banners broker-v2.9

Version 2.9 New features presentation

Upload: elena-morris

Post on 16-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Version 2.9New features presentation

2. Why is Banners Broker implementingVersion 2.9? To alleviate confusion To implement fairness in accordancewith our business model 3. Version 2.9New Executive Subscription 4. Support Line ComparisonRegular Support Line VIP Support LineStandard $7 per questionNot Available1 Free Question/WeekPremium Not Available($5/question after)Executive $25 per QuestionDedicated Support 5. Version 2.9New Package and Panel 6. New Prestige Package Will Include:Package First months subscription Fee ($100 or $500Detailsdepending on subscription) 1 Yellow panel ($10)Banners Broker is proud toannounce a new Package 1 Purple Panel ($30)and Panel in 2013. 1 Blue Panel ($90) 1 Green Panel ($270) 1 Red Panel ($810) 1 Black Panel ($2,430) 1 Prestige ($7,290) 1,457,000 Impressions Membership PremiumExecutive Cost$11,030$11,430 7. New Panel DetailsTRAFFICPANEL COLORPRICEIMPRESSIONSREVENUE CAP REQUIRED Prestige$7,290 1,093,0003,645,000 Hits$14,580 * Please note that Black now has the traffic limit of 6,075,000 which is the equivalent of 5 black panels. There is no traffic limit for Prestige. 8. Version 2.9New types of Traffic Hits 9. Sales Credit Traffic Traffic that is awarded tothe affiliate when theyrefer people to theBanners Broker AffiliateProgram. When anaffiliate refers two peoplethey receive enoughtraffic to qualify one panel. 10. Traffic Pack Traffic Traffic can be purchasedfrom Banners Broker througha Traffic Pack Subscription.Each subscription is $50,which gives you 100,000traffic hits (50,000 of thesetraffic hits are awarded as abonus).Traffic Packs are a monthly obligationand the funds to cover the cost aretaken from your ewallet each month.Please be aware of the terms andconditions explained on the websitebefore purchasing this subscription. 11. Activation:New Traffic Pack Features:Purchase Activate - AllocateAllocation: Each month you must activate yourTraffic Pack Subscription(s) anddecide what color panels toallocate the traffic to. You mustallocate all purchased traffic at thetime of activation. This purchasedtraffic cannot be used untilactivation and allocation havetaken place. 12. Organic Traffic Organic Traffic is awardedwhen an affiliate promotesa website from the ChoiceNetwork. When thewebsite link is promotedvia social media theaffiliate is given 5 traffic hitsper click. This traffic canthen be used by theaffiliate to qualify panels.= 5 traffic hits 13. Incentive TrafficBanners Broker will award affiliateswith Incentive Traffic when theyfulfill tasks: eg: blogs, video testimonials,surveys Amount of incentive trafficvaries depending on each taskand criteria developed byBanners Broker. Content Management Consolewill manage your blog andvideo submission. Please note roll up credits willnow be included in this trafficbank. 14. Organic/Incentive Traffic Usage: Before using the received organic / incentive traffic you must allocate all traffic in those banks at once. You cannot use this traffic until the allocation has taken place. 15. Version 2.9Traffic Bank 16. New Traffic Bank CategoriesThe Traffic Bank will now beseparated into 4 categories: Sales Credit Bank Traffic Pack Bank Organic Traffic Bank Incentive Traffic Bank(will include roll-up traffic) 17. Version 2.9Qualification 18. New Panel Qualification Process Traffic Pack Traffic Pack Traffic Limit Traffic LimitBank to Inviter Bank (Green) (Green)(Blue) (Green)Traffic Hits 135,000 135,00090,00067,500 19. New Panel Qualification Process Sales CreditTraffic PackSales Credit Traffic Pack Traffic Limit Traffic LimitBank toBank to InviterBank (Green) Bank (Green) (Green)(Blue)Inviter (Green)(Green)67,50067,500 67,50045,000 33,750 33,750 20. New Panel Qualification Process Sales CreditSales CreditTraffic Limit Traffic Limit Bank (Green) (Green)(Blue) Bank to Inviter(Green) Sales Credit 135,000N/A N/A67,500 21. New Panel Qualification ProcessIncentiveIncentiveTraffic Limit Traffic Limit Traffic Bank to Traffic Bank (Green)(Blue) (Green)Inviter (Green)Traffic Hits 135,000N/A N/A67,500 22. Version 2.9 CreditsExplained 23. New Credit Types Panel qualification Credit type given tomethod the inviter Each Panel will issue the referrer half theamount of traffic needed to qualify a Full Sales CreditSales Credit BankPanel of the same color.Full Traffic PackTraffic Pack BankFull Organic Traffic Organic BankFull Incentive Traffic Incentive Bank Half Sales CreditHalf Sales / Half Bank/ Half TrafficTraffic Pack Pack Bank 24. Version 2.9My BB Profile