barcelona 42 monumental les ramblas english


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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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2. Las Ramblas is the most known ofBarcelona, this walk is about twokilometers full of kiosks, florists, petstores, and all kinds of artists, isundoubtedly the place whereeveryone agrees, both tourists andlocals. It is certainly the mostcosmopolitan street of the city, whichconcentrates the greatest diversity ofpeople. Do not visit the Ramblas islike not having been to Barcelona. 3. Plaza Catalunya is the city center and junction between the old city and Eixample (Eixample)Arguably the Plaa de Catalunya is the beginning of La Rambla., 4. The Plaa Catalunya also notable for the numerous sculptures by major artists exposed along itsperimeter, among which the Goddess of Josep Clara. 5. Pau Gargallo sculptures, works of Josep Llimona, Enric Casanovas, the monument to FrancescMacia Josep Mara Subirachs and others. 6. The Plaza de Catalunya is a shopping and first class service. Buildings are hotels, banks andbuilding societies, bars and renowned restaurants such as Zurich and various shops andshopping centers such as El Corte Ingls and the Triangle 7. Las Ramblas you could say that is one of the rides with visitors the world over 8. La Rambla Canaletes source of which is where the securities are held FC Barcelona. Legend hasit that the visitor who drinks water from the source back to visit Barcelona 9. The Boulevard of the studies in the sixteenth century, in this stage was the building of theGeneral Survey or University, which has given its current name to this part of the Rambla.Felipe V abolished the University of Barcelona 10. Dr. Maso i Arumi Pharmacy since 1917, the structure shows plates with small sculptures ofIshmael Smith 11. Rambla kiosks are open 24 hours a day, are authentic bookstores and sell all kinds of items andsouvenirs designed for tourists, a large number of these establishments throughout the ride 12. Sale Stops pet or pets 13. Royal Academy of Arts i Cincies The institution when Barcelona was without college or highereducation, was responsible for giving courses in physical and natural sciences, now houses theTheatre Poliorama. 14. In Ferrisa Gate Street, opposite the Palau Moja, is the source of Joan Guivernau mosaic thatrefers to the holder of the old wall ferrada 15. Palau Moia building from the late eighteenth century poet Verdaguer lived here owned bythe Marquis of Comillas, Josep More i Dordal. 16. Palau Moia Inside the decor with murals of the Vigata Francesc Pla. 17. Palau Moia input figure represents what ? 18. El Palau de la Virreina 1772 y 1778 Arq. Josep Ausich to Manuel de Amar, viceroy of Peru, diedshortly after being installed, with his widow who lived in it, which is known to the Palau de lavirreina 19. In the Rambla, are still preserved shops are Space dedicated to the memory of artistnot allowed to change their old styleMary Santpere 20. Betlem church in baroque style in 1681 of 1936 (Civil War) leave a fire to ashes all the beautyof the decoration of the temple 21. Betlem church 22. On the day of Sant Jordi Catalonia pattern is the most beautiful year of this tour, Mr. Rosebought the book and Ms. 23. La Rambla de las Flores numerous stops together give a unique color 24. Compaa de Tabacos de Filipinas 1880 Josep Statue of painter Maria Fortuny i XuclOriol Mestres, now houses the Hotel 1898granted. Work of the brothers Osl 25. Compaa de Tabacos de Filipinas - Hotel 1998 26. Figures human statues are numerous and very original, the event is a show outdoors. 27. El Pla de lOs The Pla de lOs known as the plain of La Boqueria, located in the physicalcenter of the promenade, is placed the mosaic by Joan Mir 28. Casa de Bruno Cuadros 1883 La Casa delDragn, Arq. Josep Villaseca i Casanovas 29. Mercado de La Boqueria one ofthe most endearing and colorfulLas Ramblas, which functions assuch since the mid eighteenthcentury, is a construction of steelstructure, the Boqueria offers avariety of products and apresentation especially carefulwith his tradition, make it only 30. The Market was located where the former convent of Sant Josep, finished his spectacular coverthe year 1914 (until then was an open air market,) has the columns laterally restored 31. Gran Teatre del Liceu 1847 one of the most important opera stages around the world. 32. Teatre del Liceu Despite its exterior, the building consists of rooms and rich ornamentalfurniture. 33. Caf de lpera right on the Gran Teatre del Liceu, one of the few cafes that time stillpreserved in the city 34. Caf de l pera character and decoration of the late nineteenth century, with its characteristicmirrors and murals on the walls 35. Store old Casa Figueras 1889 - 1910 designed by modernist painter Antoni Ros Gell. 36. Genov The Doctors House is a modernist building by the architect Enric Sagnier i Villavecchiain 1911 37. Pitarra Monument - Square Theatre SolerFederich monument to the architect PeraFalques 1906 and the sculptor Agust Querol 38. Hotel Oriente located in theheart of the promenade in 1842was the residence of the mainSpanish bullfighters when theyshould handle the bullfight inBarcelona, staying liked thedecor, was once considered oneof the most luxurious hotels inthe city 39. Casa March de Reus late eighteenth century by Joan Soler i Faneca 40. Theatre Principal first built in thelate sixteenth century, wasrenovated in 1775, a fire destroyedthe theater, in 1847 the architectFrancesc Daniel Molina, projectdependencies and the new interiorneoclassical faade. 41. Theatre Principal 42. Theatre Principal busts of actors and characters on the facade 43. Theatre Principal 44. Frontn Coln 1892 Arq. Francesc Rogent iPedroso Wax Museum Kiosk 45. La Rambla de Santa Monica location and portrait painters 46. Centre dArt Santa Monica 47. Former convent of Santa Monica Augustine convent was built from 1626 to 1887 48. Former Guns Cast seventeenth century in 1859 underwent a major reform, Felipe V after theWar of Succession, was assigned to the bell foundry 49. Antigua Fundicin de Caones - Former Guns Cast 50. At the end of the Rambla the military government building near the monument of Columbus 51. At the end of the Rambla the Columbus Monument 1886 by Gaiet Buigas i Monrav andcrowned by a statue of the famous sailor, Raphael Atch. 52. Rambla del Mar is the naturalcontinuation of the Rambla deBarcelona and the symbolic heartof Port Vell. The undulatinglandscape architecture andintegration of this unique Ramblawhere they spend about 75percent of visitors to the PortVell, is a great attraction for localsand visitors 53. FIN - END - FIMANEL CANTOS PRESENTATIONSBlog BARCELONA [email protected]