barack obama 08 newsletter vol 1, issue 1

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  • 8/15/2019 Barack Obama 08 Newsletter Vol 1, Issue 1


    Obama for Americ a

    V O LUM E 1 ISSUE 1

    Ma rc h 20, 2007

    Inside This Issue

    1 Week in review

    1 Newsroom

    2 Policy & Legislation

    2 Obam a o n Iraq

    3 Stude nts for Barac k Ob am a

    3 Hope Ac tion Change

    4 Events Calend ar

    Week in Review

    This pa st we ekend ma rked Barac k Obam a s sec ond visit to New Ham pshire

    and his first stops in Denver, Colorad o; Oakland, California and Oklahoma City,

    Oklahoma since he a nnounc ed his plan to run for President just ove r one m onth

    ago. After meeting with seniors in Claremont, New Hampshire he flew toCa lifornia where he spo ke ab out his plan to end the Iraq wa r. He stop pe d in

    Denver and Oklahoma City for kick-off fundraisers that each attracted

    thousands of attendees.

    With the 4th anniversary of the Iraq War this week, Senator Obam a ap pea red

    on Larry King LIVE on Monday to talk about his plan to bring all combat troops

    home by March 31st, 2008 and his opposition to the war from the beginning.

    Yesterda y, he delivered rema rks on the Sena te Floor focusing on his com mitme nt

    to b ring this c onflict to a n end .

    Oba ma will return to Nevad a this wee kend for a healthca re forum spo nsored

    by the Service Emp loyment Inte rnationa l Union (SEIU) and a rally hosted by the

    Culinary Workers of America, before traveling to West Palm Beach and Miami.

    Ob am a b egins the following w eek with a rece ption in Atlanta , Georgia.

    "At every junct ure when the

    people dec ided to change this

    co untry, it c hanged .

    -Senato r Obam a; rally in Oakland,CA; Ma rch 17, 2007


    Oba ma Draws Enthusiastic Crowd in Oklahom a b y Tim Talley. Illinois Sen. Barac k

    Ob am a brought his Democ ratic presidential c am pa ign to Oklahoma for the first

    time Monday with a promise to end the war in Iraq and change the culture of

    po litica l ga me sma nship in Washingto n. (Assoc iated Press: 3/19/07) Full Sto ry

    Oba ma Rouses Crowd b y John C. Ensslin. Democratic presidential contender

    Barack Obama urged a cheering throng of supporters to make his campaign

    their c am pa ign and to "take b ac k their c ountry. (Roc ky Mountain News: 3/ 19/ 07)

    Full Story

    Obama highlights antiwar stance in Oakland by Maeve Reston. As p rotesters

    geared up around the country to mark the fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion,

    Democ ratic presidential hopeful Barac k Oba ma on Saturda y railed ag ainst the

    Bush a dm inistration's handling o f the wa r with wo rds tha t a lso served to implicitly

    c riticize his ow n p arty's c om petito rs for the White House. (LA TIMES: 3/19/07) Full


    Better Future for America by Josh Richman. "This c amp a ign is a ve hic le for you,

    this c am pa ign is a vehic le for your hopes, for your dream s," -(Inside Bay Area:

    3/18/2007) Full Story

    Obama Greeted Warmly at Famous N.H. Site by Beverly Wang. The Illinois

    sena tor spoke Friday at t he Earl M. Bourdon Senio r Cente r where fo rmer President

    Bill Clinton and House Spea ker Newt G ingrich shook ha nd s in 1995 and p romised

    to c rea te a bipa rtisan c om mission o n c am pa ign financ e reform. The c omm issionnev er materialized . Assoc iate d Press: 3/16/07) Full Sto ry

    -12,000 supp orters at Sena tor Ob am a s rally

    in Oakland, C A; March 17, 2007,2808,DRMN_24736_5427859,00.html,2808,DRMN_24736_5427859,00.html,2808,DRMN_24736_5427859,00.html,1,1515676,print.story,1,1515676,print.story,1,1515676,print.story,1,1515676,print.story,2808,DRMN_24736_5427859,00.html,2808,DRMN_24736_5427859,00.html
  • 8/15/2019 Barack Obama 08 Newsletter Vol 1, Issue 1



    News Room Continued

    Obam a p itches Iraq exit strategy by Ed Tibbe tts. Oba ma pitched his plan to get

    American troops out of that country in a year during stops in Dubuque, Clinton

    and , finally, Davenp ort, where he wa s greeted by a pa c ked g ymna sium a t North

    High Sc hoo l. Aides said 3,700 peop le we re there for the eve ning rally. (Quad City

    Time s: 3/ 12/07) Full Sto ry

    Iowa Students Help Drive Election Bus by Jennifer Hunter. Just after his

    presidentia l anno unc em ent in Springfield, Barac k Oba ma winge d his wa y to

    Ceda r Rap ids, Iowa . He spo ke a t John F. Kenne dy High Schoo l, and whe n the

    speech ended and a few hands were shaken, he and his wife, Michelle, were

    whisked a wa y. They sc oote d ab oa rd a yellow sc hool b us full of co lleg e-ag ed

    Demo c rat s. The O ba ma s spent an hour d riving with the 25 students from 10 Iow a

    colleges, chewing over policy issues such as the war in Iraq and munching on

    trail mix. (Ch ica go Sun Times: 3/14/07) Full Sto ry

    Young Voters Find Voice on Facebook by Jose Antonio Vargas. There a re mo re

    than 500 Obam a group s on Faceb ook. One of the first, "Students for Barac k

    Oba ma ," wa s c rea ted on July 7 by M eredith Sega l, a junior at Bow do in Colleg ewho first heard of Oba ma w hen he ga ve the keynote spe ec h at the Democ ratic

    Nat iona l Co nve ntion in 2004. (Washing ton Post: 2/17/07) Full Sto ry

    When I op posed this invasion

    in 2002, I said tha t I am not

    aga inst a ll wa rs I be lieve d

    tha t a uthorizing this conflict

    would lead to a US

    oc cup ation of undetermined

    length, at undetermined co st,

    with undetermined

    co nsequenc e.

    Senat or Obam a; Denver, CO,

    fundraiser, 3/18/07.

    Polic y& Leg islation

    Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act

    This we ek, wo rking w ith Sena tor Cla ire Mc Ca skill (D-MO), Ba rac k Obama

    introd uce d a b ill to a dd ress the p rob lem s revea led b y a rec ent Washingt on Post

    series on Walter Reed Army M ed ica l Hospita l. The b ill imp roves the c ond ition o f

    soldiers rooms, streamlines the process for seeking care, provides greater

    information to recovering soldiers, requires the hiring of more caseworkers, and

    provides mo re suppo rt to fam ily memb ers who help to c are for soldiers. The b ill

    now has 29 co spo nsors, including three Rep ub lic ans.

    Fuel Econo my Reform Ac t

    Barac k Obama and Sena tor Richa rd Luga r (R-IN) reintroduc ed their bill to

    raise vehicle fuel ec onom y stand ards by 4% a year a mov e tha t c ould reduc e

    U.S. ga soline c onsump tion b y ha lf a trillion g a llons by 2028. The b ill co sponsors

    include senators from both sides of the aisle, including several who have voted

    aga inst CA FE increases in the past.

    Citizenship Promotion A c t of 2007

    Barack Obama joined Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) to introduce the Citizenship

    Promotion Act to reverse large fee increases for legal immigrants seeking to

    be c om e c itizens. The fees are sc hed uled to rise 66% whic h wo uld imp ose asignific ant financ ial hardship on ma ny fam ilies. The b ill would a lso p rovide g ran ts

    to sta tes to e duc at e immigrants ab out the c itizenship proc ess.

    Oba ma s statement on the anniversary o f Iraq War

    There is no m ilitary solution to this wa r. No a mo unt o f U.S. sold iers c an solve

    the g rievanc es tha t lay a t the hea rt of som eone else s c ivil wa r. We must beg in a

    phased redeployment of our forces starting May 1st, with the goal of removing all

    com ba t forces by Marc h 30th, 2008. Letting the Iraq is know tha t we w ill not b e

    there fo rever is our last, be st ho pe to pressure the Iraqis to take o wne rship o f their

    co untry and bring a n end to their c onflic t. Link to Obam a Sta tem ents on Iraq .


    "It is time to b ring this c onflict to a

    respo nsible end so w e c an bring

    our troop s hom e a nd refoc us on

    the wid er struggle yet to b e wo n.

    -Senat or Obama on Iraq .
  • 8/15/2019 Barack Obama 08 Newsletter Vol 1, Issue 1



    Students for Barack Obama

    Stud ent s for Barac k Obama (SFBO) is a stude nt-led orga niza tion

    with rep resenta tives from universities, c om munity c olleges, and

    high schools around the country that have taken grassroots

    orga nizing into their own ha nds. The student m ove me nt for Barac kOb ama is muc h m ore tha n a single orga nization; SFBO c urrently

    has over 160 school based organizations around the country and

    aims to ha ve c hap ters in all 50 stat es by Ma rch 31st. Sinc e the ir first

    major organizing event in January at George Mason University in

    Virginia, the na tional lead ership team ha s signed up over 20 sta te

    c oordinators and they aim for 50 by M arch 31st. Various tools like,,,,

    and, have all contributed to the exponential

    growth o f the SFBO.-Sena tor Ob am a; SFBO Kic koff Event at G eorge Ma son

    University ra lly; Fairfa x, VA; Janua ry, 2007.Hope Ac tion Change : Call to Ac tion!

    The field dep artment is foc used on the next c am pa ign Call to

    Action, which is our community action kickoff on March 31st. Thismarks the first nationwide event in support of Barack Obamas

    ca ndida cy. The p urpo se of the na tion-wide co mmunity ac tion kickoffis to inform other people about ways to not only get involved on a

    grass-roots level, but also to get acquainted with Barack Obama and

    his mission fo r the c ountry. Plea se visit and

    click on theHOPE AC TION CHANGE link to host your own communityac tion event o r get involved in other wa ys with the ca mpa ign.

    Were asking supporters throughout the country to join Barack

    Ob am a in this disc ussion by op ening their homes on Ma rc h 31st at 3:00pm Central, and gathering their friends and family to watch Barack

    Obama in a live webcast from Iowa. For those who would like to host

    an event b ut do not ha ve Internet ac ce ss, you will be a ble to dial intoa c onferenc e c all numbe r and listen to the Iowa disc ussion. All groups

    hosting a community action event will recieve a special DVD with a

    messag e from Barac k Oba ma .

    The O ba ma ca mp aign is also p roud to have the supp ort of Illinois

    Senior Sena tor Dic k Durbin, Chica go Ma yor Richa rd M Daley a nd

    seve ral other lead ers from Illinois who plan to ho st c om munity eventspa rties of the ir ow n on Ma rch 31st.

    During the upcoming weeks, our field team is also working to

    develop a political organizational meeting with over 400 political

    activists, local politicians and community leaders to discuss ways we

    ca n all work toge ther to supp ort Obam a for America .

    "We are here toda y bec ause the co untry

    c alls us, we are he re tod ay b ec ause history

    be ckons us, we are here toda y bec ause we

    face a series of challenges as significant, as

    da unting a s any ge neration has fac e -Senat or

    Oba ma, rally in Oakland, Ca . 3/17/07.

    -Sena tor Ob am a; rally in Oakland , CA; Marc h 17, 200

    This ca mp aign is a vehicle for you; this ca mp aign

    is a v ehic le for your hop es, for your dreams,"

    -Senat or Oba ma ; rally in Oakland , CA; 3/17/07

    -12,000 suppo rters at Senato r Barac k Oba ma s rally in Oa kland , CA; Marc h 17, 2007

    - Senat or Oba ma ; Earl M Bourdon Cent re; Claremont, NH; 3/16
  • 8/15/2019 Barack Obama 08 Newsletter Vol 1, Issue 1



    Events Calendar

    MARCH 2007

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    Below is a list of events, fundraisers, coalitions, and rallies we have

    sche duled for the next few m onths.

    Culinary Workers Rally, Las Veg as, NV Ma rch 23rdNew Lea de rship on Hea lth Ca re Ma rc h 24th

    Preside ntia l Forum , Las Veg as, NV

    Ob am a for America Rec eption March 25thWest Pa lm Bea c h, FL

    Building and Construct ion Trades Ma rch 28thCand idate Forum

    Hop e, Ac tion, Chang e Nation-wide March 31stComm unity action event

    Paid for by Obama for America