bank full s dr pierces - university of...

I L 1- J < p A- LL E I r OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1909 oX 1t p kc V 4 1L BOBIXSOX PresUeBt 1 N4 BUTCH Kgsr J C BOOZER Aid Maam 111I CBBO7 BM TCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL BANK t OCALA FLA- t L THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK re tie wercaamts the professional and successful men and women of I 1M dty tke farmers of tke surrounding territory- We aecosaatodate all classes Our customers represent the men and frotjMB wko hare built sad are stU building successful enterprises We solicit a stare of yonr Business THE FURNITURE HOUSE tIdVEIMaCKA- ICARRIES A LARGE MODERN AND COMPLETE STO- OIFURNITURE OF Pifi It AND i HIUSE FURNISHINGS I ALL KINDS the lily hue ii Ceitril Fltrtta feat CMlelety J Finishes to Ie Curies at all Tines the Latest aid- a Ii Fmfture leetfif up with the lines aid Josl What to Petffc Wait Uw carries a Ctaptete Hie t I Bailters aid Shell IiWve Carriages Waf ras links Baraess Sallies Etc INk sver tir Stock ail tel Mr prices before yot lIMe lily prchases Ytirs Jtespec- tfillyMclVER < I MAcKAYO- cala Florida BE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CO- W are prep red to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturer of cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon btokt and all kinda of paving material We employ skilled workmen and ur metta ia to please Temporary quarters phone 256 JAMES R MOORHEAD MGR4- QI44 444t < t l ROLLINS COLLEGE I i FLORIDAS OLD EST COLLEGE COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION Lr BBBBBBBb BBBBBBBL i I a BBBB- BrW a NDUSTRIALARTS AND OMESTlrND Carnegie Hall and third r na dormitory now completed electric J MffhtB steam and furnace he1 large faculty perfect health condi HOB fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links baseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida in 1909 J w Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for CIA1ACTE1 CULTURE CONDUCT For Catalogue Address the President A Warn F Blackman Ph D Winter Park FIL- MY o DAVID L WOODROW WM J SHERIDAN Phona 165 Phone 139 k WOODIIR SAND STONE COMPANYOF- FICE IN HOLDER BLO CK OCALA FLORIDA CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND We have a stone crusher at work in Ocala and are prepared to do all kinds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement HO Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make Blocks for Foundations for house work which look better than brick and ar cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on A C L Railroad Track North of rodry- L r 1 1 It SI e I et et4 4+ t e + + It 9 O<< + >> oo PARK HOTELJac- ksonville i Fla European Plan Rates 1 per day and up Rathskeller and Cafe in Connectio- nE P THAGGARD MANAGER I o fRf MEATS AND VEGETABLES V Watern Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef I Mutton Armours Star Ham Armour Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets 1 Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W EDWARDS Phone 108 City Market r U J J s WINDSOR HOTEL JACISiRVUirS FWEST Alii FLOBIJAS LAMEST art REST YEA1 BtUNl HOTEL Isles 13 per Pay ul Upwards Aaericaa Pin THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor c W do 1 J r1 J f 4- I 1 sr i f PAID IN FULL I Novelized From Eugene Walters Great Play 8y JOHN W HARDING I Cc7riii l5C5tyG17 Iiiiaialhaa C I Then you wont do ItT he cried angrily You wont come to the front- I suppose you dont think I ought to ask Why shouldnt I Who did I steal the money for I did it because you made me Thats a lie You know its the truth When I married you your father was to help me and he died and then you had to- do your own work and you whined and complained Thats another lie Ob you never said so in so many words but I saw Utor four years around the house I saw you sighing I and moping because you didnt have enough to live on Then there were I that mother of yours and your sister they never stopped You tried to make yourself a martyr Every moment of your life was a mute protest against- our poverty yes it was and you know- It Do you remember that night when you said you couldnt go to the theater because you didnt have clothes That was the first time I took money Thats when I began You knew I wouldnt have gone if I had known But you did goyou kept on go- Ing and I kept on stealing for you God how Ive suffered for you for the clothes on your back Every night has been a nightmare Now Im going- to Jail you know that Im going up there on the river for years because- you wont do your part- I cant do what you want He became satantically persuasive againWhy cant you he urged Other women have for less reasonone to get control of a transcontinental railroad for her husband Ive risked every- thing ¬ I for you If you go there tonight I wont go to Jail I wont be hauled Into court no one will know but the three of us No one will think the less of you Ive gone through to the limit for you Its up to you to ga through- for me Then If you go to Jail youmean that Ive sent you there Yes and down In your heart you know you have Every Instinct of her pure woman ¬ hood every fiber of her flesh revolted at this cynical exhibition of his vile- ness She contemplated him with loathing- Now that I see you naked In nil your nasty meanness your contempti- ble ¬ vicIousness I wonder how I ever made the mistake of thinking you even half a man she said This scathing denunciation made no Impression on his deadened sense of honor and decency Yon cant dodge the responsibility- with fine speeches hereplied shrug- ging ¬ his shoulders Ive gone wrong for you What are you going to do Be square with me and take this chancean easy chance and you know youre safe She did not answer but stood there her face set In its expression of abhor- rence ¬ and Indignation deliberating as to the best course to pursue toward this unspeakable villain to whom she was bound and who watched her with anxious cringing mien She addressed him finally in cold I harsh tones Whatever I may do or promise to do I promise simply because you blame me- Emma I knew youd Dont make the mistake that I care for you Whatever I felt for you and- I thought It was love youve nssassl L- I I 1 R You can make him give us inonty nated in the last ten minutes But I dont want you to go to jail pointing a finger of accusation at me Then youll be square youll help youll You understand that if I bargain with Captain Williams for your free ¬ dom I make the bargain- I know Ill never ask It will be my business alone Yes just yours- Is he home Yes I think so He said he was going there Telephone and ask him if be can see menowalone- He jumped to the Instrument but as his hand grasped the receiver lie hesi- tated ¬ and a flush suffused his white drawn cheeks brought there by the first true consciousness of the enor- mity ¬ of his crime HP looked around Ye CoL r gnflt11 j at his wife She was standing rigid her back toward him He toot down the receive- rSevensixeightfour Bryant he called Continued Tomorrow ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION- And Proposed Charter of Day Rem- edy ¬ I Company- The undersigned intending and proposing to organize a corporation- under the general laws of Florida relating to corporations for profit I hereby make and publish the fol- lowing ¬ articles of incorporation and proposed charter I The name of the corporation shall be Day Remedy Company and its principal place of business shall be at Ocala Florida II The general nature of the busi- ness ¬ to be transacted shall be to manufacture and sell patent medi- cines ¬ and keep and maintain a lab- oratory ¬ I for the production and manufacture and compounding of the same and keep and own such property and effects as are incident- to such business III The amount of capital stock au ¬ thorized is twenty thousand dollars which will be divided into two hun ¬ dred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each and will be paid in upon the following terms viz Ten thousand dollars or one half of the capital stock win be paid- in by a conveyance of all of the property and effects of the Day Remedy Company a copartnership composed of the incorporators con- sisting ¬ of a line of patent medicines all tools fixtures and parts includ- ing ¬ unmixed drugs and compounds- now belonging to said copartner- ship ¬ whether in stock or transit and all labels trade marks car ¬ toons and articles of dress of said medicines now belonging to said copartnership the just and true valuation of which is hereby fixed by the incorporators at the sum of- ten thousand dollars the remain ¬ der of said capital stock shall be paid in cash either in full at the time of sale thereof or upon in- stallments ¬ of ten per cent cash and the remaining ninety per cent in installments of ten per cent of the amount of capital stock subscribed When said stock is issued it shall be fully paid and nonassessable IV The corporation shall exist for qf period of fifty years- V The business of the company shall be conducted by a president and vice president and a secretary and treasurer which last named office may be united and held by one per ¬ son and a board of not less than three nor more than ten directors These officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stock hold- ers ¬ and directors on the first Tues ¬ day in November of each year The names of the officers who are to conduct the busines of the company until those elected at the first elec- tion ¬ shall be qualified are Walter H Day president E G Linder secretary and treasurer and T L Dekle vice president- VI The highest amount of indebted- nes or liability to which the corpor A Lazy Liver May be only a tired liver or a starved liver It would be a stupid as well aI savage thing to beat a weary or starved man because he lagged In his work So In treating the lagging torpid liver it Ii a great mistake to lash It with strong drastic drugs A torpid liver is but an Indication of anillnourished enfeebled body whose organs are weary with over work Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition Put them in working order and see how quickly your liver will become active Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of liver trouble by its wonderful control of the organs of digestion and nutrition It re stores the normal activity of the stomach Increases the secretions of the bloodmak ¬ Ing glands cleanses the system from poi- sonous accumulations and so relieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon It by the defection of other organs- If you hive bitter or bad taste In the morn tag poor orfariable appetite coated tongue foul breath constipated or Irregular bowel feel weak easllx oespondent frequent headaches pain r dlstres in small of back gnawing or distressed teenog In stomach perhaps nausea urts1ngs In throat after eating and klnbral symptoms of weak stomach and torpid llr 4 no tne l- clnem relieve you more promptly or cure m morE Doctor flerceJ- Opjden Medical Discovery Perhaps cult a part of the above symptoms will be present at one time and yet point to torpid liver or biliousness and weak stomach TOld all hot bread and biscuits griddle cakes and other Indigestible food rood take the Golden Medical Discovery regularly and stick toiLs use until you are vigorous and strong The Discovery Is nonsecret nonalco- holic Is a glycerlc extract of native medici- nal ¬ roots with a full list of Its ingredients printed on each bottlewrapper and attested under oath Its ingredients are endorsed and extolled by the most eminent medical writers of the age and are recommended to cure the diseases for wbicn It is adrlscd Dont accept a substitute of unknown composition for this nonsecret znicia or KSOWS coxpoarnojr L ALEXANDER Practical CIRPEXTER AND BUILDER Carefui estimates m ae on all contract wqrk mves more and bet ¬ ter work for the money than ry other contractor in own FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE JILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder dieease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine ¬ Take it at once DC not risk having Brights Dis- ease or Diabetes There h nothing gained by delay SOc and tl00 Botflo itrS- OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS RJJii 0 n e < A SQUAREDEALI- s T assured you when you buy Dr Pierces family medicines for all the ingredients entering into them are printed on the bottle f t wrappers and these are attested under oath as being complete and correct You know just what are paying for and that the ingredients are gathered from Natures laboratory being selected from the most valuare native medicinal roots found growing in our American forests and while potent to cure are perfectly harm 1 1 lesseven to the most delicate women and children Not a drop of alcohol enters into their com r position R much better agent is used both for extracting and preserving the medici nal principles in them viz pure triple k refined glycerine This agent possesses in- trinsic medicinal properties of its own being m most vmlmablm antiseptic and antiferment nutritive and soothing demtmlcemt Glycerine plays an important part in Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery in the cure f of indigestion dyspepsia and weak stomach attended by sour heartburn foul coated poor appetite gnawing feeling in stomach biliousness and kb dred derangements of the stomach and bowels curing all the above distressing ailments the Golden Medical Discovery is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes as catarrh whether the nasal passages or of the stomach bowels or other organs Even in its ulcerative stages it will yield to this sovereign remedy if its use be persevered in In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal p it is well while taking the Golden Medical Discoveryforthe necessary constitutional treatment to cleanse the passages freely two or times a Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy This thorough course of treatment generally cures even the worst cases In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial throat and lung affections ce1t consumption the Golden Medical Discovery a most efficient remedy especially in those obstinate hangoncoughs and congestion of the bronchial mucous Discovery is not so good acute coughs arising from sudden colds nor must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stagesno medicine will do thatbut for all the obstinate coughs which if neglected or badly treated lead up to consumption it is the best medicine that can be taken To find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health and dis ¬ ease get the Common Sense Medical Adviserthe Peoples Schoolmaster in Medicinerevised and uptodate book of 1000 pageswhich treats of diseased conditions and the practical successful treat ¬ ment thereof Clothbound sent postpaid on receipt of 31 cents in onecent stamps to pay wet of wailing only Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y ation can at any time subject itself- is thirty thousand dollars VII The names and residences of the subscribers and the amount sub- scribed ¬ by each is as follows Walter H Day Ocala Florida 49 shares- E G Lindner Ocala Florida 49 I shares- T L Dekle Ocala Florida 2 shares- In witness whereof the incorpor ¬ ators have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this the twentyseventh day of September- A D 1909 Walter H Day seal- E G Linder seal- T L Dekle seal State of Florida County of Marion Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority Walter- H Day E G Linder and T L De ¬ kle to me well known to be the par ¬ ties named in and who subscribed- the foregoing articles of incorpora- tion ¬ and proposed charter and each acknowledged the execution of the same for the uses and purposes therein set forth and expressed Given under my hand and seal of office this the 2 < th day of Septem- ber ¬ 1909H M Hampton seal Notary Public State of Florida Mv commission expires August 31 1911 Notice of Application for Letters Patent Xotice is hereby given that on the 30th day of October 1909 the un ¬ dersigned will apply to the governor- of Florida at Tallahassee Florida- for Letters Patent upon the forego ¬ ing articles of incorporation and proposed charter Walter H Day- E G Linder- T L Dekle NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given that on Thursday October 7 1909 the following goods of the personal estate of H J Watkins will be sold in front of Judge Barksdales store in Dunnellon to the highest bidder 1 rifle 38 caliber Winchester 2 shotguns doublebarreled 1 shotgun singlebarrel 3 rifles 78 mantle black diamond 1 big Atell table 1 single wagon and harness 1 single open buggy and harness 1 saddle bags 2 bedsteads Iron 2 mattresses 1 pair coil springs 1 quilt 3 comforts 2 pillows 2 pair blankets 1 lamp 3 chairs 1 bake pan 1 bowl 1 sugar dish 1 glass spoon holder 2 pool tables and fixtures 1 gasolene tank 1 water cooler 2 swIng gasoline lamps 6 gasoline lamp globes- D G Watkins Administrator NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap- ter ¬ 4888 Laws of Florida Notice is hereby given that Peninsular Naval Stores company purchaser of tax certificates Nos 1179 1191 dated June 3th 1905 1147 dated July 9th 1S90 1S39 1SSO 1S41 1S44 dated Aug 3rd 1S91 1753 dated July 2nd 1S94 2S99 dated Dec 2nd 1S95 and 443 dated May 2nd 1SS7 and has filed said cer- tificates ¬ in my office and has made application for tax deed to issue in ac ¬ cordance with law Said certificates embrace the following described prop- erty ¬ situate in Marion county Florida towit nw 4 of nwU and oeM of sw 4 of sw4 and seU of se i of seH sec ¬ tion 26 and nw i of ney of nw i and eU of ne i of nwi and e i of netj of neli of nei section 34 and w of w1 of nw i of nw i except sw iof sw J of nwH of nw and n of w1 of wJh of nwy of nw > 4 and n of neU of se4 of se4 section 35 all in town ¬ ship 17 south range 26 east That said land being assessed at the date of the issuance of such certificates in the name of F M William W H Gatwcll S H Richmond E J White W E Rogers A C Russell and un- known ¬ Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law tax deed will issue thereon on the 30th day of September A D 1909 Witness my official signature and I seal this the 2Sth day of August A D 1909 S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla p 1- i p I MONTEZUMA HOTEL GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND Leading Commercial Hotel Rates 2 Per Day OWl Fterila r tr 1 Washington SeminaryNo- rth Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School for girls and young ladies Boarding partment strictly limited to Insure re fined home life Classes divided into small sections to secure personal In- struction ¬ Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages In Mu ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley Randolph Macon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap plication L D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT Principals UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE Gainesville Florida FOR WOMEN- An Institution of the First Rank sup- ported ¬ Tallahassee Florida tL by State and Federal Funds for Florida Young Men A College without a parallel Mn the Thorough Courses Leading to Degrees South offering degrees and diploma In the of B A B Sc M Sc- and following departments LL f A School of Liberal Arts f t 11 A School of Industrial Arts j In Arts and Sciences Agriculture IlL A School of Fine Arts 6 J II Chemical Civil Electrical and Me- chanical ¬ IV A School of Expression Engineering Law Normal V A School for Teachers School Graduate School Expenses Xo Tuition Other Expenses very low Exceedingly Low For Catalogue wrie For Information address A A MURPHREE A M LL D EDWARD CONRADI M A PHD President President VI H y >> t II t tt 1 ROWES LITTLE BONANZA J i S E ROWE PROPRIETOR OCALA FLOIIiA J ALL KINDS OF f Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both i Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com- plete I Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right 1 UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class f Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers t 1 l i Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hider f and Sold H I Telephone No Ill P 100 and 102 Norlfc Magntiia t< << + + 4 y x << Better Not Get- Dyspepsia p Ifyoucanhelpit Kodol prercnU Dyspepsia by effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestiorn But dont trifle with Indigestion- A great many people who have a partial digester tad physic trt trifled with indigestion have been not dIgesters at alL sorry for Itwhen nervous or Kodol is a perfect digest 0 chronic dyspepsia resulted and you could see Kodol dlfeatlHijswary they have jot been able to cure It particle of food of all Had la tto Use Kodol and prevent having glass testtubes in our laboratorfe Dyspepsia you would know this just aa well Everyone Js subject to Indiges ¬ as we do- Nature tion Stomach derangement follows and Kodol win always stomach abuse just as naturally cure a sick stomach but la order end just as surely as a sound and to be cured the stomach moat rem healthy stomach results upoa the That is what Kodol does rest tfcsj taking of KodoL stomach while the stomach seta When you experience sourness welL Just u simple as A B C of stomach belching of gas and Our nauseating fluid bloated sensation Guarantee gnawing pain in the pit of the tar GO t YOVdrugfC IO475Mf5t1 4 stomach heart burn socalled ooiue after TOO have isd i entire con of the II Ule U 7ft M Z diarrhoea headaches dullness or honestly lay that 1C baa act dose ye ar 1 chronic tired feelingyou need Ko ¬ be P ° return the bottle to taedrsczlat aa4 will refund your witteat mooer doL And then the quicker you take tlon ordelsy W nrlU then pay se L Kodol the better Eat what you E1at the bottle Dont fceolUte I1j arngglBta know that osTgaarkstae to a want let Kodol digest it Thl offer applies to the Liillli Ordinary pepsin dyspepsia tab ¬ and tobutoneIafaI1yel- ets large1 tie tlBMe a aah sMs mC physics etc are not likely cent boW to be of much benefit to you in Kodol It prepared at tWlater digestive ailments Pepsin is only lories of E C DeWItt Ca CUc i FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES so v

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Page 1: BANK FULL s Dr Pierces - University of · the lily hue ii Ceitril Fltrtta feat CMlelety J Finishes to Ie Curies at all








kc V

4 1L BOBIXSOX PresUeBt1 N4 BUTCH Kgsr J C BOOZER Aid Maam 111I






re tie wercaamts the professional and successful men and women ofI 1M dty tke farmers of tke surrounding territory-

We aecosaatodate all classes Our customers represent the men andfrotjMB wko hare built sad are stU building successful enterprises

We solicit a stare of yonr Business








the lily hue ii Ceitril Fltrtta feat CMleletyJ Finishes to Ie Curies at all Tines the Latest aid-

a Ii Fmfture leetfif up with the lines aid JoslWhat to Petffc Wait

Uw carries a Ctaptete Hie tI Bailters aid Shell

IiWve Carriages Wafras links Baraess Sallies Etc

INk sver tir Stock ail tel Mr prices before yotlIMe lily prchases Ytirs Jtespec-

tfillyMclVER <I MAcKAYO-

cala Florida


W are prep red to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturer of cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon

btokt and all kinda of paving material We employ skilled workmen andur metta ia to pleaseTemporary quarters phone 256







Carnegie Hall and third r na dormitory now completed electric J

MffhtB steam and furnace he1 large faculty perfect health condiHOB fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf linksbaseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida in 1909 Jw Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderatescholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for


For Catalogue Address the President A

Warn F Blackman Ph D Winter Park FIL-






CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SANDWe have a stone crusher at work in Ocala and are prepared to do all

kinds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks CementHO Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make

Blocks for Foundations for house work which look better than brick andar cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on A C L Railroad Track North ofrodry-L



1 ItSI e Iet et4 4+te ++ It 9 O<< + >> oo

PARK HOTELJac-ksonville


European PlanRates 1 per day and up Rathskellerand Cafe in Connectio-


fRf MEATS AND VEGETABLESV Watern Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefI Mutton Armours Star Ham Armour Pork

Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets1

Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

W EDWARDSPhone 108 City Marketr




Isles 13 per Pay ul Upwards Aaericaa PinTHOMAS M WILSON Proprietor

c W do1J

r1J f 4-

I 1




Novelized From EugeneWalters Great Play



Cc7riii l5C5tyG17 Iiiiaialhaa C IThen you wont do ItT he cried

angrily You wont come to the front-I suppose you dont think I ought toask Why shouldnt I Who did Isteal the money for I did it becauseyou made me

Thats a lieYou know its the truth When I

married you your father was to helpme and he died and then you had to-do your own work and you whinedand complained

Thats another lieOb you never said so in so many

words but I saw Utor four yearsaround the house I saw you sighing

I and moping because you didnt haveenough to live on Then there were

I that mother of yours and your sisterthey never stopped You tried to makeyourself a martyr Every moment ofyour life was a mute protest against-our poverty yes it was and you know-It Do you remember that night whenyou said you couldnt go to the theaterbecause you didnt have clothes Thatwas the first time I took money Thatswhen I began

You knew I wouldnt have gone ifI had known

But you did goyou kept on go-Ing and I kept on stealing for youGod how Ive suffered for you for theclothes on your back Every nighthas been a nightmare Now Im going-to Jail you know that Im going upthere on the river for years because-you wont do your part-

I cant do what you wantHe became satantically persuasive

againWhy cant you he urged Otherwomen have for less reasonone to getcontrol of a transcontinental railroadfor her husband Ive risked every-thing


for you If you go there tonightI wont go to Jail I wont be hauledInto court no one will know but thethree of us No one will think the lessof you Ive gone through to the limitfor you Its up to you to ga through-for me

Then If you go to Jail youmeanthat Ive sent you there

Yes and down In your heart youknow you have

Every Instinct of her pure woman ¬

hood every fiber of her flesh revoltedat this cynical exhibition of his vile-ness She contemplated him withloathing-

Now that I see you naked In nilyour nasty meanness your contempti-ble


vicIousness I wonder how I evermade the mistake of thinking you evenhalf a man she said

This scathing denunciation made noImpression on his deadened sense ofhonor and decency

Yon cant dodge the responsibility-with fine speeches hereplied shrug-ging


his shoulders Ive gone wrongfor you What are you going to doBe square with me and take thischancean easy chance and you knowyoure safe

She did not answer but stood thereher face set In its expression of abhor-rence


and Indignation deliberating asto the best course to pursue towardthis unspeakable villain to whom shewas bound and who watched her withanxious cringing mien

She addressed him finally in cold I

harsh tonesWhatever I may do or promise to

do I promise simply because youblame me-

Emma I knew youdDont make the mistake that I care

for you Whatever I felt for you and-

I thought It was love youve nssassl






You can make him give us inonty

nated in the last ten minutes But I

dont want you to go to jail pointing afinger of accusation at me

Then youll be square youll helpyoull

You understand that if I bargainwith Captain Williams for your free ¬

dom I make the bargain-I know Ill never askIt will be my business aloneYes just yours-Is he homeYes I think so He said he was

going thereTelephone and ask him if be can

see menowalone-He jumped to the Instrument but as

his hand grasped the receiver lie hesi-tated


and a flush suffused his whitedrawn cheeks brought there by thefirst true consciousness of the enor-mity


of his crime HP looked around

Ye CoLr

gnflt11 j at his wife She was standingrigid her back toward him He tootdown the receive-

rSevensixeightfour Bryant hecalled

Continued Tomorrow


And Proposed Charter of Day Rem-edy

¬ I

Company-The undersigned intending and

proposing to organize a corporation-under the general laws of Floridarelating to corporations for profit I

hereby make and publish the fol-lowing


articles of incorporation andproposed charter

IThe name of the corporation shall

be Day Remedy Company and itsprincipal place of business shall beat Ocala Florida

IIThe general nature of the busi-


to be transacted shall be tomanufacture and sell patent medi-cines


and keep and maintain a lab-oratory


I for the production andmanufacture and compounding ofthe same and keep and own suchproperty and effects as are incident-to such business

IIIThe amount of capital stock au ¬

thorized is twenty thousand dollarswhich will be divided into two hun ¬

dred shares of the par value of onehundred dollars each and will bepaid in upon the following termsviz Ten thousand dollars or onehalf of the capital stock win be paid-in by a conveyance of all of theproperty and effects of the DayRemedy Company a copartnershipcomposed of the incorporators con-sisting


of a line of patent medicinesall tools fixtures and parts includ-ing


unmixed drugs and compounds-now belonging to said copartner-ship


whether in stock or transitand all labels trade marks car¬

toons and articles of dress of saidmedicines now belonging to saidcopartnership the just and truevaluation of which is hereby fixedby the incorporators at the sum of-ten thousand dollars the remain ¬

der of said capital stock shall bepaid in cash either in full at thetime of sale thereof or upon in-


of ten per cent cash andthe remaining ninety per cent ininstallments of ten per cent of theamount of capital stock subscribedWhen said stock is issued it shallbe fully paid and nonassessable

IVThe corporation shall exist for qf

period of fifty years-

VThe business of the company shall

be conducted by a president andvice president and a secretary andtreasurer which last named officemay be united and held by one per¬

son and a board of not less thanthree nor more than ten directorsThese officers shall be elected at theannual meeting of the stock hold-ers


and directors on the first Tues ¬

day in November of each year Thenames of the officers who are toconduct the busines of the companyuntil those elected at the first elec-tion


shall be qualified are WalterH Day president E G Lindersecretary and treasurer and T LDekle vice president-

VIThe highest amount of indebted-

nes or liability to which the corpor

A Lazy LiverMay be only a tired liver or a starvedliver It would be a stupid as well aIsavage thing to beat a weary or starvedman because he lagged In his work SoIn treating the lagging torpid liver it Iia great mistake to lash It with strongdrastic drugs A torpid liver is but anIndication of anillnourished enfeebledbody whose organs are weary with overwork Start with the stomach and alliedorgans of digestion and nutrition Putthem in working order and see howquickly your liver will become activeDr Pierces Golden Medical Discoveryhas made many marvelous cures of livertrouble by its wonderful control of theorgans of digestion and nutrition It restores the normal activity of the stomachIncreases the secretions of the bloodmak ¬

Ing glands cleanses the system from poi-sonous accumulations and so relieves theliver of the burdens imposed upon It bythe defection of other organs-

If you hive bitteror bad taste In the morntag poor orfariable appetite coated tonguefoul breath constipated or Irregular bowelfeel weak easllx oespondent frequentheadaches pain r dlstres in small of backgnawing or distressed teenog In stomachperhaps nausea urts1ngs Inthroat after eating and klnbral symptomsof weak stomach and torpid llr 4 no tne l-

clnem relieve you more promptly or curem morE Doctor flerceJ-

Opjden Medical Discovery Perhaps culta part of the above symptoms will be presentat one time and yet point to torpid liver orbiliousness and weak stomach TOld allhot bread and biscuits griddle cakes andother Indigestible food rood take the GoldenMedical Discovery regularly and stick toiLsuse until you are vigorous and strong

The Discovery Is nonsecret nonalco-holic Is a glycerlc extract of native medici-nal


roots with a full list of Its ingredientsprinted on each bottlewrapper and attestedunder oath Its ingredients are endorsedand extolled by the most eminent medicalwriters of the age and are recommended tocure the diseases for wbicn It is adrlscd

Dont accept a substitute of unknowncomposition for this nonsecret zniciaor KSOWS coxpoarnojr



Carefui estimates m ae on allcontract wqrk mves more and bet¬

ter work for the money than ryother contractor in own



of any case of Kidney 01

Bladder dieease that is notbeyond the reach of medi-cine


Take it at once DC

not risk having Brights Dis-

ease or Diabetes There hnothing gained by delaySOc and tl00 Botflo






Tassured you when you buy Dr Pierces family medicines for

all the ingredients entering into them are printed on the bottle f t

wrappers and these are attested under oath as being complete andcorrect You know just what are paying for and that theingredients are gathered from Natures laboratory being selectedfrom the most valuare native medicinal roots found growing inour American forests and while potent to cure are perfectly harm 1


lesseven to the most delicate women and children

Not a drop of alcohol enters into their comr

position R much better agent is used bothfor extracting and preserving the medicinal principles in them viz pure triple k

refined glycerine This agent possesses in-trinsic medicinal properties of its own being m most vmlmablmantiseptic and antiferment nutritive and soothing demtmlcemt

Glycerine plays an important part in Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery in the cure f

of indigestion dyspepsia and weak stomach attended by sour heartburn foulcoated poor appetite gnawing feeling in stomach biliousness and kbdred derangements of the stomach and bowels

curing all the above distressing ailments the Golden Medical Discoveryis a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes as catarrh whether the nasalpassages or of the stomach bowels or other organs Even in its ulcerative stages it willyield to this sovereign remedy if its use be persevered in In Chronic Catarrh of theNasal p it is well while taking the Golden Medical Discoveryforthe necessaryconstitutional treatment to cleanse the passages freely two or times a DrSages Catarrh Remedy This thorough course of treatment generally cures even theworst casesIn coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial throat and lung affections ce1tconsumption the Golden Medical Discovery a most efficient remedy especially inthose obstinate hangoncoughs and congestion of the bronchial

mucous Discovery is not so good acute coughs arising fromsudden colds nor must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stagesnomedicine will do thatbut for all the obstinate coughs which if neglected orbadly treated lead up to consumption it is the best medicine that can be takenTo find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health and dis¬

ease get the Common Sense Medical Adviserthe Peoples Schoolmaster in Medicinerevised anduptodate book of 1000 pageswhich treats of diseased conditions and the practical successful treat¬ment thereof Clothbound sent postpaid on receipt of 31 cents in onecent stamps to pay wet ofwailing only Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y

ation can at any time subject itself-is thirty thousand dollars

VIIThe names and residences of the

subscribers and the amount sub-scribed


by each is as followsWalter H Day Ocala Florida 49

shares-E G Lindner Ocala Florida 49

I shares-T L Dekle Ocala Florida 2

shares-In witness whereof the incorpor ¬

ators have hereunto set their handsand affixed their seals this thetwentyseventh day of September-A D 1909

Walter H Day seal-E G Linder seal-T L Dekle seal

State of FloridaCounty of Marion

Personally appeared before methe undersigned authority Walter-H Day E G Linder and T L De¬

kle to me well known to be the par¬

ties named in and who subscribed-the foregoing articles of incorpora-tion


and proposed charter and eachacknowledged the execution of thesame for the uses and purposestherein set forth and expressed

Given under my hand and seal ofoffice this the 2 < th day of Septem-ber


1909HM Hampton seal

Notary Public State of FloridaMv commission expires August

31 1911Notice of Application for Letters

PatentXotice is hereby given that on the

30th day of October 1909 the un ¬

dersigned will apply to the governor-of Florida at Tallahassee Florida-for Letters Patent upon the forego ¬

ing articles of incorporation andproposed charter

Walter H Day-E G Linder-T L Dekle


Notice Is hereby given that onThursday October 7 1909

the following goods of the personalestate of H J Watkins will be soldin front of Judge Barksdales store inDunnellon to the highest bidder

1 rifle 38 caliber Winchester2 shotguns doublebarreled1 shotgun singlebarrel3 rifles78 mantle black diamond1 big Atell table1 single wagon and harness1 single open buggy and harness1 saddle bags2 bedsteads Iron2 mattresses1 pair coil springs1 quilt3 comforts2 pillows2 pair blankets1 lamp3 chairs1 bake pan1 bowl1 sugar dish1 glass spoon holder2 pool tables and fixtures1 gasolene tank1 water cooler2 swIng gasoline lamps6 gasoline lamp globes-

D G Watkins Administrator

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4888 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that PeninsularNaval Stores company purchaser of taxcertificates Nos 1179 1191 dated June3th 1905 1147 dated July 9th 1S901S39 1SSO 1S41 1S44 dated Aug 3rd1S91 1753 dated July 2nd 1S94 2S99dated Dec 2nd 1S95 and 443 datedMay 2nd 1SS7 and has filed said cer-tificates


in my office and has madeapplication for tax deed to issue in ac ¬

cordance with law Said certificatesembrace the following described prop-erty


situate in Marion county Floridatowit nw 4 of nwU and oeM of sw 4of sw4 and seU of se i of seH sec ¬

tion 26 and nw i of ney of nw i andeU of ne i of nwi and e i of netj ofneli of nei section 34 and w of w1of nw i of nw i except sw iof sw Jof nwH of nw and n of w1 ofwJh of nwy of nw >4 and n of neUof se4 of se4 section 35 all in town ¬

ship 17 south range 26 east Thatsaid land being assessed at the dateof the issuance of such certificatesin the name of F M William W HGatwcll S H Richmond E J WhiteW E Rogers A C Russell and un-known


Unless said certificate shallbe redeemed according to law tax deedwill issue thereon on the 30th day ofSeptember A D 1909

Witness my official signature and I

seal this the 2Sth day of August AD 1909 S T Sistrunk

Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla



i p



Leading Commercial Hotel Rates 2 Per Day OWl Fterila r tr1

Washington SeminaryNo-

rth Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School forgirls and young ladies Boarding partment strictly limited to Insure refined home life Classes divided into small sections to secure personal In-struction

¬Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages In Mu

ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley RandolphMacon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1909 Catalogue on application L D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT Principals


An Institution of the First Rank sup-ported

¬ Tallahassee Florida tL

by State and Federal Fundsfor Florida Young Men A College without a parallel Mn theThorough Courses Leading to Degrees South offering degrees and diploma

In theof B A B Sc M Sc-


following departmentsLL f A School of Liberal Arts ft 11 A School of Industrial Arts jIn Arts and Sciences Agriculture IlL A School of Fine Arts

6 JIIChemical Civil Electrical and Me-chanical

¬ IV A School of ExpressionEngineering Law Normal V A School for Teachers

School Graduate School Expenses Xo Tuition Other Expenses very lowExceedingly Low For Catalogue wrie For Information address






Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both

i Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com-

pleteI Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right1 UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Classf

Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers

t 1

l i

Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hider

f and Sold


I Telephone No Ill P

100 and 102 Norlfc Magntiiat < << + + 4 y x<<

Better Not Get-Dyspepsia p

Ifyoucanhelpit Kodol prercnU Dyspepsia byeffectually helping Nature to Relieve IndigestiornBut dont trifle with Indigestion-

A great many people who have a partial digester tad physic trttrifled with indigestion have been not dIgesters at alLsorry for Itwhen nervous or Kodol is a perfect digest 0chronic dyspepsia resulted and you could see Kodol dlfeatlHijswarythey have jot been able to cure It particle of food of all Had la tto

Use Kodol and prevent having glass testtubes in our laboratorfeDyspepsia you would know this just aa well

Everyone Js subject to Indiges¬ as we do-

Naturetion Stomach derangement follows and Kodol win alwaysstomach abuse just as naturally cure a sick stomach but la orderend just as surely as a sound and to be cured the stomach moat remhealthy stomach results upoa the That is what Kodol does rest tfcsjtaking of KodoL stomach while the stomach seta

When you experience sourness welL Just u simple as A B Cof stomach belching of gas and Ournauseating fluid bloated sensation Guaranteegnawing pain in the pit of the tar

GO t YOVdrugfC IO475Mf5t1 4stomach heart burn socalled ooiue after TOO have isd ientire con of the II Ule U 7ft M Zdiarrhoea headaches dullness or honestly lay that 1C baa act dose ye ar 1

chronic tired feelingyou need Ko ¬ beP° return the bottle to taedrsczlat aa4will refund your witteatmooerdoL And then the quicker you take tlon ordelsy WnrlU then pay se L

Kodol the better Eat what you E1at the bottle Dont fceolUte I1jarngglBta know that osTgaarkstae to awant let Kodol digest it Thl offer applies to the LiillliOrdinary pepsin dyspepsia tab¬ and tobutoneIafaI1yel-


tie tlBMe a aah sMsmCphysics etc are not likely cent boWto be of much benefit to you in Kodol It prepared at tWlaterdigestive ailments Pepsin is only lories of E C DeWItt Ca CUc iFOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES

