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SULIT 1tt9/t tttgfi Bahasa Inggeris Kertas I September 20L3 1% jam i ( ) MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA 2OI3 BAHASA INGGERIS Kertas I Satu jam empat puluh lima minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU Arahan I . Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B. 2. Jaryab kedua-dua bahagian. 3. Jawapan anda hendaklah ditulis dalam buku ja,tapan yang disediakan. Sekiranya ruang jawapan tidak mencukupi, sila dapatkan helaian tambahan daripada pengawas peperiksaan. Instructions l. This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B. 2. Answer both sections. 3. Your answers must be written in the answer booklet provided. If the spaces in the booklet ore insfficient, please request for the additional answer sheets from the invigilator. wv'/w. myschoolch i ld ren . com Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 3 halarnan bercetak dan I halaman tidak bercetak [Lihat halaman sebelah Lllgll @zotr HakCiptaBahagian Pendidikan Menengah MARA SULIT more examination papers at :

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SULIT 1tt9/ttttgfiBahasaInggerisKertas ISeptember20L3

1% jam





Kertas I

Satu jam empat puluh lima minit



I . Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Jaryab kedua-dua bahagian.

3. Jawapan anda hendaklah ditulis dalam buku ja,tapan yang disediakan. Sekiranya ruangjawapan tidak mencukupi, sila dapatkan helaian tambahan daripada pengawaspeperiksaan.


l. This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.

2. Answer both sections.

3. Your answers must be written in the answer booklet provided. If the spaces in the booklet

ore insfficient, please request for the additional answer sheets from the invigilator.

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Section A: Directed Writing

[35 marlcsJ

fTime suggested: 45 minutes)

You are concerned about the rise in kidnapping cases involving schoolchildren in Malaysia.Write an article for your school newsletter giving tips to your schoolmates on how to avoidbeing kidnapped.

Use the notes given below to write your article.

When writing your article, you must remember:. to give a suitable title. to use all the inforrnation given. to elaborate on all the information given

. to give two additional tips of your owno that your readers are the students of your school

Note:For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to20 marksfor the quality of your writing.

Do's Don'ts

. inform parents of whereabouts

. be alert of surroundings

. remember important telephone


o go anywhere alone

o give out personal information

o trust strangers

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Section B: Continuous Writing

150 marksl

lTime suggested: One hourf

Write a composition of aboat 350 words on one of the following topics.

1 Describe a place that makes you huppy.

2 Teenagers should help out at home. Discuss.

3 Mistakes make valuable lessons.

4 Write a story beginning with:

"A.s I walkJd past the door, I heard ..."

5 Magic.


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I ["#;i.,

ZYa jam





Kertas 2

Dua jam lima belas minit


Arahan1. _ Kertas soalan ini mengandungi empat bahagian : Bahagian A, Bahagiar B, Bahagian

C ddn Bahagian D.

2. Jawabsemua bahagian dalam kertas soalan ini.

3. Soalan-soalan dalam Bahagian A mempunyai empat pilihan jawapan. Jawab setiapsoalan dengan menghitamkan ruang yang betul di halaman 18.

Instructions1. This question paper consists of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and

Section D.

, 2. Answer all sections in this question paper.

3. Questions in Section A have four options. Answer each question by blackening the

corcect space on page 18.

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Section A

lL5 marl<sl

lTime suggested: 25 minutesl




1 This notice tells us that visitors can stay in the atea

A past 9.00 p.m.

B until 9.00 p.m.

C from 9.00 p.m.

D since 9.00 p.m.

2 From the message above, we know that Erica is

A excited about her tennis practice

B concerned about her brother

C worried about her ParentsD stressed about the rabbits

Adam,Mum and Dad will be late and I have tennis practice. I left

your lunch in the microwave oven. Please heat it up before you eat.

Also remember to feed the rabbits and put them back into the

cage before you go out to play, unlike last time. They will eat Mum'sdaisies again and she will be upset.


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Kangar: Police are looking for two men who held up a shop in Kangaryesterday and stole RM200,000. The two robbed the owner, Ali bin Saad, whenhe returned to the shop shortly after 2 p.^. The owner was held at gunpointwhile the men took rnoney from the cash register. According to an eyewitnesswho alerted the police, the robbers made off with the money towards JalanHarum Manis.

Acsording to the report, the

A owner called the policeB police injured the robbers

C robbers escaped with the cash

D eyewitness stopped the robbers

PT lnsurance produced a personalised Chinese New Year (CNY) video greeting byinterviewing the public about what it means to them. They put together a team to travelnationwide to capture videos. The videos were then compiled to create PT's very ownpersonalised CNY to be shared with their family members and friends. Upon thecompletion of filming, three video trailers were released on the Facebook pageshowcasing clips of the video interviews, The final video greeting was released onFebruary 4 for all to share the Chinese New Year spirit with their family and friends.

Which of the following sequence shows how PT Insurance shared the meaning ofChinese New Year with the public?

Interviewing thepublic

Setting a teqm

Releasing thevideo

Showcasing thetrailers

Setting a team

Interviewing thepublic

Showcasing thetrailers

Releasing thevideo

Interviewing the


Releasing thevideo

Setting a team

Showcasing thetrailers

Setting a team

Showcasing thetrailers

Interviewing the

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6 According to the advertisement above, we can

A claim the vouchers at the specified outlet

B get unlimited number of cash vouchers

C exchange the vouchers for cash

D use the vouchers at anY time

Alzheimer's is a serious disease among the elderly. To prevent it, doctorsadvise people to eat well, exercise on regular basis, get sufficient sleep and

go for regular check-ups. Their priority is to keep their brain stimulated bylearning, doing puzzles and getting involved in social activities.

The most important step to prevent Alzheimer's is by

A keeping oneself mentally active

B seeing doctors consistently

C getting enough rest

D being fit physically








Get RM5.00 vouche r f or every RM100.00 purchase

Terms and Conditions. The voucher is not redeemable for cash

o Each customer is entitled to a maximum of 5 vouchers

. Vouchers are valid during promotional period only

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Wow, the last twohours really flew byl


The phrase flew by means timeA ran outB stood stillC moved fast

D ticked away

8 From the pie chart, we can conclude that the Federal Government spends

A the least on economic services

B less on education than social services

C equally on security services and administrative costs

D more on administrative costs than economic services

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l,/t'L'lz{^ T


I hope the teacherdidn't say anythingimportant.

Operating Expenditure of the Federal Government in 2011

Social Services -33%

Educati on - 27%

AdministrativeCosts - L2%

Security - LO% EconomicServices -18%


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SULIT t1t912

Questions 9 - 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each


Last June, I noticed a stray cat coming into my garden. He had discovered that I threw

scraps out for the birds. I started to put food out for him but he 9 really wild and I

sould not get to him. Nevertheless, he kept coming most evening for food.

I discovered 10 late November that he had escaped from a vet clinic two

kilometres away. After returning him to be 11 with his owner, I assumed I had seen

the last of him. But 12 days later, he was back in the garden - I could not L2 my eyes-

It transpired that the cat had become so wild that the owner could not cope with him and had

let him go. He made the 2-kilometre journey to where he wanted to be. After all that effort,

what could I do but 13 and keeping him?

After _ L4 giving him encouragement, he conquered his fears and allowed me to

touch him. From that point, we never looked 15 . He is now a much loved and

extremely affectionate member of the family.

(Source: Reader's Digest, 201 1)

13 A accept

B accepts

C accepted

D accepting












9AisB are

C was

D were











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Section B

ll0 marksf

lTime suggested: 25 minutesf

Questions 16 -25Reod the following information and answer the questions that follow.




Most whiteners are not- powerful enough. For real

results, choose toothpastewith hydrogen peroxide. Italso helps put off bacterialinfection and gum related



This toothpaste reduces

sensitivity and helps

prevent cavities, gingivitis,plaque, and bad breath.

However, the active

ingredient, stannous

fluoride can cause toothstaining. If you noticebrown spots, alert yourdentist, who can easily

remove them.


Go natural to avoid

artificial flavours and

colours, but make sure the

brand you choose has

cavity-fighting fluoride as

well as xylitol whichmakes plaque less sticky

and aloe vera to fightinflammation. Make sure

the one you choose is free

of sodium lauryl sulfate, a

foaming agent that maycause canker sores.




Most sensitive-teeth

formulae contain 5o/o

potassium nitrate, whichblocks receptors that

translate hot and cold signals

into pain. To maximise the

effectiveness, spit afterbrushing, and wait for 20

minutes before rinsing.

Gum Health

The best way to kill thegenns that cause gum diseaseis to use toothpaste with theantimicrobial triclosan. Justbrush at a 45-degree angle.This allows the bristles toreach up under your gumline, where bacteria dwell.

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Questions 16 - 21

Use the information given, complete the following table.

Questions 21 -25Completi tlre sentences below based on the information given.

21 We should brush at a 45-degree angle in order to

lL marlcj

22 Whitening toothpaste has the active ingredient that brightens teeth and

l1 markl

23 We should avoid toothpastes that use sodium lauryl sulphate because ..........

.. } markl

24 If you want to remove tooth stain, you should

ll mark)

25 Users of sensitive-teeth formula are encouraged to wait for 20 minutes before rinsing to

... [1 mark]


Types ofToothpaste

Key Ingredients Functions

Whitening l6 Whitens teeth

Sensitive-Teeth Potassium nitratel1

Gum Health Triclosan18

All-Round tgReduces sensitivity and helps prevent cavities,

gingivitis, plaque as well as bad breath.

Natural Aloe vera2A

[5 marlcs]

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Section C

[25 marl<s)

lTime suggested: 5A minutes)

Questions 26 - 31 are based on the following passoge.

1 One day a couple of years ago my father sheepishly told me that he wantedto learn how to use the family computer. I had just graduated from High Schoolin Dhaka, Bangladesh and was soon to leave for Claremont McKenna Collegein California, USA. Dad knew that regular telephone calls would be tooexpensive so he had researched alternatives, including Skype and YahooMessenger.

2 I was stunned. My parents had always treated the world of informationtechnology as though it were full of magic and witches. To be fair, things didseem to go wrong when they tried: the one time I convinced Dad to use hisdebit card, the machine ate it up. For ages he stayed close to me at ATMmachines as I withdrew cash for him. The computer was no different. While hedictated, I typed business emails and printed documents for work. Now Dadwanted to master the computer himself. And he wanted me to help him and mymother do it.

3 On his first day at our makeshift "computer school" Dad asked a simplequestion that should have been an indication of days to come. He wanted toknow why the keys were not in order. I had no idea. As I tried to come up withan intelligent answer, he began typing at the keyboard using one finger, one keyat a time. I told him the correct way was to use both hands. He responded byusing his one finger faster. It was obvious that Dad's idea of high-speed typingwas pecking rapidly with a single finger. As for Mum, she was eager to learnwhat to press in order to send email to her friends.

4 Training my parents, however, made me realise how complicated the simplefunctions can be to a beginner. I tried several inventive ways of explaining thebasic functions of a computer. I drew diagrams and wrote instruction manuals.Once in a while, I lost my patience but eventually I taught my parents how todownload pictures, open files and save a document.

5 Still, my parents were anxious about the simple things. With me lookingover their shoulders, they were less willing to make up their own minds aboutwhat to do with new requests and options that programmes threw at them. Dadwould quickly ask me for the answer and as for Mum, I could see her measuringthe "yes" and "no" options on the monitor.

6 Suddenly, I had an idea on how to boost their confidence. I remembered howDad let go of my bike and allow me to ride free. I crashed into a bush in thegarden and experienced great pain for a few days. It was pure independence toride on my own. Hence, I tried a liule bit of my father's advice. I began toslowly inch away from the computer as he fiddled with the keyboard and mouse.






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Before I could get far, Dad would yell for me to fix the problem. Some days Iescaped from the room without him noticing.

7 The real star student was Mum. She worked diligently, enjoying the 40possibilities of Google search and making friends all over the globe. Soon, shewas emailing with ease and exploring other ways to connect with people. By thetime I left for the USA, Mum and Dad were pedalling on their own.

8 During my first year of college, ffiy parents and I skyped almost every night.I showed them my dorm roorn and introduced them to my friends. Seeing my 45parents' smiling faces on video chat, still embarrassed and awkward, got methrough many stressful days. And for that, I am grateful to them. These days,Mum uses the computer regularly and Dad uses the internet to read the latestnews and has mastered the search engine. I would like to think that we havebridged the digital divide in my family. My parents have themselves to credit 50for this achievement and their motivation is none other than love.

(Adapted frorn Bridging the Divide)

26 From parugraph 1, where would the writer further his studies?

ll markl

27 (a) Which word in paragraph 2 means 'become skilful'?

IL marlc]

(b) From paragraph 3, what was Dad wondering about on the first day of lesson?

IL mark]

28 (a) From paragraph 4, why did the writer lose his patience?

ll marlc)

(b) From paragraph 6, why do you think the writer "began to slowly inch away fromthe computer"?

fi mark)

29 From paragraph 8,

(a) give two pieces of evidence to show that the writer has successfully taught his

parents computer skills.

Evidence 1: ...... .-..- [1 mark)

Evidence2; ...... ll markf


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(b) what was the parents' greatest motivation to learn computer?

ll markl

30 In your opinion, is it necessary for parents to learn computer skills? Using your ownwords, give a reason to support your answer.

[2 marks)


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SULIT tt1912

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary of:

o how the writer's parents learned to use the computer

and. what he did to help thern

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the

original meaning.

Your summary must:

. be in continuous writing form (not in note form)

. use materials from line 15 to line 41

o not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

On the first day teaching his parents, the writer 's father.. .

ll5 marlcs)




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Section D

[20 marks]

lTime suggested: 35 minutesl

32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

He Had Such Quiet Eyes

He had such quiet eyes

She did not realiseThey were two pools of liesLayered with thinnest ice

To her, those quiet eyes

Were breathing desolate sighsImploring her to be niceAnd to render him paradise

If only she'd been wiseAnd had listened to the adviceNever to compromiseWith pleasure-seeking guys

She'd be free from "the hows and whys"

Now here's a bit of adviceBe sure that nice really means niceThen you'll never be losing at diceThough you may lose your heart once or twice

Bibsy Soenharjo

(a) In stanza t, what does the word They refer to?

fl marlcf

fry Vfhich line advises the girl to hold on to her own values?

p marlcl

(c) What does the phrase losing at dice mean?

ll mark)

(d) Gle two pieces of advice to your friend who is involved in a serious relationship.

i) ...... [1 mark]

ii) [1 mark]

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SULIT lltgt2

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

The Curse - Lee Su Ann

Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine

Catch Us If You Can - Catherine MacPhail

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Based on the novel you have studied, write about an unforgettable incident that affectsthe main character in the novel.

With close reference to the text, explain how it affects the character.

f15 marl<sf



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Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase theblackened mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.


@ @e @









8@@@.@ For examiner's useSection Marks

A 15

B l0

C 25

D 20

Total 70

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