bacon - · love of bacon by attending bacon fests annually across the country. bacon is...

B a c o n a c c o u n t s f or 1 8 % o f a l l U . S . i n - h o m e p o r k t h a t i s c o n s u m e d . L u n c h s s h a r e o f b a c o n v o l u m e i s 2 9 % . B a c o n c o n s u m p t i o n g r e w 2 . 4 % f r o m 2 0 0 1 t o 2 0 1 3 . B ac o n s e r v e d a t b r e a k f a s t r e p r es e n t s 5 7 % o f a l l b a c o n s o l d i n f o o d s e r v i c e . B a c o n c o n s u m p t i o n g r e w 2 . 4 % f r o m 2 0 0 1 t o 2 0 1 3 . M m m .. . B a c o n! U . S . c on s u m e r s e n j o y a b o u t 1 . 1 b i l l i o n b a c o n s e r v i n g s a y e a r . ( M a y 2 0 1 3 A p r i l 2 0 1 4 ) “The question that women casually shopping for perfume ask more than any other is this: ‘What scent drives men wild?’ After years of intense research, we know the definitive answer. It is bacon.” – TANIA SANCHEZ, AUTHOR OF PERFUMES: THE GUIDE BITS ABOUT BACON CENTURIES OF BACON LOVERS… • Preserving and salting pork dates back to 1500 BC IN CHINA. • The Greeks and Romans kept up the tradition of enjoying salted pork. • Centuries ago, people began eating cured pork in France, Germany and England, with bacon the favorite. • The first large-scale bacon curing business was set up in the 1770s by John Harris in Wiltshire, England. • In 1924, Oscar Mayer patented the first PACKAGED, SLICED BACON. References: 1. The National Provisioner 2008 Tech Journal Series – Bacon 101 2. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 27 3. 4. Datassential, 2014 5. The Nielsen Company 6. The NPD Group, Inc. “BRINGING HOME THE BACON” 3 originated in 12th century England. A historic church in Dunmow offered a flitch (side) of bacon to any husband who could swear before the congregation and God that they had not quarreled with his wife for a year and a day. A husband who could bring home the bacon was HIGHLY RESPECTED by the community. I LOVE ME SOME BACON! ©2016 National Pork Board. Des Moines, IA USA This message funded by America’s Pork Producers and the Pork Checkoff. HOW IS BACON MADE IN THE U.S. Two kinds of systems for producing bacon in the United States: DRY CURE – A mixture of curing ingredients is rubbed on all surfaces of the belly. PICKLE CURE – Most commercially processed bacon is pickle-cured, which involves a brine solution made up of salt and water. Bacon isn’t just for breakfast anymore. Bacon lovers enjoy its great taste all day long, including CHOCOLATE- COVERED BACON snacks and BACON MILKSHAKES. Thousands of fans show their LOVE OF BACON by attending BACON FESTS annually across the country. BACON IS THE TOP- MENTIONED PORK PRODUCT ON SOCIAL MEDIA, according to a Checkoff-funded survey that analyzed more than 30 million posts about food on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. WHAT IS BACON? BACON Delicious Yummy Tender Tasty A 275-pound pig yields 16 POUNDS of bacon. TOP TEN U.S. MARKETS FOR BACON 5 1. New York City 2. Los Angeles 3. Philadelphia 4. Atlanta 5. Washington, D.C. 6. Boston 7. Chicago 8. Detroit 9. Pittsburgh 10. San Francisco Broadly defined, bacon refers to a category of CURED AND PROCESSED PORK BELLIES made into strips or circular-products. 1 USDA defines bacon as the CURED BELLY of a swine carcass. 1 Bacon refers to DIFFERENT CUTS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. English, American and Italian bacon comes from the belly of the pig. CANADIAN BACON is not really bacon but instead is fully cooked smoked pork loin. of restaurants have bacon on the menu 62% Menu “I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.” – THOMAS JEFFERSON BLTs... ONE OF LIFE’S PURE PLEASURES 4 • “BLT” first appeared in print during the early 1950s for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, but it already had ENTERED INTO COMMON USAGE IN THE LATE 1940s. • The sandwich became popular when fresh lettuce and tomatoes became available year round after World War II. • Depending on the survey, BLTs today rank anywhere from No. 2 to No. 17 in popularity as a sandwich in the U.S. • More often than not, BLTs are eaten at home. 70%. BACON AND EGGS are eaten together 71% of the time Breakfast 1,241MM Lbs. Lunch 622MM Lbs. Dinner 260MM Lbs. Snack 45MM Lbs. 2013 TOTAL BACON VOLUME All Segments = 2,168MM Lbs. CWE 57 % 29 % 12 % 2 % 53% of all homes keep bacon on hand at all times AMERICANS consume an average of 17.9 LBS. of bacon a year. 6 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES CONSUME 56 MILLION LBS. of bacon annually. BACON NUTRITION FACTS TWO SLICES OF BACON 2 108 calories 8 grams of fat 8 grams of protein 115 milligrams of potassium SLICED BACON typically comes in thin slices (about 35 strips per pound), regular slices (16 to 20 slices per pound) or thick slices (12 to 16 slices per pound).

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Page 1: BACON - · LOVE OF BACON by attending BACON FESTS annually across the country. BACON IS THE TOP-MENTIONED PORK PRODUCT ON SOCIAL MEDIA, according to a Checkoff-funded

Bacon accounts for 18% of all U.S. in-home pork that is consumed.

Lunch’s share of bacon volume is 29 %. Bacon consumption grew 2.4% from 2001 to 2013.Bacon served at breakfast represents 57% of all bacon sold in foodservice.

Bacon consumption grew 2.4% from 2001 to 2013. Mmm...Bacon!U.S. consumers enjoy about 1.1 billio

n bacon servings a year. (May 2013–April 2014)

Bacon accounts for 18% of all U.S. in-home pork that is consumed.

Lunch’s share of bacon volume is 29 %. Bacon consumption grew 2.4% from 2001 to 2013.Bacon served at breakfast represents 57% of all bacon sold in foodservice.

Bacon consumption grew 2.4% from 2001 to 2013. Mmm...Bacon!

U.S. consumers enjoy about 1.1 billion bacon servings a year. (May 2013–April 2014)

“The question that women casually shopping for perfume ask more than any other is this: ‘What scent drives men wild?’ After years of intense research, we know the definitive answer. It is bacon.”




CENTURIES OF BACON LOVERS…• Preserving and salting pork dates back to 1500 BC IN CHINA.

• The Greeks and Romans kept up the tradition of enjoying salted pork.

• Centuries ago, people began eating cured pork in France, Germany and England,

with bacon the favorite.

• The first large-scale bacon curing business was set up in the 1770s by

John Harris in Wiltshire, England.

• In 1924, Oscar Mayer patented the first PACKAGED, SLICED BACON.

References:1. The National Provisioner 2008 Tech Journal Series – Bacon 1012. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 273. Datassential, 20145. The Nielsen Company 6. The NPD Group, Inc.

“BRINGING HOME THE BACON”3 originated in 12th century England. A historic church in Dunmow offered a flitch (side) of bacon to any husband who could swear before the congregation and God that they had not quarreled with his wife for a year and a day. A husband who could bring home the bacon was HIGHLY RESPECTED by the community.


©2016 National Pork Board. Des Moines, IA USA

This message funded by America’s Pork Producers

and the Pork Checkoff.

HOW IS BACON MADE IN THE U.S. Two kinds of systems for producing bacon in the United States:

DRY CURE – A mixture of curing ingredients is rubbed on all surfaces of the belly.

PICKLE CURE – Most commercially processed bacon is pickle-cured, which involves a brine solution made up of salt and water.

Bacon isn’t just for

breakfast anymore.

Bacon lovers enjoy

its great taste all day


Thousands of fans show their


by attending BACON FESTS

annually across the country.

BACON IS THE TOP-MENTIONED PORK PRODUCT ON SOCIAL MEDIA, according to a Checkoff-funded survey that analyzed more than 30 million posts about food on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.





A 275-pound pig yields

16 POUNDS of bacon.


1. New York City 2. Los Angeles 3. Philadelphia 4. Atlanta 5. Washington, D.C. 6. Boston 7. Chicago 8. Detroit 9. Pittsburgh 10. San Francisco

• Broadly defined, bacon refers to a category of CURED AND PROCESSED PORK BELLIES made into strips or circular-products.1

• USDA defines bacon as the CURED BELLY of a swine carcass.1

• Bacon refers to DIFFERENT CUTS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.• English, American and Italian bacon comes from the belly of the pig.• CANADIAN BACON is not really bacon but instead is fully cooked

smoked pork loin.

of restaurants have bacon on the menu

62% Menu

“I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.”



• “BLT” first appeared in print during the early 1950s for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, but it already had ENTERED INTO COMMON USAGE IN THE LATE 1940s.

• The sandwich became popular when fresh lettuce and tomatoes became available year round after World War II.

• Depending on the survey, BLTs today rank anywhere from No. 2 to No. 17 in popularity as a sandwich in the U.S.

• More often than not, BLTs are eaten at home. 70%.

BACON AND EGGS are eaten together

71% of the time

Breakfast1,241MM Lbs.

Lunch622MM Lbs.

Dinner260MM Lbs.

Snack45MM Lbs.

2013 TOTAL BACON VOLUME All Segments = 2,168MM Lbs. CWE

57% 29% 12% 2%

53% of all homes keep bacon on hand at all times

AMERICANS consume an average of

17.9 LBS. of bacon a year.6


56 MILLION LBS. of bacon annually.

BACON NUTRITION FACTSTWO SLICES OF BACON2 108 calories8 grams of fat8 grams of protein115 milligrams of potassium

SLICED BACON typically comes in thin slices (about 35 strips per pound), regular slices (16 to 20 slices per pound) or thick slices (12 to 16 slices per pound).