background report reference ap-42 section number: 11.6 background chapter… · 2015-09-10 ·...

Background Report Reference AP-42 Section Number: 11.6 Background Chapter: 4 Reference Number: 33 Title: Stack Sampling at General Portland Cement, Trinity Division, Fort Worth, TX Texas Air Control Board Texas Air Control Board January 1977

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Page 1: Background Report Reference AP-42 Section Number: 11.6 Background Chapter… · 2015-09-10 · Background Report Reference AP-42 Section Number: 11.6 Background Chapter: 4 Reference

Background Report Reference

AP-42 Section Number: 11.6

Background Chapter: 4

Reference Number: 33

Title: Stack Sampling at General Portland Cement, Trinity Division, Fort Worth, TX

Texas Air Control Board

Texas Air Control Board

January 1977

Text Box
Note: This is a reference cited in AP 42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I Stationary Point and Area Sources. AP42 is located on the EPA web site at The file name refers to the reference number, the AP42 chapter and section. The file name "ref02_c01s02.pdf" would mean the reference is from AP42 chapter 1 section 2. The reference may be from a previous version of the section and no longer cited. The primary source should always be checked.
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fi: 4


DECEMBER 2-3, 1 9 7 6

1 .



... ._ . . . . ...

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JANUARY 2 0 , 1977



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The attached report has been evaluated in terms of adherence to standard procedures, practices defensible by sound engineering logic and compliance with established Quality Assurance policies.

As a'result 'of .this evaluation, this report is classified as a - stack sample as a matter of record:

and the following discrepancies are noted . .

I . .

, .


1 ' . I

. .

. . #

. *.

Qt.tiardl PurtJ and Cement. u n i t y Division Blane Fort Worth, Texas Location

Sanuary 20 , 1977 bate

Ity Assurance Source- Evaluation

. . _I ,


. . .


, . ..


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:* . ,

Page No. ~

I . . . I n t r d u c t i o n ................................... 1

CoccLusion ..................................... x . Mult ip le Sources ............................... 1

Plant Operational S t a t u s ...................... 1

Summary of R e s u l t s

P a r t i c u l a t e ................................ 2 ' .

. . . . . . j

. . ,

. , . . . .

. . . . % .

. . . I .

Sul fur Dioxide ............................. 3 I

S u l f u r i c Acid .............................. 4 ,T

. . . - . . . . . . . . . * . . . . .

I . . .:e: ' - ' ., Computer , . P r i n t o u t . .

3 .

. . . : . . . , P a r t i c u l a t e

. . Begins. On ................................. 5

Average R e s u l t s ......................... 11

. . . . 3 : '

S u l f u r i c Acid

Begins On ................................ 1 2 ,, *_

. . Average R e s u l t s ......................... 18 . ? . ........................... .. Laboratory Analys i s 19

. . Plant Operational S t a t u s Form ................. 20


. . . . - . . . .I

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9 i

Introduction - On December 2-3, 1976, the number one and two kiln stack at General Portland Cement, Trinity Division, Fort Worth, Texas, was Sampled by the staff of the Texas Air Control Board to determine compliance status with Texas Air Control Board Rule 105.1 which concerns particulate. Sulfur dioxide was also detected and the pollutant mass'rate of sulfur dioxide has been hand calculated. There are no Texas Air Control Board Regulations for sulfur dioxide emissions from cement kilns. Sulfuric acid, from sulfur trioxide, was detected and has been checked for compliance with Rule 204.

B Y ~ Q I I C. Railev, Jr.. P. E.. was in charae of the stack samblina . .. I

- .. ~

He- was assisted-by Frank DeVooght, Manny Pointe; ani - Billy T. Chafin, P. E. . . Conclusion

This source was not in violation of Rule 105.1. Average particulate . pollutant mass rate was 108.2 pounds/hour while average particulate

allowable emission rate was 173.8 pounds/hour.

L.,A.q .aVrALLe W ~ S not in vioiation of Ruie 204 . Average SUlfLlriC ',

acid pollutant mass rate was 18.3 pounds/hour while average sulfuric acid allowable emission rate was 293.9 pounds/hour.

, . &mh< --..---. _ - - -

The average pollutant mass rate of sulfur dioxide was 756.3 pounds/ hour. This value has been hana calculated, and does not appear in the computer printout. t+iltipl& Sources !

The average allowable particulate emission rate shown above, and the allowable particulate emission rates shown on the summary of results page have been calculated for multiple sources with each kiln supplying 5 0 % of the effluent. Allowable emission rate of sulfuric acid is not a direct function-of effluent flow rate and therefore multiple sources have not been considered in calculating this allowable emission rate.

. ._

... . . Plant Operational Status . .

As shown on the plant operational form, page 20, this , /

also 95% of its normal capacity. . , Source was operating at 95% of its maximum capacity which was

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SUFMARY O F RESULTS P a r t i c u l a t e . .

Average Percent Water 27.1 % ' .

Average V e l o c i t y 63.0 ft/sec

. A c c o u n t Number 113-967-3 Emission- Point N u m b e r 1 -

Sample Four

Sample Th'O

Sample One Five Value

1622-1823 3 D e c 76

1329-1605 2 D e c 76

1345-1531 3 D e c 76 :: H

h Total Gas Emission Rat1 ( ACFhI) 359,000 362,000 357,000 359,000

. .

3 H


I E f f e c t i v e Scacic Height

E f f e c t i v e Stack Height

342 _ _ . ..I - . .-:

340 343.

92.3 92.6 92.2 92.4 . 0

w 3

. n P a r t i c u l a t e Allowable Emission Rate* ( l b / h r )

Part i cu la te Po l lu tant

-. 173.2 173.8 173.7 174.5

a z W z 0

- 115.2 71.3 Mass Rate


a W H 0 3

n 104.2 101.9 I s o k i n e t i c

-~ * Hand calculated, based on two equal sources.



. _

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. . . . .

SIIMMAI(Y 0 1 : l : lXIl.TS

S u l f u r Dioxide . . .

. . 27..1. 3 . . ' . , . . Rvcragc Pcrccnt Water .

Average Velocity 63.0 f t /sec

Account Number 113-967-3 Emission P o i n t Number 1, I


Time I h t C '

i o t a 1 Gas ; h i s s i o n Rate [SCFM)

i t r e i t ive Stack Height (tt.)

Scandard :: f f e c t i ve ;tack Height ( f t . )

ju l fur Diox id i l lowable im i s s ion. tatc I l b / h r )

- : U l C

;ulfur D i v x i d ' o l lu tant lass Rate l b / h r )

'ercent of lowab 1 e

Samule One

--+e-- 0

__fi_ a 0 3 U

2 Band c a l c u l a t e d values.


Sample Two

I. 3 2 9- 16 0 5 2 Dec 76





Sample Four

134 5-1531 3 Dee 76



Sample . Five

1622-1823 3 Dec 76




. . I . . .

Average Value

. .




. . 756.3

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291 .3

Account Number 113-967-3


. . Sample Sample


291 .3 '

S u l f u r i c Acid P o l l u t a n t %ass Rate i n ponnds/hour


S:nlfuric Acid ?miss ion Rate fa pounds/hrs


Ru1.e 204 I I


:, . . . '. . . . . .. , Emissi'on Po int Number 1 .

S a m p l e , S m p l e

1622-1823 3 Dec 76 3 D e c 76

Average Value

18 .3 ' . '


i . .

293 .: 9 . . - _

.. *. .

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b, INPI IT DATA . . I .

' > . . . . . .: . . . 'Y

. . . . .I . .

. . H2S04 -0000.. KLLIUC:IDE 13NS .0000, S J 3 . 0 2 2 S , f L 2 ,0000 . .

. . - , PRESS: A T M 3 S 79 .70 1rJ.IIC. S T A C K - .b50 lN.H20. AV.DEI.TA H . 2 5 4 I f i . t l20 , .

PITnT T U U E DELTA P ' S L t J I S . t i 2 D :

. i n 0 1 . 3 0 0 . 450 . h 0 0 .?SO

i . l n o

-750 .H50 - 3 0 0 ."SO - 4 0 0 - 4 0 0 -550 - 5 5 0 - 7 0 0 -600 -700. 1.300

. g o 0 1 .530 1.100 1.100 1.200

. ' I O 0 .hOD . 4 5 0 - 4 0 0 - 4 0 0

. ' lo0 -980 . 4 0 0 . 3 H O . 2 S O .bOO .bo3 . 6 5 0 .R50

. JDO .I300 .A50 . Y O 0 1 .000

.300 1 . 4 0 0 1 .300 1 . 1 0 0 .E50

CAL S I Z E c'L.40 SqALL


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27.79 9 H2Q Rid2

. . I'

' . 'i

.. AND 2


. , . . . . . DATE D X 2 197b F I Y E 1329 TO 1605

. . . . . .

, - , . . . . O O O N i ) Z . V D L . 81.123 .CUFT k:ACF . , 1 . 0 0 0 . .

I . . . A V . V E L . P I I H ~ 63.941 FT YC:H SE: ~ . r l T . 27.31 EP.STK.HY. 341.7 FC ' .

.:. ACFH 35RR90.5 SCFM 222800.6 ( N 3 EXCESS A I R COHHECl'I (IUI

- . . ,

, ,,_ . . 1

9 2 . 3 . k T . ' . . 71.3'



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l 'ARrICIII,ATE 1N IMP. . . 0031 . SI12 1 . 3 9 8 8 . H2S . O O O O .

~ 2 s r 1 4 . n o o o . F L U ~ I H I U E 101;s .oOou. s 3 3 . ~ 1 2 6 . ~ 1 , 2 . ,0000

PRESS: 4TM9S 3 Y . 4 3 I f t . l i G , S T 4 C k - . H O O I N . I l 2 U . A V . C E I o T A H , 3 5 5 Lh.H2!J . .

, . . ' . . . .

, I :, P I T D T TUBE DELTA P'S I N I h . t l 2 3 : . ,

-500 . R O O -900 . Y ~ O .YSO I .OOO 1.200 I 100 1 . 7 ~ 1 0 i .?no . R O ~ . 3 5 0 . bco .5no . 4 o o .QOO . -iw ..a00 ..a00 -400 .4vo .I HJ . j o o -300

. R O O . M O D . h O O . 4 5 U .bo0 . 8 S O . Y O 0 .9AO *. i . i s n 1.150. 1.300 1.300 1.350 1 . ~ ~ 0 1.150 . i 7 0

.'!On - 7 0 0 -600 .boo ..I50 . b 5 0 .650 .ROO

. .-

.. .. . . . . .

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. . RULE I n l i . 1 85.9 0 n Y AItLOdAII1.E % I S i l . 101.Y S.l'D.EF.S'rK.HT. 92.6 +'r

K u 1 SS . R A TES . I, H S / H H : A L L2h ' A I> LE 1 3 4 . 1 , POI.L.WASS 115.2 . .

.- .


I .


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R U L E 1 l l4 .1 103.9 a nF AI,LUJA\HI,E ~ I S O . 91.2 ~ D . E ~ . s T ~ . H T . En 1 SS . I? 4 TES . L H S / H H : A LLiI L A 0 L t:



1 3 3 . 1 , PULL. YASS 1os.1


, . . .

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. . r-: . I. . . . :.. :. .. i ,'

I . . ..; ... . .. . . . . .



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L, "

1\ V F1 It A CE It E SU L'TS

I . .

. . , . . I .

RULb: 105.1 . _ , ,-. . . 8 1 . 1 % nF ALI,O4AHI;E ' %ISa. 101.1 ~ . ~ D . ~ F . s ~ . H T . . 92.4 Fr .

1 3 3 . 5 . PDLL'.'MASS ' 108.2 . . EH 1 SS . R A t ES , I,DS / Il l+ A L L,U* A U L t:

. ' !


. . ..


. .

.- I .

.* : : 'i ' * , . .

. . . . . . . . .,.


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MASS I N GRAUS: fnrAle Ibl iJ . G A I N 297.50 TJT4L PAI<'TICLILATE .I218 I

PARTICIII .ATE I N IMP. .UJ' /H. S32 1 . 4 3 1 9 . H2S . o O o O ,

. . ~ 2 s n 4 . n 2 7 5 , F L I I U H I I I E xmis .OOOO, 5 3 3 .0225;.:1,2 .OOOO

PRESS: ATH9S 79.70 IN.I IG, ST4C< -.550 1:J.HZO. AV.UELTA H , 254 IN.H2U

P I T 7 7 T O M U DELTA P ' S ti4 l N . ! i 2 3 :

1.000 1 .100 1.100 1.200 .- -600 ' .'I50 . 4 0 0 . - 4 0 0 , ~

.600 .bOS .h50 .OS0

1 .400 1 . 3 0 3 .1 .100 .A50

.3a3 - 4 0 0 . ~ H O .2sn

.HOJ . R O O . .9OO 1.000 h.'

- . . .. . . . .

12 4

. . i . , .

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HuI .C: 1 0 4 5.6 S O F A I B I ~ O ~ A H L E ' %lSU. 104 .2


2 7 . 3 1 UF.STK,HT. 341.7 FT


. .

, . . '

294 .0 . Pl1LL.MASS 16.4


1 .


I. . .. ,

.. . . n

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TEMP 11.1 DKG F:


M A S S IN m a u s :

1 1 . 0 0 F T , POHI' l 1 . 0 0 Fr. H E I G H T 74.0. F r . 1

C 0 2 - 1 4 0 . 32 . l o b , ED .OOO. N Z :74fl, DC.YCF'= .9998 . . : . . .

. _ . D R Y Gas N E ~ E K ~ V E H . 78.90. S T A C K A V E R . 3 ~ 5 . 0 0 I .

. . . ,

. ' 5 .. . TOTAL I M P . C A I ? I 2 5 5 . 2 0 CJrAL PAHTlCULATE .15R2

PARPTCIII.ATE IN IMP. .0031. S a 2 1.098R. H2S .OOOO.

.snn .ROO . yo3 . Y S O .953 i .o i )o 1.200 1.100 t -700 I ,700 . H O U . 3 3 u .boo .so0 .4oo -401-1 .m .. 4 0 0 .4oo . 4 u o .4oo . 4 j o . l o r ) .3oo - 7 0 0 -700 .hOO .bOU . 7 5 0 .bSO .65U .800 . ~ n n .HOO . b u o .430 . h u u . A S O .')or) . 9 ~ n *.

. i . i ro 1 .158 i . j n o 1 . 3 0 0 1 . 3 5 0 1 . 3 5 0 1.1s~ . ? i ( i .

. .

14 4

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' .,' '' ' iiupll'r DATA " 1

STACK: O T b . F : X I T 11.00 YT. PONY 11.00 F T , H E l G H r 74 .0 F T

16 4


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. , . . , , ( ' . . . /I. . - . . ' ,,

. . . .

. . SAYPLE N n F I V E 0AT.E DEC 3 1'376 r I ' 4 U 1 6 2 2 TO ( A 2 3 . _ ,' .. , ', ..

..: ,

", . . .. . . . . . . , . .

2 3 . A h P ti30 ' 8 d 2 . O O O N;IZ.V;IL. h1.931 CUF'r EACf 1.000 1 . : . , ' . . . . . . . I .

. ; ' . ,I

AV.VEI , .PORT h 2 . 6 4 4 FT PEH su: ' y.dr. 2 7 . 5 9 EI .* .STK.HT. 339.7 i=r ACC'M ,157194.7 SCFM 2 1 9 & 3 5 . 9 ( N 3 K X Z E S S A I R C U H H E C f I O N ) . . ."T

. . k . I . .

:. I

. . . . . , .- . . .

1 . . .. . . RU1.E 2 0 4

9 . 3 9 O F ALIJIJAk3LE B l S 3 . 97.2 " . EH I SS .. R A TES . I , NS / H H : A LLd J A tl LE 29 1 - 5 ) POIJL l4ASS 27 .2 ' '

,.* .. , ,

, . ,

. ..

. . . L- . . 1 i . . . .

.. .

.. . . . . .. . L *. . ,.

.~ . .

I. .~ \ > . . . .

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. .


. ;. . . . ., .!

. . . ,. . .

. . . .. - * . . . " . 18

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. . . . . , . . . . .

. \ - . . . .

-le: General Portland Cenent . . ACL b b e r : X710--RE37SED . , I..

Fort I'iorth '. Delivered BY: F;& Deiroodjt . . -

SOzs SO3. 4 H2sO4 ' , .

. Trinity Division

&scription: NO.' 1 6 KO. 2 );ih Date Sampled: 12-2. 3-76 . ,

I Stack for Particulate.' . : - . . . . ; , . .


. .., . ~. .

' lmpinger 1. bpinger 2 hpinger 3 Probe W a s h . gPart .

Fi l ter hni k- ..p5.x* -- g Part. g SO3 g H2W+ g SO, . g SO2 . . ' , ..

x -0448 -0078. .0225 -0275 1.4262 ' .. -0057 '. . .0692

3 -0381 ND . o m .nao . . 0.8042 ND ' . ..

- . ~ . . . - . . - . . . 1- 1 ' .os91 . '

. . -0031 ' .Oi26 .0154 1.0914 .0074 .lo84 4 .0467

5 -0402 -0071 -0296 -0562 0.8192 .0080 . ,1339

. . . . *. .

. . . . . . . . . , . , . Blanks were s&tracted frm particulate values 2bove. . .

~3 = none detected.

.. . .


. - 12-9-76

Zimrennan . . . , :

Date kce ived

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R&ion V I I I Gigiqe . . Tesas Air Control oaard . .

. . 3915-A Highway 377 South Fort! horth. Texas 76116 - -~

PLANT ~PEXA~IOXAL STATUS FOM Sampling Periods Date 12-3 - Account Ember /f 3 -9d7 - 3

Plant Mane y~ /hJ I Y - d

Proportional or Isokinetic Saspling Sample Ember


Location . . Fr. LJORTU Stack Name - 9 f 4 6.2 Sm C K

Duration of Sarcple (Show Start tine and S:op time)


Date of Sample

2" From 1327. TO /605- 12-2-1976 3- From oqs4 To llslb &-m

From / 3 4 r To /r31 /2 - 3 *76 From 1622 To 1 g 2 3 12 - 3 -76 4

2T . 3 Special Conditions T B T y l R


e .- ms above portion is to be coropleted by the A i r Control Board repr2sentative. plant representative.

The followiia;, portion is to be cospleted by the

plant Status During Samplirlg Periods Shown Abova

Type of Process r m n f /I @ n u $'Cec-Curc

. fr: Abatement Controls E / e d m S - t A 7 4 ; Pre cr;d ;4 U-bP

Stack Exit Diameter / / c 0 Emission Point Nurrber /


.- Stack Height T{ ft

Sarnple Percent of Percent of s o m l Number Maximum Capacity Operating Capacity Special Condit' &or.s .

- 45 . 95% -f s c

s- 9s % -!E&- 95% 95%

95% 45re 4- s- 3.w -

-&"e None

o n r -.__

PI $1 OLJ , 07p J, Jof Additional Information Eac& k;l , $ ~ m ~ s ~ t p ~ 5

X certify that thc above statenents are true to the'best of UY knowledge and belief:

o p e - , 6g-t sL& Q A,4 .d ( k,l* * L

signatye Title Pl4P E=Afcf .

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January 27;"1477

Wr. Colby F. Jordan . Enforcement Operations Section Compliance Division . Texas A i r Control Board P 8520 Shoal Creek Blvd. A u s t i n , Texas 78758

Subject: F t . Wxth Plant No. 3 Clinker C c o l e r

Deq= Ur. Jordan:

we have now received proposals t o furnish and i n s t a an emiss 3n ~~~


cont ro l system on OUT No. 3 c l inke r cooler i n s t a l l a t ion . proposals a r e present ly be ing evaluated. +_LT that w e will have t o ask f o r revised proposals from a se- lected group of these vendors. meetings w i t h po ten t ia l vendors i n ea r ly February. t o receive the revised proposals i n ea r ly March of 1977 and t h a t we w i l l be i n a posi t ion to award a contract for the engineering portion no later than A p r i l 1, 1977, with the contract f o r the equipment and i n s t a l l a t i o n t o be awarded no later t h a n May 2, 1977,

These It would appear a t t h i s

To at end w e have scheduled We an t i c ipa t e ,


Prom t h e del ivery forecast of the vilrious suppl iers , w e nn t ic ipa te a s t a r tup of the equipment by approximately year end of 1977. will submi t a final construction schedule together with our next progress repor t after a pr inc ipa l decis ion a s t o t h e successful bidder hag been =de. W e w i l l not f a i l t o discuss t h e f i n a l se- lec t ion with you and the City Of F t . Worth Health Department.



Very t r u l y yours,

0. G. Dagnan Plant Manager

f f iD:cw CC: J. A. Schueler - COT

Melvin Lewis - TACB C e c i l Bradford - TACB Glen Braabury - TACB Frank Finn - Thompson, Knight and Assoc. John Anderson - TACB

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. . .. . .. 1. *

(., : . I


. .. . . I / ' . . . ..

. " ';

. 9.

' I

. . .. . . ..

).. . . , .. :

1545 West Mockingbird Lane o Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 2698. Dallas, Texas 75221 o (214) 638-4700

Reply to: 3300 Angle Road 0 P. 0. BOX 4447 0 Fort borth, Texas 76106 o (817) 624-2119

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, ... ;. , . :?

t .. , - - . . i.

. . m. Colby P. Jordan miorcement Operations Section .'

T e x a s Air Control maid 8520 Shoal Creek Blvd. '

Austin, Texas 78758 . :

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -

\ ". . . 'Compliance Division . . ,

f , . .

.! . . , , , . . . . . . . .

. . . . * . ._

. . . . . I' . , .

. . :. - . .

..... Subject: Ft. mrth Plant No. 3 Clinker Cooler

Dear Hr. Jordan:

We have now received proposals to furnish and install an emission control systes on our No. 3 clinker cooler installation. These proposals are presently being evaluated. It would appear at this Lime that we will have to ask for revised proposals from a se- ___ccu y.VUI "A cIIc=,c v c I u v L b . IU U I ~ L en4 we 'ME sc'ne6uie-i meetings with potential vendors in early February. We anticipate to receive the revised proposals in early March of 1977 and that we will be in a position to award a contract for the engineering portion no later than April 1, 1977, w i t h the contract for the equiprnent and installation to be awarded no later than May 2, 1977.

Prom the delivery forecast of the various suppliers, we anticipate a startup of the equipment by approximately year end of 1977. We vi11 submit a final construction schedule together with our next progress report after a principal decision as to the successful bidder ha9 been made. We will not fail to discuss the final se- . lection w i t h you and the City of Ft. Worth Health Department.

,,,--..a __^.._ ^e L L--- ..-- a--- -- ..--

vuy truly yours,

0. 6. Dag- Plant Manager

0GD:cw cc: J. A. Schueler - C o r p

- TACB/-- Nelvin Lewis

Glen Bradbury - TACB Prank Pdnn - Thompson, Knight and ASSOC, John Anderson - TACB

Cecil Bradford - TACB

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1545 West Mockingbird Lane o Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 2698. Dallas, Texas 75221 o (214) 638-4700.

Reply lo: 3900 Angle Road 0 P. 0. Box 4447 0 Fort Worth. Texas 76106 o (817) 624-2119 4