baley gerald rosemary tim 1992 international

i^ahy's Jfr. iud Hrs. Genid B. flaie/ Boi SZ07 iDibeiM, C&lifornii 32812 - 020? Phone m / m - 0632 Fall / Winter 1992 'I'll get you!" I screasied, as I chased hin out the back door and down the driveway. But, with his 6 foot plus frame and long legs, I didn't have a chance to catch him. Alas, he slipped in the iDud, as he headed toward the PATCH (best known as a garden but to mother and daddy it was the patch] and ooyil he went! Mow, I had it (Bade! In seconds I landed full force on top of him and was rubbing strawberries and mud in his face! I^hat JOY! It was totally by accident, but I had my brother where I wanted him. Khat brought on this impulsive behavior? Growing up as the youngest of 4 children, the usual brother, sisterly teasing didn't allow me much retaliation. They were all bigger than I was. However, uncontrolled high heat under a pressure cooker, results in an explosion! This brother had been teasing me, saying repeatedly, "Rosemary has to do the dishes, Rosemary has to do the dishes.' He sat listening while I unsuccessfully tried talking mother out of this hated pass time. With his incessant needling I had reached that boiling point, and I started for him. Aware that I was ready for war, he tore out of the house, well ahead of me, but I continued to race after him! Khat a blessing that mud! The only reason I could keep him there was he was laughing so hard, Then I started laughing and with mud and strawberries over him, the story ends, 'l<e lived happily ever after." (well pretty much so), In those days I wasn't fully aware of the need of self control. Even now it is so hard sometimes, but the Lord demands it of us! "For the love of Christ controls us..." 2nd Cor, 4:14, (N.A.S.V.) additionally Gal. 5:22-23 doesn't mince any words the command is preeminent to live for Him. PLAHS m FALL / CHANGED FOR ALL One of the'last statements in our AUGUST 91/92 was, 'We'll be travelling again when you get this"...Hot so! Some of you have heard, but many have not; Tim was CRITICALLY ill. Our plans changed drastically. Prior to leaving on tour in Hay, Tim's allergy specialist gave us a prescription for antibiotics in case he had one of his respiratory infections while away. About a week after leaving, he became ill. So medication given. Soon he appeared over it, but this 'pete and repeat' pattern of 'ACUTE VIRAL INFECTIOfjS' appeared many times from May until later part of August, culminating in an early morning trip to Urgent Care on Saturday, August 20, with severe diarrhea and vomiting. Tests showed anemia, blood in stool, and high temperature. After a day of I.V,'s, he improved and we went Tim relaxing before a performance at the beautiful fountain. home. By late evening he became much worse, and at 5:00 AH next morning with 104 temperature we frantically went to the hospital emergency room. Late in the afternoon he was admitted to I C U isolation with an unknown cause. Tests again revealed much blood in stool specimen, which the Dr. said had beer happening for a long time. Tim, being a very private person, and not thinking you are sick unless there is pain, said nothing, life were unaware this had been going on! I.V's with a naxinuRi dosage of antibiotics were given Honday and Tuesday. Tuesday morning, the gastroenterologist told us he would test for, an ulcer, intestinal and rectal problems. A tube was put through his nose into his stomach. Within minutes the Dr. told us there was no ulcer. We were OUTSIDS Tim's room, as the Dr. was telling us his plans to do intestinal studies the next day, when the nurse came to the door and said, "Dr. come quick!' In a few seconds the Dr. came rushing out and said he was going to do a STAT colonosccpy. Tim was bleeding heavily. In a matter of minutes the Dr.'s nurse had the machine and equipment set up at Tim's bed, and the dangers were explained to us. We waited and prayed, He was SO sick! Both procedures, were done totally without any sedation/anesthetic. Any rove on Tim's part could be critical. Soon the Dr. came out and was thrilled! They had a diagnosis, "Pseudo Membrane Colitis*. The lining of the colon is to be whitish, but the antibiotics had killed the good bacteria, and Tim's was brilliant red! He said it was much worse than an ordinary case, as it had gone on for a very long time. We were unaware of his problem (diarrhea), he had no pain and if there is flO pain he does not complain. The Dr. said it would be most difficult and lengthy to clear up, as well as he needed HORE antibiotics for the 'still' unknown bug that was the cause. We brought him home with strict instructions, diet and medication around the clock for 1 month. On September 3, after checking him the Dr. said, "Tim I am absolutely AMAZED at your progress!' With a smile as big as the ocean Tin said, 'Well, Dr. Chen, I have had many people all over the country praying for me!" Dr. Chen paused, then smiled and said, 'Well, Tin, it had to be a lot HORE than the medicine!' He told us we could discontinue the night tine medicine (this was hard as he had to eat when he took the pills) and then said, 'Tim, you could not have been a better patient. I consider it a privilege to take care of you." Tim beamed! Naturally, the plans to leave Sept. 4, for the Virginia benefit concerts for the Foundation, were put on hold. The Dr. released Tim for the trip on Oct. 12. He said additional problems were very possible, so he gave us a hospital report,

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Page 1: Baley Gerald Rosemary Tim 1992 International


Jfr. iud Hrs. Genid B. flaie/Boi SZ07

iDibeiM, C&lifornii 32812 - 020?Phone m / m - 0632

Fall / Winter 1992

'I'll get you!" I screasied, as I chased hin out the back doorand down the driveway. But, with his 6 foot plus frame and longlegs, I didn't have a chance to catch him. Alas, he slipped inthe iDud, as he headed toward the PATCH (best known as a gardenbut to mother and daddy it was the patch] and ooyil he went!Mow, I had it (Bade! In seconds I landed full force on top ofhim and was rubbing strawberries and mud in his face! I^hat JOY!It was totally by accident, but I had my brother where I wantedhim. Khat brought on this impulsive behavior? Growing up asthe youngest of 4 children, the usual brother, sisterly teasingdidn't allow me much retaliation. They were all bigger than Iwas. However, uncontrolled high heat under a pressure cooker,results in an explosion! This brother had been teasing me,saying repeatedly, "Rosemary has to do the dishes, Rosemary hasto do the dishes.' He sat listening while I unsuccessfullytried talking mother out of this hated pass time. With hisincessant needling I had reached that boiling point, and Istarted for him. Aware that I was ready for war, he tore outof the house, well ahead of me, but I continued to race afterhim! Khat a blessing that mud! The only reason I could keephim there was he was laughing so hard, Then I started laughingand with mud and strawberries over him, the story ends, 'l<elived happily ever after." (well pretty much so), In those daysI wasn't fully aware of the need of self control. Even now itis so hard sometimes, but the Lord demands it of us! "For thelove of Christ controls us..." 2nd Cor, 4:14, (N.A.S.V.)additionally Gal. 5:22-23 doesn't mince any words the commandis preeminent to live for Him.

PLAHS m FALL / CHANGED FOR ALLOne of the'last statements in our AUGUST 91/92 was, 'We'll

be travelling again when you get this"...Hot so! Some of youhave heard, but many have not; Tim was CRITICALLY ill. Ourplans changed drastically. Prior to leaving on tour in Hay,Tim's allergy specialist gave us a prescription for antibioticsin case he had one of his respiratory infections while away.About a week after leaving, he became ill. So medication given.Soon he appeared over it, but this 'pete and repeat' pattern of'ACUTE VIRAL INFECTIOfjS' appeared many times from May untillater part of August, culminating in an early morning trip toUrgent Care on Saturday, August 20, with severe diarrhea andvomiting. Tests showed anemia, blood in stool, and hightemperature. After a day of I.V,'s, he improved and we went

Tim relaxing before a performance

at the beautiful fountain.

home. By late evening he became much worse, and at 5:00 AHnext morning with 104 temperature we frantically went to thehospital emergency room. Late in the afternoon he was admittedto I C U isolation with an unknown cause. Tests again revealedmuch blood in stool specimen, which the Dr. said had beerhappening for a long time. Tim, being a very private person, andnot thinking you are sick unless there is pain, said nothing,life were unaware this had been going on! I.V's with a naxinuRidosage of antibiotics were given Honday and Tuesday. Tuesdaymorning, the gastroenterologist told us he would test for, anulcer, intestinal and rectal problems. A tube was put throughhis nose into his stomach. Within minutes the Dr. told us there

was no ulcer. We were OUTSIDS Tim's room, as the Dr. was tellingus his plans to do intestinal studies the next day, when thenurse came to the door and said, "Dr. come quick!' In a fewseconds the Dr. came rushing out and said he was going to do aSTAT colonosccpy. Tim was bleeding heavily. In a matter ofminutes the Dr.'s nurse had the machine and equipment set up atTim's bed, and the dangers were explained to us. We waited andprayed, He was SO sick! Both procedures, were done totallywithout any sedation/anesthetic. Any rove on Tim's part couldbe critical. Soon the Dr. came out and was thrilled! They hada diagnosis, "Pseudo Membrane Colitis*. The lining of the colonis to be whitish, but the antibiotics had killed the goodbacteria, and Tim's was brilliant red! He said it was muchworse than an ordinary case, as it had gone on for a very longtime. We were unaware of his problem (diarrhea), he had no painand if there is flO pain he does not complain. The Dr. said itwould be most difficult and lengthy to clear up, as well as heneeded HORE antibiotics for the 'still' unknown bug that was thecause. We brought him home with strict instructions, diet andmedication around the clock for 1 month. On September 3, afterchecking him the Dr. said, "Tim I am absolutely AMAZED at yourprogress!' With a smile as big as the ocean Tin said, 'Well, Dr.Chen, I have had many people all over the country praying forme!" Dr. Chen paused, then smiled and said, 'Well, Tin, it hadto be a lot HORE than the medicine!' He told us we coulddiscontinue the night tine medicine (this was hard as he had toeat when he took the pills) and then said, 'Tim, you could nothave been a better patient. I consider it a privilege to takecare of you." Tim beamed!

Naturally, the plans to leave Sept. 4, for the Virginiabenefit concerts for the Foundation, were put on hold. The Dr.released Tim for the trip on Oct. 12. He said additionalproblems were very possible, so he gave us a hospital report,

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medication, and his phone number, for a Dr. to call him if hehad any trouble. A great loss of energy and weight made ussomewhat apprehensive, but we felt it was all in the Lord'shands. Ide had previously scheduled a concert, for the 600DCUI3 in Bakersfield on Oct. 15, so we felt this would be a goodtest to see how Tim would do. The huge crowd, applause,standing ovations and the Clubs admiration added to his joy ofperforming again. He got along fine (though somewhat tired) andwas raring to go! Another plus to our enjoyment was being ableto see our very special friends, (who live there) Lois and JohnAllen, and have them attend the concert too.

It is needless to say how we could see the Lord working inthis terrifying situation. Jerry and I were drained, and scaredbut we KNEW God was in control. Possibly the most revealingthing was, the day that we got the diagnosis I called theFoundation office and told Jim Pierson, the news. He said,"Rosemary, we prayed this morning for the Lord to please givea diagnosis TODAY!" I said "Jim, He did MORE than that, He hadthe Dr. outside Tim's room when he started to hemorrhage!" GodKNOWS our needs and supplies them, according to His will, evenbefore we know or ask...A)i(ESOHE!

OLD PLANS mi BUT 109 »E PLY10/17...arrived, and with suitcases, and ALL the STUFF we

loaded into the shuttle at 5:30 A.H. From LAXto Pittsburghall was fine, life were due out of there at 4:35 P H and toarrive in Newport News, VA at 5:49 P H. We scurried to thegate and waited! Finally, over the loud speaker those favorite

j<ords, 'We are very sorry the^flijht to Newport News Js Relayedmechanical difficulties! We will leave in 20 minutes." 45minutes later.."Flight canceled, please go to gate Tim hadgone to the rest room, so we waited for him. The otherpassengers left. Tim came back and as we were leaving the gatetheysaid. "The repairs are finished, the plane will fly!" Thenot so happy passengers came back. Destination was changed toNorfolk, VA and we would be taken by bus to Newport News, VA.

VIRGINIA WILL W I N Ya!Hours later, a patient Charlie Shelton, who had gone home and

come back to the airport, delivered us to the home of Janice andWoody Sanders, who had a houseful of friends they had invitedfor dinner. We were greeted as if they hadn't had to WAIT allthose hours. What a boost they and the wonderful food was toour hungry tummies and weary bodies. God's blessings were felteverywhere all through this LONG but wonderful day!

10/18...we were refreshed, and anxious for this day with theLebanon Church of Christ, Lee Hall, VA. Tim played for theirvery meaningful morning worship service. Joe Parrish, minister,and his wife Sharon along with their charming son, Stephen, andhis wife. Tammy, really jumped the gun on Thanksgiving. We werethankful! After eating we set up for evening, flack to motelto change clothes, freshen up, and twas' concert time! Abusyweek for the area churches did not effect the attendancegreatly, nor their enthusiastic response. By the time theconcert was over, Tim was ready to chow down again, and Charlie

and Hildred Shelton took care of that. Aglorious day!10/19...When Tim met Dan Wallace, Minister of Music and a

marvelous pianist, at the Lebanon Church, they really took toeach other. Having little time for a visit, Dan fixed that bytaking us to breakfast. The visit, though far too short, wasgreat. Joining us was Jim Sanderson, Youth Minister at theCherry Ave. Christian Church in Charlottesville, VA. He haddriven over to pick us up, about 125 miles, and take us toCharlottesville to pick up a car, we would.use to continue on theconcert circuit. The concert schedule was correlated by RalphCarter, Cherry Ave. Sr. minister and chairman of the VA project.The state was divided into 10 areas, and a minister from eachplace spearheaded the concert for their area. Next few daysallowed for laundry and catch-up, also Tin benefitted withadditional rest. Ralph saw to our comfort at the Howard JohnsonHotel in Charlottesville. We enjoyed attending and Tim playedfor a party for the special class at Cherry Ave.

10/24...into the car and traveled to Salem, VA. Jim Herron,minister of Salem Church of Christ, took us, to our hosts Helen,BO, and Charles Roberts. It goes without saying 80 is head ofthis house! Wish you could meet this precious (Dachshund) li'lguy. Charlie, a retired R. R. employee, had many, many trainpictures and Tim didn't miss a one! Jim took us to EdgewoodChristian Church in Roanoke, where the area concert was to be andwe set up. Aheartwarming time and a PLUS was, numerous friendsattended we met on tour in Virginia years ago.

10/25...Early morning coffee with Helen, and then off toBelmont Christian Church [n Christianburg, Jim Bayne, minister,for an M concert. It was COLD, but there was surely warmthfrom those friendly people! It was good to visit and learn toknow Jim over lunch before going back to Salem for, a secondconcert in this area, at the Salem Church of Christ. To our joyand surprise, many came again having been to the one. at Edgewoodthe night before. The spirit and concern for the project wasbeing well received everywhere! Yes, a long but wonderful day.

10/27...Next stop was Hartinsville/Collinsvillearea, to StoneMemorial Christian Church, Lawrence Harris, minister. Avigorouscrowd added to Tim's enthusiasm, along with a lady who said,'This is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me in allmy 73 years!" Tim's reply, 'OHhhh, thank-you!"

10/28...Moving around early, to be on our way to Winchester.A 'Sf£US '̂ letter was at the motel desk for us with the phonenumber of Charles "Bubby" Fisher. Bubby was our host for thenext 4days which he planned with flawless detail, and Jerry wasable to sit back and leave the driving to Mil. PURE HAPPINESS!Within minutes after we called, he and Fred Pollard, Jr.,associate minister, (of the College Park Church of Christ,sponsor of this area concert) were in the lobby. Then off to theschool where the concert would be held. In short order we wereall set up, and back to motel to change clothes. Dinner withJulia and Hike Cardinale and their captivating family wasPERFECT-ly delicious! Tim never ceases to be delighted toperform but a lovely grand always adds extra gusto. They hadone! Afterwards desert at Cardinale's... to let down and visit.

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10/29..,-Rubby arranged our schedule so we could ffieet manypeople, as well as see the historic buildings, many from theCivil Mar days, and beautiful countryside now glowing with fallfoliage! He 'oh'd and ah'd' the whole way as we drove to theattractive old home of Frances and Art Clark for lunch. Hadbeen many years since we saw such breathtaking color! Franceshad invited Willy and Beth Orn and Fred Pollard (Assoc. Hin.)The food gets a 15 on a scale of I to tO but new friendships arenot in the ball park of grading. Aspecial time! The afternoonpassed quickly, and dinnertime was upon us! Areal treat foodwise in the novel/one of a kind home of Bob and Hary Bowers.Too short a visit with this fine family, as it was Bible Studytine back at the Cardinale's.

10/30...Our last day in Winchester! Bubby cane to take Tinshopping (at a nusic store!) while Jerry and I took to the lessglamorous details, laundry and repacking! At 1:00 PHthey canefor us to go to a tasty sandwich buffet luncheon, at the honeof George and Gina Nillianson and children. Truly a delightfulfamily and experience. As we got in the car Tin was besidehimself with excitement! Bubby, lived in an apartment in thehone where the words to "AHAZIHG GRACE' were penned. Hislandlord's schedule and ours made it difficult for us to see theinside, but at least he could drive us by to see the outside.Bubby had taken Jerry and me by the house the day before but Timwas at a party, but he assured him he would take him by later,which he did after shopping. Upon arrival Bubby saw their carstill there, much to his amazenent, and they soon learned it hadbroken down that morning! Of course, they were graciouslyinvited in and Tin was asked to play the lovely piano in theVERY room the words were penned in! Then the gentleman took Tinto the basement and showed him where the slaves were traded!No one will ever know what all of this meant to Tin..."I get'GOOSE BUHPS' THINKING OR TALKING ABOUT IT, I still can'tbelieve this really happened!" he says. His great love forhistory amazes us, as he has had little formal education in it,but he asks more questions than I could ever think of andretains pretty much what he is told! He had to laugh when hesaid, 'I'm sure sorry the car didn't work, but thankful too,otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to play that piano or be inthat VERY ROOM!" Does seem strange doesn't it? Our last gettogether with families in Winchester was with Ton and RobinVetter and children. Again, fantastic southern food andgracious hospitality was showered upon us. Hy, what blessings!

10/31...Our schedule said today head for Springfield. We hadmuch to look forward to, but leaving wasn't easy. Bubby's, helpand organizational ability amazed us! He had made things somuch easier, and as I said, Jerry TRULY en.ioved sitting back andnot driving. It would be such a blessing to have hin work withus and ease some of the pressure! Breakfast, at Bob Evansrestaurant, allowed a bit more time together, but soon no choicebut to say, "Bye for now." And again we say.'raiua m Bl/BOr

Truly a special man, we all love very much.RAIN ON THE WINDSHIELD / GOING INTO SPRINGFIELD

The ride was pleasant to Springfield, even though we were in

spots of rain as we traveled. Can't say that most of the tineforCA. Interstates. We arrived at the hotel at 1:00, eager tomake contact with Dale Jacobs, minister of Central ChristianChurch. He and his wife Hary are friends from years past. Aftersettling in, clearing weather allowed a walk to a mall close by.

11/1...Up early. Tin played for 2 worship services, thenafter enjoying them and Dale's messages, we lulled over a savorylunch with Dale and Hary. Time rolled around quickly for thearea concert at Calvary Christian Church in Burke, VA. locatedin such a peaceful country setting. Ton Hunt, minister, wasgreat help in setting up. Though it had been a long day, Tim wasstill raring to go, being inspired by audience reaction!Excitement reigned at fellowship tine...the offering had beencounted and surpassed the goal!

11/4...Continued on to next stop, Ashland, VA. Clyde Daltonwas local arranger for the concert held in the rural communityof Hechanicsville, at Gethsemene Church of Christ. Appealing'vittles' everywhere at the pot-luck, numerous friends from yearspast, sensitive, appreciative listeners and meeting the fineyoung minister, Jeff Harks added up to a prime time night. Histyweather even added warmth, and NO rain loading or unloading. WOW!

HBKORIES GALORE / NONE A BORE!11/6...Next, an easy, enjoyable drive to beautiful Chesapeake.

Water, water everywhere and even lots to drink. Rupert Wallace,minister of the Laurel Ave. Church of Christ was the leadingforce in this area (Rupert is Dan Wallace's father see 10/19date). Finding the hotel was a piece of cake. Next, on to thechurch and Tim practiced while we set up. At the 7:00 P Hconcert, the generous sized crowd was quick and liberal withapplause for Tin. He was excited with numerous friends there butone special family, John and Donita Hamilton and boys, whom wehad not seen for years, drove in from Elizabeth City, NC , avery long way. Thus he was primed to go and full of sniles. Alltoo soon, the concert was over, most everyone departed. I wentout where Jerry was loading the car and he asked me to have Tinbring the case with the art so he could put it in it's specialspot. I told Tim where it was but after looking he came andsaid, 'It's not there Horn.* I looked, NOT there! Tim went outtold his dad, became in. NOT THERE! The Wallace's were lockingup the Church, within ninutes they were looking too. Was thissomeone's idea of a joke? NO ONE would steal it, especiallyright from the church with everyone around. We were sick atheart, thirty paintings GONE! After about 20 minuets Rupert,called police. One of the couples had taken some people home andreturned. She came rushing in and said, 'Rupert, someone isrunning around over in the parsonage yard, you better see aboutit!" He told her our problem, and that we were awaiting thepolice. When Dan Wallace heard her he and Tim went looking!There are bushes between the Church and parsonage. It was dark,but THERE IN THE BUSHES the case of art lay! The thief, notknowing how vital it was to load it in the right spot in thetrunk, had stashed it to come back and get it after everyone hadgone, Because of it's weight it would be difficult to run with,so hiding it was best, since many people were still around. Tim

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came running back in and said, "HOH, HOH, WE FOUND IT!" Dan hadseen a car come into the church lot earlier, but they evidentlysaw him or someone, turned back out, went down to end of streetand backed in driveway. There they could see well and awaiteveryone's departure before returning. Our feelings cannot beput into words. RELIEF. THANKFULNESS AND HAPPIKESS OVERWHELHEDUS. AND WE KNEM GOD'S HAND HAD PROTECTED TIH'S ART! Soon weleft, and as we drove by the car in the driveway in the dimnessof the street lights I could see 2 men. The one sitting on thepassengers side bore a great resenblance (long hair and glasses)of a young man, ALONE at the concert. After it was over hehugged ne, asked many questions, was liberal with praise andgave high narks about the art! We were late getting back to ourroom, and with such excitenent I wondered if we could sleep.Tomorrow would be a BIG day! HIS PEACE swept over us. We allhad a good nights rest,

11/8...The roosters were sleeping, but our trusty littlealarm did its' duty at 5:20! We dressed, ate, packed the carand were off to an early service at Avalon Church of Christ,Jimmy Bennett, minister. Tim performed for the Worship Serviceand as soon as he finished, on our way to next stop. Weregretted not being able to visit with Jiimiy or any of thecongregation but next service was at 10:30. We always allowtine to get LOST. Everyone assured us it was easy to go to nextchurch but even with good directions and maps, we have found itis still easy to go astriy^ DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? It waseasy! We were now at the Kempsville Church of Christ, whereRandy Childress ministers. We were in the lobby getting ourinstructions when Tin said, "Well, Nona and Roy Barringer!"These dear friends from college days, now living in Hereford,TX, had come to visit their son, stationed in the area in theNAVY. Can't tell you how hard it was to not be able to chatwith them, the minister, and congregation but it was severalhundred miles to our evening concert, so scooted out after Timplayed.

SAD I GLADTravel was impeccable, and at 3:00 P H we arrived at

Charlottesville at Howard Johnson's. We had come full circlethrough Virginia. One more concert and then, it would beeissiaa ascasfflisbad! We had about 30 miles to go yet so aquick check in, up to our room to clean up a bit. We feltrefreshed and were on our way. Arrived at the Waynesboro Churchof Christ 4:30. Spirited Phil Forehand minister, was ready forus and he had us in good shape in short order. This was one ofthe largest areas thus, the Church was packed! A local musicstore had delivered a dazzling Ebony Wurlitzer Grand. Timcertainly was revived when he spied it and was zealous to getwith the program! The audience gave plentiful appreciation withtheir applause, and of course he was delighted. The joy ofextended visiting and lovely reception was over. We felt deeppain with a lovely mother who had recently lost her 32 year oldhandicapped daughter, but even in her grief she was happy shecame! We packed the car and for Tim one major event to come!

He was Hl/N6Rr so time to tend edibles. Phil had the answer andtook us out. Aspecial time as we ate we recounted the wondersof the evening. A supreme thrill was ours when he said theoffering had surpassed their goal (usually we did not know)! Buteven with all the exhilaration we all had tinges of sadness forsoon we were to leave this captivating state as well as it'speople who also captivated us. Eventually, we arrived back atthe hotel and then the m started! Oh the JOY of packingthose many bags for flying home. We did it and even managed toget a bit of sleep.

11/9...Couldn't believe it was time for the alarming alarm...but we were ready when Ralph Carter came to take us to theCharlottesville airport. All planes were in good shape goingback to LAX so our trip was uneventful, (not complaining!)except for being late because of strong head winds. Even so,home by 4:30 P.M. Our wonderful neighbors, Bernie and StanDetweiier, who spoil us so, created a fabulous dinner and broughtit over! What a treat.

We are so aware of the efforts of Ralph Carter, who perfectlyexecuted the whole tour; also, all the area co-ordinators,ministers and dear people of Virginia who gave of themselvesphysically, financially, and of course, through PRAYER. Thoughwe all realize it is our privilege to do what the Lord expects,we are thankful for the vision and sensitivity to this need andthat ACTION followed vision! Tim is overjoyed to help his ownkind; so indeed, it was our family's privilege to share in theinception to supply this great need. God Bless You VIRGINIA forcaring and as you RAISE THE ROOF!

m YBAR NEARLY BNDBD / TRULY WAS SPLENDIDThe Holiday / Christaas concerts began shortly after we got

hone. After being gone so long we are faced with seeainglyendless routine jobs! Sose highlights that sade these bearablewere soae concerts that were out of the city, but in California.

12/6...Our first visit to the vibrant, growing congregation,Christ's Church of the Valley, in Lancaster. Rod Allee,minister. They aade our evening very pleasant.

12/13... We looked forward to again seeing Jin Buckley,uinister, and our friends at First Christian Church in HewburyPark. As always, rewarding.

12/17...There were other private functions, but one that hada bit of excitenent was at the 1st Presbyterian Woaen'sFellowship in Fullerton (our neighboring city). We had enjoyeda succulent lunch and were well into the Christaas Concert /Slide presentation. As it was progressing one of the ladiesbecane faint. Always frightening! Tia, knew there was aproblen, but continued right on, thankfully a Dr. in the aidsthandled it easily and all was well.

12/20...An additional tise for reniniscence and joy was withJ. R. Ball, our friend and minister of Kontclair ChristianChurch. The Lord was generous when we prayed for good weather.Winter in the aountains can be bad, as well as the terribleflooding southern California has had. The weather was good, orif it rained it did not effect travel, loading or unloading, and

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during the flooding we had NO concerts. Ve NEVER cease to begrateful, for His care.

Reflecting upon 1992, even though there were soae scary andtough tines, indeed it was SPLENDID FOR HIS LOVE NEVER BNDBD.He upholds us all through all things giving us what is best,even when we wonder WHY!


The nail has continuously brought letters asking when we willbe moving to Tennessee? As it appears now, it is uncertain.Ke find that the medical insurance [H.H.O] that we havewill notcover us in that state. Kith previous Jerry's cancer treatment,my severe back problems etc. any other company will put riderson us. Until something else works out we will continue the samebooking our own personal concerts, and the Foundation will bookwhat we do for them. Finances are and will remain separate.Our hope of getting moved and settled while health and energyare still good do not seem to be His will at this time. Asalways, we pray for His direction.

What did we do CHRISTMAS? Had a beautiful time with Ann,Bruce Tilton, and their children Kimberly and Kristin. Ke haveclaimed them as OUR VERY OWN kids. Bruce's mother and I wereso close from birth until her death several years ago. Ke areso glad they live close to us.

What is going on NOW? I've been writing T H I S!... andstruggling to get all things together to satisfy UNCLE SAH andsend the headache to our favorite TAX LADY, Lea Clark. Shethrives on this stuff, and we're glad of that! ALSO TRYING VERYHARD to get on with WRITING HV BOOK! First one sold out exceptfor a very few copies. As hard as I try there is so littletine.


Calls coae asking how to schedule a concert. We can coie forany event if all travel costs are covered. However, aany cannotafford this at great distances. Thus, if you will pleasecontact us NOW we will be happy to work your request in ifpossible, as we booi[ your state, costs are then prorated. Soierequests are on hand for NORTHEST, EAST, SOUTHEAST. Schedulesare being lined up for 1993/199<, PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS ABBAVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. SONETHING IS AVAILABLE FOR ANY TYPEOP SERVICE OR EVENT! If we coae to your area DO NOT KISS theopportunity to book us in schools. PUBLIC or PRIVATE. Wherewill be traveling next? Off to Northern California for severaldays in aid Feb. Narch, to AZ and TX -- April to CO. Datesare available for those tours. Should you desire to attend aconcert call us for cities and dates schedule.

mus m PRAm:

1 - AKotorhoae or Fan for travel. CuTTeatlj ve reat a carfor oat of tovii trips (oor rao Aas weii orer 100,000 iiles adis not safe to take on trips}. 4 lotoriioie or trailer ispreferred since it will serve best for extended trips.

2 - Bealtb and Strength.3 - Direction for our future.

1 - Gangs have grovn by leaps and booads in iHASgllf. Their

larHn^s are ererjvAere, EVSM in oor «pt. coipiei. /)ri?e bysAootin^s are increasing greatly. Oor fears beightea for Tit'ssafety even as be relaxes on a valk to Disneyland.

5 - Our finances, that we May aeet the continuous increasesin lirin^. I'e are so grateful for every contribution.

6 - For help, tAat our work load can be relieved.7 - Far our BELOVED AMERICA, and her ieaders.'

OM TBS 'UUGBTER' SIDEJerry and I had already gone to sleep by the tise Tis had

finished his bath so on ay desk the following lorning was thisnote and a black sock. "Koo, I have a hole in ly sock, itdoesn't aatter what foot I put it on. Just ONE sock the othersock is fine!" I thought about that a lot. It is inpossible tohide our wrong doings. God sees all and knows all! He can fixour holes if we ask, but Tin's socks had to be tossed. Ny powerhas such liiits. God's doesn't!

This is a quote froa a daily devotional. 'Bibles that arefalling apart usually belong to people who are not."

JEBKY AND Til HAVE THE LOVELY W PEOGRAH 'SSFLSmOJfS OFSOHETBIHG BEAUTIFOL' um TO GO. It can be either aacred OEsecular. Tou will enjoy! Call us.

Noierous people have asked about t VIDEO of Til. Thereis a nev one available through the Foandation please contact theifor details at the following address:

C F H / Post Office Box 9869 / EHOZnLLE, TN 37940

THANKS FOR YOHR INTEREST, HELP. LOVE AND PRATERS! God Blessyou and yours with a wonderful 1993! Love and 'Cheer - E - 0'!


I,There's MUTUAL actalration here !

Elaie Minnick 4 Tia

Page 6: Baley Gerald Rosemary Tim 1992 International

ThePicturePage1. Jerry at the fountain.

2. The House in Winchester, VA where the

words of 'AMAZING GRACE' were penned.

3. Rosemary, Jerry and Tim.

4. Someone Tim EYES a lot! His Eye Or.

Dr. Debra McLauren and Tim.

The Musicianaries

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. BaleyBox 8207

Anaheim. California 92812-0207




Non-profit Organlzadon

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