background information to get you started.. why dissection? dissections are a powerful teaching...

Background Information to get you started.

Upload: alexys-vickrey

Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Background Information to get you started.

Why dissection?• Dissections are a powerful teaching tool. – To see it is to understand it – unlike 2D diagrams.

• You will gain an appreciation for organ placement & system set up.

• There are many similarities between pigs & humans.– Best: muscles, digestive, respiratory, circulatory,

reproductive systems…..

Other Thoughts:

• Dissection DOES NOT mean to CUT UP.• It means “to expose, to view.”• We will rarely be “cutting” but we will – probe & tease tissues to expose them– Note position of organs relative to other for

understanding of whole systems.

Objectives:• Perform a whole body dissection of a vertebrate like

ourselves• Identify the major anatomical features of your pig.• Understand the relationship:– form and function of each organ– each system – how all systems interconnect – homeostasis!

• Gain dissection skills you will use in your further education experiences

Background Information• These specimens are NOT raised for dissection

purposes. – salvaged from pregnant sows at slaughter for food

• They have been embalmed via the umbilical cord• Arteries and veins also injected with latex – red arteries, blue veins

Dissection Tools


• Bring own

Dissection Tray

• Must be in • Do NOT hold & dissect






Storage Bag

Storage Bin


Apron (if you choose)

Cut away from your body

• & other students

Never ingest specimen

• Or even ask or joke about it

All parts stay in tray

Read ALL Instructions

Wear close toed shoes

NO horseplay

Anything Breaks let ME know

Only touch YOUR supplies

Where is safety equipment in the lab


• Wash Tray• Wash utensils• Put bin back in cupboard• Wash lab table• Wash your hands