bali 13 pura besakih2


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On the road to the mother temple

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The Mother Temple of Besakih, or Pura Besakih, in the village of

Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern

Bali, Indonesia, is the most important, the largest and holiest

temple of Hindu religion in Bali. The temple probably dates to the

fourteenth century it was built on the south slopes of Mount

Agung, the principal volcano of Bali.

Templul Mamă Besakih (Pura Besakih) din satul Besakih, situat pe

panta Muntelui Agung în estul insulei Bali, este cel mai

important, cel mai mare şi cel mai sfânt templu hindus din

Bali.Templul datează probabil din secolul al patrusprezecelea şi a

fost construit pe panta sudică a Muntelui Agung, vulcanul principal

din Bali.

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Pura Dalem Puri (or Temple of Palace Ancestors) located at the entrance of Besakih complex, A 7-tiered

thatched meru. Note that all of the merus in Bali are tiered in odd-number

Pura Dalem Puri (sau Templul Palatului Strămoşilor), situat la intrarea în complexul Besakih, un Meru cu 7

niveluri de acoperiş; Reţineţi că toate pagodele (merus) din Bali au un număr impar de etaje (niveluri)

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One of the many smaller pura (temples) in Besakih perched on top of a hill. These are usually called Pura

Pardharman (or Ancestral Temples) which make up the rest of Besakih complex

Unul dintre multele pura (mici temple), din complexul Templului Besakih, cocoţat pe vârful unui deal. Acestea

sunt de obicei numite Pura Pardharman (sau Templele strămăşilor) alcătuind marele complex al Templului


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All Banten are a

gift from the heart

to the gods, made

as beautiful as

possible. They

connect humans to

the unseen world

and bring balance

and harmony

between the

positive and


forces, they are a

symbol of love and


Like Tibetan

Mandalas, their

evanescent beauty

are not meant to

last, just to remind

us to give our best

every day because

of love and belief.

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The Besakih's name is come from the word of Basuki, the old language from Sanskrit Wasuki, and then it

become the Ancient Java Language. In this Sanskrit, the Basuki means congratulation. In mythology of

Samudramanthana has mentioned that Basuki is a dragon that twines the Mount Mandara. The omission has

come from tradition megalithic which had been indicated that it had to be sanctified place. It seems, the Besakih

is coming from very old era which is far before the existence of Hinduism influence. Hereinafter, an Ancient Bali

king of Sri Kesari Warmadewa found the Merajan Selonding Temple in this temple complex area. The Besakih

Temple complex is built pursuant to cosmos balance. It is based on the nature conception which is

disseminating the fundamental temple complex that is arranged to pursuant of the way direction. So, this

building can deputize nature as symbolic of the world balance existence.

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Bali has a tropical climate and there are all year

round of this flowers. It can be

white, red, yellow, pink or mix colours. The flower

is very important among Balinese as used on the

small offerings "Canang", a square form of young

coconuts leave put inside any kinds of flowers, a

slice of sugar cane and leaves as a thanksgiving

expression to God. Balinese called frangipani as

Jepun, there are "jepun bali" and "jepun

jawa", the wood of jepun bali is prized by

woodcarvers for making free - form

statues, while "jepun jawa" trunk is softer then

the bali one but the "jepun jawa" is the widely

distributed, it can be found in every type of

environment from the house compound till

temple yards. The bali frangipani is in a smaller

size then the jawa one. Women thread this

flower in their hair, men wear them behind an ear

or stuck in "udeng", a head band.

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Udeng is the name

for a headband to

a Balinese man.

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Udeng used by the Balinese, during traditional ceremonies, traditional

gathering, religious activities, religious holidays, and sometimes are used

every day by parents and religious leaders. Udeng used by the Balinese, so

when the Balinese go to the temple, their hair is not messy / neat. Because, if

the hairs break off and fall in the temple area, it is dirty, it can interfere with

the sanctity of the temple.

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Text : Internet

Pictures: Nicoleta Leu & Internet

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

Sound: Shekeha Gamelan - Gending Tabuh Suling