgton, Afiss ']label Rachow of : larrttatom I'red of Irv- ing Park, Oh tries M Roun 1 Lake, and Gustfliv of Birrinicton. . Tlie bhthers nnd; sisters ncluqe Fred Drcfail of Minnesota < ml' Charles Dref^ilil of Chicago an< Mrs.. Scliimackir of Dundee, Mrs Sophie Kofi n of'( hlca go and Mrs. Ll«s«e' Zaesk • of ft gin.- Funeral vt rviceawere I eld Mtnday at 1 o'clock "at roelschtw's jCnde'r- taking parlors a«d at 1:30 jo clock at St. Paul'i chqbch^ wilh Bevsfend Hermann Kienigj officiating. [Burial was at St. Pjiul's leemetery. gg« aKyrSi Display! Posterls The Schoil Wfelfare c»mmitt|ee is asking the n lerchapts, to roopeti te in the Peace V'eek program by d|iiplay- ing in show windows gooi Is froint oth- er nations/ n th}s way ihowi^ig the i^te^depend< nee 0f natitns Hi Chrv^n.homum Sho,v , Open at Plages - Gorgeously "fulj chrysiinthe- muiiiH in fH^vcnl colors, nmsses of' glossy itompuniH surrtnimled by sweet peas, roses and carnutloiia, combine to ninlw the greenhouse of Plaggc Phwew a fall chryu- nnthemum show just n'n beauti- ful, if u little snnller, than the famous fall shbus In the city-, parks'. i Because Lof i h c | unusual dis- plays, the ^proprietory. Floyd Plnggo, hns opened the show to the public. The greenhouse is located at 141 S. Northwest high- way, conveniently accessible to all residents of the Barrington mot district. J|^ Them, are more than 1000 blossons now ;inx the greenhouse; Chrysanthemums are just'reacbM , ing the crest of the growing scaU *son'ranlfl arejnujch more hedutifuj-j 7 ,; tha^, wrlier in jthe fall. Sonu) of the blossoms are seven and eight inches in diameter.' Many of the plants gre. six feet -in height and are erowned with , blossoms. The blossoms are in the three-popular shades of yel^ low, htvendaW^ and /white, ' The display Includes ih«, addi- tion to the 1000. or, more chrys- anthemums and thousands of pompons carnations and roses,-J .many beautiful potted plants. Parents, Teachers Will Be Entertained Program by Musical '^ovepiWer 29 The Parent-Teaclfer association of Barrington has nftde , arrangements for a musical evening on Tuesday, Nov. 20, in the school auditorium. The combined .orchestras of the McHenry'j school, the Crystal Lake community and the *Barrington com- munity •,' orchestras iinder th* iljrcc- tioii of Wi N. Sears will ;present the 'program. I to Urge Funding of Anticipate Record Vote in Townships Near rtyrrington Regit tration Greater Than on '"'/ Previous Years; More Election Interest . The townsH total vote w on November 8 in] ips as well hi iit Barrington Property Owners League Re- vives Plan for Alleviat- ing Tax Burden m Two importaint matters in .ajddj- tio:j to the election of/national, state and county officers, will cotne' be'fore the votepi on JTavember^S. On^ .is the proposition *on thei "little baljloV' to give avthorily to the receivcl§ of cloiied banks to- borrow • inoni y i worn the Reconstruction i Financla CorpOr 1 aliort. T i e | other »" the 20 million dollar boiid lissue which would pay" hftdk loans inade last spriwg for re- lief'work, ' _i__.~V*'' : The .clj) ted bank bill, which ' requires a majorip of« the total vote east) on 'November 8, would releasd . pillions in closed banks and stimulai e bjusi- ncss nipre than almost anyth ng lelse that can *e done, its sponsors claim. It |i,s i'mp»rtant because hunt reds of thausaijids of depositors, now penni-' lesi, should quickly receive it tyffst a pnrt of their savings.' I A'group of depositors tin ibid to" obtain lh! support of state iffitfiols in ifonping a credit pool in Illinois, persuaded congress to include it in the Reconstruction Finance (Corpor- ation act, Now it has bceri found thflft'the Final step, after a.pill iwas enacted p? the legislature'ant signed by il Governor Emmerison, is tie auth- orisation by the- voters. It v ill cost the! taxpayers nothing. j lond Issue Important Attent on to the uifiisua.1 cliarajcter of the pei ding Emergency Relef bond llssue, in that Its adoption «ill pre- ' vent nn additional • tax, la empha- sised byIpresldent' Emmett,M'hcajlan, of the Board jnf Cookcounty: jommis- slojiers, l|r ay statement mad* public by! him toda,j^ - A President Whpalnn also' ca|lled| at tentlon > to the moral obligation 1 " of Codk county to roll up a lnrgo major* ity for- the emergency relief ballot. Hin statement follows:- ' r s 'jln the| Interest of the' citUena of C<m couhty nod'the state of Illinois, I Urgently 'request and recomnend a vote of "Te*" on the separate Emor- genjey Belief-ballot on Novenber 8, which carries a state bond i«ue of 120,000,000 .for payment of morteys borrowed to-j relieve distress., If j ap projvtjtl, this amount is to be i aid for out 1 of Cook eoiinty's proportion! of the'state'motor fuel tax, withe ut add- ed burderi on the motorist. The 1( gislatuVe provided- funds to he [used' for unemployment rfelierj jn 30 Illinois counties by authorising the borrowings of $18,750,000'upon-state anticipation tax>- notes. Cook county gave its'word that it' would do every- thing in itRpoifrer to foster jtheap- projval of the'bond issue and tjhe pay Continued on page 5 rich will be cast Cuba and Ela voters registered |rhis included the two years ago and Pljatinc townships will be groat- r than the total ote cast at any previoi s election, at cording to regis- tratioi increases rex orded in alt pre* clnctSi A -tj>tai pf 1378 in Gul a township, "carry overs" from as wel as new- registrationa of Oct- ober* 1 J ant} Novem >er li Tlie total registr ition in Ela_'t >wnslnj> it larger [than t'?o years ago. )<, In : tarrington td vnship the total registr ition is 1410. In Palatine the total legistration is 1647. L These fi- gures ; ire about; 25 ppr cent greater than t ie registration figures of 1930. Popt lation jgrowtl i is partly res- ponsibl j for the reo >rd breaking reg- istratitn in the fou- townships sur- roundii g Barrington, The greater in- terest in elections^-comparable with the int srest, in 1012 rris another fac- tor. A record break ng country wide poll is expected this year. ! Open at 6 a, m. ,Iu loth Cook an I Lake, counties the po Is will be opfn from 0 a. m. uutH 5 will bej imuters to votc^ jget ba ; fthe iml [procihej; vised. The 1 polling places |for townships,nrc as follows: p.]m. The eat especially coi wjio w|ll hav ly morning hour nvenient to com- b an opportunity then rather tlian to attempt to homtr in tlnjie to vote before our at 5 p, m., clerks 'have ad- ihpt closing l| jiKlgjCH nn^ Bnri|ngton—proc|i|nt 1; Chevrolet |reet; preeirtct 2, hurt'h: precinct , hall on Hough, garage Ion Station «1 Ha rriijlton Center ' >. 3, Barflngton-,vi'IIag< street Ciiiinj-—Schnuble Brothers and Col gifrnge on -eastl Dim Cook skrect. ^jjS^^^t Fund the 1031 and 1032 Cook coun- ty toyes,;! raise the&ieecsf'ary- money for. goyeriiment operation through a 20-year bpnd issue,, and' let the prop- erty, owners get a fifesh start on their 1033 tax payments after being given a Ibreathing spell, is the plan now-be-^ ing offered as a solution of Cook county financial ills by the Outlying Business Men's and Property - G&%|| ers Protective League of Cook Coun- ty.- '-' : '.'- '•"' ; ' .'. '•' By funding the 1931 and 1032 tax bjlls; through aj bond! issue for 20 years, the. representatives of the, league declare, budgets of- the vari- ous. city, village and. county bodies and that of home. Wijers, will again be balanced, V . """; The plan.that Thomas Cody, ;presr ident of the league proposes riot a tax ^trike^ but; if snccpssfnlly cdr- ripd. through will .make s it' possible for people to again payj takes. • ,, "For 65 years ever since the present laws Were' enacted, people paid their taxes." Mr. Cody said, "and the only reason they, are hot paying them now is because they have not the money. And remember, when those laws were, enacted ijeal estate represented" 75 per cent of jh'c wealth of this state. Today real estate represents one- fourth of the wealth, and it pays £3< per cent of all taxation. This proves' that real estate has been carrying aj lot of excess baggage^or many years. 1 This did not seem so burdensome while the road was smooth, and the supply* of gasoline was ample and the engine under the hood was well .oiled; but in 1020 when tlie detour began, and the road grew progressively more rough, when gasoline stations became further apart, and when carbon be- gan collecting in the cylinders, in other words the motor was only hit- ting oln about.'two cylinders, and -it was 'unable to- carry the load. 1 any longer, the story 1 changed. To Relieve Situation "There arc many sensible reasons why property owner* can. not pay their back tax any longer. -First, the earning power of real estate 1 has de- creased about SO per cent- In tlie last five years; second,.thousands of peo- ple are only able- to pay.a portion of their rent As It .become* due; third, thousands of property owners have lost whatever surplus they hndldue to the failure of banks. - It is also estimated that, there will be 820,000 parcels of real estate forfeited for the non-payment of 1080 taxes which- equals about 40 per cent of all ,thfe rea| estate in Cook county. N6w the only reason for this fs that, the, great majority of people cannot pay their taxes, for If they could they would not aHow 'their property to be for* felted.' ^ v . | Ein-4 Pain garage Purnli to - i if'the teph DJ itreet, vOund !018, w| townlmll. inc-r-flrst p : |<>cond preell thjC four Hide of North ex-iiii't, Kruno**- net, village hall. Hearts ^warded Two Barrifct«rtonMen *; for War Service Honor war decoration lotilv to wonntied A*.p'i|.rple heart. I or bra 'erv^ aj warded teran i, lmstheeu ,V(jn.t to Joseph D. Hubert!on of Barrinnton and>(n o thcr to Rnel Carr of Cuba township by the ivar department. Thi following letter yas.rcteivcd by Mr. Robertson: ; Thf secretary ' of _; var |«rects that jipurpl henrt etigrnyjdjwi|tfi the name ecipicnt ( he if RSed'hJto Mr. "Jo-, RoB'ertson, 120'.%-. Station Barrington, rtn account of wearied in action October 10, Biile serving an a private first tlass O rtfpany 1 one hundred thirty- i r s t i n ojntry., Tlie letter was sent •lit fro n the adjutii it general's of- lice. A sit lilar letter \\»» sent to Mr,- 13arr. Ir; Carr rete ved o> rifle bul- iet wbui^ti wbiW'at he front. The issuing of purple lieirls to the two ' iarring on men refleejts a high honor I lestowe | on them.; Motoi bus transportation from Barring ton , to Evnns tott will-' be in-* lugurat H\ on} Novem >er 7 jusses daily making irlp. A miming bus wiljl leave Barr'ingc ton at 10 o'clock an< Kvansttn at 11:14 o* noon bus will leave a'clock and arrive n Evanston^t 1(:14 oclock. A miming bUs win leave Ivanston at 8 irrive In Barrington An , aftjirnoon l»ua y) On Petit Juries Two Barrington men have been ge,tJ ting experience on" petit juries. . Fred Rieke has been a member' of-j the jury in circuit, Chicago, since the middle of October- and Edward Orom has been on the petit jury of the cir- cuit court of Lake county. -.-¾ fiisis Partington and Euanston Busses Will Be i Operated PSl ^1 H SI m M !•<& :i\ m » ! « jm ..41 1m -m :m with" two the complete 1 I will arrive in j clock. An after*'' tBarilhgtott at 41 hjow aq* 2 4 5 o'clock] parrlngori at 8:20 The Hisses wilt 'be (the nano of the Unit nil Motor Coach , jOo. of )o»Plnlnw». r ' , The Hisses will eiter Barrington >n the Northwest llghway, travel v ivest Main, street to Cook' street, lorthSn Cook Mrcrt to Cheatnutt itreet, past to North avenue, and north t< the Northweit highway, Th# msses "* tll\ include larrlngton, P»t» itliie, Arlington Heights, MU Prow- wet, DsPlalnes, Park -Ridge, Nlles, 1 CV*BJ»vllU, - Sogers Pari;- and- Bvanstoa YII their route,- :15 o'clock and at 0:20 o'clock. Ill leave Evan* and arrive in o'clock. operated under/ r , AW aids LUmty Confereiie* Mrs. Violet Burrid re, local llbrar- jan, ape it' three days of last week In Springfi -Id where sh t '• attended the thirty-si cth. annual conference of *tate lit rarians. Mrs- Burridge- heard jteveral outstanding leople; one ad- Iress of- special' interest was "The Place County iPoronto, JDr. Geojrge Locke, djlet- lmra^ian of noted Can., WOJS ojie pf th jipeakerij on the progrjam. *4 I -L' .1' the Public) "Library in « [Emergency Belief .Projrram.t!

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Post on 28-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste



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j„,l m munlrlpftlltj

i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc

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••• | n i f the irrr i tury

• ii' tn ri 'pi i i l i -ulr.T I*. Salij i-.llii'.'i' liiiiiVif • h>' ri'publil |iii->riini »f

Bracelet of and Diam

Sipphires finds Found

A diamond bracelet, the which runs well

lollnrsj jlrcds pt tl« sidewalk |n Harrington 'lust *\Vcd nestlny evening 1>> wlio naturally feiretl thut the article might noj. lie found or if found might u o t l e returned.

A classified ndv ?rtiscntcnt was plucptl in The KK< lew, offering a reward for return of the articlt*.

The bracelet \\nn found hy Harry Iloniutli, j -14 X. Hough street, iiiid4hroufcll the advertise­ment, he learof(( he identity of

hud sapphire intrinsic value of

into the nun-HVIIH lout on n

Mrs. Kenyon

the owner. Eanly ternoon, leas thah ter it had been undamiiged was

• of its Owner.


•i n

Funeral Service! Mrs. Frank

Sund; on


f a n In-

1 \ - t . •i i:ii

t . . lKi - \* inj

- r _ t . S a u n t 1 range

•i- tu liiir-1,*'"1' H H

'I i

>t'.-f;v. chain: I n - I n lin|id

.vmir I ; more


Mil llgita-Bnil ilip parli'ofW-

-i» iii iiu-ltid i mii'-n-i of tin-i '""I; n u l l i t y , '

'"^ni thereby ti'il r i lhC'TH,

u l i i i - h a c r r i l i f

- I ' l i n b i i n u r e a

'.'••s nf their' .m unities in w

Mint I i i l i j i ' i - t . '



me- to

Saturday nf-three days af­

file bracelet, the possession,

for flitter Held ay Afternoon

Mrs., Frank -Ritjte' of Barrington township died Tlju rsday., afternoon following; a brief ;. UnessT- Funeral services were held I Sftindajj afternoon at 2 o'clock at the chapel' on Cook

R. Drussel of-n East Dundee

was r 2ft

born kt .1889. She

a y i>y ! street. - Rev. CharlM

ficiated. Burial was cemetery

Alvina Scherinb Sch&ulmbiirg NovenJliL ,. lived In this vielnitjy pll, lier life. She waV married to Fr^iijs F..' Ijtittcr Feb.

| 0 . t!)08. Sirs. Ritter is sufnj

bund, one son, Donald; four . sisters, Mrs. Sophie, Walb$u|n of Lake Zur ifh, Mrs. Lizzie HJehfultK of Dundee,


Anna McOtilrt (if Winnebago aiitt Mrs. Kmnra Kiin ', c|f Barrington'; and two, brothers, j.C uirles and Wil-

of Dundee. |t(<rjliaiu Seliering both n d 1 ' - " ' ' • as'

150 Years of Railroading in Family Completed WhmCharfesSi

1 Thprp, Brother of W\lltam9 \Ret\res • • • •

Nearly 150 years of ltieoniotivtjf en gincerlng In the same family! tlnuotiK runiiliig iif Chicago & North Western Railway motive power ilnee l^•30^!lll year« after Cj>hl<iigo «aw her fiVst rajilwu'y ?nglno, ihe Pioijicer! That's the family cycle tli'nt \xn% Com­pleted last Mondiiy when Chnrlta 8. Thorp, 4537 Lavcrgne avranc, Cltica-go, climbed down from his cab if ter 51 years and one month pf service,

"Charley's" record alone, thaih of being a 50-y<"ar man, is impressive tmough, for wry few employes paRS the , half-century mark with the Chi cago & North Western railway; but added to it is that > of his brother, William H. of Barrington who i com­pleted 51 years as engineer,in ^93(¾ and that of hfs father, Charles | \V., who piled up 45 years lof. locdmfitive service before" retiring in 1903

The first of the Thorp engineers pulled throttles on Chicago & Korth Westjerii passenger: train^ when-; the road iwas^ just feeljng its way |into Central across the! completed

returned tt tljie ('lilciko I; |Cou-f WPMtfrn ut tho WOBC of the Cv

W e d at 10 William I., the second In

Hliirtfd wot king when 19, i,n and completed his last run 51 ldter on Kay 31, 19:10, yj-htn he pulled the Indger State Expijess into the Chicago & North \ Astern Rail way . statlor. H(s two somj, Elroy and Charles, arc keeping tlu? Thorp name on t ic North Western rolls,


RVistOnsin and t|ie bi [idge *"|ssiss|ppi had not bcei

piinton, la. The first, Charles W., lfeft the service jn to serve with[ the Union army

1862 and

ived by her bus-


ity Ho­

of. | n d

to , in W l l



Hay of nn-usiires wi ich Imtli in the1 sfiite

• iliticM. Such a.step, -i vital jinfportahce

M v c r . I il.) not abe-'ii will life broifrht il iliansjes in the i- always been miy: ••it of local gov'tfrn-

Tax Reduction and LeadershipChange


W.C|C.U. Speaker in Local Meeting Declares for Third

National Political Pa|rty

A third party based on, good ]>rln-p l e s a n d honor [is needed bjp- the A ner-iciin people totlay declared.Mrs. 1 niia Marden Dc.. Yo.' corresponding s «re tnry for the mitioual Woman's Cpris' tian Temperniiee Union, who spoke to a large grtup of ,women Tuesday nftCrnotin at l i e Baptist MieRio|iary society • meetini q '.' ^Irs. D'e. '..Yi'

i iTii i i i i t-xl

Im-ii l i t v .

by A sihi-

!"t'iirc me whil • I .!• t''irm of Ho ise • -1---11111 of If 21. I. ivniilil have i er-"" nf territory to •r h t hie consent of :h>- b'ual voters in

nd i n the telri-tla't I vetoed

v fair and ifca •t'i'rty o w n p r s

tin-• ilitcrmijia-i eral acts of entertainment. And it seAns I

tin' principlesfof '• i.ikA tho 'I •!••-! inn from

ivith the mitfcr-:a-tt-r-i of g o v e f n -

•I'ti the p O j c y • t r . s ;» a b i d e .'ii.-ij'irity. T h i s

"in' p r i n c i p l e 'lniii'il in the Bn nn-iiiii; U>rrit |ry

•i page

in govefn-« i

hlloween Came . Xonday Night, Nd About It


t : ! Weber^Reichina rt and Deane

Speak Beforejlarge Crowd In Barrington

Tax reduction niitl change of party leadership were, urg'tl at a demo cm tic rally in the a iditoriii.-n Of the high school last Frilay evening at­tended by a large ci owd of c tizens •variously estimntedi, rt>m 500 t» 800 persons.

Judge John F. 0*<bonhell of mun­icipal court of Chjcflgo, Alex teieh-mn;i of Barrington.) (jiharles II. Web­er, democratic candiditte for congress­man from -the teritl f district, > and William Peanej ca|n< lidate for Lak^ county state's a'ttqrjjejby were tli< prin cipal speakers of the evening. Cor nelius Snyder, Cubii ftrecinct commk-teeman, presided at Ihe meetfng in­troducing the speapefs anil t h | sev-

de |r-the

i 'u-li


interesting anjl ^Jig'statehleutfi) She said: , "FnllinB toJ caijt your vote. JH

poinr way to show interest i in duty for your" cpdiitry, Inertiil one of the wo'Ht f«es^tif our gov ment jtodny.' What wci need is a third par

was B talk on civics helpful: .TJlie fo|ow

left food fo> thoilght.

North vil war.

line, 1871), years

one being a baggage collector aid the other a pasienger ticket uolltctor on the Wiseoniin division. |

';Cliarley,' the, lajst tf j tht jengin-eer,s who ietirejd Monday, i;bo en terWd. Nort! Wjestern lervic? when lO^ears olj, sijotrtibg in 188:.. He has .been wirkiijfe frir y » r s as relay engirieerr ou;' of the! Chicago j venue roundhouse, • taking wormed-u ) en­gines to n larbyj freight yaidn and switching t acks: and bringiiig back other engin s'-fijf refueling i id re conditioning : Plje may; have missed the thrill. of fulling - pds seuge: trains that went tj> his father and brother, but his good] fellowship has wo; i him

among hls| brot|iiejr high regard gineers in their Chicago avenue,

t ern-uliiy

y bused on good ifrin-ftiples i«hd jiohor.. Too many p<|b|ile in our land today are leaving, peir duties ; to souijt one else. There 40 mlllioji church proplc of vo] age |.ii 6u • icojiintryv

"If theyf jvoild vote next weyk country etuld lie saved. FW seileral years abot.» 5(f |M»r cent of the , shilt population hals-• failed'., to voteJi apd we Who H c near Chicago can sMtlic. result." . . . ' ' . ' •

Tlk' speaker closed with' t'hejl fol­lowing statement:

"There cin be no relief from II our present. conuit: 6ns unless the church people wake lp to the importfinee of the Christian vote."

Speakeri Pictures Mussolini Rul

in modern IU

a and

are |ting



"l. |i.i-s,.,i ftn,| t f t

' l-'ft many mill ks, •"•» wi>n> about as 'ip with"soap M >n-••v-r were dut ng

••'•••I ipri iu ek in-•MII,.|<, clerks , nd

washer* tt t e nviMine; Mi In.

- l r " ' U Tues hy '>'\ «n|iie<'gtvH , nd

mill slopping ;he ("iii/iiiii and ki ro-" ••"iniiioii, enn i>st

ar t i s t i c 'hat dl-'* ttiirJir pruukst rs. ' ' 'Tori »by ,p i l p . '"'a from the t iu> ••<<><••< of Hal low icn

r 11 .«hop winili ws , r V xiinp bathj ln •'* nioriiiiiK to erase

f'lllow deKiRiw jjp-. lung. - _ i

f -"Snizeil by | ev ho ri-mpnibered •''"w \jith witi-hes and

" 'Hie Rijy/ar Aue •'' "as neatly'i^ine " I'-aturii^ a

hi'ili .'il s p l i t

cprn otjber

Pog ail

•t the Fiwl Mart ''"•.•t W-A* attract -("••ks of tall ci

'••hlman's I'harrnjicy •' and the Fred] |nd ••' Main street

, 1 ! , •ween winiow



Reichman Stpeahs •' A party iti 'powerj f ir a long heriod of time tends to giiit such, a ffecling of security that the interests of the ordinary ^citizen arjs overlooked^ said Mr. Reichman: in ujrg ng a chaitge in pre^ideni and congresi. F oir thai reas­on a change usually proves benefi-. cial to the country's interestgj The speaker objected tojwjiat'he described as an attempt, by.1 iij dustrial lenders to intimidate the vott|rs into subport-ing the nresent adn inistrationj, He offered his. personal rlfspects to Pres­ident-Hoover as a imin but dctlarcd the president had'jailed to d splay the leadership necepsjiiiv in a leye/e crisis. Mr. Reichman lauded : ludgc Henry Homer a» aj vorthy can lidate for the office of gOv rnor. Knwing him . personally tb*oo gh legal and court work; the s c a l e r said he was qualified to -endorse he judge with­out rcservat ions. (

Chnrlcs H. Weber, democrat!* can­didate for congtesflj in tbe lOtlj con­gressional district, xuitllned hi^iplana' for reducing tye Mrdni of taxes and the protection »of"dipt sitors in ttanka.

Mr. Weber pointed Hit that approx­imately 20 per cent [Of the patioi)al In­come of" the Unitejl States 1* jspent for taxed. Much of this Is ft|rexT

penses incurred In; t lie maintenance of costly bureaus intl departments, a large- portion of whit ti Is also spent in the policing arid j enforcement of nnnecetwary laws lirii Invratlgations, Mr. Weber la In favor of the licensing of beer as a meann| o producing rev­enue which will auto natlcnlly reduce the taxes on the pebp e. In his1 opin­ion $400,000,000 an lually can be added to the Incotie of the govern­ment in this'manncjr md thus reduce ofteri forms of taxat on which are now «o burdensome tt the' people.

, Good' Itobrd

Charlea Weber, t ie. democratii can­didate for congresiim m, has-.a- long and creditable, recpi d 1» a member of the Illinois.leghrtaiuie. In 19fiO he was elected a mehxhet <jf county com­missioners of Cook co inty and ae has at all times stood foi strict economy, in expenditures in C wk county and he has been instrt nv ntal - in the in­stalling and roairte; ance of 'strict atjeounting systems ii Cook copnty.

I Mr. Deane gave ja personal and a-musing talk on the] campaign a id the

state's attorney.

! " .\ --r -

race for the office pf

7 y '•' 7 S

•K--': "J: ,-.

Funeral ilerilices "ViM Be Hel I Friday f or W ll

j Kno>n Palatine Weinan



Mrs. Soptie Ijl|ordmei«lr, wSdAw Of William No'dmeler of lalati^ej die^ at her home Moiiflay moriing. al servifes ^ ill b^ held : fridair noon at'1:3( o'clock a tit lie hoLfe and at. 2 o'clock at jtilie Saltni Efa|ngcli-cal church i a Palatine,

Mrs. Nord irieie* had m|iny°rjelitives and friends in Barringt|on,

nnounce i % M t M Pasieurized

i ower Pi ices] Effective Novenber 1; Crearri

Pr cesi Reduced

at 723

Medieval entertainment that Italy in'an enthusiasm'beyond ary belief is Wrf4 of the Muss| program " of con tro l in the histo, southern European nation, according to Miss Lonisej,Hr Wood, former] teacher of Miss Maxon's school Roniej who spoke before the p class of' the Barrington, Woman's las|;Thursday. . '••• Miss Wood no,w .conducts, her travel school id' Ertfope. Having | in/Europe for the last 10 years,' Wood was well qualified to pre) the intimate .word pictures of Italian and French l i f e which brought to heij-kaiidiehce at the man^s club meeting, i She particularly stressed the that while Italy and, France are dern European1 countries that JI| customs and beliefs of the medieval days are closely woven into the|| ev­eryday, lines of their people.

Miss Wood jfirst talked of Rtilme, once the head, of the whole civil|zcd world. She was in'Rome at the ginning of tbejFacisti movement her telling of the history of this move­ment an^ of lis leader, . Mussolini, was a real treat as well as being njiost informative.

^ Great Personality She described Mussolini in his jailore

cheerful) genial mood, a man wlose personal magnetism contributes grjmt ly to his power. He led his arm] of black shirts through the streets of Home, as-years before Garibaldi thad led Tils red shirts.;

Mussolini did away with the top* tivity of the Pope. Miss Wood Ilea* cribetW a dramatic scene, In wflch Mussolini finished his ait'outdoor audience,

[ttom his platform a,nd the band anil led him [up the steps that all mi* 11 see the two hand In hand,' thus s; mbolUIng I the peace between the state and cbxtteh. Miss Wood\believes that Mussolini's .great contribution ia that to j ost-

Jwor Italy, he! restore* dignity (and gave to each one of'tht people stme-thing to do. ]

As illustrative of the medieval in­fluence in thel Italy' of" todayl ]fiss Wood described the annual] horse nee of Sienna. • Th;is was told, in S a 'de­lightfully humorous manneV, pleading to the audience.

This race Was first run in •to celebrate the*victory of the b|ttle of Montaperti. i ' The ci^r of Sienna is divided

sections whose, rivalry' knows

Continued on page, S ,'

rices of pasteurized into,

Reduction in ifiilk and ci ?am jjhave btlew plat effect startfig now, by dairies" hand­ling the: pasteurized products, with the result; tiat )avings| of fro n 60 •cents to thrre df liars p 'r. mtfn tjh in milk bills w 11 be effectet

The drop in price for quiirkls of milk .is 2pcents, Itiwering the. staidard price, for:the pasteurized iiroduot from. 11 to 9 jeenls. 1rarying price leduc-tions in cfeim, !ialf .'pints ' of milki etc., >n aiinduncet,

The 2 detft I per quart r tluctiloiji will result in a-s ivi^g of 60 cents .-pi r- avr erage;month for each, ff mily.f taking one quart of milk per day, , For fam­ilies taking hree quarts of inilic per day the saving "will $1.80 per month, i i addition, tc qiiy | saving in the-cost 'of-creinr. , The reductjion ip.the resjult o tower prices' paid ijo prjjdueers. distributors i nd ii >n conlorhiitly tlie'recent ctt in milk piices |h] cagO. Annot ncemont of the ncijv scales; are injclud^d in ad of the Pedefi Kirschner Dlury ' lappeariiig ori pages of t'hi's] issuj> of Thje Re^i^w.

Mrs. Char es Racho^ Dileii Follow ng Brief Illness, Was i|An i Early Resiqent

After several health. Mrs. Mini^ fahl Rachow died

•IHJech before walked -d|»wn took the h r -

with Chi-

price kT(»ptis|pikieJit8

sen j^>airy Co. apt the other V

drivers, and

Stratton May Be Speaker at Rally Friday Evenifig

tronfr Program Isi'Aijran'ged by Two Renublican \

Organizations! | ' '

I i The poissibility that William Strut-

tan, secretary of state, will b^ in Bar­rington or the republican political roily Frilay night was expressed by Jce Wolhr, chairman of-the Republi­can Boosters club of Cuba township. Several prominent speakers,have been engaged fj>r the evening, an 1 if Mr. Slratton m ablefto. arrange bis pro­gram to :t|me to Barrington i he inect-in; will bte one of the stropi est poli-tical ralips of ' the repUbikiia cam­ps ign In northern Illinois.

The; rally is being sponsor ^(joint­ly; by the Barrington Republican club and! the Republican B ° ° $ e r s club of Cuha township.\ State Senator) iRay Pi ddoek of Waueonda, Statd Repre-seitative Dick Lyons ojf Mindelein, William Smith of Waukegani reprfri seitin^-lien Small, and MiVConfers of Chicago are among the speakers. '

A cbmpdy moving picture and la mi isical l lumber are on the - program, of enterti ihment, and a specisil dance act will be offered if time" permitsil

lauds, Administration , j , ITheiretord of the republican admin-

istlratiOn was lauded: hysthe princi­pal speal ers at the repuhlicrin meet-ini held in the Standard Mfltor gai;-r agl last Thursday night.

IJajcob Allen, candidate for tlerk of we;- supreme court, declared (that the reputlican record was one of ac-complishniont,-f an aggresive fight for a, conSjtmctiye program; Th» dismo-critic leadership in congress did not cojiperate in the program, hit added while describing the republican ele-phhnt as an animal which mtves for­ward /ant the democratic donkey, a* anyhaiinal adept at backing up. \

JTiilluH ;ciein, candidate for (ongMSs-mtjii-at-la-ge, commended the republi­can, administration.. As nn ardent wot he declared he would do a|l he could -'for - repeal; of the ci liMcnth nmeiidmoit.

«11 orttory of the evening was not tinklted to the accomplishment*;of the adminlsttiition. The democra ts. were given "eVedlf'by Kmll WHteii of BtirVingttn for getting the country into war and for creating a tremen­dous national debt.: While ]ifr» (Mc-Adob wa i secretary of the treasury, 29 billion dollars were spent by ithls cqujitry for War and 13 million Mol-lnis: were] loaned to Europealu ,c|un-i t r i * :pi|ring the,lost few.years']the world has been getting the b|runt of wh at was done during a de$ioc^atic adininistrjtion, Mr. Wett'en i|ecla[red.;

TfjDO proposals ,dt y Ueetion Arejof Great Importance

monthslof Ifjiiling ie Friedericka Dre at her pome jap 442


|into no

fMit£i mmms

E . Washingttln street at 2| o'clock! ? r i day afternoo 1

Minnje Diefahl was b>m (ktober 14, 1853, ii Ki^chbangtndori, Ger­many. She cam j to A nerica iwith her parents i 1865 and >n M.aichiO, 1874, was mnrried to (Thnrles .Ra­chow of Bn rlnfjton wi. h Rb''. G Koch official Ing. Mr. a m i ' M r s tin chow remain 'd in or neat Barri igton since the. t i n e of their rmrrlng;. Of 12 children lorn -;o the couplei seven are, living I iclud ng fou r girls and three hoys. The decease! worn in Is survived by-1 er hi sband, i he son fund daughters a i d threw sisttrs arid! two brothers. ' i

The sorirt tnd tjaughtert tiro: Mrs, Emma Nath m of Chl'cagVMrls, Ben' Lefvre of Etut Gtfry, I m l , Mrsl J. ,A M c C w of. iarrlhgton, Afiss ' ] label Rachow of : larrttatom I'red of Irv­ing Park, Oh tries M Roun 1 Lake, and Gustfliv of Birrinicton. . Tlie bhthers nnd; sisters ncluqe Fred Drcfai l of Minnesota < ml' Charles Dref^ilil of Chicago an< Mrs.. Scl i imackir of Dundee, Mrs Sophie Kofi n o f ' ( hlca go and Mrs. Ll«s«e' Zaesk • of ft gin.-

Funeral vt rviceawere I eld Mtnday at 1 o'clock "at roelschtw's jCnde'r-taking parlors a«d at 1:30 jo clock at S t . Paul' i chqbch^ wilh Bevsfend Hermann Kien ig j officiating. [Burial was at St. Pjiul's leemetery.

gg« aKyrSi

Display! Posterls The Schoil Wfelfare c»mmitt|ee i s

asking the n lerchapts, to roopeti te in the Peace V'eek program by d|iiplay-ing in show windows gooi Is froint oth­er nations/ n ths way ihowi^ig the i^te^depend< nee 0f natitns


Chrv^n.homum Sho,v , Open at P l a g e s

- .« Gorgeously "fulj chrysiinthe-

muiiiH in fH^vcnl colors, nmsses of' glossy itompuniH surrtnimled by sweet peas, roses and carnutloiia, combine to ninlw the greenhouse of Plaggc Phwew a fall chryu-nnthemum show just n'n beauti­ful, if u little snnller, than the famous fall shbus In the city-, parks'. i

Because Lof ihc| unusual dis­plays, the ^proprietory. Floyd Plnggo, hns opened the show to the public. The greenhouse is located at 141 S. Northwest high­way, conveniently accessible to all residents of the Barrington mot district. J | ^

Them, are more than 1000 blossons now ;inx the greenhouse; Chrysanthemums are just'reacbM

, ing the crest of the growing scaU *son'ranlfl arejnujch more hedutifuj-j7

,; tha^, wrlier in jthe fall. Sonu) of the blossoms are seven and eight inches in diameter.' Many of the plants gre. six feet -in height and are erowned with

, blossoms. The blossoms are in the three-popular shades of yel^ low, htvendaW^ and /white, '

The display Includes ih«, addi­tion to the 1000. or, more chrys­anthemums and thousands of pompons carnations and roses,-J .many beautiful potted plants.

Parents, Teachers Will Be Entertained

Program by Musical ' ovepiWer 29

The Parent-Teaclfer association of Barrington has nftde , arrangements for a musical evening on Tuesday, Nov. 20, in the school auditorium.

The combined .orchestras of the McHenry'j school, the Crystal Lake community and the *Barrington com­munity •,' orchestras iinder t h * iljrcc-tioii of Wi N. Sears will ;present the

'program. I

to Urge Funding of

Anticipate Record Vote in Townships Near rtyrrington

Regit tration Greater Than on '"'/ Previous Years; More

Election Interest .



total vote w

on November 8 in]

ips a s well hi iit Barrington

Property Owners League Re­vives Plan for Alleviat­

ing Tax Burden


Two importaint matters in .ajddj-tio:j to the election of/national, state and county officers, will cotne' be'fore the votepi on JTavember^S. On^ .is the proposition *on thei "little baljloV' to give avthorily to the receivcl§ of cloiied banks to- borrow • inoni y i worn the Reconstruction i Financla CorpOr1

aliort. T i e | other »" the 20 million dollar boiid lissue which would pay" hftdk loans inade last spriwg for re­lief'work, ' _i__.~V*''

: The .clj) ted bank bill, which ' requires a major ip of« the total vote east) on 'November 8, would releasd . pillions in closed banks and stimulai e bjusi-ncss nipre than almost anyth ng lelse that can *e done, its sponsors claim. It |i,s i'mp»rtant because hunt reds of thausaijids of depositors, now penni-' lesi, should quickly receive i t tyffst a pnrt of their savings.' I

A ' g r o u p of depositors tin ibid to" obtain l h ! support of state iffitfiols in ifonping a credit pool in Illinois, persuaded congress to include i t in the Reconstruction Finance (Corpor­ation act, Now it has bceri found thflft'the Final step, after a .p i l l iwas enacted p? the legislature'ant signed by il Governor Emmerison, is t i e auth­orisation by the- voters. I t v ill cost the! taxpayers nothing.

j l o n d Issue Important

Attent on to the uifiisua.1 cliarajcter of the pei ding Emergency R e l e f bond llssue, in that Its adoption « i l l pre-' vent nn additional • tax, la empha­sised byIpresldent' Emmett,M'hcajlan, of the Board jnf Cookcounty: jommis-slojiers, l | r ay statement mad* public by! him toda,j^ • • - A

President Whpalnn also' ca|lled| a t tentlon > to the moral obligation1" of Codk county to roll up a lnrgo major* ity for- the emergency relief ballot. Hin statement f o l l o w s : - ' r s

'jln the| Interest of the' citUena of C<m couhty nod'the state of Illinois, I Urgently 'request and recomnend a vote of "Te*" on the separate Emor-genjey Belief-ballot on Novenber 8, which carries a state bond i«ue of 120,000,000 .for payment of morteys borrowed to-j relieve distress., If j ap projvtjtl, this amount is to be i aid for out1 of Cook eoiinty's proportion! of the'state'motor fuel tax, withe ut add­ed burderi on the motorist.

The 1( gislatuVe provided- funds to he [used' for unemployment rfelierj jn 30 Illinois counties by authorising the borrowings of $18,750,000'upon-state anticipation tax>- notes. Cook county gave its'word that it' would do every­thing in itRpoifrer to foster jtheap-projval of the'bond issue and tjhe pay

Continued on page 5

rich will be cast Cuba and Ela

voters registered |rhis included the

two years ago

and Pljatinc townships will be groat-r than the total ote cast at any

previoi s election, at cording to regis-tratioi increases rex orded in alt pre* clnctSi

A -tj>tai pf 1378 in Gul a township, "carry overs" from as wel as new- registrationa of Oct­ober* 1 J ant Novem >er l i Tlie total registr ition in Ela_'t >wnslnj> it larger [than t'?o years ago. )<,

In : tarrington td vnship the total registr ition is 1410. In Palatine the total legistration is 1647. L These fi­gures ; ire about; 25 ppr cent greater than t ie registration figures of 1930.

Popt lation jgrowtl i is partly res-ponsibl j for the reo >rd breaking reg-istratitn in the fou- townships sur-roundii g Barrington, The greater in­terest in elections^-comparable with the int srest, in 1012 rris another fac­tor. A record break ng country wide poll is expected this year.

! Open at 6 a, m. ,Iu loth Cook an I Lake, counties

the po Is will be opfn from 0 a. m. uutH 5 will bej imuters to votc jget ba; fthe iml [procihej; vised.

The 1 polling places |for townships,nrc as follows:

p.]m. The eat especially coi wjio w|ll hav

ly morning hour nvenient to com-b an opportunity

then rather tlian to attempt to homtr in tlnjie to vote before

our at 5 p, m., clerks 'have ad-

ihpt closing l| jiKlgjCH nn^

Bnri|ngton—proc|i|nt 1; Chevrolet |reet; preeirtct 2, hurt'h: precinct , hall on Hough,

garage Ion Station «1 Ha rriijlton Center ' >. 3, Barflngton-,vi'IIag< street

Ciiiinj-—Schnuble Brothers and Col gifrnge on -eastl Dim

Cook skrect.

^ j j S ^ ^ ^ t

Fund the 1031 and 1032 Cook coun­ty toyes,;! raise the&ieecsf'ary- money for. goyeriiment operation through a 20-year bpnd issue,, and' let the prop­erty, owners get a fifesh start on their 1033 tax payments after being given a Ibreathing spell, is the plan now-be-^ ing offered as a solution of Cook county financial ills by the Outlying Business Men's and Property - G&%|| ers Protective League of Cook Coun­ty.- '-':'.'- '•"' ;' .'. '•'

By funding the 1931 and 1032 tax bjlls; through a j bond! issue for 20 years, the. representatives of the, league declare, budgets of- the vari­ous. city, village and. county bodies and that of home. Wijers, will again be balanced, V . """;

The plan.that Thomas Cody, ;presr ident of the league proposes i« riot a tax trike^ but; if snccpssfnlly cdr-ripd. through • will .make s it' possible for people to again payj takes. • ,,

"For 65 years ever since the present laws Were' enacted, people paid their taxes." Mr. Cody said, "and the only reason they, are hot paying them now is because they have not the money. And remember, when those laws were, enacted ijeal estate represented" 75 per cent of jh'c wealth of this state. Today real estate represents one-fourth of the wealth, and it pays £3< per cent of all taxation. This proves' that real estate has been carrying aj lot of excess baggage^or many years.1

This did not seem so burdensome while the road was smooth, and the supply* of gasoline was ample and the engine under the hood was well .oiled; but in 1020 when tlie detour began, and the road grew progressively more rough, when gasoline stations became further apart, and when carbon be­gan collecting in the cylinders, in other words the motor was only hit­ting oln about.'two cylinders, and -it was 'unable to- carry the load.1 any longer, the story1 changed.

To Relieve Situation "There arc many sensible reasons

why property owner* can. not pay their back tax any longer. -First, the earning power of real estate1 has de­creased about SO per cent- In tlie last five years; second,.thousands of peo­ple are only able- to pay.a portion of their rent As It .become* due; third, thousands of property owners have lost whatever surplus they hndldue to the failure of banks. - It is also estimated that, there will be 820,000 parcels of real estate forfeited for the non-payment of 1080 taxes which-equals about 40 per cent of all ,thfe rea| estate in Cook county. N6w the only reason for this fs that, the, great majority of people cannot pay their taxes, for If they could they would not aHow 'their property to be for* felted.' ^ v . |

Ein-4 Pain


Purnli to

- i

if'the teph DJ itreet, vOund !018, w|

townlmll. inc-r-flrst p :|<>cond preell

thjC four

Hide of North

ex-iiii't, Kruno**-net, village hall.

Hearts ^warded Two Barri fct«rton Men *; for War Service Honor

war decoration lotilv to wonntied

A*.p'i|.rple heart. I or bra 'erv aj warded

teran i, lmstheeu ,V(jn.t to Joseph D. Hubert!on of Barrinnton and>(nothcr to Rnel Carr of Cuba township by the ivar department. Thi following letter yas.rcteivcd by Mr. Robertson:

; Thf secretary ' of _; var |«rects that jipurpl henrt etigrnyjdjwi|tfi the name

ecipicnt (he if RSed'hJto Mr. "Jo-, RoB'ertson, 120'.%-. Station

Barrington, rtn account of wearied in action October 10, Biile serving an a private first

tlass O rtfpany 1 one hundred thirty-i r s t i n ojntry., Tlie letter was sent •lit fro n the adjutii it general's of-

lice. A sit lilar letter \\»» sent to Mr,-

13arr. Ir; Carr rete ved o> rifle bul-iet wbui ti wbiW'at he front. The issuing of purple lieirls to the two ' iarring on men refleejts a high honor I lestowe | on them.;

Motoi bus transportation from Barring ton , to Evnns tott will-' be in-* lugurat H\ on Novem >er 7 jusses daily making irlp.

A miming bus wiljl leave Barr'ingc ton at 10 o'clock an< Kvansttn at 11:14 o* noon bus will leave a'clock and arrive n Evanston^t 1(:14 oclock. A miming bUs win leave Ivanston at 8 irrive In Barrington An , aftjirnoon l»ua y)

On Petit Juries Two Barrington men have been ge,tJ

ting experience on" petit juries. . Fred Rieke has been a member' of-j

the jury in circuit, Chicago, since the middle of October- and Edward Orom has been on the petit jury of the cir­cuit court of Lake county.



Partington and Euanston Busses

Will Be i Operated




m M


• :i\

m » ! • «






with" two the complete1

I will arrive in j clock. An after*'' tBarilhgtott at 41

hjow aq* 2 4 5 o'clock] parrlngori at 8:20

The Hisses wilt 'be (the nano of the Unit nil Motor Coach , jOo. of )o»Plnlnw». r ' ,

The Hisses will eiter Barrington >n the Northwest llghway, travel v ivest o« Main, street to Cook' street, lorthSn Cook Mrcrt to Cheatnutt itreet, past to North avenue, and

north t< the Northweit highway, Th# msses "* tll\ include larrlngton, P»t» itliie, Arlington Heights, MU Prow-wet, DsPlalnes, Park -Ridge, Nlles,

1 CV*BJ»vllU, - Sogers Pari;- and- Bvanstoa YII their route,- •

:15 o'clock and at 0:20 o'clock. Ill leave Evan*

and arrive in o'clock. operated under/


, AW aids LUmty Confereiie* Mrs. Violet Burrid re, local llbrar-

jan, ape it' three days of last week In Springfi -Id where sh t '• attended the thirty-si cth. annual conference of *tate lit rarians. Mrs- Burridge- heard jteveral outstanding leople; one ad-Iress of- special' interest was "The Place County

iPoronto, JDr. Geojrge Locke, djlet- lmra^ian of

noted Can., WOJS ojie pf th jipeakerij on the progrjam.

*4 I

- L ' .1'

the Public) "Library in « [Emergency Belief .Projrram.t!

Page 2: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste

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BAKE ZURICH REVIEW Millions of Fish to Be Planted in Lake County Lakes;

Zurich, 3angs and Other \Vai ters P earby May Receive


i Lake Zilrieh. Baug» of the s|uthensterii county waters

by distribute of eonser n t ion. ific menti >n o

rfjj'ipient of fi fli finder) i'nftj? the Stale, department

Although no spp<T the la!kes has heei

mmle, theft i s .no objection to sports­men intei >sted in certain bodies? ilf

ting to the state depart on or the hatehjer:'

asking for »11 ot tes.

6,000.000 fingerjin

water wr fcjent of eAnse'rvat at Sprint meats- for

Approxi nately

thi* year i i plitnted

52 of wh 12 in Mel

The fir O n u c hn Kills ami week and fillgerlillg! (HIIMIS, til. breeding fillgerllllK

y be

lake anil other part, of Lukt

included anion); t h

Grove their la

erappies. black and srha I ;. wilf be distributed i i northern Illinois, aeeon


blue Kills, mouth !>: ' waters ol iiS to Ti tlph Bradford, director) the state

The st< of Mclle and <'ool thousand planted ii Koek riv rs, has alren

lepurtnient of conservation k will go into the wajteils ry, Lake. Boone, I) u If age

countries. . I lumlreoW qf <>4 the fingerlingH \tfjp Iif the Jvishwaukee, F o * anil

where the department released this year &"J

000,000 l ike fry. The remainder^ <|f erop of fingerlings' will lie (>."> lakes in that regjini.

h are in I/iike county aiifl enry county. t shipment from the Sprint ehery'.wa* 1,200,000 jilie crappie . fingerlings. Th s next blue gill mid ernpp e

will be taken from, twin •k bass front one 2<i-i(eii» >nd and small mouth tintH from a lliree^iiere p4tl<!

As Hitiin ii^ tjie pouils lire refilled l i e br ling ' Hlllllll nioi 11,">0 em p| ponds.

oeu of 000 black liasN.^ni) ii liiiis, 500 blue gills (»n 1 e„ will be relumed to 'tie

Clothing Class at Ela High School' Hi s Good Display

Local and Petaonal

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wnlbnuin nnd Mr. and Mrs. William Hchumiieher and Mr, and Mm'. Ett Wulbaimi at­tended the funeral of Mrs. Louis Wal-Imiuii's sister, Mrs. Frank Hitter, south of Btfrrlngton Sunday after­noon. ; ' . • ' ' '

Mr. it lid Mr*. .1. Stiglieh of Btfrr-ington were guests Hunday .of Air. an.jy<r8.:w. F. Buhr.

Mr.^and, Mrs. William Wiekersheim and family and. Hjenry Stk'l visited the George Krnstliig fiamily at For Hiver Grove Sunday

Miss Fdith IJymoood has returned from5 a months' visit with 'her brother James and family in Honor, Mich.

Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge Eichman and .s ti of Lombard visited Monday 'af­ternoon witlj Mrs. Kose Bpegan. ; On Hiinday Mrs. H. Mohr and two daugh­ters of Barringtoji were guests of Mrs. ^Joegan, • *,

Mr. and Mrs. Gebrgej Gross visited! with Mr. and Mrs. O'tto Metlie* at New Holstein, Wis., on Monday.

>sIr. and Mrs. John Froelieh of Wniukeg-an. spent Sunday with, local relative*. ', -•

Mr. and Mrs- George Laffenberg-er,-near Kitty Corners,! are- the par­ents of a baby daughter born Octo­ber 23. Mrs Emma Pepper has re­turned home1 from caring for mother a1 nd baby.

James Davidson'is in Canada for af visit -.with relative?.

Mrs. Marian Mer'rigold and - son

(t 'J'he ('llihlug eln«s of Kin. Yo\v

ship lllgl school Imi on .dtiphiy Fink's *ti re, tin1 :iiifiin'iits ina(,le nj-» their flrsi Hewing project, They ale bal),v dies es, li|,lle gjrls4 dresseu mill twujpairs of roAiperi. 'Hie girls-H«I> jiisrlv pro d 'if their effort, si nee, ijei eral-jof Ih in bad never even trMd'J" trtmdle a <e\ving ini|cl)ii\e until -tlui^ took up 1 lis work iit school. Eiidh girl tigun I the amount * of innterlt I flcccssjiryi and the (riml cost of tlje garniei^t f e nlnde. There is a lot |f sati-ifiicti<> i to be had from the abili to -midd 1 it iittractive dress from little mat) -iirf and a paper -"pattern.

The .«• iool . wishes. t,o take this opportunity to express their apprecia ti«>n to M '. Fink, for his cooperatidn in giving up his display window f< our exhib

Nc t Old Aid* to Sight N« met lion of concave glasses fdr

?hort-sigUcd perspnsiis believed 1o iavn bef l made until toward -U e middle of the Sixteenth century.


on McHenry road. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rudsinski and

son Clyde of Huntley palled at the home of Charles Uudsinski Monday even ing.

Mr. and Mrs. MiHton Rudstnskj and daughter Grace drove: to Gridley Saturday j returning ;on Smiday and bringing their .daughter Phylliff and Miss, Mary I'ltillia home with tlum.

Mr*. Marie Leslie was hostess, to the Bunco club Thursday eveni nj. Honors wmit to Mrs. August FroellL'h, Mrs. Lillian Kruegor, Mrs, Fratipls Prelim, and consolation^ Mrs, Jijlin Bailor, ,

Rev, and Mrs, fi. A. Irion nmlson Buddy left Tuesday to nttund' |l>« fiftieth wedding niitilversili'y of Itlttv, and Mi'H, Paul Irion In Michigan

compniiy, Rouse Brothers ind Hern Floral eonlpajiy dona ted the Ice cj'enm mid flowers for tables,

i'lii' tor'th blftlitlny iiiinlttTS'iiry of Zurich Jojlge A. F/ and A M. was ohHi'rved TJinrM(la.v evenhuf li (he lejtV pie when ilie fnenihers and tuests en joyed a' -i oclal evening. (, ant* and bfrtico . wnk piayed followei ; by hot roast .heel snii(hvielieH audi rioffnir.

Mr, a n r Mrs; ,Oscar Ri< hftuP.i tittd Mr. and "its. Harold Richt sr attend' ed the fiftieth wedding ai nlvei'sary of Mr. atil Mrs. S. Senndsoii in Chi­cago Hutu May evening. Mr. aiulMrs. Seandsoli have a summer' (ottiifee in Oak Grovb,: Lake iJurich.

Mrs. A\ Prehm, Mrs. Fred fejlau auii Mrs. Otto ^rank atti nded the dedieation of . Diamond Lai e School Friday eV'ihitig. They are fermer stu dents of the school. A gruat many of the tei chers and pupils for many years bae; attended the reunion,

On Tuesday, Nov, 1, jlesdames Fink, Urn jdeijstoek, Frank, Clements, Irion, .Lift dwer/ Reed, Stock >1, Prehm and Kruerejr attended! the convention" of the . A. rltngtpn Heights Federated Unions at St. Paul, Evangdi< al church at Barrinijton.

Mrs. E lna Loomis and daughter were in- Chicago over' the week-end

The Reading Circle post >one,d" the meeting last week to Friday, .Nov.4 at 2 p. ir:. at the home of lliss'iMar garet, Fii^k. Mrs. Wesner wilt re­view "Thl; Bent Twig."

Mr. and Mrs. Li' Nickoley and Ifani' ily of Liht'rtyviUe, Mr. and Urs. ,fohn Thies. Mr. and Mr*-, Hei ry Thies

have moved into'AltiertHoeft's holism-anfl Mrsj Louise Thies it G Inter wlere guesits of Fred Thies Jundify

A grotfivof frierfrk of Chai|es liirapp gathered ut the Pomeroy srhool Sat­urday evmihg t(i celebrate his twen­tieth birtjiday. Daiiciiig WJ s) enjoyed followed by a midnight luncl

Mrs. S H. Dorsey yisitet her bro­ther > George Milktvick in ]Tj«Grange Saturday

Mrs/pjiut Borre of Glen View and Mr;' and \tvk K. Popper, Jl|[ % tkliny Pepper nnd bnby, Mrs. lie »ter ; Pei>-per nntf' Mrs,. Roger.: Kanpe-rt of Barringte^i visited Monday jrith Ifcheir mot her Mrs, Emma Pepper

Mr, niid Mr*. George Llntlemnn ctillwl on tbolr daughter Mri. Clinrlos .Krtn»«or ii Hnlf Day Miond iy, ' MrH, J, I); Fltiit and jtloiijihto-c MIHH Mnrgiinl,, Mrs. Frnhk X, I mil Ii and Miwt Uehiii Fraiilf allendml Hie Rons e v e l M t o n e r hitieht«fiii \i\ lip Krtlreher liott'l In ,Wniiki'Kiin Fl'IflB^,

Mr. and Mrs, Hitrlnuttni tuiil NOIIM of l'n In 11 ne wi>re gtiesu of 'Mr, ttiid MI'M, Paul Deliileln H«ml/iy,

Mr. nnd Mrs, Jiiium-Btiettiliiger itml MOM ttiijHNell are vjMillug III Newltlg-toii.i'itii , , wllii41'olntlviw of Mr. Siifl-singer.

M<isdituies While . (IrlffKli. M, Itlchier ittitl - A. Hughes nltemled o bridge party at WllUniu Moi'/'s near Biii'ilngjoir 'i'uesdiiy nfternoon.

Wllhoi't Liierssen, Lawrimee Frank IIIMI Norrls Froelieh attended the Car-dlnal football game In Chieitgo' Sun­day afternoon. -

Mrs. William" Ballwlg has returned front a two weeks' visit hi Reeds-town, Wis.

A Masonic school of instruction was hid J by Gary lodge at Fox River Grove Fridny and was attended by Al Preljm, C. Snetsinger, C . Ernst, Harold Hans, O. Frank and A. Bucs-ehiiig from Lake Zurich lodge. ;

On Wednesday evening Mrs. W i l k tain Ton^ne and Mrs, Jpspehine Loomis attended!' Libertyville chapter O.E.S. on worthy matrons night where Mrs. Loomis 'filled a.i station.

Mr. and tors! Fred Hofift and Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Hoeft left Sajturdaj1

to ^pend the winter at their houses in Delroy, -Fla. V

pl'he Plunkett dinner served Tues-. diuv in the Parish hall under the aus­pices of the Woman's club drew a fair attendance1 in spite of the in­clement ! weather. The Schaefer Ice -r- 'K ' i

Mi'H. Mliinli> HeniK* wim MfQlileiiKo Fr ld i i yn i id Suhmliiy, <><i Hiihday Mr. and Men, Uoherl Doll « i,| ilinmh ler llnth visited lit! the 41, liriiudliig liolne.

Offo ( i lese is recoveiing fri»i|tv nil np|M>iidlelllM bperallotj lust ''tldii.v ut Hii»,8heriiitin hosplfiil lu^Elgliii

Mr. ami Mrs. Cluirles Wei ver drove to peKalb Stitwiuy eviinltig iltn: tftk't' Charlotte hack to school.

The utinfial contest pnrtk of the Ladies AM wtis l(cid Slo(|( ay «ftcr-;

noon I kt the Parish feali. Group 2 hud charje pf the program of short sketches uid guessing contei ts; Group 3 served a dinner at 4:30i at l iaol i i s decorated iti Halloween coloj-s. Abotit 70 persois were present.

On- Friday afternoon a Halloween party was held at the Lai e: Zurich grammar school. The;chiKr^n iwore costumes1 i n j many weird fig if-es; were in the pi.rade. Games and congests \yerc plajed in each room : A j H a l loween lunch was served andj i .the youngster! all enjoyed the jartyj

The annual collection., of food for the Federation Woman's'cfibi (cdttage at the Park Ridge home *' was taken Monday and Tuei club appreciated'the support i t was given. ."'''[


PioncBr HwidMA P«ued.!i \wfty Mrs. Mophla Nardhjeler, n pioneer

reddent of Pnlatlife township and vl Inge, lassed awny nt her home on Nir th t nnton stri'et. Mpndny after nfbn, TttO funeral will bff hold Frl' day nfte'nobn Iron tlti)|i1ionu* to the (l irniuu VIotiiodlst church with burial at the 11 lie ceinetiry on South Plum Orove ftvenue, .which Is locHted'on the corner « ' her old fnrm .lionte^. where tdie replied iii/itiji years uiftil the death of her husband when she moved to town, Site has alVityt^ betvii a very att lvc ifl»Um)i inn''.'-for imnu> yenr» cured fi).' her a get I parents nt invalid brother-ln-lavy-. bii'u ill for soniertime. Shb to moiiri her death,, live ,di lighters, tv o *son tt maiiy Vrandehildieh mtny other relatives andjfrie w i s a faithful meinher of| the Methodist church and <f»rj ma. ptovided for the iminist^s Sjinda'y




MODERATE OHAROljiS Hour*: 2 to D p. m., 0 to 8 p. m.

3 I Wf. Campbell St. AttUlS DTON IlKIflHTS, l i l i

R«s, 710 i. MttchelJ Ave, Phone fljio


C#yttal Lafci, 111. i.-§at., Nov. 4-5

Adm. lOcarte F R A N K U I T K ' H K *Em Back Alive"

Mon., Nov. 6-7 (Cint . Sim. • from 2:80> A d i t I0f-2.V before 5 : 0 %

AKI) ARI.KN and the lo in Fttothnii L %»


Kavanaujfh Stiirs from Htn. WIBO

T l w ; R n d l o Gossips" Rndb

Tue . Only (Dime Nlte) •4UL SEATS l p ^


Wef-Tl|urs.. Nov. 9-1(1 Adm.. ioe-35c - . - : :

IBORGB ARLISS; in "A Successful Calamity"

Fi 4-SatM Nov. ljl-12 A d o . lOc-SiSe 1


Classified Ads Bring Risu i t s



tliel (idj

h I


ind «l«o J5he had

leaves ers, ami

uds. She German iy years

iiver the s^rviges, a s this! chi rch did

ncjt'have ii residenit pastor, She will be greatly missed within thin church circle,

Palatine Garden Club - ; 1 Palatine Oardeih club held their

fiifSC' party Friday] cvenihg in a na-tt re of a Hallovl:een party mime of Mr. and Mrs. Clarei

At the ce-Com-

rt. All came t l f e sed in: dostunies, won the ine tree. articles

folded of .fun.

fo . . . . . . _ . Mr. and Mrs. George Hflms piize, each i receiving a little ril Deawinjg of cats, making of fiom yeKetaltles, l4nd bjlind g fn ie s ' c tused a great deal __ .-. T i e p r a s s i w e r e all plants, bulbs and vi ses. rbje roomis were beautifully decorated for., the' occasion land Mrw H ams, bro|ther-in-iaw of Mi'S. C6m-^ort earned a Hoover ahd llobseyelt li|teness in pumpkins as a tjtble dec-

f inlln

deliciQus su iper iiig of sajlad,, wieners, p impkin pie, 'doughnuts wps sef» ed a t midnight.

sajidwiches, aiid ~ coffee

Hallowepn Parade The If^IIoiVeeiij, (parade Fponsored

t l u Prtr^nt-lmacher aisociation p+oved ta lie a hjige success. Nearly t v o humlreti 'ohildijen were dressed in tlie most ;beautif!ijl and unique cos t i m e s fcurid janywhere. F o m h i g at 11:0 HclKiol lioiiso the line i f march

cut (lo\,'ii town tjhrough the business ction vcfro'the I tli peiipjo ito he Huigjry !Slx . '''

HJiiriiigkifaijiilei, Ilrlaes Wore | awarded IMMt IHaek I|IM it P rata, Ilotiffrt

olKjiiun nk ;«• rug luiii, RnwdnritJ Vngt ld| mini niid .In ict Pomeroy

n|!i a •wljc-li All t|<q (ilillitreii received thid GXtttlMlH ivnmm

tiitlit Pliyslcal VlKor—IVotKlifuhiewi With Ollttf m» htid Vlviuaous Kyen lluU SpirlJe With Glorious Health

streotij w^ro lined e; the lit lo folks, build proflded , IU


nd hfiti how have Vai ished.

Get a the cost

-Weeks. II even onvihie you this e it and furest Way dsn't fed a superb improvement hlealth-Ho glorio isly ebergetie—-vig­orously .Jilive-—you^ money gladly re­turned

But that yi)u Salts. t i e wM4.

8EME$T •;•"


Hern's the wc)l4|». that bairlshek fat abd brlnts into Ihssom ell the natur­al itfttj-n'tlvenewaj that every woman p|osse8 CH

Every morning take dne half tea siioonful <tt Kruscien Salts tin a glass o: hoi water 1 If6re hi eakfast—cut d»wi> oil pastry t nd fatty meats—go light oV potatoes, j butter, creatn and •s igap-Lii 1 4 wet kg get On-; the' sctlles

bottle |o|j KrufiCDJ n' Saltji is trif g arid it lasts 4

iJBj first fcottle doesn|t is thi! easiest, sat-to iogc fat—if yi

b<" sure foil y<hir ask for

C et thefn

f)R r

1*10 -1 I




f 10th



tjuinks to, a their tjuinks to, all for any assistance given (o make tjiis a.success-. ,


uafy Henry Scholon Dies |

IIeaJ"y Seholon of Kant, Chicago avenue1 passed away Sundiij night. His funeral was held Wcdnei>duy. af-teriiwin with burial in the Southslde ee^nett'ry. Mr. Hcholiiti has belli n resident n( Palat ine , township many years, then 11 bout ten* years ago" he built ii hopie here. He was a quiet friendlv nulp. well liked by all who kiiew Ijlm. He became sick about two weeks ngii and had bc<fi>" under the, tMire of jtivffi nurses. He "suffered a stniltc1 Fri|day from which: he ••did not regain consciousness. , He leaves to mourn ,h|s| Nvif?,' three, dnughteiis, and Mii;-8i>ii8,.- (iiid innny grandchiidreii. •

''•-.'..•. Halloween Parties

J Man i' parties were enjoyed both by young and old. Miss Grace Miljer entertj ined ten little girl . frierids TJiurstay inight, !*Ii»s Irene Swanson and hi'r Sunday school class had a party it the. home of ^fa'y'riue Haem-ker,. t i e class of-1931 had a party at the, heme pf1 Hirold Schrbeder, and the Gi rden club at the home of Mr.

;«nd Sirs. Clare|)ice Comfort on Fri­day night, Mrs. Foster and1 class at the home jof Mildred Bittner oh Sat­urday afternoon, the Parent-Teacher assocu tion parade of children, and Miss j Marjorie . Danielsen's class on Mondi y • night. All thesie affnirs' proved to be successes and nil report most enjoyable times.

i' ^i" ' ' . • •

Pals tine P.-T. "A. Meets Tuesday .Tlie Palatine Parent-Teacher asso-

ciatjor will hold their nejet meeting Tuesdj y aiftcrnoon a t 2 ^ 5 p . r m . , l N o -yembe! 8 at the, community room of fbe hifh school. Mrs. John Rolfe is iii chu rge of.' the . program. The sub' ject h "promoting Good Reading." Mrs. Rolfe has Compiled a very com­plete list of books for n r i o u s agcS w;hich will be distributed at this time and will ftlso have A large display of books froin bur 10¾ library. She< w i l l huvc an interesting linnouiicement in regiinl to the purchasing of books for Christmas gifts as she i s able to secure books at a very reasonnbl* pridei There, is to be special music by the children from the grnjle school.

Giisj Arps attJMided the banquet in Cbiicnio SnturtJalv night a i the Morrl-Kdti. Wotel, In houor.-of the recently elected, grand muster of thtf Odd Fel­lows lind ! the president of the Itebe-kali Kssembly.

I^ijlittln^ Ueliolmli lodge gave a card party Miijiiday <iight at t\wI, 0 ; O. J/, whleji proved a MIOCI>NM jliirtiielrtllynnil Hoctpj*. The piines. wei'o till fliiibvol \hm guosi'tmvelH. A, group of Odd I«\'Hih,'H Hurt Uoliekiiiw of Wlliiiitlto immt' nnt and enjoyed the ovi«iihigi

Ajfrij. Arvllla Ilium rotiuMioil from the luiNpltiil Ttiomlny nfternooii. She iH'.fepweriiig'-«!«'% from her mn'lim* literal Ion

Wr», Jdhn-Jtolfe iiml Miss Lottie, Hurt iittiMiiietf^tlii* iiieetiitg of the Mt.. I niMiieet Womiiu's club Tuosdny af teptiloon.


I would





(ike to Unit dentonstwied on my foim. It is-my unnlcrstanJing i|ia, this dem >nstr«ti an will pe i ce of charge

,«*•«•<•«*' ""V""!]

see the new Electric Model Peed, GrmJi



# • # • • * • » • • • • » • * • • • • • •

• • • • • • J B • • • • • • » * • •


Loiv\firs>\ ctist—Low operating cos

Actual (farm tests have proved that a small electric

motor c tri opj :rat$ a feed, jrinder successrully. iTiis neW

mbclel unit w i s developed,to use only a 1 h. p. motor.

It grfnd J mor* Milan 20B p ounds of feed ip one hour and

operate! with >ut attentic n from *pvwh$ad grain bins

• : . •, . , . ' - • - • ' L , . . » . . . ' '

All pan»are £ nest quality and are guaranteed. The CQjt

of the trornp ete unit is sensat|ohajlljr 16^-1114,75,

^ corapiei e If rou wish, tii ae payments may be arranged

infc?mtftfc]n, including a trial demoti­

on your farm, fill out and

^fo cjcpcn8e-~no obligation.

For conplctc

stration of tl ie grinder1

mail th r abo re coupon.



• r

iny pounds .of p t . ^ : ^ ^ ^ 1 ^


health's sake and gelt Kruschen's it, any'i drugstore in




Telephone 12 Barrlngl on, Illinois

H. BM3HREIBER ... ' n „;,.,/.>

Looal Superintendent i T . , v. • " I ' I - » . i i • , , ' ; . . .


TRUST; woRTliy

A down payment M only $2.50 will pui om: of these new Thor electric washers in yoiir hotae—;avpnce. You can pay th« balance "Little by little"—only ¢4.10 a menthi. (Cash pWce Is $69-50.) A big'V eek'i washing costs little more than|r$l— even while you are;.still paying for the machine Wliata saving!'s wonderfully easj to wash with a Thor. Agitator action rubs clothes clean, gently but firmly, without preliminary soaking. Your hands hardly touch the hot sudsy water. A Lovell wringer gets c lones ready for the liaer'let us demonstrate How you can do an average we :k's washing in two short hours, \


easp I




> 4

11¾ ,Wjf^>^ ,(|rW^Wfr>:v




M M m. |fS'f',«






.* Jf your Itoiihig now stakes six hours, yoo t an cut it dc wn t6 two hours—and sit down ^hileyott'tt doing it* AutUatic ironcrs do i

,ii reinirkable job of Ironing—better m most ^eopj can do by tand—with shuts, i a d russjr pieces as w e l l a l flat things, Fof i. limited tin ie youtan buy either the C o ^ 0

jroner, (pictured) or the Thor Ironer (s*«* H ype) for ojily $2.50 d o w i — o n l y $4.10» month. (Gish price on both models 0 J 169.30.) Q U ua for a demonstratioo. ^



-j- * ^ —' Wfe. ^,.. 0, .6-4¾ I ' M * * L.SiSJi J L a i-i.

• *

Comedy W i | B | a

Foothal) Stars Picture Com* injr for Wedneeidsy to

Friday Bill i

'.month of rhe Rio O r a m U V ' ^ k - n livs I)I<' <>tl»w thcatr? fiaturlak

S r u t x Huilk .Tones In a' .e>U»M;

KiV )>.-«-"picture will iTroVlde t.h,ill)i ihilt "ire I he last word In advent jire;.

A is'rfeet picture Wr the hard-HdL

I|1C f„Hi-short|lng. mniantic. %>• oU(4, who h«S b^n surrounded \Ut [ Riiieiidtd easti' Mona Marls, PWil


R>iii tiiji

I>oris Hill and

. - • + ill .be sho't'ni

fnd >ert Wooljiey

.«> 1


TiO\vi-s' ' In iidilltion. the la^t). chapter

the H'» 'N$ T i n s * " " 1 * * ^ ( • ( l n W 1 * ! ! ) ! « c o m e d y , j i e w s ree l fltrloon. (

jlerl Wheeler and, K<>(. Sive In km' the Rr'"1 haekgronnd H neiiilentiarv- and. turned i t iut., -^ i„ -11^1 *Km .Tail/* j ta f«jat-are fi^ ^»»< | j ,y a n * Monday. V , . y In "Hold 'Km Jai l ,"-1 \hee ler .dni l . j •Weolsey jHike'some good-jtiHtiire<l *•••* it the' "r<n>viet-coddlinlgn 8y«te*m

""yORiie in many prisons, jln the c-Jn to Rert aird Bob fljre assign vl) gfe rjiili'is. feather' beds, hot and clijj 'ninninK water and room service fori caviar .uid..eoektails. ' .Kos..i Ates, Edna Mm* Oliver. Ild jar Kennedy aud Betty (Arable, al

|''iH>Hvenier to the films, are featured •'in-the supporting "east. .-.;.

An "involved tangle of young Ii jD),| nmney is presented in ""N Wemeii," I'niversal's snuirt drn'ih:

. wfueh "ill be 'tiie attraction nq^ti JMesclay night.

iThe opening " of .Mhe stury" Prniit'es' Doe hecomlug illgi ginl, pmir ymi4g mall In .ih.e lei-^ni Uuiiwll (JleasOll, only to have, e'o jiliiMitiiins 'Introduced whien Alii., Mfiwlnay, rich employer o f ' F r a n k s fdtlier, 1 e x i ^ s e s ' Ms loite fur h*

, d«)i|(lii<'r nnd Is given the enthiisui. tit' aiipi-iiynl of the gir.IV-calyulatiii^

[niOllicr. II Is here thai Hldney Fib, »r 'In', other daughter, Injects . hqr-

i«cr< *'rii

df 1 'well Plaj Am) (ilej andj Ami. tliei Bfor year Mar C*nii ^»n\ f«»ug

' ' i



N electric refr igerai

day. And fo^d sa-• • * ' -

Meats And vegejtablcs

from meals can be sal

y<mp electric fcf^$eM

later in the week as

When you hsw 'jekt>a:

hand, there's no jdange


f Ma

*t*nding fats ohm *rt »t si will und^smd *i (I) Itisp*rtlx*wtp?r*ti*g

f mtniUd by **y&tr ct, tfitssHckbtUmlinrightb ?) AU <j its tffi^tnd m f*t*ri h irm«Mj\dtp*ndi P*$*rity *f**rth*r* llliMU.

Page 3: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste



7 -.f







tj^wxl Otiodmg

l|tr5t.irtding that

^•li-r-Woolsey Cometh Will B< alCailowSundj.y

9 [,»!


l/nv operating cost

•:-f IIH

:<t fn


>u \(

• i i .HUI



-)h, I


r's u^f

S Of


i Hit a| small clecrnc ;ucss|iiUy This new ()ify ,i 1 h. p. motor. rtfcri] i«i one hour an J

\n\ iiiviurh ut #rain bins






i - •! t *

(UrAtUccU. The cost Lilly Jow—it 14.75, h'tttiiy bo. arranged

1*1/; i trial demon* farm,. fiU out and

No-ocpinsc —>no obligadoa , • ! ' • - . ' ' '• \ "


e, xi ton; 111¾ 0 1 5



|ns*g iwji*

« dpi ng jcp of

C t ^ ' T E ^ M S OH THOR iRj6NE*5

no*' otwri

cai do as vn

He i Ie. pieces i:e you can

bred My

sh ill;

)-& 2$Q pijjce

vs tor

iiji<s six hours, yoa lioi^4nd»tdow0


iibnirig-tbctter thaft S f ^ a n d ^ ^ shirt* ^sfcfl^&fiui* Fo f


khe^orW***^* dowia--oofy|4r1()f : I ' ! ipon |a danoostiatio^

bojb ^ e k J 5

, , , I'ret tire Ci m-

\\ I'dnvsdiiy to

mu 'I.IO.IV

i ir.ffidi'." W tell iffi- Suttnuuy Ml :l ('olofTlll,

IOII 'Mexico. -T)r.«i(lo tfojills i *i«i iidvcnt ire, •• tin- liaril- ill •i 1.1 ii lie , ll iiTiiimilrd \ , M:iris, 1» !i :lfnl <!('<

i-t chapter v.ill lifsho vn

'./.' news reel 111(1

l; ;!)••!•! Wno|M>y U-H-kirrimnd

-.-1.-:1 it I lit • A,!." the f Sli.iidny.



ith tilo rge


m'lf Into the iltgntii n In an. attempt to* solve tha |irt>blrii prem>ntM<l, with rfMiilu which «r« H uprising and t«> tally iiii«>siH>ejutiT. i |

KWtlon i turnM v HI ho itunpmiuml from tlnr p<ug«'durli g tho oveAbiR. ,

Ttlt> HPUNOIlV tik<) icndouM vtithu»|> IINIII for football hi* «n outldt in "The, All Amorlpmi" the «rldlrou drama which comei to thu Ontlow ncn-en Wednesday, Thursday mid KrUiny nt'irhtH of licit wovk.

Thlff brliiR* tuwtlcr more thnn'SO <>f the gurnet oiitn! indhig Rtar»f'«H wo|l AH it big cBHt if populnr dcrcen' players Including Richard Arlcn, Andy Devlno, Qlorl i Stuurt. JnmeB Olraxon, Pre»ton F< nttff, ,]une Clyd^ und John Darrow. :i,n«t season'a all; Ameri^hn team playi as a unit', and their opposition is made up of a ncorc of gridiron lit rocs of previous years. "Red" Cagh M.archy Schwartz, A

. v - - - -y - - J--— — - . — » . - f m. > H U M

C'aritleo and Jerry ] talrymple are a-mong the stars who ire seen in hard-fought coDtesUi on t ie football field,

Classified Ads I ring Results

of I I

» : at-I

Whi'idiT nd rn,i i it red |un

system in In the ( 'lis

.in- u- si);! 0(1, I.• >r ,in,| i idd

II 4-1-(-1(-0 pur

- Ol.iiT, !\ Cl-iljll.

:l IT fell t l4:('d


it yni i i iK • , | M.i ' " '

• ii i rf di'i inn '• .i -1 "_.»Ii i -xt

Ernie Nevers, bie Booth, Prank

'i'v-.. GOLD ^TAR


»t7 East Stitlon St. p


Furniture Umovalu Local and Lon i Distance





Cuba Township »|P. (i ttd MVM, fom\\\\ KuitHhy ntid

Mr, ami My> .Twiih Oroll nfOhi . ottjjo wore fnllcm [ Hnturilny I t tho home of Mr„lttml Mb. Harold Kotaoy.

A. (Jolt of MltitiiMipolls, Mlitn., eif Joyed dinner with Mr. and, Mm Har­old KotM>y,Thur«dny.- j

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krai in nnd dnughtccH JKHUI and F«y of Uilcago (tpetit HwHlny and Mnndny i t th« KruiiH homt>.


Mr. and Mrs. August M^rer of Shady l l l l l spent Sunday in Chicago.

Mrs. Ada Balmes and cliildrett spent the week with her parenjs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelsey and oh Sat­urday they left for Whinetka [where they will visit until Sunday1 with

Hlmdv HID nifi l'egg ni tort'd to n

tttopjictl tit Vmt'* INif)

crtlted at tl Monday,

It. 1). K Fred Kr/utt kegan and

Mr, and

Mr. and son Robert

•P i


Mr. and > r*. iJolm Halmes, vt'tyiniliiH t i thflr hmm

Mr. nud Mrs. Olive Btul Mr. aid Mrs

d Mf». Myr Istoi, Ind.,

relumed tit mt« ^uiidiiy.

i«fore in HMrnlt.

FltU of Aug-

li'U Fit t» nut', Sturdily and

3»MI etk and tits.1


It. DIIH'K. n. of Mlnite o H. 1). 1C(


»lsey|, JoK(t»! splint Monday In

hleago. MrsJ Frank

Thursday 11 Wpukcgan

Ryan of Chicago called home Satur lay evening.

Classifid Ads Brini Resuls

We would like to announce'to o ir many friends that if any of them are not receiving our Ron e Im­provement News or Farm Improverien^ News* that we will gladly send it to 'them if jhey will kindly advise us.

10# Stove Polish, Fireproof. 4-oz. can Stove and Iron Enajntel, for pipes and metal

surfaces, §-oz. can .,:,.,............. :...4 .„1.10* SUN-HEAT ECr«'d!>Aj|:per^im'l.....i'casIi' $6.00

A 600p; ^S l / t iOR THE ] lOl^EY You can made a goo 1 serviceable st< irm door but of

your screen door ly covering itrw th a piec(? <trf our tough waterproof paper, eac i

and Mr. aid Mrs,




Minn,, sey home on

WOIIRV and Wait-


Mrs* Kdwnid Ityai and

at the John


Furnace Cement, Seals cracks, fills joints, 11-oz. can ...u..


W* Ping-Pong Tables, Neat, Sectional (tan be strired

in a smitl) space), each ............,....................f6.80 ' • . ' . - ; ' . ' " . . ' ' . . ' . ' " • ; • " - , ; . ' • .

get yours?

K Mcitts and vc

iroirt meals ca


N electric r irrigerator saves :^|>6d^every

day. And food saved is mof ey saved.

etables that are left over

be safely stored away in

urelectric refrigerator . . « jiid served

iter in the w fck as delicious as ever.

When you hav: extra milk and :ream on

nd, there's no ^angerof i ts souring over

Ire low prices,

you can buy foods in large quant

keep them fresh for 1 long time.

i t ;;goe^_;-;in-'.;;iDp^iitIew:^^' ail

erator tatm and $mn anld


- ^ - : l


• .• 1 ' - . • • ' ^ , i K | ; : . & f ;

Stvnal\ulstanding fate about tkh GmpM > fmoWy

art not as utll u dtntood Mi I think tbrj bould U-

(1) hkpunlj an operating company and jjr wttvmAt-

or contrqllHity an < other company. (2) T6 * isw/wiy;

of its stockholders < m right here—ti it, «'«%* 'owud'^

(3) All of its offiitrsand employes live'-b^t,'- (4)lyJSif;

future is irrevocd y dependent Mpo* tbtpwOb **d\

prosperity of northe n Illinois. ' *



•£ - I A W L




Nickels, dimesor [ ^ ^ savings ftiore than l|wt the cost of ope* ation V. . th^ a ^ the model you seleci. And j all 1 hi time you are enjoying the priceless con lenience &t perfect, automatic refrigeration.


Small families,





0 .


Of elccr »ii

ing displays

j ^ ' ] p u | l i c .

and other neigl borhood rcf; igerator

m purchase a

erator on a


v. I mm

• • '*'->»iLi

m u^klAMMmm

tics . . .



tavts. t


lea rn

va&iffi. no


m 111

m& 'M^mmim


8, 1982

Dwtf Sts Avol<lsn 1 iFh« I otttl lea hna m otitlot and

two 1» no mnrino nnhilul jlfe In it, liven ,tli|o blrdi niul ttnltitqli nvold



J . ' - . . , - > . ! K M S M Uric Acid poison—the Mm

of most rhMimMIe agony starts to laws your body In JM Houra

1 < ' ' .' 1 Tijnk of it-i-h<w this old world doqs muke progress—now comes a prescrip-tlin which is known to pharmacists at Allenru and within 48 hours after yen start' to take thir swift acting fdrmula 'pain, agony and inflamma­tion has departed.- J

Truly a. day for the whole family to celebrate for instead of 1 being a helpless, expensive and annoying crip* pie the happy person Is soon lot work again. !

Allenru| does just what this notice sa^s it will do—it is guaranteed by lending druggists' to do it—you can ae; one generous bottle for 85 cents alnd if it doesn't bring the, joyous re-suUs you expect— whole hehjtedly returned,-

rake heart —lively activity comes ttr the wonderful benefit Al-agiin afti

letim brings has made you an J happy. J

And remember this.-Allenrd, as effective for neuritis, scial: lunbago. '


is just tea and

Reduced ! Effective Nov. 1st

MILK, quart . MILK, pint ...„•..':....: CREAM, % pint '.: CREAM, % P»nt':.i WHIPPING CREAM, & 'BUTTERMILK, qua|rt ... CHOCOLATE MILK, »/2





"Barrington'8 Safe Milk Supply'


• ^ i i i i i t m • » • » » «

• * is<

••4*. -N


' I I ' ^

!• In both Cook and Lake Co

• . - . "P ,W • aP

; , November; \, 1982 We Merchants, Professorial Men Wd Unbiased CI tlzens botl

Republican!i und Dompcrata have oxumincd the platfornH adoptiet by both of the Major'Political parties arid then studiet the candl ^ i , . - -i_J J - - ^ - » ^->-~ - t « H « —- — Ji ^ - « » - . — i - ^ < »-h >» - -

o: Ifttea and loted their abilities and aciieyements which they arc tfferlhg to thie voters to select h&ajt

We do think this coming election Is most important



a history making epoch that will affect the Home, (fhurch and School. ] The farmer, Merchant and Professionat Men; the Man-ufacturer,*;^echanic and Laborer; the Rich and Poor t like are all mutually aiterested and Jiave felt the^depression whi ;h -jvas the aftermath;< >i the w6rld war. Every nation has felt % which has prbVehto-iis tnatJno nation can live by itself alone; we are all dependent1 apojrj one another.

,- Now ttiat the o epression is somewhat abated, ai d. business < vis beginttinji to look Up again, it would be the greatest lolly of-'.-the 'Americai p tipple tochange Political Leadershipat Jthis time. .Pres-. id^ht -Hoavorfhas become a world figure who has perfoimed. a her­culean tj isk and has rendered a service to all of us foi • which we can' never repay him. Na President of our countryr hai ever been called upon to face stichj;grave problems, aiid he did it with great -.-courage and skill; therefore we owe him our allegiance, . >/

Herbert Hoover is a practical man whose5,mind ri hs parallel with^Anier can Ideals and Traditions,'unlike his oppbi tent whose

;utteranc(is iave only been visionary arid impracticable, However v he-did;say: '; •''.'..''-.•• - ',\ ;'"-• '. '''-;•'. j'- • '•••«:•''

"The deep question in this campaign is one of confi-j " dence n ieadership^in leaders. The measure of truth! •'"..-'."..of,-yrhat. they say, is what they have said; the measure

Vof what they; will do is what they have done."— ?raink-•-"-;. lin D.. lioosevelt.' V'• •

;- • -! • i - • " • ' - . . . ; " . . " • - . ] . . . . i • , ' - ' . ? • . - • . •

Now the above test is an acceptable challenge to j^l support­ers of President Hoover and We feel certain he will car (*y the day by7 that stapda^d, next November 8th with flying coloi s.

We all ihdorse the straight Republican ticket for State and Nation beet use all candidates in the Republican Golumi are com­mitted to iiidorse the platform adopted at the Nation il Republi­can Convention and are accepting President Hoo|ver% leadership.

- Now if you vote for any candidate outside of thisjcofuri 5i you wul Impair the success of the0 Natiorial TickfetS as Rresidimt Hoover must have the support of all office holders in the St ite as well as In the Nfltion—that means the Governor as well as tl ie congress of [State and Nfttion, Personal grievahcertnuat b^ forgjitten.

and; will be



:•':• ••y.Hr.SOHROBOBIR . • Y-^XA^SCHULTE ;

:':;^-EARL;H.,aNCKS-,v-;v" v - v - v ^ . ^ O T p ^ ^ 1 ' ' ;.-

W A R R E N » T B R M A N

•••v-, ---it*ji3imwpRv/v>'i v i MAUDMp^ERTSON '":•'•: CrSdRCrllUTERS

:-\:^:.±mmmwmTi-.--; SAMG.Hl$lNRlGtt C

\ ,:>»iARY€.^IESK|S,:, '. ' ::-•r!'-'^^immB^:':^ \ ••: •L : JOHNH-DBtiANKEl ..£-/•; •:- W^,Hp«All-:I/ v- -:.

v imANipiH^RtnpN GHRtSfRiR1?AJ

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:v: I PARKINSON:'' " rmw&AmmW: JOHNSGHAfefBR •mi£^mDmm^:

PJtnllP BKUS mrnmomisr

msw&&i&&8. mmmm SCARltlliJ . KENfiAfL

i¾lFRAI ;¾i:P A«TRII GE.-. -..- --

^:m<fi&Bmm^^ ^Wmm ELl»Ifiic^LTZ M A^N1,ASC3HR0BI BR; m^0gmmmmALL WER ^te®^i«w ©KBiM;;.-''--'..--'..-..: ;'"-' ;t'-":#

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turnes. \ Miteb

& eivcd pr: ten. The rvertins of jfilj wit 1 an enjoyable Ilnttowivob closed


Entertains D a i i « h t » r s

L o u i s s t i l l e r And M r u " t h e Old Maids" i-<|-,



IJo iw Part -Monday

The I.Ioi * <'lul> entertained Moiidn> evenin* nt i very successful m a s q n j ^ adc Hol lm een party in the Catlfra hall. Hall w w i i ftif.mes eontiprised jhi program f >r the 'fir«t part of fhi evening nn I the j»rnnd march held ;ai important place. Dancing folloyje. and the p pseiitinu Of prizes for cjns

Ituminsj w is int^l'stii iR, Mr. aim • S i r s . It. F WHmerinj: wore awarijeil first prize f o r ' t h e funniest- eouplei.

A. D. C ttirch as a Southern mijjnij-my took a first prize also. Mrs. Kai]t Schn-emin -eceived fhe first award foj-the most rfriEinal ladies' costume anil R. L. Mitidhe'nfc and JW. R. Bec«-man receilpd* prizes for original O03-

. I _ ' ' 1 - = = 7 =

Society - Pergonals ts~..,i.. » « 1 MINI MlitU Wnttintttlmt


Mrs. K\ >rott Emerick. 23fl \V. TM^, street, was hostess nf-four,-tables of coin ftvenile. was hostess Thursday 'a -terimon. f i-t. 27. to n-group rtf y o p n j people in Ixmor of her t dnuehtfrii f.loris and Dorothy, who «fe re celeb ra ins their hirleenth birthdays. f iam4 were play >d,' prizes awarded and tli party was lunch;

All Trt»i» Kntertaliifd


The AI church w tng nt th H. Ilidcn, JflH'Hl* W ween act the parIn \ W. H. <'

completed by nn "njoyilb

Tnie\ cl I'M

Attend l< Ccp<l<'M Hmi'iili mi ntPitiltiii"* nf. ilie 0 ¾

'riioitiiii ' ': Sweeney Wotimit'-t H|'l|i'f ;_pof|i-» ivrt ' KUixfx 'I'tica.hiy ill 11 t«|ii|lt?

COIIUIMII pi ton In 1'ilttlit fur l.tliiji'ti hi'itit Mn( -v. pii'Mlitciu nf Ilie tfi'iihl't ttienl <>£ lllitn>li Woman'i Itjdef rorpri itttif her stuff nf oltlcer*

Senior I.' iieue Knterluli si

The S. rli i irch \ evpnini: 1 Wittier e H1 j p s* IX I) decora tio j o y m e n t

IJH of t i n ' Siijle 11 fried Friday e 'e 1

J of Mr. and M,r«, '". l'-'f^Vool street: A f l | t | i

re In I'liiluiiie and Ui|IJ! vIlli'H were curried "Villi

( t l j l ' priiKI'MIH - ' . - . '. i '

M « « I M T » '

li'il- ' |eaitie 0^ the S t . I'll ill as ciftcrtnrfiicd.. Siill ifi ljiy

11 I l n l l o w e n party a t ; fate . f2antes kept the jli

ami the bealilifji |P f added much to the

if nn: •

the It.v


Kntertuiiji Cliilathea ClasN

M rx. s t r i c t , w fhe i 'hil c o s t u m e spent in w e r e pri

1». W e l l s . 2 0 0 VV. Lilki s Itostoss F r i d a y evening; then rhf* nt a J ia l l vwt >arty. The evening \\ Karnes,

t u t . •

II *ir-

K»i>ta rJelttt-Cliwu Bntfrtalned

The Kpptn pi'ltn t'lusn of 4Jao 8a-lent chttrjcli wa«| entertained FrMny cvenlttjt 'nit nHaljIowetm costtinifr par­ty In, f ha home of Mr. and Mm. # . H. Oflabditbort. 137 ^ ' . ^ t i n c o l n ave­nue, 'Qames were played and prizes awarded, and the colorful, decorations added much to the merrjy prograih. Forty-five gues ts were prpsent. -*

Sir. and Mrs, Castla Kutertaili

iTIje Castle home on Grove avenue wits' the scAie of a delightful parity. Friday evening when si.^ty guests gathfred to . make merry. All were in costnme;' some of which, were- beau­tiful while many were just: funny. Prizes wer^ awarded i r i f the ffallo-v een games and the many decorations added'much td the happy .occasion.

V- '" - — • r • ' IpitertaiMs a t Bridge <

Mrs. Wesby Parker. 547 S. Hough

bridge Friday afternoon. Prizes were received by Mrs. Wil l iam Rotterfer, Mrs. C. L. Stivers, Mrs, .T..M. Fried-binder, and Mrs. K. ,T. Harris .

Entertain at Hal loween Party

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Union th, . 0.1 S. Ilottgh street enlertnInert Friday evefilng: at a )tardtloies I lal lowoen party. GnmoR In 'keeping wlthv the day. w^re plnypd and ^ very Interest­ing feature of the ev^nl'ittr'a program was the fortune teller, .*


i (VUihrntn Mli'tlulayH

Mr,, anil Mr*, A'IKIISI flok|»('ll,' .'l.'IH W, l/rtko Kll'tMt, eptiM'litlneil M w l i i . I|vnn Sunday nt 11 Itli'llitlay illiuier In liMiitie; nf MINN Mfiiid«v<'JitrtNetj nf Otil-CH«ll llllil Klljj l l l ' l l (lOHNldl - l l f M'l l l ' ; I'llUil, "'

Hlunilmd j|t'ai'ei"s M ^ " A group nf 18 young woinon nf (lie MetlimHat ehiirch met, nt llioJi.Hine of M-r. and- Mrsv 1'. It. Drover Friday ttiglit to iiiiike plnns for n fttniumrrf Hearer soclely. At tin* next meeting ofllcers will be' electeijl. ; > '••

T h i r t y - t w o xue'its

A t t e n d I l a v e n s w o o d H o s p i t a l Benef i t

T h e fo l o w i n g R a r r i n g t o n people at­tended t e Ravenswi i i id hosp i ta l a u x ­i l iary cai I party at Krlgewater ,BencI> hotel F r i l a y : Mrs . R. W . Muir . 3^ rs.' fiilhert 1 Ireene. Mrs . I . ' W.-j MJa^sli and Mrs. K . . L . Mii'ndlienk. k

Fnter ta i t j s at Rirtl idny-D i n n e r

Mrs. .1 dtn Rell nf Harritigtott iJiH'ti-s h i p w,h hostess T u e s d a y jiit a l^itth-day dinr «r in honrir of M j \ Bellj and W . <'- l | a r n d e n nf H a r r i n g t o n

F n t e r t a i I 'arty

M i s s I lnugl i even ing Halb .wi


s at Ilatlmvccn

rgtty rfrecl,

Schroedor, was hostess

54 If S.

Ktilerlalns rt't., '. • ^ •;• Miisipierade Party '

Miss Jhne riirnnttj of Jewel 'park . was hostess 'Saturdify evening at a

Halloween ,iuas(|nt»rnde- party. A group of 20 voting people spent the evening at ganpfs and dancing. • - . .

^ b ' — ' •••• ••'• Kntertfliiiis M i s s i o n a r y . • ' . - . • S o c i e t y

.Mrs. R o b e r t SPuir, uOfi S. Hot igh s treet , w a s h o s t e l ; * , t o \ h e M e t h o d i s t M i s s i o n a r y soc ie ty - 'Wednesday" nfter-iioon. Mrs . J . H . D e B o l t had c h a r g e of a s t u d y p r o g r a m on C h i n a . . ..-

Entertains at Bridge ; 1

Mrs. Harold Grebe, 100 Harrison street, ehtertaihe'd at four tables Of bridge Saturday evening.. ,Mjss An­nette. SIIP.P1 and Miss Mildred! Miller received honors.

Relief Fund Party a Success ;' n , . • - . • '

The relief fund card party given by thf Eastern Star Wednesday was. Well attended., A .prize

evening waft

awarded at each of the 1H ta ties

to n gnuip a p a r l y .

ol f r i i ln l s .1


Entertains at Birthday Dinner

Mrs. ,T. J. Kngelwnan, 20S # . Lake street, entertained at. a biftln tier Monday evening. i t i honor daughter Anita.

ay din­ar hqr

Barrington Woman's Club:

I V * l ' l a l | e s W o lei'liiMin, deliglt lf l

. II It-it belt

A g r l i i p of our w o m e n a l l ^ t . l e d the r c c | i r o f l l v jlitJl' n iee l lng jrf (he

11.11111% (dub Moitib»,v af-••I. Ill , mill reported a i c r y t ime, J)'y-.|deii Ihe pIe|i ltiro

fit of meet ing ihn w o m f i . of the otln f c lub (hey enjoyed hejli'lllg ,1. Prill ley (Irlffnll , g ive 11 ill'jlmil cal led "Jis Itii«lntiiiU Jii." Thoi

went (f m Harr ing ton werr d a m e s Harold tttnit, F'ftnk I U. R. Mtindhi'iik Hldeii B i e s k e . -

'Id (Jreltt*,. I.en) I I'Mltdt, Idintilll | \

Hohert Marsli

4 -

.vlii It'M-



e n e f i r b r idge ' given :it ^ T h e

«w RidJe , ' the- 'home nf Mrs . F li.'i in M 1 was tickets and ; th

rf. TTueN<la.v afternoon, .. it tended by 1 0 0 guestij, leing.- sold wel l in \idVa




ov. all

ace, ern'ixtn greatly enMyed

The cbi tmittt'e ' announce a sa't]i,ifap-tory fit atieial return .for the Lhol-arship. ftan fund.

As a member of the press com nit-tee of 1 ip Barrington Woman's i lub, and a g ie^t of Mrs. M. "A: Hendfrton,

J. C. Gadwallader 13T I?ark Avenue.

• ' ;

High Grade Watch and Clock


seventh district -p' chairman, Mrs. 0 . H s Stouf,";in n group of MO .presH chairmen, enjoyed a lour of the Chi. eiigd Tribune Tuesday eveniiig, "Nov. 1,' The lolir was preceded., by a . m.o.v-fug picture ami lecture imMl 'I'ri'ft* to Trlbum's" and."Frrtin I'npev, in P a p e i W HeenDse liiiicli of the time, the guides' voice ^ would 1m drowned out by the roar, the lecture, 11 the form of Illustrated hook lei a was

given each of the giietds and also 11 line of type containing her «wu. name' as net by a ttuorype miiehlmi f«»r \i'»e hi next! Sundity'i) Trlbunt', together with a jtictiire that, want Uilien. Any-one inteiesit'd may borrow, thene book-h'ts. ., .'•.

Mm. MutWJ Ent«rtalm Monday

Arm. .I|J tt. Muth, 838. K, street, entf-rtnlncd a »rotip ' 1 young people Mx ween par Charted* ween 'stui

Announce Miss port thy 8ew,<kt ; Announ the marri

Mrs. W.

St. Simoi 'eine srtet

ndny evening, at y: 1« honor of Gaines, ghosts, ahjd ts made, up the

of the evej ling. Prfeefi were and a Ha lowfcen lunch cbm^lcted ni'erry par ty.

Marriage of


Hullo lfcr'. ''8onf

Hkllp-program awsHed

iement has been n (?e|y«jd *of ige- on October'2fl

Dorothy I ewett, daughter of Sewett, formerly

rington, 0' Melvin Warner 's church, Leland ts, Gliicago

Mrs. Koc ler Entertain^

Mrs, R s tWCt, ; ' W

F. Kocher, 427 E


is hostess Thursc ay group of j'rienda at a 6:3ft 0

ler and a tocial ev lunch din

Entertain 1 at Halloween Bridge Flirty if

afiss : Iadel|n Drauden, 122; W. Lake stre ?t. was hostosta Mm day even­ing nt a Ilnlloweeri bridge

Mr. an | Mrs. A. P.- CarmjehneS, 520. Saturday parly in

I'IIJ-- Gjriind-

Division evening 1 the home Mtroni at

itreef, were guests t o Flvff Hundred of Mr, and Mrs. G Glen View,,

Mr, ai d Mrs. Holand P utlciJ and dang'hfei Hutler <|i Oak I'lit/k f( vve.v gllOfltS

Mr«, ( Wii* 11 Niihweim iiiiViliiy,

M\\ a ibuittliiei ty ill t.l FHdiiy (

'("jell, Nn, Hft, VVeilili'w gin, 1'H lireRenty [1111 fttn liispecte

The St . 'Ai in Ituiclng


of Miss Mr. and of jBar-CasB at


RasBell t o , a

cloclt pot enlnu.


Hefty Joftniiml S

>if Mr, anir Mrs. ! Karl Meluviuiiif, BtB H, Huntllv: Htwot.

liiyton Tiffany • of rtivtijloleln nielu'iMV Billet: nf KTS, ' " I, BIS'H, llltUBi) HlfHHlt

Ml • M M . Wv;. l^ i tjCliiled it Hit ill gl ided it linHi

(i lo ly fulfill niHif vonliia, i'litimn* Hweeney hud n |iol luck In ay.. Ailing vlslttii^ iitliu! iiittl Oak i'i

Mm. ilyile of 10! i' liwpH'toi1, was p I tlt« corps tli the 1 lithr ami Homiry


party In the Tarfioo ijlay evtfnlng, Nov. 4. K Rhythm

The Wed ties Mrs. -W street.

Mrs. si on st luiiehcoi 1

Jeann Hough afternocl

's eiiiirt'li will enti rtnin at a

Kings will provide iiiochle cliib. was ..(jnteiltained

lay afternoon at tii * hitmt* of liiam Draudeh, . ' l lt | ' Wj Lak|e

A. D, Carmichael, eet, attended a Tuesday at the ho

Marie. Sibley, entertained

r«.; Stella dinner

Hurl Wmh

aiid pin'


%\ l,'G, iclii'iin on /ni;:(i"Mi.

t'k Wt're till, j umltio i'Mmlt anil fierjioon.

m of

Ltnll Vti-list thi

Kvniis music.

st r4,>J,

520; Divi-ohei .p'clook

ne of Mrs. 418 S. Monday

n at a Halloween tarty. The 1 radics Aid society 6i

ivitist- -f turch wilt meet i|n,' Npv. 9, at- thi a'ftcrnoi

Ke'v, ai|d Mrs. .freeman a social and work" meeting ". Miss [Mary' Virginia .Tonfcs of • Chi­cago was a guest on Frida r and Sat urday (f their cousin, Mb Dotterr

the| Meth-iVednesday

h<ime of It wiU be combined. .

a Dorothy s ;reet. On

«t«Urii>0r » « M eni«ly low. iliwt

Infr tlilN-pwIion yow .»Wirt. t»vJm>fc ivorn! y<u will itlwayK look

(rrooiwHl. A fftttlifi I shoe MTtj,- '

iwnom-alinoa T^w»


»ur Shoe Reoairing Will Keep You Well Groomel

a a nlmple inattep—jto wn.

intlon, »v»ry

It bring us your atom tlifby need Hotno fit AlMf our1 prlew for

Listerine, reg. $1,00 size ...1.:................89. t

Pepsodent, liquid, $1.00 size ,J.:...u....:.„,.83i I

Alcohol, for rubbing purposes, full piini 29«;'•;', McKesson's Cough Sjrup, r€g. 50c value 3 3 i

McKesson's Milk of Magnesia, full pint 2 9 : Peroxide, full pint .1,....:..:^4----------1-^91 Kruschien Salts, 85c size ...

P^P^ Tel., Barrin^on 548


Hill ui'ilny (Hnrk Joi tile J>ltft> his fainlly Olir i ty ,

mienliiK 1 fi tttid Mm, OHn ,fH, wero ttlhntir *««»t« at 'm iiottiia L Ur, $MM nntl

hnV<* wHiitly iiHived from 1*«., to ( ftiV««<j wltefe t>r.

,Ttn i«f Is iwitor of t|W OflitvaFy cUurcii. 'Jhiirlotte WWW 200 W." Lak^

Mti-'eti entertained frljtnda *i & IlalhfWfeeft party Mow-day evening.

Roland Melnert atijeet. ha|d a ir*ou hit home lon'een p|a

Shirley ni e,: e'nti ti tained

' ilondny fty.-. ' Bieehele

The Tionnsbiiry c! S. wil l hold the Monday, Nov , "7,

a group of little

230 VSCt .Lake »"of playmates In' evening at a Hub

;.".. a- "V 844 Grove; aye> group of ^Tittle friends Afonday.e^etiing at a merry

H: illoweei iJ!paFty, apter, .494, O, E. regular meefinR. There will be a

fiosial hqur at c^rds following the m< «ting.

Mr. anfl Mrs. Ipti porn and grand di lighter- Dawn l^andwer and Mrs. Jfh'n Ho;p and cilldren Jackie and •Time weiB guests at a birthday din n< r for. I fiss Beatjrice Sornf in Elgin Si today, "i','

Mr. «iidjMrs. Charles Brintlinger. Ohicaf 6 were guests Sunday nt the

Mr. and lirs. Howard Brintr ot h<me of

iger, 4fi4 Diindey' avenue, Mr. aid Mrs. Leslie Kirby and

daughter Shirley,of Forest Pai*k spent indny i iritfc Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kirbjv

AV'- I incoln" nvpnuft irlLcy |g in Hampshire Mrs, Charles H«Wley, Mrs. A. W.

Ajbbott, rnd Mrs. HJ E. Janiei of Bar-ipent Monday at,the home ,of

Mr. and i Mrs. Qo|rdon ilaniberg 'in qilcago. - .., '. •• ,- i •'!] ,

Mr; aid. Mrs, John Sehwemm J118 ii"atrpfU %y)oi'o guents Sul^lay

4nd MraA-Ollbort Httirdncro of .Park,'- . l ' 'v J

PlnSgo nnjl Donald Mnrwlinll i t i i v f M l y lof1 "'Oh'leago ' wure

Mr.,T«nl Mr.

IflKhlaiK .Tiiine*

f tho

i * ' H. vtmiio,

Itobiirt iiilnrm!


Mr. i II unlit I In II in

WH 15, (lay of

iMNOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1032 — — — [• . ! i * '•*

fiithf *im\, Wmtt.TptUPiltn 8tm« Mr, tint! Ui% Jnt'Ob lOngplu-

matt lit- Aust in, Mfn. HllHttl) OIIHW'II, 40** f(/CiJi)B

tttmi, * vl*IHitg thlM w w k with vel iitiven d|mt M e w l s in Elgin.

Mlsh: Witiuti. lClfby who la nlteild-11111 school in Chicago spent Haturilny aiiil Suttda^ with her parettta In Bttf» rttt.gio'n,. ,[-.. , .;' •.-' ' . <". .,

M > s . , 3.1 Miltef o f Mttdtsou, Wh, and ilk, JGMl'bert Hardaojie ofl High­land f ark ; were! gucstH I'htii'bdny of Mrs. John Sehwemm, 113 W. Main street'-:. -- i',

-Mr, and Mrs. Louis Beuseher ft Aurora spent Saturday and Suniiny with j ev. nnifTMiW. Beuschcr, j 121 W. Lincoln avtenue. . , ,•'•':,• '

Mr. and f Mrs. Edgar Tate and Mr. and ft rs. iFrank Rirchmah of Bar-ringtbi sp|cnt Sijndair at thi Field Mnseu si, the Planertiriam a,nd the Aquarium in Chicago. , I

Mrs! Clifford iStout and fson Will­iam a id «Mrs. J.' H. Hollikter and Seth Quathorp, all <>f,'. Barrington visited' at T.jbhe John Golden home in Eimhrirst Ifriday. evening. -.-• Mrs] John Hcinrich and ehildrcn of f rlen jBHyn^ calledi 011 Bairruigtpn friends Fijiday; : * , '• V"; :.---;

Mr. anij| Mrs. Robert Record and son lcjft Thursday for their home" in Philndelphjia jafter spendiingj several months with relatives in Barrington.^

MT.J ami Mrs., M. Ongawa of Cht-engo: were guestls Sunday of Mr. and Mrs., |Jaim>8 Gunthorp, 212 ' Franklin street

Mr.) and Mrs. Carl Schmidt and iliniKJ^or [Helen of Evanatpn were guc«t» at thtf P. II, Drover homo, 120 Coblklgo ilivehuo, Sunday. ,

Mm. Miir'tln Olaon and ' (JiutghUir

tttul 1», llarrtiwcr t)f \ \ KUH«*«HH WDW gutmtti Montltty of Mr. i «<1 MI<M, II«n< cy Hhhroetter, 4r|T it), tiitik ttlt'OtH

\V|I1 mil 'itettcrtar, IM» Division nitwit I'tdtifited It'iitM \ 'uulilnglohr-J) 0. Mniltlay.

Mr, nini Mi*. William UrntiuVn 118 SV. Luke nifeet NK-tit Katurilaj utitl Suiulity wltJl relut i'«H in .Toilet.

Friii ltiiwleyilk Li hgdon, N. D, and his sister ^llM Btnfkb Hawlo;'

"of.Chicago oalliMt on tfiends itt Bar riiiRtoi HiindnyJ * - .

ittei Fanny t ay of 1 .aeon Is spend • ing serernl weela at tl e IUHIM; of Mi. ami itv«. M. If. Seh eibef, >50 N, Hager ftj^nue. j • ' . . - . . ''

'• Mr. n|d Mrs.| J. Kc medy and' Mi. and.(Mrs. *U. Brjynnt 6 Oliic.igo weri' guests Saturday^ and Sunday-at tin-' home it Mr. anjl Mi». LJ E. Mnrphy.. 515 E ivi»ion sBree't. -'. ---

Misii Bernice'Hawle ^230 W. Lake street spent Saturday '; arid Sunday wi|h ler parentis near iRockford. ,

Mr, «nd Mrs; J. B Cameron and kr . and airs,, Carl * J uhnson o | Ri ^ cine, Wis.'",wcir« gties :s of Mri an d Mrs. C. T. Ryiier. •! 14 ^y. 'iJtlji n street, Saturday and Sunday-. -'.''.

Doi aid SchrtodcrV 522 S." Cock street ispait, Saturdac and Sundi y with Willard JGiesk. and, BurinII Landwor at thfe Teac icrs'' college n p e K a J b l . ' , ••]•:< \. , ' • • > •'•. '

•Mm."Minnie]"Beat ie of Lineoli, Hi<b, visited sweraii Jays tlih .'W«tk with friends irtBarH igton, .'..' ! Mrs. H, Ti Mock and daught 8r 'Dorothy of GJ-eim H ty, Wis. speit Saiuidiiy and Sunilnj with relathlea in BJirrlngtpn.

Mils Mwrgnifet W< Icholt, 100 % Lake Htivet, ntjtended honje-conitjiig - ' at

HUOSIH f-nm Frliiu,f until Snndjiy at; G, Pinggii liomo on* Grove Mrl flii/l MIPS, Plagge B.nd>»on mill AJIHH MiifJiinltV' Amthttii Into (!)lik'(igo with thti, bays

jvotrtiiij! iii-Mi'a,! J. J. Mn«t»lnwwjv ««it

WiVii !|iin! A n't litn m I -WMI' It'­ll M& hjijtr,'I<.- |a^yi>ii)iwiiii

j . Kte


Heating^ ffortless vi

Oil Way

i C onsta at tenipetature from earliest /morning "t n't i] late at. night— -in-sur rig- heaJth-r-freedom

...froiin spot—at little ex-; pense-^heat your .home the Fuel Oil Wa .( Md an extra room! to your hor ie—remove all fur-nac e slavery—burn the clerner fuel. °

1.. &H. FUELOILS 38-MKNo. 1 ............Jc 32-½ No. 2 ...........6½c 28-P0^iv3 ....... ..5¾eT

L.&H. SPECIAL •'".' 28-32 i;.....,........„......5»/4c

- -• - '• •••: r

• • • • ' • - - / ^ ^ - • ; : )

Call 268-R j For Niffht Service

L^eschulte & Hafcer, Inc.

, « • ' • " . ' "

Phone 5 or 4 5 0


4 -

17« •i a. JARS 25c

ip?4- >z. MR 14c ipji-o:. CANS 25c

,14-(2. BTL. 17« 2 8-0 I.PKQS. l i e

!28-OE. PKQ.lOc'


KOSTO, al l f l avon CLOROX '•-.''.'.'•'" »' ;•" ••-'. OLIV-ILO TOU*T SOAP FREEtThmi - . I' -.: . ': m

•imtakn with •achpurchatii of l irto n>. lulor ilx« cakot

Rolled 3 » i ' LB, R l b t B e e l . 2SC HQBKnT'8 •WEST MEAT L B ,

Hfl t l l i f WHOUB 8'/2C qEiNTEiR sucee•"> u», i9o




HVA-O tT. CANS 2 2 c 15y4-CZ.CAN8l9e • .TiiLLCAN 15c

18 02. LOAF 5¾

PI|Q. OP«10<

. :^-10« 40.I2.PKO. 32«

3 PKas, J l o p.8TU29« 3 0AKE820*

LBS Ncy Diyciious § i *4 .JS« ' . .


a. 3fO '...';, j t ' j


MMMi] Hlliiiity «||,, u

lltlrt Wltll llHll HJM'llf Hiiliiijjj

Htnutny vvl.l. »^»tlv,., J, 5 ¾ ^ Dili 1«,

.Nllll'k DllJliotttty, tm, I'. ,,1,1,, •>W^'mHuii.l«yW|M,Mf 1 .V'" nitfRMN tfcrriill In MIWMW. ! ' V | ^



j Mlw MIIIIIVII MhHl.., !ur> Hl„ '

rrtt»mis i« ^mbiirii, <V,,u,|w*m

<Jov. EmmerBon ProclaiL Edueatfon Week Nov 7.1.3

' ' 'IHtfioIft'-' Vrw SCIHIIJJK, in 1825'Biijl HiniporttHl &>,'£„ tnxpnycrK Biiice that ti,,,,,

,K,»l'*isli j

fnbutoctjjmmoasuriiliiy , ; ; ' ^ ^ , ^ , of our c(wi|nonwoalth iv,nl n,P J ' by ^my roiluHn,- 1,,,,, ,¾?*H

wicourasii^ ill(!in(,u.,, ^ , ^

'•''als ft ' nnSfrsm'i

faeat and ins,.irinR h1Bl,or- UU^Zl citizonsMp." Qm-'ormtr ] • „ , „ « / J mad*; this '-assertion in (>,>„ th.v,is8Uai,CP of a „roHj,miHi(); '"J igiw^iii^ tho wwk; (if .\ovomiur 7

G7 1 3 % Eduoatioi, ^ k . 1 , , ¾ -"-~J eittiuB , '»bwrv«nw 7*^ " ur«c<t school^ civic! ami zatioiis,

frnt '•J1 *J the

oni111 orjani-

; Birfhs r^m -and ^Irs. Ai.K„.st M, I W , . Mnr^nito arc the . pSrpnis ,,( %

fcorli. October 20 'n< (1,,. n;l Qehdrnl bospifal.

a son) ''"•i'lgloo


ntahrtwui Al,Ht»

tml• 'Cteunivr ttf Uln Tin Tin Hvrlnl


8UNDAV . MONDAY M)V, I)-nnd 7


WHEiLII WOOLSIY ' Va Mi-AnKVtti Jl^/.m., j !

««117W Oba Qui b i l l " won



JAIV V 9 •


Hev^S, Cartoon, Comedy anq Community Simring

; t l ' I,, II ' i n ' ' i ' «



E|ection Returns Announc i , From the Stage

All Seats 10c WED. - THURS. • n

•NOV. p, 10 and 11 Greatest otla\] Football Romances :

APMISSIONR Week Day»—6H5 io 8 p.

l ^ M f ; after 8—tOc-35« S m i o ^ f i f 4:30 to 0:3(1 p. 10c30cT4ftor 0:30—10c4


5||l|Jl ; ' | | | | | | | 1 | | | ^ ¾ ¾ ^

. ; ? ; ' ; • . ; -

v-'->= 11


mmm mmm ' " - ' . • ^ • • • " - • ' i - - ; , - - - •:

lllll llllil ^BB

vm mm

lg| | 1¾


m.V**/ V to ,

^ SHJOOT jSlAiveiTiherB

i>gFAUCre^tf9N«>^^! s M A R i e s ^ f A l ^ , L ^ s >

0»Ctmnk in C<»W«fC<i«"«ty ° * " uJ AlfAof .Mill Ni ttoll.rtl, W » 4 « ^ # » u n ^ .

• • • — • • • ' • • • • * • r $ w & , * * » < > * '

.(, .„»•. •»«>•".

»<• He^ublic^n rickei 6tra

»> •. T •r'.Ui .

fitftt^ HUrhwft)f C o m m i t ^ : 8 will Ii«*i Rout* m

AHVwmri? ChftnjMe

A .MI* Mihwv tl p«rtmi»nt filMf „ i „ Stmtily will «»m* 1« Hnflti

! the proitoMI Kiiite nf nlrtwny

r t t i X e t)i« Cbwnb^ miWfJ,tioi, J««M W i t l l " ' t » » ' * Hl'HlR thf|^M<t !iL" if the v(JJn«e ratlier than tl,fjoM(li iW" . . . . . i L _t» . ,n» - t t i . i a >ltr,i,4i.«t.


vA'& ^

* '-f ""->'"

Sni »» " « « ^ utri-et, thus t l ink int. ! f the powlbnir* Of increased &,ffie „«l Ilie puWW »chim\ anil two ot; t.'ie

L r r t i M - U wouM also el imio f tff | thv Lposixl . 'route several W I e s we|tf 6 | nnrrinifton which is obje«t lo i ia j# t-v mtinv n-sidents of that vicinity! 1¾ f , , i , u vt*d' t l ia t . the hijfhway. depttrtf

mctiJ 'fri'i <I«'i<,(> o n t h e final| i * u t * W o n - tJnv first of t h ^ y e a r and ad<t „,c ttnfjiusbed sect ions of 5!) t<$ th^ stato proRnim for wirly spring |iigii-w,',v ,H.tist ruction irork. . • j

' t j ; . J. IiaiiR0iitfb|f, secretary of the •Chamber of Coinlitfre*, received a

iPtt.T fniin G- N- t-*P*<i distrij^t en-Ui'ncer in answer t i the requefitithat the county line « n < l pavement]he ex-

' (eititcfl furt hor .we*t to connect 'ivrjth the Ajijonqiiin-road.-. Mr. I^dnib point-' 0,1 out that tit* county line rojul was pavedtas a Cook county s tate aid road and i | l>nwd w c s t t 0 i t h e Mclitfhfy

' «tnl Kan*' county l ines. • I ' It is,,not inc luded-as a M c l l e n W or Kniw; ^'unty state' aid road and Is-not part'of the state higrhway system.:Oon-M'i)iii,iitly"tbP rond can not be pavW

., 01 her limn by property ^assessment UIIICNH i l ' j s added to either t b | ivnije or Mi-Henry county state aid Hy«tem.

<. • 4_^ . r . - • (

William Bu»se Endorses State's Attorney SWwnson

for Return to Office



li i f.

)P I

mi !',v np thi rc\ * x . i


i Pel

M« toil

t*wn vote in ifCmiik IvoTlta

•I'lte (Jitiiiitry ^ ^ ^ . . e»ii!il,Y will,- givn T|tiiti»'H AtlftrjK'.v

" H\vinihnii n innjorltyof flDjIMlO-'KitiM, '*)ii>i'iinliiiji t»i (Viiiiily ('otiTiiii KJiiinir

" Wllllniii' Hiiinw nf Mt, l4ro|ipiv|. > AH II. ineiHliurdf liio oiinviy Ijfoitiil,

" tii

cr by phi

f h e , Pit, th(> to? fe.-, miti !>v An. W.1! WlV slm cim

.-A his tun of rum null pirt K"l|


::ii'ii brrti O l ' . h.v t In t

'11 n *i] iti'lVl


| linve clitx'kwl IIIKV verlhejj; Mifii^i liiM'iiiiii.lH mid |Hi|li<lim of the ;»|rfjn'.n till'iJCMie'V.'i*- offli'l'," 'Ml'., yiiHMii'*jiiiOil

.".V-. ii I'fHlill 1 find thrtt ;|iiiljf>»'fftt'iii)i' hnii him JII'IIIOVIHI miitiy |IIIII«N | | ifu' lnri'i'ii"! (if jilNlli'P lir^lilN etmiH^ fnil lit II minimum espi'iitm in tin.' (¾\ j t l l l i ' l 'w l l f t l l lN IHIIl'tttV. - j - ,

'"riiei'c IIIIN IH'HII IIWO|II(I<I,V iiji i<f foil on the pnrt nf ili|dBe-Mv\.(|iiHiHi In ii"i« the hlrtle's A'tlur'niiyV I f ^ e f.H' Imiliiiiijf l lp'of in piillllcul miifibft^i I: II.' Inn .spoluMi With (ll'l'lls of IllitlUl!. fv ltn| wurds. " •' / -i t><- I"'"''

"lii'v|iiti. iniy truiiipi^l up jcriljriii'in'TAf'ti

J,,tk tin


to niniiii^t him, Hwirtisiiti luis >ii'i-rii4l *nt I Nt

ji'rn|i'i^jii' ij-rieil |tn

lii'the face -of-the niosl ttiiiivm.'i ijff l T . riiinstances "Hint evfr fiii'ed any• sjjnteN I.fvun «lfonii<y>..j; l ie enme into nffioo- i jnl I flint f«iin<l /t ^acket-infesled city, ill.: hits' f'» hi killrd hu till reds of'these rackets. \ l\ e l*



Contlsmpl and Retentment It Is often jnoiHj necessary tfflcnitii-

font contempt than tosentnient| the former hcinft ' o<>y<>ij forRfi cn.i htit

'tho intter «),)H»tlipiij fori^t.^ 'ord Hieslerfleld. ' ' .

ortriiuizcd a bank investieaHtm de . pnrtniciit to eppe with ,t most jl-jf'fS-

' • riilt sittiatiolt and to date has Biijjj^i. '.*' .iintt nlmuf 7 0 institutions. ' , A s ' H ^ t ^ ^ 1

sulr of his- investigation b,c'hnjjS-l-c-j the • enrcd 10ji indictments nRainst folmer i office I hailkers and bank employes. Twfirty-j 'two have lteen sentenced to thelt'enr-J tetitinry. , 1 1 1

"1 fj'i'l tbnt the, constructive admjtf j. isir:|tiim should be continued )¾¾¾ .. that liv. should be re-eiected. J ' ^ , "Km- many years I have beeii in bnsiiioss in Cook, conivty "and jha-fe I

,. rcprewfiicd the country towns-oil tjje'; "ooitnty board. I ;have -founVi^Uiiit '

JudKe Swnnson is a m a j of •^fcim)-' 'ypcai.'haltle intofrrity, a mrfn^of lijcpr

act ion, nnd a man who has tkneMojre to foster the, administration'^xff jus- '

'>, tiiv in tliis community than-an>' jpthof , slate's* attorney," j • '., ,]•

WordslWardf si

More Words! The only facts ihjit

c°unt cannot be |>rint|d o n paper. .'.'•,

TM question i s : He wuch better does V 6 l wpt^r RUN on one ga, 0 , i f e ithan on anotheJ

T0| GET THE ANSH ^ET YOIJ CAR B E ! '.' THHi J U D G E . . ' 4

p h%upwHh Phi l l ip 4 « t 1 Wt ihe verdici—fastir

Pickup* Snappier g4* a^y and more miles fo ^ery gallon. |


•.;•• SHIELD ;."^f'

«^/he Corner of E 4 ^ M*h St. andjNorthSt

Highway ^ J- H, Sheesle



Page 5: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste

,:J I : ; . -1 ' - 't

• j -VI.

I T S : I







svh J^Uml

hn.i k i th r

i-.-s I I>imi jv-ijr'.--tiii N I'nrr^f .- I1



. l l lK.O'

t S ; U l


.v w,t« fcr b . »P*nt Saturday , * '

••'•VMS i n B u r l f ' 'Dgtotl

«y- 302 Prairie

J a Mily wood. SB. .KM5 Grove-ave, r<ly a ml Sunday . ,^

Snmerson Proclaims u|ation Week Nov. 7.11

•(!•• t r+ ,

• • T - i l l , I

*"5r:!n"»: 'ii.lilv ,-,


;V v

j , | H 'ii-

it--I'l l

•hoots. "tahlishe (i|;.[->rt^l gene rn „s | y b | ' «h» ret ime, h n v ^ e o * ^"•"'>tv to the W ; W „ "••:llrh «"<£ th- l l l l t io<

'•••"""-tf iHirer*cy. a n s 7 " „<;hiev« >"•"« higher ideals

Ov.-riH.jr K-mrner '•']

1"" "' ^u»n«*ctif>n wi M' a proclamation ,,, '•••k (>t .Xiivf[nt).>r 7 "' «'"<*., in which.'' "li-f-rviui.-v hy 'th^ ;."'" frat'-rimt organ

-V 1__ Births

^ r - ' Atiuiist M.ivt* -.( ft fU>'' parents

'-'" '" the Hai-rinjcto


fhe Catlow

-~iyu. S VrUH^AY, ;NOV. 5



A L S O -

iLaaf' Chapter of in Tiiv Serial

I>V AND NEWS m i l

M NI)lV - MONDAY IJJA'QV. 6 and 7

• o r # l


WOOLSE1 T!i« AJI-AMrton Kiitfutt . . , *<th TtnOihm Grak &x> k I Pmon RLOT1


tel :t'Elt)5it\ \tti OLIVER B0=<v!/tp9 • fECAK raVNTOt hKotSSnio [P1CTURB ,

JH *.:

kV\v«l:f;ttoon. Comedy aij (vmiipunitv Sinking

tUKs|l)AY, NOV. 8-



¾H<t>n Returns Announc Krbrrt, the Stage

11 S^ats Id ' [tejxi !1*IIURS»'» FRI.

•-N0y. »..10 and 11 iiltliU^t J>f all Football (Miftanco

, t .. . ADMISSIONS k « 4 Dak-6:45 ro8p.>

l(9e-30cf after &-M0*35« StmiiaTs4fl:30 to 6:3Q P< ' 10c|£Oc; after 6:30^-10c-4

£ <S* 3M*?v


SJIOOT ^ 0 ^ 1 ^

JerJAUUTElJtfQN^^^o' SA4Rtf f tUNPA»S^*j5 j U^DEflMlDTAXWA*RANT5

o» C »rnU •«• Co »• C6u«ty. 0 ¾ ^ or> d,,!!.[. hi ^ • d f e r C M C o * * * * ^ S»*»i %<yti4»t». **& **n4***?#0

• wo^lo ionlril • • - •ryiHw^** **!,»»; AX,|;AtlK:«t T I O ^ M irrii^ ^ , 5

MI ricike i Straight


.Wif-Hiu'hway Committee Inspect: Ro«te 5 9

roposed by Chahfber Mil!

A -

M.'partmont lele-.nic to Bat 'ing-

\ t ! ui-t'k or tw 1» to "i; r.iiit.- of hip' way

Ohnnafx r of r s . i m i i T suggc ition

ilung the west •h.T than thi )ugh

thus fliir nnt-frasi>d t affie

two o '. the I I H T P

ancj fko_Ejiminati

,iir weft of iii]iN-tiojial)j i- vicinity;

•sliway dejbart-ilu-

,' VI

final ar u i u f a d d

<[it-in th<?


, -iT'i-ctary o! •ii'-rif. rt'eciv

I ..null. (fi.stri<£ > r|n- ri'(|iii>st |1 ;>.i vi-mellt- If? C|X-

w ith I UHH'Ct

Mr I/a nib JoilVt-Wa»

roAd loirry

line ruai -tali- aid! tin- Moi:

-,1 Ih :i,i| 1-,uid and

•^tuvar NVnti'in I , .in imt tic

t i n , l l - > t '

a M i - U ' W y ' o r m flot jDon

iivi-d i l i p f rl V aSMVS: IIHMlt

i tli I T th,i< fvai>t> .iir nidi's ttom.

Kn dorses

•i'- \tiornov S\vans| I'nr Itt'furn to 01

in f ice

A M vnti1- ill Conk Sfati-'x Alt irmvv

y ,.l" ."iO.(«X> • . I'V Comni ins l

\ l t . I ' rospw .'-' :hi- i - H i i i t y

:i"il ver i f ied vi | i-•; of the

Mr. l i u ^ e •I that .IIKIK'*

•iiany t h i n g s • in lihU. c o u n t

rfi'-ii.-i1 t o the i j i i y . ' , "

'•II a l i ^ i h J M y •)f •ludge S

nr'9h:iii\v'.s i I'-ofitical raa| vii di'i-ds of

nnp'-i] up c-rilirism >"M has c a r r * d on

tn,'-t iinusu! Jl rir-fared any state's into offirJ

•fti-d city. life has th'-se rnc keSf

t-8 :rk • inrpstigaWoli de-•"• with a most •,| to dafo has 1511 tut ions. As -t ipation hp h

•m<'i>ts agarnst Inrmer nfc >nipto.ves. T w e n t y

njciu-fd to thd

(jonstrurtive hi' c-ontinut'4

Descries Photography of irds at


to It


the d a


The Xovemiber Bird club meeting was beldt at the horaje of Mr. and Mr* II. P. Castle Tuesday evening, Nov.

* • _ was well at-

to order by the G. Work. The

Meeting were read Mrs. Higgins, and

approved.' Mrs. WV|fk then reminded thf> members to bring in their ivritten reports of their mpBt interesting bird experience to be «senjt in to'^ie Illinois Audnbon society.

Musical entertainment was furnish­ed by th^ mi»i/s qiifnrtet romposed of Newton Plngge, Wright and' Mr

The meeting, wbjich tended, was called president. Mrs. R minutes of the la (ft by the ^eerelary,

jBny Gieske, PJarker. They

two numbers. "Tile Bells of St Mary's" and a hnpiorous skit, entit led. ' "I Dunn.0." , .

Mr. O'Connor of Ithl^ago, th" snenk= er of the evening, was- fhen lintroduoed

fotes, (•tier

tfnard, rious

ifate's said

ilwan-i | the

and tax-

ilo ef-uiinson


ihine. tion.



by Mrs. Work. H photographing btrdnl. h_e told of his ma Photographing birdf, the members as Ho

subject' whs the He first advised

[ny experienees in He first advised

hdw fo take pho­tographs in the yird by building n feed hoard, lie toli| of how he had made chickadee's coftne into th<> house liv placing nuts, on Another Interesting

the kitchen thblo. experience he .had

wn* spelng n motik-nlnu dove;, which wo usually think n( as a meok bird, shove a blue-Jnyi >tio ftf H>e pugna cjons birth, rlglif i

Mr. Q'iVinnor his many pxtifrieiti turen of blrd«L In of how he IHHI

. Tlia: meeting was[ a social hour, utid served.

Mason Shows ilots of Energy' in

diffi-Pxam-a re-



tfdmin and.

"• W-i'lected. J ir*< ^ have hiSpn in

• !» i county andl have i> (irtr.y towns <h\ the

have foundl a man;

i l l

of iunim-iiian of

II' >vlii« ha* don< iiinistratlon o

• iijiiy than any

,t ,i ad Ro iontmoi I'l'.ni'ccssary t >:>« riwontiiien • vi'i- fur«lvctf hiin'M n»ruot.

Charles E. Mnsjon Lake county state's finished a whirlwin voters believe • will office soon to be Attorney Smith. -

Mr..Mason was er, but he has mad County with such that a great ninny fo'knou) him by sigtht

Cnle^s the; threatened

in counties as well son probabfy will law enforcement off the newly elected offices.

silent more


CO*. • tlte

but Lord

WordsjWordl (laimsli

Mori Worcfsfe T h - o n l y

• f'-:irit c a n n o t j,n |);iptT.

facts tttat be printed

j lh' 'inestion is: Hbw ] m't-i' b.-t'.er does YOVR

/.v.-. ••>.• K C X

OllBf ( on one gns-



anothi r? T ,M;KTTHE ANSWSR


j]hi»-up with Phiffips Aid' *?*t the verdict—fasier •!),(l*up.- snappier ^ I U v and more milesj

fv gallon. . s-|;

''•(>(>K FOR 1 ½ : ' \ N « ; E & BLACIK


''>• Corner of Efust 11 s». and North^it


;'• H. Sheesliy

Club Meeting

Mr. sang


Bronchos Hold Conference Championship Libertyville

Team to a »20 to 12 Score i

Although defeated/ 20 to :12, the Barrington high school eleven made la very creditable showing in a foot­ball game w th, the conference, cham­pionship Libertyville eleven played ih Barrington Wednesday aftemjjon. ' Libertyville scored two touchdowns in'the first quarter and one in the second quarter to take a 20 tel 6 lead at half time. The local boys outplayed their heavier opponents during the second half and scored a touchdown in the final period to raise their total score to 12. -j ," ••'••' V

Early in the opening peri 3d, the speedy Libertyville halfback, l|>uddles,< broke away for a 70 yafyl run, plant­ing the ball on the Barrington five yard line from where it wns, carried over the goal line by straight football. A few minutes later a Libertyville youth intercepted a Barrington pass and scampered across thegoojl for, a second counter. '

In the second quarter Harold Roth caught a long forward pass and car­ried it to tlte four yard line. Willis AUeiibiirg plunged over the gbal line for Barringt'on's first touchdown. Burlington's second touchdown was made when William Beerntan, caught a forward pass In the e!ml sono be­yond Llbertyville's goal line.

!ff the feed board, ten told, some of ex In taking pic-

jlu- field. He told |o camouflage his

en morn and hlmwlf. l ie Kiild tlmtj mnny timoM he wn ted bourn for one Ujictnre. - Among t ie birds he photo­graphed in the fie d were the tnead-owlark, blue-gray unat catcher. Tiou lilann waterthrusp -brensti'd chat and O'Connor conclude^

kllldeer, yellow many others. Mr, his enjovnble talk

by telling of the- oltervations of birds, in Grant Piirk dufing 12 years.

then adjourned to refreshments were

Covering Lake Cojunty Territory

candidnte 'for •ntt.orn.ey, has

d campaign which place htm in the

Vacated by State's.

Jiot a speedy start-the rounds of th'e perpetual energy,

Voters have learned

'democratic Inndslide" renlly d(L"\etops and drnws-

fis states , Mr. Ma-be directing the

l i ake county when men ' take their


Frederick Jj Bergfcoro Taken

Fuheril Held Thursday

Frederick J. born Januiry 21, 1857 ati Like Zu rich, died dt 3 31 after ajn itljness cat[sed by] coniplicatioln of ed the age 10 days

His parents Frederick

Mr. a|d Mrsj, John jBerfihorn wsre caily pio­

neers in t ie community of Like Zu-jmother died wheSi he was age^ his father died at the

here were three sons in'

Two Proposals at. Election Are of Great Importance

Continued trom pnjje 1 , meirt of this money out of tlid jjawi' line tax fund, thus preventing against adtUng taxes to roil I iHttate lit the state. If a majority of ajl votem cant for members of the general assembly on November H' approve this refer­endum, the bonds wilt be paid for by withholding the necessary part of Coqk county's apportionment of the tax'on gasoline, but if the bond issue

rich. His 8 years of age of -85i the family.) Zurich stij

In 1882| Lindeman with one 1883, M ken by i united in ber 13, Thies" of inge whs three sons] resided Wi Ela towns ed to Bnriliilgton where] sided sine

Since hi had taken of tho'ch. came n m< odist Epis, communit.Vi he and h

In this pected nn served for er, nn the teacher of last year Brotherhn lived on township urer ami

fails, there will be added to the 11)32 I of Ela -Pi tnx bills M cents per $100 ussessed valuation to the present tax rate for state purposes on real estate and per­sonal property throughout Illinois, at lenst doubling 11)31 state tax rate of 39 cents."' , I

is survive* horn, amy daughters, Lake Zur Cuba towi of. Barrin. Barringtoti Stronghuri-Bnrringtoij First t6' Divide Day '

The ancient Babylonians, who ' ington; were far advanced In mathematics and astronomy, were the first to di­vide the day Into 24 units of 00 minutes each.

! . 1 —

A National Landslide


Good years!


Fred E Sterling of Rockforrj ^

i i

Lieutenant Governor i

Ho is experienced and stood for. a at for all. h

a I

Tire Users vote the 1

GOODYEAR ticket straight—again in 1932 By • plurality of MILLIONS, the our owners of America har* sleeted Goodyear their FIRST-cnolco tlret Every year since 1916 Goodyear Tires bare carried the country In steadily Increasing popularity.

Why buy any tfecohdUchoice lira when a G O O D Y E A R -lh« first choice)—costs no ihoret *|


Cook S t . -

Barrington, III.

110 N.

Phone 382-J

We-will not sacrifice the high standard of work we

< are known tor in


Cheap Cleaning

ii may cost less, bat it cuts. down the life of your clothing and therefore In the long run It actually costs more.



by Death

Berghqrn wqo w a s

la. m. Monday,

1 0 mon of 73 years,

rhg. Ht | reach-9 mon :hs and

Wil l iam Bej-ghorn >f Lake ll l iving.

he ! married T h i s unittp


Miss was

On Ma Berghofoi wils

eath Mr. ma i riage a

8»2, with Barrington. blesned witl| ant three

h his family]

IBerghofrt ain


klaugbtrirs. H e

i i" Until in 1010 th

• w«s 17 year's of rt in the work an Active pa1

trchJ A-t thi mlM>r of the opaj church whlro he lived, t

H fiimlly nt Ralein $vau|;pllcnl Ington.

chur 41 il

ch he \fns hlg active

many year si boa hi of fnl tbti he d Ilibh

'istees ill men's Bible clJj wfts president


by 0h«-

cliasH, farm 1

for |"e Ii^surante

his wi follow;

Wilbur |ieh, ship ton,

airs t, Ifpnjainiii|

Ethel Bcrghorn ffl o brotht-Ts,


Pctober heart-

|, Emilie blessed

tch 3l ti

wi s, oik Octo-

Tliei six

Alary L

on a farm in y mov-

they have re­

nt age Germaii loonlwf

tiurch ij


e servi years As schot

10 yenm as Hiferetury compa e, Mi-4 lug so

MRS. A mi Ilea Volling iorn ftergH

Miss ^ellie Bjprghorii Holiarj Bergljiorn of

MnjilP' Spc Bergl'


m a r r hildren.

horn of Lake Zurich and phr l s t Klingberg of Elgin . -

Funeral services were conducted at the! home at 1 : 3 0 p. m. Thursday and at i .2 o'clock a t Salem Evangeli­cal church. T h e Reverends Phi l ip Beuscher and G. A . Ro.loff officiated. Burial w a s in Evergreen cemetery.

Voters in Both Parties ri (

Appreciate Honesty of William J. Stratton


age he

he b«i Meth-in thP

n 1800 leaine rliembers

f HA rr-ly res-

»>r. U P as cliiKs Itmtf-

n il wiit^ ss. Tin-of the

W|li lie he d Ela

1 troas-

py. l i e Berg-

is and

ars of jorn Of f Barr-

Williadi, Berg-

" One candidate who will get consid­erable ' support from both repujblicnn and democratic voters i s Wi l l iam J . Stratton, candidate for re-election to the office of secretary of s t a t e . ,

One of' Mr. Stratton's campaign promises when he first came up for election wns .to deposit all ^public funds in reliable banks and turn all interest back into the treasury with complete public accounting, 'i

The total interest earned, in spite of abnormally poor banking - condi­tions wasi $41,667.17 during Mr. Strat­ton's t i m e of office to-date. Al l of this earned mone" has been accounted for and turned into the state treasury.

Speaker Pictures Mussolini Rule in Modern Italy


Continued from page 1 mis. Each section Is symbolized


by a name as goose, wolf, elephant, etc. niid each section has i ts own nJcdlevtil costumes, banners and cus­toms. I .

i , I n t e n s e Itlvulry Each year the government buya-the

hot-siw for this race In oho big lot and portions out one to each sect Ion of -the cl-Jy.1' This was described its

Card of Thanks ' W e wliii to extend our olncere

Lthiiinka to ' f r i ends and neighbors for their kindness and s y m p a t h y ! nlso for th(> foral offerings and use of tlielr cars.

PRANK F. nrrrER , A N D SON, D O N A L D

Card of; Thanks T h e family of ,t.hV%te Mrs.,Charley

Rachow acknowledge with grateful appreciation your kind expression of sympathy, whether expressed by your floral tributes, the services of yOtir car, or your personal assistance.

TUSTgatH wi tshdayl

ituisnand iind back •-and the Telephone

|erup the cldthes, telephone us—«n|d doAe* Instead ot the old-fashioned

fi|»88, oo|w it's only * matter of moment i. the bundlk fresh and fragratt

lot lqss than, you think. pomesf cost today!!


is a

^Vash 10-lbs. 50c

Barrington Laundry| Phone 26


the most crooked horse race ever run The decorations Jare (magnificent, even the king and .his family jcome to~witness the race.1 The race1 l ake / only three minutes t b u t . i t spmetimct takes hours to g e t r it started afe'i) the jockeys think nothing of trying' tc kill each other. Policemen* alwayt rescue the winning jockey and put him i n jail for a t least three day* to keep him .from being torn limt from l imb.

T h e winning section a lways cele­brated with tlie most elaborate ban quet it can afford. The head of th< banquet table is, a lways reserved fdj the horse. „ ; **

She described the f e s t i v a l ip Flor ence which comes at Eas ter and told of a visit to the Francisc ian monas-j tery at La Verna. l

| . W a r Torn I Of France, Miss Wood told of he:

experiences on the occasion of her first trip to • "Europe: ih 1021. She wns sent to^Ounel by ii friend win had given a bell to the village o Cunel in memory 'of her son who wa i killed in the war.

She described the desolation of t h -French villages near Verdun and told of the important part the village bell plays in the life of a French village . Mis s Wood .acted as godmother' Ii the dedication ceremony. A t the din tier following the | ceremony, the ma yor of tho village and some of t|n more prominent citizens toasted th giver of, tho boll, Miss Wood, Amor lea, nnd mnjiy other toasts, Miwi Wood was then called upon and l><" toast was to the friendship of Amur lea and France. She made them < pledge to do all she t-oulil to fostej that friendship, - .,-

T lw largo American cemetery o|f Rnmague was ci ted"as a symbol o the friendship of America for France

l f . i fcv k




rjiorir G. »

RIGHT * * ** *

UDITOR of Public lActounts _ t

tepubliearj Candidste \ ^

lUctlon Nivtmhcr tth





. - - 1 i

Eighth Senatorial District L '•'

If Re-elected I Will Cditinue to Give the SameXJlcse Attention t i

Legislative! Malters as I Have in the] Past

Your Support \\fill qe




- j .


iter Reduces Mi



,1 ii

t - 1 .


fices ND CREAM

> e r 1 s t %

...*.'•#> 14«i

MILK, quart MILK, pint COFFEE CREAM, |4-pln|t WHIPPING CREAl , %Ml




5 per cent discount f >r p&yn ent of bills oi or , befone tenth of menth fol owing purchase

KIRSCHNiEK DAIRY Tel. BaJriogtiln 295

little as *5 a month rents o gas burner

makes your heating plant automatic

Ir/sriottoola4etodiuget0 4lek^cute&eesMh(tu. lostalladoa of a cbnyenjloA bumdr in your pre ent fiunace w boiler tikes only a few boon. Yqncm not oni of these & \ bumecs from your Public; Service CctmptnT for u 1 Ittle u4i a i aohth. (Smsli injodladon charge. Mb fenn. i fort ig the auno iff*) FltsMresr centsla may be appHedlto pure base ol the gas burn «. Abo "litdt, by little" tenns. For complete fafot nation abom automatic gat heat for your home, call your i leatett Public Senrlc i office. With-, out obUgadag you, veil tend, over ofe of our hot ting engiaeeif.


s .

Page 6: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste

. i


WALT 3R R. WIN' ^RINQHAN [, BuMnesa Director and Foreman!

i*r». M •


L E S L I E N. M«CLU|B]3i


- r i

party's i latform, lire, and, in mid lieved tl at sufch proached the mist



Editor and Publisher




kibUs ed" every Thursday afternoon at Harrington, Illinois, and enteml u *e«ond- lass matter Vt the Barri!i|gton poatoffice under Act of Match j8,

*T«^WteT?:a?«ws=¾ Srjts ss^ssttteirfe«RWKffi'"



Mid October, 1 8 6 4 ^ f e h a m Lincoln sat in th<? White

House, 1 is re-election very uncertain. The Civil War (had

been urn er way for three And one-half yeqrs. Gettysburg

had beei iought ard won byj the Union and the outcome/of

the war hud reallj been decided.' IButthd'people did not

realize.t lis fact. Financially, physically, mentally, moral-

|y-4ht»y were exhausted. Misery was everywhere and the

average man's personal t a b l e s were overshadowing the — • " • ' : ' ' • * - ' • . • • • ' •

real issu (s of the day. -'*-•: ! Throughout tljte land democratic orators echoed' he

hich declared the war a complete fail tober, 1864, the tired American still be-as the ase. But, as election day ap rolled frojn he voters' eyes; They saw

that the man of tihe people; whom they had criticized so harshly [was winning theiti battle and was entitled to a

result Was that Abraham Lincoln—to all appearances a leaser in Ocjiober—emerged from the fight an overv helming victor. Th^ people had seen the truth in time!

Mid-iOctober, l|932—Herbert Hoover sits in the WJjite House | f icing an jncertain! election. His problems have equaled hose of Abraham tincoln. The financial and eco nomic ca taclysm which, as the aftermath of the great war, has swei t Europe, America ajjnd the rest of the world nearly resulted n general chaos

catastrophe- ever known. For on the b ink, of th e greatest more th'i n,three yoars the vvar has been waged in America. Some mi rtakes were made all the start, as in the Civil War, but thrc ugh the leadership from ouil difficulties. The Gettysburg of this war has been fought s rid won, but the exhausted people do not yet real ize that fact.

The a failure with his


likely thfit before awaken

a war in trol—an



democrat c platform proclaims the economic war and, to i, large ny mber of Americans, exhausted or'her battles, thhi seems a fact But, is it not

(£ov< rnors of

of a genius ,we are emerging

the avera ?e citizen votes he or she will ;o face the real tijith?

A ri »n ot the >eople, d<|(p in his understanding of .their problems f ^s winniig the world's greatest war for them—

which we were engjulfed by factors beyond ouricon-deserves re-electio i to the same extent that Lin­

coln destlrved it in 1864. It! vould seem likt% that America will thin : and will re-elect lisrhert Hoover by a wide major-

Thl | is UK it should be !^-€umberlahd(Md.) Daily News




By National Editorial AssoiiatWn

(Special to The Review )

A TUG-OF-WAR this wijiter jbe-ia Jap-

s ofifi-ns. JThe ate <'ap-

tween transportation system parent from casual statcmen nancial arid industrial chietta battle ground will cover all si itols—42 states where legislatures are due to convene. The railroals vjant the highway transport—a cot ipetlpve

ret media—placed under drastic tion. The highway users fl -e hisis-tent that nv>torists should not bear the burden nf taxation. Stftes land the national government, the highway groups coniplitln, have found nat gas-

* "' uce TOT-

d hence i iiotorlsts

If ll)?ht

oliue iind eaintnxos will pro< eimc with o$y wnttered at inarticulate protests. The of nil elasHiHi! linvtt put on tli i. lug clothes to oh wit mid it 1( mil lira postH. The Impot'tniico of tl is iwB-Intlvo suhjeet! nvnjy lie gleaned Vom the iippalntrnent -of tHticli niitlonii figureH (is. (Calvin (loollidge andV Afredi K, Smith "to thi* special oommlUiMirjirnn-toed by miltii'aI wivliigs .group]* having invest merits |h securities,

OONSIPERABLM BlISTl *B fund Activity aiinong |esid«mts

goviprn-pre-eleetlon of^Wnshlngtiin who ar^ In th« ment 'service has developed iitlciil lendets hack home? hnvo tabs on forner voterrf with Ihe ; sole idea of hnviig them qualify in nbWn tefts. Some ijtntes are stringent about the voting franchise: and do no; pormitr ballots by miiil. Usually the wo ma­jor parties lanvoss the non-i esidentsr1


with"the' sntme caution as workers. Tlie.v wont to Jtavj? ances that, tl e ballots wiir-be for their cirnrlidates. ; Absent^ have frequen ;!y ehanged local where the mhrgin was close, voters in Washington, I in pa Jwye been induced to re'tjirn 1 registration. Transportation ] ias been provided by volunteers owni ng cars and special, rail and bjis ri available. ' The "gct.-ont-t movement hns been pushed vi in the eastern states.

prcdinct awur-

marked voiters

tactions Indiana rtiei|lar. ome- for

tes are he-yote" forously

a score IiOSB; there are realize their dijtics re


WIN OR of mm who! quire their presence a> the The member^ of the house appropri­ations comm ttee must lie reijdy With drafts for fiscal measures mnin'body^ arly jn Deeemb partment ojftiWals are ready *t their budget estimates for begihning July 1,. 11)83. Witl given for (rustic cuts, the agdney men [know full well (hey will he obliged lb operate fur muter the Hgu res they 'submit. The Vet the house cwnmittco are hard-bbilett and familiar with departmehifal costs, Wore than Jothet years; thi will be anxlrtiisly watched by ment emplojfeH whoao jobs aio"in the balance.

TTIR Ktikri'ION CONTRhT com mlttees of the senntn and IK|IISO will have sovornl eases flhM for tetition. Alrilndy, con'tristAiitN gressliimil jobs are freely charring v|(».

i ^

• .4.. -' ,

mors of 29 statekj and tbe commissionera of the Distfict i f .Columbia.initiated a concerted-'program of auto-motme ai cident prevention ojr August 1, when simultaneous­ly they ssued proclamation!i or public statements to the citizens if their respective^ comnnonwealtihs, calling upon, them to'participate in a genferal movement to safeguard life and limt upon streets and Highways. The proclamations, messages and; statements pi the governors in general com­mend th« activities of the preiss and the many clubs, socie^es and orgs niza^ions which ajije co-operating and spreading street an I highway safety p^ hciples.

.latloiiH of tlhoihiw In tlrt* use of fun/lL I'piie H|,.|„| gullrtns are [dexlgned to pur ties, HometJnit'N tho expemll Ihe probers jigo Imynml tmiiiufi brings, the |!ertlmiit iiuestioi nil. Tsll wm-iii the taxpayers No one bellitrim the sworn sti of tjie cuiliillilateM us to elei-lienseH In I tie majority of

.cased which !(>UNH iiiiehalleiigcil

CAMPAK1N BALLYHOO tlcially dour next Sntinilnj problem IHMI) prevent party spirit, so Cssentlul to the success of th > ticket, from langui ibjng over the w With the blasts of partisan stilled, within a few days, the sible leaders; would like to kn the Voting public been impressed or entertained ?i .

J, 1

r .

the traveler is 4ir<cti d to Fort Frederick, f « »»»1«« weft of Hfcgeri own, Maryland, on U. S. 40 turning aoujui at Indi in Springs, to Big Pool on tl e Potomac River. Thii ontt the MaiTed renunderji Coloi ial frontier. Waahln|i Com sand at Wincheiter.


j la


for the r. De » -defend

1h^."year pledges federal

budget govern-

heir at for con-

i xcesslve Invest

fy pol tires of

Wlllfll "Afl;er

iioney?" tenietilM loti cx-eleetloii

will of-One

oeK-end orators respon-


t for


shi i.






„ . Sunday 10:35 a. m., taken from "Piter's ofract'fur Crisia Times." It

for these tim^s of confu-3. word sioi and h r Armistice Sunday.

:30 p. hi. Our first evening wor-It" if ill be followed by, a church

coijifercnce. i he church school last Sunday haB

attendance it has £ver bad. largesi n e p us grow at 0:30 a. ra.

:45 p, fVedncslays, Nov. 0 and 10, special

week' acrvlces, •ijlf not vj-orshiping elsewhere we urge-

juilir presence In the White Church by tho she of the rood. ,

MILTON 8. FUKEMAN, minister

r m s T BAPTIST m. Bible school.

JiM mii fif ovi "O

sk-as A all

incMHiige nity. h year nlng Mr


4|21 l i . Main Street f





in. Morning worship. « m. B.Y.IMJ. and JviHiors, ip. FA'cnlng service.

30 a. I0;iin ii

li:4R p, r:!M». p TV ....„ iVeiliH'iMaj& 7:80 p. ni.( Bible stnily],

:'.« the Unfiling the jwistor will glv<ft to the church and coln;

1'IIIH is the begiiinlng of our of labor tOgetlK»r. At the

rfervice the theme will be-... Ponilb'lllto of Peucc.^ )ur' chdlrsAvjill furnish special mil' for ea :h, of?*tlu*c services as vyeH lend ui in the singing of hymns, very cordial Invitation is glfren ta

vlsitois, CHARL/ES « . DRUSSBL, pastor.

Kov. 0 man.

iolden Text born of Sunday 3unday Wedneslay evening meeting at 8 p.

Sunday pngcant,

velopmeit of this church and ptiblie! is ei joy i thiL

P f l l l

en route,

crumblinjentrance if of anxloua days on the

vuited here whU> inl

? j ^ ^ l I R N I N G in the i addle fo| a mon eat to ^ / nirvey Waahingdm'a travjela as a youth i n Col onial aervice, h is perilous mission' o Fort Le Boeuf in 1753, h i s surrender w i t h h< nor at Great Meadows J u l y 4, 1754, and his heroic eondt A under Braddoe i in 1755 m o v e t wiftly i n r e v i e w a i h e approaches final actpon »t Fort iKiquesne.

re a talk

iff H I L E Ulaurely on hi ,V1 earf ^,¾ 1 ^^^^^ fh pl^todmewtthafSnd.Colc«e«ChaiiiI)e^ hrn and here he met Mktha Dandridse Parke Cu. If,.la ha• fetchen, *fi » right, in WiUiam>

fc ' . ¾ ^ ¾ ^ S*"^ ^ ^ R«<«M«« £ * » «»• • « » « of military travel, he wa. bach a|a B on quit*^ home roads of Tidewater Virfinia* Witihiaweddinldayneafathand. "*»**

Church Ndw8

Life Steadily" is the theme

m. Epworth league.

Wauconda , i ire. rAnna Obenauf Dies

Mrs.1 Anna Obenauf, aged 00 years, residing in Prempot township, passed away V rednesday morning at the Con-dell M<p norial hospital in Libertyville Funeral services Vere held Thursday at St. tfary's church, PremOnt ,Cen-ter. Shi leaves to mourn, her hus­band, niched Obenauf, seven sons, three laughters and 12 grandchild­ren beiides five sisters and four*bro­thers.


Subjeet—rAdany and Fall-

John 3:6. jThtt which the Spirit is spirit,

school 0:30 a. m. service, 10:45 a., m.

motoi'c) day. •',- Mrs flossel end w • vMrs bered wieek.


IMlsl Self After Quarrel Case^, 23, of Mundelein, sjiot

and fa illy killed himself at bis home lifter a quarrel with his wife on Wed­nesday evening. He was taken to Condeli Memorial hospital where he died a short time later, before.Dr. Taylor who had been summoned,, ar­rived hero!. Examination showed a bullet.jodgetl in the heart.

sWootr Ijirge tiolden Eagle Brum Wathrein, 8845 N?Oakley

nvenue, Chicago, shot a Itii'go 'golden imgle I list ] week nen f Slocniri Lake. The w ug sprenji was over six feet; He wnli i carrying a pigeon In ills tab ons w to haA

'"'Mr, 'Hiirieh sister, : IMA AnilreW Sorenstii and Mrs. John Ross

iuid Mrs. Albert Hoeft of Lake cnll^tl' Monday on tho former's Urs.j'Johfl .• OH'sell.'.' Edward Dram and son, Mrs,

rhe reading room, 114 B. Station street, Li iofsky building, is open tjo th s public from 2 to 6 p.m. each week dfty and fjrom 7 to 9 p. m. on Satur­day.

SAL EM EVANGELICAL: 'The T lings of the Spirit of God"

be t i e sermon subject for the mining. irorsnip'"servicc""at 10:30. a.

Sundi y school at 9:30, a. m. Our ie whole church member-

Khjlp in tlier Sunday school." Will we ltltendance of_, last ^lunday?

do our parfa , Tht' Cajtechism class: wjill meet at.

in. tfunday. evening at 7 o'clock the

K Century of-rProgress" in Evani lelical Church, will be ren-

delred by 180 to 100 people of the clmrch.This is !« great sfdry of th« dwelonmelnt of this church and the

to most cordially invited service with us.

11» BEU8PHER, minister,

ST. JAMES JHt* Dundoe, 111. ^ y

8:00 a. m.» Holy,>communion. ' »:4ft a. *i., '-Cljiuroh school 11:00 i). in. (Hioral EuclmrlMt and I'intiii H:(K) p m. Ht, Luke's I>ro-(!athe

dull' choir, eonsistliig of about, filf vtlees, will sing Maunder's ""Mong of Tlmnksgltliig/' The public Is Invlt

HEV. A. E. TATIXIK, Hector.

NAINT PAIIL EVANGELICAL 1):30 a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 ij. m Miornlng worship,

'liiiiiilny, Nov. 10 30 p. m. Monthly meeting of the

li|3ieriiw>dl ite League., >M!1SH Etlhel hwal) i f the school faculty will

II. E. KOENIG, pastor.

ST. Low

.NNB'8 ', ' ass, 8 4, m. and 10 Sunday,

m. Week days, Low Mass, 7 Devotlo is in honor' off the Sacred

im shot. Mr. Kuthrein piling ) the bird ihounted.

to Keupsha, Wis.,' Wediics-. ' - , ' • • • . '•• . ' , i , " .

Olive Wells . . Mrs, Bernice and dttughter' • spent the week*

l|th . rjelativcs In, Waukegan.V ;

AUp Basely hiis bften nuni-4vith i the sick. during the past

U fy G'olding and Mrs. Ruth Gofdinr sp^nt Wednesday with rela-. tives in Wauconda,

Mr. and: Mrs. Passficld of Volo galled MI Mr. and Mrs. Clatk Nich-olls Wedndsday, evening.

f* Mr. andr Mm Henry Stadtfeldt called on the latter's mothir, Mrs. Mollidir at Volo Monday. • i

Mr , and Mrk Leslie Tjirnbull and igmiis Grantham attended the dance

Di'tz stables, Ivanhoc,, Wednes­day nifht.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson spent Wednesday,-at the Carr home. I

Edvjpd Kudla, brother of Mrs Phil iTohike, who has been employed at th^ Froelke summer resort, left last week fjor 'Wancwegn, Wis., where he will be employed by.Str. Frohlke's brother;' •;]; :.-.. .'.:.'••. '1 ' ••-'...' .':./•'.

MrfiFaulks of Milwaukee is spend­ing th£ we4k with her, daiighter, Mrs. Eugenf Prior. '..' • • . ;•]'.; ••'•

, Mr. land Mrs.i Kirk Werden of HWn-tingdon, Pa., have returned to their home after! several days- spent >t the formers parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Claytiib Wterden. ."•

Mm Perjtins, a r^lafivff of ;the Per kinB family here, left by bus Satur­day tiiornflig for Biielms, Minn.

Olyae Carr of Barrihgtpn called on felntlve|s h w Sunday morning;

Junes Smith was taken to Oondell Momt riiil hosWtal Friday for troSt ntot; '• ;[:" •: ;"~H ••!'-• I ••-.'• ]mrt;\ TjiiH Bwrton of] lyiiertyvillo,

forme i res|dorit, h«N, wfU Hpinul tho wlntoi lit jAmarllloi Tex. : • •>

Mr, and Mrs. Willlnin GftMn linvi-gone |t,o Miami, Flu,, where fliey will Npinid tho winter. They wont by automobile. • i

Mrs, John Murphy and diiughter Gladys of ChiwiRu , spout the week-end IHM'C.

Mrs, Jofin Itoss ntid, Mr* Delln Peilerseii eittei'talned tho Lu'diON Ajtix-illary of, tho Forterakil chiireh | on (fcliibcr 2p. PlaiiH where initilo for

Heart, first Friday of .each month. Mass ht 0 a; m. I

Confessions, Saturday, 8 p. th. Baptism,by appointment.


ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) ,T ?

Groffa Hall, 135 Park Ave. 0:45 a. m., Graded Sunday school. 10:30 a. m., Preaching service..

A.'T. KRETZMANN, Pastor.

the annual cblel ien'. au iper and win­ter bazaar. Rcf ed after the uuMhtes Ray Seymour of will entertain November 3.-

The Woman's afternoon, Oct er was Mrs. Grjimm

Andrew Sorcni on, L, Phil Frohlke- af.tcndet mdetinfj at Lake ing.

Miss Frances of Libertyville home of Mr. anjd Mrs,

George Bates ily, vjsited relajtives a|"t Thursday.

'eshnie ita" wjere aerv^ lieeting. Mrs.

Willoiv Brook, farn, tpio neb t meeting on

club 45., Till



met Tuesda; i guest speuk-

H.; Cypher and a firemen!

Monday even

and A. Hapk i ailed fecently at th)

John Dobnei and, sijjter, Miss' Eir

Park Ridgi;

ers READ DOWN JV.M;" P.|M. 10:00 10:07 10J13 10:19 10^22 10:29 10:83 10:34 10:80 10:38 10:50 10*54 10:56' 11:02 11:07 11:11 11:14

4:07 4::3 4i 3 4:152 4M59 4:)3 4:114

4:110 4:(4 4:(16 5:02

:(17 ,1

Park and Evanston

.. A telegram 'fnfin- Sliiinm, Mhtu,, received hero 'Thursday, inld of tho

ideath of Mrs. Antin • Klein, wifv 0f George Stein, former i'vsi<ltjit4W,

Mrs.' Oliver .;• Oeyden "n'ml | MIM Maggie Dtiers Were visitor* in Wau-

,k«gan-Thursday. Clyde' Whitman of /Ohinifjo allom

ed homeciimlng ut Knox (Hillcgc, esbnrg; over- the 'week-mid.

Frank Dickson was n lm«ini's» vis-itor. in Chicago Thursday.

- Miss Dorothy"Brenner Rpent 'fhuw day at the Merrjtt Clark home,

The : Wednesday afternoon bunco club Wfts entertained .lnut week by

-Mrs.. George Hapke at her liom^ in Wcllsmerc Heights, Hiiiiiurs went to

. Continued on page 7

Begi nning Nov. 7th

fl* ro


Luxurhw Parlor Coach Service

Uniteji Motor Goach Co. DesPlaiies, Illinois


W r Biiooks CwiWM 1*3» Vtitmn W. Bmkp A0 XltfUi K«xmi

Butoriei Ily CM «rt Skttdit*. Br < ALVHI

AI D1 egiimings often make easy etuUagit. It had £al ten i o the lot of, Wnahington, at 21,. to uncover

rrench ieaiina for older heads toi prevent. But billed otherwise, and on Novemher 24, 1758, the^

'. I're tch, having had enough of this riersirfient youth, i ha4don ed Tort Duquesne and set it on fire. Vashing-ion|rai ie d the Sntish flag on the ruin*, rode to Villiamshui , resigned his commission, and prepared or his wtllini to Martha Dandridge Parke Cuftis.

- A . M . .Ar9:29 .. 9:22 ;, 9:16 J 9:10 w. 9:07 ..<. 9:00

8:5J :54) :55

DAILY 4:^0 I>Y Barringtcn v...

Deer Gro ire ... Palatine i „ . . . Arlingtor Park Arlingtor Heights H i Prospect ....... Cumberlind ......... Benjamir Elcqtrlc

4:iJ6 Aj-Des Plaines .; Lv8:5iV 4:(18 L | Des Plaine« ArJPTf

Park Rid *e ...;......,..; Niles. : Ilgair Park ...: Tesavillo ...J :., Kedzie Avenue Ridge Avenue

5:14 Aj* Rogers Ik.-Evanston Lv Howard Ave. "L" Sta.

8i»9J 8:35*. O'tiO-l 8:27^ H:&M >JJ

8:181 8:15 J

P.M. - 3:29

3:22 3:16 tf:!0 3:07 3:00.

, 2:56 2:55 2:53

'2-JJ1 2:3!)

"2:35 2:33 2:27 2:22 2:18 2:15



/ f K H E Y came In Srldali state, in «oath-ani -four. V / WashingtonVcdat wis embroidered with white satin, hit shoe and knee buckles were of t old, h >• hair was powdered, and at his aide hung a ilresa iword. Happy hour! But whit of nation-founding /ears ihead?

3¾ 11¾¾¾¾¾^½^ »4, • ' • - ' " " - ••» i « ^ > ' ^ ; Mi i^j^jm^ nfrjtL


^ . : . . 1 ^^¾¾¾¾¾



Of Course It Would- v

Plan your shopping from Itovl w adver-tlwmehts and «*« from i l io $2 per Mfc i

! i ; ' f J-

Subscribe iio^«l $2.0Q a, year-Slry, this plan and witch the p u r c h a » i n « power of your h*A-get grow.

N,' £ : ^

1 i

i :'•-". -- '•

Locals to. .^, j at ArfingWlt

! - > ,

Ehcountjer6d Strongest T |am of i n f e r e n c e in Gumlff

ulr^j Wednesday

^ -

\\y, tho t toe tfiis* in In ^rin

, ( |Li .vvil lf '^'iHIcM"' will hnyp.o

' V»U» •'«ln|«,,nf a t tMr

in II trni* (» form. Tlioy





iv iiKiwod. iii|jwir\,ttll opp«i

...tifiT^ice jiiiil prior to




! ld l v hull l<'tt ^ llnrrlimtoii Aiiii»li fi'lvvwn thorn and- mi r|1,„/,|.i....|l.l|». Ht%*hK°»*•'."' i„,n wiini iimipii^ jjjKt VlV.|( 1i

rtirknil »P- "K"1"1 • . llriMhts Tml UIIHU'O h«vt>

,1,,^11 ilmt thm» « t » : h n . l ^ hi IJIMTIVVIIIO linn niS^ that tho f,,"tiN,. (mi I"' Hliippwl l»t tlmoH.ii\tlji>liiKh tti'itlii'i' v. hiuil W(l8 liblo to boat \\m 1» D I I ^ 1 # limy lmvo «n ntci

M N«>tn< mrTkirR (lull -ulil

> ro­

ll) ion

»t«v fen<L iPl'T iji'in-

1 )kin«< >pv

Ol|l til.. of-


I'll hit tkpf'


|W«? 0|j-


wv Hn

...iil^niitl '|Mi«w»r whUo, thp mil- ijjsml-i',1 KiMrnmni onn liDth' pnn« nfti tli,. incldi'H n y a o u i a m«kp8 n hilly «A MiuiKlilnit t h o ' w i t i T . , ITi ^rtyvilh- HUP ip «o «ij( ''hnf tli* Si RPldom IIIIVO ITIUPII to do on dp

•' «wi'i "'"P pasfteB. With tmcli p()s)tii'" i' waiiconsidprwl little ofDi ,mi|-ncl« If. tli»* Bronchos^MuM turn llu'^i bapH. Coach Clark hnpeiL to fipd- tb« WlWoats over-cohf and if IIIH boys playod that real <if mull rdoR football th>.y \**ould MliciiyVillp -a real liattlif. Short

. btw'i i >ip in praotice^this w«w>k , wfl»

; a ilonlitful ptarter. His abi from HIP line would b« Mire to i

Win or lose, on Woilnesdajr "the llronohog will start gett ing, for ihojr Arnilstlce day ganie i t lii^'idii Hclgb'ts.' This jwill jbe Iftsi KHinP of the aeasoii .and a

.tor.v over th6 Cardinala v ^ l mak< W.ISKH II complete gutless. The ferc%i<« Ktanding at present is.-aij lows: ' ' 'J__ -

''IVmil W Llii'i-tyville. ..., ...-,« Arliiiiriiiii IleightH Wnrri'ii , . . ' .» •:•••• HiirriiiKlonX......

ItBi-iiM-iiviile .,.,.....,.... ; "Anli»''li .................. r^xc.vii.'ii ,


L T O 0 i a *2 (> a o *2 () 2 '» 2 V ti" 0

N«it l i Buijr Pl«c« As miiny aa $),0OQ wasps

hatched out in a wasp's nest dujftfil n slnijle Boason.

- ^ ,miic .m<>ri and nail; llO(\V anfjl |wm ««]t Gun Mill* pf\h

l;i'j pr'»V l pair

'Wl'.'li hold CV'rfi


Op'1!! .riii' ti...; mi't i*i>."ii


<>< > l


Mil Milloi

,-•• . j i

We, the undersign d htembi the Candida |ey of CI




.1 -i •

. i

e Quijifica in a



ftftt 1 • H OUTH.J


Page 7: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste

Armisti Locals to Play • aj. Arlington fc

Si a son's Final1

f> j-it ron^est

V:MT in ( i a n

\. c ihu'sday

• i ' i » p f

| --- ! 1 t l l l lV" '

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H'ijj ii niji' r i .'i S'nlrf

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• i , l | : U (•

' i r ,- I m l v s

, l l > I tl<

i• i i im-H a l l

f . V !•'• Il'^llt

earn e

t tin-


| K if



Wed-i' a ml other IHl'tll-

I >II mo lOpO

both "i til,-r of-tough them.

mi ex client tin1 I-PI, head-

M pi .Ks

m a k i ' S

ntfd hit spee-

••DtiT. T ie L i

z tluil the

' 'In nn (1

With siufi i-ri'il'iitllc l!r»inc'hos

ii li Clark.

HI'1 roil •ill* tfti'v woiili

I.. 11 Ui •.'.'•i1 liiif wee ;

•ilrl'T, His a ill he sn?p to •I NViliiesflay ^.'iirt getting

backs fense

<>I»S short could hoped

r-confi(lent kind

Rive Short was

and senee hurt, night ready

Tl: il.-iy gain'' t Ar­

il! :i-"ii and p iN will ma Urc l 'SS . . T h

| i r i ' -< ' i i t i s :

the vie-,

;e the con 7

s fol-

\V L 0 1

1 . 0

bti4jr PUe« , ft'iouo waspi are i wuHp'sjuest ( uring

Ave 1000

(ItUS 500 500 500 500 33.'« 000

I ft|.«



Experience Counts in Poniep Schedule; Improvement Noted ! . i ? The P,jnie» krep oh getting <*xper-

irmce blitt ]ittle| «dt<i>. (), , Mntiirtlny lifornliig i|t Gurnee they worked hard mill wel l ' for tin tutlro giinte'nnd f*. iinlly pushed! oiler tho first touch­down of the HIIIAP with. UiJt n minute and ii Imlf to play. The try for extm point went astray mid w.lrh the score 1» thi'lr favor. M to 0; they let th> Gurnee Imlf return the klckoff for II ^( ' l i t lown 101,1; the 'mieeessful 'extra point defeiiteil them 7 to rt.

They did »#io\V a great deal of Im­provement, bowjpvt'r, for the same tpiuii w«u< from them 10 to () the wcfk before. Oi Tuesday lilg-lit thoy lipid tln« I.lhertyvllle* lightweights on i't,>n term* the first Imlf with each side making seifen points. On the opening klckoff on thi> second half the young bronU forgot to pick tip •thu bull nml Iblhprtyvfllc recovered on the 20 yard I hi* from whore thoy noon put over another touchdown, 'Plie final score- WIIM 20 to 7 in fuvor of the Libcrtyvjlle sceoiids.

* . -

Wewver Waterman . Olcott ....... Cadwallader


Pohlman Brown Sdtreiber .. A, Sclutiible Hecrmnn Carr ,

BARRING-yON, ILL3 Njtfe THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1932 •• •— - . BARRINGTON REVIEV \ BARRING1 ^QN, ILL] Nj^lg THU •i • " . » J ' ' L • ' " — - 4 — " "

ce Day Ganie Pinal of Beaton - "* U '• r-*-\* H ~ ^ ~ H • / „J !

Exnprii>npt> C.Min+Q w U r .,..1 iss 147 212 547 %i ij>i i« 1 L » I s .18» ..108 .lfet ..103

147 160 183 »18

212 148 192 167

547 606 492 528

.878 835 850

PruRH-.175 .164 .138 .104 ,188


140 144 187 175 144

107 165 107 172 170

.854 700 880

GroenKanl,- Grill-

Jeffersons and Millers in Tie

in City League , J — %

Standing Changed for Half-Way-Up Teams; Leaders,

Trailers; Unchanged

Results of latit week's bowling in the city league did not alter the standing greatly except that the Barr-ington heview jteam dropped itffjn fourth place to jsixth place and I'ohK man's Drugs dropped, from third place iflto a! tie with ijlcljeister's for fourth place. _ S^I^istejr'H,, .which was for­merly in sixth, -iplaee and Greengard Grill.. which; wfla formerly in fifth place? climtted in] the standing to cor­respond with tlie other two teams' drops'

The high individual total in \he, week's boiling \ was registered by NaBKftti* of the? Jefferson Ice team who scored 578 pins. The Jefferson lee team scored 2588 for high tcatn total. Miller Bros, were jiot far be­hind with] 2509 [pins. t .1

The Mittit of the games last week follows; [ -£"-"

Tuesday. Oct. SB Miller, Bros.—' . ,

Miller .1^2 177.^177 , 490

K. McGowuii Ifnwley linger . I leltlen <". McGowui


Llpofsky ('lothlers-Oonn I. liiindwer Martens .... KuralcH Lolinmn ....

..101 ....184 ....101 .,..148 ..107

105 150 130 187


100 150 101 185 200

.801 800

,.182 ...188 ..,177 ..185 .183

180 127 142 128 150

W • r

105, 152. 155 181 170

To]tal .810 Thursday,

Jeflfcrson \ec,— < Gprdou Berg i Mitchell Naggatz Goldman

Total ,

103 .„.140 ...,201 ...224 ....168



187 149 151 204 160

800 37

170 140 174 150 104

.900 -851 837

Deep Rock I>. Goldman Burton ,. Gieske :. Weasel Schroeder ...

Total . . . . *• . . - 1 - ,

McLci8ter": Lines' ,':•.'. Garbisch ,.*=.;. M. Waterroali C. Landwer

tDaeschler ..

Total ..„..

Barrington Keham Sehauhlo Grahtfnt Teotnun Weirich

- Total

Team Miller Bros. Jefferson Ice Gre'engaid G Pohlman t)r Barrington Review ...,5

.....4" IK'pp Rock Oil Llpofsky Clo thicra



.116 ..172 ..164



..147 212 ..163 .193

171 145 130 180 184

127 108 201 108 217

816 911

154 127 150 150 179

200 130 154 107 167

,907 769

Review-^-. 191 151

1...132 127 ,187 17ft . 162 131 ,.1(45 168


107 170 134: 192 180

....^17 747 783

Won Lost

Co. ill JRH

..8 .....8 .:1..7 .....6

. . . . 4 ^

..4 •4"' 5 , t 8 8

91\Lake County[Lav>^€r$ CAN'TpE WR0N&

• They Support r i

t fu> undersig ned" members of th«i the candic iccy of CHARLES


I'l I \ \ I.IT( HKIKI. ! , | , I N I HOYf.KS

i . l l -VKK

>-\- \i \ t rori.soN • !• \ I' JACK ' '.'-I K COOK

! l" ' IMI3K SI\(JER '- ^lf! '» NJOIIAS I •"•'! i M H M W E L L H , !^-l'-V\II.MAMS "M.i-V I ' L U B K O K Q ' ' l u | i \ i: I U I . I . S ' x " -i t i; I .(-OMAN'S "• ' i ; \ V MAM, -" 1 !; l I' l: MKYKIt '•' M l\KlS(m' ' ! : ! : "" t'lf I'.HAAKE \;•'• fn it nn.Ki ,KY 1 \ MIII.KK

1 i ' ' ^ \ I'hrTKRSON I \ ' K I. UAIRSTOW

II \i;i'l. |> .1. T A M . E T T 1 ! \!;i N< KDIVKIV M ^ IK/YISORSKI I'M I VMii'KFIN' ''"'IN \\ Ml'NRO '•' ' '• K1.I.IS '•' ' I ' I'. illORN'E - ' \ ' , - . | | \I.I,MKYK» '"' i:v-l l>l'. SNYDER

..1. •

The Quiti in a

Charles E. Mason ! Regular Republican Candidate

I ' For

State's Attorney of Lake County


521 473 402 541 506


522 440 401 520 505


678 412 474 394 518


520 447 526 578 517


432 474 447 556 565

New Bowling Loop Organized With 4 Teams Competing

CatlowE, Sass Ha rdwatf lips) 66 and Schaub

Form League

A new Imwllng lei gue pijt In It*

tippenrunifl In Bnrrh

CICH la«t ] "Yldily jnlght

ton 1) Htrlet lengu > completed

organlsnt on and ro led


Tho fo ir tenuis, h

low theatre team, S<

and Colli i«, HIIKH HII


rdwaro Phillips ( 0 . High single game tejam score of I ho opening by the C ittows In tl 881 pins. Prchm of rolled thi high score ing with 5741 in thret

The rejmlrs of the follows

Catjow Prehm 184 Yeoman 150 Mitchell 144 Olcott ,. .^ . , . .148 Dacschler ...^...160

light witts mnuV


546 410 525 480 530


449 420 401 485 493

2347 .-• J





.333 .333

\ of Lake County, Illinois:

Lake County Bar Association, endorse E. MASON for State's Attorney







catipm That Pebple Want bite Official Mason Hw


^ *M


m • c ^ ^ A . v


Scha~tibh Bros, and tCollin Schmitz McGowan Anderson Biechele Schauble


Sass Htrdwa B. Brown McCoy

Kcllam Stone



Phillips Carr .


e seeoid game, tho name team

for tlie even games



r>o 1173' i n 1W

,786 8 ¾

i«7 '.136 147 195 181

iro 177

» )9

| U

......826 713-728

..: 170 161

Kl ingcnbcg ....132 117 JJ 133


60— .137 1«1 .148 i 110




8p« Whine In Women and

Tu 2:!

nouRf m,, Thurs. | 0 p.m. to 4


30 tt.

Telehhdne Barriigtoii 025

lve„ ttimt> peerlem Marfcet


•HOURS 9 to 10 a. n 2 to 3 p. m 7 to 8 p. m

Sun lays by App dntmedt

Barring on Hudson 301 E.'Mali St.

Tele )hone Barrington 2^5



27 Park Avjenue


. HOURS :30 to 10:001 .m. 00to -2:30 | .m.

r. JO to 8:30erening Sunt ays by App lintmedt


In rd*

In thta

- i " i

Rton «wrt ell; when tfho Bftrr*

Its' first

elude lira Cat*

m ,m M 164 1,9'

16C 170 133 132 127

, Phil-es


and the

were as

574 * 450

479 473

1 554


503 483] 306 486 449

1.3 III

S5 1115

1«S( 16t 133 161 15(1


82 83

402 449 511

.762 711 774i 2327


1021 485 45,0

M -Hf




^balfof % ON6.6IRC TRACK TtftM""

Ray Brown Beerman Purcell





128 150-177

1531 107 150 ,


395 445 529

.740 756 80S 2304

Team Catlows ..J.........

Sass Hardware Sehaublcs Phillips 0 6

Won ,C. 2

2 1


Lost Ave. I 667 1 667 2 333 2 333

' Classified Ads Bring Results

Wauconda Continued from page O

Mrs. Henry Kramer, M^s. Ernest Goii' sell and Mrs. Bert Harris. The ne^t meeting 1 will be held on November at Mrs., Fanny Pratt's home.

Mrs. JLizzle Wragg of Chicago i s a guest of the William NiOholls fan ily at "^oseville for a few weeks,

Mrs. Gus Sick • of Cuba- township called on friends here YVedncsda; . , Mi?s Ellen Johnson of the high school faculty and 'M*''"- James Cat f

£ jfc


tilsensM'of < ihlldlren


\4? p&er*4- iNcnes •, ay/Ay

SHA^ S r?ea?RC> </*H6H*dUMP.

N 5 VW JtJ»«»CrWS <mt\>iHW trmtMMc

•mi^iwSi* VIEAPSAW

eSTA^WHlii A MW \«/^tps^^^yMP«c. RECC^P 1'n Mff 80 y/wb HM/W.ES — ,

|].7sea?NP5 fihtoWHVfc tlWRD /Sr *A$e0AlL \HBOW


i' i

•; 'f spen from Frida7 until Sunday at the loroecoming of Knox Btudents »t Gale iburg.

M D. Elva Araarjin and mother, MM bhave rented the rooms of Ml»»,

Lillitn Tidmarsh »ver \hc drugstore' MiBf TidmarBh uid Mw. Ambrose Ililf of Chicago'vill leave about the-midde. of Novcmior for HarllOgatf Tex. where they jvill spend the win­ter.

Jdck BuchannnJ of White Lalte, Wis, visited relatives here the h a t of t ie week."


ifnd [Sat.

30 p. mJ





Td. Rairfngten 706

D R . C U R T I S 1 I E L S O N



8:00-9:00 8, 1:00-2:00-p

(except lion, and 8a 7:00-8:00 p

tip B. Main street

10 SE

Every I rofesslenaj i«d boiilnent.

wrary w e k and mallNI to ahnost

•very lbim* in the eonmiini^

Otber directories maj be ttwjt. bnt

this dlrictery la mpnwtd

• H

sboaM Barrlnfton


and noon

lirectory. H fa> p-jhited







Successor to

DR. E , W. OLCOTT 1 '

Phone Barrington 97 i l 5 E . Main St.




1 afternoons)


Home 97



Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg.

801 E . Main Street

Telephone, Barrington 45JI

r H O U R S


' 9 : 0 0 a.m. to 12 a. m.

1 p. m. to 5 p. m.

7 p . m. to 9 p. m.



11484* National Ufa Building

MPs. LaSaUe Street


Telephone Central 2825

Howard P. CMtle, Evenings; 625 Grove Ave., Tel.', Barrlng'ton 502




1 1537 Conway Bldg. . 111 W . Washington St . '


Telephone, Randolph 6144


1. • E. A. WELLS


135 Park Avenue '

('hone Barrington 391-J

HO-tlKS ] | , 0 :30 to $ :30 p.i m.

I i 'l Other Hours' and Sunday^

by Appointment '



100 W. Main Street



Phone 548 1 -


i -


IWWHlW! miutttpffli Humm

Invitations ' Wedding Announcemeilits

Birth Announcements Mourning Cards

Correct Statione •1 rafa


Printed, or Engraf «d

N- ' • & . ; '

Barrington PubL Co, 100 E . Main Street

mwmil" mmmtmmmmtm

Howard R. BrintUnger Evenings: 404 Dundee Avenu4

Telephone, Barrington 660-W


Barrington, Phone 408. ,


118 N. LnSalb St .

Phone, Dearborn OnW


638 8. Hough S t

Barrington, Phone SJWt * * " ^ i J ,


120 N. LaSaUe S t

Telephone, Doarboim 0390



General Plumbing and Heating Contractor rarnace Repair Work

AflthorSxed Dealers for

York Oil Burners Waterj Syailame for all- Purposes

GEO. W. WICHMAN l i l l W . Station Street

Tel. Shop 262-W , Residence 672-J

m t m m m ssss

Page 8: Barrington Area Library · 2014-01-24 · 7 on !>l h I ..i' j„,l m munlrlpftlltj i,.„,-.t Illiteracy rafc ,,,.,,, —IIKHI ('eiWUS ,, , M MHKK_ uuiliorner] Same Stand Major Isste


We Deliver 10 a. m. 3 p« ni.


eit^ral W. N. LAN] )WER, Manager

209 to 215 Park Av-1—210 to 218 Station St.


% $ •

•; • t


L " - )

;\ • ' •'• .1 • f» '

Sv ti; n <i.\( * ' • V -

' Veek End Specials Nov. 4-5 P cnie'Hams S )RGHUM B CiokieSale FT sh Cocoanut Mace room, Sandwich Cookies,

Fr Belt Cane Grantilated Ba cer's Breakfast Cocoa, l/*-\b. cans, 2 for .:..10^

.19* ited Coffee, 1-lb,'can , . . .33^

Fr |sh Pork Sausage, ^corn Brand, l-13b. pkg. 1 0 ^

1-lb. can Chfese & Sariborris Da

Or inges,1 Medium Size, Juicy, doz ;ening Apples, Real

__. ho Baking Potatoes, 15-lb, peck Ea -Iy Ohio Potatoes, No. 1, 15-lb. peck ..

120-Ib. hag ....

Gr Id

Arfnour'a Frankfort Sausages, AH Meat-No Cereal, 2 lbs [.......'. :. :...„..... J . . . 35*

November < Drfcmedary Dates, Pit He -mel's Vegetables Sioup* No. 2 cans, 2 for. 29'^ So Ca


riled Ham

Chocolate Covered, sh Pecan Meats, nice halves, lb.

Swift's Circle " S " i\ to 6 lbs. average, per lb

Direct from the growers Q Q > » Very finest, 5 lb. pail . . . . ' O J / V '

10-lb. pail /o r - - 7i iwift's Premium 9 Q Sliced to order, per lb. £tjf'

your choice per lb. 1 9 c



Nut and Sugar Wafers

Sugar, 5-lb. box .47* 2 5 *

fornia Fruits, I.G

No.> 2½ can, each Rep Kidney Beans, If

No. 2 cans, 3 for

New York, 8 lbs. 2 9 * 2 3 * 2 4 * 14* 4

$1 .05


ted or Reg., pkg. *»f a Crackers, Elfin ..or Krispyj 2-lb. pkg. ,...19*

A. Brand Bartlett Pears,-Fruit Salad, Royjl Anne Cherries, Large,

2 3 * aney Sweetheart Brand,

2 5 * Grfen Stringless Beahs, Tiny Cut, A Most

Unusual Value, Ns. 2 cans, 2 for..,.. . . 2 5 * Cofrn, I.G.A., New Pack, Golden -Bantam or

Country Gentleman, No. 2 cans, 3 for . . .29* "per dozen cans *.,, ....L..$1.15

Stifawberffes or Red Raspberries, Western Pack, None Finer, No..2 2 cans for .,....:,...

Arfjje Sauce, I.G.A., No. 2 cans, 2 fo r

higan Canned Fruits, In heavy syrup, Red Cherries or Black 2 for : .„ . . . . . : . . . .

Peaches, I.G.A., Tree •Extra Value, No. 3 cans f(5r :...'.

Tolnato Juice, Finest Befins» I.G.A., Whole

No. 2 can : 2½ can, per can

jCrkb Meat, Japanese,


Fancy New York,

2 3 * 4 5 *

. 19*

Raspberries, No. 2 cans ,..:. 2 9 *

Ripened, Golden Halves, 2½ can -, .........17*

. 4 9 * Produced, 11-oz. can . . . . . 5* Green Stringless,

1 5 * Pi rnpkin, I.G.A., Fan:y dry pack, Large No.

.½ size can !Sa mon, I.G.A., Fancjy Red, - tall) can

2 cans for Prjines; I.G.A., In Heavy Syrup,1 lg. can, always

sold at 25c, now per can -,^5*

ffOOD LU€K MARGAPJNE Excellent for Table, Cooking and Baking

™ jtyt*- 2 lbs.


To natoes, Indiana Red Ripe- lg. can 3 cans for No. ,2 cans, 3 for

Wjole Kernel, Yellow 2 cans for

Pefeg, Wisconsin, Ear Po -k and Beans, 28-OJ

Pefis, I.G.A., Small Sif 3 for \

T 1 0 * 2 9 * 2 3 *

Corn, Del Maiz Niblets,. •'•••• i - . - - . . . ; . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . « 9 ^

y June, 3 No. ^ cans 2 9 * . cans, each :„.,..,..:..10* bed, Early June, No. 2 cans,

4 3 * Sp nach/I.G.A., Fancy Quality, No. 2 can ...„,12* Pe ITS, Northwest Ban lett, lg. N o . 2 % can . . . 1 9 *

A N ) Jersey

DRY GOODS Nfcw Item Girls'

each G rls* Jersey Dresses,

ru Curtain Panels, W sn's Work Shoe&.a

shoe, per pair J. a|en's Medium Weight

per spit ........ tamless Back Red!

per dozen'pr.

3 site Loaves * priced at

'' 5c, 8c[l0c VARIETY SPECIALS

Dresses, ages t to 14, ;. 5 9 *

8" to 16 years, each ....$1.39 each ......;..;.3S* and 4 9 * low'price, durable

Fleeced UnionLSuits, .—..........„. . 99* Gristed Gloves, pr 1 0 *

. . . .$1.15

Continued from page mental organization in< pook should go Into. effect unless by a majority of the .peopl several and teeparnte munlcipa feeted by B«ch I>ro|M)aed chaige. In short, I bcliJBve thht no villagi or city government' snoula be abolis another put

Small and Horner Saine on Majoit Issue

In 4ts place UiilesV tToisired by a majority, vote of ose hr ttg •!« (such eity-tilf DiufiWpalityi . ,j

, . Very traly jMirs, LEN SPULIi"

Also Opposed Judge! II<fnry Horner, f de nocratic

nominee fori governor, also 8 t In<,» iot

protecting tlie rights of the country towns in O»ok couijty, accord ng to a statement hie made. Judge H< rher de elored his opposition! to Ho lse Bill 275, introduced in the state legisla ture by a republican repres mtative which-woulrl provide for conpulsory abolition of country town government function!?,^

Judge Hojrner said: 'I am urjqualinedly oppose! to pas­

sage of House Bill 275. While I recognize the pressing

necessity of.the consolidation of some of bur taxing bodies ifor the purpose of effecting a much needed Deduction in taxes 'ajid other economic s,. I am against any proposed legislatr in which takes aWay from the people, as does the bill in question, their r i e i t t o de­termine their own] form of/govern­ment^ « The enactments of su :h legis­lation .violates the. principle of home rule for which I hgv^ alwfirs stood and on which my reebrd hqfore the public is entirely clear.

"Local sfilf government as adminis tcred in Rtilrkdly and thriving ;ommun ities clearly "indicates that the best forni of government is the go ernment closest to. (the, people.

"Not on|ju»houljil any enac tment of the legislature of this kind require that it be submitted to the jeople in interest for approval or dis tpproval hut it should not become effec ;ive with relation to any particular m micipali t.v until a majority of the oters of that particular municipality adopts Its provisions."

A Century of Progress Pageant at Salem Church

Sunday Eveninir.

A popular pageant, xho about 100 vnlopijient school mo emwit in the Ev ingcllcnl church, w Kvangelicajl

rhis pn«eniit l# like a libr i which one study of Kvnngclica of 10() yours.

may draw sugges lic general fiistor' I church covuring

Out, of a lion tliCMt the present young w i t h

ously and carri«Ml on

ful to the X'rof. G

living characters, iiml progress of flu

I be preHenited at 1, p. mJ: 8iin

the store-house . of living characters

with the past the old., This

tenches the valuable lesson' 1 devotedly our . fo refathers

the work jf the ch the-effect ivjll be wholesome-;

pretseht j|ige. B. Oliver of Nobth Cen­

tral college is the author of :his pag­eant and deserves credit for spread success. The pageant open'/ to the public.

Classified Ads Bring Re

B A R R I N G T O ^ ^ l ^ B A l H ^

county ippro^ed

In the ities af-

ivCi and

Vov. 6

cing in the de-Huuday

Halem lay. ry from ions for

of the period

infnrm-wtll li„k and the pageant

ow zeal-

iirch and nd, help-

he wide-will be


pot for 4., of tin sp(



Local Brevities - . ' -. • '• !- ' ' I

Irs. Ja (;ob Baler, Illinois Inatioual


ak«r on

: ¾

imittee voman. is. giving a- tea lean women, Friday, Nov.

»t 3 o'jtlock irt the grand ballroom the Pnlmer: iioluse. It is reported i th«rfc will btf an outstanding

th«l- program.

: l i s * Iifene tobmah, 312 Franklin sttpet, cnterea1 St. Joseph hospital, El^in,' for an operation on her foot

Tuesday, Nov. 1.

3r. antl Mrs. h. W. Repke and ighter Alice* 535 Division street, at-

terded a convention of foot'specialists in Chicago Sundjiy.

Fhe I l inois Training: class of Christian Workers Will meet Friday evining a the home of Mrs. Herberfj M( iners. : 128 Coolidge avenue. 3Irs. Pbilip Bcischer will lead.

JVjrrsvMJ H. Schreiber; 156 N. Hager' nue. v-as taken ito the Frances

wtllard hospital in Chicago Tuesday wl ere she

th it she major

underwent an operation!

The, Scliool Welfare committee mejt M >nday a 'ternoon at |he home of M;rs. C. W. K?ylor, 70|» igycamore avenue, to comple e plans for ?eace week and to discuss Giri Scotit work.

rhe many friends in Barrington of a. Albrrt goutherland of; Lake !vens, Vastfi will be.;glad to know


is Recovering nicely froni )per«tion of October 1.^.

- ^ — — — . .. i

Hawley of the ITiiiversity T-- . Illinois spent Saturday arid Sunday his pa ients' home in Barrington.

It. W. tu rued bi siness I> mver.'

Muir and-C. W|. Kaylor re-Sfiturday from L ten days'

rip to Salt Lake City and


a\ enue, vt p< St weei be tror.



The sebrlet fever jquaranline was ise<l fron the James Domoney'home,.

Prairie avenue Monday. . T i e >ple who were ill have j rf-cely. ''''.• i

ra 5<2 y< ung pe

vered n

Bernard Lipofsky,; 203i W. Lincoln

The condition of Mra. Harriet Por­te v who is" a patient at the Frances

ospital Is improved.

ai d Mrs. st



With n upended

ho has been seriously ill the 8 reported tq be somewhat


A late IO is a iiilwan ndition

The . flt'hrlet fever;.quarantine has en ralspil from thet homp1 of Mr,

K. Main

report from A. E. .jCeeler patient at the Washington Jiospitnl. states that his

is improving slowly.

Ed Groff,: I:

Against School Due to

osing of rlet Fever

number- of schools already because of scarlet if ever and F.

t i e probability that others tyill close fur the sipic reason, IJr..Andy Hall'

hen If h .director, declared . in : a cent stufement that this method of aling uith an epidemic is both

and ineffective. The tempbr aiy empliiyment of medical and nurs-

g servi< e is far more effective- and much cheiper than closing pu schools an a meaiis of combating scarlet fevery

h< states.

Classified. Ads Bring Results -^

lied dve^tisements ey Bring) Results


FIVE ROOM FLAT and flat for! rent. With

87-R. .1. IE. LandweT.

MODERN F I V E ROOM ajpnrtment with suh parlor and g laed porch.

124 Harrison St. Phone S5S->f. Eiden Gieake. '•;••'. •

dz room garas u»n. Tel.

F I V E ROOM BUNGAI>0|W breakfast room, sunporch

Rent' reawnnble. . Also quire Mrs. K. Knoerr, 544 street.

g» *KO-

FOR RENT. On.- large kitchenette and hath; or

hoard: desirable location. 2200 Barrington Review. _

r< run wlfn loom And


EIGHT ACRE FARM wit house, 2-ear garage, hen

fruit trees1.'Rent $25 per m harp houses and flat*. Hen fa 100 Cook utreet. Tel. »70,

i 5-room IOUSC. 42 th. Also Shewr,


PARKSIDE APARTMENT Three furnished rooms

heat .andgas included. Keeler. 400 E. Russell s Barrington 27frR..

Mis. | eet

FOR RjEkf. Large, sunny adjacent bath. Convenient

Jpwel office, breakfast opti nal. a gentleman. Write Barrii view

F I V E ROOM FLAT for r+nt ern; reasonable; inquire

Tailor Shop, Barrington.

EOR RENT. Three fnrnisl

3nd bath, for housekeepi .. age. 619 S. Hough str evenings and -Saturday.


BALED [STRAW and A) fclfa sale. ' Hartwood Fanni ,


, ' h

with enclosed.


for rent. Light. A. E.


iw>m with to the

For gton Re-

<t Mod-


ed rooms lg. Also e t Call

(or phone

IfOR of cow|^

«teek 1 'videra.i

U A N D TICKED GOOSE feathers for snl?H Mrs. Ed Sandman, Tel'

ake Ztiifich V25-W-1

IfOR 8/1 LB. Baby's crib and end tabic, two chair* in good condition.

Reasonably priced. Tel. Barr. GH4-J.

rlRAOTlJDAL N U R S E wants position for Invalid. Address Mrs. sen,, 1845 Brown St., ,2nd. Thd Plalhes.

raring Sjndie n >artmen

IVANTEp, onl a

orseliacl ic tchange f ix street

Rate: life a Line

Minimum, 50c


IfOR SALE, buffet, $5; child's bed, $3, gan stove, $15, bnby carriage,

Imter toble, mattress, $2, 149 W. Jain s rii«t

8AL E. I will have a carload at my farm at Cary this

and Saturday. Joe eary.IJI,


Mi d

Yf'ung lady wishes board farm frith opportunity, for .ridtjhjr near by', n^erences

1 Arthur Brown, 625 Col-JJvanstonj l,

I|X>ST, old. !

lime lit/ T ard.


Dance tjyening, Orchestri 1 <adies(



Fjemale- ^reat Dane pup, 6 mos. ;] trindled, r white; markings,

right bind leg. Liberal re-S. Thurber, Brinker road,

Barjrjngton 886. ]


$1.M RADIO SERVICE , Any make radio repaired for $1.00.

police cilia on your, radio, $2.50 without Wtachjnents. Electric motors i "paired and rewound.. Call Barriug-t^n 387-R. ' f , L tf

D m e e at Callow's Hall, Friday

Nov. 4. Louis Rhythm King's Admission, Men, 35c;


S P E C I A L S Ft^tdoy auA Saturday The Legion^1Q% discount GitipOii^ Do Not ^pply 0»

&Me*t» Fresh Sw set 4 Sream


2 lb. box 1 9 c

C O O k i e S Triple Chocolate ABs'ted l b . l ^ C


L A R D Pure Leaf

' .•JSOAPI'OT American Family


; | lbs. £or 1 7 c

C I A L S - ••"«-B e i t Tel l o w

o a p Value Coco ftardwater Castile

Large ba r J C

The Grjeatest JToilct Soap yWue . '.'.*' <(• * a ^ * * * ™ C

P 0 G S O a p The Bc«t W h i t e Soap Valtte 1 0 R«ff> t » " %$£

HFiiits ^ .

TQIKAY GRACES, sabs. ..: ..17 GRAPEFRUITj Texak, each .: > 5 ^ ORANGES, 2 doz. ., ....^. , . . .1. . , .45^ CJIHNCES, 3 lbs. (.:....l..y...:.:.,.,^!S4_

. I^PPLES: •' JQNATHAIfS» Fancy, & lbs. . . . .23*

Bushel ;,...... ......,...: ..$1*65 GREENINGS, New York, 7 lbs. 2 3 *


You'll be oro^id of your salad made with IcebergLpfc. jar ..........12½^

CORN, Golden Bantam, 3 Nov 2 I5c cans —...................25*

MINUTE TAPIOCA, 2 reg pkgs. 2 1 * COCOAf A?-Be Pure, qt. j a r . . . t 6* HONEY, Royal,Blue,-Goodness,

Health, Economy, 5-oz. jar . .7½^ J.-1D. JftlT ..;.„.-C....4—....«»^*-*»i.«i»»*J"/7

PALMOLIYE Beads, 4 10c pkgs. 2 5 * " : H r . • - • • " • ' •••• •



aitpVegctabfes UCUMBERS, 3 fox ...... * ROCOLI, lb, =......... ARSNiPS, 2 lbs. ,:

ARROTS, Calif i bunch .... SWEET P(WPATOES, 2 lbs tADISHES, bunch .. CELERY, FancJ, bunch 5REENBI1ANS, 21bs. >EAS, Calif., 2 lbs,!i,...



IOC loe :..5* -.8*

5* ...5* .:.5e 15C 28e

K Nov.f4th to Nov.^Othlncl.

SEEDLESS RAISINS, Royal Blue, New Pack; 15-QZ., pkg...; ..M

WINTS, Pute Cream, i/a-lb. cello­phane pkg. w...........j.r....:. 9*

SALMON, (Blue Front, Fancied Red Alaska (Sockeyei 1-lb. 25c can 17*

tED CHERRIES, Michigan Pitted, No. 2 cai 1.............. ,i!...;.xT

WACAROI* I or SPAGHETf Blue*/Twice as much, and1

fo^ less, 4 i-lbv iflc pkgs; »EP, JCello jg's, 2' reg. pkgs. E





pound 13C p ounds 25C


-rllOYAli BLUE BRANDS AR-BE-BLUE FRONT Are Obtainable ONlY ±t Royal Blue Stores

L-—,iv- I

Bathed in 3 •toe Loaves Priced at

- 8 c - IOC

FREE Z0 Prizes FREE \, , r j IlUamRTTI m$\ RIY! fRRY!



•FWhy I Like to Trade at Roy< 1 Blue StpretM

^ Everybody can enter—-Write a s mkny litters as y m like. The Royal Blue . Store Owner is waiting to ell you all the details. .

The time is short—Contest closes November 12th. Get busy immediately THE JIDGES WHO WILL PICK THE WnjjNERS ARE: , „ ^ A

IMRS. JACIOB JAUR . Ohicagb'u Inte^ationally Ki^owS"^usincss and qloet^ty Woman

MRS. WILBUR E. FRIBLEY fPresident of the Housewives'! League * '


i Stubbins

DR. HIIRMANN. BUI /(i n Health Ck>n mlsglonei1 of the. City ii(Mhicago

w | Not a Chain Store YTHIN; WE SELL :;;: /


.>'W^-liiSisiv..-.,.>* Li^L l^Mt>' •


published In «nnJdiwltt j wlt«low««*IBIt*»ejrrmt< i n IHInola^liMO Cw»u«

IP^T: ME 47, N U M B E R 45

gouse to House Relief Canvass

toStart 1 0 ! $ ay First Door Ndrth of Fredknii

Drufc Store Secured for idh


Relief Sttttk • -\ A

M ring«»ji * y i c f

extensive cnmpnigti of the Eur-TJ committee to t ri i s e |

Bonc.v nnf collect food and elot>inffj V r<*li('f 1 ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ t n ^ ^ R 1 1 0 ^ Ebe 1 coming winter will be ofecially >pe led next Monday, with members of the com-H.Jtlro and some 30 w w m m T ho

'•ill ffssist-in a house to hou.-k oin-ras« of the community. A jlast,m< et, in? of (')<• women who wfil take |>irt in the drive will ,be held lit the >!• *.M hall Friday for the fii>af pr^pttw-Sons, The drive W'ill contii ue thro«gl>""t. the week. The canvois ;rs plan t" contact all persons irf he

. comminiliy who ure in n position lend assi-stiiiK-e either finnnciaKy throapii donations of food or elotliiii^ A Hief stijtion will he opened i n B i r -HnKtoii ^«<unlay evening for thel 'e-eeiring of (loniitions of food and eld h-

fmm those' who wish . to " ass ist [tb* organization in i ts wd*k. l o r 1

|tbfir convenience the Btation will be\ liopt open every Saturday ewniug from 7 to S-M p. m. The vnecnt ttore Iiuildiiwt. the first door noith. o( the Kwllund" Drug Co. on Ko«th; HOURII street,.has been secured for.tite

\idirt Ktniion and will |be ;tised to jtore .the donotions/until they \«ill

|.be. needed. - i ! , ;-' Already the relief Committee. ln«;

jiferiviMl .supplies of 't'Buthlnj^, Jvejef.' JttblfK, fruit, etc., most of which. wer«M lejllcclejil in a drive through the Ifcir-|rln(it«ii rural districts jeondueted •!•>' ' jyitians local nrjoini«Uioin» two- \veelw| |il». These "supplies an* now <-liei( g IOWMI iiniil they can he supideinvnt tl hhrouirli funds expected' to be rnis d [la (lie i-itiupnlgii lurxt »y<vk. - •

Hjiiinliiineously, eonipnij»ns will- 1* |«im|ueiei| (hroughout ("oo|i county I y 1 iWlftiiei^eney Welfare FlintJ-.of <'o<k ipounl.v »f whiijf the loenjliiMilt is a memlii'j'. i''l,den G. Oiejtke is vi|<!p

[chnlrainn ' i»,f Ntiburban , district which Includes BarrinirtpN^ Wl liiw

M. I hatriiij

W -o/ Dea^


[inif S'.iitlitleld towHDhltAr," iBclireiltiT Is chairman of the I (on Kelii'f-i'oinniittrif.

| Varied Proffram1 Planned for Book Weel4; Changes <d

Monday Time Announced

BpRinninir Saturday the Bnrrlnkteii JPublie'llli'wiry will present an interes -Jinft week's proRrarnJ Doll's ilay wi;l lb* helj S.ittirdny a< two o'eloeli in place of the regular stor^ _hour. A ll I tittle girls hnve- been inylteil to britig I their dolls «s guexts. ^tftries abo< t |tb(w (1<»|| guestjvrt'will be told.

Booh week wfll be obsefjved ne^t l*eek at th.» library.' Many flew1

Iwnile hooks will'be on d W isplty a nil a

Hilendii) selection is assured. On .\»»:i % the district schools will vis t the lihrnry nnd eiijoy the exhibit <i books on Wednesday afternoon. Miis Beulnh Heekley's fourth-' gcode w | 1 Mtertniu at thev library with u iittje Play.

On Saturday diplomas will be pr£-^ »nte(lio the children whp completed! wir vacation reading courses. Pa :-

!«ts ns \VcTI as children'have beth invited to,visit, the/library fo r the ie

|pro(?ranis. Ji Bcjfinniiig next Monday ,. t h | libraiy o,,en on. Mondays froni 3 to 8 1^*-; it was decMed at ttmi rcguIiT . g 'Wf meeting % t,he lifjr^ry Wifjt

board IkeW ^Monday wcnltag, iNijv. ; I . 1¾^ f'lt that the public could %

IfMTN morp effiileoUy; 4\irihg t^etc »1 Mondays. j>-, ;

]p°ton^&Sti&8: \ $<*le of Tickets

for Benefit PU^ Who


Thnn )hensn.n lus of iripjon Halved Mr. <'o< self tivo was thi who tri hni."h bird wi

4of elusi setpng da;--


the town fdrj -^r^e, ^ft»alati

will mlwi aeelnc the ' honie J f W 4»«m«v^iofaw of |a "^Thrllta? which %itt lie «U

•™ <>tlow thMtre DeccmlMT 11 „„„;'"'P «h« a«itt>lc«« of the Baf-^ UoUHflub, • " • ,

r\"»**r. R. H. WUImerlM, chalrma. »» ,i»M i*1 *** w «"»UtM whitfi

«(l wnvta^iit th« town ""'Ion hi tlcf

BJ"1!1 I T ^ " 0^ >Ulch will tie S ' ! ,*^«!iitti>n »«Hrf t*n<;

*iU! ' ^P°n«« to Ml* of tlckd • "I S k *' fe5« , »*. Mr, Wllhnfl-

•** . Thte cotomitlce b*lleV+ , „ " J* r ^' *oui* will «rw r l Jt* ^ n > t h w«HntB. -.vh.,:

'ot revolves around thc-Ul*

.™'Mw(h thflll. . . t h e n«me$n^ tot i J?' *T -*W-°C P»ot tor hom>

B J f ^ c t i o t t which, provw mo. ( i r«L A , 0 M t tff U pewona l m

^fcs F&^JM • r l S 1 ^ ' n«full nctw parts

** fk.

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J)«vis atid t and! the! • annojince 1



"J< rat Team to Present ^ f r a m a t s t P a u l C h u r c l ^

w.'J>spel teato of felmhnrst col-P«t.l present a program at t b |

«»in» v ^ f f 1 1 ^ 1 church, Sun4»:»

H< G

Mm;'', alk on )ood lR nt-'Tf* jexdaj Shf i

.r ,4» tldnto

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