bargo public school offline learning pack week 2 monday 4 may … · 2020. 5. 3. · bargo public...

Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students and families, In this pack are activities and worksheets that mirror the activities teachers will be putting online through Seesaw each day. These activities are provided to assist our families who have disrupted internet access or minimal devices that students need to share with others. Whilst we can’t duplicate every lesson that may have instructional videos as part of them, we are attempting to provide paper based worksheets so that you can utilise your internet access for the watching and listening activities. Please understand we may have had to make substitutions or changed some lessons to accommodate the offline aspect of the work pack. So please mix and match between offline and online work that suits you and your home situation. Please understand that your child won’t be missing any learning aspects by utilising this form of lesson delivery – it just may look different! If you have enough internet to submit work online your teacher/s would love to see photos of the activities at a time that suits you. However, if you are choosing to work completely offline - or need to due to a bad internet connection -then please keep all your worksheets together to hand in when picking up next week’s work pack. Thankyou for your support as we all work together to provide quality work for our students in these exceptional times. Regards Bargo PS Teaching Staff

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Page 1: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack

Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May

Hello students and families, In this pack are activities and worksheets that mirror the activities teachers will be putting online through Seesaw each day. These activities are provided to assist our families who have disrupted internet access or minimal devices that students need to share with others. Whilst we can’t duplicate every lesson that may have instructional videos as part of them, we are attempting to provide paper based worksheets so that you can utilise your internet access for the watching and listening activities. Please understand we may have had to make substitutions or changed some lessons to accommodate the offline aspect of the work pack. So please mix and match between offline and online work that suits you and your home situation. Please understand that your child won’t be missing any learning aspects by utilising this form of lesson delivery – it just may look different! If you have enough internet to submit work online your teacher/s would love to see photos of the activities at a time that suits you. However, if you are choosing to work completely offline - or need to due to a bad internet connection -then please keep all your worksheets together to hand in when picking up next week’s work pack. Thankyou for your support as we all work together to provide quality work for our students in these exceptional times. Regards Bargo PS Teaching Staff !


Page 2: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students


Term 2 Week 1 Weekly Planner 1-2A 1-2M 1-2S Monday"4"May" Tuesday"5"May" Wednesday"6"May" Thursday"7"May" Friday"8"May"



















Page 3: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students







Five Minute Writing – Week 2 !







Page 4: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students






Page 5: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Spelling Words ~ All week


Page 6: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Spelling Activity ~ Everyday


Page 7: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Monday Spelling – Compound words This%week%we%are%looking%at%compound%words%–%two%words%when%added%together%you%get%a%new%word.%Here%are%some%examples%for%you%to%work%through.%Try%to%think%of%a%few%compound%words%and%write%a%few%of%these%in%your%workbook.%



Page 8: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Monday ~ Book Character Activity Choose&your&favourite&character&from&any&book&you&have&read.&Colour&in&the&outline&of&the&person&look&like&your&character&–&include&all&their&facial&features&and&what&clothes&they&wear.&Around&the&picture&write&adjectives&that&describe&your&character.&It&can&describe&their&appearance&or&things&about&them.&Eg.&Nice&person,&good&friend,&shy,&helpful.


Page 9: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Number of the Day - Monday !Platypus)))18)))) ) )Fairy)Penguins)57)))))))) ) ) Crocodiles)98)


Page 10: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Monday Multiplication ~ Activity One


Page 11: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Monday Multiplication ~ Activity Two

Page 12: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Monday Afternoon – Goal Setting Setting'goals'is'part'of'being'organised'and'getting'jobs'finished.'Sometimes,'a'goal'can'not'be'achieved'in'one'go'because'we'need'to'do'it'in'a'few'steps.''


1.! Read'for'10'minutes'every'night.'2.'Read'one'chapter'each'week.'3.'Keep'doing'this'until'all'the'chapters'have'been'finished.''




Page 13: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Tuesday – Book Setting Today’s(Literacy(activity(will(ask(you(to(look(at(the(setting(in(your(favourite(book.(The(setting(is(where(the(book(takes(



Page 14: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Tuesday – Book Setting After&looking&at&the&poster&of&the&different&type&of&settings,&try&and&think&what&the&setting&from&your&favourite&storybook&is.&Once&you&have&drawn&your&setting,&either&label&parts&of&it&or&write&a&sentence&to&describe&it.&

My book is called - &

Page 15: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Tuesday Maths ~ Place Value On#Seesaw#the#task#asks#you#to#record#yourself#counting#the#tens#and#ones#~#instead#you#can#tell#them#to#your#



Page 16: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Tuesday Math ~ Division ~ Activity One Fill$in$the$box$to$make$the$equal$groups.$Then$answer$the$number$sentence.$$


Page 17: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Tuesday Math ~ Division ~ Activity Two I"have"a"12"piece"block"of"chocolate"to"share"equally"between"my"friends."How"many"friends"can"I"share"it" equally" with" and" how" many" pieces" will" each"person"get?"Record"as"many"possibilities"as"you"can.""


Page 18: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Tuesday Afternoon – Beach Care Write/draw*about*how*YOU*can*care*for*our*beaches.*You*might*want*to*write*a*letter*




Page 19: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Wednesday Writing ~ Picture of the Day Here$is$your$picture$of$the$day.$Use$the$template$to$describe$the$lion.$What$does$it$look$like?$What$does$it$sound$like?$What$does$it$feel$like?$Once$you$are$done$brainstorming,$use$the$words$you$came$up$with$to$write$a$few$


Page 20: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Number of the Day - Wednesday !Platypus)))40)) ) ) )Fairy)Penguins)60))))))) ) ) Crocodiles)88)


Page 21: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Wednesday Afternoon – Island Artwork Please&add&some&extra&things&to&the&picture&to&make&it&uniquely&yours!&



Page 22: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Thursday - Writing An#imaginative#story#has#make#believe#characters(who),#a#setting#(where#and#when)#and#a#beginning,#middle#and#end.#Read#a#story#book#with#your#grown#up#and#complete#the#story#mapping#activity#by#writing#the#setting,#characters,#



Page 23: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Number of the Day - Thursday !Platypus)))29)) ) ) )Fairy)Penguins)48))))))) ) ) Crocodiles)100)


Page 24: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Thursday Maths Muliplication ~ Activity One Write&the&correct&repeated&addition&sentence&for&each&group&of&items.&










Page 25: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Thursday Math Multiplication ~ Activity 2 Write&the&correct&repeated&addition&sentence&for&each&group&of&items.&

Page 26: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Thursday STEM Challenge Design'a'Boat'to'Float'





















Page 27: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Friday Writing ~ Option One ~ Elephant Choose&either&this&“Elephant&escaped”&or&“Walk&in&the&Woods”&as&your&writing&task&today.&


. _______________________________________________&







Page 28: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Friday Writing ~ Option Two ~ Elephant Choose&either&this&“Walk&in&the&Woods”&or&“Elephant&escaped”&as&your&writing&task&today.&


. _______________________________________________&







Page 29: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Friday Math ~ Word Problems. Get$10$objects$(such$as$tiny$teddies,$counters$or$marbles)$and$2$plates.$$Share$the$10$objects$between$the$two$plates$to$find$out$what$half$would$be.$$$Repeat$with$a$range$of$even$numbers$under$10$=$2,$4,$6,$8.$What$is$half$of$each$of$these?$$





Page 30: Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May … · 2020. 5. 3. · Bargo Public School Offline Learning Pack Week 2 Monday 4 May – Friday 8 May Hello students

Friday ~ Mother’s Day Craft !





