backhill online...auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er...

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Post on 26-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

, I I

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Page 2: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

WAST E"E L S . " .

-.T-R-AVfl" . , ' -


















St, Peter's Italian Travel Agency GIRl. Tel: 2781399


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Page 3: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


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136, CrzillGl:Nlr.!:LL ROAD


01- 837 3476.


Page 4: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

TAtS MONTH'S .... - --


("!ORNATA DELL'EMIGP.ANTE 'La Voce' di Umberto Marin

DUE PAROLE ' di Don Roberto Russo

"TH~ Ti.!~~" The (""lobe Cinemat '~a:rio 'Fiori" on'th'e resort of many young Italians of the old quarter.

9.~I.M_~I~D;g: D_EI!.~..A. £!Oy:g:N,TU'- Youth olympics c/o St. Peter's Italian Caiholic Youth Club.

y.:r.r.b_.ff'VJ1l'iITA'.3.J£>. .. L C..Q!!l!!l~~().l·~i9!!~ 4~! ca:.4u!i <1.. Brookwood; (photograph) attivita' Bociali.

ENTlfl1Tf.!,IN_M .. EtiT: cinema guide for the Christmas p~iod.

NOn~IE _D~~LA...f31l1!S~, p.!.§ ..... _P.l~TR<?: orari; ufficio parrocchiale; cresime; battesimi; rnatrimoni; defunti; il bazaar.

FESTA DELLA MADONNA 1978: un resoconto • . - ,..-------_._..-- --_ .... ~, .. - --L'IDENTITA' DELLA SECONDA (:ENERAZIONEITALIANA IN EUROPA -~. _____ .. _..... ~ _____ ...... _ .. __ ~ ______ - __ . __________ ~ -,-0--'---'- .. -.'-----

Convegno del Centro Studi Emigrazione Roma a Loreto. A cura del Comm. G. ("iacon.

LA PARROCCB'IA Dr LUGAC"NANO C. C. continua la stori,a del suo paese _. __ ._ .... -.. __ • __ ~ ___ • ___ -._6_ ... , __


Cont •••••••••



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Page 5: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

BACK BILL INCLUDES cont •••••••• _._---:- ... --.---:~-.

rCAR,TEST (p.~?t~~~j;:Pli).

Tlii's',:morith Ricc'ardo;'Cadeselli;puts1the, Honda Ac~ord , th!~~g~ ~~s P<l:~~s •

. LUCCHEsI NEL '~oNb6 - ai:!Il~r nnd danco roport (~,d,th phot,os ) --~ .. -. --"' .... _- """- .. _ .... -.. - • ~ • . 11 ~..,11 : ,:-~

NEWS':FROMr ITAbY 'Y0U"MA;YHAVEI.MISSED· ._._-- _._-- ... - .. - .. - --,- .-.-.... .-.- -- ,_ .. _-,,',

HAVE. YOU BEEN. THERE? -.Mario. ~(Sandro "estaurant, Ba:rnet. "~~~;~:::,~-:",,:,,.t",,~, "~r __ ..... '""\>-~":',"":-~~':,.. :. .'" " '''<>-,~'' ". - , -

-'"-""''''~.''' ~ •.. t!r ..- _.- .. ' ., .... ,__ • ',~~, ".~ .• _ ... ~ .. ' _ ,l,·~~. , W'<." ~ ~ "

. 'PAGINA DEI 'PICCOeI - OIILDREN'S PAGE.'~ The Christmas -Dog; -~ .. _.- -.".._. - --;..-:-- :,'- -- --_. -- - .-. .L'Inverno.,

- . " ~ .

, . . '" l\"

" ~ t~ ~ :' ~ , ,.' ~! , '" 1 < ",," ,

.... " ......... -. ~.->t""·V'· ..... • .. ·"'.·01 ~·r< - .. ' ~ .• ' •• 'HISTORIC MOMENTS-IN ;SPOR T- the story 6f the Asnes .... a; 'must 'foi: all

._ .. : ~.:':~'- "...,--- "·r:<." ~?:., 'bewildered non cricketers. , I

" ." ~PO~T:. Tennis-

~~. " _I'! "'I ~ •

Tlie Benson and'Hedges"To~rnament

Rugby - Violence in the game

RECIPE, - RICE!l'.TA .- "Dolce ..•••• '. Amore", 10. zuccotto. , --~ ... ~.-- " .. -""' ... - ... -.--

• , .. ,

: ,r; ",--

IMOSTRA ;FOTOGRAFIcA ,DELL' EMK'RAZ lONE - --- -_ ... - - ..... _- '- -- -..- ~ .. - ;'~: .. , ~'r-: .::;:=" ~"':': ... :- ,~- .... • J d .. ; ....... '" ,,'~


1 ,-, ." ~ Francesco

Ca:.;d~ . ~,~l1a s~~ ?~n~.~le signq!a" e ~!1RUriamo loro ogni successo nell' :., ..

adempimento della loro,missione tra lacomunita' italianai di Londra •• . . <.


Page 6: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

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liLA VOCE "'DI U. MARIN .... _' ... -_ ... _-- .... -.- .. _ ..... -- ,--, " n ..


Ogni armo' dal,>l,9l'4:Jsi [celebra~in',italia\ 1;1: PIORNATKNAZIONAL;E"DELL'

EMlC'ANTE,. Questa iniziativa· era stata'suggerita tempo prima'dalio steese

yes~!>yo Scalabrini. <)-H~scop<? ,di m9i?i,litare,.la CJ1~~sa,.itali~~~ ~.!~rla ,~~,sfiente

del grave problema dei prO~ri emigrati. Pero'questianrio, per l~tbTtl; ci fu,

un cambio di rotta;.invece che,agli'!imigrati'italfarii spa.rei P5~r'il';-moiido,' l'attenzione fu rivolta agl! stranieri che lavorano in:~talia, giunti da tutta

, I, * ,;." .. ' :.. , ," .... ~ ~ ~ .... ~

l'area del Me'diterraneo. Su tutti i giornali fu pubbli'cata e'commentata la

sOt;p~e!lqe~~e,,~otizia di uE'I~a!ia,II~,~,l!e_d~ ~~migr~~~on,e'~~"S9~,O, o1t~~,trl,~ZZO <" ""

milione i lavoratori' stranieri in Italia, occupati in quei m~stieri pesanti e

spregev~li che i locali rifiutano, spes~o 'in state di clandestinita' per cui sono , ,

spesso esposti. aHo sfruttamento. L'Italia cheha sempre spais'o af quattro venti

!!~ ~ius~,e .f-i~~qi.<;~zio~ dei ~~ol?1ii ~w.ig1iat~,+~ene o..ra i~H~,b~rl!as~~o qe!le

rivendicazioni .. alt'rui.- E ai c~istHLni':d'Italia pa;-e ogg! 'riv'oli::D'l'avvertimento (' "!' ~ 1 ' • ~ ,

che Dio dava al suo popolo (Esodo 22,20):. "Non,opprimerai 10 straniero perche'

'tu stesso fosti stra:hlero",.


Questo avverim'ento si addfce' ariche _a',ncii'emigi-~tGfn :(.:ran Breiag~.aove vivono tante altre collettevita' str~niere piu' povere e discriminate di noi,

A propos~t<? 4~ ~i!lcriminazione (cioe' della pretesa"s.Ii 'farmf.'cer-mfa' delle

pe~sone). mi:'piace ricordare l'insegnamento della para1::ola del Buon Samaritano_

La ricordate1' Un dottoreAellii.legge'av.evachiesJo·a:Cesu~:"M~ ,clii' ~';:q mio

prossimo? "Era un tenta¥vo di fare u'na ,distinzione tra persona e persona.

Ma Gesu', dopo aver raccontato.l,il-,p,arabo~a." .. (*~ese a sua volta: "Chi dei tre

si e' fatto prossimo di chlui che fu vittima dei malviventi.?" Ecco dunque

I 'i~s~g1?!1ment<?' evang~.l~ c'~,: '~o,n ,!!Hr~~t~. !1~ ,ID1pl':l,TWICA,~~ . .i1 ,1'ro,1! S~~O!f ,ma

di FARSI prossimo, in questa caso del piu' inviso degli stranieri. Rieccheggia ~ . , ' , .

questa insegnamento l'articolo 27 deHa"Costituzlone Conciliare "lGaui:lium et

Spes'-'~,·RipOrtoiia: icoiilline'edi£icazione iI! testo.'esatto:. ' . . '

, ,

" Sopratutto oggi urge l'obbligo che div:~n!iam!. generosamente £r£!!,l!. dl ogni

nomo, e rendiamo servizio coi fatti a co~ui che ci passa accanto, vecchio da

tutti abbandonato 0 lavoratore straniero ingiustamente disprezzato, 0 emigrante, .. o fanciullo. • • •

Umberto Marin

Page 7: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

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a 'futti-isu 0 i lett 0 ri e " . ,- ,

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BU:ON: :NATALE' e, un _.. >'" • , , ".


M,E RRY CH·.R:I,ST'M'AS and a,


HA:PP'Y N .. E'W YEAR: t o'a It O'lJr re ade tsa'n d



-. ~<~~BA CK~ . HILL» . ~- ~

Page 8: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


E' arrivato ~ altro Natale : Come pa,BSIl. pz:esto il tempo: ,come ha de~to qualcuno,

qui i giorni passano due per 'volta,e non uno a uno. ~,f.a Natale e' arrivato

e'siamo contenti, 0 :al1neno,siamosereni; abbiamo lasciato un anno die~ro Ie

nostre spalle e sappiamoquantEi,cose sono accadute:,a noi stc;.si 0 agli altri;..,

gioiose 0 tristi : cosa ci possiamo fare: niente, e' la vita, e' la v~·.ta che scorre, (J

cammina verso il Signore Dio in Cielo; E aUora l'unic'a cosa che possiamo ,..

dirci per Natale e il primo deU'anno, e'''auguri!'

Auguri ai nonni perche', and;ie sehan~o avuto una vita diiiicile 0' ha,nrio una

fanrlglia che ha datoa loroqualche dolore st ri,cordino, sempre, che si'

'presenteranno a Dio con le,mani pieni, con un euore vivo.

Auguri aHe famiglie, perche" abbiano ~empre presente davanti agli occhf la

famiglia di Ges,u' e cap.i sC,anti che tutto il vfllore della lore famiglia e queUo - .-.

di volersi:\)ene ~ di aiutarsi ed' aridare in Paraais.Q~

Auguri at ragazzi ealle ragazie perche' aboiano sempre il cor'agcio'di pregare (.

Qesu'e di chiedergli che I:!. aiuti a acegliere la lore yita •

. A:ug~ri a coloro che soffrono !leI co;-po'oneUo spirito, perche'tl0n ~qno

a1:>bandonati da Dio, rna come ora sono i piu' vicini aHa Croce di Cesu l , lOS1

Bono anchei piu' vicini al Cuore di tiro'.

Auguri a col,?ro ,che fanno del bene, perche' non si scoraggino mal. e capiscano.

che cio'chEi fanno e' fatto'a,Dio e; peramore di Dio, ai f ... ~t'elli ~~~ in terra. J

Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza .,

loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

possano cosi'riparare Ie cose fatte male con il serviiio ai fratelli e cca 11

rispetto.alla giustizia. ,

A tutti noi , Auguri nel nome di '(""esu',.

Padre Roberto J:?,usso.

Page 9: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e



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'(~hreepeiini rush)

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With the passing of th!'l:~f~Fwesteii!·'I!·tar, Tim McCoy earlier this year, mem, ories took me back to my globe'troiii'ng days in the 1930's which was an import­ant part of the old Clerkenwell way of life, or so it seemed to us' kids at that time. 1,', " ~. ~ • ". - ~." ••

The \-lob,e, Cinema stood opJ?5>site the Finsbury Library in Skinner St., and for '~iiildr~h it y.;as'thtdiighlight of th"e week to go t6 the Saturday' rnorlling-,~atinee

which was affe'ctlonateiy caUed'theiThreepenny:,ush, as that walrtii~'priceof admission, the cinema was also known as 'The Bug Bouse' or 'Th'e Fiea Pit' a~d '~he Ra~chJ~puse' ~nd~~d'bii:r1;~i'ents called it 'The Pipf~ th'e min~'bog'glesl

.,. .' .. !I- <t'..!,: ->~. 1I~~",,(,'!,#1 .-"'.. ~

TheG,aturday would··'s'ta'r(wlth ruiihlng errands for mum in E~moutll'Market and then off to the Globe to start queuing for the 10. a. m. perform,!:nce, apart from the admission mbney vl'e'would1iisually have a half penny to spend on sweets or peanuts 'from the' mobile'I<iosk'~hich stood outside the cinema. When' the doors finally opened that'is when the rush began and we would be herded in two to a, se'at, those ushur~ cot:id'liave'.·packed;sa~dine8 if they had a mind to. After what

",seemed to'be'a'tifetime th;;: hou'se'light dimmed and up there ~,:~helivi~g screen . ~would ,be ihe latest 'chapter of the serial with titles 'Such as 'Phantom Empire'

"'lfighting with Kit~Carson' , Utd~rse'alKi.rigdom' and 'Blake of·-Scdiaild1,Yard', w.ith that ,mysterious villan, 'Pt~~:&o'rpion~ After the serial th~r'J ,was'iisually a comedy short, 'Thre,e Sto<:>ges'j 'Edgar Kennedy', 'Charli~ Chase' etc., and then we were treated to an6'~hEOt'8erial, (ah,those were the days).

The mam attracti,on howev~1:' {s'whafall of us had flocked to see arid, that was th-e w'estern feature. The'~e' fi'fi'iili'were K~own as '13' westerns as theywere all_ made on shges~ring budge~, es'peCially by the'independent companies but they were nearly always ,full of a_~ti:6n 'and filmed in lovely 19cationswhere.~he good guy in his white. stetson w,?illd always would always get t~e better of thl? baddie in the last reel chase which had us children on the eage of our seats (o,r half seats). These films starre.!i s~~hst~~~~rts as,' Buck J~iif?s; 'KE,l~IMaynard, TOnl Tyler etc., even the ,gr,~?-~ ,!l:la~ himself was cin'if ci'£-'O~r'her9'S, big John Wayne he had made a whole' string of 'B' westerns in about,.8 yea:rs bef<?re he w~nt o,n to 'acp~.!ly~,true' s~ar4c:i~.j~ 'Stagl?coach'.

;. "'., ~). ~ . . - .

With the., advent ,of,World Waren 'we .children of St. Peter's School were ,evacuated to Woo'tten Ba~s~i:t'i;;~Wiitshire; :s~ ih;t ~nded our visit's to tKe "lobe,: a sad fareweil (a)~,>,~,puri~'i;j!l~~~i;~he ~~e!ll!l: ~as taken9~er ~y,the (:overnment and uS,ed !>yt~e Mini!,~r~' of I~formati(~ln. A few'years .airer' the war it was r'en!!-!ned 'The Rio" and'once 'more opened'its doors but not'for long. The cinema was finally'de~,<?li~he'd wlt)l ail:'thesuri=ouilding str~et8·,to:-make way fqr the present Finsbury, l?s'~at~~ I~onic'ally the' younger' film buffs of tC?day frorp. all pat:~s of' the world, 'incluajng1tali., ar-e re~exao~ining those old!.,D' w,esterns of ours and th~y haveo'Elco'me'quite a cult~ 'so maybe we ~new a thing'o,r tw~,.{ll those years

... • ~t

ago. " w ~, "1'"

" Mario Fiori ,1; :~

Page 10: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


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" . . " RegiordD' 1+~Jj~ =--':=:-- ,: -- -~ Regions , ,,~ l!.'&'!. RvY.AGNA ",' ' . of Italy

POPOLAZIoi'{E Pop\\la,ti0n.

POLITIC A Politics

CAPITALE RE('IONALE J;tegional Capital

, . "-,,ALTRE .CIT.TA' " .• ' .• _~ .,f~ ... "" ...... ,~ ....

.01~~r .ci~i.e!! ' , . ~, -


• , TURI?M.0 Tourism

.' ,


• G~ST.~QNQ~t~,· ,_ Food.and.Drink ,"-.'~.- -' .~.. -'

, . '

• >10' 'tJ':'" :.. • ;r ~

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D.~C.~ p:~"C~. I. P.S',I. , " - ... . "-"

• Others " ' . ~'''''' "

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,25.3%, 48.3% ,10.2ro 16: 20/ • - ,.' ,

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Forlii'.,. Modena, ;Parma; Piacenza, .~ ," ."- ¥-" - '._ '" '. ",,' ~., >,V " .~- -." ~

'R,a~~~!i i~~g~i~ ~~~l!':l," " .".~ .. '':'. ,; , -) .:'

Mare."Seaside, ' , " -~'- ... :.. ~~ -4'_". _ '~ I

Rimini, Riccione, Cattolica, Milano Marittima.:

;' ..,. " ....... ~ - "" ~, 'i" , ~ ,1

...... ~ '"'.." '" rT~~~e:".~pa,l!:

'. ,~.a~.s2~.~gg!,. S. ,.AJ?dre~ " " ,

,Architett~ra, ~ Architecture ... "" b,' _ .... _.~ , _,; ~""" ~ .!;.',

,',~9)og~a!: Ferrilra, ~.aY~I1t;ta.~ ~" ~. ~"" .

Piatti::'" ,Food .... "J~gli~i~,lie"

·tortellini, ,;~vioi'i " ;~l~a: boiognese

,; : P.a:.!'n:ti g!a~~., ,prC?8.£~'.1t~o ~i p~rr;t.a, " .cotechino ,,"" .. , ......... ~~ ~ ~ . . ;}~,!!lP?,I!I;l: , ,m.o,;-~~<\e.~~~,

viai' - Wiries . ~ "0- • _"-.'~_~ • ,

-San ClOvese' Lamb~iisco": ~'. ,. ~ " ';"


. . ,

Cesenati co,

LaJforte 'direzi6iie 'comuiiista 'e' 'nota' per,la seria devozione al buon mangiare, bere e per la: hhiisidi.':iB'ologiia h'a una. 'tradizione'di: forti naio~i politicl,'i: chi pili') gri>.ndi esponenti Bono sta'ti'Muss61iilre pietro N~l1!li'. . . . - ." J " __

., '!'1l«l1!l,!-,ging.~C?~mu~st.!ltr8ng~,ol~ ,is .~enowned , !~!,s!lrio\l~ dey<?~~onl!o, go<?~ :~~t,~ng, .. 4,ri,I,lking·

:~n~ m.~~~IO= .. B,019gn.<l.1!~s a,~1-"Mi~i9n.o.rH~rY ;p'<?~,i,~i.c;:,!-l.ora.ton: .o.f. '!Vhi~h .!??~h)F!~ ~tr()"N ~~i ,a~d .. Mu!lS9li&:~~e01"e g!,~at..,~.x.PO.t:,lez:1~~:'

Page 11: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

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Cari amici,

qui allega!o. tr.over~~.e. ~.o ~~C~,l!gt~. !i.i.=..~.ra~c!~ ~~v~,~mento sportivo

che noi, il St. Peter's Italian Catholic Youth Club di Londra, intendi~mo

presen~,!-~e ,n.e 1 ~aggio 198q.S~r~m-~ ,~~l~o int!:re.s.8~~~ a. q~~l!to pu~to per

~3;pe~e se la vostra associazione g c~1;lb ~' ,qisp'<?sto a pa,;-~!lcip;ir~~ ~. ,~ ., ,' .. , •• - 4 > ... - ~.. ..~ M .) • • ~ .... , • ','

, ,"

•••• .$'


Questa lettera e' stata mandata a vari clubs, associazioni e movimenti .• " • giovanili con rapporti italiani in tutte Ie parti del Regno Unito; queUe assoc~

iazioni cho :dcruClcra:?-noi partecipare., riceverarinoidettagli,ulteriorh nei

prossinli Olesi. . "

... ~ , >" - II '

Vi prt;gh~~mo di prc:nd~r~p!lrticol!lr~ Ilot.a. !1~lla I?-0st;-~ compe~jll.ipn~ .- "', , "- r

speciale per il Oliglior disegno dell'emblema 0 simbolo ~~~ v~r,t;a' :'!H~i~za~o ..

durante Ie olimpiadi come il distintivo dell'avvenimento. Cerchiamo infatti

un di!le?~.o se~pl~<:~ .cpe. esempio i cin~ue c~rchi ol~n:tpi.~~i)}~<;orpo.l:'a.n~o. ~e iniziali O. G. r. U,. 'f.<. 198,0.

I disegni dovranno essere ricevuti eiit10 ir1J!1~P~.!g; 1979 ed il vincitore

riceyera' il gran premio di £50. Vi chiedi'amo di assicurare che ogni

concor.rente mett~ il suo nome ed indirizzo ~l rovesCio del disegno.

Per il comitato del

St. Peter's It<l.iia!1 C~tholic Youth Club

Cay. V. 'Heissl '.'

, .

Page 12: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

" O. \-.,1. U. K • .

, (Oliiripiade.<lella' GioventU i It';)'; ana '-:' .. , ' .. .

Scopo: " ciinJ61~ereqJari'tb piu' ~i' possibii~'i giovanl 'c:if.,OilgineitaHa:na

e anglo-!t~liana in ~rin13r~t~griil, 'lndip'iliiciente'fue'nt'e; da:ii~ lorocapJCita i ' sportive,

in una prova che sara' di interesse ai giovani partecipanti e agli spettatori

e creera' un senso di affratellamen~o tra tutti quanti.

Limite d'eta': Potranno partecipare maschi e femmine dai 9 ai 21 anni.

(N. :s. Certi guochi veranno suddivisi secondo la diversita' dell'eta' dei

parte'Cipanti,),., ,f

=.~, ;:~ .'" _ -ll

Copthall SP01'tS Stadimll, Barnet, Hertfordshire. • , ,

Giuochi: Verra' incluso ogni tipo di giuoco che normalmente e' praticato

in questa st'a'dio~inoitre <':i

(veciei-~ '~l'ei{bo aiiegatJ),.' '

saiiiim6de'i 'gfuifclii ~iu i, fa~iii p~~ f plu i' giovani'. ~ i ~. 1';1 "~A~"i<,

~ .' ," '" " . i ' .' " < ~

cerchera' un aiuto ulteriore dagli' Enti sottonoiniiiati:.

1. L. E.A.

,Camden-SpOrts Dept • . -. ~.'"'~."1~.;'>::~

Consolato ,Italiano ,_,,~.' _ ..... '. ,W""_. __ ~_, . , V,arie ditte italiane private e nazionali

.'->.~. J .~. ~.- ~.,~ r-;. " . :"-' ~."..-,"; '";:i;) ,~

E. N. 1. T.

Anglo .. ltalian Football League.

Oualificazione: Potranno partecipare tutti i soci di associazioni, clubs " • 1 " .~,

e movimentl giovanili itahanC Ognl club puo i far partecipare piu' soci

possibile purche' siano stati soci del club per almena nove mesi prima delle

olimpiadi. Non verra' imposto ness~n'limite al numero di giuochi a cui ogni

candidato desidera partecipare; purcho' .ia-possibilo eecoJado' il programma

degli avvemmanti.

Ogni club dovra' pagare una tassa d"amissione di £.3.00 ed ogni candidato

un'inscrizione di £. 1. 00: comunque ogni club potra' garantire i suoi candidati.

Cont .....





Page 13: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


" , ,~ , . , '.

Carta d'identita':- Ogni partecipante' -ri,cevera"una carta d'ideiitita' con

l~ p~opria foto, nome ecc •• -g~ > " '.; -~,,-.~' ,~,: i

'CeremOnla: ini~ialei~: La flamma eli questi ghiochi oiimplaCi ver'ra"li.'ccesa "..t<;.,

davanti la Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro e verra' trasportata da un porta"

fiaccola allo stadio dove verra' accesa la fiamma magg'iore; ,Tutte 1e assoc­

iazione coinvolte passeranno in'parata e sl ragrupperarino nelio stadi.<'> .• 'P!1a

9 famosa personalita' italiana aprlia:'ufficialmente i giuochi, una banda"suonera' .. • v,~ ., "' . ~

l'inno italiano"e: i'ngie'se. '

Emblema:','Ci' sara,':una competizione speciale per 11 di!,~gnp,di u,t;1-

emblema che rappresentera' i giuochi, con un premio di £50. OO~p,el:',i!r

migliore concorrente. Questo emblema sara' poi utilizzato come un·si!Dbolo

delle olimpiadi BU,documenti certificati e troCei. (Vedere lettera, d'introrl,uzione).


Pubblicita':- 6ue:st~'~~rra' eseguita tramite TV, Radio, e giorl.lal~., ' ,

Fondi:.; ~fiiost'i:b dub' cerchera' d'aumentare i fondi tramite(~!g!i,etti d'entrata, lotterle, la'vendita di vari oggetti ecc ••

Amministrazione:, ,La"provatintera verra organizzata sotto la r.esp<?nsabilita'

di St. Peters' il quale cerchera"aiuto e assistenza da pers0ll:~ c.<.>~papey:~le

d'ogni tipo dl sport~,(Cronometristi e giudici ufficiali sax:an,n'o, p}1.!~ disponibili

per assicurare' che futte~le iregole siano mantenute e cl).eJJ giudi.cJ po,s~ono

proseguire regolarni.ente~'

" ~ ~~'

" .. ' ~

Premi: Certificati e punti veranno assegnati per Ie pr'irrehe posizioni in . '. 'Ii ogni prova. II club che avra' accumulato piu' punti sara~ il vincitore e ricevera'

una targa suiia quale sara' 'iri'Cl'so' il suo nome. Questa ~ara'i tenu.t'a dal club

finC;' aIle 'prossim'e oHmpiad{: diipO di che verra' ri~onijegnita 'e, al'Suo posto, " ,

verra' data una copia del trofeo che rimanera' permanentement!l ~l club. La . , • seconda e terza posizione veranno premiate con un trofeo che rimana' al club.

Cont .•••.

Page 14: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

! • : • •

.' , . , , '

• .\

/ I \

Distribuzione dei, premi:- I' p'remi veranno distribuiti nello stadio . ~ • ~ ... ~"'~. ......-.~ .... , _.,..... ... )I

l'ul,ttmo . giorno ~ei giouchi sotto una terida gigante: speriamo. ancora up.a

volta, elie tutti i prelni vengono assegnati !fa ~ri pcrsonaggio italiano famoso<> sportivol ","-' -" ..... ' .... ' ' ... - .' ... ::'

N. B; futte Ie pro.;J veranno suci~Uvise scc6ndo' l'ctii l dei ~rteC::i~nH ~d ,:~~o~}r.e. ,d~yi.s~ i~p,p'~9~!'l' j)l~'" p1,,;~.~¥A, ~,fcmm~!l-e~ . ~9v.e ilPfar~, la P,arola

'misto'l -<: ,~ • ~,'

'ELENCO . ·Dr ('JUQCEL ""._.~_.'~ .. __ '_ - - ..... ," _J<

, ~.';j •• • "

'lOOmt.·, ,,400mt 4~Tooint (relay)" 3000mt

IOOmt lHur"dles': ; <


Long Jii"inp

..•. !Triple Jump"



Slot put

Basketbail" 1· ~.

5-a-side football

7 a -side rugby

N'etball' , . II' • )

<'Judo' '(mixedf

, . . . , ,

o ~ •

,ZfOmti ~'.,

'800~t i!r.o~t . c'

~I!arathon / cross coihitry ,.Co J,OLmil~s·

,." -" •

, , Swimming: ·Z lengths 'Backstroke/Crawl/Butterfly

Backstroke .<0""- .. ~ ............ -~".... .. ? -

c~avir '(~eia;) •

4x'i iength

Water poio (mixed) • ..-, .. ~. "'._.~"~~,~.'-~ t:,'

.'?;~.y!~g. (mi.x.~~l. (relay) •.

) ~ . '- .~

Yolley6ail ,(mixed)

, <BoXing.

'Bocc'::e>(rt<ilian''Styl'e):' (mix~d)'

Penalty < co'oi'peti t'io'li

" . ,of. 'war .. ,(inixed);

:3 'legged ,.iac·e~(mixed),

Target golf:3(mixed); Sack race (mixed)

Assault course Cuccagnia (greased pole climbing)

," ~ ,,' ,

! . ", ~ .. ,

. ,~,.~,., ,A!l, ~Y!'lnt!' "Yil~ b~ !!i!i~~~ h}t'o ~g!'l gro\lp!I ,(i; apI=li~~bl~), a .. nd als? - . , " . ' ~ ,

<' ' . ,. '.!iivi~ed int~ .~v~nt.~ f ,or I>0Y!' a~d,.g~~,~~ ~~~ept w~~r~ ~ixed ~s .1!1!0'Nn



~ .


Page 15: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

'" I' '~

. '.

-------- --------------------------_.--.--

Dear' Friend, , .. ,

EnClose'd you 'Will' fi~e: geri'eraJ detaiis'of:a gra'n!i !sporting'event

which we. the St. Peter's Italian Ca'tholic'Youth lCliib''in,LOridQn, "ill tend to .. - - -". lI". - .... -~. ~

stage in May 1980. As you will appreciate (on this scale, an event) takes'an. _ <l .'. _. •• r_ " •

incredible amount of time and organi~e. We would b~ very interested for the . -' . '.. . -

time being ho:""ever, to kn'ow whether your club or association would 'be pre .. '

pared to take p<l;rt. . , ' :' .- "'~'-'01 ,~ , "

" • '.' " ,

This letter has gone cut to i:liib's~: as'sodiitiohs1luid'youthlorgariisations

with Italian connections' all ove'r the -UnIted Kingdom a'n:d!iii~se'i_ :c!ub'~, ~h<?~~g interest will recieve further details in the{f~'rth-co~ing dto'ritiis?

, ,

'We wouid~ remind you to tnke paiticul~r riot'e:6£out'priie'"winruhg comp

etitiorifor'its -<lesi'gn or the' best'logo or 'symbol';wliicli'will be(~sed;tbrougliout

the 'Olympics as a~ easily recognisable iiyrobot. . "

We are'in fact'looking for'a·.'simple'idesigri'(i. c; thEdivef,Oiympic Circles)

incorpo'rating the':lettersJO; 00'l;' ~ U;'K ... 11980:th'e 'initiillil>standinlffor­

Olimpiade 'della:C:ioventu I; Italiana'.

FEBRUARY. All el?-tdes, s!t0u~d be r~cieved by: 1 st " ,1979, a!l,d ~I),e winner, ~ll

r~~J~y~ ,a PFi,ze~f ~_?p. 00.

at the back of the desi~n.

O~ G. I .. U. K • . , .,

(Olimpiade della. Dioventu' Italiana . U. K. ) "



Aim:·, To involve as many young people of Italian or Anglo.,Italian origin

'in the U .:K."as possiole:irrespective oftheir.spotting,capabilities, with the

object of organising'anevent or::equal interest;to'both-thc:youn~takirig pait'and

par ents, arid. eldersr ,wat.ching'inlthe:Italian co'mmunity.

'- ' ,

Age limits: > Male and female p~.r~,i<;ip?-n~1! ft;o,,!\~es of 9 'tb 21

will be permitted to take part (Note that certain sports will be subscribed into •

. age groups depending on the age'differences partie! pants have);

Tim.e an? Plaee:, Last ]3ank H~lidaY"Yfeeke~?-.!n,:¥ay

Cpothall Sports Stadium, F3~rn~t, He.r~for~,!,hire.,

, .

1980 at the " ,.".

Cont ..•

. .

Page 16: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

· . -'


S~.r~s:-Alltypes of sport./ gam'es which one normally catered, f()rat ,the ~., <r-~ ~

abo,vc/.IlH~~~\l,Ill, Y!'ql l?,!~~e~.~<?ee.;ll~r ~,t~ !~.s!l ,!,~rio~s particularly

f()r th.~ ·,v.~.;-y; ,YOt,1!?-gj E!.~e '<1tt~ch~c;l.lis! h'j

Finances:' Ou; club (St. Peter's) will cover the initial expenses and ". "- ":~ _. It, " .,.., ,,~ :', , ,. , • '

.1 •••

then wil~ !' fu~~her !inant~a~.~uPFrt in ;he shape of ?ran~.s and s~nsora~ip from the following bodies:

I. L. E. A. (Inner London Education Authoritv).

Camden !5port Dept.

Italian Consulate

:~~~lia!1.,pri,v~te'.l,n~~ig,~e!,e~te.!~z:~z~.l!. ~ Ie

~.·~~;I. T .j. .(J;::I)-~~ l'l'1l-zioll~l~ :It~!!!'!l0' ~o~r~s=.o).

Anglo-I~ali.~.n,.Foo,~b,ag ~e?-gu~

E!p;;n,:'· ;E~f!~ry:ts <>pep;!Q a!})~rsof It,alian:ass.oc~a.tiQn·" clubs and

'yo,u;~'~9y~mltnts. rf\;s,ZIl.!'ln.y.·,e!1tri,es,.fro.m ,e~ch. ~lubl!-s. it ,so ·,desiJ:Eis .. will·be.

allowed •• ~rovided that the app'lic~nt'!l !.t,i-We, ~ee,n. mE;lJl!>er f:?f :~):le, !,a~e.for,a

per~o.<!!c>f:?:.t !,,9:m9nt.h!, 'pr;0;-~~olt4e .. stagfngi9f,the\Olympics. Each applicant

~ay ·~n~~r:.,fc>~.a_s.,:m<l!lY ,.sportl!.-as.' Fe I.:s,!!e qe4i z:e .9ut"whether.'or not they ,will be

able to take part in more than one event wi,ll;beldictated ·by, the' ·':~·p-1etable.of


AiiCliib; . ass061atfons :tc;. will be ~harged an entry fee oi £: 3. 0'6 arid' each

p'ai-ticipantnoini.lla1:ed a'r~gl'stra:tiori i~eAf ,£'I,:.. 00 Th~pareritclub' can however<

if it so wishes sponso~ the applicantfi in.' part or in full..

Identitv Cards:-.. All p!,-rticipants will be issued ,with identity 'cards,

bearing their photo, name, et~.·· ..


,9pe~ng;C,er,e~onY{!lA torch;··;will"carrY'a, fiametirom.Si: •. Peter!s

·Italian Church in Central, London, to .the stadium where(a,torc}1'will,bc,.lit; All ... "'" '" . ' .. the associations taking part:;wilkthen,para4e; onto the, stadiurri.LAn,'Italian· •

personality ~ill officially open a\td bands will be on, hand to play both

the;italhin and Eniiish~riaii6nahi.ntheJms., •

Logo: A, specialr,co.r:npetit~on,will. be . .held,to,.design,a ,logo to'reprcsent:the , ,games with a prize of £50.00 for·the selected entry. This logo will then be used , as an ea~~iy r'ccogriisabl,e sym> oi' of the: git:ine's' ond9cuments, certificates,

trophies advert!sing etc. •• (se'e covering 'letter);

Cont .•.

Page 17: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

• <

Adve,rtisin..g: . 'l;'his will be carried out u~lizi!1g as many channals as - . possible (i. e., T. V., radio,. papers, etc.',J.

Funds:-: ExcludinJ; the possibilities of the varioll.!I,grants..y{,e hope to recieve

ou r club will endeavour to raise further funds from entry. tickets, lotteries,

catering at the event, t-shirts etc ••

Administration:. The,whole event will be orga~,zed al1-4 ,re,ma.inj,n the < , ,,'" ",', .i."

hands of the St: P. I, C. Yl C. ; who will endeavour to seek help and assistance ~ • . 1\" - 0- '- ,..

.. from various people knowledgeable in every particular field of sport., Official , '

time-keepers and judr,es will also be on h~ll:d ~o ~ns1!r~ all tp~.ru1es a!.e abided

and the games can proceed in an orderly manner.

Prizes and Awards: Each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pOsitloniili'n ea~lievent will

recievc certificates and points. These points wili'be~v'JntualiY'iddiid up and

tJ,o c1ub/aeeoci:>tiol> wHh the mo"t points will recieve a p'Iaqu'Ei with their name

on as winners of the troRhy. This will be kePt by the wiriruiig'teain until the' next

Olympics are held •. A replica of the trophy wiil'accompany th~ ~ririirig plaque

which will then remain permenantly in thw hands o,f. the winrung te"am; Teams in ~

2nd and 3rd positions will also recieve a similar trJphy which' they ;';'i"ll be able

to keep. i

J?riz~ <:iyjng, §~,!"~m..qny:;o,:~ p.rize giving,\ceremoiiY.willlbe,held on the

last day.~! t~,e ~am~~,.~t.t.1l;~;,~t!l~\l!"ll under :a:;sl'ecially?erected giant 'marquee.

All the trophies will then be awarded and it is hoped again that an Italian'personality

from the sporting world will be able to present the awards.

List of games:




800Mt • 4xlOOMt



• (reiay)

Marathon/Cross Country. c 10 miles

Slot put

100Mt Hurdles

1000Mt Steeple chase <

Bigh Jump


Triple J~mp , . - .... Jarelui


Swimming: 2 lengths backstroke / crawl I butterfly


4 x 1 length crawl (relay) Cont •••••

Page 18: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e



, '"

List of Ga.m'esr "

" ·5~:A·.sid~:footbaUJ

17 -"1\ side·'.,i"ugby'


NetlDall ~- < -,," .' t·" i -""

• Vol~ey~~iH(~£xCd) ;, ·A~_.~ 1f.5 "'~_ ~_,

.Tudo (mixed)

,~ ..

" ,

.. -. I' ." .' '.f , ,,'"

BoXing . .. ! ~ , ~ " n '.' ". ., ,.

:Bo~ce' (Italian Btyi'e},(mixeCl)

Tug of war (mixed)

P..El~a!~y f8m.g.etW'?!l .• ~ ,', ~ ~,e~,~ed ;-~"r' (~~~.d), ~ '" ~I'

,y,' ir,~f~e.~.W?ll (,n,}~x.eC;l) : ;, .. ~~C'k .a.·ot:c (mixed) ..:. 1 ft .. l; :c,"*.~ f',:~" ., --:. "',w ~ .

C~c,~,~~.ia (?~~,~~_<:~,pole ,~1i.?ll~tng~ As~~Ult cou;s~ ,

~-'~f'_>1 ~~"r'~'

W:~~e!:" ~,?l<;> ;{!p'iJC~~~: , ,1,

Diving (mixed)


•• , , ..




. " •

• ...

. '

. '

, .

\ ..

"I:f; 8 •. All,'events',wilhbe~divided iilto,age'groups"(if'appHciib'le) ana:also

4.~~ided into events,foilb6ys~and 'girIB~ exce-pt;wh'ere'm:i5ceQ'~s /snoWn n· ;' .' , "

, . • •

10, r ~ flo)

OUR ADD~S~ IS : . " ,

,,~ ~ . 1 ' t.q ,-. '! ~ \


NO.4. ,DACICHILL, LONDON E. c;:. 1 •

TEL: 037'::".1497" dr 837 3476. :!

" ,


, .

, .




Page 19: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

Trav~J: Agency' Italiim Church.

3 _ ~., - ,,-

1·,6 Cherken'weiJ: Road -'" < .' >

London E.C.1

1'81:01278 1399

Ore·ciiApertura - Opening Tim"es

Mo~ '" Fi-i



10 am '- l"pm

3 pm..., 6.30 pm "' .1 pm

10 am'- i pm

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'on standard tourist Class excursion farc:-s-:you ca,!.also save money. in Italy. on AVIS car rental and lolly hotel bills.

Return air fare;.lond·on/Rome£85. Milan £74. Venice £79.50.Aorence £79.50 arc:- typical of Ar~:x valut'. Children 2·12 . 'payonly 50%: under 2's a mere 10%. .

And you canbook AI'I-:X fart'son all A1italia UKlltaly direct scheduled flights. So st>c your A1italia appointed travel agerit for full details of how you can combine .AI'1-:X fares with savings on 'Avis car rental and Jolly Hotels"orst'nd us the coupon.


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£ 2.:1 0 PER HOUR



Mi~i~um IUy14 days .. maximum:l months. Rt"UtVall0ns mustbt-mJd~lftd Ikkf1S purC'hutd allea1>1 I month bt(or('drplrtur('. .

AvilOC'ar f(1l1,1 and Jolly Hold arranRl-mmtll.' mu~t b<'m,adl'a1Ihr limf'tlf air lickl1 boo1cina:. '

r---:---------------.,· f Tu:Aliuli .. Vi,LO''P'.25IR ...... 'S'tff\. '1 I l.ondonWIRflAQ.11t'a<I·Stndlt-aRrtonhowln I

'I JlY(" monty In and throuahoul my visit In lUi)". I'

I Nanu'" I r I I Add,,· .. : I' 1. I I I I.. I

I Alii ta Ii a P.I9fiI! I L We'lI show the world:.1ili6&iI I -------~---------~

Page 20: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


Commemerazien6 dei ,caduti Brookwood:' Domenica 5 novemb,re, 1978 •

n Cimitero Militare di B roo~ood raccoglie i resti di 346 Italiani morti suI

suolo inglese. Non morirono in combattimento. rna perirono per ragioni di

guerra: erano tuttiin'ca~pi (Ii conc~ntramento.

Quest'anno oltre 1 •. 500 personesono andate a. rendcre omaggio alletombe

di questi caduti'.

La solenni~a' ,del pomeriggi~,ha'trovatoil,suo cul~ine nella ceH,brazione

della S; Messa: melte c.ommovente e,;, 's~ata 101. predi,ca di Padre (:i~seppe dei

padri della Consolata, Notevele e' ~t~toil pUl!lero di ,persone che hanno parte-

cipato 01.1 sacram.ento de1iJEucaristia. ,II bravocoro alpino hOI. cantato con il ' ..

suo solito vigore.

Gli Italiani in Grim B retagna hanno pagato it l~ro tributo ancora una volta

ai caduti. (Nella fote sopra~ rappresentanti delle autori,ta' italiane.e di

vari gruppi. ed associazioni in corteo al monumento dedicato ai caduti

Italiani. ,)

COri1::' ••••••

Page 21: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e



~~-F ~ '.1 $.~-~ ~---' f-'-; e-'. ~ ~. t'i:":~= o;E_ ~, ::c 1.~~ (. v_-

yITf>,. C9~tJNtlf~~~:'. ~9,i},t .• ,.~; ;,f';l l' Ii t " ' ~ __ ,'f ',)' __ _,.....~ - '\ ~_ ~~-:-" 1 I $- 'c: i:" .,

Sabat;;'l'l no",embr~, all~ presenza del Sig. Mario Ol,la, sindac~ di S. Marcello

Pistoiese, e 'Pres;d~nt~ 'c'ohsuita Regi~nal~ 'Toscana' p~r'l'Emigra~iqne;,der ". -. :.. ~

. ,Dott._Valerio, .Cecchetti PrE.sidente, Centrale Assoclazione Lucchesi nel .- ... ~<" .... ",'c. V'~,£ ." ~ " ... t-",-,..-M"_, -;> J ."..'", "~"''' ' .. . <·t·~!, •• ~~ t~.~.·~, ~'.""~".',. ':-~,~~··t~ R' ~ ." '-',"';

'mondo-e' Co'nSigiiere J ConsultaU'c'gionale Toscaria'.per l!Emigraiio'iuile :dt . '" . .. - " , ;, , II' _ .. - . ~ ~ " . , .

. '~HEkcii!!t!~!i.,e~p.iti,,!a, .. siz~()!le j9~d,i!1!ls!! ~eW:;,Assoc: Liicchesi nei'Mcindo ha tenuto il suo ballo e cena annuale al Grosvenor House, pa:fk'I:anin 'Hanno

- ~ "'''.' • < ~ • ..'-

a s si"~~!~$?l?l!!~:-.3.g,Q~p_er S,On!!. aJl~,.,~ ~:'i~t~, !=~,~ ~~:~:Y),l~.~ ,~rml, ~1;I;c,c~,s~9~ ".?, __ ; , r'_ " '

. ~ ! -.3., ~~~~._:~

, 3 .... ...A - _ li. " : ~i~ . ._ .', ~ _! _ '-•• :g '., n.':. "_"~ ~~: _ .• " . _,,'.l_ 'r'i>~~ ;~ ~l...1-'<1

Ladomenica.seguente aUa.scuola di St.,.Catherino.Laboure~. vi e~'stato un #_' •• ,.." ..... , ~_"'·r',<~.,·, ••• ,~.!.'.~ . . r.~ " "1.; .• ' ''"'".,, .• • -t' .. .', ' .. ,.'~'~-~ ._~"" ;;,~.,.:

positivo incontro do~e e' stato trattato il tema 'Em~s.r!:,-zione Tosca!lll: ed '



• "" ~..... ~ x

" . .'. ~ :

. ' \ ,:-. .' >,.' n' nuoyo Ce>nsole G;~nerale'Dott:c'Cardi"era presente al ballo deglLAlpini "~ " "":'11 ,~.~_~ ~,. • ,,- .~-" ,'J

al'London : Pres<~ :¢'entre, Hoibo~n~~s'abato 9 dicembre. L'allegria e

l'entusiasmo atpino hannC?,pr~y,a_ii9':iun'<!, liellissima serata',' .' -. '

. -.

. ,

Sf. 'P~fer's Yoiiu'i cliii) 6i'garli\,c;9 ';;>wcll attended disco at Finchley Rugby qub , - .

in~ aiqlof'St; ·P,eterls,Spo.rts-fund: ,,'tpeTclub also held:,! ,4!n,ne.r <:'-,!l~ d}"I!£~·.~~.ilie', '-' - - .--, • <~ ... -".- -~- >..

Forn~llo Restauraht, ,:Southampton1P,9w, on saturday 9th Decernb'erHt' proved

"i~ 'be i very enjoyabig: ~;y.Jniii~,'aT ni{z'x\ber of 'ol~er' youngsters being p,resent. ,,:." ::..-~ ~,,-' .. -""~: -',: ,-,..,..:- }


;. .

Now in preparation is ~he annual party for the old and infirm to be held at Casa

" S. V. palbfticooii;2'{si:;De6:errib~r.,· •• ~~ . : .::" F

~ ',; " ~ • • .. ~ II; _.

1'h,e .l'\e~lY 'r~yiv~d Jfr~ 5 . .1. '~~c~~'ssful~; orgat¥sed a ,disco'f~! y~.ii:~lU!~ii~~hnd , ':t. . "," .. " "'~.',~, • • "" ,; x :,~

their friends. of 14 ~ears and"over" at the Blessed Sacrament School on Saturday

2nd December. We!wait to hear::fromthein about their next 'do'. /' ~ . ~ ~ ..,,: ' .. ~" - ',-.. ' : ... ~ - "-" - ~ . ~ "

, . .. F'inahy, 'the '5C-alilb;iilijiF-£ihers~'Ch~ii~;'mas Fair, -.. ~,~~, ~,~ ... "'" •. , ",,,~ .. ",~!, .• _~ , •• ,~" ~"'.:r-'. ..

you will be pleased to hear.

:raised,ov.e:f',£:l·, 200~; ( ~"', ,-,,'

/' • ,

, "

" '

: ' " ",

. "'"

, , .

.; ....


Page 22: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

. ?? ,

,'Cinem~ ., <' ~... , ' .. ",' ,,!~.~)) .'.J" " . ' Ins't~a:d;'of ih'e ~siil1i''i'~vi'eW;th'lscrii6iit'hl's~'Cinema page'pro~i'deS'WJ:llir~eJiio~e you "will, find: a ,u.s eful rgui4ett!,.'w,ha~ i_s:ll!ho.~!ngA1: ~'!:!l.~,~ e_s,t);::~cl,~~n~~a.'!.. 9Y.~F Christmas, with partiClular emphasis on what is suitable for the younger m~n:;b(,~~: ':oi'th~' 'ilIMil y? Wj{d'~a:yfbe 'rJc'~i';';i~gltiie' treaf of' a~ cou'pl'J~of; oGtHigs to,tthe ,:~nem~'.l':"'" ~ ,'~;:'~\' .~, t ~ '4 ~ ''', " !l'_, .!.' '''J~.

In fact mosto'j'i:h'c' fliriissh-6wiiig '8fi:lie~,ti':lajoi.lwet:it'.En'd~~i~~mas~appeh·' suitable, for the whole family, although' anxious parents who have young . children would do well to follow the certificate accompanying the films as

.-"'~ -~ ............. _or ~-'"< •• "r'.' ....... , -<',,-, ~."...) .,- _r, . '(" ~ .:1 , •

even (A)' films som'eHm~s"c'6ni:'a'i'n 'some \,i 01 imt 'ariEl :sexu~W'"c6'nteiif:" "i '~' , ,

r r >-,,,,:,,~ 1<[. ,--,!:~. )"'!.;'IK~'<~" .. ';!';~'~'~.l.~.~. ~~~-':. 'r~ It"

(U) for general viewing (A) parental consent and guidQnce -liIUa6oStod

I ' • , . . .

(AA) restricte~ to persons of 14 years and over

(~L,.f re~t(~.~c~~~ ~?_P~fc~~~!,.o!! ~~. ~en~ ~~~ !'t:~r ,

< .,).{;,D,eath,on thc,~ile.(A,t .7,. '"

. ~, i ~,'<Re~e.:t:J'p !!tin?y ,p'~~ySI.f;!' S;'S1;1Je"P9!:r;?!,:' Agathjl: C.hristie' s, f~m~us, detective in

... ':;'. anlerttef'~fafhing\~enoug~"mur(n~r~ito'~yr~'

; Superman ,(A), .• t~~! ............ u.,. ..... ..,. ... <-~~. ~ .. ,- -t..". ~~_ _,~, r~' '>.,,; '~" " _,_

.~' :Q()OS It'need exlaining? ' .... 'L..): .... ~. fr"'~-<--"'~s~~'·~"·:,,,~~,( ~;·1.'''''''' II!: .. ' .. <: ..... ~. 0 )~c~): ..... : ..... ~ r~!l'

I, £.

Empire, Leicester: ISq;:: (Tel: 437 1234)

" ... .. " t •• ,} "!!

, ·;I!.ei<:ester' :'Sq.- --TIl€a:i·re: i. ,!

.. ('t.~!~. 9~~,.~?§~) " •• ' '"

" ~,,' :.< ,Jaws\2,,(kL .

:,. ::" ,7~"-'

Opens on- 26th December. .'

:." -1W:~I~! '~,~~!'"h!,~~ i~J( I!:o.~.~ p90~ ~ El~u.el:,:." •

,".J- 'r:·.ThejfFirst!;Great~Trairi ,RobberY.' (kA)~~

,.~- '. t:':;. '0'p'erihi.g-I~~;2ist<D'E&~mber~" """., • J "" •••

. ~ ~ J?M-,r, S_e"a,J:l"9?~~~z.y',,,'pa~d~~~he,r!~nd . . .. and 'Lesley Ann Down; . . " I/.~.f:., J - r "~,,'J ~".'" So: ,:a' .... -:. .Q. ~ :~ .~J] . ~ .

Odeon, ,Lcicestel;' Sq, : . (Tel: 936 6111) .

&: q~.~C!~',~M~5R!~ ~!,c.~t·, (Tel: 723 2011/2) .

,"", .' ·~r ,,;.' ~ ~. ~ • :" .'>'l I ": .... ,

, Odeon; St. Marthiis Lane: (Tel: 836 069i)

" !: .


.: "

Force .. lO .fr9m"Navar?l1~ (~J." " : OJ '.

Stetches credibility but is, nevertheless,

~W';'~~1~.t~pg, ~a: f~l!!l.~~?:.;-ri!lg~,.;:,~?~g,. other-s, EdwarcfFox, Barbara Bath iuid

; Frank"Ne~ro~ ,!'J -:~ -', ~~. ",

. " t.~t~"s r;i:ag~ri' ,b) -

. . -' . .

,W:~l.t .~i~~~yl,s',!ll~~!.c,aJ,.~!!.h ~ic~~r ~opney, Helen Reddy iUld Jim 'Dale~ Fuii foi:the youngsters in the form o'£, a~yourig,boys iiwisible dragon.

F. r.

Page 23: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


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Page 24: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


'- ---


, Noripalmente'e' aperto dallE! 9 a •. m. aIle 6,30 p. m.: pero

vi convi<me, sempre teiefonare, perche', siccorrie siamo due

sacerdoti soltanto, allora puo'essere che. f!e venite. non

trovate nessuno.' Se teleionate e vi:risponde la macchina. del

teiefono. lasc~ateP!1re il vostro,numero telefonicoe·'noi vi

rispi:>ndiamo. Possiamo. an~he venire a !=!lsa vostrase sono

co'se urgenti e non avete t~mpo~.

ufiido Parrocchialedi ·Domenica --, .

'Cercatc.dLnon chiederci nientela domenica. sJamo ·occup.,.-.. - , . ... -- - . .'

ati con' Messe, tonf<>Boione_C~~hisrno.Matrirn,on! •

Battesinli -ccc. Molte cose iii poss9no far~.per t'elefono. ,,~ ,"

Malati e,Anziani . , f

Ghiamateei. a casa, s e .i. vostrim~iatj; ed ariziariivoglio;~o, • < •

ricevere'i SacramEmti. Chioamateci ancheper Ie Messe •

.t\~le ,II a. m," Ia dorp.enicai' c'c' ~aM(lsila.carlata con un

bel cor9 di,Signpre e Signori. Chi ha piacere 9i cantara si

puo' unir(l al nostro coro.

GlovANI E BAMBINI -Oua:n~e, co,S, epos sono fa;e jn Chiesa: !leryire. all' Alt ar e, leg"'

g~re in -Italiano 0 in Ingi'e'se. parlare ai loro amici dall' AI­

tare, par,tecipare al Can,to ,concgli altri, giovaril • Spedal'­

mente giovani e adulti che sarino suonarequ?-rch~ strume;"to

o che/hanno uJ;l"compless,o ~usicale ,posf!0no fare molto.

nella nostra Chiesa.


Ogni .volta che escono avvisi parrocchiali' in Chiesa. regg.,.-. I

eteli e 'fateli .Jegge're:' potete risparmiare tanto tempoe vi

possiainoai}1tafc "meglio!


Page 25: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e



.' , ,,~


ORE 10 In in~lese

ORB 11 Cantata

. . . '


MESSE PER LUNEDI'r,: "25',' DICE~BRE' "';,'

ORE 10

, " ORE 11 Cantata

ORE 12.15

. , ORE 7 ~,m.


SOL.O LA MES~A. DELLE 10 ,a. m. • ; 't ,,"


',' ..

" ,

. .

, ,

. ,

. ..,~ ,



Page 26: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

, "

DOMENlCA 6 MAGCIO 1979 ORE 12.15

PRIMA COMt'NlONE '< .-.. _ .... - --- ... ~- .'---.-

DOMENICA 13 0 20 MAC-eIO i979 ORE 12.15

DOMENICA 27 i'AACr.rO 197<k 9.R:E '12.-00

PA RT"!':NZA DEI COAC~ES·.:D~:l;I.;A' CHIESA; :ORE 09. 15

15 LUGLlO 1979i 'OR~';3! 30.'p. m';

************,!,~, .

CONFIRMATION - -~- --.--- - ,,' ..

SUNDAY 6th MAY 1979 AT 12.15 .""" ~.~ ~ . ... , " '~.


SUNDAY 13 'OR 20 MAY 1979 AT 12.15

ITALIAN PIL0RIMACE TO A YLESFORD - -- -""" - -_ .. _- - -,' --- ,-

SUNDAY 27 MAY 1979 AT 12.00 " .' i ~'. ! . , -,


15th JULY 1979 AT 3:30p.m.



Page 27: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e




_ "....,r

~, ,


Con il Bazaar de.113..!,~,-~j.~!::~,i1~,9!a.~o {atto 2243 sterline. Vi l"ingr"'~~~f1g .. yt \<.. ~ .. ~

commossi. Sappiamo'infattitc}H~r~ete partecipato per a£~ei~ci;~{guidati;4~ll"

vostro buon ,cuore.

".Lt· ::.~f"'~..':\ t- ' :<'''.''.\ (,::.,.'1 ... ,n(-~:,.~:

10 nii auguro sempre che il Siqnore inategna ira lii noi questi rapporti . "" -.i ,<~ ,,~. "...,. ~~".j ~i:~ - " ~".{ ,l,:!~ ;'~-,~. ,:.1"

,**********'*** ~~("'~;~l' ~~ ';'

The Church Bazaar fna\f~ '{i;'?'43~\'We thank you whole heartilc1h;!icir:we';I:' ~',l;-~j"-I .. r.~'~.J·'·J~· "'t 11"," - "'{'f". ,-.~ ~ -

know that you pa;ticip.ated o'ut-oi~i£ection and were inspired b}fkiitdn~ss.'·' . ' ;-f ~ 0 :t~·.~t -,," ~ - . 4t~V.1" U':.' ;IX-_,~t;'1; ~}'

.::_j"',~,:1), ," :u~''1' _ !l1. l~ ... ~"~~ ~ ... ~-:.~J~~" I'always pray that God may' suppo~t the kind-and sincere,relati(>nsh~p which

. ~,~$}!~' ~-<:!.; •• ':1, ";'h}~~: ... r '.'{-. .-'<r:.&~';~<~

."}: T L.--l!:~~ : r.. .~"::. "4~

. ~ ~.;- ,);' ******'******** ,~.t ~.~

,.\',T~/r II"'~ ;~'-'r ~ :"~ ... -::· .. ,,\1,· 1 l"'~~ .~ d , : ~ ~ . -" " ,,\-., . - ......... .

, • ~~~I , "

RE2U~:r~ ><?f.~T~~_ ,~l?t!:~fY:}10y'&!-~·. ~~ ~ <

• '\ ,,1 ~r:~'!':~ :~.L: ,'" , "' ~'J ~ i.~~ ~

PR.!ZE' -- ~ ?: ·1 .,!i9~:r":, ) .. ~.~rl.~<~I', .. ~ 1'!,a.z:!!..e

Table cloth pink a.!1dserviettlls .. Door mat

Doll (nightdress case)

# ~ ..


-- '---

. ,



,- ., .. . . .

, =-~-__ --;c...






=~ -:-=-.;:== ~~- -


, '


Page 28: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

Pasc;a!,ellal/\,nt?ni<?'''', •

.Cocca q~seppe

Antonia!,,-zi Antonio



~~"~ !Ae~~i'O'iPaJJq~~ie':llL f

. ~ ~ ~ .~~t~ro~<?,~ ~ .. ~~S~i; I.~ ~(~:. ~ ,?pEil Pi,e~ro

Solicari 'Sonia , ~. - '

0iannotta Enzo .'~ J_'::~';:'--.

O!f'pa Joanne Marie ~(' .. ! j'\ £.,~-t ..(n:~);.~:' ~., '!.,~ (.-,;- !':'~'I~ ": .. ,..~ r.1.,j ~

Simso~"Frederic~ . Matias Shiela

Slade rabriella !\Jf.ont~Antonia ~W9~. ~~:"" ~# .l,,:"!.i 1t1:,;',·

Vigliotti Angelo , . ~~ )~~* ''!.,( ",. ~l!'

MATiuMONI ,.. .~~ ... -

Fili PP9n,e;>Mic.h.E:lt~;,,~, ." l"'/':,' ", V' "';.(:",~ '<1' . ' . ..,. . Giovanni PompeQ

.. ' Ma>i:ia Teresa. Friello

"l:.~'" '1':'.,' .. l~~ .~ . ~~ .. ~nr i' Lattinelli Antonino

.~t .... ~-.. ··.~ -.~'-""if E''''''~liJ-''~~-''\I "'. ';::Ma~g~r~t Oddi . .

Lidiano Cicconi )'~'''i.:/I T;1::'·~nv ... j'1~~lrf~ ~,'" )''' ~.'~' -', r _'~" !~ .. t: '.,

0ianangelo,. Lizzola

Salvato~e Mil~oto

Lucio' Colasanto ,~ ... , ...

• ~ - • to. " • ~

Tamara Zucchi .. 1 ',"-~·~~'i1tJ· ~'in(:f"" f:.,,:

F;anc~ Bi{sta:' -.". . .

Krystyna \-audyri

ABBIAMO RICORDATO I NOSTRI DEFUNTI ..... ~- - --- - .... - - ',--,... -_.'''---- - -~--

Loretta Bevilacqua

. y,~. v,' 0iovaIiii!('i'acomo::Secchi

Z elip.~~ fi_~;-i f, ':,:: , ~. ~.~ ~ ~.

Lazzaro Marazzi

Francesco,Baz~ini~ : . , Maddalena.Maddalena

." ~ . -.-:~" " .. :: ~ '. ... . LuigI' Rest';1ghin! , . .

Bacchetta.'c:i·ovimni ! ~~. "i,h4

lo • ,~."

Rachele Rerottf' . :,

Maurizio Bragoli

Luigi Desio

. '. . : . • 1


~,. - . ,. ,-'> or' • ; "~" ,

." Z ,)

.. •


Page 29: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


.. 0'


FESTA '- DELLA" . -., . ~ MADONNA '. ..... JL -:!-.o _' ...

, '


.. ;-~


"\ ;-

. '

, .

.. . .

P,ROCESSION 1978 t·~ <

Sh'eet collection


P];"ogrammc sales

Offerings for St. Antonio


C. ".I. I. C. ...",..

. . , "'

, .~ , " l7'i re of floats

Decoration for floats . .


Timber .. .

Bands "

Y-ake up

Flowers .", ,

Tips , "


, ,

i q

, ,








~ ..... ,....... • 1>- - .~ . ,,,. -.-,

200; 00'










Page 30: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

. 1

, "


, . ,



, ' < , .

Net receipts • .1' J '~'"






. SA'~"?.A ITALIANA 1978

. ," '. , " 'Public, address

" t, , '


, ,




"Tables and chairs


St. Johns Ambulance



Tips (dustmim and tOilets)

Sundries ,

.. ,

". .

" . ~ .. ~

. "

. .

,. ,

, ,


. .' ~. ... •• 1 .

, "

" ," ,

, '.

. ,~ ,

I '

" > .", . ,



736.00 "




70.00 ",.., - ....





15.00 ~ .. ~



50.00 . ' 50.00

_~",....i ....... , .. . '



Page 31: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

' ..

COLL:~~~?:~.~OJ:l)~.~Np ,D9~O~§r:r,Q"Tl;!);;,Sb-\.Rf." JrA~JAN~ ,~l~,., '.~-- < ' '- - , .. "'- '~

ALPINI, " ': ,;.;."

























cont .•..•••


tea and to rta: ,"'


.' \

" . , "wlie~mo£;forturiel':"

'coffee','" ! ;,,' . "

saUSageSi .' .<


T. shirts •

pillow fight' . -- ,~ .

handi'crafts;' •

,. ,"", .',,-- . ,


c"akes , .. cannelloni & lasagne

donkey rides

- 7- =--;..o~_

Page 32: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

, 1

COLLAl3C)RATORS' ANn D6NO~.S TO'TBE·'sAf"u.:A i978 " (- . ,~ .,,~

cont •. ;. . ~



A. C. L.r. ,

M~ .• COENI;' ,.' ',. - . '.

FIA T (Englana),;t:iTm. (,









ASSOC'; . 'VAL 'D.!An:D~·,




MRS. D~ 'R·A:MELl:" .' .




football game

guessing game7

. .


, ,

, . " .

- ;"" " < -

. '.

Page 33: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e




SU ilL' IDENTITA' DELLA S'ECONDA CENERAZIONE ITALIAI'{<:\, NELL' ~ , .. . ~'" ,. ~ -- '" -

EUROPA DE(LI ANN! '80" - "" t ,. ,

~Sil e' 'svolt<>'il ;Loretb'. dai?24' alr:26' rio-vemhre,"iInlCOnveg~crdiistudioJsu"!r;!iden­ti iii! 'deli~ Ii cCc>nda -gene'ra~H;on:e ;itiiliana rieH I Europa:aeglt anni ',SO'l,,/organizzato 'ciifi"CSER < (Ce'iltro 'Studf< Em''igrazione'; :P,oriYa):' Hiin'no'lpartecipatoall'irlcon~ro oltre: :j1iit{'q{Ja:r'.i~tin';"di':~a ppr'cs ent1ititi di· as's'ociazioru ,~:comitatFdil(~eriito ri d~lii G~-rm:a:riia'~ 'Cian-B'retagna:;'Svlzze'r"'a1 re'B'elgi'o; 'insegnanti' italiarii Ie', "

o st~ariier'ioperanti:' nei'iEi' strilHiiie' scoiilstfclie:in"Euiopa, missionari'di,emig­razione, e i'un~iBna:ri d~liii;'scuoia~ IPei:ih;.-!iniste-io"degli~AffaH Esteri',era,no p~((s-en1i'ii> vi'c'cdi retia re' (:'~neral~ dell'Eritigrazionc;,iSergiotAngeiottijtfe lil capo"'l.fl£f~fo·scuol~'iiaiian-e\ '-al-l'ester'6;',(Iott; '.Veriiurella;, , ' ,,' , ,J,'.' ,

~. - _,~il-",,-_ "... ~~' ,,~ •. ,','" '_f .t.:· (' ;i""

11 l5<5ito-s'' ilgli 'Est'c'i-i'per'ilemig'iazione; ,on;:'Fra~co' Foschi,.:ha. puntua,. lizzato nel suo intJrvent'o: l'attuare 'nicirnento 'delfaipolitlca"scolastica: italhina verso l'emigrazione:.l'ambito di applicazione, -}'estensione e I'urgenza'di veriflclie n:elijiHiiazioi,C:'<;1(;lia'DrietHva~CEE; 'delluglio i 977;' il~raPP9rto;fra s bocciil 'iidisr;;';":"'~' 'epoliti'c¥c 'scolasticbe;' '1a'.:pai-tElci pazione ',alIa gestione' " sci'ciaii' ~r.iia,s'ci1o Iii, aa -'parte' ,aclle';ii ve 1-8 e~'corripOne'nti. dell "emf grazion'e;" ,

.~ "::;< ·'il,"t. ,,'. ",~ ~",1' "~\F" ~.,,~ii'< '" ~~<~~~ '~ .. i:/· ·!~.'i' ·.<~,~;,1 i'::',~;'

,1 tCnll ~ ceiitrali'fd'el '·Con{.-e'gn!>-era"ho·:'I"eaa-me :d.eil<i"'consist<mz"a' EitdelIe iriii.:iative dei ~onlitatr gem tCiri" ; SO rtit'in '~iifopa,':iii;relaiione :allc'.'istitu:Ilioni s colastiche locali e italiali"e'-all' est~ro 'Iie;-, iiitero ai-co 'formatlvo"della'il"econdaJgenerazione: 'i ltioghi'e";j mOln«mti"dicos-ocialiiziiziorle deUalseconda"gimerazione'e 'lawahit­azione',delic o"ffeH~' dei' vari:sistemi!scoiasti'Ci \;urop'eil in<ra'pportolalIa costruzione della identital dei fi'ili"dcgli 'e'mig'fati;' !. -,,", .u.,;:.,

L'interessEi' cda' novita"deIICoilV':e'gno'-ei',iitata'lquella(di'riunire;le diverse d)mpbnenti"cnerdiiettamente'convergono-nel mom)ento~formativo~della'" s~c~-n~a ,~e~e~aZion~t 'in,partic~~arc'r genitod: e il1morido dellal'scuola, non

,solo iperl valiitzre'1le'attuali offerte's'col3:stiche 'e '·opra" . ~tU:tt61pe-r'':proposte""1teriiative e~iilte'j;'iativEl' aPmomento della: fo·rm~zione"; .. ~!. 'istituzional'ei ."or, .. .,:;." ,'" ~ .~~~ ... ; " 10, ' 1.$ ....

• " "r:'(~'",,-' "~' • "",~," ... ,,~,;;',F""~.,l_'~"

E' 'stat<i'i.-ilevata I' Etst'rema-urgeIj,za' di 'appronta.'re"Una,realc:offe-rtafsu 'tutto 'I' ~ rc.,;· formaii~o' (dalla' ijcuola' mate~nifn13lliitruzione'superiore"e -'pro'iils sionale) pe~ lacseco~d:a'Jgenerazione:emigrata; che'oggi:iii'Europa, 'hi mancanza:' della' cpos Iii bilita ',' di I iin<effettiv6"su'c~eiis'o's coIas'ti co! ,'veac;ii-rimedibilmente comprome's'so-:U"proi)rio:{utur9 siiilnellaisocieta( dl!a,ccoglimento'che 'in Italia .. -·- I~"f ) <,.. . - :. _ ~ ! . ".< ~ _ .! t ,~ •

. ~,'

E a questo scopo, in un documento finale redatto dai',tre;gruppi,Iavoro'iil ' cui il C;onvegno si era diviso, sono state formulate'proposte concreti ed attuabili'; '!"speraiiza <che, piano" piano, "i1,p-roblemi'Js'colastici" vengono"risolti. ~ '\" ~ ~ c ~~. t\·- " ~ '. .

, --"


" ','

G'.Gia'oon • . " , '

.. , •

Page 34: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


Leoriginf;dellaparrocchia di L\lgagn~no e del suoi3 piccoll paeBi 'ene: la',co'stItuiilco&oi,compr.eso •. la, ~~es<\.. f!~rl!,?i~,,§.i],~·, !'!<i~q ~P) 0 P!lrduti.

· :riella'storia'. La>.cria, Ves.cov,i!udi .. Fllrmatche iiidubbiarnente.doyr,eobe .sa:pe~e • ~ - ,. - •• _.- ~ ~_o- .. ~_ ~ • __ ~., ................. ." •. ,~ •• ~_~._ ':.. ... _ "~',,~ '",.,l ~_

queste"cos e" ~~lmeno. ,~ualc~e '<? ~.<l.;'<l.'.ta.l«<. ~!~,!-rq?!" ~O.~ .. h~ ,P.9~';1tR' 0, v:?~~~0, . __ • ,'forriir.~.i;lal'cun"parti.colar,e'l!l1,qu.~.s!!l. !~P8f~~l?-t~!~.,.~~a,M~., qu?:~f ..

. ' s~c,!~~';cheiogni[paes,e .. h~1a tf!.~a ,.s~?r~~,.c!~;;tr.a.~~~d,are .~lle,g.:'l.~e~~,~Wiiifhe'· IS1,~eguono;' .pens9 c;:h,-:.s,!r_el?.b,~ 'fI!.a.!!?.~~t~e.rss<:t1~.~,p,~:r;, ~~;~ .~~ !c~~ lE}gg~ jqu~st'~!pote i1lsaper,~ .. c9m,~, •. ~p,!~i.?,~?- yi!~ .. o. :.!'t<?~ii;l.. (p~;~!jg~ni ' .... J d,ell~:no~tralpar.X:0cf:h!a.J\e,~~ei' P?&s.!"£.h~, l.~ ,!=~!!.t!tui~c,(mo.., ,~,«:. r;iii~ ,r~f~~~Ii~, di informazioni, anche~da"altr.e.'~1;'O~~i,;.,q~!lsto"~~.9ggett<?,,~.O!lO 'I!·t.a.~.e.,:ya~.e, e di questo ne son~ molto 'spiacente perche quello era 10 scopo prIncip'ale,

'" cl:e~ mi. ie'ro (prefis so 'qua.ndq ,,!lJ:~!'.!l c~!y~~.e~!.~,,:~.t~,!=?~a~i.~, r~~<;>r!ii. ·ldella.'inostra;,pa~ro,cchia,.pal~e l.sUEl,\C?!".~g!!~i,~~"g~?'!1i".!l.9.~~r~~, ; • •

~ ... ~"'fi~ ",<--~.:~~)7 1 ~~_ ... .'..".'.:1.'. ,;" ','_ ;~~. _- , , __ • , .- ~ ~~"", ,,'

• 'Imman,c,anza:: (l:ifc~q ;,;c~.ej!>ie~~sl.~t~0.r,~.o:'<:~~'!1-,~~~~~~.i!r..s,?g,~~~~,~ principle.,di:(f;lUsliti":r;i,<o.d~. <'pr.<:?_s~S11,;'r!lm<.?,:-,sol.!!~r~ ;9·rafc;qn~~;-~ '!!-1ttq .. .' . quellci\ che, ~a ppiamo ,:"v.i.s,to .e, ,nq;t'llt.q, }1.e.11a,'p.,o ~tlZ~~~9.CC;hia,; .p'ar l!'lI;rn~ ~~r . suoi abitanti e di tutti quei fatti o· particolari che sono rimasti impress'i

~'~E?11a:: mia !mente, dai:! gi,Qr,~: ~~~~la; .~~ • .1~~t?,!l?f !aIl~~ull.ez;affiIl91ll.'; ~c::l1i: .a~i('fa;: I?u'"c,he.;a,lt,r.'2',c;9,,', :S~,?,.,s_c.iy:i~~.q"f!.9~qrl:i.'<Q",cli. n9.s,t~lgicJ-, .a.Itra,

~ Idi,·carattere(pi).1tto.s.t,o"div~lt~~ti;e .alt:t:i'!~£9.ra:d.i ,pi1i~ ,.sel"ia!.nat.ul"e. .."., , :Dir.emo ,anche~<di fan~l!-si~e\P()pql~x:i:,.e cl!,;',,;.c,r,eAeIlze:., • .Infin~ n~n,manchera uno sguardo :l'.~norll.mi~o~~lJ~ \iIlt~l"~'.Y,!ll.e!~~~~CeAra;. El' de!,p'~e_si"9 insieme costituiscono i1 ,<c:;>,zp.~~.e{cl,i ,¥R,I?-,clt~<>.;; ;i' '.1 ,

N ei primi" anni ·cheia.ndav.o;Jl .. ;~;;! cU2l~Jr!ae.!l.t.r.a .• (:Ie!la",nost!".a., pa~,l"of:c.hi?-' e.ra la, Sirigno ra' . .Ester·,G.~in.elli cl.kPa.!"~a.., '.d!llla . ".qua.ler ho • .impa.ra,~9.~ l~gge,r e e,'ll! scrivere.ULa ,ma,estr,a, ,94In.elJ,I"er!ic.u!la,·"e,c.c~.11.eIlt.e,ins~g~llte.,e ,ri;!la,s,e; come,~ale,nel ;nostro.)!l ,p~r: ~uIlgh~, .. a.nIl! • ,: ,~er' .1e;\s,u~ .. a.~rni :z;,a,bili ,doti· pi·, carattere c:di, in~,egnante; .es.s~,.ei:a: " :"gi:u~~a}1'len~e.,',a.J:l'lI!rl,r'llt!l.,e,risp'e#a~a.lcla tutti i nostri paesani e dai suoi.allora numeros~;,I!.~.1a.r~.):D.i·.essa,}J .. ug<g~' -....,

. conserva ancora ungrato ricordo~ IlJ?'·arrom era,allora, Don 9iovani IanD!l1i, pos.izie>ne,l·.c,he·.o,c.cupc:;>',;Rer. JUIlgo ,~~;!lpg.! p'!>.n GjqV:';\J}I~hIl0!l .~.t:a.'~n •. sall~<?;,el ~9me ..

"tutti .gli~,u~~~ .. ax~v:a.I.i;s~.C?i :4~fC!lt!,i!um~~, up.'!>~<.?n_IP;:e!~:p.e!O,! ;lo.,.~t:a ,e ,<red~ ::he <

· nee suriolP.<?t,e.v<!IIl~ga,x:~ \.q~~s.t9. Egl~:.,es,~:;.,<ita.y~ .il,_I!U9'!l~.,!~01a.t,q~ f:<?~e} po~~ya .e. Aai',l!.u()i . .parr9~cpi?-Ili'.':l,ra, gen.e,raJ~e.nt~ ,'Hlla,t9 '!1J.~enol!l.~ga..:gr~n~~ . maggioranza.l9-ell!l.',P9P<?1'llzione,;,~Sc:;>101pa,una. pi~cC?la, ~i!l0.1':anza:,era.ay~lt.e, criticato perche, nelle sue pre~che non risparmiava quell! che non sI·curavano dei l!>ro dov,eri religiosi, e·quelli che erano noti per ildetestevole vizio della bestemm~aled,~ltr.L:vjzi" ~ ":.: "",y '. •. " , !'.

~ ,"l-"'~, ,,;),,~,~,,- :' ~ ,,' ,~- I,,"

Gli aOitanti',di::Lugagnan!> .• e; dE<l1a1P<l.rJ;occh~a ~9no ,tutti,)pov:eri"J~ve.ri ·.dav,vero; • no, non vi erano'uomini 0 farniglie ricche nel nostro paese, nqn:.cert~rn.ente ,,', nel periodo che abbiamo ,menzionato e nemmeno adesso, sebbene Ie cose sono notevolmente migliorate. La poverta' pero' non e' un disonore e ci ric­orda che Ilofltro SigIlore era povero, cosi' povero che non sapeva dovericover­arsi. Nel' ,:!uo sernione suI monte delle beatitudini non disse egli: 'beati i poverf'? ,,le per tutti quelli che sOno poveri come gli abitanti della val Cedra e dell'alto appennino Parmese.


(Continuazione nel prossimo mese)

Page 35: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


The Lucchesi :aei. Mondo Association, ,Annuai'DInner and Dance

Saturda:y, 11 '11 1978

The Lucche!lineLMondo ,Association,hasco,me a 1ongw~y,siilC,e, it was.founded' , ~_' h

in,London in· 1972.'~ow; with manyweUs'pent ,events behind it, the Associatiqn ca~,boast.of yet <i.nother ouh~a:n,ding, succes15 • ,For rec:ent1y the As spciation,he1d' its annual,dinner and dance at the Grosvenor House Hotel~ f'ark Lane, W:~J. This special hap'pening" which is the':cream of the Association's ~vent8,ca:p. i:ivated over 300 ,members and friend's ,of the l.ucca CirCle. - - ,,-. - ,- -

The 'swwet smell of success was with the dinner and !lance right .£rom.the outset; for. al1'the lad.~s,upOn ~rrivai werecpresentedwith a ,rose' .'allthewaY fF0\'Il the gardens of'Lw";ca! Also;Lll the, wa.y fro~Ll,:ucca; the Asso'ciai:io~ was honou'i'ed' with the presenc~,o(its principOl,l President' Dott. VderioC~cchettqsee'photo no.'i). who wasac:com~ni~d, byM\,iuioOlia:, the president of Tuscany's, Itegion.a.lCouncil for Emigra.tioIl' Prof., C!lglielmoLera! the Councillor.of AdiniD.istr~tion?fth,? LU,cchesi nel MO,ndo As sociation; and, R~g,AiYaro B,ull. entini, the, Ma,yor of Capannori.

After a'prelimi~,ry drink'tl:le ~nnerby candlelight commence,d (se,e photo ~o. 2) and'I am sure that all in attendance.found the meal as excellent as I did. A special mention should be made abo,utthe music for ,the ~vening .. :Fo:"the l!roup that played,' l'.'iariettoand his 'band'; came:all ~he yta.)'r,fromCamporgi~o ;n Lucca.. This lively band proved to be a hit With the young ind not ,so young. In fact they haq peop~e d~ri dng even;befor,ethe~_in~,e.r had endedl

As ,weil'as dinil!og ,a:nd· dan~ing some. people (str~i:k it ri:ch \yhere the ,riffle' is corii:ern-ed~ There'wa.s,a 'fine,a"tray of:prize,s"wliic,h',in:luded a portable television ~ ~t and' .a· tabl,?_ 'arid thea e were pres ented to.the,Wirinerri 'by the 'gorgeQus reighbig Mi88Sc~mpagna.ta:Lucche_.e, Diana.:Rossi. Yea, Everyon'e hid i wonderful time at this Luccnes.e· ga~he~ing and the ,smiies, seen'from the 'famous Fa'rina c:lan'table telhit' all. .:. Need T say more,?"

Peter Coitelii ,




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Page 36: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

CAR TEST Honda Accord Saloon

After having tested a -fair amount of small hatchbacks, this month I have chosen. a. straight .{I:trward, sal~on. the Hon<~a Accord. Although,.originally launchea as, a',. ',hatchba~k, the, salo.on version follows. in. the·.{ootsteps of other: manufacturers' hatchback-derived,saloons. The rear 'half oLthe car has been redesigned 'to in c~!~rat,et1Vo full'sized i-~ar·pis~enger do~rs ~t;q'a, conventio~al boot. '

The new model fall's into a natural niche in the market, being an o\:>vious com petitoi for the Avenger, Cortina, Marina.and,Cavalier. Other potential rivals include the Allegro, Dolorriite and Colt Sigma.

The Accord hatchback was a huge success, with many. claiming it was the best .. car to come out of Japan. Can Honda repeat thrse success with tne .saloon? I think ,so •


The OHC 160'Occ engine is belt driven, mounted transversely driving the front, wheels throt;gh a five· !!peed gearbox. Output.'figures !or the saloon are tpe same as .r:<the ~a;ch!>a'ck. SObhp (DIN) @ 5! 300 rpm. Mechanically. tge saloon isident­ical to the hatchback with an·exactly similar The saloon is actually S • .5. in. longer. even so· I found··interior space small compared to the car's over" all length.

The suspensio~ i~ handled by Ml!-cPherson struts, so too'is the rear with the struts-located by transverse 'A frames and trailing radius rods. Unusual for a· Japanese car is tl).e use of rack and pinion steering. The brakes are servo ass­isted and of disc/drum layout with diagonally split circuit for safety. Wide .155 SR 13 tyres are·standard,iitment.

Cont:. ••••


Page 37: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e



With its sleek lines, U. S. type bumpers and quadruple headlights set in a narrow 'nose', the Accord is a very elegant car. During my week longtest,.many remarked how much nicer it looked than the hat~hback version. The ,Accord is perhaps the most Eurooean looking car to come out of Japan. The dash is a perfect example o{ how ~a facia should'look. It has excelient intrumentation, a quartz clock, gOO"d mino!:' control layout, and an AM/F~I! radio as standard.

All major instruments are clustered directly ahead of the driver and clearly visible'through the small four spoke steering wheel. Two circular'dials: tachometer and speedometer, are mounted at either end of the housing. 'Between these. are two gauges for fuel and temperature; 'Running along the panel in single file are the usual warning lights. Half latched doors, faulty brake lal!lps 'or an open boot are instantly displayed on the dash, even to the extent to s)lowing which door is open or which lamp has blown. Other indicators tell the driver when to rotate the tyres, change the 011 arid renew the filters.

There are two cblumn stalks catering for the wipers (two speed' and intermittent), screen wash, indicators and all lighting functions. Choke, dash rheostat, heated rear window, rear fog light and cigarette lighter are facia mounted. The heater controls not only look pretty, but the unit is powerfurand easily understood. A feature of the Accord Saloon is a pair of heater outlets to the rear. The three speed blower can handle any type of weather. Typical of the interiors many thoughtful touches is the side window demisting facility. All in all, the dash is solid and well made.

The seats are fabric covered, and for the rear passengers there are magazine ra'cks fitted,to the rear of the front seats. On my maroon car, the interior was in a contrasting beige and I found it attractive. The boot lid can be opened via a lever mounted on the door sill by the driver. Luggage space is good at 15.95 cubic ft. Other tasteful finishes include a coin tray, illuminated door ashtrays

; and headrests for front and rear passengers. In short, the Accord is compre­hensively equipped.

ON THE ROAD -_._--....... --

From cold the Accord started easily. The manual choke controlled by a series of notches was not only clever, but useful. The engine is free reving and slightly noisy at the top, but it never sounds harsh or strained. Performance is good with'a O·,60mpll time of 13 seconds and a top speed of 90mph. Orie thing I noted was that to ge~ any sort of,lively performance, the engine revs had to be kept high.

As with most Japanese cars, ·the clutch is, light and engages smoothly. What was hard to use was 5th gear. While four g~ars were easy to engage, 5th was a real pig to engage. Perhaps the: Japanese should,let the Italians keep to 5-speed boxes.

The rack and pinion steering has the correct amount of ' feel, there is however, appreciable steering tug under power, especially,when accelerating out of a corner.

Cont .••.



Page 38: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

CAR lEST cont .• .. -.-.' -, " • -', - , ~" .;. -'" •• > ,

TI;l,!3 '!?r.a~.~ .. p_ed~l,p~~.~.light.;a.citio~. but. 3;. g?04.s~ns ~ ()f, !e~l, ,is )I!till,:pres eIl,t, .with !.i!l~'lP:rOg:r~sl!!0.l!~' !1}E<'c?'Y~!"1'-g,pi~t!:1r~ .;!, (o~~<of ~; POW~F;Up?,ra~z:1g<\s.yiJt."I11:

, ... ~ . ,. ". ~-

If<i,n!!ti.l},1!J i!l'o~~; ~~ .~!1.~ Acc:():r~' s, g~!'4,p:>!~t.~,:.: rh~re~~,.iA~t!~ gC?,!!y; .r,?Ii.~I?-!:tC;!1upled ~o ~~.e, 2-l!pee4~gearb(),-, ,,:n~ .g()ocll>rll.~e_I!.' ,thEl'~!=c0r.<! ~~.nd!JAol>~~:rive1'l'Yi.;h br,io.

• . ' Th~ •. I!\l~pe.i:_I!.!f1.n ~s ~yer,!:g~., .~.o. i~'s~()!:1!d !!~~isiy,,~he.~~j()r.~ty of driv~r.~! .. 9.~ps!

,T a"m,n()H~ply;ng.! .dr~yer:!" <1r~ ,?-ver.118"!'J lI.~~ll:.~.th8~~~e su!,pen.s~0!l i!lt ,!:y,~;:!;\g~!y ,~~~ ''Il<fi~h().u.~ • .b~il!g,t_()() !ta.:rcl·.o,l"t.o.C? ,sgit ,. ,qIb?

,- ~;;':~' '. - .~, ....... ~ ~ ~,r! s .yie~ is, excellent .inall.directl,ol' the ,thin. pillars.,. The o~!y ~fl~j~!.s:~~a.t~!~ ;:~r. !.d~g;. thE< .bic,,~ ;i'~ ·ri~t:,yi.s:a~·(~'.:· t() ;tu·ii~t.ef i t.~~~:¥~~:l{~iPpers • can cope with.~~y; .~!!l().r,~()~k";" , . "

,CONCLUSION. • __ • ;,r-' .... ,.._._ • • ~ -;. , '-;, 3 ~ f" . ~ R ", ~t ~ ~ .

A-~ £~~. 6?Q,.t.~!:;Acc~;~.,S~!,?,0t:l ~!I ,g90d . .va!u~ fC!l.' m!,ney ~he!l: SC1I'l!PJl:E«:,!i·:vit}~j~s !i'\.:~~~. ,~tl'£P~:e!l' g<?mpl~~!'l,~~1i ~v;e~Y;'~0!1~~!v!l~I,~ ·e~ r-~.".3l:.n:II!~at, t!1,~~seV. ~!l~ tl<iv;e :n?~!lY n~ mq;-!l~ !rip~' tp' Ji!!-lf<?l.'cIs . f9! JJl,?~ e, bo~!. •. ~l}. g2.9q~~~!J :,:r.!:\!~. !l0~e· <?Ltl1~ Accol'.~!s,·e~~,!-~ \a",e' . Ul~!-"!ll~,~oys •..·'.T9n~Y;.,

• ',?{9-V' ng~? ," . ' .. . . Japanese cars ·have been successful in the UK because they are reliable • :!>ori~gly \1)0" -,.It?-.v~ ,l?~ .• ; cost,!3 •. a,~d :I!p'az;~s. ,~v?-~~a9!1}~Y' ilhg09sJ~, il'hei r ,9f!.,~' d!:~~cJ.~n,C;y. ,has,t.e!1~El.c:l. tq"l>e..!h~i.! ~la.c1~ . .C?.f, p~!,formAn.c",~p~.e.~gil!~ ,I!ize. I!1 ,9~he.!'w9,rc!s.: J?,q~ c:lynam.ic; •• W:;~!l,~lt«:IAc;cor.,g ,J feeL~hljt t]le Ja,P!l:!1~!-!.~ .. !10w" !t~v~,,r ..yhich i.l!. noi,o~y,:a.c;:g~p!!t!l~; ~!l !Ou~C!~; •. RiI~,<:om.p.El.t!ll!,on..'!lY!ln '~El.~m.s''Yit!tany;tI:~hlg:~Il.r~p~.h~!;l',!,? of!e,r.~, '< " .. ',

-.' Riccardo c'a<ies'elli

. . '. , ··{BoMBO;~tIEB~}

. . , »~"'4.., ::f:'':'.;. ~ It,,,,_'

nH~~1l\9~i' 4:(67il/lE ~~

·(~~T~lt·ID.?:.: . A '82J, .S:.J.:.D!.:r.:B:5·

,(. . .'.' ' .' .... .".-,.. " . , 'M'lE'BJL1ETT]['



.:. "

Page 39: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

\ •

< .'



, . ",

,'. ~ , ,J' .~ " .. ~. . '.

Veni:~as,ai~o8,t stoppe'd,s~nI<ing~ since sevcraf thou'sa,na artesiari"weiis,:,"Y.e~~ closed'off as' SOurces of drinking water~ Signor ("aetano Stammati, l\1inister for Public Works, said this was one of the main reasons for deferring a decision on the best method to protect Venice against high tides from the Adriatic., .

'Italian·.'pa:ihter'and"sculptor '('!iorgio defChirico has died:of,a.heart,attack:,he was!90 year's old: ! / "r .r'

"::"4~~ .. " ~~ 0'. ~ •.

'l'ax evasion,~long)coiujidered,something~of'a,s'port ~n,Italy;~has, reached,sucl:t 'gigaritic"prciportions that"th'e.C;overnment iSlbeiIig,pressed,t9 take,drast~c', measures" 'including\a 'revision of tlie,law,on,banking secrecy., It.isesVrrt~~!lli thlitthe 'evasionof'V AID ;!aboutH£ 12~ 000 milli<;mw c', ".""

, , . ~ . ~ '"

An'Italian sqliatte'l,"',' :A.ntonia<Inghingloli, '!Vho·stolefa ,Cenotaph;.wxeath,\1(,a,s ,told by'niagi'strate' Mr .. Fenner" "I,'uriderstariq,that,'you may;not'know all.thei,customs ol'thf~, c;ountr,y'ouf .I~am. surprised,that,i!:y?u com'e,from' !taly,you,cb,n!t ,appre' ciate't,liat a wreath put on a memor~al means a lot to people~!. ". ,. ,

RC>~.«:' s ~hgrs~,}~~r,r~~~eirA'f~F,~' *nt ~ri:.~t~~~jl;.ir,?~6ii~t( ~~~f~~H:~~~}~~ wf?afh wllq;e~!?,~.h,.«:~ 9u.~ of the, h,!l~v,y'!r!lf.fic ~f olii ~o!!!e: ''J:'~ey;c!~i,!U:that they '\VW lc>!,~. a,la~g,~ ~.~.:t;~ Po! the!.);" 400j,~'~r ~~~tra~e. . ,

. i~~ ~p~e c;;t,Y ;C9.4~?\liia!,. ;wprov~~~:~~foJ~~,'Q,62 ,~!a~'t~,:~,tu~r.~~~:~ela, t,~;:r~ne .~~.e .Rl,Ve! r~"~:11:,~t9 a p}'~112 .'1l1t~~ay,~, :'~roq~bly"t!i~ }~eapes~.and

:~:~~r~~~~!~~'~;a1t~~\tf?r~:r~~~il;::?:!J;!:k~ei~ci~;g:h ':~~[~~;~ put the 8ex:.v:~¢~. i~t'9A?ef?-.~i<?? .', . ' .

'Nri Jtalia:ri rri6del'has askea tlie~OovernmEmt to'withdraw all,50,·000,lira,notes '·as sh'C''Ciaimsltnat''a: drawing,of.her.\waMised,as.part·of.the'design;pf1tP.e.~o~e witliou.t)her! permfssicin~ i.~· , , . . . Thi~v"o:.~ stole'two:;.vatches·arid'·a tie'pinlaiter.braking into,thefourth:!l«;>pr flat of 't}ie,t£~rii~ly ciftthe:iniurdei'ed,e,x;.Premier"Aldo)'Moro., .

',-'" 'j

Stl -'Mark' s Squa,re'ah~.other l~ow'lying' parts,of;Y.enice.were flooded by: ~igh. winter'tiaes •. Some ferryb'oatS,~had·.tojbe~!erouted;because,they: could.not:,pass berieatli1bHdges;' • • :".. " .) j /!" " . . '

" ·" .. 1 """ ,' .. , ~ '.,/0 ,~! .. '. ~ '-A poetic"drama- written··by:Pope!Joim'P,!~h~}most,twenty.,ye.ars ago"is .t.o ,i?e broad.cas~ on 'Ita1ian.rad~o :inthe:new(ye,tr.,!.,

,~, t .. :~.., ,,."- ~," ~'

Terroristsarribu'sfbed:and,killed,Signor, Fedele Calvosa,. the chief public,pro­s ecuto r of ,Frosinone. ;Signor (Calvosa;was:.the· seventh; r:nember of the jt;d~~~~ry' ~C! pe Illut:~erl?!i}n~y, ~ 9n.

. . . . . !~'er;e ll!l-S b'7e~ ~};7.%.:.i~fre~~.~; it;.th,e,~.~~rt'of ,~~e:n~ef'Y~is,!ty and .~/22~ • . rise ln the(l~port of malt w1ilsky in Italy d~rm$, th,e' first half~f, ! 978 as Fo,n:par~d to th~ flrst 6 months ,o.~,,1.977. I ' , '. ~ -

Page 40: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

~- ' . .

~!:!1~ eo: S~ndr~ Rest: 296 High St., Barnet, ~erts. 449 9888

" (, ~

It, Ii e'emsl:to :be"tlie.generd belieflamongst many 'Italians, '1>~r!1,.wi~h~!1.,;h,~ 'I!0utld of St. Peter's Italian Church bell, that as one passes Potte,r!! Ba_r ()ne !,~I~!J.()ff the edg~ of the world, (whilst all roads s~uth lead to Italy). This opinion was 'certainly:'prevelentvaniong' iny,~imniedi,at'e':faniilYi:untillh{acc(),rl'lpa!l!e~",,?! ~flurse. by mythusbana)l rrioved:toqlUbu!oan' 'Ar.chway;'.my.brather'to.rur~l T,ot,t!;rA?:g~,; larid fmY;;sister.,to 1the 'darkestldepthsiof :wild,'Kenton.: This ,s't,eady,·rnigl:~,ti<?n,: . 'pr,oved t~ " rev<?lutio~zeifamily.:thought:, Thus·we ,pr,qceede~.~~'z:~~ove • ::~: ~lg~'~~ered, rifle~~. net~ rnd ~ison:d a:rows from the, r,oo~-rack of our armoured'car:,usually'usedtwl"ien<on~safarl or' rather, when.vlslstlng .~yluRc~.~ 'at"Barriet.rIt was·.th'ere£qre ,wi~hne'ss'trepidatiori'that L,w:ould'nor.mally;!t,ay~ " fe,lt:thatr.}cacceptEid t{ ont b ehalfi of my: lius ba'nd,also ) an, invi tationto •. d~ne ~t:.lM~ rio

. and Sandro,s. Barnet;" ,c "

A ~fe.~~.~,~sce.t; ~f'~~,t;UI? \o~~,qtt?~~~'",~s E:h~:~~!1,;I~~WW ~:~r~~ pa~l{in~. V~.lJible • ~F,omc~t!h,<t m.f.;~ .:w~·h(.~g~, .z:e..!1!,~:~~.r,:~t:..;~~ ~~~~~.~.n~4?~ a~!]-;:~~~_e.t;l"~~:a~tM,ug~ .. :h.e forecourt has sufflclent space.for .. at.least ten, cars one can 'qUlte' easlly p?:rk

I ~_ - "'~_' ... , ~',,'. - ~'" ... , .... -,.. -~>- - .11 1"~

on the H~gh St. The ext~rior/o'(Mario ~ SaJtdro's resemble's a,converted barn and,the,decor inside i~.based on dark timber and white .walls combining sofist---". , .. ·.f·_· .. ~'11·.~'!-~ r~~ ....... ,"<.<l . • ~ .~<.«". "" '. \. .......... " •• -~,-- ...... - < • -,-' ,,: ~~.'~ •• ~ ,... .... -..--,.~

i.~a~i,~n,~~q,~~ ;:tp;tJ.l,:; 'rh,~-,i:~ SJ~~E~P::U.!! ~'g~!~"of~,¥g il7v_~~.~Wi,t~ m~r ~ ~ha~~'~~le sea!mg,. '~F.!,~~.g~~~n,~s.; A~''\Y~, ,~ppr,9~«h~~tli~ ; ~ou.nd .?r~~S1C co~~~ ,.b.'~ ,!l~~r~.g9,at~ng in:tI.i~bre~·:i:,~ Jif. ';t2,b~,'p'e#~c~y"l?-0h~s,t:' o~ ~r!'-t'parti­cular oc-casion.' freezing 'in 'ilia north wind)' 'fo-:[' '~Ii .~ vetv I>l.~afi<i;ritadditi~n~l'· feature,' a guitarist· and violinist serenade all patrons"il:s'ihey dine. L

The\. menu' is'!adequate' andt va ri edt althoughlTimust":a'dmi ti' ,when:,,¥.e.~a~.riy'~cl' !.a:te 'one~ sa:turda:y~ evening, ~~ny~of,tlie ' dishes were,·no:,longer',ayail.ab!o:!., Not letting this disappoint me I chose as antipasto 'ar,tichoke)vi,!aigr.ette~.) although the artichoke" was 'slightly cold it was tender and the dressing perfect. 'My<cousi'h' s'Vpepperqnil ripieni '~were';to"90in' an'!Italiari:,word. 'insipidi Land;my husband's' insalata: frutta di>mare'/consi sted1o'£, a'~lot,ofdhsalata:\and li~tle.-frutt.a di· Backhill's' fashion editor made a wise choice with calamari fritti'that wer-e exc'ellent~, For'~Y' mainlcourserl',ch~"sei quails) c6oked'in,?-;wine!and'mu~h­room; sauce"with/ spinach' and, saute! ~potato'e"s~and! alth?ugh the,sauce tS,eert:l~(ha little over-cooked (or rather stewed) it did not impair the delicious ;fla.v,Q~~.}: Unfortunately my cousin was unable to consume all her dish of'.fritto misto di mar'e":th'erefore; IJfelt'it:my;duty:to', a1d·'lier,~iri. t~i s 'task ;andlI must'sa y,that,l h~ve not tasted',an aoundant. lightly but cri .. plyi'fried ifrittolmisto';of:that calii?re,f~r sometime~ The male members of the group had entrecote au poivre and both a gr-eec:itihat -itiwas:';;erY,;i'iood~, Ha~irig already';~atei:l'a, '_spuntino "',earlier ,that ' evening, rio' oneta:te\ des s ertJbutl we >all~ 0 rdered; olack" coffee;,

, -. , - ;- ~ ~ .. ". - < q' ,~~..... - ,~ "_... .,

Drinking a bottle of red Corvo wine our bill'-four '4' came"to '£ 29. 40 inclu<iing VAT , ,l!ln.~ ,sc,:v~~:et I~c~n~}'fE!}R!,1,H~i!l~ t!1~~y~ri.~ ~a.r:.~ Sa~~;-o' ~}s s~.rt~ill}r w~n . W'?,rtl,t, <;1, ~'' ~.~ 1'!«I'~ b.E;~o,JCl'le, ,I;!o 'poP.\lI~r, ~~ wc:?~~,d p~~qyl~~~~e;to boqk1f yqu had any intention of going on as atu'rday.·< ;

• ,

A. T •

.. •

Page 41: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


I I I \ I



. "

- ' ,~

• ,' .. , ..

'-'/ ~ ~~ 1: £ ""':f

II' , .. , ~ = ~ I' ") ~ ~ ,'J J ~ _,,::', ' ~ ,"'~. .! ' ;

One ~aY,IR~~ni.~, ~a!l ,;r.;,il~~,X: ,~.~!l:il!l.9!y ~?li.£ ~~,V?~~ ~ri.a v!lrY.~-f~'~~jn,c?8?. j:{e ,pull.~d.!ti!l,9!4'~~Y!l <?~,r <?f·,\~~ su.i)~9a~4,<?Rt9 .~~.eA!~.ot:c ,~,ii~' te,~i(~d't~;'i~isph~m up~Y'?~~n_"IJ1.!'\~~.tJl~?=,~jtB~~.~~~!lJ,;~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~"~-' ~,' ~ ;'. 'fr' -:,' r . ,';'-:;'_l;' . . ~.

'Very well,' said'his mothei;,h.F<ither:Chri'stmilsly,ill(no~ reave!a~y pre.sents; this year, because a naughty boy lives· here. '

Ronnie did not like that. ge was counting the davs to Christmas. Ronnie began to cry, and rub his eyes angrily.

A (,1"~ I ~,c<.~~ ~> ;;:"~.'o~~.J: jl! ,,', " ,:,>~, ., 'Don't you want Father Christmas to come to you this year?' a voice said, and io",Rb~~~; s>su~prrlft:; "ilfs';'ioy'litile';wnite,dolfwasstandingi"in',ffont:of hiin., •

;Q!, ~g~);'~~"~~I9.~; ,,;;{J.~g~~i:¥,~:~',!.ii~~/.~~C?:u~~~<tP~~:E!~,~;~;J!'Y)J ,'" . ,;;,,:,

'ii':am a?fai'ry(to~F replfed!the do'g/ 'r..a:m 'a,inodel oi';Fatne'r. Cpristimisl,s:~wn" wilite~dog; 'Hl1:ve \l-'3'ti: ev-Eiio"iioti"cc'da'white' dogi ' loo~ng' intat: your window a ,few ~'eeKs:Sei6r~ Cnristma"s-?-" ' .~.7. ~ ~.,4 ~';;. ·~-i .. '; ,,~ ,~,:~' :

) -~ - 11:» ... ,_.~. ' .. ' -~~,,:~ -, ~ .,~·-t~ ,,'~' .. ~ ~,- .j,~ ' .• " ...

'~f>n~i9t,~a~.)~o.~,· .. q4!t~rS.~F~e:~, . ~" < ~ .. :1. .1, ': ", $ FL, ~ ~ 'w ~iV' fwent"on'tneJtoY;'d~g;: "the: C!i;istmas 40gis,;sen~roim!iltoTfind. diltthow/ many ~hiJarf!p'deiferv,e~rieW) t~oy~. "Th:~'inaughty;lldisob'edient ones!are, left 'un;il' :last;.

" ana some~i)ne:B' reft·'er. ,.' ,~ , ..', 0'. ;, ;' "'! ,. • '~'" B , ~', ~: ~ c •• ~ , ~~ , • ,'~._ '">'~. ~~. j;.~'. ".' 11 U .... '.. • ~,~ '.'. '"\.:';' _

'Phi \li.e.~l;" "f saj9-~.RoJ.u~ie.~~?!y~('.~~~~, ~miJ.~Rg. ii.~i~!}~.t_qy'; d'?'iJ~ '.~~ !'ai!1:' '!,~~~st J:,hay"e.l?~!l!lJ ggg~ '!~I!!~ ,y~~~,.,b~c,~!-!~~. Jf.~!~,~r"C:.~,~,i~~~~~ :~~{f}{OV, ci# !x:y,;~.e.4; !'"

'Weil, ;why' iiot'oe a~ good b6y'n'ow?(A'zld,tidyJ~p.your)toy:tcupbciard 'befoi-:e .your motii.~r·comesi'bac~!! 'Tligii th'e Ch-riilt'mas:doglmay/fgive,atgooqcmark .. 'Conie,::I will help you. ' The little dog then helped~'Ronriie:to' picKicverythinglilp'and's"oon his room was tidy again. ,r'" ••

When Ro~niei·s'motlier,.dlJneliia~k' sh"e:loo"I{ed' very;'pleased. Ronnie knew that the

<!.9gr~~4 p~~o~.e ,~'~~,r, .::l;~~~p~l~ ~!1~g.~.q !!.li,~:::t,iJ)J;I.~!Yt'\\~? :~oJ,k.,~~.\'.I.l~ oOl.t"~ ,w!_J}~ow. ,Ju,!'t ;th~~ a, ;-,~~l, ~~~~~< ~.9$ ~~, ~~~4 p!!~~, ~~~:J19\l!'~,?-mqoc;>~~d ~~;' ,""

~ ;"~". ".. • '" & .. '... " .:I~ "Hurrah! '>sliouted RC)iiJi3.e i excitedlY""'!L;Ookr, tbereiis Fath"er' Chr~stmas!sJdog. I do' believe lie"means;A:'o"givecine'a"goodi in'a'rk!,.t, ' , .; " , . ~,=~ ,. -~ .. ~ -Il_ k

,! .- W' ,,\.' ~' ! ,r,

CHINVERNOn .. jf ~/.-~/. _ - - : ".,t~ .~.:-. __ { '._ •. ~ .... ~' ,~~ :< ~ •• __ • _ _ ~a ...... I" , , ; '~ ,ilpt'sonmllfnverno" la,stagione piu!"fre!lq~. ,:p0E..~<:> l~,ne,v!l.~l: ' • 'ghillCCio' e1ta,ntal<gioia: [ai, bambini ;,iNon piaccio taglh,ucccllini',:. Per_cJ1e ~,rt0.n!,

," <t'fova'no, cibo.' 'Non'piaccio<ai;poveri" .. perche.'"non,hannQ,I"da ris~a.ld,a.rc!l~ '1<?:t:0 1; Icase;~Porto'la~~bel1a:!est~~di_'Natale;L- !<~ =~'.'j;, :~;~,.P" ,~_, - !;' i;~ • , , • "

Page 42: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

. ,

.-.Io;t':.:! •.. ,;, .~.~ ':,,".' t) •.••• ~., ••

:':...'~ :~tJrBY , ""~'w-~ .... ~. "". r..~~. "-.~~~ "s.' ~.'

'" '<'~f:~':"':':' .:. ~!?ndoi?-, Ital~~!l", (20):3.0 '~ondo"i~ F~li'~h (0). O. , • ~. , '.' • " • ~ , 'lo - - " _'"'

Tlt~ London ·!i:.~1iatis 'have well'","n4'ti:ueiy arrived. After 6 games this season, . th~y ray~ ~on 5 and lost only'l, ~.n~~that when th,~y:;~e:Fe 'iff~Ii:V:!ltrengtl\ agai~st, il. ~ery;~g<:)od GraV.ea'en:d<l3ide:·l'~ovelnber·start'ed 'with '.t ~esounding win against a t .... ~~.. .. . ~ ~ <.. ..... -' , ' , .. ...... London Polish'team who won, the .!=~!responding fixture last year'by 8;points to O. " \

- 'l' .-

'This ;Y.E:'~i' ~b~."p6!e~ V{ere d';1ly tou~Eld by 30 points ,to g. 'J:'!?'El:Ita"lians opened . quickly and after 20 minutes lia'd sailed into 12 0 lead, thanks to, tries bY·Oddi and Ferrari, both converted b.Y:F.r!l-qu~lli. Tony Cuddeford added a third try with some quick thinking from a maul-and'Rastelli bulldozed through to make it 20-0 by thecinterval. The Italians then;w.ent·.off the boil and the Poles began to win ruc~' and maul ball, but s.ome fierce tackling in midfi eld particularly by Croci~ restricted the Polish half backs to kick for position. Halfway through the second .. half Orsi left ~he fi'~ld with a gashed eye and the team w~~ :t;~sh':lf~ec1 o,yith Corbo going into the 'pack, . Badini moving to full back and John Bellf'coming'off the-sub ;,. ~el}c~ t~ } *~ ,,:igh~ :r'!J?:g~ Corbo. seeI! injec.~ fire into a £la.ggi?g pack a~IJ.~ ~3'~}.li· )V~~f~'v~r .~o~ a~fy,,~ft~:a,·.firi,e j:)ai(sitig~se9ue~'ce 'fr'o'm"~lie b'acks originating fi-oma line out'won'oy 'Coi-bo.Ten"mintitEis later/Ferrari' picked 'up a loo~e ball and drov'e over from the, Polish 25. 'Fraqu~ili' convert'e'd:to'push' theiS·COr.e up' to" .. 305 ,points:.'just"bef~re,the whistl.e., • "

• " ,~ . ' 1 • " . " . , ,'"

<~., .. ~<

< .


Finchley (8) 11 London Italians (4) 18 .'" ',>' I. : "- ... ~ ¥~, e-~.t'" .... H,_ ~',",L ":' _ '''',''.- ."~ ','.-'~~.lI!:.. .• ' '~f~ "~..,.,.....,,,, _"

On,the\ I ~tnlNovemb~r,. ,a large . gathe.r.ip.g~v.:,~~~hed,~h!lj ,~t~!.i.~.ns .. !>~at th~!!,. pos~!, Finchley by 18-11, again reversing a big lOBS suffered-last season. After 30 minuJ~s of deadici'Ck\.vltlif}{e fFi'ndhle'y'fb;vJa~ds ,(riiostiy : Nev';Z'daianders)' iiri'-, ving,!the::Italia'n~pack,backwards,time ,after t.~W,';'. !?.!4YA<?"~~~ t!l~ }l~a.lian.s, ~~g~in

,>·lo,st 'ground wit~, surging~:runs f~om the~I;"b3lck, ,tliXi!li9.;t" q?~i!l~.t.,uP..l1: ~;t'y.b.y; looping his winger and then drawing the defence"bef<?~.e, '!'I,~~c:I!~g, ~ e!l.~. 9V:,~r, fpr a tryon the loop. Finchley responded immediately and their pacJ<:.surged ()v.Cr for two tries before the interval. In the second ~al£;illeIta:iians deCidedito'i-lin the~ball' on:eTerYrgivenroccasion:. ,Crociysto.rme.d ~~z:o.uglt"o,l!,~1!~ ~~.~~~ ,~~g,s,et up:;.!and!ldes·pite'F.inchley;re'gaining~t~ellel)A:l,v!th .. a ,.p~l?a~~y',~~lc tll~.~ta,lj~n.s. ~ere wellon top and further t,ries by Corbo;who .r~~,.tpc,!~,'!~l~,,!ro~lh!s.~,'r;,~.~?, II?~hatn who 'followed up'.after Rastelli on the bU1'at had been halted on the 'line,' ,ensured v'Nf~H: :~~~.t~~~~,,~n4 F:;.iciif~~ii C!?:?~~~(~~, a't~y~;plecci;fTr~p~~8' at, No~'8 bad~ an outstanding game analie;,;,r"i?e'crui't'Irignam 8nowed'some'piomisirig.touc1ies~ but

·overall'. it., was .the:rsuperior, p?-ce) o,f' the, Italian~ b.a!=~s tha.t., t!lr~e<J' tp,e,. ~id~'I~g~inst ; thei rrmore,experi e!lced',opponents land ! t_h.~ f;'~<:hl.~y' .. !:I\1PPO ?,,~e!~i~o .


• ;silence,?-fter'!Jnitial barra.cking., ,~ , . ,'" ' •

. '. L~D.dori' Italians.(O) 14!Old,,c::;.a..nfo!,:d}.~I,l.a. (0) .1. . " Siiriday ~he 'i9t~' ~~~!i ~.oH'j,lu.s:~~¥.y: 4<!-y~tii~ r~in 'poufing '~owii on'tbete'ams' engaged in battl'e. TheItalia~per£ormihc~ can 'be' computed' witli,tpe weather. It ,too<"was"cold~·,(~·cold:and clinical''P,erforma:nceiBlu,e ,.S.l.l~!'tS ,!~e!J1ed tc;? ~u~ 40wn into Canfordian territory throughout,the.~,atc):1 •. :Sutt9n".ba.~k;~p!1:l. ip.ju.r.y, l~ad the pack in typical Irish fashion. They hunt~d like marauding wolfho~~ds and co~pletely upset their opponents possession.Oddi pounded though'the'mud·t~ score •. .z{tries and"Rastelli' adiled another with, brute 'force) conviction. Fraquelli coriv.e~iedorielo{tlie·tries,anda:ll:the Canfordians could ,m'usterdn,.replY.v.:as a

'Jiio!ita:'rY'ltry. 'Tli"e most· encouraging 'note. was' that' the, Italians':now.' show> ge~uine ~trength in depth; although they were hardlhit1,bY'injur!es,.theyr,we!e still,aiJle to field a side goqd enough to reverse the heaviest defeat on the italians last season ••

J. Belli ri

- ,

'. , ..

Page 43: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e



HISTORIC MOMENTS IN SPORT , ' ..... _I ... +."" _«,... - ., _--;.' _ .,

This-month's, ',~:Historic;,Momen~,s!' ,i.s ~.s.p~c;:~!ly, fO,r til,o!,e,o.f you who,h.ay:e, been .getting up atisix 0 I clock,,ell!lqt:nj.JlS l~rltJ~.e)?all, by,-;ball c9mfl!e,~tar~es on nadio 3 from Australia. . - ~. .. " ~. .. Mike B,rearleYiand his"EnglsJld sid.~.~re a.t<pr.esen~ ir~~risbane pl~~!!g.,in;ihe First Test of the 1978,-197.9 Ashes series.

Yet how;many. 'of ,you kno~i;wh~t,thef""!lQs:a.:t:e.and.',ho,?!'!l,l~Yd:,!a,~t~.d,?,

Well this month' 'BiL'Ckllih t~eads a'w'ell w'drri path' ilicktoitlie' Oval on' z'Sth and 29th August. ·nrS2 :a:rici;i6()kr'it~'one-oftiie'nl09t f<i:zhous :c1ashe-s' ofainime's bet~e~i<.irg§aMr th~;, 01-;""';' r; Gr'ac~:anQ't~e:gi;iiaieai: bowler the Au:straliaii Sp6££ortii. " ,',. ,-"

di:ii.ce 'was' iic{t'in fa:cethi Efigl~iid'dptain' forth'e game. Tile ~Etiglisli side was being led by A. N. 'Bornby,w'ith,Mhidoch·diptlii'iiiilg'the opponentS' froin:'Do\~n Undel.. . . " ,

<; "-,:

In gloomy'and wei: coiiaitk>ns'tlie ',Au'stralian's' had:'w6ii.'the to8's; ele'cted~to'bat and .duly, b~en; s~~t1e!i<?u~~ !nl?t i!qur_~ J,g:t:. oply ,~_~,~t~,~a,x:l<?w taking! .!?"fo,r 19, and Peate 4 for 31. ,~ l.

England had a particularly strong batting li.n.e,upj~!h ,~e,<lte, the, ~u,n:tb~rll, as the only non-recognised, batsman in the side. Indeed, the captain tIornby, wll(hvEini'iii 'nuo;.bei i,(l in t,'he fi;~dnning~.; op~ried, '!.'V!iii'gracein th~.'ii¥c·oiid-.

,I~!< '.", .• A

It was confidently predicted, therefore, th'at the hom~ side would be ~bie to . - -, "' ~. - .~ , , ., '. _.

b1,!il,d. up,~ ni~e ~.ea1thy lead ~s '~!ls'.iraiice'agai'ilst·l1~vi'ng~to 'Ii~t''fourth~nd last on The' OVar'track.' '" ,

, . . E. R. o "The Demon" Spo££orth had different ideas dismissing the formidable Dc;ctor fo~:oriii 4 ahd'to6k in alllifo~ '46as'England 'struggled to lOliill'out a le,:d of only 38. '

The~!ii:c4~as e.veniy'·'pOi'seii,' ther!lfo~e. as it entered~th'e se'cond'd~y"but further raiii'delayed'the start until'l(hnihutes p'ast'l2 ; 'In-many peoples minds the pitch was still unfit"fo'r playwitll:the groiIridsriten'naving to use,spades to remove mud .from.,the" boo,y).,er! s.,hole.s i?efg,:t:e JiJ!!ng,t!te~: ~ith sawdu~~.

The c0ltdHio!lB cii,cr not seei:n to worry t.?e' Au:stralian'o'peiiers Massie'and­J3~nne'!fiiin·., ~hou~h ':lS ~h'ey Eroce,~Ciedto dispose ()f t~e England"-iead 'inside 'llal£anhour. "., •

~ 11: " " " Bannerman played the anchor role as Massie punished anything loose with' de~a·st1.tirig' powe if. . ,,' '......

• , !r' • . • -::: '-,' ~ -

With Australia 'only nine in front"howev,er, Massie.)ift,e~ a ball:tp !ong-o~ but Lucas dropped the chance. ~ '"._" "!J ' ., :. -' "', ,

Hornby~co,ritinually. ma,de bO.w.1ing,ch,,!-nges !>ut theY'Y;:!l~,e.,?-ll to ~(),?-v<lil,¥ntil,. at .6f,-O,., ,S~eel ,b!Jwled Massie.,r.~~'~.!I.!'Hh~.v~t,!-l b~!l~kt~.r0ugh h_ad"lJ,e.e~ ma,de.

Wyett repia:ced'Steel who 'promptly reJioved'the'middle'siiiiiip'of C"eorge Bonnor, one of the biggest hitt'ei's e~er to coine out ofAustfalia; fPeate theii took over where he had left off in the first innings and apart from one contrversial incident when Grace ran out the young Sammy Jones for leaving his crease to pat down a divot, the tourists surrendered tamely for a modest 122.

Cont .•••••

Page 44: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

Historic Moments cont. ••.•..

England needed only 85 to win.

At exactly 3. 45 pm. the Doctor and his captain walked ,out to complete the task.

'With,thE,. score at l5; Spoffortll· oowling<{rom'the'Vauxhall,road.cnii;'removed Hornby's' off sturhp and tke '~exi:i oa1l re'p'eatea defeat on!the hickles s .BaTlow.

I~'w~s with a feeling ,of reassurance that the crowd saw the gt;eat Yorkshire '~~~;i~?und,!'r' C"'eorge-Wy-ettb come:iii second!wicket,Qowri.," ;he"wo~ld' see off 'The Demon'. ' , ,. Sp6fforth:was 'exploiiiiiir'every'aspectof',hfs'craft:that afternoon~ _There was ~h~"Y~,!?~~!:lS :!>r,ak,e.,b~.c~}t:9r;n, the.,~~~!, ~,~~iY?re,<;l':YHh; ~h.e'f~ght.,arm fi!lish!ng ne.1l-,r:,~h~ 1!~f~,t~i,gJ:.,~~~ t~e .f~er~~,.!~p, !lpiJ?-!1~! '!lpot~~~. !:!YI ~pe.a;:~ "c~~~!?-g, s~~a!glJ.~,do~!1,i.I?::t~~:follow t~~o~gr.!?~tAz; s.pite ~rhi~ '~p~e4 ~~f_ g\i.i:~~ , ,~e could not shape the England pair and was ch~~ge~. tq.t~e R~viN.~<?n ~!l:d.:

9r,!-,S~ Yf,<}-.smidd~~llg.~~!3~ball:pa,:t:~i~!.1!a~!y',V:'~~lla,~d: f1!?~n. .~O ,wf'!-s !.1~. R~y H~~r~y.,;ive ~!!1)!tes,~? :-:vi.ri,~lJ:df!!m, e.i~r~, '\Vfcke.~,~.)lt~ndi.I?-g., • ','.

With thea.~dition of one more run. however. Wyett played for a brake"-bacK ,;'Y~~;!l0'!: ~?~r~:<}n? ~n},<}.,a ,~at<;1h, to .w.!<;~~hl, C!!lP!l;"! ,~!~9k1:t.~~.

Two'run,Hnoreahd;i:he :Doci:or~ 'not quiteifat iiie"l'pitch oMne!ball, 'idrove. Boyle into the hands. of a~d was out for 32. '0; , .

T,hesro,~c! ':lVer,e.;I~ett~,~g. app,~.~~.~n.I!~Y,~· ~}lt I t ''lV~9!,~t~H 1?~'"9.ti<;l ,c9ri~~m'pi~#i?n tha,t the h~me side could be defeated on the. r ,own soil. : :. -:¥ - .iI. '~."';..-.':~. ", J!"',,~ - <,-- •• '

-Twelve.8uccessive.maidens,did,little to restore confidence though. ancf~a . ......... .." - ··'~~·-''''·'''-'''.·I ' .. ''-~,~~ .~'- ~';'t._.~.~ ';<"",."'.' ... ' •• ~,.- ..• ~.,~. '::'.~- .'''.! ,"'" ...... a·. deli herate misfield by Bannerman left Lyttleton faciol': SPo.~f<?r~h ~i~l}, ~.e da,rk Pavillion. as the deadly background. • " ..

~ ~ 'w _ ~" -, . _'_ - ~ _,~-\ .'.," ,-, __ ", ~_' : 'f ~<:' .~ },' .. ,_.~", II ... ,~ •

'fpu:, ,!llpr,e %!laid.en <?y,~r~,a, .. ,tl;>.en,. Lyttl!l~0!l ,~<?ul}d hi ~ • ~~!frnps !I.~~~p~r~g. ~a.~~~ hi s place at the crease was taken by Steel. ;

" " Lucas,,other·end but"with .15 runs needed. Steel was fooled

,~-. _~ ." ~~,'~'-' -''''''> ~." . - "'. ,.~. "~.' '- ,,- .~'_'-~- ~. -·v~~." .,,~ ':~"-.' .", ~ ':.;"'

.£y! ~.s)?~~.r.'?a.ll a.n,d .w~!J '9""llg11t, ~ng I?~wl~~: l;>,Y ppoffo;-tp: r'Y<? ~~.,lll! late:r,'

.:ryta':E!9.e, R.~~cl·joi~~cl.him-,b~c~,iA,t,~e ,<!rells~n~ t;oo.~. •

Barnes; 'one of· the to·p,professionals'"came:in:af·numoe'l"9': 'Fiveprecio'us" run!3,;\:y'eFe ,~":lde.d:ap.d .. L~sa,~ Vi,},!, ong~.m,o.;-!< .f~c,:~X}g "~h.e,1?~mo~~1 ~M,.p~t eY:~.l1Y ,C;>.lI:!c.e·?fl).,is. ~,i~~ ~st::eng'th ~~t~~~,~cn.~~, (1A;y~:r:Y~'}'h~ E_n?l~!'}!-,~a:n .. , came down on it ~ard only to, see it gently roll backwards and di.s.~u.~~ a .k~il. Lu.cas was <:>ut for a .h~rd earned but vitalS runs. .

The crowd we~e desperate now. 'One man died of a heari:a~t.a..~~ •.. ~tl?ih.eli " actually chewed through the handle of his umbrella but the number 10 was crT .~t\iddi~ho' nad aheadymade two "CentU"I'i'eS against australia :that summer.

Off the first ball of the next over from Boy 'e, however. '~arnes was ~aught by~Blai:fkham~ CE';~rything now-resfed'on the.oruy'D.o,n •. recognised:bats'man •

• Peate; 'but' eveii'li~ 'haai made' 20 'in' ~is'la~t'inning8 £6r Yorkshire against. the ,~our;st,s! 'H,e <!~sp'~~cl},ed Ns fi!s~. ba.!ht~ ~~g,fqr, ,2r 7t<;>, <iray.'. 'lt~ 'Yin~ 'f.).'Ip :~.~g l,lq,. (r0I!lt~e 'IIP~i?9w~er,:~~~}t,",?oulq ~lll>e 0x~r.

" '


Page 45: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


"Historic Moments n ~~ ___ ~ .. - __ ." .... " !

" - ~ ,- ~ , .. ~ Two inight,;Y;sy!~pes l.~~~~,a,nd#"~as.all over.' Peate nii'ssed with 'his fi.~st swing and missed again ....,ith hia Iil'econd but this time"~lle stum.p~ laY.,sp,read E!.a~l!;?<}~~hi~.dJ~irn..;., " ' ,:1 A Ipregnant·paus'c oe !!2ende~"'~pO~}Ii{g;:~l:Ind'.a,nd"the"~ ,'llmo.~tas ih'heavenly 'signaIf.hao;been.given'Tlie·Ova',l ''';:ul'teCliiiid:Sil9ffo.rth·....,as , shoulder-

fl> •. ,..'" ~ ~~ .-,-,..., •• -' .... '.,~. 4 !"" ,. '" ~

high from the pitch"WithJnjatch'figures' of'l4 for 90 (These have only been surpassed o~ce by a~ A~stra!~<;n!n England and,~hat ....,ll~;by,Bob Massielat T' d' . 1972f). ',.. . .' . ~ . .&..lor S In .• ' . "" ..

• • , .r

'qricket is all abou;.-ii!-[S'i ~~df".b~ts.." Would Ciace have p,i;i.ed su~h:a ioose , .I:!hot if he had th!?~grJi!J:l,e:'remainhlg 6 batsmen'would have'such trouble'in getting a paltry 30 odd, runs? Would Australia have won if C. T. Studd had gone in higher up the order? Whatif Peate had only x,:un ~ s,iJ.1g1~ ,!-,ncileft the bil!~~!1g_t,?, h;~ m9.~~,,·partner.?, ' " . ',. '

• ,j ,01. _, ~ ~ ,. _

Wh'eidlskeCl wny~he"na(Ptaiteii iiucii'amlglitv swipe, aUhe,ball,· ,Peate;had;, ,ailswe-real ,;i~~ trpi~~iY?fk€h~~;~~}Elgin 't~~ ~,'~ouXq~!(,tr9,~,st ,M~ter 'Stood' I •

. g~~ '!ll~~ ~a,~.,~~y~~,~~"cpa~g~d;"however; Austi-alial!jicl\Von forj~ev~iy:first .~ i§!j:~gl~~d l;l.Yc~flv,e.n ~~fI'" ' •

At .th~"end':6;'the.end'Of tllal: Ip#(;)~!c ~e~K' t~,e:¥~U!>.wi.!lg-,advertif!ement ; a ppeared'in ~Tlie'Spor~infTi~es:

~ • : ,. • ~ ',,~ ',< , .. '

, ,

"In Affectionate Rememberance. ~ :0 " .:'.:- ,," ""'" '~'.~ " ".'

Off"~ ,

~!:§NC.J..IS!-r CI.tIC'i(:E;,T

:~-on' "" _ ...... il :! " -,,""~~ ~ <1' ! .t ( '{

.' .... " .. -' /

.?,9t.~.August ,18132 ,,~ • . ,

-D'eeply' '~~in~nt,~~ :~'yi.a~~!i~·~irc!~ Of, ~o p.:Oy.'I!1g. ,,f.ri,end s. and'Acquaintiuices'

R. T. P.

, ~~~'J ~J?.~"I>~sIy ;will,belcremated'and

, .. ·~'the'tAiiJic{S· taken 'to~ Australia'" '< ~",: -j> f,-"- ~' .' ~ ,,~ .. :' :-

' ..

At.1the~erid;of. th'e 'Tlii'i-d q.~st':Hatch'iE. !h-e, f6ilo~~,!g 'se.l.'les in A!lstralia some Iladies .burnt'a3baU and)sealea'the Ashes in a,.smalI,urn to the',victorious EnglandIC'aptain, ~;iii;:H~~:"I~C; Bligh. 'Th~ urn is now-kept,on' 'perme'nant! di splay' fn'the-mus,e'uif{a'i ~ords'but,it,~iil be ,very dose to the'

~. -" ... "" _., ~, . ', ... ).,,' '. ,,~. ~" ,

~earts,,()f:al1 22~players'on'tlie cithc;:'fsi~e 9fth~ w~r.l~!l,ntinhe H 978/1979 series' of Test Matcn'es'l13:s b'een dedaed. '


.. ~ ~ ~ <'

• , R. E.

" . .

Page 46: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


'~p~~~;! t~po-~~ ~p~~!-<--TENNIS, ,","" ".The.B ens.on.and~{edges" Tourlliunent w·e'riibley. ".-:-- .. '!~, -~-"'--·-"''''----·--'''''~-:--··-''-~''''7!--''--~---'''·~~,·" !.~.", ~

in tile a:b~ence of Bjorn Borg, Jimmy Con!1ors and .-uill'ermo\"{,iias, it was left to Villas Ger1;llaitis to jU,stiiY;.tlJ.~ No.. J .s~ed!n,g_sR<>t::5i~!' i~U.Q!v :.Americ~ris domi~ ;ated-the i~eedirig' list·, and all i~'tiJ.~?~~r ~~t, ;t~h.~.a,~~al t,q,!r~?,ntent.',The 'seeds ,based ori :th'e'A~P '<;om~~io~' ~~ap,di~$~ wl~;:,e,aI,lAo,1.!O~I!!~" ."

',hYitas (!:erulaitis 2. Eddie Dibbs 3. John Mc, Enroe ~ - ';-_"> ,_ ,,1:'"1. ,..-'"

'4~ 'Brian, c:ott£riiid. , .. ~ -' -.~ .~. . .. . --~ ..... . . ~ ..

usA: 'USA USA· •. 'iis~;

.- ~,


!,5. 'C~rrado Bata~~u!ti:;' ,-: Italy 6. Roscoe Tanner USA 7. :Sandy M3:yet· :8~ Ha:rold"SOlo'm~il'

:: ~ :t ~ € '


" _~ f. r.-

. Alter two roun~'s of absorbing tennis, :'played' on'a;liiynthetic slirface"tnat seemed t~ a~t :at~er ,I i~e. E:uro~e,,;~. cl,~~; tf-;e i!3 ~~~~. hll:~all.};i,1;lt.go!l,e., Ferulaitis !found tliat~belng·,the!top'se~d gt'7ae"~lt:n ~lie ~~.})~ern~, ~~F~e~ ,?:~4.1!e"buck1ed .. durlng a don-g~struggl'elwitli"fel1ow>Ameri'ca:ri Tfm ('ulliksoIl! Edc;Iie Dibbs w~s)ust u!l!.o~~~n~t~. ~~, ~~pp'~n!,!C;l ~o~S!!-tch_1taly.'s/Adriano"Panatta 'O?~O:i,iC?'of~his.~~rcurial 'days aiiClhe received quite a lesson. Cottfried'uiprisingly'to Stan Sinith and Tanner found StocktC?n; y~t aE-0t~~;- ~.rn~f.~c~,1,1~,Agq" ,s!r~,1,1g'l.all;round. ' Veryfew;pe?ple'",vere' UPS'E£tO' s'eeFarold ,§o~~,9io~.g~ 01,l~';'Ilgt ,!>ecause't!tey don!,Solomon, but because it was Arthur·Ashe that put him out. , . .

... ~' .. It is' 'not ofi:en I get treated' to,}a lieaf iri a box a~d'w~~ch the quarter finals of such an illustrious tournamentl :It has its bad points it has its good. I, was' fo;ced to watch Barazzutti -being ro~,s.te4,bt.,Jo?,IJ' I-!~,,~nroe but the Chatea~La Tour 73 wasn't a,bad littlevintage.,M~,Ep.r~e.!e~~ 6-0 4-0 at one ,stage, but urged on by a sy,inpathetic crowd :Barazzutti'won 5 games in a row, but alas young Mc, Enroe'kept his head and wrapped it up in a tie breaker.

, ~"# • ~ ,- .. • - - ~''--

Arth';l~ Ashe shqwed none of his 35 years to outplay Stan ~!n.ith with a barrage • of crisp backh3:nd cross court passes; DicIC'Stockto"n1nadioeaten Italy's other'representative Pamitta in a marathori match"which was.,dedded by a /

~ { <" .. - ~ '~."-'.'~'-":">".~'" •. "' ," .... _. • dubious line call after 4 hours'. Gullikso'n continued"his run by?eating Mayer in yet"another'marathon to ,make !it,,4 out ofA~ 'Ai'n:erican' eemi'-'iinalists.

~ __ ... ~ _ r

• . .

Poor Arthur .Ashe had ;('ocu~,i~g,s~oulder rhu'scle''troubie ~hich let C:ullikson through to the final on a walk over. Mc, Enroe had to :work a!little harder than Gullik~H:> he too made thidinal':Sto~ktbn'ofi~red st~bborn resistence at the-begining of the match but soop fell ,a~a'y \;Vhen;¥<:;J;:~,1:0e ,_steppe'd'';1p,a.'gear. • Mc, Enroe captured;the"£ 8;iOOOfii-st pHze, by ,dulYr beating c:ulliksonliri a>fina1 .. .:.vhi,'sted 4: set,s',; B5T·d:?(ij.~ so f:l.~ spelt ~'~i: ·i.·wa:,~~!rig;t!? ~I:t,e B,ritish:Davis1

Cup,:r,eam •. ·Mci'Eriroe-has. Deen prefer,,the 'American side' and,on' this .form 'B<rrtalri;do·riot' see'm ;tb"'h;;:~,;;,:~;";~hch';'n,~e ~fupsetting this very ,cool or i'naeed ;a:ny on'hiir :pr~flPE!Sii.:J;; ?pp'on'~~~~;,' ' .'

- - . ~

John Belli

Page 47: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

/-, . _Rug,b_y...,._ .... __ ' , .~. ,., e' (, • __.. '" - , ~ -r "" "'- "'-, :, ., . ';';f", =-~:=- I ~ .>--~_-""~ <, ,.1- { . '-_ ,"" (, '; t: _ ,'~~', :',

P,~i~~~;~hJ' p,~!tm.?~~~!f~'=:<?~trov~,r.~y ~!;.ems t{>, haye ~~ii<?w·~d.R\igb~~;r~i~.~~,~~;i bees pursu~ h~n~y. .,,-. c," . ,-" '".~ .. ":' " . ;,' ";'

. . . ":''": ...•. '.,',}"'. -. . , '" <r " , ' ~ ~ ~ ". • - ' ;'1J..I • . ~" • - i.: -. ~,~,,:

There has' bee'n the R..alston/Lhinelli affair when the'En!:J.ish' 'f6rward was' rushed to hospital for stitch'Js to~be insterted'in a head wound cau~ed'Dyianeged''da:n.· gerous use of the boot in tl).~hr!l_<;~., "! " : " , .,' "

Llanelli duly suspe'ridedtall'.t~~l;-::.~£;';:-:-'!.ards pending a fullJ~y.«;stig~.t.!~J!'~~'~~'i:e generally commendedt:f()r,Jth~h:'{!l!#:C?r~!! to stamp out <!i!.~y'~p!~y'! Wit1Ji.~,A~y.s.! however. the, 'su'spension;had:'i?~~.nlHJt.ed. ~nd all p~r~i.sip.~l!t~. eX.9!.1~r~.~~d!< .

This was quite a reniarka.b;le-turn:a:i:lo~t, No less an authority tnan'tne former in elsh r?ti:mh~i-'"'8: iM~-it; :'rthil 'sw~l1v'e' Davis was heardio'~o'iTlrIi~nt'thai:'>ever'f; P.I?-:Y~€kn9~.~'~~~ic,!N,;:.v,~~t he is doi~g with his ie~t'inrt~~ r l1c!<:'"

'" .c!;C" , • '""

Ralston. says' he has~ajg~9d1~de~r.w.ho,!s responsible., If t~a~ is s.~,,,~~,,~. complet'e loss ·t~ know,.why~this:info~lllation has not now,~,E.l~r;s~~~uni£~~~~,t~ LLanelli. so that. the appropriate action can be. ,taken.· ' .

",:~"I"'j.~"'J'1<'· ,.,,~. r,;J~',") -,,- :;.,~", ,;' ~~~"Jif-~"'· .. • ~' W" ,.~ •. ~.'1< .~ _, " ~.

, .'1Jammot,one':fo.r ,s;,veeping.t~ings' un~er the! ,cl!-J.:pe~«~llle.~!l,,~.,~a.v.e'<l!k~og~~~I!J!W , ~nandtandit~at!is~afJra r.e ~enough_~ccu:t:r.,«;nce 'ari.yw-,~y)'~, A~~it~~~b:,!l1i.9rS,O!,! ,C!f,.;does) rubgy!;tlo gO,o,d !>'!t's.~~ely i~ .i~ ~o¥jJ«;"i!!!lt~i£u!?!J!.c~1l, b.~ . .!'~,e,.!i-.l ' to esc"'ap·et.puni~hment~.~ ,.~~ "; ~"'.,,::- .f.'.. :.~ .-~ .~.,<~,"):,~ 'J -.~~." \'~ . ." .,~

'r'her~ 'n~~ k~~,n ~. ~~gg~jlJ!o't;i· t~~~~ t}l'e.~-e sori:'~fti~cideiits" w!n !J?ecom:e iiiore'~aii.a more tne 'suoject"o'f Wriiir aiid·rJig}d:;ourt,litig~tion. 'The:rel~tioii~h~p'Detweeri Law and,'Spo~~t'i:S(SOrriei:hing/ll-ackhil1(~iU;b'e~xamii\i'iig!iii ihe'm~nths'to;1Co-me! Meanwhile I hope the spOrting au~horit:lcBwin!l?e:,'M~to'l!.~rt o,!lt ,t}~.~~!!-O~!lf ' probl.e~~~v~i!1;l'?~t ~h.~ n.~ep. ~<? !,!sort !p the l~:~al fraternity."

',,"" .. ' ,; ~ ~~ -' < • , •• ' ,:.,_4.1 ,!~.;

The s e,qq~d ~5?I1,tr<?v~~sy :.8u];'r<?~n~~d~ !!te' Vi ales /,l'i.!l,w;,~,e.a!.<l:I!<! 1S?:Ill.e .?:!?-~; ~!!C:il~s~ minute ~~~al~Y.fonv~.r..!=,~d:!>;{M{K(icl1meto giv~ ~e A!tBl~cks, v~Ctorya!ld • ultimatel'ythe ('r'aiid'Sl'am fo'i'the:'ve:y first ti'me in'their\liistory. " . " ,; . ~ "': ..... ,')~ .. :: ;·;,7~:':': • • ;·~t1 . '.~ :;'. , ~'k ~ ...,'~

It is ar-reed(and not\only. by,·,~~n),that the NE,lw 2;,!l~!.":I!~~,;s'Ha~~1!r~~~: ~ Oliver deliberately,~t~~eVl.,thenis!ll~e.s;out of'the line the.Z;~~yaSo.n.-;~ng~ -,~h,E1' • >'

9: ~fereel iiito .. awardingi.the',ainst i:" eof!..w:~~.~l~ Y'1~.l:!~.I?Jl!,th~· ~,~!I E}:~~E,ls. there)h<;lf!r.oeenl rquite;-justifiable abhoFrence I!:t.i!lu<;,g.b.ehay!o_~t..:;" '",j,'''f l

'J 'xliE!,,-&tiiJaayiis 'tiiathl~~izigw~tclie'd'l(he incident with the bene'fif'iif slow'moiion on th .. ee occasions; ~'i''Sti11 ciiiili6t"niake up m)Hriind!it'·cer't1ii'ru.Y;look~a'ati'i'f: Oliver did not juir'ip'fo'£, JIi~\i.i~li ';'Wd'\;;as more intentoii"fa:tling'over;Jjiit·a:gaiil~t that'there was a dltiiill'tei~i'min~ iit!' mo~ement by Wheel's lef£;ai-tri';'-·· J '

• ~ -v~-.',· "<.' ~" -'",; ... "- "." ",":.,,'1 ,.",,~,,\\,;r ~~~ ' .• 11

Thl:~:?8.!i~ .g! ~?'t-];'~,~ .cr.~i,s.7.,~h.~, ~;-:!ltn};aader issug~qf,:i),r., ,;:pY~x:~~i~~d~tl!i:1 /, .' tOp'lcal wlth. London'Weeltend's 'recent 'football coup.') and the.lntense scruhny td;Whi'::chf·~ii·~;ffici~i~";d~~i~ion1.~at~~l\ofw subjec'tea~':'z~~ 1..1'.1 ":". i t .. ~,;f'·" ' ~', ;~':',j.;'~1~ E'''~' ~:; ~'-.~: r--:>'~"--e'\ '~,.('~ ;;_:",~l'''' ,-;::- ;~;, ~'! ("1;',-1 ~ , .... :>' ,,: .. t:'1 -I{ ,.~~.~.<:- .. ~ ~'~~. _, , .. ~j( ,<'1:,.,;

M yi ownwi qw/ i~',t~at .our".commentators act. Y.~ry,! "..e8p~n,!li£lx,'.i.nltl:!i!, .?-.r.E1.~.~I!!i .. thelaction replays· riormally"only~emphasis e::th~_ d.iffj_culty.C?~ ,be.i!!g.'l.'.rl?f~F.E}.<;. " orran umpire:in;tod~ylsihigply, competitiv,e)spor,ting ~o_x:l,<i'""'i:,: ! '. ;:; ' .. ':' ,

Thi s in .tU:rn' rais'cs' file, Ciciesti6h!ido' whether there ~houi(n)e tun ii'merefereee but I th~l£l~~~Jr~~yFt~~ ~a'i'-gi1~~f{t,~ :6r that one for ·anc\ihe¥.ti~e: - . :~: . " e.",",~, See you nex~"mont4,";. ~'.. 'Buon Natale ••••

. ,





Page 48: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e


-- - - ---------

Ra tt R m .. ,","

A· '", ,I:C":O', :,,8;-, . dl~'" '"- . . :e:c~n;eh' ,',$ -"<. tuttl i lettori"auguro'un Natale To all our readers I W1S~C rlstmas

· p.a~e e ';'~?re. :. ,,1 '., :0,£ pe~~e ~nd love. -'. "',, ,.- ..... ,,'-,

~"iDRii~!~·. !·~.:l!·A~~~,~~ ".,_-,;, :'~ ~ (0 :2 ~)~.~~e't;~~~· ~':.:~ .. ,.! ~.~.9Y~~~:: . . Ingredienti: .' Ingreai'entsi ., .'

" . , ! ~ "C'ompre.risio~ne<~;,.mofta!":·'\ ~~ .~ >'H~ -'( . ~ :Eots" O"{ilnoE{rstanding:·"''o., .. ~ ~ · ;3uon\i~o'i-~:~-~'i' u~~pizz'ioC9-<'~: ';~ ... ,~, ,~, -:A:·,piri.Cli~of~li~~C?tir~;.' ~ «".

Amore·fondeiite,:--a>~o'io;riia. . < ' :Uniiinited"'pa.ssionate~love . \ B~~!,'.;;'. ~';.1tp!<E?.!'L~< ': .· .. c· ...• ",Numerous .klsse's .. ,' , .

~ ~" ".. -".I. .... t'" ,. " ~. '! -... ".r -, "'. ..... '

A~b,~~Sc!., :!~lgi~~~",:gqll:el' - " ...• v" 'b,:~~i~~p,~~ .~W????'L()l ;~~~i~S~.~. 'Care~~~!.t:" ,q~P1p"ug.r!~ ~. i', ~ _~'~, ~r: r:;- ,~~~~p.~f~~~~ Pf>.~~·~~~f"~~~" 4 - _ f., SOl-risi - a piacere Smiles as deslred • Fed·eit-:";.:..';tanta;·": <.,:;. ~ •• , L6t~;"of~iaithfuiness' J' ,,'

0'ei6·~i .. :F,nuna:·',' . • .' ... ':"tOnolt~ar:!8fjea:lousy! .J " " -, ~ >,

" •. ~

Mesc~ia~e ia',~om~rensiO;;~'c~i' bdo'ii' 'S'~l~'!~1I1,Je:~sfa:ndiiig\iitk~boci hiinj'b~f "umo;re"el'a'riio-;:~;:tohdeiite:lpo(~-niiil': ,~c'aiid~' l~~~',?·tlie'n·istir.:in,faithfulnessradding gaiiiar'e\:on;iede'ita;;<ig~(unge~do:, '., lca-·~'sses· arid .smil'estuntii '.y~ti')hav"e!very carezzc' e'sor~i'jjrl;firi,quasi.a"fare~ •• ~i "'n'earl~' ~; ;;.::. drivenlthe'desse'rt..:m:aa;i

dmpazzire il dolce. Avvolgere il, Cov~r all with e~bra:ce5'i'and~b,a:ke' .I

l!E!t~:.c.q~· ~I.?E'~~'<;':~E~· ~u_~l'ef,'C"~ l~8cP<.,~ .~:c;J,~I\~ij9;~,:9Y~.!1~ {>-"d,1, C?~.r: ~e~~ of j~a~ , !,~~,·):NH·:~~E!~.~",:~ggl~lt~ge,r~,HP~" .. , i.,( .,- , 9.~f!Y!l:!1~.,.8-ec:~rat~ .:-y,lt.1~.l9-~,13~s~ .. ~!1.c:FJ!ll~! 4i,jg,~~.(),~i~;!.l .?p.~rn,~ r~, 4,~!>~,c? ~!"'D()!I;t()T' ADr.:OWLTO,';C00i:.! !!;; -, {,

~ • ~" '" ..... '. i ~.... .. .• ~ '. .' •

N:ON;!.L'.A:SCIA"R:E' RA'FP~EDDAR:E!!!' ;:~ ,-.:. '1'. 1.::l. • ..;co:' .~ .. ".;':' " ',:", ? "'" ".- '~'.-.'-" IP,., ~It';,.~>~:."'." ' ~ -- -'-' ... :-- , - ... ~ :~;,' -- ,. ~ • .:,- ~. 'jJ ,~~ ~. z~~c~tt~ (~ de"li'cio\"is Il'z.icli 8w~e~t)~

'<-"r"',-~~~;;", . '(~"'~ ~·l .. -t ~""'.'-. ~')'~ '- ,,'7 .)j-'''' _... -~ -_ .... -"~,. ---.

1:,0 ~~~~ott.?'.Vn~~o c.,e"'s~lI~,~~<;> \':' L '. " ~ :i~r:r;b'li'lori~ 'b1 6:'eg'g's ·(No,;.' ii:h .... _ < ..... _._~" ,h 1... '. >.,." ('~" ;I..,',-,~ .... ;J; '-.~' ... ~ ...... ~ " ':,) y •• /.,r ;0,"." - ~, .",

· 11 zamb.~~one. cJ.i. '~,:~9 .. v?-,,~~?y. •• 'TOr:, ;:' ,;, -.~ tp,t~:. !I,OltkH q~ti«~;,. ~J:tip'p-~.~'~ " , 1 ip.t. I>!l:nn~ ~on~ata- _ . . " 1 pkt •. spon~e fmgers

, •

lpac'c!iet~o di"sa:voia:idi~: '.1,' ~. '5 1; -, flZo'z:,Cliopped alin:olids '". " " Zoz <If miindof:le'tiit'afe' '~ ,,,,'; r" .. ;:. :F,·"Zciz'toas'tedl choppediha~~lnUtsr,'", c'.' .2o·:i;cli 'riocci'ole :taMa:te ~·rt;it~te\·'·· . ~£: SrTlalifj<ir;mares chino"cheri-ies> '-cliopped .. .. .,,' '- . . '

, ", 1 :v~s.etto di cilie~ge·'aFma.r~scliino· '.' '}q;a:i of'flakey::chocolatel«llopped, •

>9..i,.~~.C?1~~~~!t;~~~~<;?,: ~ ",~'- '::~' .. ' .. " ~ ~;~. «>S' .~~rr,~!~)t,~~;,.~~~?:t~~,:ri_!1,~~,I.:~e'~I,!~~.,:.~_r./)'I1~~rs 1 'ya~s~o~~~·'m!:!19Y;~~~.!(.·p~~c~~~~ ;~~:,~." , . ~ ~~~pg!~~~~~ _;t .. ~~'i0~}~ .. « ,.,A"; . ~.;: ~~ .

. ". "'r.~£.c~,e.~?:at:re!.o"i'<I~~SO,~~. h.:· .\ . ,-,!-{\:b<?~~ f,c~~ Rf pr,agg,Y •. i "' ,;~."~';, " '4 tazza q~·~Rgl}.as'. ! ,:' : ' . ,. _ .-, .', .. :. aA~. ;t,!, :;:l~',9f H.q~~~!-" '" . "'.1'"

;t tazza di liquore preferito 'or t cup 0,£ sherry o t tazz'a'~di snerrY''ala;>" '~';' .. ,,~ h' .: ;. '!f"o '_~'_:'.;J "'h" ' .:,: ·'d'."·· "':";'-;''- .. ' .. ; , '.' ~~ ,"', ':'.< '". D1P t e.sP.9.nge lngers In,t e mlxe , '....... .,,<-, " ... .$ •• ! '_ ,,~ ,;J I_ l/ ,;, _ ., J:<' ... ~.' .......... " ,', 'jll. ... ~l ,,'" ,")'''~''~'' • ~.--'!.r" •• ~'~~'If"f. i Inzuppate i savoiardi nel liq~!?~~ ~",;, , .. ~~,ci~~~r ~~~Jf*-e!a.~pf .. .'~~.d.ft:~¥i~~~#~~ rivestite completamente uno stampo with them so that the bottom and sldes s ~mffe'ri'co,' ·;.telt'ioiidb' ;Erd"'<ii;la.ti' ·coil: "of'the' bowl,'are icompl'etely \ covered, ' questi': Fateiiha.· b:,ema:Im~5colaiiao:., .: 'Mix"zambaic;ne :and wJ:lipped cr.e'am·, insie?le la zambaJ"ne(e'la panna-:mon.:..::"jto·gether~t,put·a'lay'er,!of'mix~ure onto

r; l~~.~.~~ .,M~,,~~~ BS-<? ~~r!7~.~.C?'{~~ ·9u~~<~~~ ~.~ '.' ~~e.~~~~~~.~J!,~g~f~ '- ~'.~.:t<;-.~ -,'. ,', . , crema SUl saY9.ia,;dl)~(~l.~.~.~ ~ ~,~ ~ .- ~h~,~ !ld~Y.~,;t: Of .c?~~<?l~~~..' " uno stratto ciocolato . • ii'" rr . .- rr rr' c-ream '-niXture

II II crerna 10 ~ •• 1.1 ~ .. ! .• ':.'h;1~11 ,..,1t &cherries !f "

rr rr ciliege taglillte " "rr rr cream mixture 0: ... ill

crema " "" rr toasted nuts " rr

Continued on pink page


Page 49: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

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c ili-1?u~ntcnpo .. eredolarmente.

~~c:.~ Abbq~~-teV'i--su:ni~o·;per. un annoa~questo gioi-halirio fa1n~~-.'-~;>:-;:"l;±ai;o.~;!i~50: ,opedi~io'ne - inelusa..-. - . ..--


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t )


RICETTA 'RECI-=-';: 'cont. ~-.••.. - .. '"'''

Uno stra~to nocciole ·11 II crema

" II , II mandorle Ir T II crema II II frutta tagliata

Comprite completamente tutto con savoiardi inzuppati. Mette nel frigorifero ,per parecchie ore. Capo­volgete d,elicatamente Ie zuccotto st:!J piatto di portata. Coprito.lo con zucchero a velo mischiato col ca-;:~", q\'.esto e' i1 rr.cdo piu' semplice p~:: fa~,'e 10 zuccotto. Dut"l\nte l'anno pr">",~'':no daro' la ricetta originale.

/ ,

'I;hen a layer of cream mixture II II II II' aJmonds

-II" II'

·~fI II II

II cream mixture II, fruit cut into slices

Cover the top completely with sponge fingers dipped in liqueur, place in fridge and leave for several hours. Run a' knife mound the' edge of the zuccotto loosing it and then turn out carefully onto a plate. Sprinkle the icing sugar or icing sugar mixed with cocoa over it. This is a simple method for making a

'II'I1CCOt!e> t will give you the original recipe· during the (loming year. ~

M. C.

• •

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• •

domenica 17. Assoc. Lucchesi' nel Mondo::::;,!e!l_~a!H'.t~!iz.i,?- per i bam1>ini

lucchesi aHa Casa 5. V. Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Rd.,

E. C. 10 ore 15.00 ., --.

St. - Peter:s Youth,Club bazaar 10. am -:;;.;; .... .;:;..==;.:;..;-.;:-;;;: ;.;.~-,,"=,.:,:-~-, .... ~ ... ~~ . ;;~~! .'-:' "-., ~--Hill, E. C. 1 ,

• 9 pm, 4 Back


giovedi' 21 st, Peter's Italian Ch~ch: annual Christmas dinner for the

old and infi rm at: Casa 5. V. Pallotti. 3 pm. . . ~-. if .--

lunedi' 25' .i: .... ~

... i ',-,-.~ ,. ,- ".; ;; !!._, r!. J ,'-",~ J "Sc: . ..- j,. ')J.! ~~ R , , " • J ,.l:' .

martedi"'26 ; ~·Torn~O.dibri'si:8ia>alla·Casa:s:Vf •. .'Pallotti: . ore"ll ~ .... " .~

. , f" • ; ~,

St. Peter's Youth Club disco 8.00 p. m.

/Ji:' .. :-~·'fi ': .. :'~ """"" ~'''.' ,_ :_:",~,~,~ .{,-.,<

domeni,'c~ ~r;';'Jl' ·~~31~..:.-~L£:.~l'fEl!1.~ ,e J>~~_~o .?i ~~P? dl~~no'ai:' i' .'. ~:reqt '!'rootorn 'Uotal, 'pad&iilg£o~." '8-:'p"ofu'~ - ~,'~>

.' i.1;;~o: 'C~sano~ilviil 'c'e't\6ii:diilii~r; 't,;.fdance'; -L

at the Caf~ Royal, R';g~x:it Street. :7!60·Jp.m';,~.·-,]

GENHAIO ) . - ~ ,

!-.,~ -::: ....,,·;-~',~z ''''_;, __ ;\ ~ ".f~'"-'.'4 "",,",! • .,., .. , . ~.~ \I ''''" • .;1. ...

~,~ 'Circol;' Italiano Qiacomo. Puccini, Letch;;o;thi '!esta'-",,-", ~ .~--.~:"' .... ,,,, ....... ,,,: ... -.-.:.;-,--\-.~..,'-'"'.<,' .,~{".~,,;


FEB:6RAIO '"_~A !. ~,. . .

domenica 4 ,.,CLIC disco. at the Cafe' .Royal . . -'-

'.- • or ~ .. ~ _ .~~ ,~ ~ ".JI $ _"~ ~ ••

. Assoc. T.rentini nel Mondo ser~ta sociale alla Casa , ...• .', : ._ 3, •• __ .. ,,~

sabat!>! .:10 , ,,".

,§./y!., F,'all!>~ti .• 7! 30,.I~m! - "" "",', •

I ., ,

Page 52: Backhill online...Auguri a coloro che fanno'il'male 0 'hanno fatto il male, :~er 10;1'0 colpa 0 senza ., loro colpa, perche' possano incontrare l~ mis~ricordia e.i'a~ore di Gesu' e

. , v '; _e' ',~


• _ IO'_~.~. ~.~. . .

'The next edition of 'Back Hill' will appear at the .. b'egimuiig,'ofFebr~~ry 1,979.:

.. ~ .(

:La prossima ediiione d.i 'Back Hill' vcr-ra'

pub~iicata 'ali'lnlzib di"F';obraioi9?,9;

-:" ~ l~ - - ... ,,-

. ,' , , Ultima notizie ••• ; .•

-,,," ,

Mostra Fotografi'ca'dell'Emilirazione Italiana'~iCeptr.<?"$caAab:ini,, 9;-.10, Questa,ottima esposi~fone e' stata divisa hi tre parti: la prima ,

parte h~ <:i'ttato, i£~ierier~(~, ;il:'pei"iodo'del1',J;:~ig~azi~p.~e,~~aliana~~l ,!JHQ , "

fino ai nostri giorni, comprendendo anche quella oltreoceano., " , " ' , ,

La se~onda parte% trattato l'Emigrazio~e in Inghilterra.: vi e,!az;t0 'fotografie # " " ~ , - " ,., ..

che,.illust r,avano, la:, vi til. it;":lia~a~nei':Je'cchio~uaitfe ie.di' ClJ r kenweli ache c' - .,::.' "l" ~r ... ~ ' •. ' - ~'>I _ ~;.':'~~.'" f~:<-'_·. -::. 'J""

riproponevano.,momentLde1l1a.ttivita'"culi:urale, commerciale e religiosa sia .~ . ,~., ... ,,~, .... --., . ~- '" .. ~~, --:~~~.".# ~t."'-~ '~-~--'" ~- .. ~" ,- + - ..

, . 'passata c.he, ~ttual~~

, . ;

La terza parte hilt trattato specifiqam¢b.te Iii pre~en~a <lei padri scaiai>rlni .. ., r _ •• ' " " -;.. " • -.. ~ >(

(chehanno co~e illo~o scophi'hsisl:~n~a:dEiitierrii'~r<itb:ii~iiano) in Iiigliilterra

e Ie loro sedi a L~ndra, Bedford, Peterbor-dtigh andlW~i<fil~;

Delle carte geograii~~e'> e cifre spi.egava~(d'friciden.'iadeil'Emigrazione. Italiana in tutto il mondo. In oltre, vi erano copioeo oi vari giornali italiani in . C. B., ~ra cui 'La Voce Degli Italiani"' e fumetti -he rnettevano in_ris,ait9.~·

la c~)Jldizione del~' ell:ligrato. • /

La most,~a ,~r st<:'-JCI. inter,es'santissima, anche se di lhnitate proporzioni c non

divulsata a ~ast~nza., rioi capiamo che un:tai'e aiksti:vieKto richiede ~olt6 > .. ~.-

tempo e layoro fDa cio' nonostante sp'erlamo' che si pcitra' .riprodurre su

scal,,;.,piu' larga • . ..



• • •


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• ....

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• •