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Page 1: Backstepping-based robust-adaptive control of a nonlinear 2-DOF … · 2019. 8. 30. · Backstepping-based robust-adaptive control of

Backstepping-based robust-adaptive control of a

nonlinear 2-DOF piezoactuator

Juan-Antonio Escareno1, Micky Rakotondrabe2∗, and Didace Habineza2

1: Polytechnic Institute of Advanced Sciences, 7-9 rue M. Grandcoing, 94200

Ivry-sur-Seine, France.2: Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems depart. (AS2M),

FEMTO-ST Institute,

CNRS - University of Franche-Comté at Besançon (UFC) - ENSMM - UTBM,

Besançon France.∗: corresponding author, email: [email protected]


This paper deals with the control of a two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) piezoelectricactuator for precise positioning and which exhibits strong hysteresis nonlinearityand strong cross-couplings. To tackle the nonlinearity and the cross-couplings, wepropose two decoupled models in which they are considered as (�ctive) externaldisturbances which require proper characterization. Then, a backstepping techniqueis proposed to construct a robust controller that merges sliding-mode and adaptiveschemes. Extensive experimental tests are �nally carried out to prove the e�ciencyof the modeling and control technique proposed.

Key words: Piezoelectric actuator, 2 degrees of freedom, hysteresis nonlinearity,cross-couplings, backstepping technique, merged sliding mode and adaptiveschemes, robust controller.


The signi�cant advance of fabrication and manipulation of micro/nano ob-jects in recent years, from technological and theoretical point of view, hasincreased the application range in many �elds (biology, medicine, automotive,aeronautics and aerospace, data-storage, etc). One of the main challenge whenworking at micro/nano scale is the ability to execute tasks with a relativelyhigh operating speed and a very high positioning precision. Piezoelectric basedactuators are the most useful tools for such applications, mainly due to thehigh resolution, the wide operating bandwidth and the signi�cant sti�ness

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 7 May 2015

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they can o�er. The most known application of piezoelectric actuators is thesurface scanning at atomic scale with scanning tunneling microscope [1] andatomic force microscope [2]. In these two applications, a piezoelectric tubescanner [3] is used in order to make possible the exploration of the scannedsample with a nanometric resolution. Alternatively, this task can also be en-sured by compliant structures [4,5] driven by piezoelectric stack actuators [6].Another well-known category of piezoelectric actuators includes microgrippers[7,8] which are generally made of two cantilevered piezoelectric actuators, al-lowing them to be used for manipulation or handling of micro-objects. Theyare very used for the execution of pick-and-place tasks in the �eld of mi-cromanipulation and microassembly [9]. From the aforementioned categoriesand applications of piezoelectric actuators, it is worth to mention that someof them are designed to provide de�ections (displacements) along one direc-tion/axis, i.e. one degree of freedom (1-DOF or monovariable) piezoelectricactuators. Examples include unimorph piezoelectric cantilevers and piezoelec-tric stacks. Other actuators are designed to handle surface or spatial tasks byproviding displacements along di�erent directions: multi-DOF (multivariable)piezoelectric actuators. Examples include duo-bimorph and duo-multimorphpiezoelectric cantilevers, piezoelectric tubes scanners.

Despite the advantages, variety and the wide range of applications cited above,piezoelectric based actuators typify adverse nonlinear e�ects (hysteresis andcreep) making the control design often a complex task [10, 11]. In addition,strong couplings appear between the di�erent axes in multi-DOF piezoelectricactuators, resulting in an additional cause of positioning inaccuracy. The prob-lem here is that these nonlinearities, i.e. the hysteresis and the creep, whichare present in the expected actuator displacements (or direct transfers), alsoappear in these couplings [10, 12�14]. It is worth also highlighting that sys-tems, in practice, feature amplitude-limited inputs [15,16]. This aspect mustbe considered in the control design for stability purposes. For these reasons,it is necessary to develop appropriate control designs that not only take intoaccount inherent nonlinearities and couplings between the piezoelectric actu-ators axis but also the bounded control inputs.

Dealing with piezoelectric systems featuring hysteresis and creep nonlinearitieshas been addressed using feedback and feedforward control strategies, or, thecombination of both. Feedforward control relies on precise models and theirinverses or approximate inverses as compensator of the hysteresis or of thecreep. In feedback, the litterature is abundant and techniques from classicalschemes to more advanced like robust/adaptive schemes which regard or dis-regard the hysteresis or creep models have been used. The main advantages offeedback techniques are indeed the robustness and the disturbances rejectionthey can o�er.

In feedback control schemes, techniques mainly included PID [17�19], lin-


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ear robust control methods [20�25] and other control techniques such as,Lyapunov-based Sliding Mode Control (SMC), iterative, adaptive and repet-itive control schemes [26�35]. However, when there is a lack of conventientsensors to perform the feedback, for instance for certain miniaturized posi-tioning systems for which there are no embeddable sensors with the requiredperformances, feedforward control scheme is often used instead of feedback.

In feedforward control, the most used models of hysteresis and the relatedcompensators are based on the superposition of elementary hysteresis calledhysterons. They are the Preisach [36�39] and the Prandtl-Ishlinskii approaches[40�45]. The open-loop compensator, i.e. the hysteresis inverse model, is af-terwards computed using the identi�ed model. The two approaches can bevery accurate subject to the use of a high number of hysterons. Another fam-ily of hysteresis models is based on di�erential equations. The sole utilized inmodeling and compensation is the Bouc-Wen model [46,47] which has an ad-vantage of simplicity and ease of identi�cation. The synthesis of the open-loopcompensator in Bouc-Wen approach has been carried out in [14,48].

The creep nonlinearity has been modeled as a series of spring-damper systemsresulting in a linear dynamic model [49]. This linear dynamic model can bedirectly inverted when it satis�es the bi-causality and bi-stability properties inorder to compensate for the creep [50,51]. The inverse multiplicative structurehas also been used in [13,43] allowing the use of the identi�ed dynamic modelitself as compensation, i.e. without extra-calculation of the inverse model.In [52, 53], the logarithmic model has been used to model and to compen-sate for the creep. Nevertheless, open-loop controlled systems are not robustand can not handle the models uncertainties as well as external disturbances.Therefore, feedforward techniques can not be employed in certain applicationswhere the models utilized may vary during the functioning, where the identi-�ed models are not precise enough or where external disturbances are present.This is why feedforward schemes are increased with feedback schemes in theseapplications to increase the robustness and to reach some speci�ed perfor-mances that could not be attained with feedback or feedforward individually[10,12,54�59].

The contribution of this paper is the modeling and the proposition of an al-ternative control strategy for a 2-DOF piezoelectric cantilevered actuator toperform complex trajectories and waypoint trackings evolving in the planarspace (y and z axes). The 2-DOF piezoactuator is mainly utilized in precisepositioning such as micromanipulation and microassembly. The tasks consistprincipally to manipulate, to pick-transport-and-place or to assemble arti�-cial (non-biological) objects of sizes ranging between tens of microns to afew of millimeters. These tasks require very high resolution of positioning,an accuracy better than the micron, a manipulation force generally rang-ing between 100µN and 40mN and a bandwidth in excess of a ten of Hertz


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[9]. Based on PZT (lead-zirconate-titanate) piezoelectric material, the 2-DOFpiezoactuator was a good candidate for these tasks since it can perform up to30mN of force, nanometric resolution, and a bandwidth of hundreds of Hertz.additionally to that, the two degrees of freedom of the actuator permits toperform dexterous micromanipulation. As adverse side however, the 2-DOFpiezoactuator exhibits a strong nonlinear phenomenon (hysteresis) and strongcross-couplings between the two axes. In fact, it is observed that the cross-couplings dramatically distort the motion of the actuator. These phenomenastrongly compromise the accuracy, and even the stability of the �nal tasks tobe performed. We propose in this paper a modeling and control technique thatpermits to account for the hysteresis and for these strong-couplings to makethe 2-DOF piezoactuator reach the performances required in precise position-ing like micromanipulation or microassembly tasks. More precisely, we proposeto rassemble the hysteresis and the cross-couplings in a single parameter con-sidered as external disturbances and that will be taken into account duringthe controller design. For that, the Backstepping technique is used to mergesliding-mode and adaptive control schemes to overcome the adverse e�ects ofthe disturbances associated to the actuator's biaxial displacement. The prin-cipal advantage of the proposed modeling technique and control strategy isthat there is no requirement to have a speci�c knowledge on the nonlineari-ties. Only norms that bound them are required during the proposed controllersynthesis. Similarly, there is no requirement of a precise knowledge on thecross-couplings, contrary to the models in feedforward and in feedforward-feedback combined techniques. All this renders the proposed modeling amongthe most simple techniques but robust in the control law. Di�erent and exten-sive experiments are carried out to demonstrate the e�ciency of the method,in particular at di�erent frequencies. Discussions with regards to the proposedcontroller gains calculation, to the experimental results and to the comparisonof the method with classical controller design are presented.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The modeling of the piezo-electric cantilevered actuator (piezoactuator) is presented in section-2. Weparticularly show in this section the derivation of the model with lumped pa-rameter that rassembles the hysteresis nonlinearity and the cross-couplings.In section-3 the description of the experimental setup is provided. Section-4 presents the robust-adaptive control to counteract the disturbances ac-complishing the control objective. Experimental results and discussions arepresented in section-5. Lastly, the conclusions and perspectives are given insection-6.


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2 Modeling of a 2-DOF piezoactuator

A piezoelectric cantilevered actuator (piezoactuator) is a cantilever with rect-angular section and which has one or several layers. The layers can be piezo-electric (active layer or piezolayer) or non-piezoelectric (passive layer). Whilstthe lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) ceramics is often used as piezolayers, chromium,copper and silicone are used as passive ones. The bending of the piezoactua-tor, which is the output displacement, is obtained as a result of the di�erencebetween the longitudinal strains of the di�erent layers (passive and piezo-layers) due to the application of an electric voltage. Fig. 1-a presents thecase of a 1-DOF actuator with two layers: one passive layer and one activelayer. In this, the application of a voltage U to the piezolayer yields its con-traction/expansion. Due to the interface constraint between the two layers,a bending δ is �nally obtained. As described in the introduction, the dy-namic modeling including the hysteresis nonlinearity has been widely studied.Schematically, as represented in Fig. 1-b, such dynamic model is composedof a static nonlinearity H(U(s)) (or simply H(U)) that tracks the hysteresisin piezoelectricity and a linear dynamics D(s) (s being the Laplace variable)of the whole plant. This scheme is called Hammerstein approximation andis widely admitted in the litterature. In the �gure, δs is the static outputdisplacement without consideration of the plant dynamics. In the next sub-sections, we will model the hysteresis H(U) and the dynamics D(s). Then wewill extend the model in order to introduce the cross-couplings in 2-DOF actu-ators. The model is afterwards used to derive a model where the nonlinearitiesand the cross-couplings are rassembled in a bounded disturbance parameter.This latter model will �nally be used in section-3 for the controller synthesis.


Static hysteresismodel

Linear dynamics1-DOF piezoactuator


Fig. 1. (a): de�ection δ of a 1-DOF cantilevered piezoactuator due to an externalinput U . (b): Hammerstein block-scheme of the 1-DOF piezoactuator.


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2.1 Nonlinear Bouc-Wen model of the hysteresis in 1-DOF piezoactuators

Numerous models are available to describe the hysteresis H(U) of piezoac-tuators The Bouc-Wen model of hysteresis not only provides an interestingsimplicity in terms of computation and implementation, but also, can repre-sent a wide hysteresis classes. In addition, the Bouc-Wen model is particularlywell suited for structural analysis (stability, performances) and controllers syn-thesis [14,48].

First, the static nonlinearity δs = H(U) is described. The Bouc-Wen staticmodel of hysteresis adapted to piezoactuators is described by [48,60]:

δs(t) = dpU(t)− h(t)

h(t) = dpAbwU(t)−Bbw

∣∣∣U(t)∣∣∣h(t)− CbwU(t) |h(t)|


where Abw, Bbw and Cbw are coe�cients determining the hysteresis shape andamplitude and dp is a positive coe�cient that de�nes the magnitude de�ection.The signal h(t) represents the hysteresis internal state. The �rst equation isthe output equation whilst the second equation (nonlinear and di�erential) isthe state equation of the hysteresis.

On the other hand, the transient dynamic part of a piezoactuator can beapproximated by a second-order system, that is:

aδ(t) + bδ(t) + δ(t) = δs(t) (2)

where a and b are coe�cients obtained from an identi�cation procedure. Thedynamics is easily derived: D(s) = 1


The �nal nonlinear dynamic model is therefore:

aδ + bδ + δ = dpU − h

h = dpAbwU −Bbw

∣∣∣U ∣∣∣h− CbwU |h| (3)

2.2 Extension of the model for 2-DOF piezoactuators

The previous model is valuable for 1-DOF piezoactuators. The aim of thispaper being the modeling and control of a 2-DOF piezoactuator devoted toprecise positioning, we propose to extend the previous model. Consider Fig. 2


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which represents the block-diagram of a 2-DOF piezoactuator with the input

vector U =(Uy Uz

)Tand the output vector δ =

(δy δz

)T. The axes of

displacement (bending) of the piezoactuator are y and z. If we consider thatthere are no cross-couplings between the two axes, the displacement modelalong each axis is directly yielded from (3):

aiδi + biδi + δi = dpiUi − hihi = dpiAbwiUi −Bbwi

∣∣∣Ui∣∣∣hi − CbwiUi |hi| (4)

where i ∈ {y, z}.

However, as we will see in the experimental characterizations in the nextsections, there are cross-couplings between axes y and z that make the model(4) not applicable. In addition, these cross-couplings are also nonlinear. Let usdenote Ci(Uj, hj), with i ∈ {y, z} and j ∈ {y, z}− i, the coupling found in theaxis i and which is due to the voltage Uj. Thus, the displacement model alongeach axis is taken from (4) in which we add the cross-coupling expression:

aiδi + biδi + δi = dpiUi − hi + Ci(Uj, hj)

hi = dpiAbwiUi −Bbwi

∣∣∣Ui∣∣∣hi − CbwiUi |hi| (5)

which is rewritable as:

aiδi + biδi + δi = dpiUi + Θi (6)

where Θi = −hi + Ci(Uj, hj) will be assumed as bounded and varying signalin the sequel. It is worth to notice that the creep nonlinearity is additiverelative to the hysteresis [20, 43]. Thus, it can also be rassembled in Θi,i.e. Θi = −hi + Ci(Uj, hj) + Ccri(Ui) + Ccri(Uj) where Ccri(Ui) is the creepin the direct transfer and Ccri(Uj) is the coupling creep. Since the creep inpiezoelectric actuators is bounded [61], we have Θi still bounded.

In a matrix form, (6) is equivalent to:

2-DOF piezoactuator

Fig. 2. A 2-DOF piezoactuator.


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aδ + bδ + δ = dpU + Θ (7)

where a = diag (ay, az), b = diag (by, bz) and dp = diag (dpy, dpz). We have:

δ = (δy, δz)T , U = (Uy, Uz)

T and Θ = (Θy,Θz)T .

Notice that in the matrix form, the state equation of the hysteresis and whichis a part of Θ is 1 :

h = dpAbwU(t)−Bbw

(∣∣∣U(t)∣∣∣ ◦ h(t)

)− Cbw

(U(t) ◦ |h(t)|


where h = (hy, hz)T , Abw = diag (Abwy, Abwz), Bbw = diag (Bbwy, Bbwz) and

Cbw = diag (Cbwy, Cbwz).

As we can see from the model in (7), the cross-couplings and the nonlinearities(hysteresis and eventual creep) can be rassembled in a bounded parameter Θ.The model (7) will be employed in the next section-4 to calculate a control lawwhere Θ is considered as bounded disturbance. As the bound of the parameterΘ is taken into account during the control design, the yielded controller will berobust face to the hysteresis and creep nonlinearities and to the cross-couplingsbetween the axes.

3 Experimental setup and characterization

3.1 Experimental setup

The experimental setup is based on a piezoelectric cantilevered actuator ableto bend along the y axis and along the z axis, see Fig. 3-a. This piezoactuatorhas a rectangular section and its total dimensions are: 27mm×1mm×0.91mm.The active length (length out o� the clamping) is 25mm which permits toobtain a relatively large displacement with only ±10V of voltage inputs. Twoinductive sensors from IBS -company are utilized to measure the bendings ofthe actuator. The sensors are tuned to have a resolution of about 100nm anda bandwidth of 1.5kHz which are su�cient enough for the experiments carriedout in this paper. Each sensor as well as the actuator are supported by aproper x-y-z manual and precise stage that permits to adjust their relativeposition. We employ a computer and dSPACE board acquisition system tomanage the di�erent signals and to implement the controllers through the

1 (X ◦ Y ) denotes the Hadamard product of vectors X = [Xij ]i,j and Y = [Yij ]i,j ,i.e.(X ◦ Y ) = [XijYij ]i,j


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Matlab-Simulink software. The sampling period is set equal to 0.2ms which issu�ciently low to account for the dynamics of the actuator. Since the inputvoltages do not exceed ±10V, no ampli�er is required. Fig. 3-b depicts thediagram of the setup.


sensor alongy-axis

sensor alongz-axis




sensorsfor y and z axes








Fig. 3. (a): the 2-DOF piezoactuator. (b): diagram of the experimental setup.

3.2 Characterization

First, the behavior of the piezoactuator is characterized. The aim is to eval-uate the cross-couplings between the axes and the hysteresis nonlinearities inthem. For that, a sine input voltage Uy(t) = 10 sin (2πft) is applied to the yaxis �rst, with Uz left equal to zero. The frequency is chosen to be f = 1Hz,which is convenient to start the hysteresis characterization. Then, the result-ing displacement δy is reported and the direct transfer in the (Uy, δy)-mapcan be plotted (see Fig. 4-a with solid-circle plot). In the meantime, the out-put δz is also reported and the cross-coupling in the (Uy, δz)-map is plotted(see Fig. 4-c). The same experiment is also carried out but instead of usingUz = 0V, we use non-null and constant values. For instance, in the same �g-ure, we plot the curves obtained with Uz = 2V and Uz = 4V. Now, we setUy = 0V and we apply a sine input voltage Uz(t) = 10 sin (2πft) with thesame frequency f = 1Hz. The resulting displacement δz versus the voltage,i.e. (Uz, δz)-map, is plotted in Fig. 4-d (with solid-circle plot) whilst the cross-coupling in the (Uz, δy)-map is plotted in Fig. 4-b. Similarly to the previous


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experiment, di�erent non-null and constant values of Uy have also been ut-lized and the resulting curves are plotted in the same �gure. As from theseresults, the direct transfers (Fig. 4-a and d) are characterized by hysteresisnonlinearities with amplitudes that reach hh

Hh= 21%. We also observe that the

cross-couplings have an amplitude exceeding −30µm ↔ 21µm = 51µm (see(Uz, δy)-map when Uy = 0V). As the maximal displacement reachable in they-axis when it is actuated (see (Uy, δy)-map) is about 50µm, we calculate therelative amplitude of the coupling in the y-axis: 51µm

50µm= 102%. This means

that the cross-coupling is stronger than the direct transfer itself. Regardingthe z-axis, the relative amplitude of the coupling is of 37µm

60µm= 62%. Finally, we

remark that these cross-couplings are also hysteretic. These characterizationsshow the strong couplings and the strong nonlinearities that typify the 2-DOFpiezoactuator.

It is important to notice that the frequency of the signal used to characterizethe hysteresis, which is 1Hz in this case, should be chosen su�ciently low inorder to avoid the phase-lag caused by the dynamics of the actuator, and nottoo low in order to avoid the e�ect of the creep nonlinearity which typi�espiezoelectric actuators [43]. Di�erent and extensive characterizations of thepiezoactuator used here shown that a good compromise of this characterizationfrequency is between 0.1Hz and slightly higher than a Hertz. It is also worthto notice that the two sensors employed to measure the displacements alongy and z axes should be properly and orthogonally mounted, otherwise thecross-couplings observed will include measurement errors.

−10 −5 0 5 10−60









y vs Uyfor a given U


−10 −5 0 5 10−40










y vs Uzfor a given U


−10 −5 0 5 10−20






Uy input[Volts]



z vs Uyfor a given U


−10 −5 0 5 10−40








z vs Uzfor a given U


















Fig. 4. Hysteresis and cross-couplings characterization.

In order to illustrate the e�ect of the cross-couplings and of the hysteresis inthe precision of the actuator, we have carried out a complex spatial trajec-tory tracking, by utilizing a linear compensator (a feedforward control withlinear gains). The results, when the desired trajectory (reference) is a circle


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with 20µm radius and 1Hz frequency, are pictured in Fig. 5-a. The evaluationof the errors in the two axes y and z is described in Fig. 5-b and c respec-tively. These �gures demonstrate that, due to the strong cross-couplings andto the hysteresis nonlinearity, the absolute tracking error (de�ned as distancebetween the reference and the output) in the y-axis can reach 12µm whilstthat of the z-axis can reach 10.5µm. These errors correspond to relative er-rors of 60% = 13µm

20µmand 52.5% = 10.5µm

20µmrespectively. The spatial curve show

that such errors are non-negligible and that the piezoactuator cannot cor-rectly follow the desired trajectory. By increasing the frequency f , the errorsincrease substantially. It is therefore important to control the piezoactuatorwith convenient consideration of the cross-couplings and of the hysteresis.


(b) (c)

Fig. 5. Open-loop response of the 2-DOF piezoactuator with a circular desired tra-jectory.

Finally, the dynamics of the piezoelectric actuator is experimentally charac-terized. The characterization is carried out by using harmonic or frequencyanalysis. The procedure of the experiments is similar to that of the hysteresischaracterization above, but instead of using a sine signal with one frequency,we employ swept sine signal starting from 1Hz (6.28rad/s). Fig. 6-a depictsthe frequency response measured at the y-axis. It includes the magnitudes of:i) the direct transfer that links Uy and δy (real system), ii) the 2nd order modelthat approximates this dynamics and that will be further used for the con-troller design, iii) and the cross-coupling that links Uz and δy. The parametersof the identi�ed 2nd order model are: ay = 4.136×10−8 and by = 5.198×10−6.On the other hand, Fig. 6-b depicts the frequency response measured at thez-axis. It includes the magnitudes of: i) the direct transfer that links Uz andδz (real system), ii) the 2nd order model that approximates this dynamics andthat will be further used for the controller design, iii) and the cross-couplingthat links Uy and δz. The parameters of the identi�ed 2nd order model for this


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axis are: ay = 5.362 × 10−8 and by = 4.863 × 10−6. These results show thatthe resonant frequency of the system is of 783Hz (4920rad/s) and of 687Hz(4320rad/s) for the y-axis and for the z-axis respectively, which are very inter-esting for the targetted tasks. However we observe that the cross-couplings arestrong for the two axes: 1.6dB and −1.09dB respectively. As presented in Fig.5, they greatly compromise the precision of piezoactuator to follow desiredtrajectory. Furthermore, we can also observe a high Q-factor with a height of31.9dB and 33.5dB for the y-axis and for the z-axis respectively. These peaksresult in badly damped oscillations in the responses of the actuator to brusqueinputs (like rectangular) which are unwanted in micromanipulation and in mi-croassembly tasks. The aim of the next section is to propose a control stragetythat accounts for the strong cross-couplings and for the nonlinearities in orderto reach the performances usually required in the targetted tasks.

magnitude [dB] for the y-axis

magnitude [dB] for the z-axis

real system

2nd-order model used



2nd-order model used

real system

frequency [rad/s]

frequency [rad/s]



Fig. 6. Open-loop response of the 2-DOF piezoactuator with a circular desired tra-jectory.

4 Backstepping control of the 2-DOF piezoactuator

In this section, we address the control design for the 2-DOF piezoactuatorusing the backstepping framework including adaptive and robust actions. Theresulting controller is robust enough to deal with model uncertainties, eitherstructured or non-structured, or disturbance provided the knowledge of theirbounds. To ful�ll the control objective, a sliding surface z, encompassing track-ing errors, is de�ned within the backstepping recursive process so that thestates trajectories reach and remain in the origin. On the other hand, theadaptive part, also included in the backstepping design, is used to cope withunknown slow-time varying disturbances [62].


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Reconsider the disturbed model of the 2-DOF piezoactuator described in (7):

aδ + bδ + δ = dpU + Θ (9)

Since we are in concern with a trajectory tracking problem, the latter di�er-ential model can be rewritten as a state-space model with the error variableξ = (ξ1, ξ2)

T :

ξ1 = ξ2

ξ2 = 1a(dpU + Θ− bδ − δ)− δd


where ξ1 = δ − δd and ξ2 = δ − δd are the position and the velocity errorsrespectively.

Step 1: Let us propose the following quadratic Lyapunov function to deducea control that stabilizes the �rst integrator subsystem (10-a):

V1(ξ1) =1

2ξT1 ξ1 (11)

whose time-derivative is given by

V1(ξ) = ξT1 ξ2 (12)

which can be rendered negative (V1(ξ) < 0) if we propose ξ2 as virtual con-troller de�ned by the following law:

ξ2 = −λ1ξ1 (13)

where λ1 = diag(λ1y, λ1z) with λ1y > 0 and λ1z > 0. With this, ξ1 is not onlystable but also asymptotically convergent to the origin.

Step 2: Let us propose the error variable z = (zy, zz)T using the virtual

controller as a reference, i.e. ξd2 = −λ1ξ1:

z = ξ2 − ξd2 = ξ2 + λ1ξ1 (14)

which produces the modi�ed state


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ξ2 = z − λ1ξ1 (15)

Computing the time-derivative of (14) yields:

z =1

a(dpU + Θ− bδ − δ) + λ1z − λ21ξ1 − δd (16)

Let us split the overall vector disturbance into two terms: a high- and a low-rate disturbance Θ = Θh + Θl, whose expression is written as:

Θ = Θh + Θl =

θhy + θly

θhz + θlz


where Θh and Θl veri�es the following inequalities:

‖Θh‖2 ≤ εh

‖Θl‖2 ≤ εl(18)

where εh and εl are positive scalars. In order to provide the �nal controlLyapunov function (CLF), let us de�ne the low-rate disturbance estimationerror Θl and its derivative as well:

Θl = Θl − Θl (19)


˙Θl = − ˙Θl (20)

The following �nal CLF is therefore proposed:

V2(ξ1, z) =1

2ξT1 ξ1 +


2zT z +


2ΘTl γ

−1Θl (21)

where γ = diag(γy, γz) is a positive de�nite matrix. The time-derivative of theCLF V2(ξ1, z) is yielded:

V2(ξ1, z) = −ξT1 λ1ξ1 + ξT1 z + zT z + ΘTl γ

−1 ˙Θl (22)


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Replacing z of (22) by (16), introducing the following adaptation law

˙Θ = −γz (23)

and the following proposed controller

U =1

dp[a(−λ1z + λ21ξ1 − ξ1 − λ2z + δd) + Θl + sign(z) + bδ + δ] (24)

where sign(z) = (sign(zy), sign(zz))T , where the gain matrix λ2 = diag (λ2y, λ2z)

only requires to be positive de�nite to verify negativity of the time-derivativeof the CLF and where α = diag (αy, αz) is a positive de�nite matrix;

we obtain:

V2(ξ1, z) = −ξT1 λ1ξ1 − zTλ2z + zT (Θh − αsign(z)) (25)

(25) can be simpli�ed as follows:

V2(ξ1, z) ≤ −ρmin{λ1}‖ξ1‖22 − ρmin{λ2}‖z‖22 + |zTΘh| − α‖z‖1 (26)

where ρmin{·} stands for the minimun eigenvalue. The latter condition is stillsatis�ed with:

V2(ξ1, z) ≤ −ρmin{λ1}‖ξ1‖22 − ρmin{λ2}‖z‖22 + (εh − α)‖z‖1 (27)

where we have used the following properties:

• P1. ‖xTy‖2 ≤ ‖x‖2‖y‖2• P2. ‖x‖2 ≤ ‖x‖1• P3. ‖x‖1 =

∑ni=1 |xi|

• P4. |xi| = xT sign(x)

for any vectors x and y with length equal to n.

Therefore, to insure negativity of the time-derivative of the CLF as in (27),we choose:

α = εh + η (28)

which leads to:


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V2(ξ1, z) ≤ −ρmin{λ1}‖ξ1‖22 − ρmin{λ2}‖z‖22 − η‖z‖1 (29)

In order to implement the controller, (14) is introduced in the control law of(24). Then, we take λ1 = λ2 = λ = diag(λy, λz) which permits to have asimpler expression only dependent on the states of the system. We obtain:

U = 1dp

[a(−(λ2 + 1)ξ1 − 2λξ2 + δd)

+∫ t0 γ(ξ2 + λξ1)dτ + αsign(ξ2 + λξ1) + bδ + δ]


Fig. 7 shows the implementation diagram of the the whole system where thecontrol law de�ned by (30) is inside the block "robust adaptive controller".Since the controller requires the derivative of δ = (δy, δz)

T , we utilize anobserver to furnish this. The observer, based on the same model than presentedin section-2 and developed in our previous work [63], permits to provide anestimate of δ and an estimate of δ in presence of hysteresis nonlinearities. Wealso tested a direct (numerical) derivative of the measurement δ to provide δ.This method is simple in implementation but, in counterpart, introduces animportant noise that �nally decreases the performances of the whole closed-loop. Notice that the derivative δd and the second derivative δd of the desireddisplacement δd are directly yielded by numerical derivative of this latter.The resulting δd and δd are not prone to noise since δd itself is not from anymeasurement but generated from Matlab-Simulink.

In the controller (30), the term αsign(ξ2 +λξ1) is the core of the sliding modeaction and the term

∫ t0 γ(ξ2 + λξ1)dτ is the core of the adaptive action. It

is possible to neglect the two last terms, i.e. bδ + δ, since the controller cancompensate for such dynamics with appropriate gains, as will be shown in theexperimental section.



sensorsfor y and z axes







2-DOF piezoactuator

realt-time software layer hardware layer

Fig. 7. Overall experimental control setup

To summarize, the controller described above takes into account an overalldisturbance (hysteresis + couplings + creep) which is afterwards considered


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and handled as an unknown-but-bounded uncertainty. This uncertainty is splitinto two kinds: fast and slow time varying. The controller is designed via thebackstepping approach and the uncertainty has been accounted for duringits synthesis in order to guarantee stability. For the fast disturbance we haveintroduced a sliding-mode term, whereas the slow one is addressed via theadaptive term. Then, the controller performance (robustness) will be guaran-teed for the fast-disturbance case provided that its norm remains below thevalue used within the stability analysis. In the slow-disturbance case the suc-cessful estimation will counteract its actual value. The stability robustness ofthe overall closed-loop system is therefore ensured thanks to the given normsand to estimation performance.

5 Experimental Results

This section is devoted to the experimental tests of the proposed backstepping-based robust adaptive control to the 2-DOF piezoactuator presented in section-3. Whilst tracking of prede�ned trajectories is the objective, two sets of ex-periments, both with complex trajectories, were carried out to evaluate thecontrol strategy. In the �rst set, four waypoints are considered as the referencefor di�erent frequency values to obtain a rectangular path. In the second set,circular trajectories are considered to evaluate the tracking performances ofthe controllers.

5.1 Rectangular waypoints tracking

A periodic square trajectory with sizes 10µm ×10µm and at di�erent frequen-cies is applied in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed controlapproach. The controller gains used are listed in table 1. he choice of thesecontroller gains will be discussed in section-5.4.

The results with 1Hz of frequency are depicted in Fig 8. In these, the time-domain evolutions (reference tracking and errors) along y and z axes of thepiezoactuator are shown in Fig 8-a whilst the spatial trajectory tracking isshown in Fig 8-b. These �gures show that the tracking errors, i.e. bias betweenthe output δy (resp. δz) and the reference δdy (resp. δdz) are negligible, despitethe noise mainly due to the sensors used. Indeed, the relative errors in closed-loop are lower than 2% for both axes, whilst in open loop (see section-3) wehad 60% and 52.5% for y and z axes respectively. The evaluation of the noiseshows a peak-to-peak of ±0.3µm and of ±0.9µm for the y-axis and for thez-axis respectively. It is still possible to reduce this noise by setting a lowerbandwidth for the sensors used but this will compromise its capability to


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Table 1Controller gains for the rectangular trajectory.

Frequency (axis-y) λy γy αy

f = 1 200 0.5 0

f = 10 300 0.5 3

f = 30 400 0.5 9

Frequency (axis-z) λz γz αz

f = 1 160 0.5 0

f = 10 500 0.78 0

f = 30 400 0.8 2

measure the dynamics of the whole system. It is also possible to use sensorswith better performances (optical sensors LC2420 from Keyence). However,implementing two of them to simultaneously measure the two displacementswas impossible because of their bulky sizes.

Regarding the cross-couplings, we observe that the e�ect seen on δy (resp. δz)due to Uz (resp. Uy) is weak and quickly rejected. In the error curves, themaximal cross-coupling is quanti�ed as 3% = 0.3µm

10µmalong δy (resp. 6% = 0.6µm


along δz) and is afterwards rapidly decreased to zero. As we see, the cross-couplings which were introduced in the disturbance Θ were greatly accountedfor by the control law since they were 102% and 62% without the proposedcontrol technique (see section-3). Finally, it is quanti�ed that the settling timeof the closed-loop is lower than 25ms which is very convenient for the expectedpositioning applications.

In order to evaluate the bandwidth of the closed-loop controlled 2-DOF piezoac-tuator when using square spatial trajectory, we increase the frequency. Fig 9depict the result for 10Hz and Fig 10 for 30Hz. These results show that thecoupling e�ects remain unchanged, i.e. negligible and quickly rejected, thanwith 1Hz. In addition to this, the settling time is still less than 25ms forboth axes and the errors of tracking remain weak. Beyond 30Hz however, thetracking errors start to slowly increase.

5.2 Circular trajectory tracking

In this part, we utilize circular spatial trajectory as reference, with a radius of20µm. The corresponding time-domain references are: δdy = 20 sin (2πf) andδdz = 20 cos (2πf). Again, di�erent values of frequency f have been used. Thecontroller gains employed during the experiment here are listed in table 2. The


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0 0.5 1 1.5 2






time [sec]y



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.5 1 1.5 2






time [sec]


r y[µ


0 0.5 1 1.5 2






time [sec]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.5 1 1.5




time [sec]


r z[µ


Coupling due to Uz

Coupling due to Uy


is [µ



is [µ



r al



is [µ



r al



is [µ


−20 −10 0 10 20






y [µm]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference








time [sec]

[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

y [µm]



y-axis [µm]


is [µ


y-axis [µm]


is [µ


(a): time-domain performances

(b): spatial-domain performances

Fig. 8. Closed-loop performances with a square trajectory reference with frequencyof 1Hz.

choice of these controller gains will also be discussed in section-5.4.

Table 2Controller gains for the circular trajectory.

Frequency (axis-y) λy γy αy

f = 1 300 1.2 0

f = 10 610 1.2 6

f = 30 610 1.4 18

Frequency (axis-z) λz γz αz

f = 1 160 0.8 0

f = 10 650 1.4 0.3

f = 30 1000 1.2 2

First, a circular reference trajectory with frequency of 1Hz was applied. Thetime-domain results including the reference tracking and the error are picturedin Fig 11-a. We see that the relative error is less than 2.5% = 0.5µm

20µmfor the

y axis and less than 10% = 2µm20µm

for the z axis, in which the noise can be


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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2






time [sec]y



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2−30







time [sec]


r y[µ


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2






time [sec]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2−20





time [sec]


r z[µ



is [µ



is [µ



r al



is [µ



r al



is [µ


−20 −10 0 10 20






y [µm]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference








time [sec]

[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

y [µm]



y-axis [µm]


is [µ


y-axis [µm]


is [µ


(a): time-domain performances

(b): spatial-domain performances

Fig. 9. Closed-loop performances with a square trajectory reference with frequencyof 10Hz.

observed as a great part of the error cause. Again, the error was substantiallyreduced with the proposed control law. In Fig 11-b are pictured the spatialcurves which show that the piezoactuator well tracks the circular referencetrajectory.

To analyze the capacity of the closed-loop to track higher frequencies for thecircular trajectory, we also carried out experiments with 10Hz and 30Hz. Theresults are depicted in Fig 12 and Fig 13. They show that the tracking errorremain almost similar than with low frequency. From 30Hz, this error startsto slowly decrease due to the phase-lag. To analyze the bandwidth and thedynamics of the closed-loop, we present in the next-subsection its frequencyresponses.

5.3 frequency responses

In this part, we report the frequency responses of the controlled system. Thecontrol gains used for the closed-loop are those corresponding to f = 30Hz intable 2, i.e. λy = 610, γy = 1.4, αy = 18, λz = 1000, γz = 1.2 and αz = 2. Infact, the control gains tuned at high frequency are also e�cient when working


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0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1






time [sec]y



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1−20





time [sec]


r y[µ


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1






time [sec]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1−20





time [sec]


r z[µ



is [µ



is [µ



r al



is [µ



r al



is [µ


−20 −10 0 10 20






y [µm]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference








time [sec]

[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

y [µm]



y-axis [µm]


is [µ


y-axis [µm]


is [µ


(a): time-doman performances

(b): spatial-doman performances

Fig. 10. Closed-loop performances with a square trajectory reference with frequencyof 30Hz.

at lower frequencies. Fig 14-a depicts the frequency responses observed at they-axis: the direct transfer δy

δdyand the cross-coupling δy

δdz. On the other hand,

Fig 14-b depicts the frequency responses observed at the z-axis: the directtransfer δz

δdzand the cross-coupling δz

δdy. We can observe that the cross-couplings

have been reduced thanks to the control law: −40dB and −50dB for the y-axis and for the z-axis respectively. The frequency responses also demonstratethat the 3dB-bandwidths are of 77Hz (484rad/s) and of 93Hz (589rad/s) forthe two axes. These results demonstrate the e�ciency of the control law toreject the cross-coupling, to increase the bandwidth and to reduce the initialresonance peaks which were very important (see Fig. 6).

5.4 Discussions

As we can see from table 1 and table 2, di�erent values of the controllerparameters λ = diag (λy, λz), γ = diag (γy, γz) and α = diag (αy, αz) areemployed for the di�erent frequencies. The values listed in tables table 1 andtable 2 correspond to the chronological tests evolution from low to higherfrequency values. However, the gain values calculated at high frequency (f =30Hz in this case) can be used for every frequency lower than this, either


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0 0.5 1 1.5 2






time [sec]y



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1





time [sec]


r y[µ


0 0.5 1 1.5 2






time [sec]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.5 1 1.5 2−3







time [sec]


r z[µ



is [µ



is [µ



r al



is [µ



r al



is [µ


−20 −10 0 10 20






y [µm]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference







time [sec]

[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

y [µm]



(a): time-domain performances

y-axis [µm]


is [µ


y-axis [µm]


is [µ


(b): spatial-domain performances

Fig. 11. Closed-loop performances with a circular trajectory reference with frequencyof 1Hz.

for rectangular or circular trajectories. If we increase the values of all theseparameters, we increase the bandwidth of the closed-loop. A too large valueof λ introduces however a low frequency oscillation since this parameter is,among others, used for ξ2, which is the derivative of ξ1. Therefore it acts asderivative gain. On the other hand, a too large value of α introduces a highfrequency oscillation due to chattering of the sliding mode part. Although,such oscillation will only appear if the gain γ of the adaptive part is verylow. Indeed, the adaptive part here is introduced to reduce the chatteringof the overall control input. In the experiments carried out, the controllergains were put manually. However, a feature will consist in scheduling themautomatically according to the frequency of the input reference δd. For that,a way consists in carrying out �rst a precise performances characterization fordi�erent values of controllers gains and at di�erent frequencies. This permitsto �nd the optimal values of the gains for some speci�ed performances. Then,a model of the optimal gains versus the frequencies can be derived. This modelcan be �nally used as a sequencer of the controller.

In this paper, we particularly dealt with second order model of piezoelec-tric cantilevered actuators. The reason of this is double. First, the controltechnique requires a second order model only. One of the advantages is that


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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5






time [sec]y



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5−2





time [sec]


r y[µ


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5






time [sec]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5−4





time [sec]


r z[µ



is [µ



is [µ



r al



is [µ



r al



is [µ


−20 −10 0 10 20






y [µm]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference








time [sec]

[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

y [µm]



(a): time-domain performances

y-axis [µm]


is [µ


y-axis [µm]


is [µ


(b): spatial-domain performances

Fig. 12. Closed-loop performances with a circular trajectory reference with frequencyof 10Hz.

a simple model is employed to calculate a robust controller. Second, variouscharacterization of the piezoelectric employed in this paper demonstrated thata second order model is largely su�cient to track its dynamics necessary forthe targetted applications [10, 57, 61]. Nevertheless, if a higher order modelis required, it is still possible to employ the technique as long as the modelstructure in (10) can be yielded. In such a case, ξ is a vector.

Backstepping technique provides the "right" gains-states combination to guar-antee stable states trajectories while rejecting unknown-but-bounded distur-bances. "Large" control signals are relative, since our experimental setup fea-tures an actuator saturation ranging from −10V to 10V. Therefore, in thiscase the control signals, provided to the actuator from the dSPACE acquisi-tion board, are bounded and thus the challenge becomes in ful�lling the controlobjective (trajectory tracking) having bounded control signals. Experimentalresults proved that the proposed controller was indeed capable to solve thecontrol problem.

The performances observed from the experiments carried out show that thefact of using adaptive and sliding-mode controllers results in a bene�cial com-plementarity reducing bursting errors and chattering. Indeed, it is well known


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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2






time [sec]y



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2−4





time [sec]


r y[µ


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2






time [sec]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2−15






time [sec]


r z[µ



is [µ



is [µ



r al



is [µ



r al



is [µ


−20 −10 0 10 20






y [µm]



[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference








time [sec]

[ solid ] actual[ dashed ] reference

y [µm]



(a): time-domain performances

y-axis [µm]


is [µ


y-axis [µm]


is [µ


(b): spatial-domain performances

Fig. 13. Closed-loop performances with a circular trajectory reference with frequencyof 30Hz.

that bursting errors arise from additive uncertainties (noise, parametric un-certainties) to the adaptive signal and might lead to instability of the closed-loop. In addition, in experimental applications, the chattering associated withthe discontinuous control has detrimental e�ects in the control performancesince it may damage the actuator and excite parasitic non-modeled dynamics.These disadvantages have been bypassed in the control law here thanks to thecombination of the adaptive and sliding-mode techniques.

Finally, the proposed controller technique has permitted to reduce the cross-couplings to −45dB and −25dB for the y and for the z-axis respectively (seeFig 14), whilst they were about 0dB without control (see Fig. 6). Additionallyto this, the initial Q-factors with heights of 31.9dB and 33.5dB for the twoaxes (see Fig. 6) have been completely reduced. The di�erent experiments withcomplex trajectories demonstrated that a good tracking precision has beenobtained with the closed-loop and the bandwidth were respectively of 77Hz(484rad/s) and of 93Hz (589rad/s) for the two axes. Comparison with classicalcontrol design calculated and applied to this same actuator (developed in [57])demonstrates that the proposed control technique in this paper permits to havebetter performances simultaneously in term of bandwidth, of cross-couplingsrejection and of tracking of complex trajectory. Though well convenient for


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Bodemag [dB] for the y-axis

Bodemag [dB] for the z-axis

reference -> output


reference -> output









-150101 102 103 104 105 106

frequency [rad/s]



101 102 103 104 105 106

frequency [rad/s]

Fig. 14. Frequency responses of the closed-loop.

the tasks targetted in this paper (micromanipulation and microassembly), thebandwidth can be enlarged by �nding the controller gains by trial or by ananalytical way.

6 Conclusions

The present paper addressed the motion control problem of a piezoelectricactuator while tracking waypoints and smooth (continuous) time-varying tra-jectories. The actuator has two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) and typi�es strongcross-couplings as well as strong hysteresis nonlinearity in its two axes. By ex-tending the classical Bouc-Wen modeling of hysteresis which is devoted to1-DOF system and by rearranging it, we propose a linear dynamic SISOmodel with a lumped parameter for each axis. The, parameter, consideredas disturbance - which is bounded and which accounts for the hysteresis, forthe cross-couplings and for eventual creep nonlinearty - is split into "slow"(quasi-constant) and "fast" (time-varying) parts. Based on the disturbancepro�le, a backstepping-control strategy merging adaptive (to estimate slow-time varying disturbances) and sliding-mode control (to reject time-varyingdisturbance) techniques is propposed. The proposed complementary control


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scheme provides the following bene�ts.

• We can estimate the slow-time varying uncertainty/disturbance which re-groups hysteresis/cross-couplings (with low frequency inputs) and creep.• The adaptive part reduces the chattering of the overall control input thatmay appear due to the sliding-model action.• The actual approach provides an interesting modularity to tackle constantand/or time-varying disturbances (continous/discontinous).• The �nal control law is simple for implementation purposes.

Since the controller gains were introduced manually in this paper, an inter-esting feature consists in developing a model that relates these gains with thefrequency of the input reference for optimal performances. Then, this modelcan be used as a sequencer for the controller in order to have an automaticallygain-scheduled control scheme.


This work is supported by the national ANR-Emergence MYMESYS-project(ANR-11-EMMA-006: High Performances Embedded Measurement Systemsfor multiDegrees of FreedomMicrosystems) and partially by the CNRS-projectMIM-HAC.


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