bank - · pujbushsd sy the virginia publiijuii« company (inc.) t. moa. at on«...

PUJBUSHSD SY The Virginia PubliiJuii« Company (Inc.) t . MOa. at On« M r tfn advanM) Sixiamths. T h n * Moatha ' ' ' Ai^ iVBieauuPTioH mynaj li.oo M Saturday reached an .a««emeut estabbshinR the toll rates mroug L^toamiQanal. ^^^ /^^^^^ estabHshee * iorin of TViP nrincioal provision of the bill' wnicn ^^ ., ^ :. ^„^, Th*^ n n n c i p a i p r o v i » i u u i^^ y* > ^ , _ p i^„t in given ^jyernment for the ca^ai. are^w* . ^^^^j,, „^ -_^„ wy toUs in t Jurisdiction o v e r t h e ( « b i e ^ < ^ i a n ^ i f ^ ^ ^ his discretion, but it provides that the; maxinaum rate khaU | -lfANA«SA3, VA.. THURSDAY. MAJl. U. 1912. ^THE-PAOEr BILL THB-feJtures oTthe Page bill, bfpeJuliar Interest to the i!.i«hxh t h e ^ ^ l T w i t h the expr^sed l>rovision that «ueh u ^ »hall .ot itition. CongrewionaiXstrict. ^ are «f loffiUB-«se.-?l^n4e<i •'»*«"«'' by the Southern Ct^mercial.Congress. U te jrefluested thatfotr ItiHtPtoor see your Congressmen and Sepator« and ask.them to have the infent <# effect of » i..,.„oW„iinesl i;AlU<U»Ma2tjon^^^ 'andolrailro«d.u8ing thpcanal are stnetijf lo"'^- " ^ Bank it«-pa< :: ^r^^r^ti< Urging them for it ^ . ^ - ..,. Both in th« United States S^ate and in theflo^Be of HeprewntativeflaDoi u., gin L ^ a c e ^ which premises ta relieve our public f hool.Byst^m of . ^ overSkiS This bill will lead jiU farm bOyB .U> Bludy aKi.cullui., ^oat X ^ y a r»tudy the tr^d^s and industries, and all girls to study home making. "^ I ^ i i l l e S the more practical parta of our my State^^^^^^^ 11, win cjv«.. ^ . . "^ , . ... L_ _o,i u..*iriM»l <»if.v H i c h Schools pointed by ths President,' who shall.receive an annual s a t o 9^ InrSo- ke Presideniisalsb,empowered to^nam*^ther offioals. tt8t,y«t JBtoe ^ ^ g , 3 ^ to the govomriienf nt th«- #nMj!g^ '. - I ' .reseiitatives andj ;^ w..---rjcv;t^i„.n.^iir;rvnttiattffllp$"^'"*"''*'''°^"' ''****'* nmr-MMi<rffWMIltVn-rtWHB1rimf riiTllllftlT lii iijll III be remitted was disrega»;ded apd all vesseft using «ijy boy. toi-tudy the tr«d«*»"*.'^?""T'V „,«.^Sute(k^^iii^i^ Ap^^^^^^^^ < S Q l » T i 4 P O L E pUA^l^yv^M. _ . required to pay like tolls except war vessels and o U i e r ^ c m l q r ^ ^ ^ .... V... >v.„ TT..t.^ s>.t^ Government, which wUl be-exempted V^i m j I»OI.E DISCOVIilCT. Safe Deposit Bbxes in our new Fire Proof Vault. These boxes rentior $1JCK) ay ^^ yow can weH j^fford this safe meaiii of keeping your valuable papers/ CALL AND rs-m itwm ^ o n ^ l S^>^y>ft 80 that they will prepare teacnCTTWBg T< will liitiailMi \nt txwnm iiHTfrri -^'•••"•" "" .-.»- ——-. ----- ^ « ^S^SSpiZn?^i=5£^^^^ o S y i n t r ^ « asrisulture «nd home Tnricing mto co.Mol.d»ted RimU ««i uUwi wiUeele whiiili niir farm YBttth attend. IRRIiVJH ANKINOHOUSE^ thortt ar^ tw^ /.in^moi^fA trt the~honor. So f g . TnfoniiaUuu iiidicatcp that the honnr hftlongfl to Captain -fPh&^Wtt wttl «i«a axjtMJfeension |unds wijh which tne nity DWUJ V**UCK« . Amiinsdeii. but when Captain Sc6tt has been'Inorefulbr heard ' ' ^- whiph will r.^S*M^iri • : »^S1» I lit! that ho< will indicate as fuUlL^fel^t ^ ^ as any that nas t)een"8r ' of AKUCultui-c.eMi carry their work, througn aemopau:»uux^t^.»>, ^ ~ ^ : ^ - luvxivov^ »„ . ^ ^ ^ ^ - 7-.,.^»^ itt8titotea,:4u»dJ»Jorth. to,the maturefamelgJn_eacfa gognty^ i ^ ^ ^^lU)ej^§enteaT)V ha^iOnn)et«^ . ^ Tto^^ia wiU^pproprUa^V^ pnee^J^ ^ batUeahii, ahout ^ ^ ^ ^ t f ^ ^ ^ g PoFS^^^Sy^ the-great industrial-feontest which in engaging the eti ^^^ ^ t one=thinH#^a«a^^e^ ffiffliwr^fl*« used toteiicM«ople h^a^to ^arm mo're BocceaWuUyrabout-one-thrrd win teach, meiTfiow^ , T 2 f ^ succeaafuUy andhow to .do more e f f i c i e n ^ y ^ h e ^ portationi«)mp^i^,i^.t^-e other Q P ^ « ^ ^ " ^^^^I^H« ^ ^ ^ o t e v ^ ^ home making and a larger surplus to be saved. TMfl mil lUU* iPiUJfigUtUai lu Oiiiigi'Mi tothn linit tiin Vi to whbnrfeel6ngff^»*9»or-of-feee^^ Unfortunately for Dr. Cook he was a light-weight his^wical fea- ture, when he attgffipted tb. f<»Br:E^gter„-far t ^ r h e i m s p h e n c ^ -JIANASSAS elephant and m Uie uiattei <rf wieh gigantirt tTnpnrtainffgtlfi will tee on Agriculture. Shpuld the bill pass as reported by said com- doubtless have n touiattei' « m e n glgwawa TTniinn«fnr.iyiif TT»I to i ^ ^ n t convincing proof td a vast multitude of and was recently fayW»ly.Teporte^^ in pinre poles to discover.^ '^ cultural High School to the extent of $10,000 to *i5,uuu. proviQ«i our local aid State authwiieft hkve providedv^4Jtiecessarv land, schboi buildings and equipment MAWUFACromg OF FWE MEAL > w Tt is now UP tb such authorities to place tbemsielves in a pdigroir riflnrgia in \M Sfflrtht '^ . DMiersm n^^^^ and m ene and Sterling Stock all the stat^ii#Mortl.^ -m:^>r^i>«>m^l>6'i><»l^^ ^^fto^g^'i^Stir^S^^'^d^ll/uf^P^^^W ' " * A^m,." ^n.i>»o in nrdertogain some new ^lustomers land reahz&HTOney TwR fact that nusery Idves company oftengets ipanyMiin- nocent T?) p a i ^ i^<» *^ ^W^^^*^"^**^^^® ^ ^ ^ ^ uu iLlir 11^ n'tlfthip Rcdhwnnnt/' iri Yirglnin for i<s trees NOW instead .ol^ waiting six monms or a y8^ . ,^,,. -„^ Ko doubt you expect to buy snmPjtrfpfl anyhow—firuit tre@:CT cABLQAP:y;a^ A agEOAiry > No CkmPt you expect W UUJ^L n»tmr-n.irTa> < M r j . . » . » * * ! * . » >»^^^^ the oFchjgdt^y om'amentalB to make your lawn yd home more at- trafltive. \y^^j^^TS^^)xsiES^riB^ m e amended g»i;nc-k3flL> THE eoatemer who demands that tlie TOie-cenUiMLJif i q » t ^ . shall c o n t i ^ M na^AflS latteUd Uf 9j^, ton uihUig u 11 »• fi Wi-U-..----.^-^.^' WHAT h«>^««ne of the Manassas HMptlal pniuusllion? There r ^'•"!'"^«r""*"* "' nion.^ jxym^ M»»T*# » ^ ^ . ^ — Tr»»uive. i ^ k ^ver these collections and sendjor one <a-m<MPe 01 them NOW^ enclosing check or muueyordcr. O p tertwa nil mf ^Hsrumm WMMMWlf A >PlCiM.TY s Spedal^CASII JlliHIlNlia' [arried P^ Wlw,. N««i Fnnntnreand HoiMeKaT FiirniHUiiff Cjoocti CMI g w iiMini w^ W9^ .hnnlH he ao halt in the effort to obtain sueh a'lfflleh-iieoded -HiBtitution. ^ ^ •'—-••— \ ••' '^'^'^ ---^'^'-Y--^' y ',^' THE recent Uiaw,.together wife 1^^^^^^ *"^ = hiiyfiw^v Imiiwvemeni THAT wiflTlTTHleeie qtf p^^^ ^^W^ thf)f iwrtiM = ^ ^ooeet^t to instst 0^ pre««w^d primaries to i^ff-M IWs 'Bt(Mi™ rollar** tactira. AFFFD 5 Applf 5 Peachaa 6 Grapes" lOApph lO.Peaa T2t2rapS" ^mm ii^iH»:»«L'!ft911 20 Apple 20 Pea^ ':^ t J D ^ b t ^ e i e wiU be some "«ocodile" tea** shed by xesid^it tnenttil TiTfft F^nrtw. etc>. If you do n<A find what yoa want, write us—we^nsupplyyoti with what yOtt want from, our extensive stock oi Fruit and Oma- AfianfiV Ocoan. Satorday; 'M I i wi I k. I r.^Hi ^ ItJ i^) •'^ iil IF the receipt of gaJc^en seeds i. ttemaUylram Kepre^ YoQ will find everything fhan a teaspoonjip to a nfee b room set Iron hedsteads, springs and mftttresges at all pnc pUiowZ"co^orS'biankeWsto^ and pipe, cocking ut all kinds of floor coverings and chairs, chma and glass ,\aLLE,^aRGINLA fcr paWHnglhw* w^i*»«infflrt«- VoU for A e >ootf5i«ie. WflBN there is » aecr^iiwtoii to be W d ft U alwajfi safer for iMiYe jieen placed m his HAVETOSTBfitUBNED i^OllJBALTnjORErWITa.^ -^nti-be e » '^^ ' ' ^ * FERTIUZERSTiaffiriaaBP, EtCL mstmm Manaisaaf Jadging fte« tl» pnsea oT fitoomaliwe ahooMLhc no tnwible IB JnterestiBg our farmeri'ln'the caltivatioa ef enoogfa -wsoBTsseikvnmF trtcts at the muclimt tif the and Coles dis- =¥BBifagr As our new warerooms now bang ere^^ will be r^y for occupancy in a few weacs we will for the next 60 day6 make bigte-- we will for the next 60 day6 make bifc re- ^Ja<ffl9^^^ big otock rf BttgglOi WHK' T Kr _^ Jly BtockJiaaiK^^a^fully selected and inchides all the up-to-date creations in Ladie8^ Misses' and Children's head- wear, and at prices that will appeal favorably to a l l <m the hmdingpraooiitigtt. l?qtjglJJI^>»'o<^M»> ( t o e i s a o t Tmraa are perhaps some who will vofti^ Mflf*^ *^' r'^F"""'' Ml'V^a* ~^M1SS DOWNS, whft, wtTli"ttiy«»ts«t«nce of MisaHarriaoit, hM had | charceof the TrnwainglJipirlmeSrfo.-several ••*»»••, wiil have cnam.. '^•g^ ^^jf^rrr-r^ "*-* -i^t^ -~* -'" hft gild ta w— their fhwrtssnd lal luMia' 1 wiswii W*T- Ja. 1:4; >. K. J. 4U- kM^VK^ 1 \\r I irirrfc'V IkMi rvf n1 bond-isfcos and put gp^ with bad roads lathw than pay a small additioBal tax, and at the same time spend fifty tiBMS more than their addition taxes would araoont to in that from whi^ ihtsf would derive no ben^t whatever. Vote for the bond-issue. j ALTBOUQ& Fkther Toodorf. of Geornetown Univenity, will not PajSttTin TTT *^ *^^ \^^ti^ i^ »>u> ii^f^Kniflt^ whi<*ll Hift- the seismograohie instruments for twenty-five minutes Millday *no">"m^' i^ " supposed that it occurrtat <m tte west coast ^ MexiooT^i^^thoiisaBd miles from the National GapitaL Tbe distorbanee wiU be attributed fo some MexiM 4sTilttV^ REAL ESTATE TOWN Afib FARM PROPERTY rartkilMvii^iM^tate'^r Sale wait ATEtLEARHART *<*^'^r C, AH Worti wn Iccdv CtfcM Attcatioa F. •. Bai 0L J TIS HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU BEST Qeick Sales; Pf s i p t Ratnraa fti—pt Retarm of Emc»tias ttU Co«»^a«4 ->., -l*:.T..i=„ T-T-. r^ —*^ •««.-«- ^OL. lU. NO. 16 mtiatimmmmmim lANASSAS GETS GR!AT INIERMIMAUOAa triNS OUT At RlCHli^ONI>ME£TiNO^ tent* Adopted was Oof Ldiid Out Itj PathHndinf Party in l!|io¥«aiWri 1 9 1 1 -GrMt Enthiuiaua in Tewa. JMLy^USSAS^ VA^ THURSDAYr^MAR. 21, Ui;i^ - •,-—-^ '.- *•:—•' '•—-'—^- '—• '—rr: . ^ _ ; i^-., .... —^, 11.00 fy.R APPROPRIATION FOR A definite route for the Quellec- Adehriite routelorineyuesec- , K^eo. C. Kound, ^f this place, .Prince William Lodge No ZO^ AAC-v -, - . ^ as decided upon by the Virginia ;os£r{f o f Dtrectons of the Ricb: load-Washing^H divJsiQn qj the TO. eE TEMPLE (7R HIGHWAY - v ' - -^ ''' • »v ' ' ^ -• t QM; C ktow^d P r y ' u t at H#ariii«B«. for* thf Hovae CoouoUtM on tK«Pn» 9mA Uncoltt MwKkirMi H«lbw«7. ^V-f- heariiig given at tlie ^^ational Capitol by the House Committee on ihft pmpnspd Lincoln J4e- ANJUAL BANQUET G. M. HOPKINS MAKES FINE SPElECH HMU T ; Hr LioB,'Toa*ti9a*t^Hr—R««poMB jl^ TOMU by t:. A. SincWr, H^ T. Dai VIM^C. J. Moots* and C, M. HopHiiM. ' "• • • ' . ' 4 ; • QUet iq Mi^nl liall TVini^lgjrn which was attended by a large number of its members and BRAND ADDRESSES 'AliliCD/TIAI rillD ntjiiBu<^,\»3rii <UVES VALUABLE INFORMATION SjiooHi to Laryo Awttooco at "llnirwday-^ Caaun*rcial Motk. Ipmmercial Agent of the Ru rf^u of Man iV^CtyJLg^L l^oit^^^ States Ipepartment of Commerce and Labor, 8pok6 to a large audi- ence of j'epresentativfe business menata 'Thursday-noon" lunch- tCl/HJPC r*i laMAV jira*iiiM^HLi^3ituri?.i LAg^LAND uy^ ^Uf!lS»gB^:^ CLOSES CAIU>AIGIf HERE FRIDAY Dr. SttnwAk Pr«at|Mto AWr^Mmoa inhOr. Stiko CWM Intt^roctlnc Loctyro* ofk Alt«rm>dn~6ingiiSoto-Or.H.UR«op 'H^ok^om-Miaa Str^ikk. GisM T«ik >B Forward ovemen*^ reached its climax in the" Manassas-eampat night in Aabury M..ii. Church when Rijv. Dr. Sun^walt, pre- the. Baltimore the Methedist STING SESSION IRWfRmTITtfrfc^ % ?¥?Fi SacrvUty Northsm Virgtni^ F«rm»j^' Inyriti^^j* ^ I Drpndimg^'TJ^B and impasS- able roads were not enough, to daunt the many people who wish- fighwav Association held ili.the luditorium of the Jefferson hotel last-ThuFsdi^*-: 1^-— morial.Highway froto Washing- ton to Gettysburg: Accordinj? guests. ' ^ . The program, as announced in I u •^.i.J.ut /-W-T; rrr.-s r--^. iidout by the path-finding party [n November, 1911. except that foltowsr'lVomilll6ft dollars have troTTia aff last week's issue e^CT^ffi^^sMO- ev7 siding elder Conference of of Llexandria and not Falls^Church ill be the first city on the route iftpr leaving Washington; been appropriated to canj^,Qut one 0| two proppsitinna aa a fi>fl/i- CRAT was carried wx.—HI5IE= eon of IEo"'~rTftvnnporr'(Tnw»^ 1 ^ ^ (^f ]y Cummercial Qlub laq^tweek. Thg monial\to the valuable public service of Lincoln. One'\^t£i Th^;_H^. Lion was toastmaster | talk was mainly along the line of »nd tho following toasta were conference in th^ afteroooiu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^d been prgjich to a Washington-Richmond link of the [ighway will pass through Alex- bdria, Fairfax "Gourt House, ll^gi- ^rect ^betwfifin thfi Waahingthn, Monument and the Potomac river a magnificent^ Greek Temple of responded to: ^ 'The Ladies," by C A, Clair. ~'^' .Sin= domootio and foreign rolotiono in a commercial sense. Much valuable infoyhation was intfWrted by Mr, Brand to tho largo congrcgtttion. •,-- ' - The theme of his discourse was the call of men to the Kingdom of God -JMid the gr^afe i-ggywiiwi* manufacturers and other businessj bi Uty resting .uporTIhem. Every Art and the nther is the proposed fialtiiakiegaife<tiM«aii>Ksdb^tgowg 'Friendship, Truth and Love'f pardinal prin<»t«lp« j ^ U b e i m e n who composed a large share of his audience* Mt* BraCTeall order—by Hon. C> J. Mcotzo. man, said !>». Sumwalt, has more or less influence ovor ono or fiiore h. Fredericksburg, Bowlings presentation irf-^ lattarpi^ d and Richmend. peaiticfil was made by labor iunions, road organizations and the Grand Army of the Repuhlic It was urged that a modcwi ^^Qda rirhjimiun.." m iij \ mniPMii iiiMi Umiu It was decided that each county )ugh^ which the road passed bould receive sftiitsnre from M. H(^ As^iation in keeping witji ^uiWing^ the Highwi^, * i - Of the $150,006 to be raised on • Apian Way'',- a beirinning and iinjutl fui a system ul liighwajf "ManassM," by C. kins._ - The following is Mr. Hopkins' addressv"' '..•".:.-•'' are^welve bureaus _of tiie De- partDoent of Commerce and La- bflgveaeh-c# which io doing oomo ^omBoassBSBsm communication^ binding.together ^ I parts of our common country, would be more fitting, unique "l«ong i stood there, .wondering,-tear- Mjg. ttBmiHiig, nfUttUiimi (iwiimy BB 'fhis may seem a Strange preface for a talk on Manasaas. but wiien wie thin$r for the betterment of com- mereial eenditiwis tluuuuliUut llm country and that manufacturers- ana otneFTiu^nSis men should acQuaint themselves fully. ?wiA the work of the Bureau of Stan- ence is iised towards, furthering cause of Religion there would be much .accomplished towards i^Mien eigft%y poF eoat lo aside for construetion work, was atfirst calculated that the .per mile o/ luuld bnJ1;000 but jt will Jftall plain, eai'nes! man whose individuality and work it is proposed to honinr. r construction \r T?^.K P'TT* Washington- ..".""" Gettysburg highway would m the t jt wi» ftill j)i;>iniM 6T' pernuje^^^shgLrtpfthata^^to^^^^ •expects >"to tmild thj^ 150 iil^ of road for |rii3t),t)00:^ <: by State High- onOT St Julian Wilson. CapL Wilson wijl,jat an rlv datfli nnnar thft an^fa route \^ rppnft. ><i thfl dirpctort tha vofibn ofTSncoln. '•^•Add to H; "iiowever, says Mr. Round, & the great ClYilwar in the Kev- Stone State, to Manassas, the ftrst battlefield of the war in the UiU Liommion, and there will be -^ ';»i!i»»!«rea''« Hig>iwavi lUuial requhfed and other !tai&r When tho boMPdr^ 3t in Chamb^ ^ HQcxxno^ntse ft m foiind thftt tiite overilftw waa fliE TREATMENT great that on adjournment to ferson hotel was promptly de- eded upon. TSie session lasted ings were spirited from stairt fi^iafa gwd burner lyffevMted iJ a fiUtfiOly (U&dteriklb Wto itt- an. ^^catiiffls from the. .upper id lower sectiens of Prince ^liiam couniy wftf^g on KflnH ir* mitteefiy their annual report as , Uo-their connty lail ancTakms ' ilLfoece ae^^aty- ww#>-fehnm ^quier^ilrange. Culpep5=" ?p^7^ j-__ ~ _ -• - -. __ "The dpl<*g«tiniT the Piedinont section, was "ttongand was led by Lewis Williams in ita fight foir m wta no doubting, the eiui iedmont driega-- Sit indigent; crippled or defennecF It .they had very good fcM'wanting it, especially "iMiniOT oounty has rceeirtl» w fsTwably on a bopd-teaue . Culpep» ig to follow suit. ['»»fiy. to the great joy of the fWBB Upper Prince "tlSe spokesman for ^^i^, J. Donald Rich- would -stand by that CftUetts. in Fauquier iiJl'tir^^ of Manassas in "feWilUam. This proved a JJJ^ for the Manassas route. .T*^ ^ h t was between ^^•»<1 Oceoquan; the lat- ^^vonng the old Telegraph ^^ ftom Alexandria to a vlBiblft juid ^ujluAbleiJcmd , be- tyreen the two .^reat -sietic^^ not only ^ttingly typical but tgi^ logically te^ OOMMUWCATJOWS ARE ZfA Btarted oet to kniild a new town.^ This was ho eae^ 9!tfcs. bol aemed. with FftP f H i i n P F M I * <fateiuiiuattou Uial kiwa uul failme, I VA Vllll^vni^n they started JBt, ted we have. ladi^«Ml gentiemen. one of the beat teWaaih oar tion of apjr Gaa^ of iHilig^t, CrypM Tfafe State aaU'd of Chmaiia and Corrections havr <alled on the Prince William^ county com- ship is; brother Meet«e told yoa that houw. This cuoimittoe tenalafcs U)v« WM iLe luuudaUoB erthe woikL W thifkaufl, Ur. J. M. J^wis and Mrs. JKnnly U Round. r^^ T h e County—Cflmxpittee—asks diikiren neteding hos]Mtal treats to "ny ««"• ' thesL.vmited the highway ™ ^ ^ Conmaunications on this point are spedally requested by the Secretary of the Committee, Mf^ Fimflv C. Round Manassas, will eiK movided^ree of cost The r^;>ceseatatlveof.the State Board is urgent thatthe County shouidi uiake some better arrange- ment i<x their poor and especial- iy for feeble-minded children and n »>K^^Mo^^«^n. a gyranarft* meat be ppovided eaore in ae-^ ccvdance with tte preeent ideas of twentieth ca«*torv n viUatioo.. ginia Sale Deposit and Trust Cor poration which failed over a year boaM^^«^ * r—-J-"ment made by Judge ^:r-K:-M. -otf>cP place* noapfay "^ of directorTfliiady . T n ^ m a a ^ j r ^ y * ^ . u-i uk HS\ UJUSUI ^*^callv HA/>i/i<^ tkof •w.* ' Norton, wno wiw n«w«ra "»{everyone of ns nm ^^cally decide xhs^t t>w> vcwai or EUtgar Alteii Pw we oiay find a great deal more than the.Wrds^r^it^ijy at first «tajJc<i|^jeastire; said Mr. Brand it is My fnoods, I want to tell you that what we need in this town are prinftplea- laf' the national.standard of weight and naeastire, said Mr. Brand, it is doing valuable work in estab- I'-.'^wrjifA <<--^i7r.n^K7ii'/'tH»: :1tI«f:«^a9(tTaBi 'United wie a,taad—divided we fall." A little over fifty years ago, thece still 4h«fc i n g li<-»W ipU^^gp. TKia tiaH Ka^rT <-K^ scene of two of the greatest batttes af the orept ^iini ygor—jf maritipid Aaaceafr of the greatest success of oar Southern armieg a n a m e Waterloo or t ^ iJninn •U^l, elecjarigjOajuid^a^^ of.hpj' Unpfif He also eollcd at terition to the Bureau of Statis- iU!u^u/iii(m(uymim4^^ gas left to tcU the takbaf a=fiBas^hs«- thtngsT J^e jrtatistics of imports (ifMi fixportfl, anft sailipg dati?s &H* scheduled and tramp-s^^^ building lip the Kingdom of God in his cuuuiilkiiljr. are men," said he. not tolerate remai^ ""thai reflebtlng^: objectionably, upon their family or business, who Christ and I deeply regret that such is the case/•• . Dr. Sumwalt aai^g ft beautiful sofo entitled *"The Cmaa nf TAT. yary>^" to the June of Suwanee lUyer^ which was greatly emoy• ed. While the well traine^jand phasized the patheticstory of iSa^ CcQfia t.hfiiipt was a f»dto hear Dr. Stiles onFriday. At each of his talks he was met targgafitrgvcTy m audiehce opitiou^. D(Mpite ihe worst WftAthpr that haa ouat«-^/*n».ip^ ^|^ a Farmers Institute day, 65 farm- ers were present and listened to ftne nf the ipost isftcnooly praeti- cal talks ever given at ouch a meeting. - , Dr..c. jy. ^^tll<>s Wftg intrfw ~ -^^m d»nLni1li\ flim^^ of his old collfig^-matft. JW^ Stiles told of his earlier visit to Manassas, 25 years ago, when he spoke to i group of. farmers in Uic Preabyfe'triau thuiUi. The health oflicer, says he,^ AlthougH violence is rare, we pay iii« »mifm foi' liiH yifir in tho aaiwi w a y w*. nVinn1>^ niw ploy the best physician and'nay him enough that he cajfi drop private practiV*^ Anri rk>vnte hia.^ time wholly to the pgevention of disgu^ having full poiiee powers ahd -th^ active support^ dl civil. authority. Th^if^umer iS|s never against di while pepple in ftViipa n f n<»Ann h n o a ~ ^ i < * t i io VnL nnhln iififhFmntiop to the aoinmog tnwpe on iwv diiltrent ocqtsions. Al r^TTiKvZiTari though haviing sobered the loss of their all, the people who had lived through" the hormrft of tfaewar, banded togftthe^ State today. •hit>y •fc^<; munt b« tdiminaUid froni our raOans ftnter te hsYB our tafwp pmnnwr TYvem are; earf; hatred and malice, and in mea places maax oe sooaatotog enqia-" Prof. Hendstreet looted'hypno- tist, - appeared Iv^nre large audi encea in Conner's Opera Housei Friday aii^ Saturday niyhta of last week and Tuesday night of Lhih WHHk aiitl ilHliyhLiid Iif^ awft. elites with ^ia wrmH^^rfnlliyp^ notic demonstrations. The first shii^ loye and troths the Basic princq^ not only of OddrfeJu wahip fant of eveiy auecaaMui otganwancii e^ any Oiicry' WSJi'AW^m ^vm-M rrLSHSElW i. peri^ued some difiKculty in se^ curing his ftimmfrtfe fif^propef tHML a toM yon what fr«^>^ \JXA I& iA76y iftft wpfg i&a fe glVg BIB only bMotteit ae» lor w. Tftlfa. r, x- ^ -, y. tka moatlTahiable asset tint m a n l i ^ can P^ce any suhiect under his influ^oe at will is oroneous. No Pfflffl 9M 1^ A man eaanot-be dishooeitt and be traO- tiar ''nm tp ttmt^gyTwtf w tme Iowa tj>eii|i»t-^th<ia what MtlM faiM So Imiqr aay, my that if we liphi and aBiainata eonea to maiA iwd ea?y ,* and malice—we wiU a town worth while. riow to rrtMB txt my^'OngRMn aaymg. nil w Uia— iiiiny mwii told that «iir towirwas to ba lUuilBat- fMedr hypnotic -subjects but this diffi< ^ I t v waa apt fj^ponpterpd in hia subsequent entertainments. /^T Mpna^^t savs that^ie pr<>vaUiny-1/UM> that aT>ypn/^«» tinst hit against his will, says ttie ismff •ad IB ord^ that he may hypnedse a subject that suhjeet HHat tie thoronarfalv j n avmpathv with the work. Hfflaptisia, says he, is nothing mote or less than the iffluypfa^*^^ '^ min^ upop ties. At a meeting of ^e Manassas ?3f;gy\^tu'*M'i fi^Y^f^lf^gg towns and" cities- have had far ^tepig^nidimdhlderirtten-tiqnrlhett^ ' ' A choir of well-trained voices 11. i>eivmg at the organj rendered a speciality ptepar^ muoical program. PRIZES AWARDED FOR =y^ —HTsslth,rfFim t of fift -fegiiBriuid?^ absolutely no precautions against . infectuous disease. T'or the 6i»^ JUSIORY OF SCHOOL ELLA ARMENTROUT'WINS FIRST A Socoad Pri»o Wa« Giroa W Co— iim t* Master Carter Gr«o»^T. H. til I Jft r nfi fiiiiiijrtlrKtAk"^s^ At 4^e Bradley_ school celebra^ emia qut ox every nve cues pe^ foreJt. is a year old, and one in 22, Mr. Round offered a prize of M te ilw uupjl Wjw wiHt»-wrtg \ X his Liau, Dwtou Dteele Wine^ted asiudgesi Tbe prize was awardedtoMiss pnsr- mittee.gave-a Master Carti^GreeQ. Themas^ uscripts after bdng ccMrected in a^ew-Pespects have been haaded to the press for publication. Tlie following is tile histoiy as jnrittea by Garter Green, -graaiev achoolbooae was raaasd-Nov- ambef e,^sn» <iw eoatractora beine RhJiaids and 9uu, uf Buck* Tn a BAnifiirv anrvpv r^v<»rin^ large seettoiBang: •iJi<Kg7Kr*Tn3rri77; stHtes and conductediufider the ^ dircctiOtt Ql llie UUde Boant uf tire section the rating was only 7 out of a possible 100 for county itricts, but in factory luwns the jour times as hig^ as in ihe countiry. "l?'armde&thratefla»in<ixcuii- tiun, helduuThui8day,PebiuauL^very four dies before it is & Y<^r^ ^ "^f^^r fnnf»f^l« nnt of eY&ty t^"~age" diseases. The death rate frcnn mtim in the nittta southaA states isihree timesas-high as in the seventeen aorthejn. )li» condition is f^m ^nM^ » k ^ » » t » ^ »JIiaiLlilliliJ'<:«';'«•»' uniii^uxal^ hve 1B t&e proportioD of tyrdioid v a r y i n g ^ rectiy as to tiie prapertioB' d In the evening lecture, whidi was illustrated by stereopticon, and rnides the ausyitea'Tir fSf and aui^ Asa doUan. Thekmber •awari near Rnrifhall and at the am our cflixena, and I .aay "k»« we*iw. night a committee was appointed too»i herfr. weiidcringrTeanng. ^wi¥4iQ~D^ ing, dreaaung dreams no nrntai ti99f -tHa it eoold bt a < i i a i it^—IdHwe There appears to belittle pros- pect of another dividend for the stoekheldefeef the de^uMt Vir-i-gnkLil 1» Uie bdght^raya^fjriectnc . . o - r» :• ^^A OS..,.* P>v» ughta; of th^ tini»* when tbey might STWJtr be earned oat. O J»ra eeabted that it woidd evOT aasoonc to aaything bat talk, while acitl oCbara bahered in >t|Qr«ek« and dreamed of the tioae wliea we ^uold walk ftii*ty along oar ctreett at night. tomey Tbos. H. Uoa for an en- #BPseann^«NMRnpepfllpvegap4 tn Thf rr*^"*^^^ Falls, <^ the- passage 'of tUh the tributaries oi Oceoquan Last spring the Board of Supers visors appointed-a. committee to ^ ^^^ fnves^gale i«d^rep6*rupc*1i0Chtuiught tbe noEl^'taRin aad"hM Hierr at Uial Uma.—^— After this school hoaaewaa boilt, lft«r Civic Improveaidnt Dr. Stilfli lUll furUier qpeg thg ito thrt tiic two nfffli react unfavorabley on each othen the Bcggecs dying of U nmr them a number of equally fatal- Slie b e | ^ IniVi!^ tod Jaogfat antil U session of IflBS-M. Then Miaa Sar 96aiidl3»&^. After this Lamb taoght tbe teimafiaW^. MM Sosia Lylea tlna taofht a part of m acAMon WBica waa Ihiwanea by Mioaie Ceaaar. Tlua waa the torm of l^ir7-» and tiae MaaJSatab JiAaaoa siiS;2b«aTh£Lr^/trm'"a;;;^^ ^^^'^jr **T:.^ other conveniences which our neighbors | 90 far aS ascertained, nO lurtner ui waiiwiwu, o»"*l^•p«'»'•5" ••* sictton of th* Board In iteUiCHxi to ethef piaece noarby oan bosst nt ^ «ie highway wouki be - S ^ g g d via Fredericka^ ^"••l oa inside page. " Smith, il ft Kgdvcr for Uwi UUH- oem. Two dividends, one of ten and the other for twenty peri we'need to make owta^watba ideal cent hsye alnad?^ been made. 1 piaee in wbkktoUva. everyone or ns use wbst tnfiuenoe ba hM to amii ttito our pwipig u* piiu' ciplea of Odd-fMlowafaip aad tlMa we may look for the improvstnta wbieb hap^ that t^ie action of the Rod and Gnii Cluh will result in seme action of the Board which will result satisfactorily to sportsBMB. teachmn ever sinea, and tbaaebaol haa rapidly improred. On Dacambsf 84, iise higir tteata ratr^ and rai at niMU»B doiuun isd llf ^ i^ents. WM.M*n t M Clark of the board fifteen dM> oaanty Iben'gave <• oatiaead on inaMia paiea ULAiidaBfiAiiiUikpBBaibjnaeihia^ he deelssedi act le siafiaUiJii, \i\}% \/f} a neffTo dieease which ia still prevalent aniong^both whites and negroes in tliat entire regionT "Ttthqcutosts mud lypiwiJ are preventable aad the .secret of thisfr^l^'e^eBtidB Is t h e «MM« rigitt medi^. care of aU infected peo- ple. The house fly is the great ar tjnetjf his alidci showfld is at BMfbeing tried before the bar of pablie IS- opinion "Eis" TBes bceed in filth and are a iiahf

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Page 1: Bank - · PUJBUSHSD SY The Virginia PubliiJuii« Company (Inc.) t. MOa. at On« Mr tfn advanM) Sixiamths. Thn* Moatha ' ' ' Ai^ iVBieauuPTioH mynaj li.oo M Saturday


The Virginia PubliiJuii« Company (Inc.)

t . MOa. at

On« M r tfn advanM) S ix iamths . Thn* Moatha ' ' ' Ai^

iVBieauuPTioH mynaj li.oo M

Saturday reached an .a««emeut estabbshinR the toll rates mroug

L^toamiQanal. ^^ / ^^^^ estabHshee * iorin of TViP nrincioal provision of the bill' wnicn ^ ^ . , ^ :. ^ „ ^ , Th*^ nnncipai provi»iuu i ^ y* > ^ , _ p • i^„t in g iven

^jyernment for the ca^ai. are w* . ^^^ j,, „^ -_^„ w y toUs in t Jurisdiction o v e r t h e ( « b i e ^ < ^ i a n ^ i f ^ ^ ^ his discretion, but it provides that the; maxinaum rate khaU |

- l fANA«SA3, VA.. THURSDAY. MAJl. U . 1912.


THB-feJtures oTthe Page bill, bfpeJuliar Interest to the i!.i«hxh

t h e ^ ^ l T w i t h the expr^sed l>rovision that «ueh u^ »hall .ot itition.

CongrewionaiXstrict. ^ are « f loffiUB-«se.-?l^n4e<i •'»*«"«'' by the Southern Ct^mercial.Congress. U te jrefluested thatfotr

ItiHtP to or see your Congressmen and Sepator« and ask.them to

have the infent <# effect of » i..,.„oW„iinesl i ; A l U < U » M a 2 t j o n ^ ^ ^ 'andolrailro«d.u8ing thpcanal are stnetijf l o " ' ^ - " ^

Bank it«-pa<

: :

^r^^r^ti< Urging them for i t ^ . ^ - ..,. Both in th« United States S^ate and in theflo^Be of HeprewntativeflaDoi

u. , g i n L ^ a c e ^ which premises ta relieve our public f hool.Byst^m of .^ o v e r S k i S This bill will lead jiU farm bOyB .U> Bludy aKi.cullui., ^oat X ^ y a r»tudy the tr^d^s and industries, and all girls to study home making. " ^ I ^ i i l l e S the more practical parta of our m y State ^ ^ ^

11, win cjv«.. ^ . . " , . ...L_ _o,i u..*iriM»l <»if.v H i c h Schools

pointed by ths President,' who shall.receive an annual s a t o 9 I n r S o - k e Presideniisalsb,empowered to^nam*^ther offioals.

tt8t,y«t JBtoe ^ ^ g , 3 ^ to the govomriienf nt th«- # n M j ! g ^ '. - I ' .reseiitatives andj ; ^ w..---rjcv;t^i„.n.^iir;rvnttiattffllp$"^'"*"''*'''°^"' ''****'*

nmr-MMi<rffWMIltVn-rtWHB1rimf riiTllllftlT lii iijll III be remitted was disrega»;ded apd all vesseft using

«ijy boy. toi-tudy the tr«d«*»"*.'^?""T'V „,«.^Sute(k^^ii i^i^ Ap ^ ^ ^ ^ < S Q l » T i 4 P O L E pUA^l^yv^M. _ .

required to pay like tolls except war vessels and o U i e r ^ c m l q r ^ ^ ^ . . . . V... >v.„ TT..t.^ s > . t ^ Government, which wUl be-exempted


Safe Deposit Bbxes in our new Fire Proof Vault. These boxes rentior $1JCK) ay ^ ^ yow can weH j f f ord this saf e meaiii of keeping your valuable papers/


i twm ^ o n ^ l S > y>ft 80 that they will prepare teacnCTTWBg

T< will liitiailMi \nt txwnm iiHTfrri -^'•••"•" "" . - .» - ——-. ----- ^ «

^ S ^ S S p i Z n ? ^ i = 5 £ ^ ^ ^ ^ • o S y i n t r ^ « asrisulture «nd home Tnricing mto co.Mol.d»ted RimU ««i

uUwi wiUeele whiiili niir farm YBttth attend.


thortt ar^ t w ^ /.in^moi^fA trt the~honor. So f g . TnfoniiaUuu iiidicatcp that the honnr hftlongfl to Captain

-fPh&^Wtt wttl «i«a axjtMJfeension |unds wijh which tne nity DWUJ V**UCK« .

Amiinsdeii. but when Captain Sc6tt has been'Inorefulbr heard ' ' - whiph will

r.^S*M^iri • : » S1» I lit! that ho< will

indicate as fuUlL fel t ^ ^ as any that nas t)een"8r

' of AKUCultui-c.eMi carry their work, througn aemopau:»uux^t^.»>, ^ ~ ^ : ^ - luvxivov^ »„ . ^ ^ ^ ^ - 7 - . , . ^ » ^ itt8titotea,:4u»dJ»Jorth. to,the maturefamelgJn_eacfa gognty i ^ ^ ^^lU)ej^§enteaT)V ha^iOnn)et«^ . ^ Tto^^ia wiU^pproprUa^V^ pnee^J^ batUeahii, ahout ^ ^ ^ ^ t f ^ ^ ^ g P o F S ^ ^ ^ S y ^

the-great industrial-feontest which in engaging the eti ^ ^ t one=thinH#^a«a^^e^ ffiffliwr^fl*« used toteiicM«ople h^a^to

^arm mo're BocceaWuUyrabout-one-thrrd win teach, meiTfiow^ , T 2 f ^ succeaafuUy andhow to .do more e f f i c i e n ^ y ^ h e ^ portationi«)mp^i^,i^.t^-e other Q P ^ « ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ H « ^ ^ ^ o t e v ^ ^

home making and a larger surplus to be saved.

TMfl mil lUU* iPiUJfigUtUai lu Oiiiigi'Mi tothn linit tiin Vi

to w h b n r f e e l 6 n g f f ^ » * 9 » o r - o f - f e e e ^ ^ Unfortunately for Dr. Cook • he was a light-weight his^wical fea-ture, when he attgffipted tb. f<»Br:E^gter„-far t ^ r h e i m s p h e n c ^


elephant and m Uie uiattei <rf wieh gigantirt tTnpnrtainffgtlfi will

tee on Agriculture. Shpuld the bill pass as reported by said com-

doubtless have

n touiattei' « men glgwawa TTniinn«fnr.iyiif TT»I

to i ^ ^ n t convincing proof td a vast multitude of

and was recently fayW»ly.Teporte^^

in pinre poles to discover.^ '

cultural High School to the extent of $10,000 to *i5,uuu. proviQ«i

our local a id State authwiieft hkve providedv^4Jtiecessarv land,

schboi buildings and equipment


w Tt is now UP tb such authorities to place tbemsielves in a pdigroir

riflnrgia in \M Sfflrtht ' ^ .

DMiersm n ^ ^ and m

ene and Sterling Stock

all the s ta t^ i i#Mort l .^ -m:^>r^i>«>m^l>6' i><»l^^^^fto^g^' i^St ir^S^^'^d^l l /uf^P^^^W • ' " * A^m,." n.i>»o in nrdertogain some new ^lustomers land reahz&HTOney

TwR fact that nusery Idves company of ten gets ipanyMiin-

nocent T?) p a i ^ i^<» * W^^^*^"^**^^^® ^ ^ ^ ^ uu iLlir 11 n'tlfthip Rcdhwnnnt/' iri Yirglnin for

i<s trees NOW instead .ol waiting six monms or a y 8 ^ . , ,,. -„^ Ko doubt you expect to buy snmPjtrfpfl anyhow—firuit tre@:CT

cABLQAP:y;a^ A agEOAiry

> N o CkmPt y o u expec t W UUJ L n»tmr-n.irTa> <Mrj. .».»**!*.» > » ^ ^ ^ ^ the oFchjgdt^y om'amentalB to make your lawn y d home more at-trafltive.

\y^^j^^TS^^)xsiES^riB^ me amended g»i;nc-k3flL>

THE eoatemer who demands that tlie TOie-cenUiMLJif i q » t ^

. shall c o n t i ^ M na^AflS latteUd Uf 9j , ton uihUig u 11 »• fi


W H A T h « > ^ « « n e of the Manassas HMptlal pniuusllion? There

r ^'•"!'"^«r""*"* " ' n i o n . ^ jxym^ M»»T*# » ^ ^ . ^ —

Tr»»uive. i ^ k ^ver these collections and sendjor one <a-m<MPe 01 them NOW^ enclosing check or muueyordcr. O p tertwa nil m f

^Hsrumm WMMMWlf A >PlCiM.TY s

Spedal^CASII J l l i H I l N l i a '

[arried P Wlw,. N««i Fnnntnreand HoiMeKaT FiirniHUiiff Cjoocti CMI g w iiMini w^

W 9 ^ .hnnlH he ao halt in the effort to obtain sueh a'lfflleh-iieoded

-HiBtitution. ^ ^ •'—-••— \ ••' '^'^'^ ---^'^'-Y--^' y ',^' THE recent Uiaw,.together wife 1^^^ *" =

hiiyfiw^v Imiiwvemeni THAT wiflTlTTHleeie qtf p ^ ^ W thf)f iwrtiM = ^

^ooeet^t to instst 0 ^ pre««w^d primaries to i ff-M I W s 'Bt(Mi™ rollar** tactira.


5 Applf 5 Peachaa 6 Grapes"

lOApph lO.Peaa T2t2rapS"

^mm i i ^ i H » : » « L ' ! f t 9 1 1

20 Apple 20 Pea^

': t J D ^ b t ^ e i e wiU be some "«ocodile" tea** shed by xesid^it tnenttil TiTfft F^nrtw. etc>.

If you do n<A find what yoa want, write us—we^nsupplyyoti with what yOtt want from, our extensive stock oi Fruit and Oma-

AfianfiV Ocoan. Satorday; 'M I i w i I k. I r.^Hi ^ ItJ i ^ ) •' i i l

I F the receipt of gaJc^en seeds i. t temaUylram Kepre^

YoQ will find everything fhan a teaspoonjip to a nfee b room s e t Iron hedsteads, springs and mftttresges at all pnc pUiowZ"co^orS'biankeWsto^ and pipe, cocking ut all kinds of floor coverings and chairs, chma and glass


fcr paWHnglhw* w^i*»«infflrt«- VoU for A e >ootf5i«ie.

WflBN there is » aecr^i iwtoi i to be W d ft U alwajfi safer for

iMiYe jieen placed m his


-^nti-be e» ' ^ ' ' *



Manaisaaf Jadging fte« t l » pnsea oT fitoomaliwe ahooMLhc no tnwible IB JnterestiBg our farmeri'ln'the caltivatioa ef enoogfa


trtcts at the muclimt tif the

and Coles dis-


As our new warerooms now bang e r e ^ ^ will be r ^ y for occupancy in a few weacs we will for the next 60 day6 make bigte--we will for the next 60 day6 make bifc re-^Ja<ff l9^^^ big otock rf BttgglOi WHK'


Kr _ ^ Jly BtockJiaaiK^^a^fully selected and inchides all the up-to-date creations in Ladie8^ Misses' and Children's head-wear, and at prices that will appeal favorably to a l l

<m the hmdingpraooiitigtt. l?qtjglJJI^>»'o<^M»> ( t o e i s a o t

Tmraa are perhaps some who will vofti Mflf*^ *^' r'^F"""''


~^M1SS DOWNS, whft, wtTli"ttiy«»ts«t«nce of MisaHarriaoit, hM had | charceof the TrnwainglJipirlmeSrfo.-several ••*»»••, wiil have c n a m . . ' ^ • g ^ ^^jf^rrr-r^ "*-* -i^t^ -~* - ' " hft gild ta w— their fhwrtssnd

lal luMia' 1 wiswii W*T- Ja.

1:4; >. K. J. 4U- kM^VK^

1 \\r I irirrfc'V

IkMi rvf n1

bond-isfcos and put gp with bad roads lathw than pay a small additioBal tax, and at the same time spend fifty tiBMS more than their addition taxes would araoont to in that from whi^ ihtsf would derive no ben^t whatever. Vote for the bond-issue. j

ALTBOUQ& Fkther Toodorf. of Geornetown Univenity, will not PajSttTin TTT *^ *^^ \^^ti^ i^ »>u> ii^f^Kniflt^ whi<*ll Hift-

the seismograohie instruments for twenty-five minutes

Millday *no">"m ' i " supposed that it occurrtat <m t t e west coast ^ MexiooT^i^^thoiisaBd miles from the National GapitaL Tbe distorbanee wiU be attributed fo some M e x i M 4sTilttV^


rartkilMvii iM^tate' r Sale wait ATEtLEARHART

*<*^'^r C,

AH Worti wn Iccdv CtfcM Attcatioa F. •. Bai 0L


TIS HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU BEST Qeick Sales; Pf s i p t Ratnraa fti—pt Retarm of Emc»tias



- > . , -l*:.T..i=„ T-T-. r ^


• « « . - « -

OL. lU. NO. 16 mtiatimmmmmim



tent* Adopted was Oof Ldiid Out Itj PathHndinf Party in • l!|io¥«aiWri 1911 -GrMt Enthiuiaua in Tewa.

JMLy^USSAS^ VA^ THURSDAYr^MAR. 21, Ui;i^ - •,-—-^ '.- *•:—•' '•—-'—^- '—• '—rr:

. ^ _ ; i^- . , . . . .—^, 11.00 fy.R


A definite route for the Quellec-Adehriite route lor ineyuesec- , K^eo. C. Kound, ^ f this place, .Prince William Lodge No ZO^ A A C - v -, - . — ^

as decided upon by the Virginia ;os£r{f of Dtrectons o f the Ricb: load-Washing^H divJsiQn qj the

TO. eE TEMPLE (7R HIGHWAY - v ' - • -^ • ''' •

»v ' ' • ^ -• • t

Q M ; C ktow^d Pry'ut at H#ariii«B«. for* thf Hovae CoouoUtM on tK«Pn» 9mA Uncoltt MwKkirMi H«lbw«7.


heariiig given at tlie ^^ational Capitol by the House Committee on ihft pmpnspd Lincoln J4e-



H M U T ; Hr LioB,'Toa*ti9a*t^Hr—R««poMB jl^ T O M U by t:. A. SincWr, H^ T . Dai V I M ^ C . J. Moots* and C, M. HopHiiM.

' "• • • ' . ' 4 • ; •

QUet iq Mi^nl liall TVini^lgjrn

which was attended by a large number of its members and


n t j i i B u < ^ , \ » 3 r i i


SjiooHi to Laryo Awttooco at "llnirwday-^

Caaun*rcial Motk.

Ipmmercial Agent of the Ru rf^u of Man iV^CtyJLg^L l oit ^^ States Ipepartment of Commerce and Labor, 8pok6 to a large audi-ence of j'epresentativfe business menata 'Thursday-noon" lunch-

t C l / H J P C r*i l a M A V jira*iiiM^HLi^3ituri?.i


Dr. SttnwAk Pr«at|Mto AWr^Mmoa inhOr. Stiko CWM Intt^roctlnc Loctyro* ofk Alt«rm>dn~6ingiiSoto-Or.H.UR«op 'H^ok^om-Miaa Str^ikk. GisM T«ik

>B Forward ovemen*^ reached its climax in

the" Manassas-eampat night in Aabury M..ii. Church when Rijv. Dr. Sun^walt, pre-

t h e . Baltimore the Methedist


% ?¥?Fi SacrvUty Northsm Virgtni^ F«rm»j^' Inyriti j* ^

I Drpndimg^'TJ^B and impasS-able roads were not enough, to daunt the many people who wish-

fighwav Association held ili.the luditorium of the Jefferson hotel

last-ThuFsdi^*-: 1 -—

morial.Highway froto Washing­ton to Gettysburg: Accordinj?

guests. ' ^ . The program, as announced in

I u •^.i.J.ut /-W-T; rrr.-s r--^.

iidout by the path-finding party [n November, 1911. except that

foltowsr'lVomilll6ft dollars have troTTia aff last week's issue e^CT ffi ^sMO-

ev7 siding elder Conference

of of

Llexandria and not Falls^Church ill be the first city on the route

iftpr leaving Washington;

been appropriated to canj^,Qut o n e 0 | t w o proppsitinna aa a fi>fl/i-

CRAT was carried wx.—HI5IE= eon o f IEo"'~rTftvnnporr'(Tnw»^ 1 ^ ^ ( f ]y Cummercial Qlub laq^tweek. Thg

monial\to the valuable public service of Lincoln. One '\^ t£i

Th^;_H^. Lion was toastmaster | talk was mainly along the line of »nd tho following toasta were

conference in th^ afteroooiu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^d been prgjich to a

Washington-Richmond link of the [ighway will pass through Alex-

bdria, Fairfax "Gourt House, ll gi-

^rect betwfifin thfi Waahingthn, Monument and the Potomac river a magnificent^ Greek Temple of

responded to: ^ 'The Ladies," by C A, Clair. ~ ' ^ ' •


domootio and foreign rolotiono in a commercial sense.

Much valuable infoyhation was intfWrted by Mr, Brand to tho

largo congrcgtttion. •,-- ' -The theme of his discourse was

the call of men to the Kingdom of God -JMid the gr afe i-ggywiiwi*

manufacturers and other businessj bi Uty resting .uporTIhem. Every

Art and the nther is the proposed fialtiiakiegaife<tiM«aii>Ksdb^tgowg

'Friendship, Truth and Love'f pardinal prin<»t«lp« j ^ U b e i m e n who composed a large share

of his audience* Mt* BraCTeall order—by Hon. C> J. Mcotzo. man, said !>». Sumwalt, has more or less influence ovor ono or fiiore

h. Fredericksburg, Bowlings presentation i r f - ^ l a t t a r p i ^ d and Richmend. peaiticfil was made by labor

iunions, road organizations and the Grand Army of the Repuhlic

It was urged that a modcwi

^ Qda rirhjimiun.." m iij \ mniPMii iiiMi Umiu

It was decided that each county )ugh^ which the road passed

bould receive sft i i tsnre from

M. H ( ^

As^iat ion in keeping witji

^uiWing^ the Highwi^, * i -Of the $150,006 to be raised on

• Apian Way'',- a beirinning and iinjutl fui a system ul liighwajf

"ManassM," by C. kins._ -

The following is Mr. Hopkins' addressv"' ' . . • " . : . - • ' '

are^welve bureaus _of tiie De-partDoent of Commerce and La-bflgveaeh-c# which io doing oomo


communication^ binding.together ^ I parts of our common country, would be more fitting, unique

"l«ong i stood there, .wondering,-tear-Mjg. ttBmiHiig, nfUttUiimi (iwiimy BB

'fhis may seem a Strange preface for a talk on Manasaas. but wiien wie

thin$r for the betterment of com-mereial eenditiwis tluuuuliUut llm country and that manufacturers-ana otneFTiu^nSis men should acQuaint themselves fully. ?wiA the work of the Bureau of Stan-

ence is iised towards, furthering cause of Religion there would be much .accomplished towards

i Mien eigft%y poF eoat lo aside for construetion work,

was atfirst calculated that the .per mile o /

luuld bnJ1;000 but jt will Jftall

plain, eai'nes! man whose individuality and work it is proposed to honinr. r

construction \r T?^.K P ' T T * Washington-. . " . " " " Gettysburg highway would m the t jt wi» ftill j)i;>iniM 6T'

pernuje^^ shgLrtpfthata^ to^^^^ •expects >"to tmild thj^ 150

iil^ of road for |rii3t),t)00:^ <:

by State High-onOT S t Julian

Wilson. CapL Wilson wijl,jat an rlv datfli nnnar thft an^fa route \^ rppnft. ><i thfl dirpctort tha

vofibn ofTSncoln. '• •Add to H; "iiowever, says Mr. Round, &

the great ClYilwar in the Kev-Stone State, to Manassas, the ftrst battlefield of the war in the UiU Liommion, and there will be

- ^ ';»i!i»»!«rea''« Hig>iwavi lUuial requhfed and other


When tho b o M P d r ^

3t in Chamb^ HQcxxno ntse ft m foiind thftt tiite overilftw waa

f l i E TREATMENT great that on adjournment to ferson hotel was promptly de­

eded upon. TSie session lasted

ings were spirited from stairt fi^iafa gwd burner lyffevMted

iJ a fiUtfiOly (U&dteriklb Wto itt-

an. ^^catiiffls from the. .upper id lower sectiens of Prince liiam couniy wftf g on KflnH ir* mit tee f iy their annual report as

, Uo-their connty lail ancTakms ' ilLfoece ae^^aty- ww#>-fehnm ^quier^ilrange. Culpep5=" ? p ^ 7 ^ j -__ ~ _ -• - -. __

"The dpl<*g«tiniT the Piedinont section, was

"ttongand was led by Lewis Williams in i ta fight foir m

wta no doubting, the e i u i iedmont driega--

Sit indigent; crippled or defennecF

It .they had very good fcM'wanting it, especially

"iMiniOT oounty has rceeirtl» w fsTwably on a bopd-teaue

. Culpep» ig to follow suit. ['»»fiy. to the great joy of the

fWBB Upper Prince "tlSe spokesman for

^ ^ i ^ , J. Donald Rich-

would -stand by that

CftUetts. in Fauquier iiJl'tir^^ of Manassas in "feWilUam. T h i s proved a JJJ^ for the Manassas route.

. T * ^ ^ h t was between ^ ^ • » < 1 Oceoquan; the lat-^^vonng the old Telegraph

^ ^ ftom Alexandria to

a vlBiblft juid ujluAbleiJcmd, be-tyreen the two .^reat -sietic^^ not only ttingly typical but tgi^ logically te^


ZfA Btarted oet to kniild a new town.^ This was ho eae^ 9!tfcs. bol aemed. with

F f t P f H i i n P F M I * <fateiuiiuattou Uial kiwa uul failme, I V A V l l l l ^ v n i ^ n they started JBt, ted we have. ladi^«Ml

gentiemen. one of the beat teWaaih oar

tion of apjr Gaa^ of iHilig^t, CrypM

Tfafe State aaU'd of Chmaiia a n d Corrections h a v r <alled on the Prince William^ county com-

ship is; brother Meet«e told yoa that houw. This cuoimittoe tenalafcs U)v« WM iLe luuudaUoB erthe woikL W thifkaufl, Ur. J. M. J^wis and Mrs. JKnnly U Round. r^^

The County—Cflmxpittee—asks

diikiren neteding hos]Mtal treats to "ny ««"• ' thesL.vmited the highway ™ ^ ^ Conmaunications on this

point are spedally requested by the Secretary of the Committee, Mf^ Fimflv C. Round Manassas,

will eiK

movided^ree of cos t The r^;>ceseatatlveof.the State

Board is urgent t h a t t h e County shouidi uiake some better arrange-ment i<x their poor and especial-iy for feeble-minded children and

n » > K ^ ^ M o ^ ^ « ^ n . a gyranarft*

meat be ppovided eaore in ae-^ ccvdance with t t e preeent ideas of twentieth ca«*torv n viUatioo..

ginia Sale Deposit and Trust Cor poration which failed over a year

boaM^^«^ * r—-J-"ment made by Judge ^:r-K:-M. -otf>cP place* noapfay " ^ o f directorTfliiady . T n ^ m a a ^ j r ^ y * ^ . u-i uk HS\ UJUSUI ^*^callv HA/>i/i< tkof •w.* ' Norton, wno wiw n«w«ra "»{everyone of ns nm

^ ^ c a l l y decide xhs^t t>w>

vcwai or EUtgar Alteii Pw we oiay find a great deal more than

the.Wrds^r^it^ijy at first «tajJc<i|^jeastire; said Mr. Brand i t is My fnoods, I want to tell you that

what we need in this town are prinftplea- laf'


national.standard of weight and naeastire, said Mr. Brand, i t is doing valuable work in estab-

I'-.'^wrjifA <<--^i7r.n^K7ii'/'tH»: :1tI«f:«^a9(tTaBi

'United wie a,taad—divided we fall." A little over fifty years ago, thece still


i n g li<-»W ipU^^gp. TKia tiaH Ka rT <-K^

scene of two of the greatest batttes af t h e o r e p t ^iini ygor—jf maritipid A a a c e a f r

of the greatest success of oar Southern armieg ana m e Water loo or t ^ iJninn

•U^l, elecjarigjOajuid^a^^ of.hpj' Unpfif He also eollcd at terition to the Bureau of Statis-iU!u^u/iii(m(uymim4^^

gas left to tcU the takbaf a=fiBas^hs«- thtngsT J^e jrtatistics of imports (ifMi fixportfl, anft sailipg dati?s &H* scheduled and t ramp-s^^^

building lip the Kingdom of God in his cuuuiilkiiljr.

are men," said he. not tolerate r e m a i ^ ""thai

reflebtlng^: objectionably, upon their family or business, who

Christ and I deeply regret that such is the c a s e / • • .

Dr. Sumwalt aai^g ft beautiful sofo entitled *"The Cmaa nf TAT. yary>^" to the June of Suwanee lUyer^ which was greatly emoy• ed. While the well traine^jand

phasized the patheticstory of iSa^ CcQfia t.hfiiipt was a

f»dto hear Dr. Stiles onFriday. At each of his talks he was met

targgafitrgvcTy m audiehce

opitiou^. D(Mpite ihe worst WftAthpr t h a t h a a ouat«-^/*n».ip^ ^|^

a Farmers Institute day, 65 farm-ers were present and listened to ftne nf the ipost isftcnooly praeti-cal talks ever given at ouch a meeting. -, Dr..c. jy. ^ tll<>s Wftg intrfw ~ -^^m

d»nLni1li\ flim^^

of h i s old collfig^-matft. JW^

Stiles told of his earlier visit to Manassas, 25 years ago, when he spoke to i group of. farmers in Uic Preabyfe'triau thuiUi.

The health oflicer, says he,

AlthougH violence is rare, we pay iii« »mifm foi' liiH yifir in tho aaiwi w a y w*. nVinn1> niw

ploy the best physician and'nay him enough that he cajfi drop private practiV*^ Anri rk>vnte hia. time wholly to the pgevention of • d i sgu^ having full poiiee powers ahd -th^ active support^ dl civil. authority. Th^if^umer iS|s never

against di while pepple in

ftViipa n f n<»Ann h n o a ~ ^ i < * t i i o VnL

nnhln iififhFmntiop to the aoinmog

tnwpe on iwv diiltrent ocqtsions. Al r TTiKvZiTari though haviing sobered the loss of their all, the people who had lived through" the hormrft of tfaewar, banded togftthe^

State today. • h i t > y •fc^<;

munt b« tdiminaUid froni our raOans ftnter te hsYB our tafwp pmnnwr TYvem are; earf; hatred and malice, and in mea places maax oe sooaatotog enqia-"

Prof. Hendstreet looted'hypno-tist, - appeared Iv^nre large audi encea in Conner's Opera Housei Friday aii^ Saturday niyhta of last week and Tuesday night of Lhih WHHk aiitl ilHliyhLiid Iif awft. e l i tes wi th ^ia wrmH^^rfnlliyp^ notic demonstrations. The first

shii^ loye and troths the Basic princq^ not only of OddrfeJu wahip fant of eveiy auecaaMui otganwancii e^ any Oi icry '

WSJi'AW^m vm-M rrLSHSElW i. peri^ued some difiKculty in se^ curing his ftimmfrtfe fif^propef

tHML a toM yon what fr«^>^

\JXA I& iA76y iftft wpfg i&a fe glVg BIB only bMotteit ae» lor w. Tftlfa. r, x- ^ -, y. tka moatlTahiable asset tint m a n l i ^ can P ^ c e a n y s u h i e c t under h is

influ^oe at will is oroneous. No Pfflffl 9M 1^

A man eaanot-be dishooeitt and be traO-

tiar ''nm tp ttmt gyTwtf w tme

Iowa tj>eii|i»t-^th<ia what MtlM faiM

So Imiqr aay, my that if we liphi and aBiainata

eonea to maiA iwd ea?y ,* and malice—we wiU a town worth while.

riow to rrtMB txt my 'OngRMn aaymg.

nil w Uia— iiiiny mwii told that «iir towirwas to ba lUuilBat-


hypnotic -subjects but this diffi< ^ I t v waa a p t fj^ponpterpd in hia

subsequent entertainments. /^T Mpna^^t savs that^ie

pr<>vaUiny-1/UM> t h a t a T > y p n / ^ « »

tinst hit against his will, says ttie ismff •ad IB o r d ^ that he may

hypnedse a subject that suhjeet HHat tie thoronarfalv j n avmpathv

with the work. Hfflaptisia, says he, is nothing mote or less than the iffluypfa^*^^ '^ min^ upop


At a meeting of ^ e Manassas ?3f;gy\^tu'*M'i

fi Y f lf gg towns and" cities- have had far ^tepig^nidimdhlderirtten-tiqnrlhett^ ' '

A choir of well-trained voices

11. i>eivmg at the organj rendered a speciality p tepar^ muoical program.

PRIZES AWARDED FOR =y^ —HTsslth, rfFi m t of fift -fegiiBriuid?^

absolutely no precautions against . infectuous disease. T'or the 6i»^


A Socoad Pri»o Wa« Giroa W C o —

iim t* Master Carter Gr«o»^T. H.

• til I Jft r nfi fiiiiiijrtlrKtAk"^s^

At 4^e Bradley_ school celebra^ emia qut ox every nve cues pe foreJt. is a year old, and one in

22, Mr. Round offered a prize of M te ilw uupjl Wjw wiHt»-wrtg

\ X his Liau, Dwtou Dteele Wine^ted asiudgesi —

Tbe prize was awarded to Miss

pnsr-mittee.gave-a Master Carti^GreeQ. Themas^ uscripts after bdng ccMrected in a^ew-Pespects have been haaded to the press for publication.

Tlie following is tile histoiy as jnrittea by Garter Green,

-graaiev achoolbooae was raaasd-Nov-ambef e ,^sn» <iw eoatractora beine

RhJiaids and 9uu, uf Buck*

Tn a BAnifiirv anrvpv r^v<»rin^

large seettoiBang: •iJi<Kg7Kr*Tn3rri77; stHtes and conductediufider the ^

dircctiOtt Ql llie UUde Boant uf

tire section the rating was only 7 out of a possible 100 for county

itricts, but in factory luwns the jour

times as hig^ as in ihe countiry. "l?'armde&thratefla»in<ixcuii-

tiun, helduuThui8day,PebiuauL^very four dies before it is & Y<^r^ ^ "^f^^r fnnf»f^l« nnt of

eY&ty t^"~age" diseases. The death rate frcnn mtim in the nittta southaA states isihree timesas-high as in the seventeen aorthejn. ) l i » condition is f ^ m ^nM^ » k ^ » » t » ^

»JIiaiLl i l l i l iJ '<:«' ; '«•»'

uniii^uxal^ hve 1B

t&e proportioD of tyrdioid v a r y i n g ^ rectiy as to tiie prapertioB' d

In the evening lecture, whidi was illustrated by stereopticon, and rnides the ausyitea'Tir fSf

and aui^ Asa doUan. Thekmber •awari near Rnrifhall and at the am

our cflixena, and I .aay "k»« we*iw. n i g h t a c o m m i t t e e w a s appointed too»i herfr. weiidcringrTeanng. ^ w i ¥ 4 i Q ~ D ^

ing, dreaaung dreams no nrntai ti99f

-tHa it eoold bt

a < i i a i it^—IdHwe

There appears to belittle pros­pect of another dividend for the stoekheldefeef the de^uMt Vir-i-gnkLil 1» Uie bdght^raya^fjriectnc

. . o - r» :• ^^A OS..,.* P>v» ughta; of th^ tini»* when tbey might

STWJtr be earned oat. O J»ra eeabted that it woidd evOT aasoonc to aaything bat talk, while acitl oCbara bahered in >t|Qr«ek« and dreamed of the tioae wliea we ^uold walk ftii*ty along oar ctreett at night.

tomey Tbos. H. Uoa for an en-#BPseann^«NMRnpepfllpvegap4 tn Thf rr*^"*^^^ Falls, < the- passage 'of tUh the tributaries oi Oceoquan

Last spring the Board of Supers visors appointed-a. committee to ^ ^ ^ fnves^gale i«d^rep6*rupc*1i0Chtuiught tbe noEl 'taRin aad"hM

Hierr at Uial Uma.—^— After this school hoaaewaa boilt, lft«r

Civic Improveaidnt Dr. Stilfli lUll furUier qpeg thg i t o thrt tiic two nfffli react unfavorabley on each othen the Bcggecs dying of U

nmr them a number of equally fatal-

Slie b e | ^ IniVi!^ tod Jaogfat antil U

session of IflBS-M. Then Miaa Sar

96aiidl3»&^. After this Lamb taoght tbe teimafiaW^. M M Sosia Lylea tlna taofht a part of m acAMon WBica waa Ihiwanea by Mioaie Ceaaar. Tlua waa the torm of l^ir7-» and tiae MaaJSatab JiAaaoa

siiS;2b«aTh£Lr^/trm'"a;;;^^ ^ ' jr **T:. other conveniences which our neighbors | 90 far aS ascertained, nO l u r t n e r ui waiiwiwu, o»"*l^•p«'»'•5" ••* sictton of th* Board In iteUiCHxi to ethef piaece noarby oan bosst nt

^ «ie highway wouki be - S ^ g g d via Fredericka^

^"••l oa inside page. "

Smith, il ft Kgdvcr for Uwi UUH-oem. Two dividends, one of ten and the other for twenty peri we'need to make ow ta^wa tba ideal cent hsye alnad?^ been made. 1 piaee in wbkk to Uva.

everyone or ns use wbst tnfiuenoe ba hM to amii ttito our pwipig u* piiu' ciplea of Odd-fMlowafaip aad tlMa we may look for the improvstnta wbieb

hap^ that t ie action of the Rod and Gnii Cluh will result in seme action of the Board which will result satisfactorily to sportsBMB.

teachmn ever sinea, and tbaaebaol haa rapidly improred. On Dacambsf 84,

iise higir tteata r a t r ^

and rai at niMU»B doiuun isd llf i ents.

WM.M*n tM Clark of the board fifteen dM> oaanty Iben'gave

<• oatiaead on inaMia paiea

ULAiidaBfiAiiiUikpBBaibjnaeihia^ he deelssedi act le siafiaUiJii, \i\}% \/f} a neffTo dieease which ia still prevalent aniong^both whites and negroes in tliat entire regionT

"Ttthqcutosts mud lypiwiJ are preventable aad the .secret of thisfr^l^'e^eBtidB Is the «MM« rigitt medi^. care of aU infected peo­ple. The house fly is the great

ar tjnetjf his alidci showfld is at BMfbeing tried before the bar of pablie

IS -opinion "Eis" TBes bceed in filth and are a iiahf

Page 2: Bank - · PUJBUSHSD SY The Virginia PubliiJuii« Company (Inc.) t. MOa. at On« Mr tfn advanM) Sixiamths. Thn* Moatha ' ' ' Ai^ iVBieauuPTioH mynaj li.oo M Saturday

• < ' ' ' - - v " ^

II lllltl I . • # I


iniinT-rin>»ij.Twi.» *ii i * f e i ^ 3 ^ ^ ^


•--..^ wjkM^JZg::.^.-*?;>^ r*



augd roja fir^^ P. g


"^ntiMe<rJfQ«'Hr»i page

neighborhood. If we can control flies we can at 'the "garng't^ne

and-Culpeper fight was Tost _ fore it -•-•Put on theg^ves.^

"•jiiit Trr 1 * ^ ^ ' * '"flT^

r~"Sdffietfaiiiy new ioon experi: ment.

•1 r i i T T . - i : „ - « \ i / ; l s / ^ i t Q t o f o

diseases. . t\. A Aft^F sihowing pictures of bad

sanitary conditiomj aroupd hwnes, churebes and schools. Dr. Stile^ tteclkiea iliai h^ hwA swu ii'i«> " bad in this town and. made the mofrt iif5?| r " 'V " ' ' ^ ^^^^ unless

' these cotidttidfts typhoid death rate -wilt continue to increase. . •• ' ' "' v

Hook WUl m and tape wonp^and other ' annlikt" parasites w^te lecture and the dose reI$tion8 iweeirnHBBHita iig&

«Nov i pposing yop had a !«»»I county: B. S. Hynson, of Manas-thfiisasr<^t^' 'P- *^^^ ^"^ -\x

T. Palraatw n<i F.^Setterding. .of Rirhmorvg; ' L. Saunders, of HaAbViferT ^Hi^^Saun^er^^

"' 3. jlenev. of Stat-(S^^'v?^ Wo^ann of Prince It's different w^en the ^'ItS R^VrHaA)er of W t X meiil cuiat^s from^ homo. William»Ji. yfZ^^^^:y\r^xA Vus^M tn nrove local te William;E.^HaTp«j.oi^^^^^^ ington. John D. Garrett ^Jair J ^ ^ , ,„^^^^^ent is the^^^^ fMC and R. B- Buckley, ef Clifton.

-> • •-

and these diseases was shown. MnrA than two million_people suffer from hookworm and thougn it is not ^ common here it has been found in a number of cases and tt unoanitary ronditiftna con­tinue may become as bad as in any part of the SoutiL_. l ;'»!^° '"S,;;:j;e'*dike^a^T ^ feel

Dr. Sttles «p^te--plaintr*a^«-1*^^^**^--J^ ^

GLORIOUS HEWS comes from Dr. J: T.Xurtia& Pwight Kau.' He writos; "Inot nnty hivft finred

Kidney Pills. Read this case:

Would you experiment on it? You will read of mamr sQ-cali Q

cufea. • •» . ' - . Tlndorsed by' strangers from

It's different wM

that backs every box of Doan s

Train liU Niivimi • - • • • r— -rffU

bad casftB of ecBerooip my patientw With. j: i*»«^Bitte«7 but also cjre^Vyyjfl^

clamig that aq o Southern man, sure • they will behem-isny cise of ee^ewa.'' Ttris rimw s what tttoueands

bom and bred in North Carolina, >ip V ^ the riflrht to speak clearly, TOOHteimvM^yv*^^ K

the Southern women and children \'^ .timniRtes liver kidneys

nave proved, that Electric BiUerais a most effective blood purifier. 4te an ex-

^ ' • • * • • • • - . - . » ttkfft^r^ ^ t

Va., says; •'! have used Doan » Kidney Pill^ o f i n d on for Jixjreara^rjnore aud have alwayg xpT^

. . - J T i l l

from lenand cfailcuen -,,;^„uti.« liver kidne ToaCTuf ill heallh I expeb poildhft. heljpg dl ipelled to cairy. jipaeftffe^ngth. P i ^

kidneys and

fiirCstudy to coupiry lifer pdnted out that if the chitd does not find intereste in ite immediate

faction goajiutaed b y ^ SOctB. Satia-

axni nave aiway **«»«•• • • ?-;-? •• i T S S n r S S t e d T This remedy, which 1 " - _ r J ^ „ r ^ « * . H ' B Pharmacyr-has ierieved me of backache and Uas acted as a tonic to-my kidneys.

environments it must go outside fm them with tiio sesult that it soon loses all interest in home

She'toJdLof tiie^-irariour^ mgs which osn^he done to interest ehild in Nature and a t t h e j ^ e

• i » » i - i i i r - v t ) t B M i ( ; ^ r : * a i i

Potatoes, per bushel.-.

5eed Meat Beet Pulp, Bran, Middlins^ and feedi u yearn ajad

and went far to mal C both Na-tore stody and^ teacher popul^. IluFtaihwillhflfiillirii " ~~ the secretarr of the AiixlBary.

u _


Yoa judge ji raisn -not by what ha promiMS todu, but by what he has dgpa. Tliat is the only true test. Chambwp-


CoBq^ Lard. Pine Lard-:: ^atkfadioii G a a i r a i ^

standardhaanoaoperior. Peoirfeeyery whera speak of it in the highest taopa ^ Y^^tm^. For sale fey alldealers. • •

Fhona or write, to ^thor

ftat is the onhr true tes^ Chamber- • i- J«|H|S0IL ItaakSMI, Vfc • 3

wtutASSOSESDrrr 25c

G<was Freoipdy W&wpiM for maaonabie Oiargcs

nr^ • B I ; ^ t ' I K ' V W i U i

4k>Uan, making a total of forty dpUan for the library. H. H. Weedon, of . ^ •* .

Sst;-'g-8.^ss^'tilggsrg|€ook Stwc, Ranker English HistoEy and of Manassas, gave Cooper's

The Bbrazy now oMllao-nf


I — : K ', (•. i - ' I . ?

Hiihcst Cash Pria RM r«r ^

r^A IW Asm

b « > 4 » l kTCI

i i i B • M

Works. — _»,^, 276 Yoiomea wpiat

Waodon and Mt. Gobdc Tlieacboolhad a box parkin October

ISll aud raiasd nina nnflan ann itfYtl _ Wevembag^im^-^

«ataa organ OQSUBiK lorst-" and twenty eight oenta.'^ ^

In theaebqol hooae there are tteoe black boards^Jwo United Statea mapa, -two msM of the world, one map, OT Prineelvillimtt eoontv^ UiinaWTOir^

l U ^ R^>nAng at Lew Price* Good Table-Fine Boating isirtbe

• \ . \ ' ^ %

Fi l 'A .^

G ^ tbft lialNt ol bu7»C jour ~Br9a4aiidi.CaKeaat

was extended 12 feet nwre and a veati-bole waa added^ IB-1310 Mm School BoaHt-^JHjreU bored at Uie aebool

I 9 M:43ire

nnie. a NeiMaite IWT .fcy Ihgi

"CrfHii sf ftap MB

: HiTOrMM K g I " "

HMMiHACTyiHai or


. HEREFOIffl, Prop. oeeo^^UN, VA. *^-

imTaodof aB Kindr SalisfKtfM fiMnKM« V

•^ -y^ u.,-a-.. ,1-tLBOIBAaiiiatf

^i J«>hn H Hi^taLjLT. ii!nA(^o.C.lloyd<tw«iatniaiaaa> Mi^ W. W. Thom«««i waa the first cqonty

• >t Thatenatoaa-tOHiy J i | ^ aa food—Jost aa d w p »

i a i . < i j » \ « ; ; S . t t

of Waahington» was the speaker of the ^lay. Mt.Thoa. H. Lien pwaentettmtf b i ^ aad fla| and WM »l»».«pa^te^--

Bradley a^ool bsa on roU SO chUdrMi inrl ill itifl iBMh T f *•• ^^''^ ^

andTaoBiac^laMl'oable '' i . Arrington and Mr. G. 6. Tyler ia aapenntwiden"

On Febrottoy ** . ^g^J^r^IT^*^;;!!^-1 ' , «»•».• . « • • • » /<rf\a/ cans had a ilag-raiaing aild BiWe pre- B A w H l A l T & W K L U Y

S _ r i z — •


! ? * i i n < i



i» V ! kTl

4 f you haven't tho fanle to aTemse

iiiiiiiiir rmirir r—^ii'i'T':';' eooatipatiop. They tnduoe a mlMI, vmjt^

if tynjtf \\i^m ^

Aoooantthe above occaaioD S<Hithem BaBwMT win "Wl gw'tiy lailBaBdaiaBBd «npfai« tickeU on AprU 5Ui, 6Ui and

O n or abode March 1 6 t h ^ l wiH o p e » a Generri Store in-Stt<He3^ a a d ^^rBttxrcftms^^

Y^^ a» p ^ r ^ that. W U w aa eomparad With



i £ -tea^Waahington, 0 , ^ ; ^ ^ ortodbM points in Virginia. Tmantmtt to looch original starting potot returo-iM aoC lator than Bi<tetglic^of April 20,

y^y dttaiV*^ JtrTw dule tnformatimi.


.JM l06fc.eiC|jCaii r i; on nearest Agei



^ Steele8ros.4t:ian

-Uth SCT N- W - WaAmgton. D.

feoan BUiy^''^ aiwl rfeligh^ed wijm tba -g ^ p c relietaff orded by applymgChana-

-^Uun'9 Limment. Not one c**»^ • _,Tbeamat*am mTenreaolfef aftf tototiffar

tiff4ffiini»tflMl^ jUrgCUIt CUIU Uvnmt Va.


—- —r

WUl answer calls day or night Charges moderate

l^rtteslutrtaj Btal Estate ferSalewtt ^wA ta LW

^g^Mttn^anvwhaiarar: for aale by aU doalara.




€}<»n Comloftable Shaves— Classy Hairt)ut8.




I Piuupl Reiunia of Empties


•814 Tiaiiiisi Avo. k W., WeillT glU. ^ . ^

Dwp^ a»d

We deum^ without fetuLpf successful contradictipn, that our SUNUGHT l •.iiinlnil "» o:copveni(Mic ~irimplicity, cojBu>letene*«!, effaciivenyss, rnintiir'*-

iif absolutely l-coiglaiii-

'%'«.i < . ^ J • kalaa i p jkirf • • •/:inr :YT7Eni* uMaattdt ;ee n^ans just what it says and is the most liberal proposition ,pver offered. Write us for full information.

atioiis jnade on short notice* —— -—'- —^—--r———. ". •'..., "-.-"'' —^" '- '.. •' ' '/:v ' —^

Wc pfinnusr^n^

T. S. B O S W E L l ,

D e i r l S r L rt gives me great pleasure to indorse your Sqnlight Plant Have had itnine five years imd-

"Imow it ia not moTff than half as ejL|ieiiiiviti luy uH laispa w«re| and not half tfie trouble.

^ ELMA WOOUFE. Mflrchftrifc Rfttlmrtnwni Yfti

IVaBOSWEli; • •Marshall^ Va.

-five yeairjl ffid~t >tliii|lK it a good u cheaper than ofl

very DHidi Woul^be

wfflbit^|d^1»ay ^^l^able 1 ^ i^tril^^fxt^yro^^

Y<Mlli ^vtf^nStfT :is>v.>i j^p

We chum Ihe <'StMi< 'to be the

mad whCTcver %ht is-used-c^ 4t hurfh, Hftnifj Stftrftor

imcl is used largely <m coiistniction «»rlr:" TKJT ^^JNLIGHT^ c^^ be

• - ^ . - . . . . , - : . . - . - ; - . - i — . . . . .

SIM53ES ,/

\ •? >- - -

W e carry a

> - • - . - . . L...;'-rJ:^.-i;ir}j


6 ive na an opporfnjuty to

•hcgr yo« aad u H yoQ J

d^H(idt^iril^ »dham

• ! > - . - - ' v .




1 e l3a=

• " M ' " * " ' * " •

BOOK Of i ts tponlak lor the JsKIng"


% f

s: ^r -^

•a.> _ ..'% ^n '— -r^i^t

^ g ^ :^^afea. ^jr;


'4^^ \^^A-

ftaW**"™***** fr

ItTv"^':.'. ;,-r. ; . -—

Vi^ii^U^v,.^ I •••:

. -''^ -'y-yt


Dear ^ : I thlnic yovor Sui£||lil-I^Fstem is der, so much light at so little cost compared with oil, and n o faronM^ cmnparfed with o i l l a m n s . A Baltimorei

man siajra tiiat the city of BaltiniOfre has not a p^itlier ^tore thani mJn^at night ' ->

very RW.SPU-LM4N,

^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S P ^ S J g ' u n . , Vh.


Dear Sir: I vreuKTiiet tskie tluree times what I ^ i M i l U ^ i X ^m TY* ' TM htir*^hr recom-

—: I. . T t e ^ f c •—.. *• •• , I .i-C^ V . . _ _ ' ^ L ' ^ • - .

nienid it aa a good inveelmenl touai^ip It is a thftirnihand nn trmihlft cnmnaried In it

4 ^ r f ^ f ^ ^ i '

>;tj.\~aii;ir.iHi.^i'jaai a' laraV a j '•' . I


:4 ! ^ '


feSr-.;-' •

• 4 . - . . . *


2».^»7ii !3; X S K AW& TRIAL "P^



<>' ^

T J"

chargea -paid^ wifl be^ «.«»"*


^ J ^ ' GENE^tAt

•1*^ • • ™ActrSflwtIly^^ • cbr I f • ' t - . . -

Page 3: Bank - · PUJBUSHSD SY The Virginia PubliiJuii« Company (Inc.) t. MOa. at On« Mr tfn advanM) Sixiamths. Thn* Moatha ' ' ' Ai^ iVBieauuPTioH mynaj li.oo M Saturday

pmmfmr- '1'" ' 11 PHI J..;

•.r>Bf»*.. fe •AaitdeHVi

^ias NelHeHutchison.ef Alez-

Dt. Sanf<«d,v^ Clifton, v(aa in town this week. __ _Wmie Graham, of Orange, was

M^ses Annie andXaCTe HcCoJn: Miss Laura Tavener, of Hamil­

ton, Loudoun county, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. R. Dorrell.

urday with friends in Fairfax. gftyry^ GkKKJwirr, of Washings

ton; was a afSwas visitor Sun­day.

ldrs.LydiaM. Milsteadis quite

Street. "-: .< ~—#--— Rev. W. L. Darr, of Bninburg,

this state, v rill preach in the Lutheran Church at 11

R. A. licintyreoftheWarren-t.p b^r^as-« town on business


^ ^ n i a » Fux, after a' visitpTMilny innrainB

^estenSr Mrs. W. X AdamsoR will leave

. ^^^ I here'on or aboiit April h . tn join a'ckckHier husband in Caliform^^^^

"' [- B Mie Harrison, whoTias flujte sfcTaTliei' heme 6Vi


Fox has returned to her' home atJ was a guest of his uncle and aunt ^ - ' audMig. Thos« J. SmiLh^ Catharpin.

irJS'amrEaWarlF. Smfthr Qtanta¥eeuo.Sundiiy .:.

F. M. Osbourne, of Haymarket, paid THE DEMOCRAT a friendly

jHi^Monday; B. (iftway Wlw% oi Baitl-

piQre, visited friepds and rel-

^ Washingtnn, are visiting Mr. Smith's brother, Geo. H. Smith, on Grant ^venue.. . > Taping to the crowded condi-

"tion%T our c6lumnA ft^VfiWl ttfli


cles were pnutted which will ap^ alives m town liH?? week^^^='-^—- pear in our nPYfJaftiiifu.i„

Hpoe,- the star infielder from West Virginia, and rCottntry." White, of Culpepen ^areTdaily expected to arrive at Eastern

Lewis left hejre fnFversily

Howard ^^"^^^^^^"^^^^^^^ Manassas ppH alntSh ^W^^ Borne at The Plains Sunday,

(L. iL. tUUili ' Hynson ^ Company spent S»n-dayjvithfriends andrelativ«j at Mai'sliali.

=Tfirweekly liWiteii Services ot liiy Spismpsl ChHrchftW l l '^^miVVy>9Mf»aSHM»|Mplk<Mk**a.M«*MUHMiifcdBBid^^ i - ; | . I • • I ,

WediTcidaT—e vigntngF-rat-=^'^ ^bis^venmg.

Miss Ida M. Uckle;. who has been visiting w i t h relatives in RRltimore and j U i c b t t City,

Md., will return >d M\ toper home here

rrBatne jl^ftJKatie

i J^pf ^y for _ - - ^ Charlottesville, wEere sue 1 studyinyto bea tnMnsd nurse.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gallehqe, of this place, have just .returned

Ihnmf fmrUft^-^^yf ' -Tl^ r^tivesahd fnends in Singers Glen and; ttarrisonbunjT.' '

Bryan Gordon presented to T HEDaMOCRAT force, un Monday,

We give particul^ attention to the business^

--^f Jagmer&T •^amim

A checking account with a bank is a con-should-be withoutr

Our-savings department is another evcel-

lent feature, affording, as i\ does, tlie privi-'

lege of withdrawals" together with th6 ad-vantage of interest on your iiiiids. •^T- "MHHl^i

aUaguf WiHfe Sep apples, frnm

Mj^aad'Mrs. Frank Crosen and little son, Winfield, of Clif-v^ri-r^^Ta oniftBtfl of Mr. a n d Mrs.

Mrs. RI Af Rector, who ha^ beon copfined tfl hftf hpmfi i^

R A. R e ^ r Sunday. . ^_ . . l"3unday.ia-Eairlcfs day. v ^ A^ong the theatre-going pecKlbaUxiy and spring like, with the

irfe of Manassas this.week were ^eroperatuite around sixty and m


Bet Elliott and_Mamie ib,^^end—Mrs*c-i^:

the past two weeks with a severe attack 6ria~grtDpe, is now con-valescent.

heavy cold with ^postal clerk, has rented from Me66ra. Hutcnisuii and Mogchant

Nevr home 4with a pneumofiia tendency.

Gray. C. JBuck, arrived -home yesteirday fram Nashville. Tenn., whwM he has hff.n pjnploy^ as

g^reat contrast with the same ;Y:Ti^rM«r^T^i«^ nssr

Waters. Mr. Jas. Cooper, who has been

confined to his home, nearCannVa. next Friday.' March 29. ^hegin:> for several weeks by a severe

Tuesday. J.^ason! Lamb, son of IT. S.

Lamb, of near - Manassas, left

supper at Quantico school house

traveling sal^fsman for the Anieri can Tobacco Company. *

,orse helohjyring to Hnm^ ^^'^'' ^ ^ killed on ^he

nhig at tiSQ p. ml Itefrtshttoatir igt. gfflO. — » _ ^

*.nT^ TiiPRdftv ^temoon for Day-ton, oTTwhere he wiUjnake ms fnf».«>hmne.

Prof. James 14elville Coleman delivered a very interesting an4

wiiiS^BA ^ « ^ ^

Mii.'lI51KT^uipe Accompftnied by her son, Geoirge, left here Sunday for a short_stay in Rich­mond wh«re her son js~gttendmg RSchnaohd: College.

J. F. Britton, who guff ered the

tT|gt?^llve addAess to the pupile i)f the ManatMMW graaoa schoolrf Tuesday tanning. ' -

Mrs. F. S. Brand and daugh­ters, ' Misiies LilUeh and Alice, who have been flpending the win*

—lei in Washington roturnad to

r^vftrpor^^*"" ^^ antwinted Mrs liimily r, Kmmda- r pr?-

•fracture of twonns ana oiner injuries in an accident at Mifford •HillslastThuWday has so.far re

^^PpaiMM Branch of the Southern Railway on Tuesfay ^ temoon . The amaunt has been appraised

Our commodious offices always at the di^ • ' • « _ » ' ' • " . ' ' ', • . - - '

pusar olour euetomers. ; We cordially lHv4lB Ui» i armcy ta.


the Depue property on Fairyiew avenue, to take effe<^ M a r c h ^ .

Prof, and Mrs. H. F. gotten entertained at d inn« last Friday evening in honw ^ Dr., Stiles and Miss ^traith,. who, aa the Jnstitote speakers^ were^ their


guests wbue here. Mrs" BcKjne, e l Greenvilfe W.

Va., arrived here Monday pros-pecfipff ioTA farm fnr her fcOD.

National ^^-nr-Balik

• - j».«-»"


oovor^ ftl to Itf Hhl 'UX hk^j^ties at the mills shortly.

At a meeting of fbe vestry of ~'* ' Church held Trinity _ . .

Mottdftymght the propositiop^ 1^ M^^p^^^«»^^»^M^ Parish

4bi«ii m

sentative from Virginia to the Southern Sociological OWWaBBir

the funds to be raised by" tjie

ItfiK^^^aVesta^^epp. daugb^jiirs^^R^ m\^ W^^ t ^ o t m 4 m a JigL_ji Ji;.jjg^ - - ^ ^ . . ^ ^ t ^ - ^ ^ of ne^ Manassas, who has been has accompfisheT t h e , o ^ ^ ona two weeks visit to hersister^ hermissiph. Mrs. 1. M. Wak«nan, at New- After this week Tr^urer niarkftt. Shcniwidgah jounfege- liBachmim j^^^^^ * ^ ' y t »

office in the old Kationai Ban^ of if^^oa«oa)^i,ilHinoron Main s t l ^ t for the convenience e« the tax* payers; where he will be found except oh Court day».

turned to her home, Friday. MiBSSi III ifcttaa Ilittininw nnd

Ma^e Schvrartz, who have been vtnitingat the home efjlr^ and


here Fri^SF Washington where they will spehd a few days before rctumiiig to their hwae-ift

- ^ ' ^ • T?--


TWSgaiifl tiievEimi&Aud

Boftdingi gar-~A- — T ^

Boys* Aiailetic Association was J ^

The s tud^te of Eastern jg<llleg« will give a Burlesque ix^u€^

"tomorrow, ¥r\oxy night»

Cdmwell celebratedtMrt»rthday Monday night at the home pf the formtf. ^ Ai^oaograph entertain mAnt. and various games Were the

'^MS^J: "^^jgjjy^


fjT. hA held at Nashville. Ten^. May 7-XQ. lOia^

An oBCTgency act was by the legu^ture just^^^exne close <rf the session wWch^jpves to ea(!(li duglsUuUll liuiiltu u£ Prince William county the right

favorably considsrea ana pixudf are now being 'fonniilgtejisM cari^ the object jpto effwL

"Captp ^i fir Conrad, "lyrn^al

beginemg at 8 e*atock in thp chapel. Each of the following

TSSBSR luu :wc8l

diveisiiwis and a very onjoyabl^

yrqtny prgeflts p r e s e n t E l d a r T f ^^^»^" will prftngh

' 7

U gfuwcr li4i get to <eeiw>n wfth. As a r •I l i i l n ihi •>•!• iptit r w hi¥f it t|nf1fjr

gxsa musiiUJ '•^t^^^fe^'^to

iff the Primitive Baptist-chnrch depamnft^

ilh^taws In yoof ofchafd, tf irftaioocjit - . . eotaitliaskakdeverytK*. Theooesctfcwaytofoo^^ v»mflt

' ' - f n r f iirrtflM

twm^z-m K^ •) iij^y OL'J I tnm' rnrs o ?:T :.X») «r» 'LIIIAIIL* ajtiiuuLLJ HERWm-WlLkUM^ 4B.

manager of the Front Ruyal Re mudht SUllDUt, wau iy Qainss

tien fcur fibndissue. E. K. M i t ^ l

rented and now occupies his old

ville on Thursd^fif tost" week

brood mares. Thhrty-five inspection. • Capt Conrad will

^heiJuttlesque stylet Music at-^ 1 . - , •» , ,< I . Ulfcr.T.-i ^ , n , i

ic and Business Qasses. A m a ^


evening i s antiaspltr Tho proceeds witi-be for. i h e

send two .very

home on the Manassas ana israd-ley road, near Manassas* w t.,. <^\A to thft Tniekers' Land

W Second'* and . "Footr

lieJIiyBl'Uf tlie Athletic Assosia: tk)n. AdmiMonwiUbe2p

of the ManaasBS Baptist Qiurch

pnnt."'to<J.m«vilte b ^ k ^ T ^ ? ! ] ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ : ^ 1 ^ , ^ *W. B. Bullock has

calendar exptoithag

Company.- ^ MttclairTpeBt thcrai winter

t' Mads _Biodg 10t7j^v«rtoBr who has been visiting relatives in this a_


his Birmingham ' Stock Eann. uroup OI jttTv

ft «* Pretty Bny,'' Hf«f.ham G^W^der" and **HeacSamA l i i irsr are^wiowi i Mjuvtuvr WAM*-

a Kst oT piSes tte^T^ve won ia

morrow. Friday, frog_8 to 10:30 in the tiome of ur. ftcaBefik

gao o'telock and nn Sunday

Dalton has acc^rted theiaasterate oi this church with t h e ^ appQintmentaas above s ta t^

The" Bl-^OUntv'^uveuUuii of the W. *C. T. tJ., ecmsistinfif of

MS Willinni

1 yo<rf otchwl Iium Uib pwt. It h t rlrar, thCTfy'Cobjfgi Ill lllllfmiilBillllniililili j i f " q»taespi


It mlxe^ leadify with Arteoate of lead and in gllJilB. is cspedafir ipray^eHyotthave any soifcJhToer otdisia or Miy —^ ,.


ri ere Will be a program of muaic jandxeadinga which will entertwiu the uid as well as Uie yuuug, liM dainty reire^iaaents ~'Will • be

eounties, is in sesnon here today with alla]^ atteudance of dele-i»tes. Mrs. Sarah Hoge. State ^eadent of tbe WwC/TjJ., an noted for her aHlity as anorar torical-and f<Mfceful speaker, will

anassaa, VirginigL

No ttdmlttaMe^will be charged, <»d ho .charge for re-

n this place sn<l wnnmaoe sicn - -n^— z . ;, i , ., ^ v ^^ ^meBOg wui oe^xeceixeu.K loe . a ^ . h Z o t i c r » ^ ii^T • EYPrvhodv- is invited. jKUisUaBL'sfiilf'iUlutmiitoMiua j ^ ^ -^ .^i^, tiu'jhsdy sssis. -aere tort ijfeek. hiB twUiiedinto At a y e n t meeting of t^irtax ^ ^ . overlook Paylpgiyodi ^ere lert ifTeelc. has euteied into aTi flgrp^^ttwmib with the hVopc^st professor to aceompaay his circuit on a good salary.

* "Xiyht • V* • knuckle-down and fen eyerytibings" can now 1 ^ h^iurA UDOB nearly every vacant

V^w^ l^dier t o the bhie birds have begun to

fie^mieDts.1b»ut-a free vnUsUver ;0fferi^g will bejseedxedat the

months—puite. eottnty Chapter of the Daughters gt^t,-^ f S i S ^ w T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^SHrt i i rNover iber e J e ^ for «recft^ a bro|»etoM« ^ «*e m that elee-Great M b , """manowtiTe d f j ^ treaiurerm-

deliver, an address in the Presby* tenan ohltfehmiUghL Ihwe who P»y go o"t to hear tier

>t regr^ havipg dwe so. Last Thursday niirht, at 11

o clocfc. a hurge flock of wild niTflr MainnMiifi fly-

ihg jum abuv« th^

fgnds sufficient toTprocure and ronaswmcieDi, ^ v^^^^T^ Qceouoanrapdrtfaose f Q r O S ^ install the tablet and it is desired ^ T ^ T S " ^ ^ ^ t _ v ^ r T i

the wue wrw vm^ »exu« ^ I ^ * ^ ^wT^*^ . . .^^ #^ n«.h'flfe^atnct are in the handaof ' ti-i,%v--»* A1 itYHva «*- ftnd= to-haso- the samejftsdT tof Bfr* ^ ^

__auig. Many-* diddTes awr .i. ^^^,, »>,» ««mrir«. ai thn ''steelii^^nbilge the yeongsien'

changing hands daily. Two pwewsot wHw

in the aggregate about 106 acres 01 tfte glMl OWMlaAUi en Oie

M.Hnn&i nAn<n«Mof t&s D.'A^ R. Gnwe. Taxes fOf JbeaUviUe


toBDB u& that tne tax ^ S " ttjp district* betow the run are in the hands frf John Leary, at

hooBoa mal^ir the w^ lon' witli'> their bcistffwa *liotfk; honk.'' The flock appe«ed to be confused and was headed

that a wild goose weighing seven and one^half pounds was killed Friday morning

ofSebfA^R-iGnwe. IJaxea fOl' JbotsviUe •and

Sodley nrad fi~^ «HjnJT»mg the JTwtitntM suit against

during next month.-r^ . I Treasurer Leachman. W b e l g j ^ ^ - S L P ^ N a S S i W^W, y ^ ' ^ ' ^ y v ^ ; " ' ^ ^ P*^ direetly toten atInsegea. ^^^^ of Mtanaisas, andC D. S.

conductor in th^-empley of the pj^gj^n Supwintendent, Gea Clarkson, of Haymarket, son of G. IVier, on Saturday, made ap- [Pr. H. M. ClaritsohvJave entered

doubt-the hird belonged to the flock mentioned

'WfiBam "Nelson Brown". "7g

Machinery is in firat dasa. jftniHtioni and w ait^

pm'tionkieht No.

pablie auction *m front of llie k»r iMSMS postoAea» uadsradeedof trust Satorday. Tboa. E. Moss. ofneargodley.wastheiwghaser fofthe mm uf $i,08a

Chester H. Dix, gnmdson of Judge Chester H. Cram andMiH Katherine Gidiek. niaeeef Mr.

F. GuUck, of

teipkiy of the^^Sonthenv two years ago Conductor McCauley 1n8 imndtn^ in the muf of Uie

inarried at the home of the bride. How 4609 Evans Avenue, S t

in SL LOUH. The ,9011-e^efc4Hhl>


used exelusiyely for tbe payment Mr. Brovm was ffx eight -years of teachers salariea, and is topogimpher lor U. S. Geotogical


hack the train when his foot - S S T O A T — t n »—»T«Alr f i w g Mint-

leg severed just abave the ankle by the moving train. ^-'Mac" is well known in Msnansss, havii^g served as local freight conductor for a great mnnber of years.

w J -w— TV. « » u l stop* e»racb« in two aMimtM; tootii-Mr. and Mrs. J)w-w»*tfsaHrS?iJ«iiT of boit or BcaJdraiWe

» r a thraati t»>l»> ibtiniar;


divided among the several dis-meM> at the rate i t f lLg)

school populatkm. foOowsr^Bientsville district.— population, 499. |59&a0; Coke district—population^ 397, $47&4Q; Dumfries district—population, 474, 1668.80; Gainesville dis-

^^^popatetion; district—population,

ir54g.80:~T)ccoquan »di8-

Survevi iu4uiue iiiauagemeut aud euwn* nation work in the United States

• • f • •

indMexieo.^ Mr. Clarkson serf effl tea years as topographs in the United States Geok)gical Survey, one year as Hydrographic Survey U. S. Navy I)epartmei^^ba.

A in privtrg worfci

OHlMh yci-popuiaoon, ;SK^ i«^•^limdiii^nii^ iTotalschool popalation: 8768L (Ataiiyinfi

I itrhins hisiitinf

jFrefh and Salt Meats; and Fancy Groceries, &c.


ing credit I have beemJoing I Bjn cofnp€Sl!ed"1 my tfiiadit to ^ daya

> •


ahUrtlii •>i--irrt\-<-n^»»wv . \n wtm .' ms. . j j c : —

fV>»<*ge fH^actised on ?8g flt^ld fur Uxif.


All le last Saturday, lad ^er® oift,in uniform and )wed up well. Most of the

was given to batUn^r prac -j^ig-Worfc trrrtTf- xuiiflt^id. '*" t ^ o j i H u g ^


•I „ „ «I^^ o^ j(ood weather team should "be m mia season ,iftafe*days. - ^ -game is being arranged with.

5 S ? ^ K l a T e d * ^ S ' ^ t i « o n d a y for" Baltimore to Field next Saturday af ter-

Athey >viH mere than be ^oS^hp mound for the

Lrsjty, with RosseU behind"the

Jaters, W. Aliens worth. G. Ilensworth, Garrison, Brewer, .0 Weir, Merchant, Adamspn, ^9on. Cox. Amos.Xather and iund Win fuim the squad for

team^ a'hd • from this to be

chase her stock of tery,_

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jordan, of Manassas, were w' ek end guests at the hmms si lMi>i W M 'ilep"

rn icH a good nine ought itflHMennrfHMlE

3nflw»rth and Browor wili bo batteries for Manassas^-

'he admission will be ten'cents any fan who wishes witness

[Ar8^cla3s contest should turn andijelpr

ywin MADS umm-

was a large and enthiis-Boads .Meeting at

kesville yesterday at which eMirXii iHaaren presidpd and,

ie meeting was addressed by ii-O-J- Jifeetze. Westwood

jtchison and SJ T.^Ogler-

purchased some time ago.

t i i a i i A . J i

interest of a bond-issue; ^ iblic Highway Improvement

appointed: J. P. Manuel, irmap; RftVi .T. R. C^l^, Qr^^-

Lh; J. A. JEtooker^ B r e n ^ ' w . Heiring, Khiflr*8 Cross"*"°*^

^ . • . n . F ' E a r ^Qgi anT

l e n i ^

lie andtBristow. _ committee will recommend

l I O l U O K K m •M' JJI *^m I -1 • • : j^.iH .-r.-vr.'T^i. '. .T.A

jfollows: Quebec - Miami ^ Highway

,000; road between Nokesville Greenwich, $9,000; ibad be-30Nokesville.and Aden,$8.

\ proposed QueOec^Miami Migh-$7,000.


dng of the Wosnofv

hplH MnTi»h IK, t h p f a l l o w i n g

ri jTHi nra n inr-JTOTI nr. A ^ T ^ SEX^

rident, Mrs. E. May D( arefiidftntn. Mra. JE< '

s, Catharpin; Mrs. Lizzie. liii filift^n- Mrfli F..

tui Am mini mnii ni , ih

ter, BristowrMre. C: J. ,Milford; Mrs. AtmieCline, ie«; Mrs.H MetTjtar, Wood-

[rs. M. M. Hilly Manas- Ndlic Jones, Swot

MiSS secretary, >w, Clifton; treasurer^ Mrs.

itooin ittee, E m m ^ .Tnhp^Kwi,

« » * wmm sparations ttre fleing made

X^i Woodyard, -ofjOifton. the atablishment of a stave

NokesvUle. Ma-ifti? lui Uiu ulmii wan ualuwl

tgj^£ MisA Lillie Bell is spending a

few weeks in the village.

Mr. William H. Dodge, of Waah-ingtoh, spentSunday with triends

-rr- 15UMnUES=

M r r ^ g u ^ j L J j m i t h s ^ n t T u c s j O h K ^ h ^ h^nnHfMi ,.,M,f,i.,u

M n ^ X ^ T iint, wh'n hni htwi ^*^ ****'>^" MMtT lu. spending some time in Cumber- T^nv^tations are out for a birth-land 1 ^ returned home.

pur-spring millin-


The stork visited the home of Mr. and Jlrs. Hermaji Heinekin on Sunday last and left a fine baby girl; > .

Mra^ CarLQarkson and children im>4itPBiaifl/jrnriii plnng

hd{ with fnehds at w-port" New8r Mrs. J. E. Lewis, of ManassSaSj,

and Miss Mary Worth HulMi, of The Plains visited relatives^ nere fms weexr

MissMargaret Shirley who han boon °r^"fling B>mfl tim9~"Tgr^^Q recently movea to our town.

to her Washington retorned home here on Sunday. « ^ "jar. and airs. U A. Heinekm:

Jr., went toHVa«*angton on . - -r~^ , WftdnPwHftv sLmA ^vTw^^V/r-TPtrmrr^her-grand d a u g h t e r s in their- aut<Maobile which-they

<%«inb«rlttD^8 Goaglf woB^its great reinitation and exUfnslvr

II n\\ IHI iiiiimMii|hmiiwiiiipiiS fq^n. Try it, Sold hy all dwilftrn,

m • ' »•


Mfx aadrMre^l^ I. Moee ontor BI/ uucnre oa^urx^Qr evcB"

ing in honox of Mr. and Mrs. iEle«iMiata» MMbF iv4ie4HPrai es rretinPned from th«r wedding tbur.

Progressive Euchre was played and the prigos wore awarded .as

by Mr. Powhatan Nbsh and the consolationT>rize by Mr •Ernest RansdeQ. ' Lunchecm was served at eleven o'clock,

•r . I Those present were Mr. atid urneulj iMrs. Powliatah Nash, 'uritich-

nnd thn infm-ioffrinn TiritV uiuyg Mi JTul Mia, lliua ^ItH-patrick and Missf Edna iiilpatrick, jafj&ighington; Miss Clara Joluu son,. 01 ij0iana; Miss Mayme

m flUaftfwiH, ftftfTlfffaylaa^miiiMd^ .k. I'lck, J. KalpE pick, and

McInteiia^Juhir Fick, J. Ralph Fi<^, Jack Fick

LMLauUjj-Jjniaeg-Eielu. <ymjlu<iu jilfflL Evttfy one spgat a very

enjoyable evening.

old, vridow of the late William D. Davis, dUed FViday night, in gw> hnmft or her a q - p g h t ^

Woodyj Mrs.

;R-: W. jardT. at Clifton. The funeral took place from Clifton Church. theRev. Edwards uuwlmtliime Vhu yurwicew, and lis terraent Was made in the Fairfax Courthouse iJonecerF

The pallhkkirers W ^ : R; R. Buckley, A, J. Xmchek)ei.J). W. Buckley. F. Cooksey. M. Davis and C ,H. Wine. . The^^uy ha" *' ' ' floral tn botes and the large ooncourseodf friends and relativeB which fol-

• j Jj itfiTilfar Sattnnday tBd^ BflT^^lie^totti^ OMssatrMtt^: i:: witidn ^ aextlnumy of the h ^ esteem and

-loyem.which she vyas held. She will be greatly missed in t&T nnmpiiTiitv in which she has so

i^bondance of pme timber loose iffoxiraity to Nokes-

Jor Uie ent^rft slsois extensively en-


kmg ^tgve'~children; W

'1««0< < real and person-Tn ilanniMMm ilintrlrt

the town T)l Manassas I^Tg. of which |62i.2£g. 50 '*' ** *s IB satd town

"^^tuding Manassai,

^« pass will pay approxi-jjjjentire amount neces-i!7*« that section of the

^^/'"'^into mnmdpra-ab^ySount which the

* «sBiiiUite for tlie por-

^AlECOm L*vft»l IJ*^*^ ^' dUtatbaiMM, U

• i h ^ I ? ^ ' ' "t roch esM of

"0 diat -r.*^i«i NewUfe Pill.. No

luwml HiBiletensBd to the "Silent

vis and jlirs. J. E. Wedoirof

Bockley and B. W. Woodyard, el Ctifton.

-so much jwn? r^-> Mrs. W. W. Sissonwh6 has

been quite ill for the past week is now inipruving.

Mrs. E. F. Brawner on Sun-last calUd to 000 Mrs. Geo. Sissen

GEORGE LARSEN, the wallpaper man, has juat received a new line of choiee wajlpaper samples. Drop him a card and he will bitng iiu? gamplas w your . . . — . . , . . . . ._ ^ ^ ,

wng hai l)eeir QUI!

day to be held at the home of Mrs. H, C. Speake-on Mwch 18.

andMf: G^'M; K g r cliffe attended the road meeting in Fredericksbuiir on Saturday, l^srch 9.

Mr. Roynald Garrison,-of Wash ington spent a very pleasant visit with tiiB paieiiui. m,' mmjgffi.' Jas.:H. Garrison. . . -

Mrs. W. T. Russeif .aid son, Francis, also Mrs.' Ruth Kinche-loe anddaughters spent last Mo'n-claywgg"Mrs.nP. C.Jine. ' - V

None but first class workmen lemploy-- eri at AuRTiN'a JUBjKEaa SHOF>. W^-OQ.

biusineM^ the whole year around and Oan't anord to putout cheap handmade

Miss Bessie Brawner whoTias

able to be out . Shft spftT t. SwnHn evening with her ajist, Mrs. C. Speake.

r Mfy. M. J: Keys, Mrfl..jE. C.

Waters, Mrs. M. Qjurison, and Mrs. D. C. Clyie spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Ernest Reid,

• Mrs*. ^loljie Garrison on Tues­day t ^ l e d to see Mrs. Mollie Gray who has returnisirTroffi after spending the winter with

in Balti­more.

Miss Hattie McTnteer spent Sunday, with her friends Miss Genevieve Brawner and Miss Fiifijp .Lynn Miss Lynn also

ff i I lynn aiso

•• 'Dont exp^rimerifejT ita 6o8tIy. KNOW the quality of AUSTIN'S leather g<?<xlar : • " —

Best sewing machines cheap, • also

CVIC loo and Mis6~in<^ef=iierchimf OH Sunday evening, -t^ " Miss-. Gepevieve_ Brawner and her cyusiii. Miss" El8te Lynn, of W n a h i n o t o n . on A ^ •JB nQ/ a Tiii-m.

her of the young people of Dum fn>M atthiirhnmajinWadTiiiriii nigM hist. Muac and sinking were ^ e leading features of the; evemqjr.

ingut the hom< GarriiBOtt, On Friday evening, March 15*L_.Covers were laid for nine^ The house and teble were tastefully decorated with ^em. Ice cream.^ ji ke: and other deli-j^g^jyjim

Minn Lnla Arpngton rlfificd hrr school at Uiis place on Saturday* Wc^ •inH~!BiBy7hef: yery mudi. oapAHftlly t h f .Timwr T^j^gm^ \t\ which aite veamueh^ifii^st-aiice. Thiuughjtlie B|)fuits uf thft Dumfr iaa Junior T^ftagoft a ^fineschool library has been erdiar-

whifih \nrft k n o w y i P h e m u c h to^tfae old ang y e u n ^ ^ ^ S P R I N C F L O W i a . " r l - t .

mrst The regular spring .meetiny of the

Couri a March 25, at 10 4- m.' Tlie several Dis­trict Boards wfll please : have their


Gao. G. TTLER, IMTisi<m Skiperinteodent.

j iMfflusKS-AmnFTBEir

4«^ ¥uu tau use Duchlen's Aniiea B^lve

Ml ST xtatna, rashai, tat. ter, ch'afings, scaly and crosted homprs, AA. -BAU aa thair aecidentaL iiiinri<.a — cuts, bams, brttiscs, etc., witii perfect safety. Nothing elaeJicfala so qoickly. For bolls, oleen, ^ rmming or.fever' DQges or piles it faM. nio iMpal ffi r f «t ' ^ druggists.



DR. T . F . H O < ^ W!& locate in. Ma^ April 1 for the practtee of

take i^»e at Russ^'s store at Canova. on Satoiday. March^23.

Prof. H. F. Button will deliv^ 2^*^10. . ^A^-"^ ^ Agri<>iiltiiTie a n d Thiol the ^Good Rosda Jiox&nent. and

Hon. Thos. VL Lion is also ex pacted to be present and address

idienee object of tbe

raise -funds to properly hnproye the main road Anoin Blandafofd Bridge to Independent Hill

OesMal iwiTitstion ii avU ^ the people of Coles district to

T. and a A. '•b^ofaMr guarsBtftd,

Owing to the death of Mr.-Blume, of th« firm of Bennett k, BlumeT, all per­sona isidebted to the firm will please make prompt settlement- of their ac- . counts m order that the accounts of the firm may be mofe «jaoi|y adjuated

LOST-On the streets of ^fafiassas Stick pin. Kindly return to thiaoAee.

Conl^ey's Poultry Book means dollars >o auywiei Pi eg if juu' bi wvfg^imm^i^f^ Prince William Pharmacy also B. S. Robertson, Bristow. 18(4

mmakm V

FOR SALE-Flat tpp piano in ^rst class condition. Bargain. Apply to office of TU&D&MOCJKAT. _

NOTICE "AH pel ^uiis are wafgetf agathit hunt"

jilig_fl!r JifiRpaasIng on the Godfrey fami»^ near Manasi

n appoi; be pfoaoeuted

unless permission haft t rtiiiBiiwtfailMriiBPJi a g « i MteS

"Try Cardul,** vrrites Mrs. Z. V. Spell, of Haync, N. C " I was in a very low state Of health, and was not able to beup and tend to ray dutie .' 1 did hy Carduij, and soon hj l l tygj ier i^ i fa^i att-abls jo be iip ssd kolp^do-wir housework. I continued lu^take the medlctne," and now 1 am able to do my housework and to care for my children, and J feel ai though I could neyer praise Cardi enough

*is hini^iti

TAKE The ntdtfisiftnic




•.- J

i !-7^

! —, .— ,— ,- ..^

Cudu] is successful, because it 1$ made especially for oipeo, jind acts .specifically on the womanly constitution.

Cardul does one thing, and doe? it well. That explains the great SMCcess whichJt hashad, during the p^t-SO year$»

helping thousands el weak and iUluij^ wum^i back to

« M Wl

For Sale—A farm of 80 | acres, 2^ miles from Manassas, 9-room house urge bam, dMMOtA, tpi hdid wateir at

door. ^


Part cash, rest on.time. Ad-

PlflU ng^pieaptiy fspsiwe. Appy^ts

FOR SALE A itm uacailed for gaaaaeata.—Chu^

RYCKMAN, T^e Tailor.

- t>sstnA>le; roonr^r nmir Inquin at ^^ Itf

MMBtnpiri oeds. At S. T. HALL-8


_ F 0 R SALE-An A 1 $400 Piano for $8uO. PnctJcally new. FSne toned in-BtftUUMt. Address M'aoo, Care DXMO-CBAT, Mgiiassaa;^ Va.

Just riBceived''99 sacks Houltoh Elarly m mA pntetiyin and Trjnh Trfibhlfnt be fftice is low. Buy now and s^ve

.money. M saieks yery be&t eating^^xF tatoes. ;; They are for sale dieap—qoidf. Early jgarden seeds of all kiods^ also

NOTICE. .. , The finn of Welch. Brothers having

asm^ed their entire stock; of goods to me and tamed over to me idl ue l r tjiK ooonts for the benefit^f their creditora. all persons indebted to-said Weldik BroeS

at once. • BRYAW GttittoOM- T r n a ^ '

• FOR SALE.: i neuMNue ana idC

aerea. f h e old eonrt haaivt lot with twt> jbnftttngBr itBJigtzfn^ hnnni iiliiiil, "iiiiegli ^acre. Inquire o i ^ . J. Siell, Bristow, Virginia. —^^ -:— ' . ".—-lAmL

LOST — Near' Mamuisas, ~hom< Blkiikel, kwl aud ^Jmu OUKUL Balarft to John Bottle. —.—-^


. i f you are going to ne6d ft new buggy hs^ntifti:: get ope of'AUSTIN'S holitie

kincL MediuiB ryadv fcfr JTOffw iann « n « ^

J . . —^ : ^ *

voo Une, buy at A U S T I N ' ^ lower than elsewhere.:

BiCfl ttUiS l A H W i pneea aiwlS^

WanUgd—lu MansMsss room on tsirtr V hy etoeriy


_• Iftft llMhfllf PfttfttP . i^^. rgcciv | L S pcar^hoA^ Good seed, by

CoimTB'S M*B¥18T

WANTED—TWO to four boarders. laEle rates, wii^ fnsBiAedrooms,.

gas lighta, batfe, hot aad gold wster. reas(«i witiiiBSm m hbiise. For partkolars. address Z. C H i i s (^ce. 62t^

g.wLk»l«ig m^pTip fnwla h a w -ffcrmp: Cum tham quickly with Coidcey's Row

alio B. a Bobertson, Jr i^h£_

FOR SALE 2 000 wire fencing cedar

iMuerl and engimsa, 1 iwah tkm, 1 oo wheels 12 H. 1 Sa 4 Fargahar^ L I f t« • • > •

condition; 1 yokeoxaaS



brood wrradiea and flxtiuea for TT '^* g**** ^*nd lyJTig ' ^

=Cidar Ran aeroaafrom the Green farm, wis taka $1800 for same. $460 cash, auJ pajftienta to suit the pureSaaar for


Bay htotm eight IQDAa. AlMrgain.

T. H. ATHBT, Vs.

Ife6<^ fOR HATCHING Pora brtfrVrP. Rocks, Rhode Island

R^da. S. C. White LeriMtma, Indian RnniMT Dnrki. All S1.QQ_D W W ^

CACKLE: CACKLE: CACKLE: Tea tbe bens are all cackling when lad Con-key^ LajuvTonie. ItbraHiBtke

TFor sal* by Prince Wfllia« ^ Biimisi it>*

p e g o f T m s t . This for pTty rtaya. auiaa


ire a w< 4)^th

If you '3WMFiTTna0ie,Try-Decwise you ncea a tonrcr wny no! try Cacdui?' CsiUui builds, strsogthenst restores} )find. acta iri every way as a special tonic remedy tor women. ' Test it lor yourself Your druggist aftils CanillL_lAsk

Writt to tor Sit€dalIn$tucUan$,nadtisit»

LacHet' <hriMrr DtpL, CMtaoaoni Mt<llcinc QD.. Chananooaik Tton..

- The M^*tz & Mertz Co. is recognized as the leading tailor­ing concern in the National Capital The firm has therepur tation of doing quality tailoring at popuhur i^ces;

Mr. W. W. Crarrison will give you the same attention that yoii wOuld receive at thefirm^s- headcjuartei

" " " ^ ^ ^ mg and tryBeass The liiie of samples is coriiplete j i i oyexy vssjpect > It WiB

lirofltyou fuiiiiipeet themat thhoiflk^lft^M^ ^

XXL^liM^ 90a r ST., WASHINCTON, n. c.


Isn't there SOME pttiee about your grounds that woukl be better if planted to fruit or riuule trees, o^ flowering shrubs, than if left another year as it is now?

Whftn yfm plant ttrew rva help YQpRSELF and yv rybody STpgnd y w -uoLm mak< such things make

to live in. And ^oqr place

going to jind^vour nei a better pi

what yba wUlit t t i piftg ywi can and TiuesNQ'"

season. S tndv these lists and order eiie or more ( meultt ibej 11 gu last

by making It easy for youto buy-afloiil U> pay, we t"?fltfl >fTMfwff^

T" OtUr_ terms fbrtfaqrcBlleetioas are carirwith oideiy we will strip lij or frelgfatr-c^

M i l

m^^^tm ^TH RDER' Offerr

RRMRMTy.R, this meana good stodk. . Ev^irtree wiH be good size, vigorous and healthy and a doeirabia ?aiietyi If find just what you WMtjanongthe abo

p,^, ;,.^..>.^»h^>^j practically anything trem our TO—we can supply

above mantioned personal |»t>] for sale aod will be ckyad oat » , l f l 2 . ~ AnyparsoBdaairinctoSMaM wiH find me at BBT piacanaar Twjmum, alwayaoB Thniaday. _ , Itwi r—W T WnnL

mental ITees. etc.

^ ^ ^ who are IfiteiwtBdin good roacta. Let us unito in bettering the4 condition of our public highways and thos enhance the vahie of our farms and farther onr agri-cultural interests. . _ . , t>

M' *^i ^

Too can aay ggoj^V* ^ ^^'^^ff^

i ^ s U

. fiMbk work hameas at from $28.00 j j j l e StOre^ WhCTe p«r aat. eoat^tate. and opb »t AnaTm," TM - , .. . . •

rOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION I win offer for sale, atpobfie aoctioo.

in Ute town of Maaaaaaa, on SatanUy, March 2$. 1912, in fnnit of the I^wplft• National Bank, at about l i o'clock, aoon. the following oersooal One Ho—, , . of wagon or sKaaaaa kanMsa, aad ana

aft tbe W 7 Lowest Prices, coupled with po­lite service. Your pat­ronage solicited. »

Nuiiu'juiWt mad Flofista ~^


L SMITH WaiissaS.Va. .

rble I Granite "ii

Center S t i ^ Manassas. Va. "7C

' T " - . -

Page 4: Bank - · PUJBUSHSD SY The Virginia PubliiJuii« Company (Inc.) t. MOa. at On« Mr tfn advanM) Sixiamths. Thn* Moatha ' ' ' Ai^ iVBieauuPTioH mynaj li.oo M Saturday


•^ bars tt here.- saW CRourke: "saf* iMLtklLffl-Si *^-'

Of several highly poten :Kl^|iaighed uneaiBf.^r

fumbUnikln his bre^t pock st "There It U," said he; toaslngthf atone in ita cb&mois covering upon the aoUdtofi desk. ^

Sypher himself betrayed soma ••*• Ssassi %% asuniiinasB si hi ISt 9*


• —

lo kndW $QW «t% aff t«««^; » h lo kndW l»w arm «v ^ ^ ^ ^ - m n . I^T, ^.re vlslbW. UmP. o<

O'Ronrka. "'Tto • • * " ^ ^ ' V . ^ . that I never Uiwfht to tell 7e-thlnk log aU Ue time that J* : 5 « ; - ^ 2 aU risht. Indeed. meT>oy. The Pool«

«>d a atalrcaae XlslnS to the upper fta4 a aiaurcn-- ^ ^ ^ oool-looking ng color-

wi:r<! aha lifted th* eftS*"Py ^m thongs. Ha W, tt daogttr before him for an instant, watohing it with a curious, speculaUt* amUe. . . • "Well." he said, "reaUy . . • 1"

''Atfl ftfter a yauaa; "^ wugiatalals yoa. Coloiiel OTaourkia. And I admire j|uMi-. .tanmenaely. . * • ^o» •••» when this cc»mplsalon waa offered us, I considered'seriously the project of going In se&l eil or yon tm>arsoff and bringing the stoQe 4Mck to Rangoon ,roys!li^ m- mii^iUiUUfS im.iw*

IM muuiej's lu urina m tiis nsiis. Danny, payable to ma ofdar. Think of It-cne hundred Uiousand PJ*" ** «; real money, and aU ^•^^'"'7^1 rtdiculous, 'Us absurd. TU meaeU lHjdlj mydite the truth ftt U »l'i j ; ^

ifao other

Jig.. T o tiM rlifil •» . ^ ^ „ d « i l t t« l • bro»^ y * ^ °^ "

-4ooBa—wara iwosen*

Oawflalu lA». kr LMila Jwayfc V^


really a timorous jnan—\ knew t^t drcumstaaoea fO weUrHL. feared I should never reach Ransoon allTO. Yes." Me^ruet a band Inlto hla waiat^

, 1 eoat poQkot and prWuoed a penknife. Tf she-dele<aAd UH Inmj^JiUg W.?y Vith which: k* b48ftn to B l l t - th^

rwaa-Uiere-WkW the man, f«va h |» Uie Jewel, went to Uie bank^ with him and for the space of five minutes sat at a t#ble. w«h all Uiat money bjjfpre^ me. counting it oyer. blU by WU. » square hundred of "them, e^sh for » !ii8ttitug' pumid*. iaiaaaus<_hy ins Banlf tyf Enflanttl, Think of

^aiiurkrassumed IMl LIWJ 1"* ^ the kitchen oftces.

Having waited a few moments wlU^ out event, the Irishman knocked a seo-OBd time, and would have knocked a IHrd when- hi muuglH baWtf ^-^ and glanced at his watch. U.wv onjy a matter of tep wlnutaa aft«^ •'^^^\ •trictly mterpretlpg t » ^ ''V . ^ ,5jpher'a lBvlUUon„ ha. Waa a trifle

early. Presirtnably thi aeryanta were a i otxi' of Winia.' pi-euwafie* wtt

Justlbethixuitbe : have beta rooKlnit Q

Tunis the sub-sull: furrow has been u.^ Team may be attached, one side sufficiently fart

, . ^ , - a prev Qt \yftll jng .,on t Cheap WMI Sftreal-WHi Last rorcv ^ plowed ground.

bfiO. W, JOHNSON, Inventor, Manassas, Va.

Baajr tw jsn»i»»»-. • • • - % - _ . preparaUohs for th» "^••^'.^T'^M Uxati-*U thpt Htonsi^ to m^-io w». J^"^, ^ hifr n^oi W*' P ^ i »'^^

nipoked or failed to^SBderstan*—^^ jmjjTta^na.'* Tihe com-,

'n^entea. pieoiuiu™' . ,,», •pra,nnhmj>n TO rfon't voit th ink? * f ^ r H

^ t ^ « « that encloee4

why so eiS

bope to see much-oic hlnl l|i Rangoon. ^ "So he's landing lUiera* toor

^'Bourke f»l^ In thft p a w

"I haVe that," assented O'Roqrke. "It was parUy becauae of the .daA-

•aid aypher. Intfflit HPOB ,hls oO"

Ollotkrkeil . . -V ^ - . - fTbank.- Oodl" b r e a t l ^ ^ '" ' '^^M!"-

votediy. "But m y» i'»r» -^^^^^ Ikboul the Siona?" .! . . .

enolig1i7Danny—only » P*«* of thiB wbMe dlviUs^

nShT^'Mr Syl)hfr,,?rbo',tol^^n-^^;

ably still dressing. . ^ ^ ^.i» ,1,* With an,4i4patl«»t idr O'Rourkft.

tumeC back to the veranda. A 1 ^ ed b

• • • " " • • - ^ '—•^- " ' ' — — ^ W B , | I p i l l — — ^ ^^ ,

I beUeve so. And you, Colonal - cupaUon. "Zou know, these Burmese ^OTftoijrk^v ^ * _ jjr, ^ cttriotialy pieua folk; whan one

=-*T may hate to wait over unUl 41iii ^ ^^^ gro^s rich he employs th« p^xt. atitamer." he admitted warily. ^^^j^,. p^rt «l hla fortune In bull

"T lymptithlSs llfiirttfr with yoo» ^.. eisgust at the proapaot," laughed the particular gentieman—a very .wealthy

a temple I i^r In annia

Jfter we've dined;-he wanU to hear ma own end of the story, too."

Oyphcr had very ftTpltf.ltiT Ba°^<^

tn the breexe; A httiubar of ijod alwut, invitingly ffll!'

iLis dinner hour, after tho^formal Eng ^ llah fashion, nowher* and by nobody^ more rigidly obsenred than" by the

tune to^^^^^gj; KagiUhmsn In thft Orlcht; "elghtjor Btiitfi wnff^TMi.-^-^^>^^^^^;tT.•^he had said. And-ta

iocted..jte^J|P(i dllPgffd ^ ° ^ * 1 ^ ^

After five minutaa he frowned thitimhtf'T"! -""L!*! *: riyretta. _ _

-A complete'liourae m Pen ' " rtilUBUth " • •


.foprngftnta^-AP^~a8set which

(To Be Continued^)


...._^_ Mrl.; "^ -—T^ T ~ " ' S S S ^ t — c h o e e to give half Of what "Wit. And why T Tla a lantt 0^ faH |>, faad -tp the reatoraUon. of the Pool I "ZZMI^ fnr a sampan on the lower

ot Flame to the BtiadSa IrOin Which « ^^- thePoonah's peaseh^eT^ . _ . _ - „ - -*^i^- !»«• 1^ •««. ^ ^ , 1 ^ ^ ^^ iHMl a roundjhrpe^uar-

Irepute for ollmate~and beautir.'*^ , QJ ^XKSSM W wm *»«»»»—• *•'>'— "Ah, b « I UvaJa Bar*ah. you s e * y,^ originally atplaa. But h » too.

» ao hav* aftmt Tft kBgw Itr far tod Weil. X BW Uiii's-thi way wiHi all « M^latea. isn't it—a» hata their hjomas ISO far tssm> home?^ _

gA jar f iya ttrf t h e n T M l i i "^J^

^ - <i nrrtfiBii liM my Klsmeflo

little <^oice. , l t

{forever an#^fc^day. Ton see. m^only ffeen^ my 'itorever ai living relative la aa pnde/ Mr. Liuaa

*lghWhlrty," he had saM. p'Rourke,. a very dignified and Impos^ ing O'Ronrke In his eve^ilag- dress,

4era for an hour for leeways-ample W ;

4uwne Dyphei, aud hs't gOt ao oM' «lae to keep houso^f(»- him." '

T«nsdowne Sypher . . !" ' ' " Iwcaag^to^^^

.fyuiM'ii! 11'

| Ipa"bef^ ha oboid rMtraln C >nr«« p^^rewfagwltlmT-He^tha^

^ m l o ^ ^ o n j^^ua^k«a^-^fcnuft—^Aaeaak^MfcL^

[ "SoUoltoM, are I they not? |yp; tls me misfortune not to know fBHi Mai ^^ iwt' a Naai >e hesrdS

!• /•

S w tor a g IntereitM UUPWllUn o* that part of Rangood lying between th* floating Jetty and Sypher's resl-

tn a iiiittiirti i i f»> TWI'^QMI^

•Five years ago two ^^"^I^J^^ 1 had only two years to Uve. TWS startling stotement was made by Still-S^Grlen, Malachite, Col. "TheytoW mol wfnikt dift witjl c jMumption. It WM up to me then tol^Tffi^ medicmeand tbeaan to «»« l^-Kj^f • -Mew Discovefy. I t Wrt.wjpn I did, fpr

every young manor womanentmng upon a buainess rareftr ahpuld p o s s ^ I Will gladly, ^ve information to any wfeo are mterested-mPemnanship. ' ^ ^ HARRIS,


todav I am workiug and bslisve 1 o»^

vi^».a,^_»,, „ Instru with OTlourke's belongings to sultablt

"f^l^ TthTl atTroat- a.<t lu glT rhg~PriUte cure that has cheated the 8 » ' e ' ^ i 1 . — — - - — -another victim.'* Its fo«y to mffer wltii coughs, colds or other throat.itfig ^ U o J b l e s n ^ j T TO^tfeecogathat^l

bottle free at dldnxggwit. ^^^^IT

l^otel on the Strand, overlooking the roadstead; from whoae windows OXouxka was pron^slng * rlaasura' nf •rrTiT"**''|f ** the ateaxnahip bearing hla wife to hla



scrofula, plmplos, rariiea, e*fv5."fJJJ« to impure blood. Burdock Btood-Bittera is a deansing bipod, tonic. Makes you

"^Sf-ftralued, dwu^skiuued.

r ni nxss



Tha •enlal natma ol the Xziahmaa. Mkicli had inaenalbly wanned to tha klrl'a charm, withdrisw abruptly, tor-tolie-Uke, into a shell of reearve. The

.«. TiJ-___* ^ —^-^^ ice had again en-

rBleaa her dear face!- aald ^e soft-lyl •^"hp.inea^.'wte b^^aaOlated if pAa'a dot aiioard that Moaaagerlea boat AvM, tomofrow-Hibw that I c « i go

I Mil T PNf TEN1

luiigsi a paupgi ui i*wea^y^^ of that, ye lucky dog!"

A-aampan slid noisaleaaly In^beaide the grating. OnEtourke let hiasaelf ean-. tioualy Into It and inoontinenlly ooV

aUfl away V w a f i thd ^ e a a JIflPhta



a Scouringj ^SB

Allei h i ^ and Repiriijng Ncyt t^ PoniB

7^ip«> work a Specialty. Fancy and Eve ^ ^ CleaneT^ In connection vw i> Jf'yJgLI^i'gg d i ^ a tot class iiress Maklfe EBU^^^ , . 1 ^ " ^ f.i mill liiiliTini T"'^r*V <= —"-* /. H ini will ha givi

• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ° ^ IMVErTTCRBI T^.v* Bnildiny, p^t to Victor Hotel, Manawa^L^^

ytrtding to ta* vlgorooriwr long jjar wiieia^d by the Bur-

mairin the bows. . ; !Aahoi«, ja ttkkaShhrrrpeanght hiin

SottctUH NcmMeit Atlqqrtcd JMlliiiiMi

Scientific Hoosecleaniiig and Regpairiiig. Wo his% mns%

that 'Winda between the Strtad^and the rtvefa edge, than whipped^ Mogul'•dffWtn ' wmue las sunrt-^tiew nf Hfii ran broad snd 4bpp ftaneath a glare of UgET

AU ioQ qulckljr the tflcka whisked

stratgeaaa w h e r ^ ' he migirt; oonr aa many poaalbla nttea^^iiupav

^gt^^i«g the a a a tetenuy, na —w a atraaaa •!»•*• of paUW «>>or^l>

' pnTftf jke main dbinnsl of U w n g g ^



Tgward th^-h fniHiwiai a^r iha^ueJMih dioppadTchor in thn

nir Hanynen: and wlta-ow her In tha

SaaeaafTtert her,. Ds Ryaraa I^aaent In their van, lYBnnTira aaoBg

ihi p^np more auperptltlooa thjftJi^^ ^.w t«»' rpu wllllng"«r

eeen^ttdBg salMi-

c. W. C K i

-Tg-i-r- - * n B K r r m , U 7 7 i « f : H j >

1 will BLACK J!irOUIl atOVjBO aud . T ,r :. A. IwiH IHaAUIL-lUUJ. aimjw Ohetti'a haHriid Qw WHITEWASnYOUR CKJAfc

tdmpel,-and into the soft. ^ -»^ • • •• 1_

glad the tamrs o«c ac " V

^TTA^ ^ — ^ to raoellaot h^aaeB aa jsna eomteg^oat oC « atate «( atnp

Ha atood

-4h» dered aill.-Blir Ida diaapAa i H^waa ihcrsdlhie^ H Be took ssind .whatevar


hntteaed thjt poeaaa oK^lOi

ha isid iTiaply.

glowlaa windaiwa; sad,^s# too it awnng off fjnm-^tha

hiakway teto arprtvatadrlvv, over gravel and ^bomped before the

SiKcffsorsfaf I W ji^ . •» ' - -i

paUft . . i i_

Vnnr Ihitransiie SoUdted »ve lis a Ti

and Linoleomil Fictorea.

lapalr and UphuSuir FttfulUuo^

. f«^ * . « « - tfa^ street to t h t Tap "moaaer taaaa lor yaw, rti


OMAPTCnXXXk . • • /

Baek tn hte atotoroops on the Fo» Tliera were tikkagharriea waiting; vah. Oltonrka thrsrw hlmaell^pto thf

and wlthovt^a. bre^l^a delay the'ad= i-iorw»ar haith and lay tlWH. » yorooyj! . ^ . 4 ^ . ^ . * .n<i Kia aArv«nf Aifmh*<i i n t n • « • a ^ w ^ M a even , th inking ea»

Sslow OTMuks SHi duwn.

Paint your l^oae inaide UMT oat^ Will TtS^Tf *»^ g * ^ "L** Cmw

taipa, and Paper yooT;

jdrlver and ,_ ,^ , puBsled to find no one waiting to wel-XifSlli UlUi, wiiaQief ftT^wrr —uL ai at wee

B a t nobody

riyti^rar aPd his. Servant climbed into a>a neare* ^ ~ ^

In tnmt of a atructurs of atoao and

to taa Strand wttkant sv« for ths spoOaai

hfaa Danny waa packing l»

paaaa during wUdh ha. wooM etaad

. , „ . , . . „ Tba grating tiite of the aeparilnir tlkkaghartr had made wdae ^Oaoti to apsaiae'the hooaaluM <rf the arrival of a _ Nevertbeieas OlUrar^ ranoOned int«eted.


SPBCIALTY. # S | ^ ^

_ I « n | a 2 z . n ^ L ^ ^ t , ^ ^ ^ ^ and everyone u axperc m vamt una.

TAfMB T ^ M f i n a a i

•J P iJ* '

firtkiales iMi'sliort'


^Jtef^wmUcdltCsrtMAttiitlsa P.O/UlBlHtMWt


CaB or drop card to


IT SMU I t e ilaea aad

ot M4

iigat mr


We have moved our4ce»-\LJjl' SPEOAin

ttwbmidii comor of West and Soath streets, nfiar the Soiithem

Pnnny nt Ing to ehosa nm. aimaal-XlL-SL WttOr Ho wan anadrad ohMVi sff t fooad htmaalt ia n tatter a^

-fter girt

He dod«ed Into the taO^g,

Week GuatMitoad

WhCD in WSfiA "f anythinff in ' Flahei^a my Kneca&on me


hag ths wfldMt Mr. Lanadoww


Siai l i s • > •^--"IHHT Iff- "Tan-

jr Madam O'ngaraaw^or. Did ya gat •a wort troM aerr'

r f i ^ m a CriTiBf » every hotel in tha-t0wn after leav-

Ton are wlthla yaw tliB^ 1^^ v^ Mr. Sypher. Danny, bat to InqaAro


Re laagb«I aad went to gowa, adJutUng the wooden ahadpa la

~iiieh i mamK ' "" ^

tryat Tla

and no portion of «»• jroom ^ „ ^ ^7e te taB karjwcr Tialhle to anyone apyiaa nimiihs mX ss^ "f flow to^ana of theadjaoaat ,.Z^^^ ^ ^ r Tha ha tww« * " •-";^ i n •gM aerJQp «lir fW 9» w »

aoltly lighted by Ian aat fmaa tt .reof, waa to him a eaalB la a waf)d areackneaa Wftk-aat advloe ha waa laat. ooold find hia way aa ^Oipr where, g^wofld h va

wait nstll

i ^ € L £ S ARf RBPAIRS -


^ed a new )p fA the

_- -./building on 6c., Manassas, Va.=

tind_ tol^^ork of all T

- inAN FUfgg AVi

^ Kvaya Claar /VWava ReiiaUe


JOLP lbs

. . . — . — ^^ m tpncnan^m.

Hi tiiaa o f i l a aMHty hy^applar a

owest Pricas of OM^ Tear in -asTi

•mm A *

Meadow^V icaf >OaltiyYJ



• - "f <

r .• I .,.;ff7r.r'TW' x=-=: ' T f f g T l

.,j;^satH qj^^i^o-^u .^ ' i ' i i ' .u i i i .-2.,.j._,i., »y,'ji'ii'"i,i^j,Hft.Lj,^ ^

BaaaHKsisawiiB imp^jfeg^-r'"! -"'" f i >

I ' I I I I I I I

T C - K -

VlHGiNlA: intlie Ci«rk'a office of th« CircoH. C&urt of Prince WniUtfnCoutjjty, ^^jj^^Z^

% % a r t m e n t . The Moody

a»t^ nf A;^iyy°>

of BJvan-Btl>I« la^



tsHQV T E X T - M « r k 2 ^ a • tt f ssM


but ^ i m w * " Mfcra^dt,

j^j^rtbew.-whO caUs himself .by i . j S ^ X ^ : ' " '»>•.•«• ^ " • ' "the pnblluau." ' — • — —

vif•> owtmtjainaiija. y%

^?;5^jP««19& WM P«a«on, nw wl f« ;^amea Peanon and - — P«ar»on, his wife; Charles

wile; Amoa Peareon; David Pear-'"Peayqii, t^jy

Auiljeir"m3^n, and • aon, hi* wife; M^«. Luther P«ar-

irfclow of Luthar Faanoa. * I?^,?,' * " • '^^- I*«»« »ot». widow

of Wm. Pearaon, deed; Benja­min Pearaon; Henry Pearaon; JohnCarter, widower of Mrs. John

wwowaroi Matilda v o m w w , ( , ^ da-ceased; Ernest Com well: Lucy QornWalf; Mary Cornwatli *^ Wr Carter, widower of Ura. J W CMXXMX. deceased; Bessie Richie; •ad John Kichre, her husband;

- . ? , ' ' ' • Carter, - Roupie Carter; '—Lriiltan Caitar; Clara Grayei.


John -Mar

her husband A. Marshall

mnr ' LUliacCKlrlariu^

husband; Mrs.

Clara Graves


Read The Proof; Former U. S. Postmastej

MORGAN . • • M' B e . ».Bl^ffa —I- -


OeaUeuion:—My Dtece •Qllered for many yean With a truublo pronooiMed^y her phyHicans aa Vrto Add HneawatUiB. and'aiUiovrh 1M (rwataS bar. sh^ never ottialoed reUef,

Beln« weU avqaalnted wliii M1I.AM and kBow^aa ti-had beun uaed aucottssfally very freqnently In daatlar eaaea. I detemlnaif ta pnt her on AX. BM'

vv* ->. taaa iAx bottloA Witt] the ha|tpie&l results. I-fefiur4 Bcraa bc^ng entirely ruliered. and will always tafca

' I wiwiiitim iMiisia ai nnf aita iti

oppfobrloui title of esentfl that 6lass of graft4ng

wpo through, all ftSM h*vff pa-ex%.

.Hfted4h» go^*" ranHnal PQtpy sL )lltlci«nf vlt , "the t^o*loaves «uid

mentsl. Patriotism and senre tne VeBgaT fur pregcr-JBuUai still, howT

Matthew I* a type of conversion hat be left all and followed Jesus. weePlHB* but rothsr gaeat reioioing

• - record of be had

at .once upon Jesus'

he made » *•»»*; no it convlctiqn, though.

jugh to act Jt.

but what vast remits were In-e(L First a demonstration upon part,, secondly Tr demonstration

I fh» part of Jesus, and IftBtlr S rd of tbe life of the Maator that

l -med the most important wrtttonr TihrnnftinrriTly

Tha object of the above styled suit is to parti-«»oh amonrat the parties entitled Uiereto the real estat* containing about 76 acres, of which John * A p f f f l y ' ^ g ' ^ " ' ' ^ latiarf anrl possensd. tocat4>d iROccotnAui District. Prinoa WiUiam Co.. V r , and 1n.the e««Bt the saihjr ta not divisible in kind that «he same be sold and the proceeds dl vided amongg' ' - -

the infants to be held as directed by statute in si irhrajff TTTdji mrj jumrirtari; sad ths sppniat gaaea

.of a I J?^ t of a guardian Mir litanv *< R4les,J» defend the mttrest of said Infant Sa/endahta. And, it appearing by affidavit fllgd, according to law that Isaac Pearyn and Pearyin. hiawiff,. irrp nnt

'"">••'•.'" ^^ "*'*. It U uwwfgwawiwatm the said laaac Pearson and — Pearaon, his wife, do appear within fifteen days after due publica­tion of this Older, in the clerk's office of our said circuit court, an(L4o what is necessary to protect their interest. And it is further ordered thatthis **?S*J"J"^ .""*"-*• PMPocrat. a newapwer gubHahed aod ciretdatina tn said coimlyof Princ*

J. E; B£RRELL. Clerk. Mar21-Aprft 11 .. ' "

xruuutBT 0: T. BAKKStMOa

Toefa tralr,

OannUe.^Va.. J a ly 18. lj)lo!

,wwv inri l l ieo^ matiam, ^ M ' ^ ^ " '

ASoniflre weeks a<oI wuHjaduved t o ^ ^ e Milan f o r lUa liytrrH.yat>«i fij^a t^f lum, { ^ . W h U i i l X had spent over tS.OOQ for .all known reuiedigs and tried many dociurs. wont to Uot Hrrincs. bat re-

taHEdwiaeHaf have been a suSerer.'eaok^tirlnfr I have been In bed and Incapltaved(or work gntll thlssprlng. which. | iws'^^wetuMaj; Hitnu Umiu " nesa.. feel tine, splendid appetite, and feel oooSdt that I will be a cured maa from rheumatism.

1 wia.h to say that Milam has done all yoa olaUnlt Wll| d o i n Tn|7 ,>««.. . » / • < > , anrt I Irv>k f n r w i . y l to. m. aptindy rweu ery, aud woahl uut lakw a»w amount of Uia priceof tiw me4h>lB« tsa VjhatltJuA done f<» me ao Car.

Tours Tery truly, ; C. B. WADa Buslneaa. <Sot. Church and Lee Streets

~ ^ ^


Farms and Town Property

4^rft insiua /

Georgia Home insurance Company ^ - - ^ _


Hew Mol|ne ap^ Thomhtl) VWagok>s, Hubipr • E

and Jlireshers. and ; lliomas UrilW

- 1


lark 's Standard Varieties ^^^^uarariteed :.

• - - — — « » • • —

Five Per Cent Money

beeiL n srer

l^gaoa. follows th»t of last pugday. _ e's account we are told ot the Matthew prepared that ha a^ht


VlV^HNIAf In the Clerk'a Offlce of the Cirealt * Court of Prince William Coon^, in vaeattoD.

.ihi»S«»enthJlairafMatch.- - " « » « » . Kile Wiuuim, flewij w



WUliaras: 8. Williams, his

flomiT-beltaTa U^t {Si{;>^,j>gg^fegw^^^ band of Uda Caonar: Lottie WO. becan his work hy trying to .win

Slid that, [act, he turns to

wmmmtm reoaivipg him

outside of. eUileef th e serthaa and the pharl

df that aa It Biay, we know murmured gi«otl]r that thia rabbi

cohidft wiin iiwamusiis 'era.- : • '

m nims te gill Wnntrii

leitii hears ot their eopiiplatnt and fsply hr'W~MW—SI* ""ea-"- ir^ny -ann HO. >Th«y that are whole hava

himii nf f uhjsluiau but ther-^at

•Dd flOML WmiaiDBi llanr Ann Darts. adXoU Cooper, eemplaliumta.

! ^

<i. WUiiMBs; Norn B. Davit, and Hookej Darts, iMrkasbud: Fnuk M, Wffli aBs. aad Anaie^ WUUma, his wife; MOrm 9. Aadeisoii. aud John F. AadersoD. her husband; W. a Wniisima, Jr.: EL Uams. and Erslyn Wll

F. EtawhB# luuibaad. beth W •DdJi d«fBndsBt>7

Gone'. I was a rreat sufferer frmn Rheumatism and da-

ILAM7 I boxwht alx botUea. and am elded to try M I L A M : BOW on my fourth bot-tie. I can trntJifnU^^w

,ri have never (akea medicine t h a t (laa

me a* much lood. Hy TUtenmaUsm Is en-

•ICK. T "wtrdo-yoir

[right and these he all wrong, why not let me miniator to thOaa that mer* At the aame time Jeaoa

MbeafcaaafriaiOaa iajrlngs, t capia not to caU

1SS£ cfaooaea igna^or-thalr^flira so-

ratcasts ts wrU4 Uis uuljr dla^ Hebrew account of hki IKo: one

Isithftil fa 0 l";j])g* to ba a' liiifleir w^it Mtttoi^fti

ponnnn a aivtstoB ox


idhi eertain real estate between^

liM bfirs at law of Mary F. WUUams. deceased.

aad topartitkm araonsst the parties entitled there­to the real estate of which Georse F. WOliama died sailed aad" assssiieJ. aud lu U i T s n t

and tbe proeoeds thereof .be dlrtdad amount tbe " Miereto; that in the enaiH thi

estate ia partttkmad In Uod that a snAdent amooBt of timber majr be cut and rsmoved front that norttoa to which th« btfaat defendants at* ODtitMd to for their maintoBanoe and support, and forawMralreBef. And itjuppeailngvlnr afBdartt

M g i M ni^QP^

* ^

Hooker Darts; Ftank M. WOIiams sad Annie WB-Haals, his wife; Eliaabeth WiUiama; Annie M. DuBB. aiid JOBcr

t f a a j ^ Eppa H. Wffiiams; Hboksr Darts; FmA M.^^Uaaas and* Aavta ^^^ons, hia wife; E U ^

'Amnv-WUUaais; A Dtma, her husband, do^pear withinHftiwitdaya, after due poblicatian of this ovder, in the derlt's

willing to renouioe aU, aay totmhitlow md fnUnir him.


this, the dlaeiplea ot Jona Phariaeea aro 'Raprtat aad <rf t h e


hii rgply la i putmsOy toifiaal: ^i^juth^ttmt^^ ixss-"Why them?" 'a>o yoa fhat at your

war rft 4osgiM»>t aanara ha ^ r y #ho#

wlia tn order that

Mietaaiple? -If ao. let na ba anra

r The da)r ia^tS aoma a* U t t H »>«a sysyr Shan ba tlmaa toir fOtiag.

sanr to protact^bsli. lat ^miered that this osdsf

And it la farther

Lion, for complainants.

tba bridegroom rkieera

• ' • • c.T TnoaaoaerOTiinainva a^Uraree br the eomplaiaaBt ttam tbe defendaat tLm£aaaMJbaaL»aAMJ^..srsiSL!^^[lS^ riSVSrmt^atiS^tEalMBaa of matrfaaowrnf BScnre temporary altmosr pendina this feattaad pannanent aUmooy for tbe soppcMrt aad maiBt)».

nee of compiatnant and her Infant dansfator, [naRobhison.aadtb*ttMeaWMnBwniBdj«»aald


No. atOxaasei for r -



at MaiiMisas


exc«pt RmiriaatntLiaev ^ 4 U aad Sfehmond.

final WashiBftonvto: N a IS—DaQr tiuooafa

«*-4iMMasai ,S.MPwak.vinata» i i i i i M i i i e i i i t

iton to Washlaatoa, tJU a, m.

—«*<. «*iav>w w w K Bf|«*«i* «wwpi«ia«Bt and her


It tntm Ihi wnas gottrar

tr^famt he — r d e d tti i-tmplafaiant. and f o r g a ^ i»al reUaC. Aad It appeartoa braOdartt fflaS,

i uw,iiMiiewa*wpa*biiiraBit|i TCsldeet of this Stat% It te tbeiffore otdersd tta^ the said Ipuuics Robiasoa 4o.appear vltldaf^-

rdoa pobHcatioBof tids eaart.)

No. U4-Bxese« S lOrSO a. iB. fiMia Wa twlBtg-Ft

No.l l4-Dailr bozatoWa "


pURNITURE ^ POT .fSH I We AfHhowin^ Myles

Makes Old Thln^ New

For ypodw^Mrk, Furnitaire, Pianos,

1 ^ iftU AT WfiELi.'S niARNWr l O a f a i

4]4tethW VoM And ie^ Uimu well at the new and exe)]asiye fabrics. MaHe up your npnd to be really well dressed this year by liavjug us.inake yuu a maitrW' jwiup-own roessme; ' It will not

Home Bnildingt Monthly Payments '

' ^

J; L. KIBLER Democrat Office Manassas, Va.

mgp'y wftftrmg apnarel that " " ^**'*^**y-"***^^

Suits cut,Wi^^ made fttsa own cloth. Remodelling and all Irimfa,^


Located in the new Wenricli Bi Colter



Cv Sirg^to^s Vi. \


I wM staiiiuj Hew lljJfnulie'^Btih tiane mile aouAeastof Manassa y Va., on jSATUld^Al^

{Saturday linfil fiirtjigr^

Me.lO^DaUr Inaai. Cramps with & aXI.

tfu f r an Wa 400^ p. SOsO^B*

, _ No.44-DaB]rtiaaaah Middowfcat^te aadWaahlBKtoB,ft.aSp,


except Snadaar, at e n a a * | > « B C ft

Of JOhr diirtBa~xi^ thing Iheir perpleritiea fO Jeatta.

their qnaadOa as ;wa haw ud we are now ^ tbe day jit-

^ loni when there.ia a place for M Ta Mi r<f-

tb tbe wfne bottlas-ftoother "iFbieh- cunld hear but"

to procau dna wmjiam

of the wine), that wa are cfvtmres In him and nmat «U Ub and >ablta. We "are .aot

jattihwurlL ot ttA •wow

rn Tim w Physieisiir are two difllcoltiea than

J tms JiMPfti_Aat^ that Ja-l^lowship wif& thoaa

Mt of hte «inS» or aodal tof he waa a rabbi or

tot xmrt

aaldeoaBtrof 1

LMwfor Mar. &-Apr. 11

CommisskmM^^Sale of Val-RUrEWair' '"^

Parsnant tn a.llfftnrfif ffU


cVOW 4

k^JS p. Ob

WBtfTBOUMIK No. 4»-DBilr local fat r

Bwdtete pointa, MO a. m.

I Banteeebarri


o!'Mcifat6ffifrWeim the December torm of the Qrcnit Coqrt of PnACb William County, Va., Jthe unders HMd Special €(»a»i>sK»or will

Qa»-thoP atjoblic anrtkm in ^roptff^tfw Court of Prince Wimam

FMy«J i& ^ AprU, 1»2, at thehoorof Ifoop, » ce "* ^ **"!* and4ot-8ituatedLiaJbeTQfmofJ^

IK secondly, that he did no|_nOT tnr^actpl^ Obaerve faatlng. l<^

"VBOKEkr or hot hW rapl!

tha oom-reply waa, *1

'^""•pnrpoaa to call not tla the

' ^ he that of Hia

a Physidan. that hii aothority ia not

««t «r God. and that thla iiln-• *• brtiig ju/i jaaui m a <mip

land in said cotmty, i^..,- . . . , land on which Jamaa W. ICclBtoah bved, attd wMch la now uwupiad by Ma dauT ter. Miss Einma J. ifelntoafa, being a two story frame dwelling and jMlimMiBigi, uuiaig UU w ing aboot

lul uwaii one iMgr<t,ba tl>e Jamfi mora. . ^

Teima ef-Sal»< will he mads on the following terms, one third cash and the residue in twoequiJ »««! -*?5?*»

Trains Noa. 218. tl7 aad U ia < Maia Une frains Noa.»aadlM aodOiaaaoaSsjAfsid s w i l i i t s s y j n aNrii tbwii^b GoraoofrtB* aad G. * O.

vase Psii lJiBj mi Qm


VntOINIA: la tho .Oerk's • eoarte^Prtaea:


<> B;,a-..T'

inatallm^ts, payable J««Pe«£jeg;, JL„ six and twelve aontha from tbe di^ JT

_ ^ , . . ^ ^ „«« .wUe Uie credit inetalhnents fn la * ^ that }U might oome and levidenced by notes of the P««2«^ ^ ^M to l^^^r^Sl^ITw^M I with six percentnm per annum mtorest

tlSM «non ofs&16 BddfKl,

leBitsianriiii •SfHritt ^Tha laiarflf tiiajteaf »rrt^ navmerttS unflT laauS Bf JlvTsarW *H T»«

tae Whole poi i^iCesnniii


..^ Itnrsystem •* - « . ^ f f rtlll-nhs pesfhsta . . „

*<^ thsa a good man or even Special Commisa»os*er. ^ he ia tha ere^ Pfcyalciayr T; James E. HeneTI. Clerhrf J J l S ! :

Vtb body aad aonl. a cnit Coort of Trface wnni^^CwB«iy. do certify t h a t t h a b o j d r e ^ ^

-.—ji *>»* deMae ahofw lafaiiad ta, haa been aavad,

- »»y Bttst realtae they are * we oannot aavaithoae wh» •^ ««kaowiedge


sw*i EimiTr alies I A M 7 SpKxar; Odic

aa infant under t l -TtBBHiy Wbeatow,

•21 y e a n of age; iSOB BisaOwiab;

rB«tO« Covey; Walk-acca Maakrn. the at law of Thosnaa


at l r«oa.;4irarrinc. de-,aad th«M)Bl of PeyaxLvWarrtna,

- M ^ ^ E : W R l T f - T

, s \ \ \

j j l r f tu i t i s toha^* .

j^COTn^Twaecerta ln aJ iia mmt wrirtnM^njiitMdA HOtete m tiie

Fsbniary. ISU. as^the lart wUl aad ' ^ • " • " ' A " Cyras Warrtec. * * » - ^ J«-«L'/iL!?^^£^JS^ ^ e w4a aad aseMMeatef tbaaaad Cyras warrinK, jiriT—' that the said probata be aet asMe. J h ^ fbesaid paper be decided " ^ dscrjed i>J: tb ba t ^ ^Bt will aad teetaaieat of tbe said Cyrbswa^ YSm^ZammS^^JaJs^nmralr^M. And it ap-Btartas, by aftdartfllW arcordbw to law; «wt S S e C e v a y . aad Rebecca Malikia ars no«r»»-SSS^oftMi state, and that tte beira at law of

%!D aava (1 hia


that tha^payw aad the elder

-tmr irr^P*^>t»blj not, we do not *I »-Il!T ^'^^ * appllea. Tha nrSy«>tlng thoaa loot poa-


'^Sven onder my hsad tWa SSd dsy of

^ J . U . H E R R K L L , C l e t l . aieheiTa atbm of John Warriaa. ijuknowB. and that tbe b ^ a at **• ?• . .

aiW«n «»maa mo« lik.lT to «"; lS^'- trSS:dS;U~J?SiJSS arriaa. 3«c**ieff:TH>a-TJ»r

at law of Pmyxrm Wamrir. dereas«l. do av e a s e s that are Ol t e n con tracing *.)«=" ...Uxm fifteen <laj« alter du* pubhcaoonof

, t h e Chfld haa . ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ , ^ ^ . ' U ^ ^ / r ^ d U>arth.. o„ier be pub.

•V Uabad oocea week for f< Chambertain'

bade- and


!.^ J^? l

BEIORE^efect ing a typewri te ; to Inspect this new model I t

Ugbest produet of the ter


i owe it to your i thelatestc


hoopipg''''^"g^ diphtheria, warr^. and consumption are dia-. ^°^J'y

often contracted when scarlet fever, and consumption


For the quick care of coida y w will li.-U - . . I ^K«4^«» A a * Chambertama nothing better Aaa Cough Remedy. It can always pendied upon and is pleasant and aafe ^ ^ j i t o o i a a d

"gn iiHllcar' '1—MK ti"" Swc>.i

oar sacceaal** • « » • W a newapaporpabUsbsd


eiif coRtmuouapaBcy The new Model Five b»dudes trery practical deHctamd

t s tnnsnd patrgcrfhnsghfaamac ^ , ^ „ diiWhtsdwItb Its compact t'T"*!^'??*- t ^ <i»bBattffl perfectly frac-namlnO to dimiaatc all play — '

i by tbe ben. tooch anid saappy actiocf which < Aal

ventef i l i a r d l o i 'ffifc' TIMQB )

a la waboot aa aeusL


— % •*!

, 1