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BANKING ENGLISH Pioneer Series SBI/ IBPS/ RBI/ RRB & OTHERS EXAM Previous Year Questions (With Solutions)

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    Pioneer Series


    Pr ev i ou s Year Qu est i on s(Wi t h So l u t i on s)


    © 2007 by I .B .S. Pvt . L t d .

    Off i ce: SCO 134- 135, Sect or 34-A

    Ch an d i gar h    (I n d i a) 

    Al l r i gh t r eser ved , No par t of t h i s book m ay be r ep r odu cedi n an y for m , b y m i m eogr ap h y or an y ot h er m ean s,w i t h ou t per m i ssi on i n w r i t i n g f r om I .B .S Pvt . L t d .

    Ed i t o r : I B S TE AM

    First Edi t ion – May, 2017Second Edi t ion – May, 2018

    E- m ai l : i bs@ibsin d i nWebsi t e: www.I B Si n d i i n



    Content Page No.

    1. Common Errors .................................................................................. 1-40

    2. Fill Up The Blanks (Single Space) .................................................. 41-53

    3. Fill Up The Blanks (Double Space) ................................................. 54-82

    4. Cloze Test ....................................................................................... 83-126

    5. Jumbled Sentences ....................................................................... 127-162

    6. Pharase Replacement ................................................................... 163-196

    7. Phrase Meaning ............................................................................ 197-203

    8. Comprehension Test ..................................................................... 204-375

    9. Synonyms & Anotonyms (Relative) .............................................. 376-419

    10. Miscellaneous ................................................................................ 420-452

  • .


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-1-


    Di rect i ons (1–7 ) : Read each sen-tence (s) to find ou t whether there isany gram matical er ror in i t . The er -ror, i f any, wi l l be in one par t of thesentence. The number of that part isthe answer. If there i s no error, theanswer i s (5) i .e. ‘No error’ (Ignore theer rrors of punctuat ion, i f any).

    (Canara Ban k PO Exam . 09.02.2003)

    1. The judge asked the m an (1)/ i fthe bag he had lost (2)/ containfi ve thou sand ru pees. (3)/ Theman repl ied that i t did. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    2. I t rust you wi l l (1)/ show forbear -ance to m e (2)/ a few m inu tesmore (3)/ so that I can fin ish th iswork . (4)/ No er ror (5).

    3. The ground ou tside the vi l lage,(1)/ abou ndi ng wi t h frogs andsnakes, (2)/ the enemies of man-k ind, (3)/ is soft and marshy. (4)/No er ror (5).

    4. We are al l short-sigh ted (1)/ andvery often see bu t one side of thematter. (2)/ Our views are not ex-tended (3)/ to al l that has a con-nect ion with i t . (4)/ No error (5).

    5. Ju st laws are no restraint wi th(1)/ the freedom of the good, (2)/for the good man desi res noth-ing (3)/ wh ich a just law inter ferewi th. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    6. Had he done (1)/ h is home workwell (2)/ he wou ld not have (3)/su ffered this embarrassment. (4)/No er ror (5).

    7. He was angry wi th m e (1)/ be-cau se he though t my (2)/ rem arkwas (3)/ aimed before him. (4)/No er ror (5).

    Di rect i ons (8–17) : Read each sen-tence to find ou t whether there i s anygramm atical er ror in i t . The error, i fany, wi l l be in one part of the sen-tence. The number of that part i s theanswer. I f there is no er ror, the an-swer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctu a-t ion, i f any)(Synd i cat e Ban k PO Exam . 10.10.2004)

    8. As you know(1)/ by my visi t ingcar d (2 )/ I am n ow(3 )/ i nMumbai(4)/ No error(5).

    9. With a fresh coat(1)/ of paint(2)/the school can(3)/ look m uchnice(4)/ No error(5)

    10. I ask ed t he sal esm an (1)/ I f Icou ld exchange(2)/ the fau l tycamera(3)/ with another one(4)/No error(5)

    11. I took me(1)/ almost a hou r(2)/t o f i l l t h e(3 )/ ap p l i cat i onform(4)/ No error(5)

    12. She insists(1)/ you stay(2)/ u n-t i l h er h u sb an d (3 )/ com eshom e(4)/ No error (5)

    13. I don’t u nderstand(1)/ how shecould(2)/ treat h im(3)/ so bad(4)/No error(5)

    14. At any ar r ival(1)/ in Delhi(2)/ Iwent straight(3)/ to the nearesthospital .(4)/ No er ror(5)

    15. It is more bet ter(1)/ i f one of theparents(2)/ stays at home(3)/ tolook after the chi ldren(4)/ No er -ror(5)

    16. These reports have(1)/ deterredsome(2)/ women to have(3)/ theoperat ion(4)/ No er ror(5)

    17. I answered(1)/ the quest ions(2)/as best as(3)/ I cou ld(4)/ No er -ror/ (5)Di rect i on s (18–27) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany error in i t . The error, i f any, wi l lbe in one part of the sentence. Thenu mber of that part is the answer. Ifthere is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any).

    (Bank Of Maharash t ra POEx am . 25. 05 .20 08)

    18. Some of the wor ld (1)/ largestwater bodies are (2)/ drying upthus threatening (3)/ the l i vel i-hoods of m il l ions. (4)/ No er -ror. (5)

    19. Am ong the many (1)/ chal leng-es facing the coun try (2)/ in thenext decade (3)/ is poverty andunemploymen t. (4)/ No error.(5)

    20. According to economists (1)/ notmore than fi ve percent (2)/ of

    educat ion loans tak en (3)/ bystudents are overdue. (4)/ No er -ror. (5)

    21. The two candidates share (1)/ arepu tat ion for (2)/ competencyas wel l as (3)/ for good comm u-nicat ion sk i l l s. (4)/ No er ror. (5)

    22. His main quali fication (1)/ on thejob is (2)/ h is extensive exper i-ence (3)/ in foreign branches.(4)/ No error. (5)

    23. A representat i ve of the (1)/ Re-serve Bank wil l provide studentsan (2)/ insight into the (3)/ eco-nomic futu re of ou r country. (4)/No er ror. (5)

    24. As one of the leader (1)/ insu r -ance com pan ies in (2)/ Indiathey offer (3)/ com prehensive fi -nancial services. (4)/ No error. (5)

    25. There is a rum our that (1)/ th ismu lt inat ional company wil l (2)/set u p i ts regional headquarters(3)/ in India in short . (4)/ No er -ror. (5)

    26. Despi te tak ing steps to (1)/ en-cou rage foreign investment (2)/there has been any (3)/ substan-t ial improvemen t in ou r econo-my . (4)/ No er ror. (5)

    27. We had m ade every effort (1)/to ensu re that a (2)/ compromiseis reached and (3)/ that deal wassigned. (4)/ No er ror. (5)Di rect i on s (28–37) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t i f there is anyer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there isno er ror the answer i s (5). (Ignore er -rors of punctu at ion i f any).

    (I ndi an Overseas Bank POExam . 15.06.2008)

    28. India’s travel and tou rism (1)/ in-du stry is poised (2)/ on growthat seven (3)/ per cent th is yearalone. (4)/ No er ror. (5)

    29. Th e Mi n i st ry was consider ed(1)/ several proposals for the(2)/ developmen t of smal l andmedium (3)/ enterpr ises du ringBu dget discu ssions. (4)/ No er -ror. (5)



    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-2-

    30. The amoun t of foreign (1)/ d i-rect investment in (2)/ the coun-try in 2008 is (3)/ doubled thatreceived in 1997. (4)/ No error.(5)

    31. The detai ls of the scheme (1)/wi l l be made clear ly (2)/ to thepu bl i c by (3)/ the end of the fi -nancial year. (4)/ No er ror. (5)

    32. Governmen t offi cials have beenwork ing (1)/ over t ime to answerqu eries raised (2)/ by banks onnumerous of (3)/ issues pertain-ing to the loan waiver. (4)/ Noer ror. (5)

    33. We have sou ght (1)/ clearancein (2)/ additional expenditure in-cu rred (3)/ du r ing the project.(4)/ No error. (5)

    34. The Reserve Bank of India’s de-cision (1)/ to waive ATM charges(2)/ have pu t banks (3)/ in a dif-fi cu l t posi t ion. (4)/ No er ror. (5)

    35. The governm ent is planning to(1)/ sanct ion grants to pharm a-ceu tical com panies (2)/ for in-vent ing new treatments for (3)/diseases abou t malar ia and tu -bercu losis. (4)/ No error. (5)

    36. The Finance Minister’s view (1)/is that the scheme wi l l ensu re(2)/ that mil l ions of farmers wi l lbe (3)/ l i fted ou t of pover ty. (4)/No error. (5)

    37. The su rvey condu cted reveals(1)/ that there is a lack (2)/ ofadequate healthcare faci lit ies (3)/even in u rban areas. (4)/ No er -ror. (5)Di rect i ons (38–47 ) : Read each

    sentence any to find ou t whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any , wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer,. If there isno er ror, the answer i s (5). (Ignore er -rors of punctuat ion, i f any.)

    (Andh ra Bank PO Exam . 14.09.2008)

    38. Wheat product ions in the region(1)/ wi l l fal l drast i cal ly (2)/ u n-less we do anything (3)/ to stopcl imate change. (4)/ No error. (5)

    39. The Indian stock market is (1)/one of the worse (2)/ per form-ing stock markets (3)/ in the re-cent t imes. (4)/ No error. (5)

    40. With inflat ion at eleven per cent(1)/ companies need to come up(2)/ with innovative ways to (3)/get customers to buy i t good (4)/No er ror. (5)

    41. Private companies which profi ts(1)/ have grown due to (2)/ thehigh pr ice of oi l (3)/ shou ld of-fer discounts on cook ing gas. (4)/No er ror. (5)

    42. Having work in (1)/ both publ icand private sector banks (2)/ Mr.Rao is the ideal choice to (3)/take over as chairman . (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    43. In order to expand, the company(1)/ plans to t ransform from a(2)/ fami ly based business in to(3)/ a professional managed one.(4)/ No error (5)

    44. Am it star ted a small (1)/ con-struct ion business two years ago(2)/ when the country is (3)/ en-joying a construct ion boom. (4)/No error (5)

    45. Given the cu rrent (1)/ mark etcondi t ions has is (2)/ better foru s t o i n vest (3 )/ i n t h ein frastctu re sector. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    46. Many athletes have (1)/ taken onyoga (2)/ to develop their con-cen t r at i on (3 )/ an d r ed u cest ress. (4)/ No error (5)

    47. His main aim is (1)/ to create an(2)/ interest in hockey (3)/ amongschool ch i ldren. (4)/ No error (5)Di rect i ons (48–57) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany gram matical er ror in i t . The er -ror, i f any, wi l l be in one par t of thesentence. The number of that part isthe answer. If there i s no error, theanswer i s (5). i .e. ‘No error’. (Ignorethe errors of punctuat ion, i f any.)

    (Or ien t al Ban k Of Com m er ce POEx am . 21. 12 .20 08)

    48. Th ese com pan i es h ave beenasked (1)/ to fu rnish their finan-cial detai ls (2)/ and informat ionabou t (3)/ i ts board mem bers.(4)/ No error (5)

    49. Th e sch em e w h i ch w i l l b elaunched (1)/ dur ing the next twoyears (2)/ requ ire an addit ionalinvestmen t (3)/ of one hu ndredcrores. (4)/ No error (5).

    50. Road developers unable (1)/ tocomplete their projects (2)/ ont ime will not be (3)/ awarded newones. (4)/ No error (5)

    51. We have taken on (1)/ the re-sponsibi l i ty of (2)/ arranging therequ ired training (3)/ and super -vise t he n ew st aff .(4 )/ No er -ror (5)

    52. The government has signed (1)/a mem orandum of understand-ing with (2)/ the com pany to setup (3)/ a plant in the state. (4)/No error (5)

    53. Owing the new pol icy (1)/ we feelthat the targets (2)/ set for th isyear (3)/ may not be achieved.(4)/ No error (5)

    54. Since the lack of (1)/ manpowerwe cannot (2)/ conduct the su r -vey (3)/ in ru ral areas. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    55. Palm oi l is very beneficial (1)/and is u se to (2)/ make prod-ucts ranging (3)/ from soap tobiodiesel. (4)/ No error (5)

    56. There are on ly (1)/ a few com-pany (2)/ which can handle (3)/projects of th is m agn itu de. (4)/No error (5)

    57. The data shows that (1)/ the un-employment rate has (2)/ raisedto 6.1 per cen t (3)/ the highestin fi ve years. (4)/ No error (5)Di rect i ons (58–67) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany grammatical error or idiomatic er -ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there isno er ror, the answer i s (5). (Ignore er -rors of punctu at ion, i f any)

    (I ndi an Overseas Bank POExam . 05.04.2009)

    58. Th e gover n m en t h as (1 )/launched many creative schemes(2)/ to m ak e bank ing services(3)/ avai lable to everyone (4)/ .No er ror (5).

    59. We have received m any (1)/ ofthe letters from cu stomers (2)/ask i ng u s t o ex tend (3 )/ t hedeadl ine to repay their loans (4)/. No error (5).

    60. Under the terms of the new deal(1)/ the channel can broadcast(2)/ the next cr icket tou rnamentto be (3)/ played among Indiaand Austral ia (4)/ . No er ror (5).

    61. Th is is tu rned ou t to be (1)/ oneof ou r most successfu l projects(2)/ and we have made qu ite (3)/a large profi t from i t (4)/ . No er -ror (5).

    62. A non bank ing financial com pa-ny is a (1)/ financial inst i tu t ionsimilar ly to a bank (2)/ but it can-not i ssue (3)/ cheque books tocu stomers (4)/ . No er ror (5).


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-3-

    63. He has taken care to (1)/ com-pl iance with the norm s (2)/ sohe expects the proposal (3)/ tobe approved withou t delay (4)/ .No er ror (5).

    64. Since I had l i ved there (1)/ form any years the vi l l agers (2)/were very comfortable talked (3)/to me abou t thei r problems (4)/No er ror (5).

    65. Our equ ipment gets damage (1)/very often in sum mer (2)/ be-cau se there are (3 )/ frequ en tpower cu ts (4)/ . No error (5).

    66. We have been u nder (1)/ a lot ofpressu re to (2)/ open fi ft y newstores (3)/ by the ending of theyear (4)/ . No error (5).

    67. The com pany is in debt (1)/ andhas been unable (2)/ to pay theirem ployees’ salar ies (3)/ for thepast six mon ths (4)/ . No error(5).Di rect i ons (68–72) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany gram mat ical error in i t . The errori f any wi l l be in one part of the sen-tence, the num ber of that part wi l l bethe answer. If there is no error, mark(5) as the answer. (Ignore errors ofpunctu at ion, i f any.)

    (Un i t ed Ban k Of Ind ia POExam . 21.06.2009)

    68. To be a k ing and (1)/ wear acrown are (2)/ more glam orousto (3)/ see than to bear. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    69. None of the student (1)/ in theclass (2)/ scored below the (3)/given cu t -off marks.(4)/ No er -ror (5).

    70. Ashok is among the (1)/ few peo-ple in the world (2)/ which didnot b l indly fol low (3)/ the pathof others.(4)/ No er ror. (5)

    71. Most people l ik e to (1)/ rest af-ter a day’s hard work (2)/ bu the seemed to have (3)/ an inex-haust ive supply of energy. (4)/No er ror. (5)

    72. Ancient art i facts are (1)/ a partof global heri tage (2)/ and shou ldnot be (2)/ sold to the highestbidder. (4)/ No error.(5)Di rect i ons (73–82) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany gram matical er ror in i t . The er -ror, i f any, wi l l be in one par t of thesentence. The number of that part isthe answer. If there i s no error, the

    answer i s (5). i .e. ‘No error’. (Ignorethe errors of punctuat ion, i f any.)

    (Andh ra Bank PO Exam . 05.07.2009)

    73. In emerging economies, (1)/ thepr ivate credi t m ark et (2)/ re-m ain s h igh ly segm en ted andthus (3)/ weaken power of mon-etary pol icy. (4)/ No error (5)

    74. The recent election campaign (1)/has been one of (2)/ the mostnoisiest campaigns (3)/ in the lastdecade. (4)/ No error (5)

    75. Wholesome st rategic p lann ing(1)/ was the focus as (2)/ thefi rm m anage through a difficu ltper iod (3)/ a couple of years ago.(4)/ No error (5)

    76. Inspi te of the best governmen-t al ef for t s, (1 )/ em i ssi on ofgreenhouse gases (2)/ and nox-iou s ch em icals (3)/ r em ain acause of wor ry. (4)/ No error (5)

    77. The rate of metabol ism of (1)/ abody is com par at i vel y l owestwhen (2)/ i t i s at rest and is (3)/thus opt imu m for exam inat ion.(4)/ No error (5)

    78. The opposit ion leader tr ied (1)/to bolster h is posit ion (2)/ wi ththe voters pressing (3)/ corru p-t ion charges against r ivals. (4)/No error (5)

    79. The recently imposed dress code(1)/ in the un iversit y has en -raged (2)/ the stu den ts who wi l lbe going (3)/ on str i ke since to-morrow. (4)/ No error (5)

    80. Ever since he took over (1)/ asthe chief m inister of the state,(2)/ rate for unemployment (3)/has drastically increased. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    81. Although the br i ll iant wri ter, (1)/an l ying (2)/ pessim ism prevai lsin (3)/ al l her novels. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    82. Changed social sett ing (1)/ de-mands the schools to teach (2)/m or al and social valu es (3)/am on g w i t h t h e acad em i csk i l ls. (4)/ No er ror (5)Di rect i ons (83–92) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany gram mat ical error in i t . The errori f any wi l l be in one part of the sen-tence, the num ber of that part wi l l bethe answer. If there i s No error, theanswer i s (5). i .e. ‘No error’. (Ignorethe errors of punctuat ion, i f any.)

    (Corporat i on Bank POEx am . 22. 11 .20 09)

    83. I may go to the (1)/ swimming classtomor row (2)/ i f I have recovered(3)/ from the cold. (4)/ No error(5)

    84. The pr ime minister announced (1)/that the taxes wi l l be (2)/ increas-ing from the (3)/ beginning of nextyear. (4)/ No error (5)

    85 . He is the most (1)/ intel l igent andalso (2)/ the very talented (3)/ stu -dent of the col lege. (4)/ No error(5)

    86 . She immediately qu it (1)/ the jobin which (2)/ neither the sk i l l nor(3)/ k n owledge were requ i red.(4)/ No error (5)

    87. The meteorological department (1)/predicted that the (2)/ rains andthunderstorm may (3)/ con t inueth roughou t today. (4)/ No error(5)

    88. The cruel k ing bel ieved (1)/ in pun-ishing the prisoners (2)/ unti l theydid not (3)/ confessed their cr ime.(4)/ No error (5)

    89 . As soon as the CEO (1)/ en teredthe office, the (2)/ u nion leadersapproached h im (3)/ and reportthe m atter to h im. (4)/ No error(5)

    90 . Instead of being a clear winner(1)/ he was not given (2)/ the bestem ployee (3)/ of the year award.(4)/ No error (5)

    91 . Having been found (1)/ gu i l ty ofthe theft , (2)/ Su nny was sen -tenced (3)/ to five year’s im pris-onmen t. (4)/ No error (5)

    92. Instead of laying off (1)/ the work -ers, the company (2)/ decided toask them (3)/ to avai l volu ntaryret irement. (4)/ No error (5)Di rect ions (93–102) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany gram mat ical error in i t . The errori f any wi l l be in one part of the sen-tence, the num ber of that part wi l l bethe answer. If there i s no error, theanswer i s (5). i .e. ‘No error’. (Ignorethe errors of punctuat ion, i f any.)

    (I ndi an Ban k Rural Mark et i ngOf f i cer Ex am . 22.11 .2009)

    93. Some genu ine issues exist (1)/with the newly adopted (2)/ sys-tem and needs to (3)/ be exam-ined seriously. (4)/ No error (5)

    94. Whether or not to confront (1)/them abou t thei r role (2)/ in thematter is a decision (3)/ whichis yet to take. (4)/ No error (5)


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-4-

    95. The government is st il l in the (1)/process of final ised new pol i cy(2)/ gu idel ines for the al locat ionof land (3)/ to pr ivate sector or -ganisat ions. (4)/ No error (5)

    96. According to governmen t est i -mates (1)/ at least fou r mi l l i ontonnes of su gar (2)/ wi l l have tobe im por ted (3)/ th is year be-cause of a poor monsoon. (4)/No error (5)

    97. In ou r exper ience people u sual-l y (1)/ valu e th ings that theyhave to (2)/ pay off more thanthose that (3)/ they receive freeof cost. (4)/ No error (5)

    98. At p resen t Ch in a i s t h e (1)/world’s leader manufacturer (2)/of environment fr iendly products(3)/ su ch as elect r i c cars andbicycles. (4)/ No error (5)

    99. Over eighty per cent from us (1)/feel that i f we had tak en (2)/some correct ive measures earl i -er (3)/ the cr isis cou ld have beenaverted. (4)/ No error (5)

    100. The manager of that ci ty branch(1)/ cannot handle i t with thehelp of (2)/ only two personnelas (3)/ business has increasedsu bstant ial ly. (4)/ No error (5)

    101. With the l iteracy rates in th is (1)/region as low as ten per cent (2)/we need to encourage the (3)/local people to bu ild schools. (4)/No error (5)

    102. While providing such faci l i t i es(1)/ onl ine makes i t convenient(2)/ and easily accessible for cus-t om er s, (3 )/ we face sever alchal lenges. (4)/ No error (5)Di r ec t i on s (1 0 3 –1 12 ) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere i s any grammat ical mistake/ er -ror in i t . The error i f any, wi l l be inone par t of the sen tence. Mark thenumber of that part with error as you ranswer. If there i s ‘No error’, mark (5)as you r answer.

    (I ndi an Ban k PO Exam . 17.10.2010)

    103. Their fai lu re to inspect (1)/ ou rfactor ies is a (2)/ clear indica-tions that our (3)/ license will notbe renewed. (4)/ No error (5)

    104. The Board’s decision has provid-ed (1)/ employees with the op-portun ity (2)/ to acqu ire upto100 (3)/ shares by the compa-ny. (4)/ No error (5)

    105. He had telephoned yesterday to(1)/ ask how mu ch of the you th

    (2 )/ wh o at t en d ou r cl asseswou ld be (3)/ interested in work -ing for a text i le company. (4)/No error (5)

    106. If the m anu factu r ing sector con-t inues (1)/ to grow at the samerate for (2)/ the next few months,I th ink i t (3)/ has a high growthrate th is year. (4)/ No error (5)

    107. The su ccess of the (1)/ govern-ment sponsor job guarantee pro-gramm e (2)/ has resu l ted in a(3)/ drast ic drop in poverty. (4)/No error (5)

    108. We had extensively discussions(1)/ with the par t i cipan ts and(2)/ obtained their feedback (3)/regarding ou r new services. (4)/No error (5)

    109. The government is work ing (1)/ou t a new system to compensate(2)/ those com panies to sel l (3)/products below the market pr ice.(4)/ No error (5)

    110 . Though he has prom oted to (1)/the bank’s board as a director(2)/ he cont inu es to carry ou t(3)/ al l h is cu rren t responsibi l i -t ies. (4)/ No error (5)

    111. Ar ranging such a large amou nt(1)/ of funds now wil l be a prob-lem why (2)/ banks are usual lynot open (3)/ so ear ly i n themorning. (4)/ No error (5)

    112 . We were forced into react (1)/as no organisat ion can (2)/ af-ford to adhere to (3)/ these ou t-dated regu lat ions. (4)/ No error(5)Di r ect i on s (113 -117) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere i s any grammat ical mistake/ er -ror in i t . The error i f any, wi l l be inone par t of the sen tence. Mark thenu mber of the part with error as you ranswer. If there is ‘No error’, mark (5).

    (Al l ahabad Bank POEx am . 21. 02 .20 10)

    113. We are yet star t ing (1)/ offer ingth is faci l i t y to (2)/ ou r cu stom-ers as we are (3)/ await ing ap-proval from the Board. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    114. The Chairmen of al l l arge (1)/publ ic sector banks met with (2)/senior RBI officials to give i ts (3)/suggest ions abou t implementingthe new pol i cy. (4)/ No error (5)

    115. They have not fu l l y considered(1)/ the impact that relaxing (2)/

    these gu idel ines is l i kely (3)/ tohave with the economy. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    116. Had th is not i ficat ion (1)/ beenam ended earl ier, (2)/ we cou ldhave stopped (3)/ the t ransferof fu nds. (4)/ No error (5)

    117. There are m any insu rance (1)/dispu tes nowadays becau se of(2)/ most people do not fu l ly (3)/understand the terms and con-di t ions of thei r pol icies. (4)/ Noer ror (5)Di r ect i on s (118–127) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The num ber of thatpart is the answer. I f there i s no er -ror, the answer i s (5). (Ignore errorsof punctuat ions, i f any)

    (Corporat i on Bank POExam . 09.05.2010)

    118. Some genu ine issues exist (1)/with the newly adopted (2)/ sys-tem and needs to (3)/ be exam-ined ser iou sly (4). No error (5)

    119. Whether or not to confront (1)/them abou t thei r role (2)/ in thematter is a decision (3)/ whichis yet to take (4). No error (5)

    120. The government is st il l in the (1)/process of final ized new pol i cy(2)/ gu idel ines for the al locat ionof land (3)/ to pr ivate sector or -ganizat ions (4). No error (5)

    121. According to governmen t est i -mates (1)/ at least fou r mi l l i ontonnes of su gar (2)/ wi l l have tobe im por ted (3)/ th is year be-cause of the poor monsoon (4).No error (5)

    122. In ou r experience people usual ly(1)/ value th ings that they haveto (2)/ pay off more than thosethat (3)/ they receive free of cost(4). No error (5)

    123. At p resen t Ch in a i s t h e (1)/world’s leader manufacturer (2)/of environment fr iendly products(3)/ su ch as elect r i c cars andbicycles (4). No error (5)

    124. Over eighty per cent from us (1)/feel that i f we had tak en (2)/some cor rect ive measu res ear -l ier (3)/ the cr i sis wou ld havebeen aver ted (4). No error (5)

    125. The manager of that ci ty branch(1)/ cannot handle i t with thehelp of (2)/ only two personnelas (3)/ business has increasedsu bstant ial l y (4). No error (5)


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-5-

    126. With the l iteracy rates in th is (1)/region as low as ten percent (2)/we need to encou rage (3)/ localpeople to bu i ld schools (4). Noer ror (5)

    127. While providing such faci l i t i es(1)/ onl ine makes i t convenient(2)/ and easi l y accessibl e forcu stomers (3)/ we face severalchal lenges (4). No error (5)Di r ect i on s (128–137) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any grammatical error in i t .The error i f any wi l l be in one part ofthe sentence, the number of that partwi l l be the answer. I f there is ‘No er -ror’, mark (5) as the answer. ( Ignoreer rors of pu nctu at ion, i f any.)

    (Pun j ab & Sind Bank POExam . 16.05.2010)

    128. Angered over the delay in givingcompensation, (1)/ factory work -ers shou ted (2)/ slogans againstthe president (3)/ when he reach-es the office. (4)/ No error (5)

    129. The cascading effect of econom-ic slowdown (1)/ has brou ght amuch unnerving gloom (2)/ to thereal estate industry last year (3)/bu t the indu stry i s look ing upth is year. (4)/ No error (5)

    130. A recycl ing plant in close prox-im ity to (1)/ the residen t ial areacan pose (2)/ ser iou s th reatsfrom residen ts (3)/ by leavingbeh ind persisten t pol lu tan t s.(4)/ No error (5)

    131. The government has the obl iga-t ion (1)/ to provide basic infra-st ructu re faci l i t ies (2)/ to regu -lat ing the process of (3)/ u rban-izat ion in the coun try. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    132. Bharatpu r is transforming in to(1)/ India’s most fastest grow-ing bird sanctuary (2)/ att ract-ing thousands of rare migratorybi rds (3)/ from Eu rope and Si-beria. (4)/ No error (5)

    133. Plagued by huge losses, (1)/ fu l lservice ai r l ines are st ru ggl ing(2)/ to cope wi th the com pet i-t ion (3)/ from low cost air l ines.(4)/ No error (5)

    134. Volunteers of an NGO (1)/ inter -acted with school students (2)/to spread awareness abou t (3)/environment related issues. (4)/No error (5)

    135. The Union health m inister saidth at (1 )/ th er e was an acu te

    shortage of (2)/ health person-nel in ru ral areas (3)/ who need-ed to be addressed u rgently. (4)/No error (5)

    136. Even t hou gh m ost of In di a’syou th (1)/ l ives in vi l lages, manypeople considers (2)/ the onesroam ing in dazzl ing mu lt iplexes(3)/ as their true reflect ion. (4)/No error (5)

    137. The RBI has proposed to intro-du ce (1)/ polym er notes aftertak ing into considering (2)/ thecost and longevity (3)/ associat-ed with their manufactu ring. (4)/No error (5)Di r ect i on s (138–147) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any grammatical error in i t .The error i f any wi l l be in one part ofthe sentence, the number of that partwi l l be the answer. I f there i s no er -ror, the answer is (5). i .e. ‘No er ror’.(Ignore the errors of punctu at ion, i fany.)

    (Bank Of Baroda POEx am . 30. 05 .20 10)

    138. Hu man babies whose mothers(1)/ have had the flu whi le preg-nant may (2)/ have a greater riskof developing (3)/ schizophrenialately in l i fe. (4)/ No error (5)

    139. Six women achievers, who con-t inu e (1)/ to inspire the you ngerlot, were honoured (2)/ with theircon t r ibu t ions in thei r chosenfields (3)/ on the occasion ofwomen’s day. (4)/ No error (5)

    140. Al l Indians know that they are(1)/ superior in al l respects noton ly to (2)/ those un for tunatelybeings cal led foreigners, bu t (3)/also that they are superior to al lother Indians. (4)/ No error (5)

    141. While the handsom e actor wasbusy (1)/ belt ing ou t one-l iners,his (2)/ gracefu l co-star was a(3)/ complete imagery of womanpower. (4)/ No error (5)

    142. He is one of the fi rst fi lm pro-du cers (1)/ to actual ly tak e themu ch needed step (2)/ againstst ar s pu t t in g u p in form at i onabou t (3)/ u n der -p rodu ct ionfi lms on social network ing web-si tes. (4)/ No error (5)

    143. It was an evening of (1)/ fun andfrol i c as the ci ty’s gl i t terat i (2)/and h igh -profi le bu sinessm enmade su re (3)/ that they didn’tmiss the show. (4)/ No error (5)

    144. Resu l ts founding that boys noton ly (1)/ play m ore than gir l s,but (2)/ they start ear lier, an out-come that (3)/ cou ld be clear lyrelated to a cu ltu ral in flu ence.(4)/ No error (5)

    145. Videogames may not (1)/ neces-sari ly adversely affect (2)/ theacademic resu lts in chi ldren (3)/contrary to most paren ts’s per -cept ion. (4)/ No error (5)

    146. Celebr i t ies showed their chi ld-l i ke side (1)/ yesterday, as mostof them tu rn up wearing (2)/ car -toon T -sh ir ts for the screeningof (3)/ the latest an imated fi lmin town. (4)/ No error (5)

    147. The study focusing exclusivelyto (1)/ cri tically i ll chi ldren foundthat chi ldren wi th ch ronic i l l -nesses, (2)/ especial ly respirato-ry i l lnesses, are most l ik ely, (3)/to devel op i n fl u enza th at r e-qu ires cr i t i cal care. (4)/ No er -ror (5)Di r ect i on s (148–157) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any)

    (Cent ral Bank Of Ind ia POEx am . 25. 07 .20 10)

    148. Su gar -sweetened dr ink s doesn ot (1)/ pose an y par t i cu larhealth r i sk , and / (2) are not aunique r isk factor / (3) for obesi-ty or heart disease. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    149. Ai r l in e m an agem en t s sh ou l dnote (1)/ that the u l t im ate pas-senger u nfr iendl iness (2)/ is tohave their planes crash (3)/ dueto the adopted of u nsafe proce-du res. (4)/ Ne error (5)

    150. Celebrat ing its ten long years (1)/in the industry, a pr ivate enter -tainment channel (2) / announcea ser ies of (3)/ program mes at apress con ference. (4)/ No error(5))

    151. The award cerem ony ended (1)/on a note of good cheer (2)/ withau diences responding warm ly(3)/ to i ts l ine u p of fi lms.(4)/No error (5)

    152. The actress was ordered for (1)/wear an alchol monitoring brace-let and (2)/ su bmi t to random


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-6-

    week ly drug test ing after (3)/ shefai led to appear for a cou rt datelast week . (4)/ No error (5)

    153. Coaches have the advantage of(1)/ draw on their personal ex-periences (2)/ and providing theirplayers (3)/ with u nique inpu ts.(4)/ No error (5)

    154. The actor loves to th ink, (1)/ nev-er enjoys st ick to one k ind of role(2)/ and finds i t di fficu lt to (3)/fu l fi l l everyone’s expectat ions.(4)/ No error (5)

    155. A major compu ter secu ri ty fi rmurged (1)/ the social network ingsite to set up (2)/ an early-warn-ing system after hundreds of us-ers were (3)/ h i t by a new waveof virus attacks. (4)/ No error(5)

    156. The finding may help doctors (1)/give more personal ised care topat i en ts (2 )/ and m odi fy t heam oun t of power fu l drugs (3)/administered over their pat ients.(4)/ No error (5)

    157. The actress made a rare appear -ance (1)/ at the party and was(2)/ overheard talk ing in (3)/ hernext big project. (4)/ No error(5)Di rect i ons (158–167) : In each

    of the fol lowing sentences, the error,i f there is one, wi l l be in the part giv-en in bold and num bered. The nu m-ber of the par t wh ich con tains theer ror is the answer. If there i s no er -ror, the answer is (5). The er ror, i fany, wi l l be of grammar or/ and u s-age. (Ignore errors of punctuat ion, i fany).(Synd i cat e Ban k PO Exam . 29.08.2010)

    158. Further trials have added wei gh ton (1)/ these findings, and anexper t panel conclu ded therewas no ev i den ce t o (2)/ recom-m en d b et acar ot en e su p p l e-m en t s for t he general (3)/ pop-u lat ion, and strong evidence torecommend that sm ok ers avoi di t . (4)/ No er ror (5)

    159. Had I (1)/ known i t ear l i er (2)/I would had (3)/ m ade a di f fer -en t plan. (4)/ No error (5)

    160. I f you deci de (1)/ to st raightenou t a lot of (2)/ th ings in you rl i fe al l at once, (3)/ i t i s proba-ble that you wi l l achieve noth-ing. (4)/ No error (5)

    161. I t i s (1)/ important not t o di rect(2)/ people too much and t o let

    (3)/ them find t h ei r own way .(4)/ No error (5)

    162. Produ ct planners i n t h e pr o-duct i on (1)/ u ni ts work i n t i -m at el y wi t h (2)/ pr ogram m emanagers t o def i n i ng (3)/ newideas for product s (4)/ or prod-uct featu res. No error (5)

    163. I wi l l always rem em ber (1)/ theadvi ce from (2)/ my supervisorsas I work on phones (3)/ : Smile.i t doesn’t m atter that t hey can’tsee you; (4)/ you’ll sound friendlyand happy. No error (5)

    164. To ou r k nowledge, (1)/ no oneforesaw exact ly h ow fast (2)/and how bi g t he (3)/ PC mar -ket had grown (4)/ in the yearsto come. No error (5)

    165. Resu l ts would have (1)/ beenmu ch different had he (2)/ pro-jected himsel f into the m i nds of(3)/ the m asses of ordinary peo-ple and ask h i m sel f these ques-t ions. (4)/ No error (5)

    166. It had (1)/ al l begun (2)/ in abr ight ly l i t room as I dreami lyran (3)/ my fingers over the sur -faced (4)/ of a globe. No error (5)

    167. On wr i t i ng (1)/ th is book , wecan n ot over em p h asi ze t h eunique opportunity we have had(2)/ t o pr obe (3)/ broadly andfreely i n t o t he organizat ion . (4)/No error (5)Di r ect i on s (168–172) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any.)

    (Pun j ab Nat i onal Bank Speci al i stOf f i cer Ex am . 24.10 .2010)

    168. In i t ial l y, shop owners tr ied to(1)/ offer some resistance to thedemol i t ion bu t (2)/ seeing theh eavy pr esen ce of t h e pol i ceforce, (3)/ their resistance fad-ed off. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    169. Cleanl iness dr ives wi l l be (1)/conducted in var iou s local i t ies(2 )/ t o op en i n g t h e d r ai n sb l ock ed (3 )/ wi t h pol yt h en ebags. (4)/ No error. (5)

    170. The resu l ts of the stu dy showedthat (1)/ i f the par tners werewi l l i ng to talk to each other (2)/and ar r ive at a mu tual ly agree-able decision, (3)/ the join t de-

    cisions were m ore bet ter thanany one person’s judgement. (4)/No error (5)

    171. A year after the global financialcr isis saw (1)/ students from thebest B-schools across the wor ldst ruggl ing for a job, (2)/ a su r -vey on management educationth is year thrown (3)/ up somerather in terest ing findings. (4)/No error (5)

    172. The distr ict au thori t ies are mak-ing (1)/ a last-di tch at tem pt toprovide (2)/ al ternat ive solut ionsto farmers bu t (3)/ the opt ionsis clear ly inadequate. (4)/ No er -ror (5)Di r ect i on s (17 3 -182) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any.)

    (Un i t ed Ban k Of Ind ia POExam . 14.11.2010)

    173. The celebrat ions cont inued (1)/th r ou gh the even ing as m ore(2)/ and more fr iends joins (3)/in the fu n and frol ic.(4)/ No er -ror (5)

    174. The actress bel ieves in (1)/ be-ing fi t and feels that there (2)/are too much hype around sizezero (3)/ in the en ter tainmentworld. (4)/ No error (5)

    175. Whi le the act ress wins fans with(1)/ her on screen fi reworks, offscreen , i t’s her (2)/ down-to-ear th at t i tu de and easy-goingm an n er (3 )/ t h at w i n s h erfr iends. (4)/ No error (5)

    176. Even thou gh the exchange at-t ract (1)/ the at ten t i on of al lthose present at (2)/ the pol i cestat ion, the inspector cont inued(3)/ h is t i rade against the gir l .(4)/ No error (5)

    177. The market cont inues to be pos-i t ive (1)/ and in the next quarterwe expected (2)/ the t rend tocontinue with (3)/ the onset ofthe fest i ve season .(4)/ No er -ror (5)

    178. The Indian team cannot win theseries (1)/ and even pu l l ing offa draw cou ld (2)/ be a tou ghproposi t ion wi t h (3)/ i t s leadbowlers not playing. (4)/ No er -ror (5)


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-7-

    179. Wi t h t h i s i n i t i at i ve, t h ecorporat ion (1)/ hopes to assu rethe publ ic that (2)/ i t is confidentof provid ing good service (3)/and renewing their fai th with thepubl ic t ransport system. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    180. The games schedu led to be heldi n t h e St at e (1 )/ h ave beenp l u n ged i n t o cr i si s j u st t womonths pr ior the (2)/ openingceremony by al legat ions of cor -ru pt ion, (3)/ shoddy workman-sh ip and delays in handing overvenues. (4)/ No error (5)

    181. The sole idea behind (1)/ con-du ct ing such program mes (2)/i s t o cr eat e awar en ess (3 )/am ong young minds of ou r na-t ion. (4)/ No error (5)

    182. The reports prompted the chair -man of (1)/ the organising com-m i t t ee t o add r ess a h u r r i edpress con ference (2)/ where hereprimanded the media (3)/ forcondu ct ing a “prejudiced cam-paign .” (4)/ No error (5)Di r ect i on s (183–192) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is(5). (Ignore errors of punctuat ion, i fany.)(B an k Of M ah a r ash t r a E x am .19 .1 2 .2 01 0)

    183. It is only now (1)/ sixty years af-ter independence, that (2)/ Indiais learning how to negotiating (3)/the competing demands of pow-er and ju st i ce (4)/ . No error (5).

    184. The gracefu l folk dance had per -formed (1)/ so beau t i fu l ly by adance grou p that nobody (2)/seem ed to not ice that (3)/ theshow was two-and-a-half hou rslong! (4)/ . No er ror (5).

    185. Th e act or, th at was (1)/ bu symeeting and greet ing people (2)/made su re that th is day became(3)/ an extra special one for h isparen ts (4)/ . No error (5).

    186. Farmhouse owners in the ci t y,(1)/ who were t i l l now paid prop-erty tax (2)/ for only the bu i l t -uparea of the plot, wi l l soon (3)/have to pay tax to the govern-ment for vacant land also (4)/ .No er ror (5).

    187. A t im e sheet d iary is to be (1)/main tained by every actor, since(2)/ producers constant ly com-plain that they are (3)/ forcedshooting for late hou rs becau seactors come very late (4)/ . Noer ror (5).

    188. In jected into the blood, (1)/ t inybu bbles of gas can ease (2)/ thepassage of vi tal stroke drugs intothe brain, (3)/ helping in preventdamage to the grey mat ter (4)/ .No er ror (5).

    189. Since universit ies have more (1)/space on their cam puses, they(2)/ have been asked to open firedetect ion control room s (3)/ as amandatory measure (4)/ . No er -ror (5).

    190. Di st r i ct pol i ce ar r est ed (1)/ agang of notor ious robbers (2)/who were planning to str i ke at(3)/ a hou se in the vicin i ty (4)/ .No er ror (5).

    191. Households across the State areeither opt ing for (1)/ a more mod-est l i festyle or comprom ising on(2)/ the nu tr i t ional valu e of theirfood in efforts to negate (3)/ thepr ice r i se of essential com modi-t i es, cer eal s, veget ab l es an dfru it s (4)/ . No error (5).

    192. The fire that gu t ted (1)/ years forresearch in the chem istry andbiochemistry labs (2)/ of the Uni-versit y bu i lding was (3)/ due toa short cir cu i t (4)/ . No er ror (5).Di r ect i on s (193–202) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any grammatical error in i t .The error i f any wi l l be in one part ofthe sentence, the number of that partwi l l be the answer. I f there i s no er -ror, mark (5) as the answer. (Ignoreer rors of pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (Or ien t al Ban k Of Com m er ce POEx am . 26 .12 .2010 (I st Si t t i n g)

    193. The r ight to adequate food (1)/and clean dr ink ing water (2)/shou ld be regarded as a (3)/ ba-sic r ight of al l ci t izen of India.(4)/ No error (5)

    194. A sharp fal l in (1)/ internat ionalpr ices of tea (2)/ have lead Teaplantat ion workers (3)/ in Kera-la to face starvat ion. (4)/ No er -ror. (5)

    195. Inspite freedom of the press isvi tal to dem ocracy, (1)/ the th inl ine between report ing facts (2)/and expressing opinions on them

    (3 )/ i s b ei n g i n cr easi n gl ycrossed. (4)/ No error (5)

    196. In India, the teacher has beenelevated (1)/ to a position of pow-er (2)/ and a part of that powerhas been (3)/ to assu ming ther ight to punish the students. (4)/No error (5)

    197. In the fl ying game, there are ahost of (1)/ new low-cost airl inesthat dare to roar, (2)/ providinga gl immer of hope of (3)/ morecheaper air t ransport to mil lions.(4)/ No error (5)

    198. A quest ion worth to ask is that(1 )/ wh et h er t h e Na t i on alAwards represent (2)/ Pan-Indi-an cinema or (3)/ is the focuson mainst ream fi lm s only. (4)/No error (5)

    199. Indian every single (1)/ expec-tat ion from its cr ick et team (2)/invariably osci llates between (3)/a cyn ical pessimism and an u n-just i fied opt imism. (4)/ No error(5))

    200. The road widening exercise (1)/who aims to make National High-way a fou r - lane highway, (2)/poses a threat to the (3)/ fragi leenvironm ent of the Himalayas.(4)/ No error (5)

    201. In the aftermath of the Asian tsu -nami, (1)/ the sport ing comm u-ni ty have responded (2)/ swift lyto contr ibu te in whatever way i tcou ld, (3)/ both financial l y andqu al i tat i vely. (4)/ No error (5)

    202. Seen as an indicator of the m a-tu r i t y (1)/ of ou tsou rcing busi-ness in India, (2)/ the Indianou tsou rcing market is (3)/ ex-pected to growth to eleven bi l-l i on dol lar by th is year. (4)/ Noer ror (5)Di r ect i on s (203–212) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any.)

    (I ndi an Ban k PO Exam . 02.01.2011)

    203. Dress in black (1)/ several stu -dents from the University tookpart (2)/ in a protest march inthe ci ty on Thursday as part (3)/of a cam paign against female in-fant i cide. (4)/ No er ror (5).


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-8-

    204. On the second day of the work -shop, (1)/ participants does a sit-uat ional analysis of the state (2)/and spok e abou t their plan ofact ion (3)/ for implem enting theAct. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    205. The cou rt has asked the au thor -i t ies (1)/ to tak e appropr iatesteps to restore natu ral water re-sou rces (2)/ so that the prob-lem of water shortage (3)/ in thestate can be solved. (4)/ No er -ror (5).

    206. Th e poor exper i en ce i n (1 )/neighbou r ing cou n tr ies wh ichh ave i m p l em en t ed (2 )/ foodstamp programmes should serveas (3)/ a deterren t on ou r cou n-try. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    207. The government has warned (1)/that air pol lu t ion from veh iclesand power stations (2)/ is reduc-ing l i fe expectancy in the cou n-t ry (3 )/ i n an aver age of si xmonths. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    208. Closing the doors to a foreign cit-izen (1)/ seek ing employment inIndia, the High Cou rt on Thurs-day ru led (2)/ that i t is not a for -ei gn n at i on al ’s fu n d am en t alr ight, (3)/ to get an employmentvisa in the country. (4)/ No er -ror (5).

    209. The High Cou r t on Thu r sdaybanned (1)/ plying of diesel-runvehicles (2)/ including safari can-tors in the t iger sanctu ary (3)/wi th imm ediate effect. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    210. A new study has shown that k ids(1)/ who have a high body massindex are (2)/ more l i kel ier tohave high blood pressu re, cho-lesterol and blood insu l in levels(3)/ by the t ime they reach ado-lescence. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    211. For much of the developing world(1)/ h istor ical ly, environmental-ism was seen as a luxu ry (2)/rather than a necessity becau se(3)/ always the development im-perat ives was seen to be u rgen t.(4)/ No error (5).

    212. The consum er Foru m directedthe Power Corporat ion to (1)/compensate a complainan t forthe inconvenience (2)/ and men-tal agony who he had to su ffer,(3)/ because of the power offi -cials’ irresponsible att i tude. (4)/No er ror (5).

    Di r ect i on s (213–222) : Readeach sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any).

    (Un ion Ban k Of I nd ia POEx am . 09.01.2001)

    213. The dense fog on Friday morn-ing (1)/ forced the Airport Au thor -i t y of India to diver t (2)/ eightflights, includes two internation-al fl ights, (3)/ ou t of the Inter -nat ional Airport (4)/ No error (5).

    214. Th e ci v i c au t h or i t i es h adscrapped the trade l icense (1)/of a wel l k nown restau rant afterinvest igat ion proved that (2)/ i thad chopped down a fu l l growntree simple because (3)/ the treewas block ing the view of the res-tau rant. (4)/ No error (5).

    215. Invest igat ing officers have found(1)/ a lot of gaps between (2)/the informat ion they gather ontheir own (3)/ and the versionof even ts nar rated by the ac-cu sed. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    216. The m inister told reporters that(1)/ al though reservat ions for thebackward classes al ready exist-ed (2)/ based on social aspects,there was no quota for them (3)/based on pol it ical backwardness.(4)/ No error (5).

    217. Th e d eat h of t h e m an h asbrought (1)/ to the fore the pl ightof thousands of migrants (2)/langu ishing beh ind bars in In-dia after (3)/ being apprehend-ed in the border. (4)/ No error (5).

    218. Only recently (1)/ did the man-ager real ized that the (2)/ infor -mation provided to him (3)/ byh is em ployees was fabr icated.(4)/ No error (5).

    219. The high cou rt on Fr iday refusedto (1)/ grant bail to the suspend-ed IPS officer, who has been (2)/in jai l since May th is year (3)/ inconnect ion of the fak e encou n-ter case. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    220. The indom i tabl e Ind ian t eamdished ou t (1)/ a br i l l i ant per -formance r ight from the start (2)/as they ou twi t ted thei r oppo-nents (3)/ to take a convincinglead. (4)/ No error (5).

    221. Sanitat ion does not only mean(1)/ using toi lets; it also includes

    eff i cien t sol id waste m anage-ment, (2)/ underground drain-age network , and (3)/ keepingou r ci t ies and towns clean. (4)/No er ror (5).

    222. The case was (1)/ par t i cu lar lychallenging as the assailants (2)/had fled to an unk nown dest i-nat ion (3)/ leaving up very fewclues. (4)/ No er ror (5).Di r ect i on s (223–232) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctu at ion, i f any).

    (Corpor at i on Ban k PO Exam .16 .0 1 .2 01 1)

    223. The Presiden t has denied (1)/that the economy is in recession(2)/ or was go into one (3)/ de-spi te a spate of downcast re-ports. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    224. The angry at being (1)/ left ou tof the bonanza (2)/ is palpableam ong (3)/ employees of the or -ganisat ion. (4)/ No error (5).

    225. His comm ents cam e after (1)/the research group said that i ts(2)/ consu mer con fidence indexwere (3)/ slumped to i ts lowestlevel . (4)/ No er ror (5).

    226. If al l goes wel l , (1)/ the exam i-nation scheduled for next month(2)/ is al l set to be completelyfree (3)/ from annoying powercu ts and disru pt ions. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    227. There are just too few trains (1)/for the ever -grow (2)/ nu mberof passengers (3)/ in the ci ty.(4)/ No error (5).

    228. The buzz at the party was (1)/that a famou s (2)/ fi lmstar andpol i t i cian, (3)/ wou ld probabledrop by for a whi le. (4)/ No er -ror (5).

    229. The Opposit ion disrupted pro-ceedings (1)/ in both Houses ofParl iamen t (2)/ for the secondconsecu tive day (3)/ above thepl igh t of farmers in the cou ntry.(4)/ No error (5).

    230. In response to the growing cr i-sis, (1)/ the agency is u rgent lyask ing for (2)/ more cont r ibu -t ions, to m ake u p for (3)/ i t ssharp decl ine in purchasing pow-er. (4)/ No er ror (5).


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-9-

    231. The tennis p layer easy th rou gh(1)/ the opening set before heropponent, (2)/ ral l ied to take thefinal two sets (3)/ for the biggestvictory of her you ng career. (4)/No er ror (5).

    232. Aggression in some teenage boys(1)/ m ay be l ink age to overly (2)/large glands in their brains, (3)/a new stu dy has found. (4)/ Noer ror (5).Di r ect i on s (233–242) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is noer ror, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (Pun j ab & Sind Bank POExam . 23.01.2011)

    233. Despi te the merger, (1)/ the ai r -l i ne has repor ted (2)/ sizeablelosses and is unable (3)/ to paytheir employees. (4)/ No error (5).

    234. We have recently began (1)/ theprocess of recru it ing (2)/ insu r -ance agen ts for (3)/ ou r North-Eastern branches.(4)/ No error (5).

    235. The company’s decision to issue(1)/ bonu s shares clear ly indi-cates (2)/ the management’s con-fiden t (3)/ abou t the fu tu re. (4)/No er ror (5).

    236. Inspi te that organ isat ions areaware (1)/ of the importance ofIT (2)/ they often do not know(3)/ how to deploy i t effect i vely.(4)/ No error (5).

    237. Keeping in mind that India (1)/ isone of the wor ld’s fastest (2)/growing economies many inter -nat ional (3)/ companies are in-vested in India. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    238. Although inter link ing of r ivers wi ll(1)/ help tack le drought, the gov-ernment (2)/ has not paid mu ch(3)/ attent ion to th is project. (4)/No er ror (5).

    239. The r i se in pr ices of food i tems is(1)/ l ikely the cau se of inflat ion(2)/ to exceed eight percent (3)/du r ing the next qu arter. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    240. Many people bel ieve that (1)/ thenational isat ion of banks in (2)/the 1960s have protected India(3)/ from the cu rrent financialcr isis. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    241. RBI i s in favou r (1)/ of amendingcu r rent ly (2)/ pol icies govern ing

    operat ions of (3)/ foreign banksin India. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    242. These recently upgraded branchoffices (1)/ have been fu l ly com-pu ter ised (2)/ and are connect-ed to headqu arters (3)/ to en-su re proper moni tor ing. (4)/ Noer ror (5).Di rect i on s (243 -252) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical er ror in i t . The er -ror i f any, wi l l be in one par t of thesentence. The number of that part isthe answer. If there i s no error, theanswer is (5) i .e. “No Er ror” (Ignoreer rors of pu nctu at ion, i f any.)

    (UCO Ban k PO Exam . 30.01.2011)

    243. With no governmen tal control(1)/ and least regard for the en-vironment, (2)/ t h e p r i vat ewaste processing indu stry (3)/poses a threat to publ ic safety inIndia. (4)/ No Error (5).

    244. A radical environmental ist (1)/st or m ed i n t o t h e D i scover yChannel’s (2)/ headquarters withexplosives (3)/ st rapped for h isbody. (4)/ No Error (5)

    245. Many of the today’s employees(1)/ are su ffer ing from (2)/ anemotional recession because (3)/they have not found su ffi cientmeaning in their work l ives. (4)/No Error (5)

    246. Peop l e wh ose p er for m an cepeaks in the morning (1)/ arebetter posit ion for career su c-cess, (2)/ becau se they are moreproact ive (3)/ than people whoare at their best in the evening.(4)/ No Error (5)

    247. Asian users are (1)/ most en-gaged with (2)/ the social webthan (3)/ users in the west. (4)/No Error (5)

    248. The economic structu re of ru ralareas (1)/ i s such that chi ldren,especial ly gir ls, (2)/ are requ iredto help in the hou sehold work(3 )/ an d per for m al so t h ei rchores. (4)/ No Error (5)

    249. Despi te of maternal m or tal i t yrates (1)/ showing decl ine in In-dia, (2)/ thou sands of wom enare dying every year (3)/ due tolack of access to basic healthcarefaci l i t i es. (4)/ No Error (5)

    250. Most of the problems that (1)/beset work ing women (2)/ are inreal i ty rooted in (3)/ the socialperspect ive of their posit ion. (4)/No Error (5)

    251. Even after so mu ch years of in-dependence, (1)/ women in In-dia cont inue to su ffer (2)/ so-cial ly as wel l as economically (3)/at di fferent levels and in di ffer -en t form s. (4)/ No Error (5)

    252. While a select few have (1)/ stan-dards of l iving com parably (2)/to the r i chest in the wor ld, (3)/the m ajor i ty of the popu lat ionfai l s to get even two meals a day.(4)/ No Error (5)Di r ect i ons (253–262) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is noer ror, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (Bank Of Baroda PO Exam .13 .0 3 .2 01 1)

    253. The bane of Indian hockey todayis (1)/ lack of in terest by thepart of the pu bl ic (2)/ which intu rn is fuel led by the percept ionthat (3)/ it doesn’t pay to take upthe sport as a career. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    254. Il legal sand mining has become(1)/ a boom business fuelled (2)/by the ever -increasing demand(3)/ of the constru ct ion indu s-try. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    255. Mu ch is the in flow of travel lersthat (1)/ i t is tough to book an airt icket (2)/ to Ahmedabad and thein ternat ional fl igh ts (3)/ too arealmost over -book ed. (4)/ No er -ror (5).)

    256. Exper ts bel ieve that a (1)/ grad-ual ly decreasing infant mortal ityrate (2)/ is lead to a propor t ion-ate (3)/ decrease in the size ofou r brains. (4)/ No error (5).

    257. In just two months after having(1)/ p lan ted these, most of theplants have (2)/ ei ther dr ied upand are su ffer ing (3)/ due to lackof maintenance. (4)/ No error (5).

    258. In ci t ies people don’t (1)/ alwayshave the t im e to (2)/ catch upwi th old fr iends or (3)/ spendtimes wi th their fami ly. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    259. The band have been (1)/ per -forming at many cause-or ientedconcer ts (2)/ to encou rage peo-ple to come forward and (3)/ lendtheir support to the noble cause.(4)/ No error (5).


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-10-

    260. As market leaders, (1)/ we havealways been at (2)/ the forefrontof creat ing awareness (3)/ be-tween the pu bl i c. (4)/ No er -ror (5).

    261. If the IPL has succeeded in draw-ing (1)/ an audience across thecount ry, i t i s because (2)/ cr ick -et has always had a strong foun-dat ion (3)/ and a dedicated au -dience. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    262. In view of the intense cold wavecondit ions (1)/ prevai l ing in thestate, the government is declared(2)/ hol idays in al l the schools(3)/ for a per iod of ten days. (4)/No er ror (5).Di r ect i on s (263–272) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is noer ror, the answer is (5)· (Ignore errorsof pu nctu at ion, i f any).(Al l ahabad Ban k PO Exam . 17.04.2011)

    263. The biggest (1)/ heal th bu rdenthat India (2)/ is set to face in thecoming years (3)/ is tack le can-cer. (4)/ No error (5)

    264. Il legal sand mining in the periph-eral areas (1)/ of the dist r ict con-t inues to remain a big problemfor (2)/ forest range officers asyet another instance i l legal (3)/mining was reported yesterday.(4)/ No error (5)

    265. The pol icemen, who (1)/ was de-ployed heavi ly (2)/ in the area,did noth ing to (3)/ d issuade theprotesters. (4)/ No error (5)

    266. Festivals are pr ime occasions (1)/for splu rging on presents andowing to improved economic si t-uat ion, (2)/ the you ths is gung-ho (3)/ abou t break ing al l previ-ou s records. (4)/ No error (5)

    267. It is important to recru it person-nel at (1)/ di fferent levels in theorgan izat ion so that (2)/ the en-su i ng hu m ar resou rce gap isbr idged (3)/ at least for the cr i t -ical operat ions. (4)/ No error (5)

    268. Banks are on the verge (1)/ offacing a formidable chal lenge (2)/of losing over fi fty percent of (3)/thei r employees du e to ret i re-ment. (4)/ No error (5)

    269. Not only has the comm erce min-ist ry fixed (1)/ ext raordinar i l yhigh min imu m pr ices for onion

    exports (2)/ but also made licenc-es mandatory (3)/ for every con-signm ent. (4)/ No error (5)

    270. A new study found that whi leweigh t loss (1)/ via su rgery m ayim prove k nee pain, in obese pa-t ients (2)/ there m ay be perm a-nent damage to the knee (3)/ frombeing severe overweight. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    271. In order to streaml ine (1)/ themovement of vehicles du ring (2)/the fest i val, t raffi c pol ice have(3)/ chalked ou t diversion plans.(4)/ No error (5)

    272. With a view to avoid another casteconfl i ct , (1)/ the administ rat ionhas deployed addit ional pol i ceforce (2)/ on the vi l lage, whi lethe adm in ist rat ion as wel l aspol ice officials (1)/ are mon itor -ing the si tuat ion. (4)/ No error(5)Di r ect i on s (273 -282) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is‘No error’, the answer i s (5). (Ignoreer rors of pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (I ndi an Overseas Bank POExam . 22.05.2011)

    273. The actor, who plays(1)/ a detect ive in the fi lm , al-leged to have pu shed the direc-tor (2)/ when he asked him to getin to h is costume (3)/ as i t wasgett ing late.(4)/ No error (5)

    274. Manish was advised an opera-t ion (1)/ m ore than th ir ty yearsback , bu t (2)/ due to his finan-cial condit ion he (3)/ cou ld notundergoes the procedure. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    275. India’s largest corporate hou semay be (1)/ force to review theselect ion parameters after (2)/st ruggl ing to shor t l i st potent ialcandidates (3)/ for the past eightmonths, (4)/ No error (5)

    276. Th is quest ions force u s (1)/ toface the unpleasant truth that (2)/the pol icies of social just ice have(3)/ reached a dead end. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    277. Many of the you ng people (1)/studying abroad agreed that (2)/retu rning home was always (3)/an at tract ive opt ion. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    278 . The government needs to provide(1)/ specific regu lat ions that cre-ate an envi ronm ent (2)/ wheretrained scient i fic personnel en-joyed space and freedom (3)/ todesign new products benefi t ingsociety. (4)/ No error (5)

    279. Thou gh the book is not yet avai l-able on India, (1)/ previews pub-lished in th is country suggest (2)/that i t i s a complex study of (3)/an extrem ely complex personal-i t y. (4)/ No error (5)

    280. Conven t ional l y speak ing, (1)/men are supposed to earn whi le(2)/ wom en are supposed to si tat home, (3)/ do housework anddiscipl ine the chi ldren. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    281. The movement, which aims to (1)/raise awareness abou t cl imatechange hopes (2)/ to br ing peopletogether to th ink abou t (3)/ whatthey can do for reduce harmfu lpol lu t ion. (4)/ No error (5)

    282. Workers bat t l i ng to restore (1)/power su pply to the dam agedreactors (2)/ have su ccessfu l in(3)/ reaching up to the secondreactor. (4)/ No error (5)Di rect ion (283-297) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany grammatical error or idiomatic er -ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be in onepart of the sentence. The number ofthat part is the answer. If there i s ‘Noer ror’, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (I BPS Speci al i st Of f i cer CWE11 .0 3 .2 01 2)

    283. The th ird season of (1)/ the pop-ular television show will ends (3)/on a grand note wi th (3)/ celeb-r i t ies dancing and having fu n.(4)/ No error (5)

    284. The website, which does not (1)/accept adver t i semen ts and isfunded (2)/ entirely by donations,descr ibes i t sel f (3)/ as the fi fthm ost popu lar websi te on theplanet. (4)/ No er ror (5).

    285. As sharing cr ime stat i st ics for(1)/ the year 2011, the Commis-sioner admit ted that (2)/ therehad been an undu e delay in (3)/the set t ing up of an an t i-narcot-ics cel l . (4)/ No er ror (5).

    286. The Moon may be the best place(1)/ to look for al iens as their(2)/ footpr ints on their su rfacewou ld (3)/ last far longer thanradio signals. (4)/ No error (5)


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-11-

    287. The judge advised the govern-ment to (1)/ have metered au -tor ick shaws across the statewh ile (2)/ recount ing his per -sonal exper ience where an au -tor ickshaw driver (3)/ made himt o wai t an d al so dem an ded

    100. (4)/ No er ror (5).288. The Company aim s (1)/ to near -

    ly double (2)/ i ts revenu es onthe back (3)/ of a strongest prod-uct pipel ine. (4)/ No error (5)

    289. The woman that had (1)/ k id-napped a child has now (2)/ beenapprehended and is being (3)/held in the ci ty’s jai l. (4)/ No error(5)

    290. Rose growers in (1)/ the ci t y arewak ing up (2)/ to the benefi ts(3)/ of col lect ive act ion . (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    291. The Min ister wi l l have (1)/ atough task on his hands (2)/where three different recommen-dations (3)/ for th is year’s ratereach his desk . (4)/ No error (5)

    292. The cu rrent econom ic scenar io(1)/ cou ld possibly undo (2)/ thegrowth that fol lowed (3)/ theeconomic l iberalisat ion of 1991.(4)/ No error (5)

    293. In a fi rst of i ts k ind study, (1)/a team of scient i sts have tr ied to(2)/ “grow” new stem cells in (3)/the ear that get damage with age.(4)/ No error (5)

    294. If successfu l, the research cou ld(1)/ pave the way towards (2)/the prevention in untimely deaths(3)/ due to fatal i l l nesses. (4)/No error (5)

    295. The Ministry has directed Banks(1)/ to do away with their (2)/separate promot ion pol icies, amove (3)/ strongly opposed bythe officers’ u nions. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    296. After a complaint was fi led, (1)/pol ice teams was given the pho-tograph (2)/ of the accu sed fromthe CCTV footage (3)/ recordedat the hotel . (4)/ No error (5)

    297.Activists opposing the rai l projectsaid (1)/ that the eleven new fly-overs to be bu i l t (2)/ would prac-t i cal ly r ing (3)/ the death knel lfor the ci ty. (4)/ No error (5)Di rect ion (298-312) : Read each

    sentence to find ou t whether there isany grammatical error or idiomatic er -ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be in one

    part of the sentence. The number ofthat part is the answer. If there i s ‘Noer ror’, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (I BPS Speci al i st Of f i ce CWEExam . 11.03.2012)

    298. The th ird season of (1)/ the pop-ular television show will ends (3)/on a grand note wi th (3)/ celeb-r i t ies dancing and having fu n.(4)/ No error (5)

    299. The website, which does not (1)/accept adver t i semen ts and isfunded (2)/ entirely by donations,descr ibes i t sel f (3)/ as the fi fthm ost popu lar websi te on theplanet. (4)/ No error (5)

    300. As sharing cr ime stat i st ics for(1)/ the year 2011, the Commis-sioner admit ted that (2)/ therehad been an undu e delay in (3)/the set t ing up of an an t i-narcot-ics cel l . (4)/ No error (5)

    301. The Moon may be the best place(1)/ to look for al iens as their(2)/ footpr ints on their su rfacewou ld (3)/ last far longer thanradio signals. (4)/ No error (5)

    302. The judge advised the govern-ment to (1)/ have metered au -tor ick shaws across the statewh ile (2)/ recount ing his per -sonal exper ience where an au -tor ickshaw driver (3)/ made himt o wai t an d al so dem an ded

    100. (4)/ No error (5)303. The Company aim s (1)/ to near -

    ly double (2)/ i ts revenu es onthe back (3)/ of a strongest prod-uct pipel ine. (4)/ No error (5)

    304. The woman that had (1)/ k id-napped a child has now (2)/ beenapprehended and is being (3)/held in the ci ty’s jai l. (4)/ No error(5)

    305. Rose growers in (1)/ the ci t y arewak ing up (2)/ to the benefi ts(3)/ of col lect ive act ion . (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    306. The Min ister wi l l have (1)/ atough task on his hands (2)/where three different recommen-dations (3)/ for th is year’s ratereach his desk . (4)/ No error (5)

    307. The cu rrent econom ic scenar io(1)/ cou ld possibly undo (2)/ thegrowth that fol lowed (3)/ theeconomic l iberalisat ion of 1991.(4)/ No error (5)

    308. In a fi rst of i ts k ind study, (1)/a team of scient i sts have tr ied to

    (2)/ “grow” new stem cells in (3)/the ear that get damage with age.(4)/ No error (5)

    309. If successfu l, the research cou ld(1)/ pave the way towards (2)/the prevention in untimely deaths(3)/ due to fatal i l l nesses. (4)/No error (5)

    310. The Ministry has directed Banks(1)/ to do away with their (2)/separate promot ion pol icies, amove (3)/ strongly opposed bythe officers’ u nions. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    311. After a complaint was fi led, (1)/pol ice teams was given the pho-tograph (2)/ of the accu sed fromthe CCTV footage (3)/ recordedat the hotel . (4)/ No error (5)

    312. Activists opposing the rail projectsaid (1)/ that the eleven new fly-overs to be bu i l t (2)/ would prac-t i cal ly r ing (3)/ the death knel lfor the ci ty. (4)/ No error (5)

    Di rect i ons (313-322) : Read eachsentence to find ou t whether there isany gram matical er ror in i t . The error,i f any, wi l l be in one part of the sen-tence. The number of that part i s theanswer. If there i s ‘No error’, the an-swer is (5). (Ignore the errors of punc-tu at ion, i f any)

    (I BPS RRBs Of f i ce Assi st an t CWEExam . 09.09.2012)

    313. People who play (1)/ thei r radiostoo (2)/ loud have no (3)/ consid-erat ions for others. (4)/ No error(5)

    314. The novel has neither (1)/ an in-terest ing (2)/ plot, nor any (3)/in terest ing character. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    315. If you were given a (1)/ chance tol i ve in (2)/ some other cou ntry,wh ich (3)/ one wou ld you havechosen ? (4)/ No error (5)

    316. Having l i ved to (1)/ Paris for two(2)/ years, Prak ash understands(3)/ French reasonably wel l .(4)/No er ror (5)

    317. Reema decided not to (1)/ watchthe m ovie becau se (2)/ she hadto study for the (3)/ qu iz to behold the next day.(4)/ No error (5)

    318. Athletes do var iou s (1)/ k inds ofwarm (2)/ up activit ies before (3)/they star t to runn ing.(4)/ No er -ror (5)

    319. Ramesh wi l l l ives (1)/ with Ramunti l he (2)/ finds a separate (3)/


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-12-

    house for h imsel f.(4) / No error(5)

    320. Cows, goats and (1)/ other su chdomestic (2)/ animals together is(3)/ cal led l ivestock . (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    321. Students are l ikely to (1)/ workon the even ings, (2)/ du r ing theweek en d s, (3 )/ or su m m erbreak s. (4)/ No error (5)

    322. Being-able to (1)/ remember a lotof inform ations is (2)/ not thesame as (3)/ being able to th ink .(4)/ No error (5)Di r ect i on s (323 -332) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is‘No error’, the answer i s (5) ( Ignoreer rors of pu nctu at ion, i f any).(I DBI Bank Of f i cer Exam .16.09.2012)

    323. Al thou gh a doctor said that thetest resu lts (1)/ of five personsconfi rmed the disease hospitalau thor i t ies (2)/ did not give anofficial statement said (3)/ theywere st i l l awai t ing resu l ts of therest of the pat ients.(4)/ No error(5)

    324. Lightweight and (1)/ easy to han-dle, (2)/ au tomat ic scooters havebeen (3)/ a godsend for wom encommu ters. (4)/ No er ror (5)

    325. The gang members has (1)/ con-fessed that they had been (2)/obtain ing bank accoun t detai ls(3)/ of their vict ims from a sou rcebased in Nigeria. (4)/ No error (5)

    326. Weather officials said that (1)/there i s l i k ely to be (2)/ widespread rainfal l al l over the region(3)/ over the next few weeks. (4)/No error (5)

    327. Police said that (1)/ the seizedcounterfeit cu rrency notes looked(2)/ so genu ine that (3)/ anyonecou ld have been misled. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    328. The commit tee has (1)/ asked form ore inform at ion and (2)/ wi l lagain consider (3)/ the entr ies onthe next meeting. (4)/ No error (5)

    329. Look ing for (1)/ a house on rent(2)/ in the ci ty has (3)/ never beenan easy job. (4)/ No error (5)

    330. One cou ld not (1)/ im agine st r ik -ing (2)/ th is k ind of a bargain (3)/last year or the year early. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    331. The m onsoon showers and (1)/the fel l in temperatu re (2)/ havebrought a smile (3)/ on many fac-es. (4)/ No error (5)

    332. Schoolchi ldren in the ci ty (1)/were in for a su rpr ise as theywer e (2)/ t reated to a feast ofsome chi ldren’s fi lms (3)/ beingscreen in local theat res. (4)/ Noer ror (5)Di r ect i on s (333–342) : Read

    each sen tence to find ou t whetherthere is any gram matical er ror or id i-om atic error in i t . The error, i f any,wi l l be in one par t of the sentence.The number of that part is the answer.If there is “No Error” the answer is‘5’. (Ignore errors of punctu at ion i fany.)

    (I BPS Bank PO/ MT CWEExam . 17.06.2012)

    333. The Governm ent has asked in-dividuals (1) / wi th incom e ofover Rs. 10 lakhs to (2)/ elec-tronic fi le tax retu rns for the year2011 -12, (3)/ som ething wh ichwas opt ional t i l l last year . (4)/No Error (5)

    334. The power tar i ff had already (1)/ been increased twice in (2)/the last 15 months and the Elec-tr ici ty Board had also (3)/ leviedaddi t ional m on th ly charges toconsu mers. (4)/ No Error (5)

    335. Despite of cu rfew (1) / in someareas, m inor (2)/ communal in-ciden ts were reported (3)/ fromdifferent areas of the wal led ci ty.(4)/ No Error (5)

    336. Th is comes (1) / at a t im e (2)/when fund al locat ion (3)/ is beendoubled. (4)/ No Error (5)

    337. As the pr ison wi l l get (1) / anofficial telephone faci l i ty soon,the pr isoners (2)/ won’t have tomake cal ls in d iscreet m anner(3)/ th rough sm uggled mobi lephones. (4)/ No Error (5)

    338. The area was plunged into (1) /dark ness m id a wave of (2)/cheer ing and shou ting (3)/ slo-gans l ike ‘Save The Earth’. (4)/No Error (5)

    339. The pol l contestants approached(1) / the commission complain-ing that the hoardings (2)/ vio-lated the code of conduct (3)/and in fluenced publ i c percep-t ion. (4)/ No Error (5)

    340. The coun try has (1) / adequatelaws bu t problem s (2)/ ar i se

    when these are not (3)/ im ple-mented in letter or spir i t . (4)/No Error (5)

    341. The Managem ent feels that (1) /the employees of the organisa-t ion are (2)/ non-product , anddo not wan t (3)/ to work hard.(4)/ No Error (5)

    342. As far the issue of land encroach-m en t (1) / in vi l l ages is con -cerned, people wi l l (2)/ have tomake a star t from their vi l lagesby (3)/ sensit ising and educatingthe vi llagers abou t this issue. (4)/No Error (5)Di rect i ons (343 – 357) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is“No Error” the answer is ‘5’. (Ignoreer rors of pu nctuat ion i f any.)

    (I BPS Speci al i st Of f i cer CWEEx am .17. 03 .2013)

    343. The couple’s work in (1) / up-grading rural technicians (2)/ hasset a benchmark ing (3)/ for fu -tu re generat ions.(4)/ No Error (5)

    344. It has tak ing almost (1)/ a yearfor India (2)/ to let i ts pessimism(3)/ translate into fewer jobs. (4)/No Error (5)

    345. The city needs an airport (1)/ thatcan efficient ly manage (2)/ a con-stant ly flow of (3)/ passengersand fl ights.(4)/ No Error (5)

    345. Th is grou p of (1)/ ru ral achiev-ers is very (2)/ di fferent than the(3)/ ones in the past. (4)/ No Er -ror (5)

    346. The government has announced(1)/ plans to creat ing (2)/ onemi l l ion new (3)/ t rain ing places.(4)/ No Error (5)

    348. The argu ment assum es that (1)/ear ly detect ion of the disease (2)/wi l l lead to an immediate drop in(3)/ the mortal i ty rat ing from thisdisease. (4)/ No Error (5)

    349. The two most important numbers(1)/ wh ich the m andarins of an(2)/ economy have to watch (3)/are inflat ion and unemployment.(4)/ No Error (5)

    350. Witnessed the you ng soldier’sabi l i ty (1)/ to repeatedly h it bu l l’seye at (2)/ arms training, instruc-tors pushed him (3)/ to par t ici-pate in the Arm y marksm ansh ipcompet i t ion.(4)/ No Error (5)


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-13-

    351. It is al l wel l known that (1)/ wom-en are general l y in favou r of (2)/l ight topics l ike jokes and expres-sions (3)/ that causing lau ghteral l around. (4)/ No Error (5)

    352. The even ing breeze (1)/ won’tcarrying the poetry (2)/ of peacebeyond (3)/ the school bu i lding.(4)/ No Error (5)

    353. We are br ing in the idea that (1)/Eu ropean rehabi li tation focussed(2)/ on a mu lt i-d iscipl inary ap-p r oach (3)/ t owar ds ch r on i cpain. (4)/ No Error (5)

    354. If parents are able to (1)/ get theirchi ldren into schools (2)/ that arefar away, the (3)/ next chal lengeis transportat ion. (4)/ No Error(5)

    355. The perception of others (1)/ par -t i cu lar ly fam i ly m em bers (2)/changed when he (3)/ qu al i fiedon a gover nmen t job. (4)/ No Er -ror (5)

    356. Every house shou ld (1)/ have thedevice as i t (2)/ protects peoplefrom a (3)/ common householddisaster. (4)/ No Error (5)

    357. Au tomated baggage handling sys-tems are (1)/ ensu r ing that onthe t ime passengers (2)/ are ou tof the plane thei r (3)/ baggage isalready wait ing for them. (4)/ NoEr ror (5)Di rect i ons (358 – 362) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical er ror in i t . The er -ror, i f any, wi l l be in one par t of thesentence. The number of that part isthe answer. If there i s no error, theanswer is (5). i .e. ‘No error’. (Ignore theer rors of pu nctu at ion, i f any.)

    (I BPS Bank PO/ MT CWE-I I IExam . 26.10.2013)

    358. Th ese com pan i es h ave beenasked (1)/ to fu rnish their finan-cial detai ls (2)/ and inform ationabou t (3)/ i ts board mem bers.(4)/ No error (5)

    359. Th e sch em e w h i ch w i l l b elaunched (1)/ du ring the next twoyears (2)/ requ ire an addit ionalinvestmen t (3)/ of one hu ndredcrores. (4)/ No error (5).

    360. Road developers unable (1)/ tocomplete their projects (2)/ ont ime wil l not be (3)/ awarded newones. (4)/ No error (5)

    361. We have taken on (1)/ the re-sponsibi l i ty of (2)/ arranging therequired train ing (3)/ and super -

    vise the new staff. (4)/ No error(5)

    362. The government has signed (1)/a mem orandum of understand-ing with (2)/ the com pany to setup (3)/ a plant in the state. (4)/No error (5)Di r ect i on s (363–367) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is noer ror, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctu at ion, i f any).

    (I ndi an Overseas Bank POOn l i n e Exam . 01.09.2013)

    363. The dense fog on Friday morning(1)/ forced the Ai rport Au thori tyof India to divert (2)/ eight fl ights,includes two internat ional flights,(3)/ ou t of the Internat ional Ai r -port (4)/ No er ror (5).

    364. Th e ci v i c au t h or i t i es h adscrapped the trade l icense (1)/of a wel l k nown restau rant afterinvest igat ion proved that (2)/ i thad chopped down a fu l l growntree simple because (3)/ the treewas block ing the view of the res-tau rant. (4)/ No error (5).

    365. Invest igat ing officers have found(1)/ a lot of gaps between (2)/ thein format ion they gather on theirown (3)/ and the version of eventsnarrated by the accused. (4)/ Noer ror (5).

    366. The death of the man has brought(1)/ to the fore the pl ight of thou -sands of m igrants (2)/ langu ish-ing behind bars in India after (3)/being apprehended in the bor -der. (4)/ No error (5).

    367. Only recently (1)/ did the man-ager real ized that the (2)/ infor -mation provided to him (3)/ byh is em ployees was fabr icated.(4)/ No error (5).Di r ect i on s (368–377) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is noer ror, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctuat ion, i f any)

    (BOB Man ipal Sch ool of Bank i ngOf f i cer On l i n e Exam , 14.08.2014)

    368. At tr i t ion i s going to be in (1)/ thenorm in the banking industry (2)/in the days to com e and banks

    (3)/ shou ld being prepare for fu -tu re. (4)/ No error (5)

    369. However they stressed there wasno (1)/ formal deal on a (2)/ com-mon text in the (3)/ fu l l 19 na-t ional ministers. (4)/ No error (5)

    370. The comment assume significant(1)/ in the wak e of the h igh pro-fi le (2)/ repor ts having suggest-ed (3)/ creat ing a single appel-late authority for al l financial sec-tors. (4)/ No error (5)

    371. The rul ing part ies have (1)/ muchthan the requ i re (2)/ two th irdsmajor i ty (3)/ in the assembly toendorse the statu te. (4)/ No er -ror (5)

    372. He fu rther said there is no pu r -pose (1)/ in wait ing for the finalapproval since both fell ing of trees(2)/ and commencem ent of workwou ld (3)/ have al ready tak enplace based on the in-pr incip leapproval. (4)/ No error (5)

    373. Not approving the (1)/ violent actsof (2)/ young people to changethe system, (3)/ the old gives himthe works of hu man ism . (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    374. The proposal which was aim ed(1)/ at providing checks and bal-ances for decision made by (2)/t he r egu lat or s has been (3)/hanged fi re for a long t ime due toopposition from various quarters.(4)/ No error.

    375. The government has in it iated (1)/the process of set t l i ng dispu tes(2)/ through vot ing in the CA, (3)/a step severe cr i t i cise by theopposit ion. (4)/ No error. (5)

    376. The Union Health Minister has(1)/ pi tched for an increase in i ts(2)/ budgetary al location, (3)/ ci t-ing plans to strengthen the del iv-ery of exist ing schem es. (4)/ Noer ror. (5)

    377. The governm ent’s m ove (1)/ toextend (2)/ subsidy on raw su g-ar exports (3)/ i s expected pro-vide som e salve by the indu stry.(4)/ No error. (5)Di r ect i on s (378–382) : Read

    each sentence to find out whether thereis any gramm atical error or idiomat icer ror in i t . The error, i f any, wi l l be inone part of the sentence. The numberof that part is the answer. If there is noer ror, the answer is (5). (Ignore errorsof pu nctuat ion, i f any)(SIDBI Bank Of f i cer Exam , 03.09.2014)


    I .B.S. Regist ered Off i ce: SCO. 108-109, Sect or-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh . Ph : 092161-78310

    Head Of f ice: SCO. 134-135, Top Floor, Sect or 34-A, Chandigarh . Ph : 093160-68310

    Corporat e Of f i ce: A-45-46, Near Ni r man Vihar Met ro Stat ion, Laxm inagar, New Delhi . Ph: 092666-78310-14-

    378 . One of the smallest mobile ser -vice provider (1)/ in India by num-ber of su bscribers (2)/ , the com-pany is giving u p to 40% incre-ment (3)/ inclu ding bonuses inthe cu rrent financial year (4)/ . Noer ror (5)

    379 . Some of the most (1)/ success-fu l organisations in the world (2)/uses explorat ion and plays (3)/ tot h ei r con t i n u ed su ccess an dgrowth (4)/ . No error (5)

    380. Investors sent iment towards (1)/India has sou red in recent years(2)/ as econom ic growth slowed(3)/ to less by 5% in cu r rent fi s-cal year to 8% in 2007. (4)/ Noer ror (5)

    381. Workers inside the bu i lding maysoon (1)/ able to imagine test inghis weigh t l i ft i ng prowess or oth-er mu scle (2)/ bu i lding regimensagainst the mythical feats of KingKong (3)/ , who once scaled th isbu ilding’s facade (4)/ . No error (5)

    382 . India can become an econom icsu pe