bahasa inggris i semester 3 keperawatan


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1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan mengasah

pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar, Vocabulary,

Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan bidang ilmu

keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menggunakan Vocabulary terkait dengan

bidang keperawatan.

3. Pokok Materi

Functional word

Content word





4. Uraian Materi

Each word in English belongs to one of the eight parts of speech (Pronoun, Verb,

Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection). Each word in

English is also either a content word or a function word.

Content = information, meaning

Function = necessary words for grammar

In other words, content words give us the most important information while

function words are used to stitch those words together.

Content words are usually nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Function words include: auxiliary verbs, prepositions, articles, conjunctions and



Let us now focus on 8 parts of speech:


1. Verb

2. Noun

3. Pronoun

4. Adjective

5. Adverb

6. Preposition

7. Conjunction

8. Interjection.


Pronoun atau disebut kata ganti digunakan untuk mengganti Noun atau

Pronoun yang lain.

Pronoun digunakan agar kalimat tidak menjadi terlalu rumit dan berulang.

a. Personal Pronoun

Personal Pronoun adalah kata ganti. Daripada menyebut nama orang atau

benda berulang-ulang, bisa diganti menggunakan Personal Pronoun.











I Me My Mine Myself

You You Your Yours Yourself

They Them Their Theirs Themselves


We Us Our Ours Ourselves

He Him His his Himself

She Her Her Hers Herself

It It Its Its itself


1. I am a Sanitarian.

2. She left me a the campus.

3. This is my book.

4. This book is mine.

5. I see myself in the mirror.


Verb adalah Kata Kerja yang merupakan bagian paling penting dalam

membentuk suatu kalimat,

Verb menerangkan subjek dari suatu kalimat dan menunjukan aksi, peristiwa

atau keadaan.

Verb di sebut juga predikat dari suatu kalimat.


1. Students read a book everyday.

(Verb “read” mendeskripsikan aksi yang dilakukan oleh students setiap hari)

2. In early September, Sanitarian will start an environmental health project.

(Compound Verb “will start” mendeskripsikan aksi yang akan dilakukan

pada suatu waktu di masa depan).

3. I remember my English teacher. She was Miss Carol.

(Verb “remember” menjunkan aksi mental, sedangkan Verb “was” menunjuk

pada seseorang)



Noun adalah Kata Benda yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi orang,

binatang, tempat, benda, dan ide abstrak.

Noun biasanya adakah kata-kata pertama yang dipelajari oleh anak.


1. Late last year our neighbors bought a goat.

2. Portia White was an opera singer.

3. The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes.

4. According to Plutarch, the library at Alexandria was destroyed in 48 B.C.

5. Sanitarians are helpful


Adjective adalah kata sifat menerangkan sifat dari Noun atau Pronoun.

Adjective biasanya ditempatkan sebelum noun or pronoun yang



Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper.

The small boat foundered on the wine dark sea.

The coal mines are dark and dank.

Many stores have already begun to play irritating Christmas music.

A battered music box sat on the mahogany sideboard.

5. Rangkuman

Setiap akata dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat digolongkan kedalam salah satu dari

eight parts of speech (Pronoun, Verb, Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition,

Conjunction, Interjection). Setiap kata dalam Bahasa Inggris juga termasuk Kata

Konten (content words) dan Kata Fungsi (function word)

Terdapat 8 jenis-jenis kata (parts of speech) yaitu Kata Ganti Orang (Pronoun),


Kata Kerja (Verb), Kata Benda (Noun), Kata Sifat (Adjective), Kata Keterangan

(Adverb), Kata Depan (Pronoun), Kata Penghubung (Conjunction), Kata Seru


6. Penugasan

Berikan 2 contoh untuk masing-masing Parts of Speech dan buatlah kalimat

menggunakan kata-kata tersebut!





1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

3. Pokok Materi





4. Uraian Materi

Pada Kegiatan Belajar I, kita sudah membahas Parts of Speech yaitu Pronoun,

Vern, Noun, dan Adjective. Pada Kegiatan Belajar II, Kita akan mempelajari

Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, dan Interjection.


Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk menerangkan verb,

adjective, adverb lainya, frase atau klausa.

Adverb menunjukan cara, waktu, tempat, penyebab, atau tingkatan.



The seamstress quickly made the mourning clothes.

I go to campus everyday

I sleep at 10 o’clock

I study at home


Preposition atau kata depan menghubungkan nouns, pronoun dan frase

dengan kata-kata lain dalam kalimat.

Kata atau frase yang dirujuk oleh preposisi sebut Object of Preposition

(objek preposisi).

Preposition biasanya menunjukan hubungan yang sementara, spasial dan

logis dari suatu objek.


The book is on the table.

The book is beneath the table.

The book is leaning against the table.

The book is beside the table.

She held the book over the table.

She read the book during class.


Conjunction adalah kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan

kata, frase, dan klausa.


I ate the pizza and the pasta.

Call the movers when you are ready.



Coordinating conjunction

and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet

Subordinating conjunction

after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though,

till, until, when, where, whether, while.

Correlative Conjunctions

both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also,,



Interjection adalah kata yang ditambahkan dalam kalimat untuk

menunjukan emosi.

Interjection tidak terkait secara grammar dengan bagian laiinya dalam


Biasanya Interjection diikuti dengan tanda seru.

Interjection jarang digunakan dalam tulisan akademik, kecuali merupakan

kutipan langsung.


Ouch, that hurt!

Oh no, I forgot that the exam was today.

Hey! Put that down!

I heard one guy say to another guy, "He has a new car, eh?"

I don't know about you but, good lord, I think taxes are too high!

5. Rangkuman

Pada Kegiatan Belajar I, kita sudah membahas Parts of Speech yaitu Pronoun,

Vern, Noun, dan Adjective. Pada Kegiatan Belajar II, Kita akan mempelajari

Adverb (Kata Keterangan), Preposition (Kata Depan), Conjunction (Kata

Penghubung), dan Interjection (Kata Seru).




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu memahami Tenses dan membuat kalimat serta menulis

sebuah paragraf menggunakan Tenses yang tepat.

3. Pokok Materi

Tenses Timeline

Simple Present Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Simple Past Tense

Past Progressive Tense

4. Uraian Materi


Tense is pattern of Verb forms used to indicate the time.

(Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menentukan waktu)

In grammar, Tense is the time of a verb's action or state of being, such as present,

past or future.

(Dalam tata bahasa, Tense menunjukan kapan suatu kejadian atau keadaan

terjadi, apakah waktu sekarang, lampau atau akan datang


No. Tense Meaning

1. I am going to the hospital now. Saya pergi ke rumah sakit sekarang.

2. I went to hospital yesterday Saya pergi ke kampus kemarin.

3. I will go to hospital tomorrow. Saya akan ke rumah sakit besok.



Subject Pronoun To-be Auxiliary verb

Present Past Present Past

I Am Was





Were They





Does She


Verb Tense Overview With Examples

Simple Present



Progressive Tense

Simple Past


Past Progressive


I study English

every day

I am studying

English now

I studied

English two

years ago

I was studying

English, when you

called me

Future Tense

with ‘will’

Future Tense with

‘to be going to’

Simple Perfect Tense

I will study

English tomorrow

I am going to study

English tomorrow

I have studied English for two hours


I went to hospital yesterday

I will go to hospital tomorrow.

I am going to the hospital now.



Explanation Examples

Repeated Action/Habitual action. I visit my uncle every Friday

Facts that are believed to be true.


Cats hate mice.

The sun rises in the morning.

Scheduled events in the near future The plane takes off at 10 o'clock tonight

Form Examples

+ Subject + Verb + Time Signal My mom cooks every day

- Subject + do/does + Not + Verb + Time


My mom does not cook everyday

? Do/does + Subject + Verb + Time Signal Does your mom cook everyday?

I, you, they, we Do

He, she, it Does

Time signal: Every day, every month, every year


Explanation Examples

Action that takes place now / at the moment I am working on my computer

Near future I am leaving tomorrow

Form Examples

+ Subject + To be + Verb-ing + Time Signal My mom is cooking now

- Subject + To be + Not + Verb-ing + Time


My mom is not cooking now

? To be + Subject + Verb-ing+ Time Signal Is your mom cooking now?

I am

you, they, we are

He, she, it is

Time signal: now, at the moment, right now



Explanation Examples

Completed action in the past. She left yesterday.

To talk about an action that started in the

past and stopped recently.

She woke up, had a shower and left.

To talk about an action that started in the

past and is continuing now.

If I had a million dollar, I would help

the poor.

An action taking place in the middle of

another action.

She was playing when the accident


Form Examples

+ Subject + Verb 2 + Time Signal My mom cooked yesterday

- Subject + Did + Not + Verb 1 + Time Signal My mom did not cook yesterday

? Did + Subject + Verb 2 + Time Signal Did your mom cook yesterday?

I, you, they, we, he, she, it Did

Time signal: yesterday, last month, two years ago.


Explanation Examples

Actions happening at the same time in the


He was reading a newspaper while his

wife was preparing dinner.

Interrupted action in the past. He was reading a book when the light

went off, had a shower and left.

Form Examples

+ Subject + To Be + Verb-ing+ Time Signal My mom was cooking, when he


- Subject + To Be + Not + Verb-ing + Time


My mom was not cooking, when

he came

? To Be + Subject + Verb-ing + Time Signal Were your mom cooking, when

he came?

I, he, she, it Was

you, they, we Were

Time signal: when he came, when you called, yesterday, two days ago


5. Rangkuman

Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menentukan waktu.

Dalam tata bahasa, Tense menunjukan kapan suatu kejadian atau keadaan terjadi,

apakah waktu sekarang, lampau atau akan datang. Simple Present Tense dan

Present Progressive Tense untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi saat sekarang,

Simple Past Tense dan Past Progressive Tense menjelaskan kejadian yang terjadi

waktu lampau.

Setiap Tense mempunyai fungsi dan bentuk kata kerja masing-masing yang

berubah sesuai dengan keterangan waktu (time signal).




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu memahami Tenses dan membuat kalimat serta menulis

sebuah paragraf menggunakan Tenses yang tepat.

3. Pokok Materi

Future Tense with Will

Future Tense with To be going to

Simple Perfect Tense

4. Uraian Materi


Explanation Examples

Instant decisions I've left the door open; I'll close it.

We use the simple future, when we predict a

future situation

She'll pass the exam. She's


We use the simple future with: "I (don't)

think...", "I expect...", "I am sure...", "I

wonder...", "probably".

It will probably rain tonight

Conditional sentence type one If I have enough time, I'll watch the


Form Examples

+ Subject + Will + Verb 1 + Time Signal My mom will cook tomorrow.

- Subject + Will + Not + Verb 1 + Time

Signal Signal

My mom will not cook



? Will + Subject + Verb 1 + Time Signal Will your mom cook tomorrow?

I, he, she, it, you, they, we Will

Time signal: tomorrow, two days later, next moth, next year.


Explanation Examples

Express plan She is going to Hawaii for the next vacation

Express a prediction 2017 is going to be an interesting year.

Form Examples

+ Subject + To be + going to + Verb 1 + Time


My mom is going to cook


- Subject + To be + Not + going to + Verb 1 +

Time Signal Signal

My mom is not going to cook


? To be + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Time

Signal Signal

Is your mom going to cook


I am

He, she, it is

you, they, we are

Time signal: tomorrow, two days later, next moth, next year.


Explanation Examples

To talk about experiences I have been to Italy.

Past action that has the result in the present. She has read that book.

Action which started in the past and

continued up to now.

I have lived in this town for 12 years.

Form Examples

+ Subject + Have/Has + Verb 3 + Time


My mom has cooked for two hours.

- Subject + Have/Has + Not + Verb 3 +

Time Signal

My mom has not cooked for two


? Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Time


Has your mom cooked for two


He, she, it Has

I, you, they, we Have

Time signal: For, since


5. Rangkuman

Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menentukan waktu.

Dalam tata bahasa, Tense menunjukan kapan suatu kejadian atau keadaan terjadi,

apakah waktu sekarang, lampau atau akan datang. Simple Present Tense dan

Present Progressive Tense untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi saat sekarang,

Simple Past Tense dan Past Progressive Tense menjelaskan kejadian yang terjadi

waktu lampau.

Setiap Tense mempunyai fungsi dan bentuk kata kerja masing-masing yang

berubah sesuai dengan keterangan waktu (time signal).

6. Penugasan

Kerjakanlah latihan dibawah ini!

Latihan 1: Gunakan Simple Present Tense dan Present Continues Tense

1. Every Monday, Sally _____________ (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I _____________ (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I

_____________ (study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I

am in Paris.

3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John _____________ (sleep) .

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It _____________ (rain) .

5. I hate living in Seattle because it _____________ (rain, always) .

6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you _____________ (say) because everybody

_____________ (talk) so loudly.

7. Justin _____________ (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet.

I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished.

8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I _____________ (go) to a movie tonight with

some friends.

7. The business cards _____________ (be, normally ) printed by a company in

New York. Their prices _____________ (be) inexpensive, yet the quality of

their work is quite good.

8. This delicious chocolate _____________ (be) made by a small chocolatier in

Zurich, Switzerland.


Latihan 2: Gunakan Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense

1. Look, I _____________ (have) two tickets for the circus.

Look, I _____________ (hold) two tickets for the circus.

2. We _______ (be) there for more than half an hour by the time the show began.

We ________ (wait) there for more than half an hour by the time the show


3. Sam ____________ (sit) in the seat next to me when the clown threw a bucket

of water at me.

Sam _______________ (be) in the seat next to me when the clown threw a

bucket of water at me.

4. One clown was juggling while he _____ (balance) a glass of wine on his head.

One clown was juggling while he ______ (have) a glass of wine on his head.

5. I _______________ (love) the circus ever since I was a child.

I _________ (go) to the circus ever since I was a child.

6. Right now, I _________ (see) two elephants doing tricks in the ring.

Right now, I _________ (look) at two elephants doing tricks in the ring.

Latihan 3: Gunakan Simple Present Tense dan Simple Future Tense

1. Today after I ____________ (get) out of class, I ____________ (go) to a

movie with some friends.

2. When you ____________ (arrive) in Stockholm, call my friend Gustav. He

____________ (show) you around the city and help you get situated.

3. A: Do you know what you want to do after you (graduate)?

B: After I ___________ (receive) my Master's from Georgetown University, I

___________ (go) to graduate school at UCSD in San Diego. I

___________ (plan) to complete a Ph.D. in cognitive science.

4. If it ___________ (snow) this weekend, we ___________ (go) skiing near

Lake Tahoe.

5. Your father ___________ (plan) to pick you up after school today at 3:00

o'clock. He ___________ (meet) you across the street near the ice cream

shop. If something happens and he cannot be there, I ___________ (pick) you

up instead.

6. If the people of the world ___________ (stop, not) cutting down huge

stretches of rain forest, we ___________ (experience) huge changes in the


environment during the twenty-first century.

7. If Vera ___________ (keep) drinking, she ___________ (lose, eventually)

her job.

8. I promise you that I ___________ (tell, not) your secret to anybody. Even if

somebody ___________ (ask) me about what happened that day, I

___________ (reveal, not) the truth to a single person.

9. She (make) some major changes in her life. She ___________ (quit) her job

and go back to school. After she ___________ (finish) studying,

she___________ (get) a better-paying job and buy a house. She is going to

improve her life!

10. Tom ___________ (call) when he ___________ (arrive) in Madrid. He

___________ (stay) with you for two or three days until his new apartment

___________ (be) available.




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu mendengar dan memahami percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris

terkait bidang Keperawatan.

3. Pokok Materi

Mendengarkan percakapan antara sesama perawat

Mendengarkan percakapan antara perawat dengan dokter

4. Uraian Materi

Ketrampilan mendengarkan hanya bisa diasah dengan banyak berlatih

mendengarkan percakapan atau pun berbagai audio dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Latihan mendengarkan perlu dilakukan terus-menerus agar ketrampilan

mendengarkan khususnya percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris terkait bidang

keperawatan dan kesehatan makin mahir.


Dengarkanlah percakapan dibawah ini, dan isilah bagian yang di


Mendengarkan percakapan antara sesama perawat

Nurse A : Good __________(1) Nurse, what about the condition of

Patient in __________(2)?

Nurse B : Good morning too nurse, the condition is getting


Nurse A : That’s good, has the __________(4) visited the him?

Nurse B : Not yet, maybe this __________(5).

Nurse A : Has he taken any __________________(6)?

Nurse B : Yes, paracatemol and some __________(7) because she got a

_______________(8) last night.

Nurse A : What about his _____________(9)?

Nurse B : It’s normal now.

Nurse A : Great, let’s __________(10) his condition again.

Nurse B : Ok


Mendengarkan percakapan antara perawat dengan dokter

Doctor : Are you taking an __________(1) contraceptive?

Patient : No, I am not. I use IUD instead.

Doctor : Do you have any of the following _____________(2) or

diseases? Such as, vomiting and stomached?

Patient : Yes I have, it’s been for __________(4) days I feel pain

in my stomach.

Doctor : Do you __________(5) vegetables?

Patient : Yes, I like __________(6).

Doctor : Are you __________(7) to certain foods?

Patient : Yes, I am allergic to shrimps.

Doctor : How are your __________(8) habits?

Patient : They are __________(9). I pass a stool every morning.

Doctor : What about your bladder habits?

Patient : I have a painful __________(10).

5. Rangkuman

Ketrampilan mendengarkan hanya bisa diasah dengan banyak berlatih

mendengarkan percakapan atau pun berbagai audio dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Latihan mendengarkan perlu dilakukan terus-menerus agar ketrampilan

mendengarkan khususnya percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris terkait bidang

keperawatan dan kesehatan makin mahir.




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu mendengar dan memahami percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris

terkait bidang Keperawatan.

3. Pokok Materi

Mendengarkan percakapan antara perawat dengan pasien

4. Uraian Materi

Mendengarkan percakapan antara perawat dengan pasien

Nurse : Hi, Mrs. Daniel. How are you today?

Patient : I am fine __________(1) , thanks.

Nurse : I want to check your condition. How is your __________(2) habit?

Patient : Good, I eat regularly, __________(3) times a day.

Nurse : That’s good, but I think you should __________(4) your eating habit.

Patient : What do you mean?

Nurse : Should eat small __________(5) but frequently.

Patient : Oh I see.

Nurse : We should measure your weight and perform your oral _______(6) too.


5. Rangkuman

Ketrampilan mendengarkan hanya bisa diasah dengan banyak berlatih

mendengarkan percakapan atau pun berbagai audio dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Latihan mendengarkan perlu dilakukan terus-menerus agar ketrampilan

mendengarkan khususnya percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris terkait bidang

keperawatan dan kesehatan makin mahir.

6. Penugasan

Dengarkanlah audio dapat berupa percakapan maupun ceramah tentang bidang

keperawatan dalam Bahasa Inggris (dapat dicari di youtube), lalu pahami dan

ceritakan kembali apa yang anda dengarkan!

Patient : Okay.

Nurse : Let me help you to __________(7) your weight.

Patient : Thank you.

Nurse : You also need to __________(8) your teeth after taking meals and

taking a bath.

Patient : Sure.

Nurse : Any questions sir?

Patient : No, thanks

Nurse : Excuse me, I will record your food __________(9) and output

Patient : Sure and thank you.

Nurse : Your welcome sir, take a rest and get __________(10) soon.

Patient : Sure and thank you.




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu memahami teknik bacaan dan bacaan dalam Bahasa Inggris

terkait bidang Keperawatan

3. Pokok Materi



4. Uraian Materi

S Q 3 R

The SQ3R Reading Method is used to:

1. It is a way to read academic material such as textbooks, articles, research

studies or manuals that can increase your comprehension of what you are

reading and improve your ability to recall it.

2. With the SQ3R method, your active involvement in the reading process is

required – in fact, it is demanded! Reading textbooks is hard work. But the

SQ3R method can make that work less difficult and perhaps, even a little more


Why SQ3R?

Evidence of the success of this method has been obtained from several studies.

In one experiment several sections of a how-to-study class measured their reading

ability (reading rate and comprehension accuracy) on a test that dealt with the


history of Canada. They were then given practice in the use of the SQ3R Method

for several days, after which they took another comparable reading test. Before

training in SQ3R, the average reading level for the classes was at only 34%, but

after training, it was at the 53%.

In another experiment, two quizzes of equal difficulty were prepared. For the

first quiz, the students studied their own way, but for the second quiz, they were

shown how to predict quiz questions with the SQ3R method. The average number

of errors on the first quiz was 15, but on the second quiz the average was only 6.

Steps in the SQ3R Method

The title for this new higher-level study skill is abbreviated to make it easier to

remember and to make reference to it simpler. The acronym SQ3R stands for the

steps that the student follows in using the method: Survey, Question, Read,

Recite, Review. A description of each of these steps is given below.

1. Survey

Skim the following: the title of the chapter, the introduction, the

table of contents and any illustrations, charts or graphs and the

summary paragraph. Note any unknown vocabulary and find a

definition. Most importantly, skim the section headings and the first

sentences of each paragraph to find the main points that will be

developed. This orientation should not take more than a few

minutes (make a conscious effort to look only at the headings, etc.)

but will help you to organize the ideas as you read them later.

2. Question

Turn the first heading, or the first sentence of the first paragraph,

into a question. This will arouse your curiosity and so increase your

active involvement and comprehension, and the question will make

important points stand out while explanatory detail is recognized as

such. Turning a heading into a question can be done instantly upon

reading the heading, but it demands a conscious effort on your part

to make this a query for which you must read to find the answer.

3. Read

Read to answer that question, i.e., to the end of the first headed

section. This is not a passive plodding along each line, but an active

search for the answer. Underline only key words--never whole

paragraphs. Use a dictionary if necessary to look up unfamiliar


vocabulary. The reader should definitely have in mind what he

wants to learn as he reads each section and not just passively read it

line by line.

4. Recite

Having read the first section, look away from the book and try

briefly to recite in your own words the answer to your question

(aloud, if possible). If you can do this you know what is in the

section; if you can’t, skim the section again and repeat the exercise

of reciting. An excellent way to do this reciting from memory is to

jot down cue phrases in outline form on a sheet of paper. Make

these notes very brief!

Now repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 on each subsequent headed section.

That is, turn the next heading into a question, read to answer that

question, recite the answer and check your accuracy. Read in this

way until the entire chapter is completed, taking very brief breaks

between sections as needed.

5. Review

When the chapter or selection has thus been completely read, look

over your notes review the points and their relationship to one

another. Check your memory by reciting the major points under

each heading and the sub- points under each major point. You can

do this by covering up the notes and trying to recall the information.

Review daily during the period of time before your exam.


These five steps of the SQ3R Method, if applied and practiced, should result in

an increase in reading comprehension, an improved ability to identify important

points and better retention of the material. You should also discover one other

worthwhile outcome: happily, test questions will seem familiar, because the

headings you turned into questions are usually the points the instructor will

emphasize on exams!

*Sources: University of Illinois website and Fraser, L. (1996). Making your mark (5th ed.)

December 2002



KWL is intended to be an exercise for a study group or class that can guide

you in reading and understanding a text. You can adapt it to working alone, but

discussions definitely help. It is composed of only three stages that reflect a

worksheet of three columns with the three letters:

What we


What we

Want to know

What we


K stands for Know

▪ The first stage is think first about the topic, then list, what you know about

the topic before reading! This provides you with a background to the new

material, building a scaffold to support it. Think of it as a pre-reading


▪ Brainstorm! Before looking at the text, think of keywords, terms, or phrases

about the topic, either in your class or a study group.

▪ Record these in the K column of your chart until you cannot think of more.

▪ Engage your group in a discussion about what you wrote in the K column.

▪ Organize the entries into general categories.

W stands for Will or Want

The second stage is to list a series of questions of what you want to know

more of the subject, based upon what you listed in K.

▪ Preview the text’s table of contents, headings, pictures, charts etc. Discuss

what you want to learn

▪ List some thoughts on what you want, or expect to learn, generally or

specifically. Think in terms of what you will learn, or what do you want to

learn about this.

▪ Turn all sentences into questions before writing them down. They will help

you focus your attention during reading.

▪ List the questions by importance.


L stands for Learned

The final stage is to answer your questions, as well as to list what new

information you have learned. Either while reading or after you have finished.

▪ List out what you learn as you read, either by section, or after the whole

work, whichever is comfortable for you.

▪ Check it against the W column, what you wanted to learn

▪ Create symbols to indicate main ideas, surprising ideas, questionable ideas,

and those you don’t understand!


5. Rangkuman

Ada beberapa metode atau teknik membaca diantaranya SQ3R, KWL, 5W1H,

Skimming and scanning Technique. Kegiatan belajar ini fokus kepada dua teknik

yaitu SQ3R dan KWL. SQ3R adalah singkatan dari Survey (survey), Question

(bertanya), Read (membaca), Recite (merangkum), Review (Tinjauan kembali).

Teknik ini sangat bermanfaat jika kita ingin mendalami dan memahami suatu


Selain SQ3R dapat juga menggunakan teknik KWL yang merupakan singkat

dari Know (apa yang diketahui), Want (apa yang ingin diketahui), Learn (apa

yang dipelajari). Teknik ini sangat efektif karena sebelum membaca, kita perlu

menggali informasi apa yang kita telah ketahui terlebih dahulu tentang topik yang

akan dibaca, kemudian mencari tahu informasi apa yang ingin kita dapat dari dari

bacaan tersebut serta menemukan dan mempelajari informasi tersebut.

6. Penugasan

Carilah bacaan tentang keperawatan, lalu gunakan teknik SQ3R atau KWL,

kemudian buatlah ringkasan!




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu memahami teknik bacaan dan bacaan dalam Bahasa

Inggris terkait bidang Keperawatan

3. Pokok Materi

5 W & 1 H

Skimming anda scanning technique

4. Uraian Materi

5 Ws and 1 H

5 W's and an H: to help me understand details of what I read.

A sk detailed questions to go with the main ideas.

▪ For each of the main ideas that you have identified in a reading, ask

yourself questions starting with the 5 Ws and 1 H question words.

W ho

▪ Identify the characters in the reading and make a list of them.

▪ Draw connecting lines between the characters and describe to yourself the

relationship between the characters.

W hat

▪ Identify the events or actions and make a list of them.

▪ Draw connecting lines between the events or actions to show the


relationship between them.

▪ Draw connecting lines between the characters and the events as you

describe to yourself the relationship between them.


▪ Identify all the places in the reading and make a list of them.

▪ Draw connecting lines between places, events and characters as you

describe to yourself the relationship among them.

W hen

▪ Identify all the time factors in the reading and make a list of them.

▪ Draw connecting lines between time factors, places, events and characters

as you describe to yourself the relationship among them.


▪ Identify causes for events of actions and make a list of them.

▪ Draw connecting lines from the causes to effects on the characters, events,

places, or times as you describe to yourself the relationship among them.


▪ Identify the way events took place and make a list of them.

▪ Draw connecting lines between the way events took place and other

factors as you describe to yourself the relationship among them.


Skimming dan Scanning adalah dua teknik membaca cepat yang

dapat membantu kita dalam membaca dan memahami teks yang banyak dan

panjang secara cepat. Teknik ini memiliki proses yang sama namun dengan

tujuan yang berbeda.

Skimming adalah teknik membaca cepat dengan memindahkan mata

dengan cepat pada teks dengan tujuan untuk memndapatkan HANYA IDE

UTAMA dan gambaran umum mengenai isi dari suatu bacaan.

Skimming dapat dilakukan untuk 1000 kata per menit.


Skimming bermanfaat untuk tiga situasi dibawah ini:

1. Pre-reading (Pra-membaca)

Skimming lebih mendalam dari preview simple dan memberikan

gambaran yang lebih akurat tentang teks yang dibaca

2. Reviewing (Meninjau kembali)

Skimming meninjau kembali teks yang telah dibaca.

3. Reading (Membaca)

Skimming sering digunakan untuk membaca cepat suatu teks dengan

tujuan tertentu namun tidak perlu melihat secara detail informasi

pendukung dari suatu teks.

Langkah-langkah dalam melakukan Skimming:

1. Bacalah judul karena dengan membaca judul, kita dapat dengan mudah

mengetahui isi bacaan dengan cepat.

2. Bacalah sub-judul dengan cepat, jika ada. Lihatlah hubungan dari setiap


3. Baca seluruh paragraf pertama sampai selesai.

4. Bacalah kata pertama dari setiap paragraf berikutnya.

a. Idea utama dari kebanyakan paragraph ada di kalimat pertama

b. Jika penulis mulai dengan pertanyaan atau anecdote, maka kalimat

terakhir dari paragraf merupakan ide utama.

5. Perhatikan gambar, chart atau grafik

6. Perhatikan kata atau kalimat yang di garis miring atau di pertebal

7. Baca ringkasan, kesimpulan, atau paragraf terakhir sampai selesai

Scanning adalah teknik membaca cepat dengan tujuan untuk mencari

informasi spesifik dengan cepat. Fokuslah mencari informasi spesifik yang

anda butuhkan dan abaikan informasi yang tidak relevan.

Skimming dapat dilakukan untuk 1500 kata atau lebih per menit.

Scanning bermanfaat untuk mencari informasi spesifik seperti nama,

data, statistic, fakta tanpa membaca seluruh artikel sampai selesai.


Langkah-langkah dalam melakukan Scanning:

1. Tentukan informasi spesifik yang ingin dicari.

2. Antisipasi jawabannya dan petunjuk yang menolong anda untuk mencari

jawabannya. Sebagai contoh, jika mencari tanggal suatu kejadian, maka

bacalah dengan cepat bacaan tersebut dengan fokus pada angka.

3. Gunakanlah sub-judul atau petunjuk lainnya untuk membantu anda

menemukan informasi spesifik yang dicari.

4. Baca secara selektif dan lewati bagian yang tidak relevan.

5. Jika menemukan kalimat yang memuat informasi yang dicari, maka bacalah

sampai selesai.

6. Dalam scanning, banyak bagian dalam bacaan yang harus dilewati tanpa

harus membaca dan memahaminya. Fokuslah hanya mencari informasi

yang diinginkan.

5. Rangkuman

5 W dan 1 H adalah metode membaca menggunakan kata Tanya yaitu What,

When, Where, Why, Who dan How. Metode ini dapat menolong pembaca untuk

memahami secara detail suatu bacaan. Karen mereka akan menggali pertanyaan

dan menemukan jawabannya melalui bacaan tersebut.

Skimming dan Scanning adalah dua teknik membaca cepat yang dapat

membantu kita dalam membaca dan memahami teks yang banyak dan panjang

secara cepat. Teknik ini memiliki proses yang sama namun dengan tujuan yang


6. Penugasan

Carilah bacaan tentang keperawatan, lalu gunakan teknik 5W 1H atau

Skimming and scanning technique, kemudian buatlah ringkasan!




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu membuat percakapan dan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris

terkait bidang Keperawatan

3. Pokok Materi

Membuat percakapan

4. Uraian Materi

Making Conversation in English

One of the hardest steps in learning a foreign language is finding the

confidence to start a conversation. This is especially difficult when the other

person is a native speaker. Here are some tips to help you break the ice.

Opening lines

The first step is to break the ice (start the conversation). You can introduce

yourself with: "Hello, my name is..." or try a more relaxed approach like "Hi,

I'm..." You can follow up your greeting with a simple question like "Where do

you come from?" or a comment on the weather if you're outside, e.g. "It's really

cold today isn't it?"

It's a good idea to start with something easy and impersonal to help you build

your confidence. The subject of weather is an easy one that everyone in the world

is able to talk about!

Suitable Topics


A good way to keep a conversation going is to talk about something you've

got in common. For example if you meet someone at a party, you could ask them

how they know the host. Or if you're standing in line for the bus, you could sigh

and say "Don't you just hate waiting in line!"

After that, the best thing to do is to ask your new friend about him or herself:

"Where do you work?" or "What do you like to do in your spare time?" are good

questions when getting to know someone. Remember, everyone likes to talk

about themselves!

Appropriate Responses

To keep a conversation going it's important to respond to what people say, for

example "That must be interesting!" or "Really? I've never tried that." You could

also repeat what the person says and ask a follow-up question, like "You lived in

Paris? For how long?"

Ending of conversation

If you want to finish the conversation, you can say good bye or you can

politely excuse by telling that you need to do something else.

Starting a conversation with a colleague:

In the office, you use slightly more formal English, such as these common


▪ Hi, John. How are you doing?

▪ How’s your day going?

▪ We’re sure having a busy/slow day today.

▪ Have you heard the news about ________?

▪ (on Friday): Have you got any plans for the weekend?

(on Monday): How was your weekend?


Contoh Percakapan:

Conversation between patient and nurse:

asking for and responding advice

Patient : Good morning nurse.

Nurse : Good morning, what can I do for you?

Patient : I need some advice. Yesterday, after having lunch, I saw some

red spots in my skin. Some are big and some are small. The big

red spots are around my arms and legs. The small red spots are

around my chest. They are itchy and I my eyes are swollen.

Nurse : Let me check first. Ok, I think you should see the doctor. I think

you are allergic to something. What did you eat yesterday?

Patient : I ate a plate of shrimps.

Nurse : I think you are allergic to shrimps.

Patient : What should I do?

Nurse : You had better see a doctor.

Patient : What do you suggest? Do I see the general practitioner or the


Nurse : You might see the general practitioner and he will refer you to a


Patient : Ok. Thank you nurse.

Nurse : Before you leave, I advise you to drink a lot of water and if you

want to eat shrimps, you must take some medicines first.

Patient : Thank you for your advice.

Nurse : You’re welcome and get well soon.

5. Rangkuman

Percakapan dimulai dengan salam pembuka (opening lines), lalu ketika

pembicaraan sedang berlangsung berikanlah respon yang tepat (appropriate

response) untuk menunjukan bahwa kita mendengarkan apa yang mereka

katakan. Lalu untuk megakhiri percapakan (ending of conversation) dapat dengan


dilakukan dengan mengucapkan salam perpisahan atau meninggalkan percakapan

secara sopan dengan mengatakan bahwa akan melakukan pekerjaan lainnya.

6. Penugasan

Buatlah percakapan dengan teman dengan topik keperawatan atau kesehatan!




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu membuat percakapan dan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris

terkait bidang Keperawatan

3. Pokok Materi

Mempraktekan percakapan

4. Uraian Materi

Dalam melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa hal yang

perlu diperhatikan yaitu intonasi (intonation), pelafalan (pronounciation), dan

bahasa atau kata yang di pakai (language or vocabulary). Intonasi harus sesuai

dan pelafalan harus jelas. Bahasa dan kata yang dipilih pun haru sesuai dengan


Praktekanlah percakapan di bawah ini dengna intonasi dan pelafalan yang


Conversation between patient and nurse:

asking for and responding advice

Patient : Good morning nurse.

Nurse : Good morning, what can I do for you?

Patient : I need some advice. Yesterday, after having lunch, I saw some

red spots in my skin. Some are big and some are small. The big

red spots are around my arms and legs. The small red spots are


around my chest. They are itchy and I my eyes are swollen.

Nurse : Let me check first. Ok, I think you should see the doctor. I think

you are allergic to something. What did you eat yesterday?

Patient : I ate a plate of shrimps.

Nurse : I think you are allergic to shrimps.

Patient : What should I do?

Nurse : You had better see a doctor.

Patient : What do you suggest? Do I see the general practitioner or the


Nurse : You might see the general practitioner and he will refer you to a


Patient : Ok. Thank you nurse.

Nurse : Before you leave, I advise you to drink a lot of water and if you

want to eat shrimps, you must take some medicines first.

Patient : Thank you for your advice.

Nurse : You’re welcome and get well soon.

5. Rangkuman

Dalam melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa hal yang

perlu diperhatikan yaitu intonasi (intonation), pelafalan (pronounciation), dan

bahasa atau kata yang di pakai (language or vocabulary). Intonasi harus sesuai

dan pelafalan harus jelas. Bahasa dan kata yang dipilih pun haru sesuai dengan


6. Penugasan

Praktekanlah percakapan yang sudah anda buat dengan teman dengan topik

keperawatan atau kesehatan!




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu menulis Asuhan Keperawatan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

3. Pokok Materi

Mahasiswa memahami format Asuhan Keperawatan dalam Bahasa Inggris

4. Uraian Materi

Pelajarilah format Asuhan keperawatan di bawah ini:

Template of Nursing Care Report


I. Patient’s identity

Name : ___________________________________________

Age : ___________________________________________

Sex : ___________________________________________

Address : ___________________________________________

Nationality : ___________________________________________

Education :


Occupation : ___________________________________________

Marital Status : ___________________________________________

Religion : ___________________________________________

Date of Assessment : ___________________________________________

Source of Information : ___________________________________________

Date of Admission :


II. Patient’s history

1. Patient’s chief complaint on admission:


2. Patient’s current medical case history:



3. Patient’s past medical case history:


4. Patent’s family medical history:


5. Medical diagnosis:


6. Intervention:


III. Current Assessment (Before and after admission)

1. Perception and health maintenance:


2. Nutritional metabolic pattern:

a. Hospital dietary


b. Food intake


c. Liquid intake


3. Elimination Pattern

a. Bowel movement


b. Bladder


4. Activity and exercise pattern:

Self Care 0 1 2 3 4

Eat / Drink

Take a bath


Get Dress

Bed mobilization


Body Alignment and Range of Motion

*Note: 0: independent, 1: using aid, 2: dependent, 3: dependent and using

aid, 4: depend on oxygen

5. Sleeping and Resting Pattern


6. Perceptual Pattern

a. Vision


b. Hearing


c. Taste


d. Sensation



7. Relationship Pattern

(Communication, relationship with others, financial support)



8. Stress Management

(Changes have happened in patients’ life recently)


9. Norms and Believe

(Patients’ view about religion and religious activities, etc)




No Data Etiology Problems


1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________


No. Diagnosis Purpose Intervention plan Rationale


No. Date Preparation Implementation Signature


No. Date Nursing



Subjective Objective Analysis Planning


5. Rangkuman

Laporan keperawatan terdiri dari beberapa bagian yaitu identitas pasien

(patient’s identity), riwayat pasien (patient’s history), pengkajian terkini (current

assessment), analisa data (data analysis), diagnosa keperawatan (nursing

diagnosis), rencana keperawatan (nursing plan), implementasi (implementation),

dan evaluasi (evaluation)




1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dan

mengasah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi Grammar,

Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking yang berkaitan dengan

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kesehatan.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa mampu menulis Asuhan Keperawatan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

3. Pokok Materi

Mahasiswa menulis Asuhan Keperawatan dalam Bahasa Inggris

4. Uraian Materi

Dalam menulis laporan asuhan keperawatan, ada beberap hal yang perlu


Writing tips

Ensure the statements are factual and recorded in consecutive order, as they

happen. Only record what you, as the nurse, see, hear, or do.

Do not use jargon, meaningless phrases, or personal opinions (e.g., “the

patient's vision appears blurred” or “the patient's vision appears to be

improving”). If you want to make a comment about changes in the patient's

vision, check the visual acuity and record it.

Do not use an abbreviation unless you are sure that it is commonly

understood and in general use. For example, BP and VA are in general use

and would be safe to use on records when commenting on blood pressure

and visual acuity, respectively.

Do not speculate, make offensive statements, or use humour about the

patient. Patients have the right to see their records!


If you make an error, cross it out with one clear line through it, and sign.

Do not use sticky labels or correction fluid.

Write legibly and in clear, short sentences.

Remember, some information you have been given by the patient may be

confidential. Think carefully and decide whether it is necessary to record it

in writing where anyone may be able to read it; all members of the eye care

team, and also the patient and relatives, have a right to access nursing


5. Rangkuman

Dalam menulis laporan asuhan keperawatan, ada beberap hal yang perlu

diperhatikan yaitu informasinya harus faktual dan ditulis secara sistematis, jangan

menggunakan singkatan atau istilah yang tidak lazim, jangan menambahkan

pernyataan yang tidak perlu, jika membuat kesalahan langsung di silang jangan

ditanda-tangani jangan di hapus, tulislah dengan tulisan yang jelas dan dapat di

baca serta pertimbangkan beberapa informasi rahasi yang perlu ditulis atau tidak

karena informasi tersebut bisa saja tidak boleh diketahui oleh banyak orang!

6. Penugasan

Buatlah suatu kasus dan tulislah laporan keperawatan menggunakan format

yang ada serta memperhatikan tips penulisan laporan keperawatan!